A wonderful gift for the new year. What to give for the new year to men and women? Souvenir with a touch of romance

On the eve of the most fabulous holiday, when everything around takes on a magical meaning, store shelves are teeming with all kinds of gifts and souvenirs, and with liquidation prices, all kinds of promotions and discounts, the festive fuss reigns everywhere. You involuntarily begin to think about the most important thing, of course, about gifts for relatives and friends. It is very popular to give handmade gifts: this makes them especially important. Our rating is dedicated to those who are currently considering what gift to make for the New Year to relatives and friends.

When buying New Year's gifts, consider practicality, relevance, value for money, and of course, the taste and interests of your family. Here are the Top 10 Best New Year Gift Ideas 2019-2020.

Our rating of top gifts is closed - New Year's souvenirs. As the song says - "New Year's toys, candles and crackers ...". So it is, the New Year is accompanied by colorful attributes and a cheerful mood. Musical and water balls, Christmas baskets, decorative figurines of Santa Claus and more, New Year's luminous decorations, tinsel, a variety of pendant toys, including hand-made ones, for the Christmas tree.

Decorative, musical and moving Christmas trees, led-lit snowflakes, porcelain figurines, as well as photo magnets and photo frames, and much more. The choice of New Year's souvenirs, without exaggeration, is inexhaustible, you should stock up on time and patience and go on New Year's shopping.


  • Huge selection;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price.


  • Takes time.

It is best for girls to give cosmetic or perfume sets, which include: gels, shampoos, soaps, creams, peels and other cosmetic products, which in any case will find their use and will be a great addition to the New Year's excellent mood.

Guys and men can pick up a set with flasks, glasses and a Stalinist mouthpiece. Parents can be presented with terry bathrobes, in which they will feel warm and good. Children can be presented with sets of toys, designers, puzzles, etc., they are delighted with this.


  • Actual;
  • Huge selection;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price.


  • Takes time.

10. Thermos and thermo mugs with holiday symbols

Again, from a number of practical gifts, an indispensable attribute for the whole year. In addition to practicality, thermal mugs are very popular today among the younger generation, who carry them with them: to classes, to concerts, etc. In order to guarantee a warm year, you can pick up or order a personalized version of a thermo mug or thermos, or with the image of the symbol of the year - a cute and faithful dog.


  • Actual;
  • Huge selection;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price;


9. Flash drive

A flash drive is a very relevant, practical, functional and extraordinary gift, with a choice. But we propose to go further by making a memorable and personal present out of an original and practical gift. To do this, you just need to purchase a flash drive of the required shape, size and material and engrave the name of the lucky recipient, thus, a personal and exclusive gift, which will definitely be delighted, is ready.

You can choose a flash drive of the desired volume, today the most relevant are 32 GB and 64 GB of memory, the most interesting forms are a flash drive in the form of a key, a credit card, etc.


  • Actual;
  • original;
  • Possibility of choice;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price.


Painting on canvas is a gift that can surprise, delight and even express feelings. The choice of a painting, of course, imposes responsibility, it is better to give preference to neutral drawings, not too large: for example, a summer landscape, an image of a quiet lake, dawn (I prefer sunrises and the beginning of the day) or sunset.


  • Actual;
  • original;
  • Possibility of choice.


  • Price.

Knitted scarves, mittens, hats, socks, a phone case, and even a kind of "case" for a cup are ideal New Year's gifts that will certainly be appreciated. These gifts create a cozy atmosphere, filling the winter evenings with warmth. Knitted attributes will warm, delight both children and adults. It is interesting that this category of gifts can be made with your own hands, while choosing the color and thickness of the yarn, experimenting, creating an exclusive.


  • You can do it yourself;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price.


6. Book

As you know, there are three types of gifts: good, bad and the best gift is a book. Note that the success of this gift will depend on how responsibly and ingeniously you treat his choice. Creativity will also play an important role. Everything is much simpler if you know the taste and literary preferences of the recipient of this gift. If not, then it is better to pick up something from the classics, it will be interesting to purchase an old book from an antique store, cookbooks have always been in fashion.

An ideal option would be a collection of poems, as well as popular expressions of famous thinkers and philosophers. And, of course, do not forget about the beautiful design.


  • practical;
  • Always in fashion;
  • Affordable price;
  • Possibility of choice.


  • Takes time.

What do we all want in the dead of winter? Of course, warmth, as an evergreen exotic houseplant will remind you of. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, an original and attractive look, according to Feng Shui, a bamboo tree is considered a talisman that brings good luck, happiness and health to the house. Indoor bamboo is a perennial, if properly cared for, it will please the eye for a long time. Bamboo is also the strongest antidepressant, affects mental activity, absorbs unpleasant odors and purifies the air, neutralizing toxins.


  • Actual;
  • original;
  • Has useful properties;
  • Has healing properties;
  • Price;
  • Provides aesthetic pleasure.


  • Requires care.

New Year is impossible to imagine without a light, alcoholic drink that has become a symbol of this holiday. It is under the ringing of glasses of champagne and the chiming clock that it is customary to celebrate the New Year, and then with a bottle of champagne go to visit relatives and friends. For those who do not like champagne, you can stock up on wine, which will also warm you on a winter evening, and, of course, will cheer you up. An ideal New Year's present would be champagne with chocolate, of your own design, in a basket, in a box, etc., the festive decoration can be very different, based on your fantasies.


  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price;
  • Big choice.


