Very early miscarriage symptoms. When and why a miscarriage can happen. Common Causes of Repeated Miscarriage

It cannot be predicted because to some extent it is part of nature. It must be remembered that it does not have a long-term effect on the body and does not in any way affect the possibility of becoming a mother in the future.
What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage, or premature birth, is a pregnancy that has stopped developing. The embryo failed to develop and the cause is most often a chromosomal aberration. This type of anomaly is not hereditary and does not affect subsequent pregnancies. There is a risk of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy - this statistic affects 10-15% of cases, that is, it happens quite often. The risk increases with age. In some women, spontaneous abortion occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy, that is, before menstruation, and the woman may not even notice it. If a miscarriage occurs after 3 months, it is called late (see p. 192).

Symptoms and signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy

The first symptoms are bleeding and uterine contractions, while other pregnancy symptoms disappear, such as tight breasts and nausea. Bleeding, initially small, subsequently becomes profuse - it lasts several days, then quickly stops. The menstrual cycle returns to normal, and a month later your period appears.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy?

In any case, you need a doctor

If bleeding occurs, you should immediately notify your doctor so that he can identify a possible cause. If the bleeding is not heavy, your doctor will order an ultrasound and blood tests to check for a possible ectopic pregnancy.

The purpose of the study is to establish an initial diagnosis. If we are talking about a miscarriage, then an ultrasound shows that the embryo is not developing and has no cardiac activity. In some cases, two ultrasound examinations are necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Two options

Most often, if the diagnosis is established, the doctor removes the egg from the body either with medication or by surgery - curettage, or curettage, under general anesthesia. Hospitalization lasts no more than one day. In some cases, the gynecologist prefers to wait until the body expels the foreign body on its own, after which it is necessary to meet with the doctor again to make sure that the egg is completely eliminated from the body. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor (see P. 72), the doctor will prescribe gamma globulin.

After a miscarriage in early pregnancy?

  • If a future pregnancy was seen as joy and hope for the future, then a miscarriage is perceived as a bereavement. The response emotion is endless sadness. Each woman reacts differently, depending on how long she has been waiting for this child, what her personal life is like, and on how long it all happened.
  • But the psychological trauma is obvious and requires maximum sensitivity from loved ones. At the moment of a miscarriage, various fears may arise (the sight of blood, fear of what will happen and the complications associated with this) and worries about the future (will I be able to get pregnant again? Will this happen again?). The most important thing is to be honest about your fears with your doctor, and also discuss it with your partner. Your doctor will reassure you that a miscarriage will not affect future pregnancies. This period can also be very difficult for your partner.
  • After three early miscarriages, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination to determine the cause.

Measures to prevent miscarriage in early pregnancy

Don't overwork yourself

Take frequent breaks from any work. Fatigue that suddenly hits you is associated with pregnancy. This is physiological fatigue that cannot be neglected. If the work you do is stressing you out, talk to your boss about changing your schedule. Rest as soon as possible, thinking about your child.

Avoid physical activity

Physical activity causes muscle contractions of the uterus, leading to the gradual detachment of the fertilized egg, which is still weakly attached to its wall.

From this point of view, it is better not to start moving during pregnancy. Inspecting various options, going up and down stairs, carrying suitcases and settling into a new place is associated with terrible fatigue. Wait to move until the beginning of the 3rd month.

Don't plan long trips either. The road is always tiring, and on the road there are often no basic conditions for observing the rules of personal hygiene, and it is difficult to follow the diet prescribed for pregnant women.

You found blood on your panties

Don't panic. Blood may appear in the case of a small crack in the anus or vaginal varicose veins. To understand the cause of the blood, blot these areas with a cotton swab. If traces of blood do not appear, this means that the bleeding is uterine.

Contact your gynecologist immediately. He can easily determine the cause and source of bleeding (vaginal or uterine).

  • Bleeding may be caused by infection. In this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment.
  • Blood may appear during the first 3 months of pregnancy on the days of the menstrual cycle on which you had your period.

You are bleeding and have pain in your lower abdomen

Call a doctor immediately and go to bed. A miscarriage is possible, but there may be other reasons.

While your breasts are dense and painful to the touch, while you are tormented by toxicosis, pregnancy continues. The doctor will prescribe you an antispasmodic drug and ask you to take a blood test to measure human chorionic hormones.
You will then have an ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

From the end of the 3rd week, the embryo is already clearly visible. A registered heartbeat also confirms pregnancy.

If the cervix is ​​not closed by the mucus plug, the doctor will prescribe complete bed rest. If the fetus is developing normally, then after taking precautions, all the symptoms that worry you will disappear.
An ultrasound will help determine the cause of bleeding.

