A conspiracy to quickly sell an item. Strong conspiracies for a quick successful sale. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Every person has had to buy or sell something at least once in their life. Everyone loves to shop, but not everyone can sell something. Not every seller has the ability to speak beautifully and interest the buyer, so for such a case, you can carry out a conspiracy to sell the product. Magic rituals can be performed by anyone who is engaged in trade and can do it themselves at home.

The meaning of trade conspiracies

Many people think that selling a product is very easy, but not for everyone. It is precisely for the profession of a seller that you need to be able to speak well and interest the buyer in purchasing some product. Only magic can help in such a difficult task, so conspiracies to sell goods will be useful to many. The main thing is to know for what purpose you need to seek help from magic, it can be like this:

  • do not fall into the trap of deception and dishonest transactions;
  • increase trade volume;
  • selling slow-moving goods and outshining competitors;
  • increase profits.

Rituals in trade are also used to secure an agreement on the sale of an apartment or land because different things happen in life; the buyer can give his consent to a large purchase and after a while unexpectedly change his mind. You should not completely rely on and trust an experienced realtor; carry out a conspiracy to sell various goods or real estate yourself, it will not be superfluous.

Conspiracy for a successful sale

To make the day end successfully and please you with good profits, you can carry out a strong conspiracy. During its implementation, you need to follow some rules. First, memorize the spell, and then read it, but only early in the morning at sunrise. Before the ritual itself, they read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then move on to the conspiracy itself.

“The goods are all good and inexpensive. The quality is excellent, I am selling you to a buyer. Give me the profit. I will help you, and you will help me.”

It is also important not only the time of the ceremony, but also the day, so it is better to do it on Friday and without prying eyes. The ritual can be performed independently at home; there is nothing heavy about it.

A ritual that is suitable for selling any things

Many people need a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell a product, so they use special rituals, for example, using a coin. The plot is read only on a waxing moon, so it will definitely come true and bring a person excellent trade. Take a coin, preferably silver or the color of silver, and tea tree essential oil.

The coin is dipped well in oil and the following words are read:

“I sell things with my own hands. I expect many buyers for my product. Come to my store more often, pick up everything for money. I'm waiting for a successful deal and good profit. Amen".

Then they go to the store and spend the charmed coin. When they hand it over to the seller, they quietly say the word “I pay”, and everyone expects a good profit.

Ritual for selling a certain item

To perform such a ritual, they take the thing in their hands that they really want to sell. Then they hold the thing in their hands and read the following text:

“I (name) want to sell this thing (name). The buyer comes, pick up everything you need, give him some money. A lot of people will come into the store and buy everything.”

The plot will begin to work in a couple of days. The customer will call or come into the store and fill all the bags.

A very strong ritual for selling goods

The most powerful spell for selling goods is done using water. To carry it out correctly, you need to take a dark cloth and some container, preferably wide, and place boiled salt in it. Then wet the rag a little in water and roll it very well in salt.

“The fabric is dark, gloomy - this means that sadness and melancholy are coming with me. But I won’t be sad, because I do my work correctly and with all my heart. I wait for a buyer every day, I keep the door open, I call everyone.”

During the actions, you need to do everything efficiently according to the rules, so you cannot drink alcohol before the ritual, and try not to quarrel with anyone for three days before and after the ritual. If everything is done as said, financial problems will begin to improve very soon.

To speed up trading

It makes no difference what product you want to sell; everyone wants to do it quickly and at a higher price. To make everything happen as it should, you can turn to magic. There are special hexes and spells that will “sell” the goods very quickly. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take an item that you want to sell and money of a large denomination, only paper. Then they place the goods on any surface, and put money on their left hand and begin to wave it around the thing they want to sell.

In this case, money is used for magic in finance, which will bring good luck to the house. This is exactly the test they say during the ritual:

“Buy, pick up, come to the store. I’ll spoil you with a quick purchase, you’ll be glad.”

Aroma ritual

Trade can be good if you try to lure the buyer with interesting scents in the store, so they use spells to increase the scent so that there is good trade and profit. To do this, they purchase special incense sticks and begin to burn them throughout the room, while reciting a special text.

“I hear people bringing me money. The smoke floats and gives off a smell. People line up to make a purchase.”

The ritual will have a positive effect on trade, and will take effect very quickly.

We increase trading income on the market

Almost all people buy products and things at the market, where prices are better and you can negotiate with the seller. Magic can be practiced by anyone who believes in it and wants to solve their problems. Therefore, many sellers carry out conspiracies to sell at the market, and most likely your neighbor in the tent will too. There is no need to worry only if:

  • your product and your neighbor’s are not competitors;
  • if the product is one that people can buy every day, as needed;
  • if your product is better than that of your neighbor in the tent.

In other cases, if your neighbor really cast a spell on the product, you will be left without profit, since people will buy from your competitor. In order to prevent this, you need to carry out a strong ritual for a quick and good sale. The buyer's love spell will be much stronger than the one used by the competitor. Also, such a conspiracy helps to sell those things that have been lying on store shelves for a long time.

Therefore, so that the stale goods are no longer available and they bring good profits, they say the following words, always at night and looking at the moon:

“The moon is shining brightly, round, beautiful. Give shine to my product, increase sales in the store and bring people in. My store will become holy, containing all the necessary goods for all people. My product is the best, come here everyone.”

While reading the charmed words, it is advisable to place the item that you want to quickly sell next to you.

Selling an unpopular product

There is another ritual for selling a product that almost no one buys. To increase sales, take a product, place it between popular ones, and say effective words.

“There was a Burenka, bringing food, but they didn’t want to take it, and the food kept spoiling. So let this product not deteriorate, people will buy it for their home. Amen".

Conspiracy for trade. Conspiracy on goods. Quick sale.

When the entire text has been read, the grains are collected throughout the apartment and buried in the yard or garden. This ritual will help sell the property and speed up the arrival of a buyer. Anyone can turn to magic for help. It will not cause harm, since it is not dark, but white magic. You are allowed to discuss the first ritual with an experienced sorcerer; he will tell you how best to do everything. Then you can read the conspiracies yourself at home. The product will begin to make a profit in just a few days, the main thing is to believe in what you have in mind.

A conspiracy to sell things will help sell even a product that is not in great demand among buyers. It also helps out in situations where an item needs to be sold urgently. Using ritual magic, you can increase the chance of a successful transaction and get maximum profit.


In what cases can sales conspiracies be used?

Conspiracies to sell things are used to sell clothes and various small items, or to sell a dacha, apartment, or other large property.

With the help of conspiracies they sell:

  • trinkets;
  • car;
  • real estate;
  • business;
  • land;
  • goods on the market.

Rules for conducting rituals and reading conspiracies

In order for a ritual carried out at home to work successfully, there are a number of rules:

  • fast for three days before the ritual;
  • no one should distract the practitioner during the ritual;
  • you cannot tell anyone about magical actions, even after receiving the result;
  • the moon must be in its waning phase during the ceremony;
  • The plot should be read with seriousness and complete confidence.

20 best trading rituals

Which are time-tested, are carried out on:

  • good profit;
  • quick sale;
  • spring water;
  • key;
  • nickel;
  • patchouli;
  • waning moon;
  • a thread;
  • ring;
  • selling unnecessary things.

Rituals for sale have the following effect:

  • houses or apartments;
  • cars;
  • pet.

For good profit

For a ritual for a good profit, you will need a wax candle and an item that needs to be sold at a profit.

Execution sequence:

  1. Light a wax candle.
  2. Then, after knocking on the item that needs to be sold, read the magic spell exactly seven times.
  3. Let the candle burn out completely.

This ritual is performed for 3 days in a row - once a day.

You need to speak with the words:

Ride on horseback, walk, come to my trade, and look after my things. Ride on horseback, walk, come to my trade, and look after my things. Whoever catches your eye will lose peace, at night he will be drawn to this thing, during the day he will appear on it. He will not take the money into account, he will become intoxicated by this thing, part with the money, and just stare at the thing. The money is not counted, but given for this thing. It's a demonic spell, a black spell. They are gold to the merchant, but trouble to the people. The candle is a witness, if it burns with fire, then everything will be done, the word will be fulfilled, and my wallet will be filled with money. Amen.

For quick sale

To carry out a practical ritual that helps you sell an item faster, you will need the item you want to sell and a banknote. The paper bill must be of a large denomination.

The product is placed directly in front of you and, fanning it with money taken in your left hand, you say:

I sell, I sell, I invite everyone to the fair! Everything you want is right here, come quickly, friend.