One of the most popular gifts for the New Year is, of course, sweets and sweets, because the year must begin with a sweet and tasty one. Everyone loves sweets: this is the best New Year's gift for children, but adults are also not averse to pampering themselves with sweet chocolate, gingerbread with jam and honey.

During the New Year holidays, sweets have always been, are and will be in the top ranking. Sweets baked and decorated with their own hands are very original - for the new year it is customary to bake a gingerbread decorated New Year's house, or a smiling gingerbread man, which have long become symbols of the New Year and Christmas, these are the best New Year's sweet gifts.


  • You can do it yourself;
  • Practicality;
  • Affordable price;
  • Possibility of choice.


In our century, it is very important to put fancy gadgets under the Christmas tree for loved ones and loved ones. Today you really can’t do without them: whether it’s a smartphone, whether it’s a tablet. Before you buy a modern smartphone or tablet, be sure to read information about it in the relevant sources, as well as consumer reviews, etc.


  • Practicality;
  • Possibility of choice;
  • Warranty.


  • Price.

1. Jewelry

The most desired gifts for the New Year 2020, not only for women, but also for men, are jewelry. Men are not averse to receiving a New Year's gift in the form of branded cufflinks or a gold watch. Well, girls, respectively, as the song says - “girls' best friends are ...” prefer diamonds.


  • Actual;
  • Possibility of choice;
  • Warranty.


  • Price.

New Year is a family holiday, which means that you need to celebrate it in a family way with your family, give gifts for the New Year, please your loved ones, surrounding them with attention and care. And remember - the best New Year is an opportunity to get together, in the circle of your closest relatives and friends, and celebrate the arrival of the New Year, exchanging pleasant gifts and wishes. What gifts are you going to make?

New Year is perhaps the only holiday of the year, always shrouded in an atmosphere of fabulousness and mystery. This feeling is created largely due to the good tradition of mutual exchange of New Year's gifts.

Each of us tries to present at least a small souvenir to relatives, friends or colleagues on a festive night, receiving positive emotions and a joyful smile in return. At the same time, I really want the present to please and be useful to the recipient. Here are a few tips and ideas to help make choosing a gift easier.

What can not be given

Even if there is enough time to buy a gift, it is easy to succumb to the temptation and start sweeping away the tasteless New Year's baubles, made in the form of symbols of the upcoming year according to the Chinese calendar. It is better to refuse such a practice, especially since you can often buy something more meaningful for the cost of a banal souvenir - a good book, a small set of dishes. The only exception is the case when the gift is intended for a person who collects such items as a hobby.

Another group of gifts that should be avoided are perfumes and cosmetics, including decorative ones. Most likely, the future donor will not be able to choose the right fragrance or shade, and will not know for what type of skin or what hair creams, masks, lotions and other similar products will be required. For approximately the same reasons, you should not give clothes, especially underwear (unless, of course, the gift is intended for a close family member): the size can still be guessed occasionally, but preferences cannot. In both cases, a gift certificate will be a good alternative, the happy owner of which will be able to choose something to his taste.

Christmas gift ideas for loved ones

Choosing gifts for your family members is not as easy as it might seem. The thing is that in this case you have to fight the urge to give something practical, like another saucepan or a pair of good socks. We should not forget that the New Year is the time for the fulfillment of cherished desires, so forget about practicality and try to discreetly find out what the people around you want. It is convenient if loved ones for whom gifts are bought use wish lists: links to them can sometimes be found in profiles on social networks. If there is no wish list, then you should strain yourself and remember if there were any specific wishes regarding the gift - or even ask directly, and give exactly what was “ordered”.

The answer to the question of what to give a child will help you find Santa Claus. If your child still firmly believes in his existence, invite him to write a letter to the fabulous grandfather on his own or with the help of adults. Thus, you will find out what the baby wants most of all, and you will definitely be able to please with a gift. Young children most often dream about new toys, books, pets. Advanced teenagers will definitely like some modern gadget or a fashion item among young people.

There are a lot of ideas about what to give mom. Our closest people are accustomed to denying themselves in many ways in favor of the family, so the New Year is a great occasion to pamper mommy. Give her a certificate for a spa visit, tickets to a concert of your favorite artist, an interesting excursion, or any of the items that make everyday life easier.

The biggest confusion when buying New Year's gifts is the question of what to give a husband or what to give a wife. In this case, the following tips will help you navigate in the right direction:

Any man will be pleased to receive something related to his hobby. Even if you curse fishing, hunting or football 364 days a year, make an exception on New Year's Eve. Believe me, you yourself will get a lot of pleasure, watching how happy your husband is with a new spinning rod, a hunting flask or tickets for a football match.

If the spouse is a car enthusiast, then a win-win option would be to buy any accessories for his iron lady. What exactly to buy can be suggested by the husband's friends or employees of the station where he services the car.

It's much easier with women. As a rule, long before the holiday, they themselves hint at the desired gift in various ways. The main thing is to notice the hint in time. If, on the eve of the New Year, the wife began to complain that her favorite perfume was running out, or instead of a friend, she began to take you shopping for various reasons, pestering you with the question “how do you like this dress (earrings, ring, etc.)”, is a direct call to action. Remember - ladies are never enough dresses, jewelry and cosmetics.

Original gifts for the New Year

It often happens that the person who wants to give a gift is wealthy, and it is difficult to surprise him with material things. Especially if the donor does not have large funds.

There is a very good way out of this situation - give vivid impressions or memories!

