Riddles for the birthday for adults. Merry riddles for a funny company. Funny riddles for a funny company

Riddles for the birthday of the child will not lose their relevance at any time of the year. They will be a real decoration of the celebration for boys and girls of different ages.

Below are funny riddles with answers:

Contests and funny puzzles for children's birthday

Little children like exciting contests that improve the mood and create a special atmosphere. They are great for home celebration.

Below are merry contests for children:

Comic children's lottery in riddles

Many children love a comic lottery in riddles. She will like not only to small guests, but also adults. The organizers of this contest may choose a variety of comic lots.

If the mystery is about clay, then you can take a clay mask for the face. Flowers - seeds, beasts and marine animals - Soft toys.

The main thing to adhere to the topics of the holiday and prepare prizes for guests.

Lot Mystery
Clay If you meet on the road, you will get lit a lot of legs. To make a mask or vase - she will need immediately
a piece of chalk This master is white-white, in school enjoys a case. Running on the board leaves a white trail. The ceiling is also white, because he is ...
Salt White stone in water melts. One does not eat it, but without it little eaten. It will be born in the water, growing on fire, I will meet with my mother - it dies again
ABC The first book for babies, teaches - tortured, and teach - pleases
Album Not a simple this book, guess, but do not rush! To have pictures there, I took out pencils
the globe The ball is not great, the lazy does not make sure if you know the subject, you will show all the light

Complex riddles with trim and answers for adults

For adults, entertaining complex comic riddles are perfectly suitable, when you unbrigning that you do not need to rush with the answer. It is often embarrassing in it, so you need to think well.

You can prepare a quiz scenariowhich will help include logic and non-standard thinking.

Below are complex riddles with trick:

  • A disease in which people are afraid of Santa Claus? (Claustrophobia).
  • A popular and in demand method for transporting people on earth (hiking).
  • What you need to quit when you need, and raise when you no longer need? (Anchor).
  • Does not bark and does not bite, then exactly also called? (@).
  • What crest is impossible to comb hair on your head? (Petushin).
  • What disease is impossible to get sick on land? (Nautical).
  • What should be done when he saw a green man in front of him? (To cross a street).

The riddle is an interesting question for which children must mentally choose the right answer.. The guys begins to actively work thinking.

To the children's holiday you need to carefully prepareSo that children are fun and interesting. Logic cheerful rebuses are suitable for children over five years old.

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All children's desires execution
All boys and girls favorite holiday - ...

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...
Not sausage and cake

Comes birthday
How much joy for everyone!
We are in excellent setting,
And he sounds cheerful ...

In bright dress dressed
Chocolate ...

Culinary Echorka Laccom
We are baked for birthday -
Fall without constraint!

Dad to the holiday of baked
Sweet apple ...

Sweet, gentle and air.
Sometimes he needed to all.
No one celebration
Not going without it.

All desires execution -
Cool holiday ...

We are in the pastry shop
Fantiki bright.
And on the holiday we want
To get to you with gifts.

On the day of funny name
Baked bread one
And they sing everything: "Choose,
Someone you love, …!"

Bow on the box - Yapkin,
The box is lying ...

In the packaging of a new yapkin
The room is ...

Our oven worry.
But Mom still refused
Name day to cancel.
What cake to us buy?

Sailing shirt
From above - bright paper.
Sweet tooths love it.
What kind of delicacy?

You keep the cake streaming,
I'll spare ...

You do not miss today, with a cake of drink hot ...

Through your business,
We will soon go to ...

Unfortunately, birthday
Once a year comes into the house.
A year after invite
Again we are ...

To the table on the holiday baked.
Decorated with cherries he.

To the birthday girl
And I carry gifts!
And also for beauty
We carry him ...

I'm baked
On your birthday,
With nuts, cream
And even with jam.

The table covers and waits for guests.
How many delicious things here!
We all love treats,
And candy, and ...