For spring water

For the ritual with spring water you will need:

  • any clean cup;
  • spring water;
  • thing that needs to be sold.

Execution order:

  1. Take spring water into a cup.
  2. Read a plot over it three times to quickly sell an item.
  3. Sprinkle the item being sold with enchanted water.

Conspiracy words:

Bargaining is going on in the market square. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell your product (name the item) too. Its price is (name the price). Anyone who sees it will want to buy it. Amen.

On the key

This ritual is a strong one, and the following is prepared for it:

  • key;
  • spring water;
  • vessel (glass or clay).


  1. Boil water in a convenient container.
  2. Throw the key into boiling water.
  3. Say a curse nine times over the steam.
  4. Set the water aside to cool.
  5. When the water becomes cool, pour it along with the key into a glass vessel.
  6. On the day of sale, sprinkle the product and hands with water.

Conspiracy words:

Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (name of product). Just as people cannot live without water, they cannot live without (name of product). My word is strong. Amen.

For a nickel

The ritual for a nickel is performed on the waxing moon. The coin is held in the right hand for some time, and then the following is read over it twelve times:

“Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen.

The coin should be carried with you and not spent.

On patchouli

The method of fumigating a product with a patchouli stick with certain words is considered effective:

Get the goods out quickly, turn around in your wallet and the coins will jingle.

On the waning moon

To successfully sell an inanimate object, they use a fast-acting prayer, the peculiarity of which is that it is read on the waning moon.

Text of the prayer:

Just as a person cannot exist without an iron lock, or live without an iron key, so he cannot do without (let’s call a thing). Just as you people cannot live long without food and water, you also cannot live without (thing). Let it be so. Amen.

On a thread

You can make an effective amulet yourself by casting a spell on a red thread, for which you will need a spool of red thread and a banknote of one hundred rubles.

The procedure for making an amulet:

  1. Measure the size of the bill using a thread 49 times.
  2. Wind the thread around the wrist of your left hand.
  3. Do not cut the ends or tie them together, but run them under the resulting bracelet.
  4. Repeat the conspiracy all this time.

Magic words:

Prosperity and trade for me, goods and change for you. Amen.

On the ring

This conspiracy to sell things is read on a ring and helps to attract buyers in a short time and increases sales.

For the ritual you will need:

  • deep saucer;
  • spring water;
  • ring (not engagement ring).

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. On the full moon, pour spring water into the vessel.
  2. Place the ring on the bottom of the saucer.
  3. Place your finger in the middle of the ring and start rotating it clockwise along the bottom.
  4. When you rotate the ring, a spell for successful trading is read.
  5. You need to pour water under a tree near your outlet.
  6. Wear the ring on your finger for a week.

Conspiracy words:

Just as water turns a mill, so my money circles around the world. They turn goods into goods and return them as gold. Like leaves in the forest, like stars in the sky, let my wealth become uncountable. A person comes to me, carries a coin, and takes apart the goods. There is food and drink here, here you have water, here you have goods. My word cannot be broken or dispelled. Amen.

Selling unwanted items

Words of a really effective prayer:

I, the servant of God (name), have that thing that I have not needed for a long time. But I am sure that many people need it. I want to sell it because it just bothers me and gathers dust. How sorry I am to throw it away. The point is that it is very dear to me and I simply cannot throw it in the trash. I want to complete the sales process and have a buyer found in the shortest possible time. If he immediately buys this thing, then I will become the happiest woman on the planet. Once a person sees this thing, he will not be able to pass by it. Thoughts about buying it will immediately arise in his head and I will be happy to show it to him. May higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me. Amen.

Rituals for selling a house or apartment

There are powerful magical rituals that can help in selling real estate.

Reading for three branches

This ritual helps to successfully sell a house with a plot of land on which there are three or more types of fruit-bearing trees. It is held on the waning moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • green wax candle;
  • vase;
  • a small piece of clean cloth;
  • trees growing on your own site.

Execution order:

  1. First, you should wander around the site and imbue yourself with the warm memories that are associated with it.
  2. When there is little time left before midnight, you need to pick a branch from three trees of different types.
  3. Take a lit green candle in your right hand, twigs in your left.
  4. Circle the flame with branches counterclockwise three times, while reading the hex.
  5. Bring the branches home and place them on the window in a vase with water.
  6. Wipe every surface in the house that you can reach with a clean cloth. In this case, you need to say certain words.

The words of the conspiracy, pronounced while the candle flame is surrounded by branches:

They were raised by me, the owner, and will grow up with another merchant. For you healthy roots and a bountiful harvest, for me - profit, a big jackpot. So be it. Amen.

Words to repeat when cleaning the house:

The profits go into my pocket, the housing goes into the merchant’s life, for long-term joy. I sell my home, and take my happiness with me, let mine stay with me, and let his happiness settle with the merchant. Amen.

In this video, Samir Ali will share a ritual for selling property.

Cooking keys

This time-tested ritual can be carried out in two cases: when there is already a buyer, but he is hesitant, and when he is not yet there.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • pot;
  • salt;
  • keys to the property you want to sell;
  • small container for water.

This ritual should be performed correctly as follows:

  1. At midnight you need to put a pan of water on the fire and boil.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into the boiling water and wait until it completely dissolves.
  3. Throw the keys to the property you are selling into the pan. In this case, the keys should not be in a bunch.
  4. Wait until there is strong boiling and seething and read the spell (if there is already a buyer, instead of the word “merchant” his name is pronounced).

Just as merchants cannot do without a damask castle, and without a pound of key to it, so they cannot do without this house. Just as you, merchant (or name), cannot live without food and water, so you cannot live without this house. My word is strong. Amen.

The keys are left in the pan until the water has cooled completely. Then this water is poured into any container and sprinkled on the door, threshold and door handle in anticipation of customers.

Reading at a distance

For the ritual of reading at a distance, you need to prepare in advance:

  • holy water brought from the church on the eve of the ritual;
  • thick wax candle;
  • loose leaf tea (new pack);
  • a white cotton or linen tablecloth (also new).

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Wait until the evening, when the sun sets below the horizon. Lay out a new tablecloth on the table.
  2. Pour holy water into a glass. Place it on the table, place a candle and a pack of tea next to it.
  3. Use matches to light the candle so that its flame reflects the surface of the water in the glass. Say a spell.
  4. Take a pinch of tea from the pack and, pouring a thin stream of tea into the water, say certain words.
  5. The candle should burn in front of a glass of enchanted water every day for seven days. Light it for 5-10 minutes.
  6. After a week, the candle stub is carefully wrapped in cloth and stored until a successful transaction.
  7. The water should be poured under a tree in the yard.

A spell pronounced immediately after lighting a candle:

The sun is clear, shine on a smooth path, spread light to the threshold, welcome merchants to my house.

Words to say when pouring tea leaves into a glass:

There are as many grains of tea in the water as there are merchants and sellers everywhere, but I don’t need many - let one be at my doorstep, but as soon as he steps through the threshold, he will buy everything.

Rituals for selling a car

To guarantee success, when performing rituals for selling a car, it is forbidden to replace the words used in, with modern ones.

Prayer for water

To pray for a successful car sale, you will need a large amount of holy water. It is used to spray the car interior, body and wheels.

Read the plot while moving clockwise around the car:

As the carriage flew and rushed through the heavens, so a white bird flew into the harness and harnessed itself. Everyone who sees that cart desires it, knows neither sleep nor rest, so that no matter who I offer it to, everyone will pay a generous coin. A large coin for a fast bird, and for a chariot. Amen.

Prayer for honey speeches

For this ritual, which helps to achieve the client’s favor, prepare:

  • white tablecloth;
  • natural wax candle;
  • golden saucer;
  • golden bowl;
  • fresh honey;
  • a clean jar for honey.

The ritual process:

  1. On the eve of a meeting with a client, a new white tablecloth is laid on the table.
  2. A wax candle on a golden plate and a golden-colored bowl are placed on the table. The bowl is filled with fresh honey to the very brim.
  3. Light a candle using matches. Place a plate with a candle on the honey.
  4. Looking at the fire and holding a bowl of honey in front of you, covered with a saucer with a candle, read two spells.
  5. The candle is left to burn out.
  6. They go to bed without saying a word.
  7. In the morning, the honey is carefully transferred into a clean jar and eaten by the spoonful before meeting with potential buyers.

First conspiracy:

Behind the high mountains, behind the dense forests, behind the wide seas, a mighty oak grows, props up the vault of heaven, and turns up the earth with its roots. There is a hollow in its trunk, full of wild honey. Whoever discovers the honey, puts it in his mouth and eats it, will have great honor. Whoever listens to him will listen, become clouded in thought, lose heart, and agree on everything. I scooped up that honey by the handful, ate it with a big spoon, my mind is clear, my tongue is bold. As I say, so, in my opinion, it will happen that I want to buy it, and whoever I want will part with the money. Amen.