You can make a gift with your own hands

Select photos that reflect the most pleasant and joyful moments in a person's life and arrange them in a beautiful photo book, collage, or mount and burn a slide show to disk. A variety of gift certificates will also come in handy. For example, a certificate for a parachute jump or a breathtaking flight in a hot air balloon.

Secret Santa Rules

In a large team, a game called "Secret Santa" will help to make the traditional procedure of presenting gifts more exciting and fun. It will definitely bring an element of festive mystery to the corporate party.

The essence and rules of the game are as follows. A few weeks before the New Year, all employees get together, write their names on identical pieces of paper and put them in some kind of container. After that, the contents of the vessel are mixed, and each of the workers pulls out one leaf with a name. According to the terms of the game, he is obliged to make a gift to a colleague whose name is written on a piece of paper. The purchased present is not handed over personally, but signed and placed under the corporate Christmas tree. Thus, an exciting intrigue is preserved, because the person who received the gift can only guess who it is from. This way of presenting gifts is also suitable for a large family or company.

How to wrap a gift beautifully

Gift wrapping is just as important as the present itself, as even the sight of beautifully wrapped boxes creates a festive mood and gives anticipation of something special. This issue should be approached creatively. For example, to have fun and keep the intrigue longer, a small present can be packed in a huge box or you can use several boxes of different sizes inserted one into the other. In the design itself, traditional New Year's colors are welcome - white, red, green, as well as various symbols of the upcoming holiday in the form of snowflakes, sledges, deer, snowmen and other paraphernalia. Don't forget to include a small card with warm wishes in the box.

The editors of the site advise you to take the choice of New Year's gifts responsibly, and then you will get no less portion of pleasure than from receiving them!
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Friends, hello everyone! Now people are used to exchanging gifts for any occasion and holiday. Although it is not known exactly when this tradition appeared, experts say that even in ancient Egypt, people congratulated each other and gave something in honor of an important event, including the New Year. Today it is much easier to choose a gift, because the assortment in stores is so large that anyone can choose the right present, regardless of taste and wallet. Believe me, inexpensive gifts for the New Year can be original, necessary, beautiful and interesting.

Of course, it is important to present a New Year's gift correctly: consider who exactly you will give it to and, depending on this, choose the right thing.

Also, do not forget about the design. An ideal gift for the New Year should be either in a bundle “under the Christmas tree” - a tradition familiar to us since childhood, or in a Christmas stocking or in Santa Claus's bag.

By the way, the bag does not have to be as big as the character's.

Inexpensive sweet gifts for the new year

Children of any age will be pleased to receive a set of sweets for such a holiday, so the tradition of giving children sweet bags or boxes has been going on since kindergarten.

At the same time, you can buy a ready-made gift set (among them there are quite inexpensive ones) or you can make it yourself. New Year 2019, Year of the Pig, you can prepare a backpack with sweets.

To do this, you need to collect various sweets (sweets, lollipops, bars, etc.) in a New Year's box or a specially designed tight bag.

If desired, you can put a New Year greeting card, a toy or a figurine with the symbol of the year there.

From sweet gifts are welcome:

  • Bouquets of sweets or chocolates;
  • Chocolate postcards;
  • Gingerbread house;
  • Chocolate medals.

Shops usually also sell various figurines made from chocolate. Children love such interesting gifts.

By the way, some sweets as New Year's gifts are also suitable for the fair sex: for example, a bouquet of sweets, personalized chocolate or a set of personalized sweets. Such gifts can be ordered in online stores.

Gifts for friends inexpensively for the new year

Presents for friends are often symbolic. This is especially true for those who have plans to present not to one or two friends, but to a whole list.

Often you need to give gifts to relatives, loved ones, work colleagues, children or grandchildren, as well as friends.

And not everyone has the opportunity to buy something expensive. But even from inexpensive presentations, you can choose something interesting.

  • For example, you can give your friend an unusual pen. It can be in the form of a symbol of the year, have a funny face or a creative inscription.
  • Soap belongs to the category of inexpensive and useful gifts. And if you approach with imagination, then you can find soap of an original or funny form, so that a friend is happy.
  • Some people just need a head massager! What is not an original gift for the New Year? Perfectly calms the nerves and relaxes after a day's work.
  • Any accessory for the computer: a mouse pad, a headset, the mouse itself, or even a microphone. If you know what exactly your best friend is missing from this list, then why not give him this?
  • A mug of an unusual shape, a chameleon mug or with a New Year's decoration.
  • Smartphone case with creative design.

  • A tea set.
  • Makeup brushes are a good gift for a girl friend.
  • Hair ornament is another gift option that is perfect for a girl friend.

In addition, gifts can be of another kind: for example, an alcoholic drink, a fruit basket, a lighter or an ashtray for a smoking friend, etc. Even with limited finances, you can choose something interesting and worthwhile.

Gifts for colleagues for the new year 2019 inexpensively

When choosing gifts for the holiday, of course, do not forget about work colleagues. It is important to follow some rules here.

First, the gift should not be expensive. Otherwise, because of this, a colleague may feel embarrassed. You also need to take into account the relationship between yourself: if, in addition to work, you can spend time somewhere else, then you can choose a gift as a friend.

If you are connected by a purely business relationship, then the present should be appropriate, strict.

For office employees, as a gift, you can choose something from the office (pen, diary, notebook).

You can also give colleagues some useful household items that will be useful to them at home on the farm. These can be kitchen towels, potholders, hot coasters and much more.