Resorption of the second ovum

It happens that next to the developing fertilized egg there is another, smaller one with an embryo whose heartbeat is not recorded. We are talking about a twin fertilized egg, which for unknown reasons has stopped developing and is gradually being absorbed. After its disappearance, the healthy egg continues to develop normally.

Empty ("white") egg

It may happen that during an ultrasound examination, an empty amniotic sac with minor cell remains will be visible on the display screen inside the uterus. In all likelihood, for some reason the pregnancy was interrupted and the fertilized egg is degenerating.

Location of the placenta

If the placenta is located low enough, not far from the internal os of the uterus, then during uterine contractions slight bleeding from the placenta is possible. In such cases, no special measures need to be taken. A good rest is necessary.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Abnormal embryo development

Miscarriages most often occur in the first three months of pregnancy. Most of them (70%) occur at the end of the second month. The cause may be genetic disturbances in the normal development of the embryo, leading to its self-destruction. Such a miscarriage is considered a “lucky accident” - not the birth of a child with deformities.

Underdeveloped uterus

If the uterine cavity is too narrow, then the rapidly developing embryo becomes trapped. In this case, bleeding appears before the expulsion of the fertilized egg. Such a miscarriage can occur in the first pregnancy, but does not threaten subsequent ones.

Hormonal disorders

A poorly developed corpus luteum produces insufficient amounts of hormones that support pregnancy. They are not enough until the 4th month of pregnancy, that is, until the moment when the already sufficiently developed placenta takes over this function.


Toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage.

According to statistics, out of 100 pregnancies, 15–20 end in miscarriages. Most often this happens when the woman does not yet know about her situation. But if the expectant mother is already aware that conception has occurred, then a miscarriage becomes a terrible loss for her. Therefore, information regarding miscarriage will be useful both to those who are at the planning stage and to women already expecting a baby. Knowing the causes and symptoms of spontaneous abortion in the early stages, you can prevent the threat of losing a child, as well as avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage (spontaneous or spontaneous abortion) is the rejection of the fetus by the mother’s body for reasons beyond her control for up to 28 weeks.

Statistics of pregnancy rates among women in Russia

There are three types of spontaneous abortion (depending on the period at which the miscarriage occurred).

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy (up to 3 weeks). For unknown reasons, the embryo detaches from the walls of the uterus and comes out along with blood clots. Bleeding at these times is in most cases perceived as the beginning of menstruation, since the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.
  2. Early miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy occurs before the third trimester.
  3. Premature birth, or late miscarriage. The reasons may be various pathologies of the fetus, circulatory disorders, gestosis in the mother, etc. In most cases, with a miscarriage in the later stages, the child can be saved.

In each period of pregnancy, there are periods during which the threat of miscarriage is most likely. The highest risk of losing a baby occurs in the first month after conception, especially from 14 to 21 days.

In addition, you need to be extremely careful during the following periods: 8–12, 16–20, 28–32 weeks. During these periods, a woman should rest more, avoid stress, listen to her feelings and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

If signs of an incipient miscarriage are detected, a woman should immediately seek qualified medical help. Timely measures taken increase the chances of maintaining the pregnancy and a successful delivery on time.

Threat of miscarriage - how to maintain pregnancy (video)


Miscarriages are divided into several types:

  1. Inevitable (incomplete). He is accompanied by severe pain, covering the lower back and lower abdomen. Accompanied by cervical dilatation and uterine bleeding. A miscarriage is considered inevitable when a rupture of the membranes forms and the internal os of the uterus opens. Continuous pain and discharge are signs of an incomplete miscarriage.
  2. Complete - spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in which the embryo or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. After complete cleansing of the organs, pain, spasms and bleeding disappear. Surgery is rarely required.
  3. Failed miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. The dead fetus remains in the uterus; at first, no symptoms are observed. Most often it is diagnosed at a routine appointment with a gynecologist or by ultrasound. Surgery is mandatory.
  4. Repeated miscarriage. Happens in about one in a hundred couples. When a woman has three pregnancies in a row end in arbitrary termination in the early stages.
  5. Anembryony. Fertilization and attachment of the egg occurs, upon examination, an enlargement of the uterus is observed, a fertilized egg is formed, and other symptoms of pregnancy are also present. But the fetus either does not develop or dies at the initial stage.
  6. Chorioadenoma. Develops due to genetic disorders. In place of the amniotic sac, just a piece of tissue is formed, which gradually increases in size.

If these conditions are diagnosed early, the woman must undergo an abortion for medical reasons.

Features in the early stages

In most cases, complete or incomplete miscarriages occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

  1. With a complete miscarriage, the uterus rejects the fetus completely, along with the waters and amniotic sac.
  2. In the case of an incomplete miscarriage, most often only the embryo is rejected, and the amniotic membranes remain in the uterine cavity. The embryo can come out either completely or partially.

To avoid the serious consequences of an incomplete miscarriage, the woman is cleaned and also prescribed hemostatic, hormonal, antibacterial medications that cause uterine contractions.