Second conspiracy:

Beyond seven mountains, beyond seven valleys, beyond seven seas, a magical oak tree grows. There is a hollow in that oak tree, in the hollow there are bees, the bees have honey. Whoever finds honey, puts it in his mouth, swallows it and eats it, will be honored. Every word is in your ear, every deed is sound, every thought is strong, and my honey is like that one, and I myself can do it. As I say, he will do what I command, it will come true. Amen.

Plot to sell a pet

The plot is suitable both for selling your own pet and for finding shelter for abandoned or lost animals.

You need to take a red woolen thread, tie it around the animal’s neck and say three times:

I cut the thread and tore the puppy/kitten (name) away from me. I tied it to the new owners so that the puppy/kitten (name) would find kind and affectionate owners, and would bring me benefits. Amen.

Let the thread remain on the animal until a profitable buyer is found.

Simoron rituals for quick sale

Effective for quick sales and easy to implement.

Attracting clients with poems and exercises

You need to scatter large, bright beads on the floor of the room. Stand in the middle of them and, raising your hands up, read the following verse:

I quickly raise my hands and attract clients to me, replace a minus with a plus, and collect beads from clients.

Then collect the beads by stringing the balls on a thread and place them on the workbench. The jewelry must be delivered to him with honor, always by car. It is advisable to inflate balloons and buy flowers in honor of this.

Clients surround

This ritual is performed like this:

  1. In any place in the room that is free from foreign objects, draw a large circle on the floor.
  2. The word “clients” is written many times along the circle.
  3. Then they jump into the middle, saying a magic phrase.

Words for the ritual:

Clients are surrounded!

Prayers for good trading

A really effective prayer that helps in the trading business is offered to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Before you pray:

  1. They are cleaning the apartment.
  2. Two weeks in advance, they go to church and light a candle in front of the image of the saint.
  3. After visiting church, they try to fast.
  4. They clear their thoughts, ask for forgiveness from those they have offended, and make peace with their relatives if they are in a quarrel.
  5. Two weeks later they announce the sale of the apartment - they put up an advertisement.
  6. Two days before the announcement is made, they take communion in the church and bring candles and holy water from there.
  7. Before serving, thoroughly clean the entire apartment. The rooms are sprinkled with holy water, and then they walk clockwise with a lit candle through all the rooms and cross the corners with it.

After cleansing, you need to pray like this:

O Most Blessed Saint Spyridon! I ask you, Servant of God (proper name), beg the Lover of Mankind, the Lord God, not to judge us for our iniquities and sins, but to deal with us according to his mercy and mercy. Ask for me, Saint Spyridon, from God a peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Protect and deliver me from all mental and physical troubles, from the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Lord and beg the Almighty to grant us forgiveness. Help me, Saint Spyridon, solve everyday problems and sell the apartment as quickly as possible. Do not refuse my request, but give me hope for life in the kingdom of heaven after death. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

If great difficulties arise in selling a car, turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Read the prayer with great faith:

I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Pleasant of God, for help and support. Do not reject my request, for in need I fall in prayer to your image, I ask you to hear me and do me a favor. Forgive me for this everyday request, which is very important to me. I'm trying to sell my car. Soon the client will come to me, and help me so that the negotiations are successful. Let him buy a car from me and be satisfied with his purchase. And the car will serve him well for many years. Let nothing stand in the way of a successful deal. Let it be so. I ask you, Nicholas the Pleasant, Savior and Helper of all those who suffer and turn to you, to beg forgiveness from the Lord for my known and unknown sins, of which I sincerely repent. Protect me, Saint Nicholas, from demonic temptations in the future. Let the bargain be completed in my favor. I'm not bargaining for money, but I really want to give my car to good hands. You are a miracle worker known to the whole world, so protect the one who buys a car from me from all the hardships of life. Amen.

Why are conspiracies for quick sales not always effective?

The ritual will not be effective if:

  • the moon was in the wrong phase during the ceremony;
  • the person was not sufficiently focused on the result when casting the spell;
  • mistakes were made during the ritual, its features were not taken into account;
  • the one who performed the ritual was skeptical or was in the company of people who did not believe in the power of magic;
  • The practitioner did not fast before the ritual.


The video from user Martin demonstrates an effective ritual for selling an apartment.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer plot to sell things” with a detailed description and photographs.

There comes a time in every person's life when it becomes necessary to get rid of some item. Often, there is no desire to throw away an item, since it may be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the thought of selling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell an item can help realize the plan much more profitably and faster.

To carry out a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. Thus, without the help of magic, it may take quite a long time to realize what was planned, whereas with the help of magic, the item being sold will be acquired very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to cast a spell over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical ritual, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sales of goods. Such talismans will be a great help for owners of retail outlets, sellers whose salaries depend on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ritual?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and for its result to be to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for its implementation. So, conspiracies to sell things should be read completely alone, so that no one knows about the ritual.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, you cannot tell even your closest people about the previously performed ritual, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is completely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. Only people who believe in magic are allowed to perform the ritual, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are carried out on the waxing moon, and 3 days before the ritual the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The enchanted item will bring profit to the seller

People know a large number of conspiracies that can help quickly sell this or that item. So there is a fairly strong ritual for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced over it three times, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the enchanted water.

Another no less powerful conspiracy can be read in key. To perform the ritual you will need a glass or clay vessel, spring water and a key. The container with water must be put on fire, then the key must be thrown into the boiling water. The words of prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

The cooled water along with the key must be poured into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of sale arrives, hands are rinsed with charmed water and the items being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

For the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with the right hand.

A very strong ritual for a quick sale is carried out using a nickel. On the waxing Moon, you should take the coin with your right hand, hold it for a while, and then say a prayer over it 12 times.

In order to sell goods quickly and profitably, it is recommended to take a coin with you at all times.

Will the trade be successful?

To avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases when no other ways to sell the goods are possible. The use of black magic is not free of charge - at some point the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service provided. So, a merchant may lose some or all of the goods, lose a round sum of money, or pay with his health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was performed not according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked.

Useful spells for sale:

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Conspiracies to sell things: comments

Comments - 4,

I have two small stalls at the market, selling children's clothes. This year, sales fell so much that I worked at a loss, even the seller had nothing to pay his salary with. There was no way out but to turn to a conspiracy to sell things, I had to cling to any chance, otherwise my business would have come to an end. I performed the ritual on a nickel, did everything as written, read it 12 times. The conspiracy took effect after 3 days, not immediately, but they started buying things. I believed in magic!

What is the meaning of the ritual, so to speak, to receive a certain amount of money, and not money that flew from the sky, but for my sold item, if after this ritual I need to pay with the same money or health.

I have a lot of my debts at interest - I want to pay it back quickly - but how can I make trade better - and there was also a major theft of mink coats in the store and I owe money again and what should I do I’m in despair and confusion

Hello. I am standing at the market selling things. And the trade is not going on. I am tormented with debts. I have no strength. Help. I beg YOU. I consent to the processing of personal data

What plot to read for selling things and successful trading?

What should a seller do if his product is not attractive to the buyer and there is no tangible profit from trading? Perhaps it makes sense to turn to magic, its rituals and spells?

Since the time when one person first tried to exchange something with another for his own benefit, there have been rituals and conspiracies for the success of the transaction and successful trading. How to use the magical experience of the ancients for the success of your trading affairs?

Help magic

From time immemorial, a variety of peoples have resorted to magical actions in trade and continue to do so to this day. Magic for sale has many ways to bind a buyer to a product and a retail location:

  • rituals and ceremonies
  • spells and spells
  • talismans to improve trade
  • prayers

Let's look at each option in more detail. To sell a product using magic, you need to understand exactly how to carry out the ritual and read conspiracies and spells with all your heart, believing in their power. So, if a store, boutique or simply an indoor retail outlet does not bring any profit, then the following magical manipulations are carried out.

You will need a coin, not the smallest and not the largest, and eucalyptus oil. The ritual is carried out alone in an empty room where the trade itself takes place and there are buyers, and not in a warehouse or behind a counter. For magical actions to attract desired customers, Wednesday or Saturday (money days) are good, best at sunrise.

The coin is dipped into oil, taken out, and taken into the hand. The seller or owner stands in the central place of the room facing the front door. A conspiracy to open trade roads to your goods is pronounced three times firmly and confidently:

I give tribute to trade roads! As soon as you accept my money, you will send me good luck! So that trade would go uphill, customers would come in droves and buy everything, they would not spare money, and would not leave without purchases. Yes it is!