In addition, colleagues are allowed to choose figurines with the symbol of the year as a present. Such gifts are universal and will suit an employee of any gender and age.

When presenting a gift, it is advisable not to forget about the beautiful design, as well as postcards with New Year's greetings and wishes. In this case, the gift will be more pleasant and sincere.

Inexpensive gift for a guy for the new year

The choice of a New Year's present for a guy needs to be approached more carefully. He will definitely not appreciate unnecessary trinkets, but he will be pleased to receive a gift that will somehow be connected with his hobbies.

A gift for a guy can be inexpensive, but carefully and soulfully selected:

  • Accessory for computer;

  • Accessory for a car, if the guy has his own car;
  • Whiskey glass. As an option, you can order a nominal glass or with backlight.
  • Warm mittens. At this time of the year, he will be especially pleased to receive such a present, because with him he will be able to feel cared for;
  • Christmas sock with sweets. Perhaps the guy likes some special candies or does he have a favorite chocolate? You can take advantage of this and make such a sweet gift in a Christmas sock;

  • As a variant of the original gift, you can find a "magic" ball that answers questions, thereby helping to make the right decision;
  • Stones for whiskey. This gift will be appreciated by lovers of strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Mug with the guy's name. Or a mug decorated in the New Year's style.
  • Unusual lighter if the guy smokes.
  • A large glass for beer - he can also appreciate such a gift.
  • If the guy is fond of fishing, then, as an option, you can give him a lure.
  • Games for companies can also please a guy if he likes to periodically invite friends to his place.

A gift for a boyfriend, soul mate, can be romantic. For example, a romantic dinner for two.

Or a striptease from a girl dressed up in the form of a Snow Maiden. Finally, you can give your loved one a massage, having previously studied massage techniques on the Internet.

Recently, gifts in the form of a book of desires have also become popular. This option is great as a present for a loved one: so he can choose the desired desire from the proposed list at any time.

An original and inexpensive gift for children for the New Year 2019

A gift to a child under the Christmas tree is a tradition observed in almost all families. At the same time, the gift does not have to be expensive.

Sometimes you can buy a ready-made sweet set or a soft toy as a gift. But still, it is best to find out from the child what he would like to receive from Santa Claus.

To do this, you just need to ask him to write a letter to Grandfather Frost in advance with his New Year's wishes as a gift.

When choosing a gift for a child, you need to consider his age and hobbies. So, many children like it when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to them for a holiday. You can take advantage of this and invite them in advance.

You can give your child a cake in the form of a New Year's card, he will definitely like such a sweet present.

It is best for a creative person to give an appropriate kit for creativity, depending on what exactly the child is doing.

Many children like to collect puzzles, so you can find an interesting puzzle as a New Year's gift.

Another interesting option is a transport that can be controlled using a remote control.

Most boys dream of gifts of this kind, just like robots, toy guns, railroads, and so on.

Kids should choose educational toys, sweets, a drawing board or any interactive toy. They can also buy a special children's laptop with which they will develop.

For girls of school age, you should choose a set of children's cosmetics or a needlework kit, as they love such activities.

Cheap gift for a friend for the New Year

You also need to pay attention to your girlfriends for the New Year. The following presentation ideas may work well for this:

  • Decorative cosmetics. But when choosing, do not forget to take into account the taste and style of your girlfriend, otherwise she may not like the gift.
  • Molds for baking - this option is well suited for economic girls.

  • Bath or shower set: shower gel, shampoo, bath foam, etc.
  • Warm scarf and mittens.
  • Plaid - can warm her on cold evenings.

  • Soft toy.
  • An aroma lamp or an aroma candle is a pleasant and very fragrant gift that any girl will like.

  • A set of delicious chocolates, a large chocolate with a New Year's card or other sweets. Especially true for girls who are not worried about the figure.

  • For friends who have entered into family life, as a gift, you can buy something to decorate the house: a picture, a decorative figurine, a vase, a wall clock, a lamp, etc. Any such thing will be pleasant and at the same time useful.

  • Household representatives of the fair sex can also use a sushi set. Especially if she loves Japanese food.
  • You can just buy champagne - for the New Year, such a gift is considered universal.

What to give for the New Year 2019? This question arises annually and before each New Year and, 2019 is no exception, millions of people are fussing, in a hurry, thinking about what gift to give to family members and people close to them. Some begin to buy or make gifts with their own hands long before the holiday, and someone solves the problem in the last minutes.

You always want to make a necessary, but at the same time an interesting gift, so that it really makes a person happy. Therefore, the process of choosing a presentation is a rather complicated, but incredibly pleasant experience.

On New Year's Eve, you should not adhere to such a slogan that attention and care are more important than any gifts. To a certain extent this is true. But New Year's Eve is a time of miracles, magic, fairy tales and the fulfillment of all sacred desires. And absolutely everyone dreams of finding their own gift under the tree.

It doesn’t matter at all that the husband is a respectable influential person, the sister is the owner of the company, and the parents have a lot of life experience. It is very pleasant to receive a present on New Year's holidays, so it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail.

The sign of the New Year 2019 will be the Yellow Earth Pig, which symbolizes wealth, prosperity and luxury. The pig loves everything beautiful, expensive, but practical, as well as what can bring joy and happiness. To surprise family and friends, you do not need to spend a lot of money. If time permits and there is a desire, you can make a gift with your own hands.

What to give for the New Year 2019 of the Pig - New Year's gift ideas

Holiday chores begin about two weeks before the New Year. You have to do everything at once: make a delicious and rich menu, agree with relatives and friends, carefully plan everything.