After cleaning, it is imperative to perform an ultrasound to make sure that there are no blood clots or fetal tissue left, and that the uterine lining is being restored.


Most often, the causes of miscarriage are genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations that are incompatible with life. This is why some doctors prefer not to continue pregnancy until 12 weeks, arguing that this is due to natural selection. In some cases, abortion is offered for medical reasons.

If a woman is hospitalized for preservation, then in most cases doctors are able to prevent a miscarriage. In this case, if possible, a complete examination of the fetus is carried out for the presence of genetic abnormalities. And only then is a decision made on further tactics for managing the pregnancy or a referral to terminate it is issued.

The main causes of early miscarriage:

  1. Genetic defects:
    • anatomical (congenital and acquired malformations);
    • infectious (chronic endometritis);
    • genetic (structural or quantitative change in chromosomes);
    • endocrine;
    • thrombophilic;
    • immunological (autoimmune and alloimmune).
  2. Violation of hormone levels and thyroid function.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted infections.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, rubella, chickenpox, toxoplasmosis).
  5. Impaired blood flow between mother and child;
  6. Severe pathologies of the internal organs of the fetus.
  7. Bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  8. Stress, nervous tension.
  9. Physical activity, heavy lifting, injuries.
  10. History of abortion, scars on the uterus and abdominal cavity.
  11. Taking medications contraindicated during pregnancy.
  12. X-ray radiation.

The causes of early fetal rejection can also be attributed to a later period, although in the second and third trimesters, miscarriage is most often provoked by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or placenta.

Signs in the early stages

The following symptoms indicate a threat of miscarriage:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding (scarlet or brown discharge, spotting or heavy);
  • convulsions.

In the early stages, it is not always known about pregnancy, so the symptoms of a miscarriage can easily be mistaken for the beginning of a new menstruation. It is worth noting that there are secondary signs of spontaneous abortion that distinguish it from menstrual periods, in particular:

  • vomiting and frequent loose stools;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • bleeding alternating with mucus;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region.

If you know you are pregnant and even minor bleeding begins, you should urgently seek medical help.

There is such a thing as a frozen pregnancy, or a failed miscarriage. This is the cessation of fetal development and its death for up to 28 weeks. Signs of this condition:

  • absence of toxicosis;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • weakness.

In addition, the symptoms of a miscarriage may vary depending on the stage of its progress.

Symptoms depending on the stage of miscarriage (table)

Stage Clinical picture
State of threatened miscarriage

This stage is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. In some cases, spotting and spotting appears.

During the second stage of miscarriage, the pain becomes cramping, there is general weakness and dizziness. With every movement, the bleeding increases, and there are clots in the discharge.

Miscarriage in progress (or in progress)

Symptoms of miscarriage are a sharp pain that spreads throughout the abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and the release of the fertilized egg from the uterus. In some cases, a woman may see a small gray bubble in the discharge; most often this happens if the fetus died a few days before the development of the main symptoms.

Completed miscarriage (completed abortion)

The bleeding gradually becomes less intense, but spotting may continue for several days.

Timely diagnosis of the threat of miscarriage and the onset of spontaneous abortion (first and second stages) with adequate treatment leave a chance of saving the child. The next stages are irreversible and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Stages of spontaneous miscarriage (gallery)

Bleeding after spontaneous abortion can last from 4 to 10 days Some time later, the fertilized egg and placenta are expelled from the uterus Clinical picture of a miscarriage: bleeding, accompanied by spasm and pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region

Spontaneous abortion or menstruation?

It is possible to determine that a pregnancy has been terminated and that another menstruation has not occurred by monitoring the level of hCG in the blood and measuring basal body temperature.

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature, which is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.


Even a completely healthy woman is not immune from spontaneous miscarriage. It is not always possible to detect genetic mutations, hereditary or chronic diseases, which often manifest themselves during pregnancy.

But you can follow simple rules that will allow you to conceive a healthy child and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Among them:

  • moderate and healthy eating, weight control;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • elimination of stress and overload;
  • frequent and long walks in the fresh air;
  • gymnastics or physical education classes;
  • complete rest;
  • routine examinations with a doctor.

After an early miscarriage, a woman should undergo a full examination, treatment, and only with the permission of a doctor begin planning a new pregnancy.

According to statistics, 2 out of 10 pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being while carrying a child. If specific symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately. Timely diagnosis and treatment will preserve your pregnancy and minimize the risks of its termination.

In this article:

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life. But it is not always destined to end with the birth of a child. Sometimes the body itself decides to expel the emerging life from the female womb. In most cases, miscarriage occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy - in the first trimester. But why and how does a miscarriage happen? There are many reasons - from bad habits of the mother to chromosomal pathologies in the fetus.