Finally, with the word “paid”, the coin is thrown into the hall, if possible in the middle, where buyers often walk. One of them must pick it up and take it with them. Don't lift it yourself! As soon as the coin disappears from the floor, profit will begin and the buyer will go. Counts. That these magical manipulations do not need to be repeated. The ritual is very effective if everything was done correctly.

Selling with spells

Any thing from that one. Whatever is on the counter, to the one that is no longer needed by its owner, can be successfully sold. It’s not just to get rid of it cheaply, because it’s a pity to throw it away - it’s still good, but to get benefit from it in the form of monetary profit. For this, many conspiracies are successfully used.

If it's clothing and there's only one thing. It is enough to quietly pronounce magic words over her. For success, it is important that no one knows that a conspiracy is being read or other similar manipulations with things are being carried out. The plot is read in complete solitude, without human eyes. Before the ceremony is scheduled, you cannot drink alcohol for three days.

One of the most effective conspiracies for selling things is spell using water from a spring. The following words are pronounced above it:

Bargaining is going on in the market square. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell my product (called) too. Its price (is called). Whoever sees it will want to buy it. Amen.

After saying it three times things are sprinkled with magical water.

Popular and time-tested key spell. You will need:

  • any vessel, but not metal
  • water from a real spring
  • lock key

Boil water and immerse the key in the boiling water. Say the magic words 9 times over steam:

Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (name of the thing). Just as people cannot live without water, they cannot live without (name). My word is strong! Amen.

Turn off and cool the water. Then pour it into the prepared vessel. On the day of the sale, the seller’s hands are wetted and what needs to be sold is lightly sprayed. The key is not thrown away until the next trading transaction.

A simpler way to quickly sell is to place a cross on the item for sale three times and, after reading the plot, stroke it on all sides with your right hand.

Prayers and trade

People often turn to God for help in selling their goods. In Orthodoxy there are prayers that promote successful sales. In this case, they pray to certain saints and the Guardian Angel.

Of course, you must be a sincere believer and approach prayer without any doubts and with complete trust. Praying for success begins early in the morning, always before work begins. Saints to whom Orthodoxy turns for help in commercial enterprises:

You should pray regularly, try to ensure that the words come from the heart. It is advisable to address the words of prayer directly to the icon of the saint to whom you are praying.

Strong prayer to John of Sochavsky, patron of merchants:

O Holy Servant of God John! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received the crown of righteousness in heaven, which the Lord has prepared for all who love him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present world and through your intercession we will be worthy, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the earth of the living, glorifying the One in the saints, our glorified God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Even if a person does not know all the prayers word for word, you can simply mentally, in your own words, turn to heaven for help. The main thing is sincerity and purity of thoughts. It’s good when there is an icon of one of the mentioned saints in a trading place.

Sales of large goods

There are special spells for the quick and profitable sale of large items, such as a car, land, house or apartment. They will help you sell something that is really difficult and troublesome to sell. So. To ensure a successful transaction, take a glass of holy water. Holding it in his left hand, he crosses himself three times and reads the Our Father. Then the words of the conspiracy are spoken:

I am a merchant - always great.

I will sell our goods to you.

Money to money.

Your money for us – our product for you.

Even more effective. To successfully sell a serious large product, It is considered a ritual with a five-kopeck coin. They do it on the waxing moon. At the window or on the street, take the treasured nickel in your right hand and read the following:

Pyatak, Pyatakovich! Give me (your name is called) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen! (And so 12 times in a row).

You should save the nickel, and when going to a meeting with a buyer, have it with you.

Any of these actions can bring good luck if done exactly as recommended.

Strong conspiracies for successfully selling things

Have you noticed that some sellers sell out goods in a matter of hours, while others collect dust on their shelves for months? Perhaps the reason lies in the first seller's ability to establish relationships with potential buyers, or perhaps he is using a strong conspiracy to sell things. In order to establish a quick sale of any type of goods on more favorable terms for you, you can use an effective conspiracy to sell things.

Find out several effective conspiracies for successful sales

A plot to sell should always be read on the waning moon. If you are interested in increasing the inflow of funds, then such a plot is best read on the waxing moon. You need to independently determine your priorities: sell the product very quickly or get a lot of money.

Conspiracies discussed in this article:

The choice of a plot to sell an item also depends directly on the type of item. If you plan to sell a house or vehicle quickly and at a high price, then, as a rule, special conspiracies are used for the sale of large and expensive items. And if you are interested in trading in inexpensive publicly available goods, then they use conspiracies aimed generally at improving business and trade affairs.

We bring to your attention several options for conspiracies for the quick sale of things that have already received recognition from many sellers of both rare and popular goods.

Strong conspiracies to sell any item

Honey spell

Sell ​​easily and with pleasure: read the conspiracy to sell things

This conspiracy is one of the most common. It’s not for nothing that in everyday life we ​​often hear the phrase “as if anointed with honey.” Honey itself is a powerful healing substance that can not only attract everything positive, but also heal energy holes and repel negative events.

Take a small jar of liquid honey and say the following words:

“Just as bees flock to honey, so buyers will flock to my product. Just as honey is sweet for bees, so my product will be needed by customers. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

After pronouncing the spell, apply a small amount of honey to your forehead, cheeks, chin and behind your ears. On this day, you will have no end to buyers - they will swarm like bees over your product.

Spell on poppy seed

We would like to bring to your attention another interesting conspiracy for good trading. For this you will need a poppy seed. On the waxing moon, buy a pack of poppies. Pour it into a glass glass and say the following words at least seven times:

“Whoever steps on my poppy will love my product. Whoever steps on my poppy will buy my goods. Amine. Amen. Amen!".

Then, at the start of your trading day, you need to sprinkle poppy seeds all over the floor near your sales booth or counter. Try to scatter the seeds so that they occupy a large area, but are not noticeable. After three days and after cleaning, the ritual should be repeated.

Sales visualization

If you have to sell something in the singular, then the simplest, but no less effective conspiracy is the ritual of visualizing a successful sale. To do this, you need to take the item you plan to sell in both hands (if the size does not allow, then touch it with both hands). Look closely at this thing, touch every detail, study it with an attentive gaze, while you must imagine how it has already interested a large number of people, how people are looking at it with interest and want to purchase it at all costs.

You can detail your imagination down to the expected dialogues with customers and calculations. During the ritual, it is important that no one distracts you and your positive attitude is important. After you have done everything, actively cross the thing three times and say the following words:

“I will get what I have in mind! Amen!"

Conspiracies to sell large or expensive items

Effective spells for a successful deal

Before selling a large or expensive item, it is advisable to do the following:

  • fast for three days;
  • confess;
  • carry out a ritual of cleansing an object, including an energy one.

Since the item is expensive, its circle of potential buyers is not large, and as soon as the first applicant approaches you, run to church and light three candles for his health.

Be sure to read the conspiracy to sell a car if you need to sell a car.

New moon spell

The most effective conspiracy for a quick profitable sale is the conspiracy on the night of the new moon. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a green candle. Write on a piece of paper and simultaneously say the following words three times:

“I conjure for good luck, I conjure for sale, I conjure for wealth. Let it be so".

After you write these words, crumple the paper and burn the candles on the plate with fire. Scatter the ashes from the window.

Coin lining conspiracy

Another simple conspiracy to attract buyers. Take any coin, maybe even a penny, place it in a glass of holy water overnight and whisper the following words three times:

“Just as I charge a coin with goodness, so a sale will turn out to be good for me. Amen!"

The next day, place the charmed coin discreetly in the item you are going to sell. This plot will help you attract more buyers, and at the same time you will not lose a penny in price.

We wish you fast and profitable sales.

And don’t forget: the main thing is to remain confident, and you will definitely succeed!


If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

You know, magic includes not only general sections that help a person create a happy life for himself. There are rituals and ceremonies, so to speak, for special use. These include trading spells. Analyze your life experience, do you often sell something? Previously, this section of magic was of interest only to merchants and clerks. Nowadays everything has changed a little. A lot of people are trying to sell their services, signing up with various companies that distribute products, and so on. That is, the trading spell is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand. Let's get to know them. Let's start with how exactly this magic is used.

Trade spell

Let's not go deep into philosophy. In this area it is simple. It is necessary to strive for those who need your product. It is not permissible to talk in terms just to sell someone on. Believe me, the result will be temporary and not successful. But the correct alignment of the magic line will allow you to develop the idea and create a strong aura of a good seller.