We have not forgotten about a festive cake,
Mom now will bring it to us,
With cherries, cream, nuts
Well, of course, with burning ...

Birthday girl in a circle,
Horror lead around!
Together with us sing
Our song ...

At the celebration he is the main
It is always served to the dessert.
It has a lot of cream, very sweet,
We will be cut and guests are distributed.

What is this beauty?
The layer behind the layer is height.
All cooler in white cream,
Understand him!

He is winding, twisted
In the stove roast baked,
On the table he, if the holiday,
He is always his participant.
Sweet he cake. Delight,
How this decorated ...

On the holiday, I will come to everyone
I am big and sweet.
There are nuts in me, cream,
Cream, chocolates.

He is ruddy, he is fragrant,
Like the sun, golden!
And the stuffing in it - jam,
Divorce on the birthday!

We buy for a holiday
This is a miracle still life,
Ah, what yummy,
What do we love ...

Whose mustache is longer than your own legs? (cockroach)

What stones do not in the sea? (dry)

What kind of wish is the least like a caught full woman? (Get well soon)

Sit pigeons around the corner (mouth, teeth).

What words strongly tired winnie fluff? (hard and long)

What is the difference between the first floor from the ninth? (From the first floor you will fall: "booze! - ah!" And with the ninth "ah! - boo!")

Two nails fell into the water. How is Georgian surname? (Rusted)

It will become solid as potatoes, just remember him a little (snow).

As it gets up, it will get to the sky (rainbow).

What is impossible to eat for breakfast? (lunch and dinner)

Who wohes the hair under torrential rain? (bald)

The eye looked out and see a horn, but not a rhino (a cow peeking out of the corner).

You sit in the plane, the horse in front, behind the car. What kind of place is it? (carousel)

What should I do when you see a green man? (to cross a street)

What tree sits the hare during the rain? (Under wet)

What wheel does not spin when performing right turn? (spare)

Beach tickles deftly hairy head (Toothbrush)

Quietly approached, put his feet and went (slippers).

Name five days of the week, without calling numbers and names of days (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

What plant knows everything? (horseradish)

In three tractor drivers there is a brother Sergey, but Sergey has no brothers? Is it possible? (Yes, if tractor drivers are women)

What word consists of 40 vowels? (magpie)

What kind of dishes it is impossible to eat? (empty)

What word always sounds wrong? ("wrong")

The table is a pencil, ruler, rubber band and circula. You need to draw a circle on a sheet of paper. Where to begin? (need to get a sheet of paper)

Grew on birch 90 apples. 10 apples knocked down the wind. How many apples are left (apples do not grow on birch).

Where is the chicken when goes the road? (on the other side)

It goes, wanders, walks, comes home - fall apart (broom).

With their increase, weight becomes less. What is it? (holes)

What is 90-60-90? (It's passing past a traffic cop)

Not a bird, but flies, not a beast, but howl (beetle).

One head, two backs, six legs. What is it? (man on a chair)

When does a person in the room happens without a head? (when she puts it on the street)

One commander of thirty-two warriors (language and teeth).

What question will never get the answer: "Yes"? ("Are you sleeping?")

What is between the valley and the mountain? (letter "and")

Four brothers are running over each other, but each other will not catch up (wheels).

Where is the pillar of water? (in glass)

What question will never answer "no"? ("You are alive?")

Could it be that the ostrich call himself a bird? (No, he knows how to talk)

The square table has one corner dug. How many corners have become? (five)

What half the orange look like? (on the other half)

Who has two times a year critical days? (students)

What node cannot be unleashed? (railway)

Three minutes cooked one egg. How many minutes 2 eggs will cook? (three minutes)

How many letters in the alphabet? (seven - A L-F-A-B-I-T)

At first I will sweep you, then money requires. Who is it? (Conductor in the tram)

By the bull behind, and the cow is ahead. What is it? (letter "K")

What hand is better to stir tea? (tea is stirred by a spoon)

What is the difference between an elephant and piano? (You can lean to the elephant, and it is impossible to rush to the piano)

How to catch a tiger in a cage? (tiger in a cage does not happen, a tiger striped)

In winter and summer green (dollar).