According to statistics, every fifth pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion. To avoid this, a woman should know the symptoms and signs of miscarriage, as well as what to do if she finds herself in a similar situation.

How does pathology develop?

How does a miscarriage occur is a question that worries every woman who is faced with the threat of miscarriage. The body rejects the fetus as a result of the influence of negative factors. It is excreted from the uterus either completely, which is typical in the first weeks of pregnancy, or partially. Often, women completely overlooked the symptoms of miscarriage, not noticing their condition.

Depending on the cause, for example, the presence of an acute infectious-inflammatory process in the body (flu, rubella, etc.), the immune system begins to show aggression towards the developing pregnancy, which can result in a miscarriage. The formation of a connection between the mother and the unborn child is disrupted, it ceases to function, and the fetus is deprived of support and nutrition.

As a result, the fertilized egg is rejected from the lining of the uterus and comes out of it along with bleeding. Depending on the mechanism of development of a miscarriage, experts determine its causes.

Types of miscarriages

Let's look at the main ones:

  • Incomplete miscarriage , also called inevitable. In this case, the woman notes pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, which is accompanied by bleeding and dilation of the cervix. If we are talking about an inevitable miscarriage, then in this case the membranes have ruptured. For an incomplete miscarriage, the symptoms of pain and bleeding are constant.
  • Complete miscarriage means that the fertilized egg or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. In such a situation, bleeding may stop on its own, like other symptoms.
  • Failed miscarriage . The embryo or fetus dies, but remains in the uterine cavity. Usually this condition is called frozen pregnancy, and it is discovered accidentally during a routine ultrasound examination or examination by a gynecologist.
  • Anembryony . Despite the fusion of the sex cells of a man and a woman, the fetus does not begin its development in the uterus. In this condition, signs of pregnancy may be observed and even the gestational sac and corpus luteum can be diagnosed using ultrasound, but the child is absent from it; curettage is necessary, as after a miscarriage.
  • Repeated miscarriage is diagnosed in a woman if she has had at least three spontaneous abortions one after another. This disorder occurs rarely, in no more than 1% of families. Usually it is included in the group of consequences after a miscarriage.
  • Chorioadenoma . This disorder is also preceded by fertilization, but during it, the chromosomal information is broken, and instead of an embryo, tissues develop in the uterus, which grow and increase in volume over time. The pathology may end spontaneously as a miscarriage, or it may require cleaning of the uterine cavity.


About 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Most often, this happens at a time when the woman herself does not yet know about her situation. But this can also happen to those who were planning a pregnancy and managed to rejoice at its onset. Why is this happening?

The reasons for miscarriage in early pregnancy (mainly before the 12th week, since the first trimester is the decisive point in this matter) will be as follows:

  • Chromosomal problems in the fetus . Experts believe that in approximately 73% of cases, pregnancy is terminated solely due to genetic disorders. At the same time, chromosomal mutations are not always inherited at the genetic level; their occurrence can be influenced by negative environmental factors, for example, radiation, viruses and much more. It is believed that in this case the pregnancy is terminated according to the type of natural selection, that is, initially such an embryo is not viable. Therefore, we are talking about a condition such as micro-miscarriage, which occurs much earlier than at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Many women do not even know that they were pregnant, perceiving unexpectedly heavy periods as a menstrual disorder.
  • Hormonal disorders . Fluctuations in hormonal levels in the early stages of pregnancy often lead to its termination. Usually the culprit is progesterone, a hormone aimed at supporting pregnancy. If the problem is detected in time, the fetus can be saved. Spontaneous abortion can also be provoked by an excess of male hormones - androgens, which inhibit the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. This usually leads to multiple, repeating miscarriages.
  • Immunological problems . Most often they occur in the blood of the mother and fetus. In this case, the child inherits the father’s Rh factor with a “+” sign, while the mother’s Rh factor is “-”. The woman’s immune system perceives the Rh-positive embryo as foreign bodies, beginning an active fight against them.
  • Infections . The causative agents of cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia and other pathogenic bacteria and viruses infect the membranes and the fetus itself in the uterine cavity, causing miscarriage. To avoid this, you need to prepare for pregnancy and promptly treat any infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. Common infectious diseases are also fraught with a threat to the development of the fetus, these include influenza, rubella, etc. All these diseases occur with intoxication damage to the woman’s body and a strong increase in body temperature, which can cause spontaneous abortion.
  • Past abortions . This is not just a medical procedure aimed at removing the fetus and membranes from the uterus. This is also a serious stress for a woman’s body, which can lead to complications. For example, dysfunctional ovarian dysfunction, changes in adrenal function, inflammatory phenomena in the reproductive system. In the future, all this leads to infertility and problems with carrying subsequent pregnancies.
  • Taking medications and medicinal plants . Almost all pills and other medications are dangerous in the first trimester, as the fetus is actively developing. Most drugs provoke malformations of the fetus or disrupt the formation of the placenta, all of which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Tablets that can cause miscarriage, for example, at 12 weeks - hormonal drugs, narcotic analgesics, etc. Not only medicine can cause a miscarriage, but also some medicinal herbs that are quite harmless at first glance - mint, parsley, nettle, tansy and much more.
  • Stress . Any mental shock is dangerous for pregnancy. If you cannot avoid stress, it is important to seek help from a specialist to prevent the possibility of miscarriage.
  • Bad habits . Alcohol abuse, smoking, and drug addiction can cause early pregnancy termination. If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong child, she must give up bad habits at the stage of planning conception and ask her partner about it.
  • Excessive exercise . Violent sexual intercourse, falling, lifting heavy objects sometimes become a trigger for miscarriage. Pregnancy is a time when you need to take the utmost care of your own health.