Let's list the prohibitions. You cannot use rituals for trading with thoughts about:

  • fear of losses;

  • lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities;

  • hatred towards customers, any kind of dissatisfaction with their behavior or worldview.

It turns out that you should create in your head an ideal buyer who is looking for your product. There are plenty of these around. They will be grateful for services rendered or things offered. And they will come to you more than once. Create pleasant energetic conditions for them using a trading spell. They will definitely appear.

Full moon trading spell

Everything described is not yet a magical ritual. This is a preparation process. It should be noted that it is not required. If you don’t want to work with your worldview, leave the preparation aside. You, of course, will get certain results from the rituals without it. But you need to understand this well, they will be significantly lower.

A little-known ritual with thyme. You need to prepare the herb, buy incense from the Temple. Bring all this to your workplace at night. It is necessary to smoke the product or price list of services, work tools or the room with smoke. Choose something that affects trading.

Take a metal bowl. Place a piece of incense and chopped thyme there. Set it on fire so everything starts to smolder. Smoke the selected items (room) by casting the spell three times. It is allowed to repeat the ritual for three days, until the moon is in full bloom.


“A merchant praises a merchant, but does not over-praise him. The buyer is coming towards me, but he won’t get over it. Anyone who needs a product is friendly with me! Close ties are illuminated by heavenly powers! Profit for me, joy for the buyer. Amen!"

Coin trading spell

The main thing in this ritual is to choose a coin. She should come to you just like that. Just don't pick it up on the street. This is generally a bad idea. A coin thrown on the street usually emits negative energy. For the ritual, sellers should take the money that the client left as a tip on Friday or did not take as change.

The coin should be placed in a saline solution for a couple of hours. Then rinse it in running water. This is how negative energy is removed. Read the following words on it:

“There is a coin lying - a magnet. She's beckoning money. Wherever I put it, I serve myself. Generous people will trample on my faithful goods. Amen!"

Take the coin to your workplace.

Spell to trade for salt

On Thursday on the waxing moon these words:

“In the sea cliffs, on the black clouds, workers extract salt through labor and sweat. He buries his kindness in salt. I take the salt with my hands and pour it under the stone. Whoever passes through it will find my goods. Work, people, among the heavens. Invite people under my canopy. Just as food is not the same without salt, life is empty without my goods. Amen!"

Carry salt with you to work and sprinkle it in front of the counter.

Spell for good trading

“David, the king of the Jews, rewarded me with wisdom and patience, and equipped all the merchants for me. I meet, greet, offer goods. Everyone will choose their own, and the income will be mine! Amen!"

Spell for successful trading

The same is said in the morning any day. The words are:

“In three directions, on large hills, monks dressed up, sued the devil for a chest of goods, gold and silver. The devil tried to deceive them, he divided the goods incorrectly. Yes, the monks are not fools, the devil got punches. While the argument was going on, my Angel passed by. He took the chest and gave it to me for trading. As long as I take care of the chest, I won’t remain in the devil’s debt. A merchant is coming to me, a good businessman. Come to me, there will be a gift in the chest! Amen!"

The most powerful trading spell

This ceremony is performed only on Tuesday. You need to stand to the east and cross yourself. So say:

“I will fall with the eastern winds, flowing waters, and clear light. I'll just pray to God. A rich merchant will fly in and bring a wealth of gold. Let's get along with the merchant, with the generous fellow. Amen!"

To prevent the energy of the spell from going down the drain, you need to recite it on any item that you wear constantly. Women often cast spells on jewelry. Basically, it doesn't matter. At least for a pin. But then carry it with you all the time.

Spell to sell goods

This is a well-known ritual for sellers. As the first buyer leaves you money, don't put it with the others. Swipe them over the product. And say this:

“Damn cunning deception will bring profit into my pocket. I open the gates, the money is all here for me. Amen!"

Only after these words can you put the money in the usual place.

There is also a rule: try to refuse the first buyer who gives small money. If this happens, then you can rest on that day, but you still won’t have any luck. The larger the bill, the more profitable the day will be. Therefore, it is advisable to have some amount at the very beginning of the day. Since, by refusing a large bill due to the inability to give change, you are closing your roads for that day.

To sell a house or land, people usually resort to the services of realtors or post their property on the Internet on various sales platforms. But these attempts do not always end quickly, as every seller would like. If you want to significantly speed up the process, we advise you to perform one of the powerful conspiracies to sell a house and land.

Do not forget! A conspiracy to sell a house, apartment or land will help to carry out the transaction profitably, attract solvent buyers and speed up the whole process.

If you act strictly according to the instructions, perform all the steps listed below in order, focusing only on success in your business, everything will happen as you planned! Good luck!

Important points of the rituals

Conspiracies to sell a house and a plot of land: the most powerful and effective

The following conspiracies are taken from the arsenal of white magic. This means that they are completely safe, and you can use them without fear of negative consequences.

Universal ritual

If it happens that you need to quickly sell your house and get good money, then you can use a universal conspiracy that will help attract new buyers, one of whom will make a purchase.

  • To perform the ritual you will need seven church candles.
  • The ritual must be performed strictly during the waning moon.
  • At midnight you should close yourself in the room and light all the candles, making one closed circle on the floor. Sit in the center of the circle and concentrate on your desire.
  • You need to read the plot 7 times contract:

“Let the walls of the house and the roof attract people, I want to sell this house as soon as possible. So that when a buyer comes here, he wants to buy it right away. So that the auctions are all in my favor, the money goes to me. I will light the church candles, they will help me. As soon as the candles repay, I will betray them to the earth! So that the client can profitably sell his house! Amen!"

After reading the spell, you need to let the candles burn out. The wax from them should be collected and wrapped in a white sheet of paper. It is necessary to bury the bundle in a deserted place under a female tree (birch, spruce, alder).

This ritual is very strong and you can sell your property within a month.

Magic ritual for a quick deal

For a quick and successful sale of real estate, you need to read the text of the following prayer, which will guarantee the fulfillment of your desire and bring the important moment closer.

To perform the ritual you should:

  • wash the floors throughout the apartment or house;
  • and say the following words to dirty water:

“Four corners, four walls, My house and my brownie, I renounce you, I renounce you. From locks, from doors, from corners and from windows. So that the new owner would soon come to the doorstep, make this purchase, but not bring with him silver coins, but pay with gold! Amen!"

The words of the prayer need to be repeated 3 times. And after that, the water should be poured outside.

Typically, within a few weeks, a buyer will appear on your doorstep.

Ritual for salt

White salt is a very strong and effective energy manipulator and accumulator. And to sell a plot of land, a house or an apartment, you can use this component.

To perform the ritual you need white salt; one grain will be enough.

In the evening, make sure that the light of the waning month falls on the salt, and say the words of prayer:

“White salt, pure salt, salty salt! How the light of the month hits you, So that buyers come to me too! So that only the rich and the haves go, So that they carry money and do not spare it! Just as I spill this salt, the buyer will immediately come to me. Amen!"

The words of the conspiracy should be repeated seven times. The next day you will need to sprinkle salt in the house you want to sell. If the sale of land is required, then sprinkle salt on it.

Magic ritual for money

This simple, but at the same time strong and effective ritual will help you successfully and financially sell your property. The ritual must be performed strictly at 3 am.

At this time, take your broom and sweep away all the rubbish and dirt from the house with the words:

“I sweep away the rubbish, I sweep it away! I attract buyers to me! The first will come to look, the second will come to see, and the third will come and buy! May he pay me well, I will earn a lot! Amen!"

To be effective, one repetition of the prayer is enough, but you need to do this ritual for 7 days in a row.

Ceremony before the buyer arrives

This ritual will help for the successful sale of property.

  • It is done just before the buyer arrives.
  • 20 minutes before his arrival, open the curtains and, looking out the window, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My windows, my windows! Light and beautiful! The thresholds are gilded, the pillars are twisted! So that they would admire you and want to buy you! Amen!"

  • You need to read the words of the prayer 7 times.
  • This ritual can only be performed during daylight hours.
  • And if the buyer did not agree to buy a house or apartment, then when he leaves, spit over the threshold with the words:

“If this one doesn’t, the next one will buy it!”

Naturally, no one should see this or hear the words of the conspiracy. Selling a house or apartment is a very important event and, having decided to use magic to solve it, you need to pay attention to all aspects.

  • The power of your thoughts and faith in the magical ritual occupy a very important place.
  • Positive energy and good mood will help speed up the entire process and complete the transaction in the shortest possible time.