As for gifts, this issue should be considered earlier. Thanks to social surveys, the TOP of the most popular gifts for the New Year 2019 was compiled. It included:

  1. Souvenirs with symbols. Often these are fridge magnets, soft toys, candles and figurines, kitchen utensils and towels, key rings. The symbol of 2019 will be the Yellow Boar.
  2. Christmas themed gifts. These are mainly Christmas tree decorations, tinsel, figurines of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, deer and other things.
  3. Cosmetic and perfume line. Before the new year, ready-made gift sets are sold in all stores. Most often they consist of shampoos and hair balms, soaps and shower gels. Eau de toilette, perfume, or just a scented body/hair spray would be a great idea.
  4. Alcoholic drinks. Good, expensive wine or champagne is a great gift idea for colleagues, employees and business partners.
  5. Cozy warm clothes. We are talking about terry bathrobes, hats and scarves, blankets, mittens. Oddly enough, but the New Year is truly a winter holiday, when it is very cold outside. And such a warm gift will come in handy more than ever.

The proposed list is universal, because the things proposed in it can be given to everyone without exception. But these are “general” symbolic gifts that are pleasant to receive, but they do not always meet personal desires.

The list of gifts that I would like to receive in reality is slightly different.

List of the most desired New Year's gifts:

  1. Jewelry. Open the rating of the most desired presents for the New Year 2019. Interestingly, this applies not only to the fairer sex, but also to many men. Girls want to brag to their girlfriends with new earrings, a brooch, a bracelet or even diamonds, while men would not refuse a gold watch and stylish cufflinks.
  2. Money. No matter how trite it may sound, but most people prefer to accept gifts in the form of financial resources.
  3. Travel. This is a very original and non-standard gift for the winter holidays. Given the fact that traveling alone is quite boring, so we are talking about a vacation for the whole family or a beloved couple. It is interesting that many schoolchildren and students want to receive just such a present from their parents, grandparents.
  4. Perfumes and cosmetics. This is the only item on the two lists, which indicates the practicality of the population. A donated cream, shampoo or soap will come in handy at any time.
  5. Gadgets. Many people dream of getting a smartphone, set-top box, tablet or laptop just in time for the New Year. This mainly applies to teenagers and students.

It is advisable not to do banal, completely impractical things in the form of piggy banks and meaningless figurines. It is best to please loved ones with an original, but still practical gift.

Gifts for children for the New Year 2019

Most kids look forward to the New Year and Christmas holidays. For them, these are not just holidays, but a real fairy tale, a time of gifts and lots of sweets. Many parents "puzzle" their heads thinking about how to surprise their beloved child. The solution to the problem is to accurately find out what an energetic fidget or a cute princess is dreaming about.

You can write a letter to Santa Claus with your child, where he can list absolutely everything he wants to receive. The good thing is that kids don’t take into account the price, so the list can be very diverse, ranging from a spinner to a newfangled smartphone.

The most desirable gifts for children:

  • helicopters, boats, remote-controlled cars;
  • games for outdoor activities with friends;
  • a famous series of dolls: Winx and Bratz, Mattel, Barbie and Baby Dolls, and you can't do without Monster High;
  • toy adult gifts: fishing rod, vacuum cleaner, varnish or perfume, cosmetics;
  • constructors - most often a series
  • As for teenagers, it is difficult to surprise them with such toys. Starting from the age of twelve, most children dream of other presents:
  • own computer, laptop;
  • smart watch;
  • tablet or mobile phone;
  • cool headphones;
  • prefix;
  • variety of accessories for gadgets.

If a child has been dreaming of a brand new smartphone for a long time, then he will not be pleased with even the most original idea. When it is not possible to make a dream come true just on the eve of the holiday, it is worth buying a thing in advance.

What can you give a man (boyfriend, husband) for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig (ideas)

Most girls and women are incredibly attentive to their boyfriends, husbands, so the choice of a present begins long before the New Year. To please your beloved, it is advisable to ask in advance what he dreams about or what he needs.

Such gifts are always imbued with romance, as you can please your soul mate. When a relationship is in its infancy, a practical, but not very expensive gift will do. If there are no ideas, you can use the list of the most popular gifts for the stronger sex:

  • knitted scarf, warm sweater;
  • flash drive design;
  • hookah (if a man likes to smoke);
  • organizer;
  • leather belt;
  • cufflinks;
  • business card holder;
  • Electronic Cigarette;
  • paired cups, key rings and t-shirts;
  • radio-controlled helicopter (many adult men dream of a children's gift);
  • pillow with a photo;
  • membership to the gym or swimming pool;
  • concert ticket;
  • car accessories;
  • spinning (for an avid angler - a great choice).

If you want to make a useful and necessary gift, then you can think about an inexpensive gadget. It can be portable acoustics, headphones, flash drives or power-bank.

A gift to give to a friend for the New Year

Sociable, friendly people have a lot of acquaintances who can be presented with a purely symbolic present for the New Year. As for the best friend, then for her you need to choose something special, useful and necessary at the same time.

Gifts for best friend for New Year 2019:

  • a large cosmetic bag in the form of a suitcase;
  • stylish handbag;
  • jewelry holder;
  • makeup kit;
  • favorite perfume;
  • stockings or lace panties;
  • unusual umbrella;
  • glamorous keychain;
  • beautiful wallet.