What symptoms occur during a miscarriage? The first sign is abdominal pain, which is soon followed by spotting. Painful sensations are not always localized in the lower abdomen; many women note that it radiates most intensely to the sacral area.

Discharge from the genital tract can be different, varying in color and intensity. But their detection, in any case, requires consultation with a doctor. Light spotting may indicate a threat of miscarriage and the possibility of saving the pregnancy. Profuse uterine bleeding, especially with tissue particles and clots, speaks for itself - the fetus has died, and cleaning is needed after a miscarriage.

These signs are typical for any stage of pregnancy, so it doesn’t matter at what week they appeared. It is more important to know what symptoms are characteristic of the loss of a child, and what measures need to be taken in this situation.

There are 4 stages of miscarriage, let's look at them briefly:

  1. Threatened miscarriage . A woman complains of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There may be slight bleeding from the vagina. In this case, the pregnancy can still be saved.
  2. Incipient miscarriage . The pain increases and becomes like contractions. The discharge intensifies. Weakness and dizziness appear. The chances of saving the fetus are minimal.
  3. Miscarriage in progress . The pain intensifies and the bleeding is significant. Fetal death at this stage is obvious. The fetus may leave the uterus completely with bloody discharge, or it may require cleaning after a miscarriage.
  4. Completed miscarriage . The fetus and its membranes are expelled, and the uterus contracts after a miscarriage. The bleeding stops. It is necessary to perform an ultrasound to determine the condition of the uterus and the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg.

When does a miscarriage occur?

Typically, pregnancy is terminated in the first trimester due to the fact that the fetus is not viable. More often this happens during the expected onset of menstruation, and then the woman may not even know that she was pregnant. If this happens later, the fertilized egg rarely comes out completely; vacuum cleaning of the uterus is necessary after a miscarriage.

It is much less common for a pregnancy to be terminated in the second trimester. This condition is called late miscarriage.


Diagnosing a miscarriage is not difficult for a specialist. The doctor examines the patient on a gynecological chair, determining whether the size of the uterus corresponds to the duration of pregnancy, the presence of tone, the condition of the cervix and the nature of the discharge. For a final assessment of the woman’s condition, an ultrasound is prescribed. With its help, the specialist sees the localization of the fertilized egg, the presence of detachment or its complete absence.

Based on the diagnostic examination, subsequent treatment tactics are decided. If the pregnancy can be saved, the woman is sent to the hospital. If we are talking about fetal death, the patient needs cleaning after a miscarriage and treatment.

Is it possible to independently determine that there was a miscarriage?

Determine for yourself that a miscarriage is occurring , it is difficult if the pregnancy is short and the woman did not know anything about it; it’s another matter if spontaneous abortion occurred later, for example, at 12 weeks. In this case, the woman simply cannot miss the symptoms associated with the death and expulsion of the fetus. This situation requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, as cleaning will be required after a miscarriage.


Therapeutic measures depend entirely on the results of ultrasound and the clinical manifestations of the pathology. When a miscarriage threatens and has begun, the woman is prescribed treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

If the fertilized egg detaches and bleeding begins, then the pregnancy has already been terminated, and cleaning or curettage is necessary after a miscarriage.

For a miscarriage at a later stage, for example, at 28 weeks, means are needed to contract the uterus and artificially induce contractions (Oxytocin). After expulsion of the fetus, so that the uterus contracts better and bleeding decreases, an ice pack is placed on the woman’s stomach.

Treatment after a miscarriage does not end there. A woman must undergo an examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion: pelvic ultrasound, diagnosis of infections, hormones, cytogenetic examination of the ovum, etc. For up to 6 months, the woman is prescribed oral contraceptives to restore the reproductive system and prevent unwanted pregnancy, since sex soon after a miscarriage may lead to a repeat situation. The body needs to be given time to get stronger.

Complications after miscarriage

Complications after a miscarriage are often associated with the fact that the situation may recur. Therefore, it is important to undergo rehabilitation and find out why the failure occurred and when you can get pregnant again.