To speed up the transaction

It happens that a transaction needs to be completed as quickly as possible. Perhaps you have found an option to buy another property, or other financial circumstances are pushing you.

Here a conspiracy to quickly sell a house and a plot of land will come to our aid.

This conspiracy will definitely attract the attention of buyers to your property and speed up their decision-making in your favor!

  • Start the ritual with a simple action.
  • Be sure to wipe the floors, window sills and all doors in the house with spring or well water at dawn, saying:

“I water it with spring water and attract buyers. Welcome, buy generously. I want money, not in silver, but in gold! Selling. Selling. Selling. I renounce my corners. I'm waiting for buyers"

When selling a plot of land, they say the same words, only they walk around the perimeter of the plot, clockwise, generously pouring a handful of water.

To attract buyers

Most often, when you start selling a house or a plot of land, you find that the real estate market is oversaturated, with more offers than buyers.

A ritual can come to the rescue, which will increase the attractiveness of your offer and make it stand out from the crowd. This is a simple, but often very important step.

  • It is necessary to clear a house or a plot of land from being attached to itself, so that your property does not cling to you, not wanting to part with you.
  • It is important to observe the time - the waning moon, a symbol that your ownership of this property is ending. Take a poppy seed, and, walking around the house or plot of land clockwise, scatter the poppy seeds with a pinch, saying:

“I go around all the corners and say goodbye, I turn to you with gratitude. Stay, Father Domovoy, find owners after your heart, and find generous buyers for us. Let them be kind to you, like they were before, and you serve them faithfully. Key. Lock. Let go of the threshold"

With these words, you need to walk once around the perimeter of the house or land.


On distance

What to do if you are far from the property? Suppose you received an inheritance in another city, or simply because you are very busy, you cannot come to the apartment for sale to conduct a daily ritual there.

  • Then we suggest you focus on the following powerful conspiracy; it does not require any action.
  • Before pronouncing it, you can focus on your desire, mentally turn to higher powers for help, perhaps light a candle. The text is as follows:

“Lord, my God, I am in front of you. The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells goods. Father, priest, prays for all of us, for me, for my sinful soul. The reaper is walking into the field, the buyer is carrying money. The Reaper is reaping in the field, The Buyer (house or apartment) will take it. Amen."

On keys

To carry out a spell on keys, you will need a key to an apartment or a house. If that's what we're talking about. Then you definitely need a key to the outside door. The ritual is performed in the morning on any day of the week except Wednesday.

  1. Fill a saucepan with water, add the key, and bring to a boil.
  2. After this, you need to turn off the heat and read the plot until the water cools completely. Don't take out the key, it should remain there.

“Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key. So they cannot live without (name of the object for sale). Just as you, people, cannot live without food and water, so you cannot live without (name of the object for sale ). Amen.

3.After this, be sure to drain the water. It cannot be used for economic purposes. The key can be used as usual.

To the waxing moon

There is a short plot that is easy to remember and easy to read.

  • It is pronounced in the morning.
  • To the waxing moon.

Three days of the week are suitable for this text:

  1. Wednesday
  2. Friday
  3. Saturday.
  4. On other days you should not read the text.

The plot must be repeated a certain number of times: three, seven, nine or twelve, depending on your choice and desire to sell the apartment. You read near the front door, and then in each corner of the house:

“I’m a merchant, always a great guy. I will sell our goods to everyone. Money for money, for us - your money, for you - our goods. Amen."

After completing the ritual, it is better to wash your hands, wash your face and thank the higher powers for your help.

On honey

For the honey spell, as the name suggests, you will need:

  1. fresh honey
  2. In addition, stock up on two long red threads and metal scissors (preferably the handles are not made of plastic)
  3. and also with a brush.
  • Tie five knots on the threads;
  • tie to the handle of the front door on the living room side;
  • In your hands you hold a glass of honey and a brush and read the following text (facing the living space):

“How strong is linden honey, So easy and successful is the sale, To the joy of everyone, to our prosperity. Just as honey is sweet, so will our life become sweet and joyful.”

  • After pronouncing the text, begin walking around the apartment clockwise.
  • Each room should have a drop of honey in the center.
  • After that, you return to the front door and the knotted threads.
  • You also need to put a drop on each nodule and wait at least an hour.
  • After this period of time, take metal scissors and cut the threads with the words:

“What got in the way has passed, What bad has come has gone.”

Carefully remove the threads so that there is no fragment left on the handle, and find a good place under living trees (dead trees will not work).

Bury your threads and wait for buyers!

Powerful Prayer

Orthodox saints can also help during the sale of real estate. If your thoughts are pure, the transaction is honest, and you have no desire to deceive your buyer, feel free to ask for help from the great Saint Spyridon of Trimythous.

Saint Spyridon does not abandon those who turn to him for help in financial matters. History knows thousands of stories about how Saint Spyridon, who was distinguished by his extraordinary kindness, helped the needy and the poor.

In church or at home, read the following prayer:

“Pray, O Father Spyridon, to the good and humane God, so that he does not condemn us for our iniquities. But let him do according to his mercy. Ask him for us in the name of Christ for a peaceful life, devoid of vicissitudes, mental and physical health and well-being. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from diseases and devilish snares. Remember us at the throne of God and pray for us, that he may grant forgiveness to our many sins. He gave us a comfortable and peaceful life and made us worthy of a painless and shameless death. We also ask that he bless our enterprise and help us sell our house. By his mercy and your intercession may we be delivered from the wickedness of people, the lies of deceivers and unfair losses. May he keep us safe and sound with your prayers. We, giving thanks to you, continually send glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever! Amen."

Pray to Saint Spyridon every day, until buyers appear or until you complete the transaction itself.


Magic for selling real estate at a distance - magic sugar

This is a simple home ritual. It can easily be done by a beginner who has no experience in such matters at all. The text of the spell must be read at dawn.

Take a piece of sugar and read the words of the conspiracy for the urgent sale of real estate three times:

“Just as it is true that this sugar is sweet, it is also true that luck will be on my side. Just as this sugar is white, so there will be no obstacles in my way. Help me overcome all obstacles in my business. Bring me luck and joy. Amen".

  • Carry a lump of sugar with you.
  • It will become a powerful talisman that will help you solve problems that arise in bureaucratic offices.
  • A money talisman will also help if you have used this powerful spell as a magical effect on selling land, an apartment, or other real estate at a distance. Among other things, runes work well remotely.

If the property is not for sale, you can find an alternative solution. For example, you can remove all obstacles by transferring the negative to someone else. For this purpose, there are special rituals in black magic. And, having gotten rid of the negativity, you can do rituals and conspiracies for the successful sale of land, or an apartment, or a house.

White conspiracy to sell real estate with keys

A strong, repeatedly proven conspiracy. This is a neutral ritual in its structure. But, it can be carried out both in the interpretation of white magic - boiling a key in holy water with a spell, and in the light of black magic. In this case, water is taken from a spring.

An effective conspiracy of the kind that attracts good real estate buyers.

People will come not just to take a closer look at your product, but precisely in order to purchase what you offer and become new owners.

  • For this ritual you will need a key.
  • You can take the key from the apartment you are selling, but any old key that you once used will do.
  • Dip the key into boiling water, and read a strong plot to sell a house or apartment three times:

“Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot live without (name the item being sold). Just as you people cannot be without food and water, so you cannot be without (name the item being sold). Amen".

  • Cool the charmed water
  • pour into a clean container with a lid.
  • Before the customer arrives, wash your hands with this water.
  • When you meet a buyer, shake their hand.

If you are selling your home, spray water around the perimeter.

In general, an independent plot with a key is universal; you can read it if you have the desire to sell anything, from land to an apartment. rooms and ending with any household trifle - books, clothes, furniture, etc. The only limitation:

Cannot be used for the sale of living creatures: pets, birds, plants, livestock.

Home ritual on a broom

A spell for a broom and spring water to quickly sell your house and land is also effective. Suitable for selling any property, very good as a plot to sell a garden house. Read at dawn. So you need to take:

  • a new broom, purchased specifically for the purpose of the ceremony
  • small container with spring water

Do it on the waning moon, best on Wednesday. Sprinkle the broom with water.

And read the words of the conspiracy to sell the dacha:

“As I sweep away the litter, sweep it away, I attract buyers to me. One will look, the second will look, the third will come and take it for himself. Let it be so".

Sweep all areas of the house for sale. You need to repeat the plot to sell your garden house during the sweeping process.

Magical purity of property

Money magic for good luck in business is a powerful thing. Your personal energy and unwavering desire to achieve your goal are what are important for an impressive effect. In order to quickly and profitably sell a plot of land or an apartment, the item for sale must be clean. And not only in legal terms, but also in magical terms. Try this witchcraft spell in action.