Millions of people do each night (go online).

When it takes, it is lengthened, passes between the breasts and enters the hole. What is it? (safety belt)

What is the inheritance of modern fashion left Anna Karenina? (platform shoes)

What is common at the tree and thief? (both plant)

What you won't find in a female purse? (order)

When will the foal be a horse? (Never - when baby ..)

What is the word longest in Russian? (Word about Igor's regiment)

What is common between the hero and milk? (both are collapsed)

Melts, but not ice, floats, but not a boat (salary).

What is the similarity of the motorcyclist and chicken? (both sit down and carry)

A and B sat on the pipe. And I left abroad, I sneezed and lean to the hospital. What remains on the pipe? (letter B, and lay down to the hospital)

Copper ton and one hundred heads (overall orchestra).

What is the difference in Ukrainians? (Ukrainian one who lives in Ukraine, Khokhol - the Ukrainian who lives outside of Ukraine)

Why don't the robots be afraid of anyone? (Because they have steel nerves)

What is this cow that does not give milk? (greedy)

Why is a rooster sings with closed eyes? (shows that he sings by heart)

What does a male hostel differ from female? (in the female dishes wash after eating, and in the men's before)

Who guards a hundred faces? (watchman)

On the street for half a year left a piece of gold and a piece of iron. A piece of iron rusted. What happened to gold? (disappeared or stolen)

Why do blondes eating yogurt in the store? (because it is written "open here")

What was the name of the first traffic cop? (Solovy-robber - whistled, stopped and robbed)

When working, it is worthwhile, without work, hangs, after work - wet (umbrella).

What disappears when you eat a bagel? (hole from the bagel)

Blue, big, with mustache and packed by hares. What is it? (trolleybus)

Two strikes - eight holes (plug).

Above the knee, lower navel, the hole is such that the hand will fit (pocket).

Sit down to the wall - she will come in handy, put on your back - no one needs (staircase).

That is standing, then hanging, then cold, then hot (shower).

What is the invention through the walls to look? (window)

Red twenty first, long (tram).

Where was the snow woman born? (in Zimbabwe)

Which bell ring can not? (floral)

Although they themselves are not burning, but it is constantly permanent (debts).

What patch you can not buy anything? (piglery nose)

What kind of disease nobody sick on land? (nautical)

What is this horse that does not eat oats? (chess)

What do you raise when it is not needed, and throw it when there is a need for this? (anchor)

What notes can you measure the distance? (Mi-Lhai)

What could be in an empty pocket? (hole)

Why do students usually drive out of class? (per door)

Who is "all covered with greens?" (new Russian)

What are rarely driving, and often go? (stairs)

What hours twice a day are the right time show? (those that stand)

What to raise from the ground is easy, but hard to throw far? (Pooh)

What is the difference between a needle from a horse? (I'll sit on the needle at first, then bounce, and on the contrary - on the contrary)

Why does a person look back? (Because behind the back does not have an eye)

He simultaneously walks and stands, hanging and stands, walks and lies. What is it? (clock)

What pronouns bridge spoil? (I - we)

What can not eat, but can you cook? (homework)

Who speaks in all languages? (echo)

What happens if you combine Microsoft and iPhone? (Microphone)

Z. magages are funny

Riddles called the expressions in which any subject or concept is veiled. This folk genre has been known for many centuries, and has long become one of the favorite, both in adults and in children.
Funny riddles - This is an excellent way to make fun in any atmosphere: School lesson, Matinee in kindergarten, homely feast or friendly party. Funny riddles are perfect for each company, having delivered many pleasant moments and positive emotions.