If she has her own car, a fragrance for the cabin, small headphones, pillows, a clothes hanger, and various trinkets will be a great gift. A certificate for a car wash or for the purchase of gasoline will be a useful and practical present.

It is important to remember that absolutely everything can be presented to a friend, from a recipe book to aromatic oils and bath salts. The most important thing is to take into account her desires and hobbies.

What can a guy give his girlfriend?

No matter how long the relationship lasts, the New Year will be a great occasion to show your love and care. You can be generous. Do not forget that any representative of the weaker sex will like jewelry and good costume jewelry, elite and expensive perfumes, as well as beautiful clothes from fashion brands. Such gifts can be made if there is no economy mode. You should not spend all the money and sit a month before the paycheck with an empty pocket.

List of the most popular gifts for girls/women:

  • cosmetics, perfumes, toilet water;
  • jewelry - earrings, rings, bracelets, chains, pendants, pendants;
  • an original magic ball in the New Year's style - a glass toy with snow falling inside;
  • a bouquet of sweets, fruits;
  • soft toy - despite the fact that the Yellow Pig will be the symbol of the year, girls dream of huge teddy bears;
  • seductive underwear, lace stockings or a silk dressing gown;
  • vacation package for two;
  • hair dryer, hair curler;
  • smartphone.

In addition to a material gift, every girl wants to hear a declaration of love, to feel tender, weak and desirable.

If a man shows a little imagination and ingenuity, you can arrange a romantic candlelit dinner, launch heart-shaped lanterns from the roof of the house, or arrange a chic fireworks display.

Gift Ideas for Sister in the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig

Absolutely all girls are fragile, delicate, emotional creatures who need attention. To please your beloved sister with an original gift for the New Year, it is not necessary to invent something unusual. A win-win option would be cosmetics and souvenirs with symbols, interesting ideas for the interior, as well as perfume.

Original options for budget gifts:

  • chest, jewelry box;
  • a set of chocolates or sweets;
  • pillow with photos and wishes for the New Year 2019;
  • a box containing predictions for every day;
  • chocolate symbol of the year - the Yellow Pig;
  • calendar on the wall with photos;
  • original pajamas, bathrobe, socks, mittens, scarf;
  • certificate for visiting a massage therapist, beautician, hairdresser, stylist.

A great idea for your beloved sister would be a gift made by yourself.

What to give mom (mother-in-law, mother-in-law) for the New Year 2019?

Everyone loves to receive gifts, mothers and mothers-in-law are no exception. If in childhood it was enough to draw a postcard, then in adulthood a lot of ideas open up, thanks to which you can congratulate your closest person.

Useful gifts that will be appreciated:

  • a new frying pan, kettle or saucepan;
  • tea/coffee service;
  • tablecloth on the table;
  • silicone pot holders, spatulas for the kitchen;
  • a set of delicious, expensive tea;
  • chocolate products;
  • Handmade soap;
  • cosmetics, perfumery;
  • recipe book;
  • for lovers of flowers - books on this subject, means for watering plants, a beautiful pot, various accessories;
  • if your mother or mother-in-law is engaged in needlework, you can give a set of yarn, a subscription to a master class, a book or magazine with ideas, a needlework box.

With a good financial situation, you can give more expensive gifts - a humidifier, a vacuum cleaner, a double boiler or a slow cooker, a laptop or mobile phone, a food processor, an e-book.

It is worth paying attention to emotional gifts that are filled for a lifetime. Best ideas: extreme driving course, skydiving, skiing and ice skating.

Every mother and mother-in-law will like a ticket to the theater or cinema, a trip on a luxury boat or yacht, horseback riding, a ticket to a boarding house or a sanatorium.

New Year's gift to parents

Older people need attention from their children and grandchildren. For many years they tried for them, provided, raised and taught. It's time to give thanks. No need to give a banal face cream or shaving foam. They will buy it themselves. If possible, finances allow, it is best to purchase the necessary equipment, which will greatly facilitate the life of parents.

Options for New Year's gifts for dad and mom:

  1. Humidifier. This is a chic modern device that can effectively clean the air in the house. Most models are equipped with an ionization function.
  2. Terry bathrobes. A practical, warm and cozy thing that will bring joy to a parent at any age.
  3. Small TV with USB. The gift can be supplemented with a flash drive, where your parents' favorite films and songs will be recorded.
  4. Voucher to the recreation center, to the sanatorium. Such a New Year's present will allow parents to rest, relax, gain strength, breathe fresh air and improve their health.

Everything related to health is not the best idea: medical devices, a tonometer. You can save them for other dates.

DIY gift idea for New Year 2019

To please with a gift, you can make it yourself. The most popular souvenir for the winter holidays is a ball of snow. When shaken, it will create an impressive spectacle: snow flies inside the sphere, smoothly falling asleep the figure located in the center.

You can even create such a miracle with your own hands, using the proposed step-by-step master class.

Will need:

  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • epoxy glue waterproof;
  • figurine;
  • foam of a suitable size, 2 cm thick;
  • a round plastic or glass jar with a screw-on lid.

As for artificial snow, coconut shavings and sparkles will play its role.

Cut out an arbitrary piece of foam, it will be the main one for the figure.

Cover the platform with waterproof white paint in two layers. When it dries, apply glue, sprinkle with a thick layer of sparkles.

Place a figurine in the center of the snowdrift, for example, a horse and a couple of beautiful Christmas trees. Use hot glue to fix all the details.

Fill the container with water to two-thirds of the total volume, add glycerin to the edge. It will help ensure even, smooth snow settling. Add artificial snow flakes.