If treatment after a miscarriage is ineffective, a woman may experience the following complications:

  • development of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system with subsequent chronicization of the process into endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, adhesions, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems with conception and secondary infertility.

In addition, frequent consequences after a miscarriage - extreme stress, depression, psychological experiences of a failed mother.


It is impossible to prevent a miscarriage at 12 or any other week of pregnancy due to genetic factors - it is impossible to influence genetics. But every woman who wants to have children can adjust her lifestyle and take care of her health.

So, how to minimize the likelihood of miscarriage and complications after it:

  • plan your pregnancy in advance, while adjusting your diet, giving up bad habits, undergoing examinations and treatment;
  • after the onset of pregnancy, direct all efforts to preserve it, for example, timely diagnosis if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • avoid stress, physical and psycho-emotional fatigue, visit the gynecologist on time.

Since complications after a miscarriage can be serious, it is recommended to plan a new pregnancy six months after the miscarriage. At this time, doctors advise using hormonal contraceptives, which allow the body to recover faster.

According to statistics, sex after a miscarriage already on the twelfth day of the cycle can lead to a new pregnancy. Some women take advantage of this, wanting to quickly forget a failed pregnancy. Thus, they expose themselves to a new blow, because the weakened body can again reject the fetus. There is no need to rush, only time and effort will help set up the reproductive system to expect a child.

Useful video about early miscarriage

An early miscarriage can quickly put an end to all the happy plans of future parents. It is not always possible to avoid such developments, but the expectant mother has the opportunity to reduce the threat of spontaneous abortion to a minimum.

Embryo rejection process

Spontaneous abortion in the first trimester occurs most painlessly both from the point of view of physiology and for the mental state of the woman. Often, a failed mother learns about an interesting situation after a spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs as follows. Rejection of the fertilized egg begins with pain in the lower abdomen, comparable to the condition during menstruation. Bleeding gradually develops. The discharge is much more abundant than during normal menstruation. At the final stage, a large clot comes out, similar to a bubble of blood.

Even the rapid cessation of bleeding and the absence of pain are grounds for immediate medical attention. Such measures will help avoid possible complications. If some of the detached tissue remains in the uterus, the patient needs to undergo cleaning.

Types of pathology

Depending on the moment when spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurred after conception, there are four types of miscarriage:

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy. The embryo, which is only a clot of cells, is separated from the surface of the uterine epithelium. The patient begins to experience spotting, which differs from typical menstruation in that it begins with a slight delay. Usually the phenomenon occurs before the third week from the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Early miscarriage, occurring before 12 weeks. At this time, the developing fertilized egg is small in size and leaves the woman’s body with virtually no consequences.
  3. Late miscarriage, occurring between 12 and 22 weeks. Despite the fact that the limbs and most of the internal organs are practically formed, there is no chance to save the baby.
  4. Premature birth. Starting from the sixth month, if the child was able to gain at least 0.5 kg of weight, there is a chance to save a small life. Premature newborns usually require resuscitation and long-term rehabilitation.

Termination of fetal life does not necessarily occur due to spontaneous rejection. Sometimes a pregnant woman needs help to provoke an early miscarriage. Such a measure is necessary when the child is obviously not viable, but the patient’s body, for a certain reason, has not performed the abortive function. There are several main indications for medical termination of pregnancy:

  1. Chorioadenoma is a violation of the normal development of the embryo, when the fertilized egg does not develop into a full-fledged organism. As a result, a clot of undifferentiated cells forms in the uterus, gradually increasing in size like a tumor.
  2. Anembryony. Pregnancy actually ends before the embryo is formed, in the early stages. The process usually ends in the death of the fetus in the first month, but sometimes the help of doctors is required.
  3. Frozen pregnancy (failed miscarriage). It is asymptomatic and can only be diagnosed by ultrasound. Without the help of a surgeon, there is a serious danger to the mother's life.

Reasons for unfavorable outcome

There are many reasons for the spontaneous death of an embryo in the first trimester, but not everything can be controlled and prevented. Often a woman can only accept it and try to get pregnant again.

A whole range of causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy are determined by genetics. These include congenital disorders of the mother’s organ systems, leading to the inability to carry a child to term normally, and hormonal imbalances that provoke rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterus.

The father's genetics has a significant influence on the outcome of the event. If, during the process of joining germ cells, a defective gene is detected in one of the 23 chromosomes, incompatibility occurs between the DNA chains of the parents, and the mother’s body sometimes decides to interrupt the development of the embryo.

A similar situation is possible in case of a conflict of the Rh factor of the blood. A negative protein level in the mother and a positive one in the father forces the woman’s immune system to identify the embryo as a foreign body/tumor and actively fight it. In such a case, only medical intervention will help save the life of the fetus.