Funny riddles for kids

With the help of ridiculous mysteries for children, you can not only cheer the baby, but also to develop its horizons, stretch the figurative thinking, teach thinking abstract and associative. No wonder funny riddles It has long been used by psychologists and educators as a full pedagogical reception. Funny riddles Do not always be simple, often distinguished by fence. Children in finding a response to ridiculous riddles learn to think non-standard, examining a question from different angles. Perhaps in the first stages they will need adult assistance. But how much joy appears in a child when the answer to the funny riddles found!
Experts recommend using funny riddlesStarting from the very early age, from 2 to 3 years, therefore, the child is ensured correct and comprehensive development. Magnaya funny riddles, you need to speak loudly, clearly, with the arrangement, so that the kid clearly hear all the words. In parallel with the guessing of funny mysteries, the child can learn the importance of unfamiliar words, expand its horizons, expand his sense of humor.
Funny riddles Can become wonderful entertainment during the children's holiday. Children are difficult to hold in place for a long time, therefore, some time after the start of the feast, you need to give time to fun. Small participants of the holiday will be delighted, guessing funny riddles. At the end of the entertainment, you can hand a gift to the one who gave most of the right answers to funny riddles.

Funny riddles For adults

Funny riddles Take their beginning since the times of Virgil and Cicero, this genre of creativity is found in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Schiller. If for children funny riddles - this is a kind of exercise on the development of logic, memory and figurative thinking, then for adults funny riddles - This is an excellent way to compete in wit, add the feelings of the holiday and fun to any atmosphere.
For example, Zagadav funny riddles At work, on a lunch break, you can make some ease and ease in a strict, business environment. A joint soloing of funny riddles perfectly contributes to the cohesion of the collective, strengthening the corporate spirit.
Familiar will surely appreciate your sense of humor if you are coming funny riddles During the party or friendly sites. New Year, Birthday, Any Family Celebration - a wonderful reason to demonstrate your wonderful abilities in the ability to create a unique festive atmosphere. It is possible not to be limited to a simple riddling of ridiculous mysteries, but to furnish the whole process as a fun and interesting contest. For example, put funny riddleswritten on the leaflet in the balloon. Competition participants must burst this ball without help, pull out a piece of leaf, guess the riddle. In case of non-fulfillment of the task, the "fine" is assumed in the form of some fun action, the execution of a song or dance.
Funny riddles 100% guarantee the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and positive emotions from the whole company!
Themes of funny riddles. Funny riddles - Universal way to raise the mood for yourself and others. Depending on the conditions and the situation in which they are coming out, the funny riddles are customary to divide on topics.

  • Funny riddles The wedding is an excellent task for redemption. Bridesmaid girlfriends often use funny riddles to experience the seamless and sponderfulness of the groom, as well as cheer guests.
  • Funny riddles for the new year. New Year's Eve is not only a luxurious feast, but also a wonderful reason to make a holiday unforgettable. You can make funny riddles to friends or relatives, but you can go outside and contact with funny riddles to passersby. You not only spend your best time, but you can find new acquaintances!
  • Funny riddles for birthday. The best gift for the birthday girl is a fun birthday, spent in a circle of loved ones. You can add a festive atmosphere with the help of ridiculous mysteries that will like to all guests. Adults gladly break their heads over funny riddles with the "Perchout", and small guests will be delighted from not difficult, but very funny children's mysteries.
  • Funny riddles for work. It is unlikely that your authorities will appreciate the funny riddles if you decide to guess them during a planer or an important meeting. But the corporate party on the occasion of a professional holiday is an ideal place to demonstrate your sense of humor. Colleagues and bosses will be happy to take part in the guessing of funny mysteries that can be a real rays of the evening.
  • Funny riddles on February 23 and March 8. Amazing, funny puzzles about lovely ladies and representatives of a strong floor - a wonderful idea to make a holiday unusual and memorable. Indifferent exactly will not remain: everyone will plunge into the world of exciting, funny, funny riddles!
  • Funny riddles for all occasions. Funny riddles Average weekday evening in a family circle turn into an unforgettable event! No wonder, this entertainment is incredibly popular all over the world, funny riddles with pleasure solve the kids, and adults, and people of old age. Interesting discoveries, curious facts - everyone is waiting for a lot of new information. Phrase that laughter prolongs life

Finally come Day of your birth . All guests have long gathered at the festive table. There were already many toasts and congratulations on your address, and the threshold has significantly increased the battery from empty bottles. However, you notice that guests are gradually starting to miss, and after all, until the end of the holiday, a lot of time. How to entertain guests? How to make them joke and have fun? Try to arrange some entertainment event in which absolutely all guests will be involved.