As you can see, making an original New Year's souvenir is very simple. It will take some free time and a good mood.

Gift ideas for the New Year 2019 are so diverse that everyone can choose what suits him. Choosing the right, competently presenting a present for the holiday is a whole science. If you comprehend it, you can feel like a magician, giving happiness, positive emotions and care.

The pre-New Year bustle is a pleasant state, a lot of holiday souvenirs, jewelry, cute presents and shiny tinsel appear in stores. But, nevertheless, it often turns out to be difficult to choose gifts for family, friends, colleagues, if only because a lot of interesting ideas do not always arise in the head, but everyone needs to be congratulated, and the gift should be pleasant and festive. In this article, we have collected as many as 100 gift ideas for the New Year, and among them you will find a variety of options: cheap and expensive, useful or just pleasant, funny and serious. Take your pick and get in the Christmas spirit!

100 Christmas gifts for everyone

  1. Painting. For example, with the image of an animal symbol of the year, with a winter landscape or a warming still life for the kitchen.
  2. Bathrobe and slippers. A nice Christmas present for both men and women.
  3. Perfume. A good gift for any occasion - of course, if you know the tastes of the person to whom it is intended.
  4. Scales. Kitchen - for a good housewife, floor - for a person who monitors his weight.
  5. Recreation at the camp site, with skiing, ice-skating, sauna and other outdoor activities.
  6. A frame for a photo in the New Year theme, possibly along with a photo.
  7. Ball for decision making. An unusual and stylish souvenir, moreover, useful for an indecisive person.
  8. A cover for a passport, auto documents, for example, made using the scrapbooking technique.
  9. Potholders in the form of snowflakes, or a mitten in the form of Santa Claus.
  10. Coffee maker, coffee machine, well, or a good Turk for brewing coffee.
  11. Stand for jewelry - for lovers of jewelry and bijouterie.
  12. Coffee table, breakfast tray in bed.
  13. Gift on the theme of eroticism, sex. Kama sheet (sheet for making love in a wide variety of positions), the game "Erotic forfeits", something from sex toys.
  14. Master class: cooking a Christmas goose or pudding, knitting a warm scarf, creating Christmas tree decorations.
  15. Turntable for vinyl records and records to it.
  16. Smart watch, for active young or not so people.
  17. Congratulations from Santa Claus. You can make a congratulation in the form of a letter, video, or even invite Santa Claus to the house - not necessarily for children, adults will also be happy to receive such a gift for the new year.
  18. Huge gingerbread in a beautiful box. For example, a gingerbread in the form of a symbol of the year, or just big and tasty - a few kilograms.
  19. Puzzle - for a lover of logical puzzles.
  20. Snowball. A ball with a Christmas composition and snow inside. A great universal souvenir for colleagues or relatives.
  21. An unusual mug, a tea or coffee pair or a whole service. Another option is a set of two mugs - for lovers.
  22. BBQ set. A whole set: a brazier, picnic dishes, skewers, a grill grate, or something from this list.
  23. Stand for pens, pencils. You can complement the gift with a set of unusual stickers for notes or a stylish diary.
  24. Bath set. For a lover of the bath - this is a good gift.
  25. Purse. Appropriate in any case.
  26. A bucket for champagne, you can present it complete with a set of beautiful wine glasses and a bottle of a good sparkling drink.
  27. A wireless mouse, keyboard and other small computer accessories: headphones, flash drives with a Christmas design, a mouse pad with snowflakes or Santa Clauses depicted on it - an easy way to create a New Year's mood in the workplace.
  28. Snow scooter, tubing and other accessories for skiing.
  29. T-shirt with a funny inscription or a winter picture. You can find ready-made or make it to order, with a pattern of your choice.
  30. Case for phone. There are never enough of them, and the choice is really great - you can give something cool or just beautiful and stylish.
  31. Umbrella. Despite the fact that winter is outside, this gift is quite appropriate, because rainy spring is just around the corner. A well-branded umbrella or just a cool one with funny pictures on them, or such unusual little things as an umbrella for lovers, or an umbrella in the form of some kind of character (for example, a minion).
  32. Plant in the pot. A small Christmas tree or thuja, or maybe a poinsettia - "Christmas star".
  33. Ashtray. A good expensive ashtray, or one that will bring a smile to its owner and the people around him. A suitable addition to such a presentation is a stylish lighter.
  34. Rocking chair.
  35. Electric razor, shaving machine, a set of good men's cosmetics that care for the skin after shaving.
  36. Travel suitcase. Such a gift would be appropriate if a person likes to visit different countries or often travels on business trips.
  37. Car air freshener with a New Year's, winter smell - Christmas tree, tangerines, winter freshness, ginger and cinnamon - so that the aromas of the New Year hover in the car interior.
  38. Snowmobiling.
  39. Casket. Musical, New Year's, in the form of a book or handmade from wood - choose depending on the tastes of the person to whom it is intended.
  40. New Year's photo session.
  41. Accessories for alcoholic drinks. A handy corkscrew, a bottle opener, a set of stacks, etc. A more expensive gift for the New Year: a wine bar or a bottle case made by hand by craftsmen.
  42. Photo fridge magnets made to order from your photos.
  43. "Drunk" chess or checkers, drunk roulette - sets for games that can significantly raise the degree of a party in a fun company.
  44. Unusual piggy bank. In the form of a symbol of the year, an ATM piggy bank, a book piggy bank, a soccer ball, etc.
  45. Good-brand underwear, or something fun like a Santa Claus or Christmas tree thong.