External factors that can cause miscarriage have a detrimental effect on the health of the mother and unborn child:

  1. Infections. They provoke the cessation of vital activity of the embryo, even if the reproductive system is not affected. If the mother's body temperature rises above 38 °C, the risk of rejection of the fertilized egg increases significantly. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, chickenpox, a number of sexually transmitted infections and other diseases in the event of a certain set of circumstances do not leave the fetus a chance of survival.
  2. Pathologies and damage to the uterus. The presence of scars and seams on the surface of the epithelium of the internal genital organs can lead to rejection of the fertilized egg. This condition of the reproductive system is often a consequence of numerous abortions and a number of diseases.
  3. Treatment with methods contraindicated during pregnancy. Typically, bleeding and rejection of the fertilized egg begins in cases where the woman is unaware of her situation.
  4. Lifestyle. Many pregnant women constantly have to deal with high physical and psychological stress. These events do not pass without leaving a trace and often lead to spontaneous abortion. Having bad habits greatly aggravates the situation.

At later stages, most of the listed factors also play a significant role in the development of an unfavorable outcome. But spontaneous abortions soon after conception are dangerous - the girl does not know about her situation and does not have time to register with the antenatal clinic. Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy go unnoticed, and treatment is prescribed when it is no longer possible to change the situation.

Symptoms of spontaneous abortion

In order to respond to alarming symptoms in time and save the life of the unborn child, a pregnant woman must closely monitor her health. The beginning of the process of embryo rejection is most easily determined by bloody discharge from the vagina. Weak smears without pain in the first weeks after conception are normal in most cases. But if the blood flows more and more, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

The process occurs in four stages. Each of them is accompanied by certain signs and symptoms, which are an alarm bell for the mother and a reason to contact an antenatal clinic as soon as possible:

  1. Threat of embryo death. This is the first stage, which begins with mild pain in the lower back. It is often accompanied by fever, as during inflammatory diseases, and mild bleeding. Timely provision of medical care and compliance with medical recommendations gives a chance to save the baby’s life.
  2. The beginning of rejection. Pain and bleeding increase. Signs of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy appear especially clearly during active physical activity. Gradually, the pain takes on the character of contractions, reminiscent of the process of childbirth. The pregnant woman feels weak and dizzy due to heavy bleeding. This moment is the last chance to prevent the death of the baby.
  3. Miscarriage is in progress. The fetus dies. Due to severe hemorrhage, it leaves the uterus partially or completely.
  4. Accomplished miscarriage. The patient's body returns to its pre-fertilization state. The uterus contracts and the menstrual cycle resumes.

Upon completion of the fourth stage, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination to exclude the possibility of preservation of the membranes in the uterine cavity. If the symptoms of the pathology were ignored, in the future the woman risks facing its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases and infertility.

Useful materials on the topic:

Spontaneous abortion is not only a psychological event and a disappointment, but also a signal about the presence of problems in the body of a woman or her partner. The patient needs to undergo mandatory examination for two reasons:

  1. Every tenth case of miscarriage is accompanied by serious consequences for the health of the failed mother. In addition to possible inflammation due to the decomposition of the remnants of the fertilized egg inside the uterus, the patient sometimes experiences high body temperature, cramps and nausea for several days.
  2. Examination of fetal tissue will help determine the cause of death and help prevent it during subsequent conception. Knowing who is to blame and what to do in a given situation makes it easier to cope with the feeling of loss and move on.

Usually in the first trimester the process occurs without serious consequences and does not require specialized help. But if pain in the lower abdomen begins to bother you or your periods are particularly severe and unpleasant, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

In the absence of contraindications, some time after treatment and restoration of reproductive function, it is allowed to continue trying to get pregnant. It is necessary to remember the danger of repeated miscarriage and take the necessary preventive measures in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.


The loss of a long-awaited baby negatively affects not only reproductive functions, but also the mental state of the patient, leading to depression and fear of repeated failure. The best way out in this situation would be to seek help from a qualified psychologist. A specialist will help you understand your feelings and get through the situation without lasting consequences.

But the rehabilitation procedures do not end there. After undergoing the examination, it is important to identify the cause of the unfavorable outcome. Depending on it, a further set of measures is predetermined to prevent a similar situation in the future:

  1. Congenital pathologies. Miscarriage is a consequence of a weakened state of the female genital organs, including the cervix. The reason for this development of events turns out to be one of the structural features of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman. The pathology must be eliminated and corrected by any available methods if a complete cure is not possible.
  2. Genetic factor. Some combinations of parental genes are considered by the pregnant woman to be incapable of development due to the large number of mutated DNA sections. Often artificial insemination and a search for a new sexual partner are required. In such cases, it is said that the failed parents are genetically incompatible.
  3. Immunological reasons. Considering the sensitivity of the body after fertilization to the effects of bacteria, fungi and viruses, it is better to undergo a full examination in advance and get rid of diseases. In the future, it is worth preparing in advance for the war against infections, observing hygiene standards, strengthening the immune system and using exclusively medications that are safe for the embryo at the first signs of the birth of a new life.
  4. Lifestyle. The developing fetus is sensitive to the condition of the mother. Nervous and mental fatigue, bad habits that lead to spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages can provoke a second one. The only decision is to make a choice between a career and the birth of a baby. The expectant mother needs to rest, change jobs, and sometimes she needs the help of a psychologist.