For instance, puzzles - A wonderful way to interest guests and make a few adventurism and pranks to the atmosphere of the holiday.

Here are some riddles on adult topics and answers to them.

- Three ostrich fly. The hunter appeared shot one of them. How much is Ostrich left? (Ostrich do not fly)
- What can be characterized by such parameters: the length is 15 cm, the width is 7cm, the subject of women's passion? (Covers with a nominal one hundred dollars)
- What is impossible to eat for breakfast? (dinner and lunch)
- What has the hare from behind, and the Heron is ahead? (letter C)
- There were six candles in the candlestick. Three candles went out. How many candles are left in the candlestick? (six)
- grandmother fled.
Bashed dough.
Hit a soft place.
What do you think? (head)
- As a rule, every month of the year ends with the 30th or 31st day. What month has 28 days? (everyone)
- Who can not wet her hair under heavy shower? (bald)
- Small, yellow peasants picks the ground. (Vietnamese Oops Roet)
- Surname having Georgian roots and sounding, as action: Scissors got into water and ...? (rusted)
- Ninety - sixty - ninety. What it is? (driver passing traffic police)
- A house hangs on the wall and smells very much. What it is? (Cuckoo died in the clock)
- The word starting with three letters "g" and ending with three letters "I". (trigonometry)
- What kind of wheel inactive when the car turns to the left? (Spare in the trunk)
- In the very heart of the desert, a dead man was found. During the inspection, I found something like a wreck of shoulders and a small flask with water on the belt. There were no animals or people around for many kilometers. What was in a bag of a person, and what did he die from? (A man died as a result of a strong blow to the ground, and the bag was not able to reveal the parachute)
- Ride Cinderella, Snow White, Militizer and Honest Customs. To pass the time faster, all those present play poker, the table is littered with money, as suddenly - the train drives the dark tunnel. When leaving the tunnel, money disappear. Question: Who could steal the money? (policeman, because the other three do not exist in nature)
- At the table, four men are sitting. Looking under the table, one, passing, recalculated the legs - it turned out to be seven. How could this happen if everyone has two legs and nobody was going to bend them? (man just checked)
- What kind of plate nothing can be eaten? (from empty)
- Big, blue, with horns and all clogged with hares. What it is? (trolleybus)
- How many peas can enter one cup? (None, because the pea do not know how to walk)
- About 50 million men and women are engaged in these nights. What is it? (the Internet)
- In the eyes of longing, in the mouth - the board. What is it? (a man failing to rural toilet)
- What is the phenomenon: flies and glitters at the same time? (Komar having a golden tooth)
- Who and what question will never be able to answer "yes"? (Any sleeping man to the question "Do you sleep?")
- What will happen after the goat turns six years? (go seventh)
- What trees are hare from rain usually hide under what trees? (like everything - under wet)

Circle water, and in the middle of the law. What it is?

The prosecutor bathes.

What is the difference between a working engineer?

The working hand washes before "go" to the toilet, and the engineer after.

Who is such a bachelor?

This is a person who comes to work every morning by another way.

What is the menu?

Menu - list of dishes that have just ended

Grain, which passed fire, water and copper pipes.


Baba will soon forty years, but jumps like a fool. - Give the correct answer. - Who is she?

Snow Maiden

By which tree sits the hare when it rains?

Under wet.

What wheel does not spin at the right turn?


When does a person be in a room without a head?

When it gives it out of the window to the street.