  46. Candy composition. A woman can be presented with a bouquet of sweets and other sweets, for a man it is better to choose a basket with his favorite chocolates or just a chocolate figurine, a custom-made figurine.
  47. Pillow with photo printing. For example, with your photo or with some unusual inscription.
  48. Projector starry sky. A projector that will draw a lot of multi-colored stars on the ceiling of the room or a more expensive option that will allow you to really study the starry sky - because it shows a map of the real starry sky.
  49. Sleeping bag, travel tent. Even if the person to whom you give these things has never gone hiking, perhaps this is what he dreamed about.
  50. Belt for beer cans. A good idea for a New Year's gift for a beer lover.
  51. Ball pen. Classic, good firm and in a beautiful case, or unusual, with a joke.
  52. Desktop biofireplace.
  53. Trinket. For a car enthusiast, a keychain with a license plate number of his car, or a lock defroster keychain is suitable, a student can be presented with a flash drive keychain or just a cool figurine. Another option is a keychain flashlight.
  54. Disk storage stand, box or special shelf.
  55. An unusual journey, trip or trip to an interesting place.
  56. Audio speakers, music center.
  57. Thermos. In the form of a mug or regular, more capacious.
  58. Wristwatches, electronic or mechanical, made of precious metals or plastic - their choice is huge. You can give your child a watch-phone.
  59. Board game set. Poker, chess, backgammon - better than unusual design, perhaps handmade.
  60. Cufflinks, tie and other men's accessories.
  61. Gift for the collection. If the person to whom you are preparing a gift is fond of collecting any rare (well, or not so) things, find a new copy for his collection.
  62. Hookah. Give it to a person who likes to relax in the company of friends.
  63. Go to a strip bar. A gift for a real man.
  64. Auto tool set. You can even give it to a car lady - let it lie in the trunk, it won't hurt. But still, such a gift is better suited for a man.
  65. Massager. For the back, for the head, a massage foot bath or even a whole massage chair is a great place to relax.
  66. Orthopedic pillow.
  67. Stones for cooling alcoholic beverages. A gift for true connoisseurs of alcohol.
  68. A heated mug from a cigarette lighter, a car coffee maker or a kettle - for a person who practically lives behind the wheel.
  69. Car table. Convenient and practical.
  70. Car navigator, DVR, radar detector.
  71. Jewelry decoration. Suitable as a gift for both women and men.
  72. barometer on the wall. Everyone will like the ability to predict the weather.
  73. Uninterrupted power supply unit. A very useful and necessary thing that can save a lot of nerves of the computer owner.
  74. Skis, skates. These are the best winter gifts ever.
  75. A steering wheel with pedals for racing in computer games - of course, if a person is fond of them.
  76. Humidifier, purifier - a useful gift for the whole family.
  77. Plaid. A cozy plaid with sleeves, a nice blanket made of velsoft or microfiber, or maybe an item made of alpaca or merino wool - natural and very warm and cozy, though not the cheapest.
  78. Set of Christmas balls. Glass, handmade.
  79. A set of home repair tools. New Year's gift for male jack-of-all-trades.
  80. Car vacuum cleaner. Helps keep the car interior clean.
  81. Souvenir knives. Beautiful set of knives in a case that can be hung on the wall.
  82. Warm belt made of dog hair. It will become a favorite thing for a person who suffers from lower back pain.
  83. Cuckoo-clock.
  84. Smartphone, tablet, netbook and other electronic devices - for those who keep up with the times and understand the technical innovations.
  85. A year's supply of socks in a beautiful suitcase is a useful gift for a man who has a good sense of humor.
  86. E-book or paper book. For example, a rare edition, collected works, tutorial.
  87. Mittens and a scarf - will warm their owner in cold weather.
  88. Iron, toaster, microwave, electric kettle and other small household appliances. Although, if there is a desire and finances allow, you can give more serious things.
  89. Quadcopter. A gift for both little boys and adult men - moreover, they rejoice in it equally.
  90. Radio receiver, shower radio.
  91. Electric heater. In the form of a blanket, foot mat or muff.
  92. Snowball - a device for making snowballs, it can be presented even to an adult, if he is not averse to relaxing in the fresh air in winter and playing children's games.
  93. Calendar for the new year. Desktop, wall, on birch bark, tapestry, wood, stone, etc.
  94. Tea in New Year's packaging, a set of different types of coffee. May be completed with a box of Christmas cookies.
  95. Lamp. A table lamp, a cozy floor lamp for a bedroom, or LED lighting for a computer desk.
  96. Sports accessories. Punching pear, trainer, ball,
  97. Hair dryer. As an option - a straightener, iron or other accessories that will help a woman in creating her image.
  98. Table hockey or football. Both children and adults can play. A good toy for joint family evenings.
  99. A sweater with deer, or several sweaters - for all family members.
  100. Disco ball. Flickering multi-colored lights will decorate the New Year's party.

You should not worry about choosing gifts for your family and friends, on the contrary: relax, tune in to the positive and go shopping, then inspiration will definitely visit you and the best gift ideas for the New Year will come to your mind. Do not be afraid to show creativity and imagination, because gifts that are different from others are especially remembered. But you can choose the most practical and useful thing, most importantly, add a New Year's mood with tinsel, New Year's sweets or souvenirs. Then your present will sparkle with bright colors and New Year's sparkles, and the eyes of the person who receives it will shine no less brightly. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!