  • You need to read a plot to quickly sell real estate using white magic while standing on the plot or in the house itself that you want to sell as soon as possible.
  • Cross your finger in front of you and read the witchcraft text of the spell for selling a room:

“I am a merchant, always a great guy, I will sell our goods to you. Money to money. We get your money, you get our goods. Amen".

  • We have already figured out why in some cases magical help is ineffective. The negative is in the way, but what if there is no negative, the diagnostics show success, but the property is still not for sale?
  • Why?
  • Ask your family members if everyone wants to get rid of the house or land?
  • If someone consciously or unconsciously does not want to part with real estate for sale, this can be a serious obstacle to resolving this issue.


Ritual for a coin

Do it for the old moon. An indispensable condition is to set a fair price for the property being sold (do not underestimate or overestimate).

On a piece of land to be sold, bury any small coin (currently in use) while saying the following words:

“My benefit is in the damp mother earth. You are my nurse, share your luck, spread a path for the buyer. I will take the full price for you - I will not demand from above, I will not sell you cheap.”

Magic on twigs

  • On the waning moon, at noon, break off a few branches from the bushes or trees growing on the plot you want to sell.
  • Also take a lit candle.
  • Holding twigs in your right hand and a candle in your left, walk around the entire perimeter of the entire plot of land and all the rooms in the house, whispering the words of the conspiracy:

“The trees grew with me, and the house became beautiful with me. So grow up with a different owner, and the house will become better. Everything is a joy for both me and you. There will be prosperity for me, and care for you. I repeat my word, I endow it with power. Amen!"

Read the magic words exactly as many times as it takes to completely walk around the entire area and house. After completing the ceremony, place the branches in water and place them on the window. The conspiracy will yield results very soon.


Strong spell-prayer

To carry out the ceremony, you should prepare half a glass of:

  • Sand sugar;
  • Table salt;
  • Rice.

In addition, you will need to use a new safety pin in the ritual. First, mix all the ingredients and pour into a deep container. A pin should be inserted into them so that its point is in the middle of the glass.

During all preparations the following words are spoken:
“I, the Servant of God (my own name), am selling my house not to evil people, but to good ones. I sell it for happiness and prosperity for myself, so that I can buy what I need with the proceeds. I need (name the desired amount of money). Amen".
Such a charmed container with its contents should be placed in one of the closed cabinets sold at home. Soon a buyer will come to you and offer you the required amount of money. A very important condition of this transaction is that after receiving the money, a certain amount must be spent on charity. If this is not done, then the deal will not work out. After selling the house, the enchanted container with all its contents must be buried in a deserted place.

Appeal to the brownie

  • A brownie can help you sell a house successfully, but you need to contact him correctly. You should walk three times in a counterclockwise direction.
  • At the same time, you should stop in each corner and bow with the words:

“I’m turning to you, Father Domovoy, you are the owner of this home. Help me sell my house, let good people come into it. And take your share for yourself.”

  • After this, you need to put a coin of the highest denomination in a secret place.
  • Sometimes you get the feeling that the brownie is preventing you from selling the house because he doesn’t want to let you go. In this case, call him with you, it often helps.
  • Just don’t forget in this case to take with you an old shoe from the old house, in which the brownie will live while he gets used to his new home.

“It should be remembered that any ritual that uses a special conspiracy aimed at selling a house should only be carried out by the owners.”

Another person, even a close relative, cannot perform it, since the action will be simply useless.

When carrying out a ceremony to sell a house, it is important to believe in its success


Spell for salt, sugar, rice and a pin

Take a handful of salt, sugar and rice. Pour into a container and stir. Insert a new pin into the center of the container, head up. And say to the pin 12 times:

« I sell to a good person what he needs for joy and happiness, and I attract a profitable deal for myself, God’s servant (name). Amen".

Then you need to bury a vessel with salt, sugar, rice and a pin on a plot of land, next to the entrance to the house or entrance (if you are selling an apartment).


"Full Cleanse" Method

You can give a successful purchase to another person, having received a large amount of money yourself, by performing a ritual of complete purification. It is necessary to completely wash the house with a new rag, without emptying the bucket of dirty water - if it is impossible to continue, fill a new container.

It will be possible to sell real estate with a spell if you say a spell over the containers before draining them with the words:

“My beloved house, four right angles and the old brownie, I renounce you, all the old walls, doors and locks, all four right angles and the old brownie. Whoever quickly brings me big money for you will soon take you for himself. Let it be so. Amen".

It is worth pouring out the water at night, making sure that no one sees you - this should be done outside the house and area, otherwise you will never be able to get rid of the soil, and the dirt and spoilage will again go indoors.

  • When you stay at home on your own, cover the largest table with a tablecloth and quickly recite the incantations nine times:

“White-white, completely white-white, a lot, a lot of snow fell on my old peasant hut. The snow is naughty, white, frosty, creaking, flies on the wide windows, flies on the smooth walls, flies on the high roof. I will go, servant of God (name), to my court, sit on a white horse, and ride off to look for a generous merchant, kind, fair, and rich. I’ll find a good, distinguished, fat buyer. How much white snow falls on the roof of the old hut from the blizzard, that’s how much gold the merchant will offer me for the house. Just as an evil dog cannot be next to a cat, so his generosity and stinginess cannot exist. I, the servant of God (name), choose merchant generosity. As it is said, it will come true. Three times Amen!

This ritual should not be repeated - just read prayers every day for cleansing. After you manage to profitably sell your home under the influence of a conspiracy, take the tablecloth from the house and cover it with a clearing in the dark forest. Leave half the bread, half the bottle of liquor and half the onion on it, thereby symbolizing gratitude to the forces of nature.

Ritual using cereals

If you use the following plot, you will be able to sell your house as easily and quickly as possible, having received a predetermined amount.

  1. Buy rice, millet, buckwheat, salt, sugar - after making such a purchase, leave these products in the box until the full moon without opening the packaging.
  2. After waiting for the specified time, open the packs at home, place them on the window and read the prayers to the martyr Paraskeva.
  3. Leave your entire purchase in the drawer until the morning, when you need to read the plot at home.

To conclude a successful deal, you need to make a conspiracy on the waning moon, symbolizing the speedy disposal of property.

Before conspiring, mix:

  1. everything is in a glass,
  2. take a pin,
  3. pierce a piece of candle wax with it
  4. insert into the glass from above so that the head is visible to the naked eye.

A strong conspiracy will require placing an object near the front door of the house, but it must be carefully disguised so that potential buyers do not see it.

To sell your house quickly, read the plot every morning:

“I’m selling the house for happiness and prosperity to good people - I don’t need it anymore. I, the servant of God (name), will later acquire the housing I need for (name the amount you want to get for selling the house). What is said will come true. Three times Amen!

Having made a quick deal after the conspiracy, bury the vessel in a vacant lot far from the house, where people do not appear - try not to disturb the position of the pin so as not to wait for the house to return back.


Magic ritual for selling property

“Nikolai; John and Procopius! Help, send money merchants to me. And so that those merchants would be generous, so that my gifts would be dear to them. A hundred merchants will come for one product and bring me profit and profit. Amen".

Burn the leaf, scatter the ashes in the area, and leave the coal there. Repeat the ritual before updating the advertisement for the sale of a share.

Rite of Olga Ilanovskaya

Especially for the sale of an apartment, the famous Siberian healer, Olga Ilanovskaya, developed a strong conspiracy to sell the house. It will not require any kind of investment from the practitioner and anyone can perform it, which is why this ritual is so convenient.

To carry out a conspiracy, practice will need:

  • slice of bread;
  • conspiracy text;
  • the right time.
  1. Immediately after sunset, you need to go to the kitchen, taking a piece of bread.
  2. Then the following is said to him three times:

“Whisper aside, I ask Domovoy for help. Give charm to our home, so that everyone will like it, and buyers will line up. Yes, the buyers will all be happy about this housing and will treat you well, Housewife. Help me in this direction."

After completing the plot, the bread should be left in a secluded place.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy to sell real estate

Siberia is rich in magicians, thanks to which there is a strong conspiracy and ritual for selling a house from another healer from the same region - Natalia Stepanova.

To carry out a conspiracy, you must have practice:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • mop or floor rag.
  • It is necessary to wash the floors in all rooms and the hallway.
  • Squatting over dirty water left in a bucket after cleaning, they say:

“Four corners, my domina and the brownie, I renounce you, the doors, the locks, the four corners and the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The charmed water is taken outside and poured from a bucket onto the road.