Once the underlying cause is identified and eliminated, the symptoms of the problem usually no longer bother the woman. But it’s better to worry about your own health and take preventive measures, as the test will show the coveted two stripes.

Prevention of pathology

Prevention of spontaneous abortions is based on two main principles: strengthening the body and eliminating external factors that provoke a threat. One of the best recommendations for girls is not to practice unjustified termination of pregnancy with the help of doctors and medications. Such artificial interference in the activity of the reproductive system has a detrimental effect on the reproduction of offspring in the future.

It is necessary to prepare for reconception in advance; it usually takes about six months. During this time, it is recommended to restore your health and take care of getting rid of bad habits. Don’t forget about a healthy, balanced diet; a proper diet will help reduce the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in the first trimester.

It is equally important to think about the emotional side of the issue in advance. Mood swings, stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalances should not have a detrimental effect on bearing the long-awaited baby. Knowledge of the main nuances of the process and a conscious choice in favor of conception strengthens the mother’s peace of mind and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Otherwise, a woman should choose those measures that will help prevent miscarriage. The main assistants in such a situation should be a loving husband and a competent antenatal clinic specialist who can notice the danger in time and suggest how to save the baby’s life.

A desired pregnancy is joy, the meaning of life. But not all pregnancies end positively. In some situations, it happens that the body rejects a new life, usually this happens in the first weeks of pregnancy, that is, abortion occurs in the early stages.

If you look at the statistics, miscarriage occurs in about 20% of women, some of them do not even suspect that they are pregnant. From a medical point of view, a miscarriage is a natural termination of pregnancy that occurs no later than 22 weeks.

According to the dynamics there are early and late:

  • an abortion that has begun;
  • complete or incomplete;
  • threatening;
  • non-developing pregnancy.

Probability of miscarriage by week

There are critical periods during pregnancy when pregnancy is at risk. The first trimester is the most vulnerable , because the fetus is still developing:

How does an interrupt occur?

As mentioned above, many women do not even realize that they are pregnant, and nothing bothers them at all. While waiting for her period to start, the girl simply notices that she is late, and after that her period begins, but it comes more heavily and with pain.

In some cases, a miscarriage is characterized only by pain in the lower abdomen, as well as heavy bleeding, but the woman does not turn to a specialist if it ends quickly.

If your period does come despite a delay, it passes very painfully, and one day a blood clot comes out . In this case, we can already say for sure that a miscarriage occurred. If you look at the clot, it will look like a burst bubble. This phenomenon scares many women. After it comes out, you need to consult a gynecologist, because you may need cleaning. After this, it is better not to get pregnant for a while; it will also be useful to know how to survive an early miscarriage.

Sometimes a woman encounters this problem several times in a row (two or more). Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage. The main reasons include the following factors:

Medical reasons or women's health problems:

Signs of early miscarriage

There are several main points when termination of pregnancy does not occur at once. In some cases it can be stopped. How to prevent the threat of miscarriage in the early stages will be described below.

So, the first symptoms of interruption can be any pain that is accompanied by red or brown discharge. That is why you should not skip scheduled doctor visits and tests.

Main stages of miscarriage:

  • The risk of spontaneous abortion - this can happen at any stage, which is why very often women have to be kept in confinement. It is characterized by pain in the abdomen and back, as well as bleeding.
  • The second stage is the most serious - the beginning of a miscarriage. At this time, the fertilized egg exfoliates from the walls of the uterus. Doctors believe that at this stage it is possible to save the pregnancy with surgery.
  • If a miscarriage is already on the way, then there is no way to save the fetus. The fertilized egg dies immediately, and the cervix is ​​open - this is called an incomplete miscarriage. Cleaning is required.
  • Spontaneous abortion is the last stage, and nothing can be done. Contraction of the uterus causes miscarriage.

Subsequent treatment

In order to avoid any consequences, it is very important to comply with the doctor’s requirements:

  • carefully monitor the discharge from the genital tract; in case of changes, immediately go for a consultation;
  • measure body temperature: if it rises, this may indicate inflammation in the body;
  • wash the genitals with antiseptic solutions twice a day.

To improve hormonal levels, a specialist may prescribe medications: COCs (Lindinet, Logest). Birth control pills prevent re-pregnancy. Doctors can also prescribe Cifran as an anti-inflammatory drug.