Slice with a slide, in a slide run.


What can fly under water at great depth?

Fly in a submarine

Not horseradish, not carrot - red head.

Pioneer in the pilot

She walked a hunter past the clock tower. Got a gun and shot. Where did he get?

By the police.

What is a business in Russian?

It is to steal the drawer of vodka, sell it, and put money

One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners.


What can be seen with closed eyes?


When is the black cat best get into the house?

When the door to the house is ajar

What is: green, bald and jumps?

Soldier at the disco.

What are them more, the weight is less. What is it?


Is it possible to jump above the nine-fitting?

It is possible because nine-story builds can not jump

What will not be included in the biggest saucepan?

Her cover.

With claws, not a bird, flies and shared.

Who has critical days twice a year?
At students

Without which it does not bake bread?
Without crust

How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach?
One thing - the rest will not be on an empty stomach.

Who will not wet her hair under torrential rain?

What is the most valuable in female milk?

Is it possible to marry fifty with a little?
Possible, but better in twenty and with great

What is a cow ahead, and the bull is behind?
Letter "K"

How many months a year have 28 days?
All months

What node can not be unleashed?

Why sings so much so much?
Because he has ten wives and not a single mother-in-law

In the teeth, the board, in the eyes of the longing.
The man fell into a rustic push.

When the word "hands" may be several pronouncements at once?
When the hands are "You" - "We" - "You"

You are sitting on the plane, ahead of you horse, behind the car. Where are you?
On Carousel

What word begins with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"?

Who is a diplomat?
A man who can convince his wife that the chosen expensive fur coat is full of

What will be the hen the horse, if you redeem him?

Which fields do not grow grass?
On the hats fields

What tape is implied to the pigtail?

What is the similarity between the tour agent and the gynecologist?
Where others relax, they are running!

What kind of disease nobody sick on land?

What kind of woman first rubbed near you, and then begins to demand money from you?
Conductor in public transport.

What do you need to do when you see a green man?
Cross the street.

What is: there is a head, no head, there is no head, no heads?
Chrome goes behind the fence

How to write correctly: "Buttocks" or "Izodix"?
Look in the dictionary on the letter "F"

Why is the floor in the men's toilet often sprinkle with sawdust?
To do not break eggs when falling

Why did Gorilla have big nostrils?
Because she has thick fingers

What is the difference between women's breasts from a toy railway?
Nothing: both are created for children, and play with them dads

What hours do the right time show only twice a day?
Who are standing.

What can not be done in space?
Hang around.

Does not bark, does not bite, and just as it is called.

Who, on the question, will never answer "yes"?
Sleeping people for question: "Are you sleeping?"

What crest will not spread your hair?

What end day and night?
Soft sign

Hanging pear - you can not eat. Why?
Boxers can fill the face.

What can not eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner

What's easily with raising land, but hard to throw far?

What does the horse differ from the needle?
I'll sit on the needle at first, then you jump back, and you first jump on the horse, then sit down

What is between the mountain and the valley?
Letter "and"

What can at the same time: stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie?

What was "tomorrow", and will be "yesterday"?
Present day

Four birch grew, on every birch of four large branches, on each
big branch of four little branches, on every little branch

four apples. How many apples?
No one. On the birch apples do not grow!

Six legs, two heads, and one's tail. What it is?

Hanging on the wall and at the same time falls. What is it?

The most reliable part in the domestic car?
Imported radio

One corner saws at the square table. How many corners have it become?

What is it: blue, big, with horns and completely naked with hares?

What should a woman be?
As a clinic: pure, publicly available and free

What stones in the sea are not?

What question can never give an affirmative answer?
To the question: "You sleep"

Between the legs dangles, on "x" called?

Is it possible to predict the score of the football match before it started.
The account of any match before it starts will be 0: 0

What can be prepared, but you can not eat?

The train goes at a speed of 70 km / h. Which way will fly smoke?
Electric train no smoke

Who speaks in all languages?