It is necessary that the practitioner does not meet anyone along the way. Otherwise, the plot will need to be carried out again.

The most powerful rite

This strong conspiracy to quickly sell a plot or house is more difficult to implement than the previous one, but you can expect more from it. Magic will reward those who are patient. Therefore, if you need to sell real estate urgently, it will prove to be very fast.

To perform the ritual, the magician will need:

  • glass vessel;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • pin.

The ritual is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to mix all ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:1. The volume of each of them should be about 125 milligrams.
  2. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to insert a pin into the center of the resulting mixture with the sharp end down. When doing this, you need to say the following:

“I sell not to evil people, but to good people, for happiness and prosperity what I do not need. For myself, God’s servant (name), I will purchase what I need (you can name the amount you are counting on). Let it be so! Amen!".

The conspiracy is carried out exclusively on decreasing Moon, this ritual cannot be performed on the waxing Moon. This is justified by the fact that in this context the property seems unnecessary to the owner - something that needs to be gotten rid of.

After selling your home, you need to give alms to six people who especially need it - every person meets them. This will help increase the effectiveness of the results that rituals give. The owner takes the vessel with him from home and then buries it in an uninhabited place at dawn.

Pagan ritual for selling property

  • Oddly enough, ancient pagan rituals are still popular among the people.
  • In this, people are patronized by Veles, the Slavic deity of trade, livestock and wealth.
  • This ritual is quite extensive and may well seem complicated to some.
  • In order for a deity to help in sales, you still need to try, because magic only works when the magician shares his resources with higher powers to get results.
  • However, it has established itself as the most effective pagan conspiracy for the successful sale of a house and land, giving quick results.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three candles;
  • real estate documents;
  • required;
  • bowl of water.

It is performed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to understand that in the context of this ritual, each candle should have its own function. The first of them is assigned directly to Veles, the second to Chur-Churila, and the third to trade. The magician places the last one in the center, and places documents and a container filled with water next to it.
  • Having put everything in its place, the practitioner reads the praises, and then an appeal to the deity:

“Veles, listen, do not reject the words of my mouth. I bow the neck of my heart to You, I receive Your help through faith. Be kind to me, bless my works, so that the works of my hands go well, all obstacles are driven away from me, so that the bosses do not become angry, so that they contribute to my affairs, so that the money does not become scarce, but comes into my purse, so that my strength is strengthened, so that my health is preserved.

I ask You not out of greed, but out of feminine weakness. Do not reject, Father, a woman’s prayer, I am not asking for a lord’s fate, but I am asking you to help me in my labors, so that success may accompany me. Stay with me, Veles, in goodness, so that I may glorify You in joy. Goy!

After reading the appeal to the “cattle god”, a conspiracy to sell land and property itself is read:

“I, (name), will go out from door to door, from gate to gate. I'll go to the far side to the trading city. There are merchants sitting in that trading city. Their trading houses and taverns are made of stone and wood. I will approach the merchant people and ask about the secret words of the merchants.

In that trading city, the mighty Veles rules everything, he listens to the prayers of the trading people and helps them in their affairs. I will approach (name) Father Veles and bow to the waist. Father Veles, I baked a fresh loaf for you, fragrant, with cinnamon, sweet, I want to appease you. I brought you some intoxicating beer that smells like herbs. Father Veles, help me, (name), in the trading business, help me sell the house quickly and profitably. Help, deliver from envious people and haters, from sorcerers with their secret evil words, from witches and from gypsies and gypsies. Grant me an honest sale of the house, without deception, without intoxication.

Let people come to me from all over the world to buy my house. Father Veles, give me good luck, bring a generous and rich buyer to me soon. Let me take the full price (name the amount) for the house, let me not sell it cheap. Father Veles, help me in selling my house, give me the price (name the amount) for the sale of my house.

I sell corners, walls and ceilings, windows and doors, hearths and thresholds. With the help of the mighty Father Veles, I soon conclude a profitable and honest deal, (name the amount) I receive for the sale of my house, (name where) I move.

Help me, Father Veles, don’t leave me, (name) alone with this matter. Without you, Father Veles, I can’t cope on my own. You alone bring living luck, you alone know what is good for me and what I want. I’m selling my stone house to the boyar, I’m giving you, Father Veles, a delicious, lush, sweet loaf. Go! Glory to Veles the mighty! Goy! Glory! Let it be so!".

Then you need to whisper into the water three times:

“My deed and my word, I whisper into the water, You are the spring water, God’s sister, you run between the steep banks, you don’t stop, you help everyone, you know no peace, you hear and remember everything.

Cast your spell on my house, hide the shortcomings of the house, show all the good things in my house to the buyers in the eyes. Fill Voditsa with the power of Veles, help me, with your strength and the power of Veles, bring an honest and generous buyer to me for a house. Just as people cannot live without you, Voditsa, so they cannot live without my home.

Just as water runs in rivers, so do buyers run to me. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, ocean, river, so let there be a lot of money from the sale of a house in my wallet. Money for me, house for the buyer. I’m selling the house, I’m giving away everything bad along with it, and my happiness and luck are with me always and everywhere. Let it be so!".

Having spoken to the water, the vessel is taken into hand. Then they say the following again:

“Like water flows, splashes like stars appear in it, like stars can’t be counted, like water can’t be drawn out, like Veles the wise knows and knows everything, like Father Veles helps me. Let the money for selling a house flow to me like water, right into my little hands in white, let the stars shine not go out, so let people come and visit me, and with money, and with money, not small, but well-coordinated, they buy my mansion, give me the money, and take the house for themselves.

Let Father Veles himself lead them by the hand, let him find them, let them not bypass my threshold, let the deal be coordinated, so I will not forget the mercy of Father Veles. I hope for the help of Father Veles, I water my house with water. Let the water sister lead the buyer, the buyer brings me money for the house.

Come, a rich and generous buyer with money, the granddaughter of God (name) is calling you, as Veles’s power and help are with me. Voditsa sister Cast your spell on my house, hide all the shortcomings, show all the good things in my house to the buyers in the eyes. I will sprinkle water on the house, I will stick the buyer to my house. Anyone who sees my house will become stupefied, and as soon as he looks at the house he will part with his money.

The money is uncountable, but it was given to me for the house, then Veles’ spells, witchcraft spells, they are gold to me, but they are a headache to the people, water is a witness, if the house is sprinkled with water, then everything will be done, in a word it will be fulfilled, and my wallet will be filled with money. Let it be so. Father Veles, help me sell the house quickly and profitably, I need exactly (name the amount of money), no less.”

In order for the desired to come true, it is necessary to continue the ritual, saying further:

“I stand on the western side, At the evening dawn, I call on the power of the Native Gods for help,

Veles Father and Leg - his guardian, Glory to the Native Gods! Goy! Glory! I will bow to Father Veles, I will turn to him with a prayer for help, Father Veles, tight sadness has sucked out my zealous heart, blackened it with black need.

There is no necessary wealth in my house, (name your problem), that’s why I don’t have a sweet day or night. I, the granddaughter of God (name), will light a candle, demand that I place it, Father Veles, I ask you, place your great power around me, around my house, around my profit, account and secret word. As the light of the clear Sun is visible from afar, So the world can see my luck.

Luck stands like a wall around the business of trading, around the sale of my house. Father Veles helps me, People send me to buy a house, From dawn to dusk there are generous buyers for my house. They are walking briskly, they want to buy my house, they are arguing with each other over my house, they are in a hurry to buy it, (name the amount) for the sale of the house they are flowing like a river into my wallet.

Father Veles helps me with the sale of the house, strengthens my business very, very firmly. Father Veles is my hope and support, the guardian is my support, Father Veles walks across the sky,

Bags of money and good luck, The bags opened, Money and good luck fell out. I, the granddaughter of God (name), walked downstairs, collected money, took good luck, took it home, lit candles, candles, burn, money, and good luck come to me! The wax on my candle melts and floats, so my need decreases, and prosperity comes. So be it!”

But the matter does not end there either. After reading the plot for success in selling real estate, you need to read a prayer to Veles:

“You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what has been created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds manifest themselves as fruits of goodness and glory to my family! Bless, Velese, let it be so!”

  • Upon completion of all readings, you need to release the accompanying Forces, thanking them and Veles for their help in your business.
  • The water that was enchanted during the ritual must be sprinkled on the house and land. Upon completion, there should still be some water left, which needs to be poured onto the road where people regularly walk. The more pedestrians there are, the more likely it is that the water will attract some of them.
  • This ritual can be done on a waxing moon; in this case, the phase does not matter.