2 months of pregnancy, the right side hurts. What caused the pain on the right side of the abdomen in pregnant women? Problems of the female sphere

If a pregnant woman feels a constant or acute pain syndrome in the right side, this should alert her. In this place on the right - in the hypochondrium, groin, lateral region, many vital organs are located. If pathological changes occur in them, it means that chronic diseases, as well as life-threatening ones, can develop in them.

Possible reasons

Diagnosis is made based on where exactly the pain sensation is localized. On the right under the ribs in front are the gallbladder, liver, and right kidney. Therefore, pain can be caused by the following abnormalities:
  • Cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia. With these pathologies, the inner lining of the biliary tract is damaged, which causes inflammation of the duct, stagnation of bile, and this causes pain in under the ribs on the right and in the stomach. This causes irritation of the duodenum, after which the pain is transmitted to the right area.
  • Cholecystitis, in which a person feels a strong, pulling, burning pain. It is easy to eliminate it if the disease is at an early stage - change position (lie on your left side, take a pose, leaning on your knees and elbows). This picture may develop not because of hepatic pathology, but because of the enlarged uterus, which presses on the organs in the upper right lobe of the abdominal cavity.
  • Right-sided pneumonia and pleurisy. The main focus of pain is located in the chest, but sometimes the pain spreads to the right hypochondrium. Added to these symptoms are fever, cough, and other signs of acute respiratory infections.

Pain under the ribs on the right back during pregnancy

Back pain in the right side occurs due to problems with the right kidney. They can be caused by pyelonephritis, large stones. Painful sensations can be anything: pulling, cutting, stabbing, etc. In spite of everything, with this symptom, you should urgently consult a doctor, as it will only aggravate the problem further.

This area contains a segment of the pancreas and intestines. Pain indicates digestive problems, pancreatitis, or intestinal inflammation. In the first variant, the pain is strong, cramping against the background of constipation, flatulence, and sometimes diarrhea.

Digestion fails almost every pregnant woman from the beginning to the end of her pregnancy. The way to eliminate the problem is to switch to fractional meals, a diet of light foods, and moderation in nutrition. Inflammation of the intestine is formed by its lesion by fungi or bacteria. It is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever. Medical assistance is required. Pancreatitis causes pain in the right side, in the center of the abdomen, in the hypochondrium. The pain is pulling, aching, constant.
Symptoms are aggravated after eating sour, salty, fried, fatty foods.

Pain in the right side during pregnancy

This is where part of the intestine, appendix, right appendages and ureter are located. Pain in this area can be caused by:
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • indigestion;
  • constipation;
  • volvulus of the intestines;
  • acute or chronic appendicitis, peritonitis, inflammatory diseases of the ovary and fallopian tube on the right;
  • cyst and cystoma of the right ovary, rupture of the cyst or ovary.
Severe pain, aching or sudden, in the right side in the early stages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. It becomes apparent after 3-6 weeks because the fertilized tube is stretched due to the growing fetus. A tubal abortion is possible when the pain becomes severe and cramping. If abortion does not occur, the fallopian tube ruptures, causing internal bleeding and severe pain with a rapidly worsening general condition. In order to prevent pipe rupture, an urgent need to contact a doctor.

What to do with pain in the right side during pregnancy?

Any pain in the right side of the expectant mother indicates a pathology of a different nature, sometimes very dangerous. In any case, at the slightest suspicion, a woman should contact a gynecologist who will determine the causes of pain and prescribe appropriate treatment. If no pathology has been identified, and pain appears as a result of a growing uterus, the doctor recommends adjusting nutrition, limiting fluid intake, moving more, and wearing a prenatal bandage.

Pregnancy is a rather difficult period, which can be both painful and without any difficulties. From time to time, the arising painful sensations can mislead a woman, since this phenomenon can be not only a pathological sign, but also the norm during pregnancy. Very often among pregnant women you can hear the main complaint - pain in the right side. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why such a common symptom occurs and what it warns about.

Before you independently diagnose an ailment, you need to find out the exact symptoms and be sure to contact a leading specialist. After all, the onset of pain can portend various serious diseases that threaten the fetus.

CauseBrief description of the problem
Stretching of the uterine musclesAs the term increases, the fetus grows, which leads to strong pressure on the uterus, especially on the muscles. The localization of pain is located precisely in the lower abdomen and with sudden movements is significantly enhanced. The main thing is that such uncomfortable manifestations are considered the norm and do not pose a threat to health. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to pay more attention to rest and take warm baths.
Location of the fetusDepending on the position of the fetus, pain may occur either in the left side or in the right side, radiating down the abdomen. Discomfort is felt only when the fetus begins to move. Also not a pathological cause of pain
AppendicitisThe main thing is to determine the nature and location of the pain and urgently consult a doctor. Acute, long-term pain is an alarming sign. To eliminate this problem, surgical intervention is required, since the lack of action is fraught with suppuration. Therefore, having identified all the risks, surgical treatment is prescribed.
Ectopic pregnancyIn the early stages, soreness in the lower abdomen of the right side may occur, which sometimes becomes a confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy. This happens when a fertilized egg is attached in the wrong place, that is, in the faloppian tube. With the growth of the fetus, there is strong pressure on the tube, which can lead to its rupture. Quite a dangerous phenomenon for women's health. Soreness of sensations can be similar to signs of appendicitis, only the characteristic difference is manifested in bleeding. In case of manifestations of such pain, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
Pinched ureterThe onset of pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to the pinching process due to the growth of the uterus
Stones in the kidneysThe sensation of renal colic causes lower back pain, which radiates to the groin area, symptoms are complemented by problems with urination, as well as the appearance of bloody spots in the urine. This case requires urgent hospitalization.
Sexually transmitted infectionVarious pathological ailments that can be obtained through unprotected intercourse can provoke painful sensations. In this case, a doctor's diagnosis is necessary, followed by urgent treatment.
Ovarian ruptureThe symptoms are very similar to an ectopic pregnancy. According to statistics, pathology most often occurs with the right ovary, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. The phenomenon is accompanied by profuse bleeding, which often leads to anemia in a pregnant woman. The method of treatment will be determined by the severity of the bleeding. With minor blood loss, drug therapy can be dispensed with.
Ruptured cystSevere pain occurs suddenly and may even end in loss of consciousness. Additional symptoms: intestinal disorders, painful urination, high fever. Pathology is eliminated exclusively by surgical intervention

Attention! Pain can be of a different nature: cramping, pulling, sharp, sharp, pressing, tingling. All this may be evidence of some kind of deviation. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to urgently seek qualified help.

Pain depending on the duration of pregnancy

Since the fetus grows throughout the gestation period, pressure on the internal organs periodically occurs, therefore, the resulting discomfort is not a sign of pathological changes. Depending on the trimester, there will be pressure on different organs.

Trimester I

The beginning of pregnancy cannot but be characterized by toxicosis. As a result, regular vomiting causes stress on the digestive system. Also, toxicosis can lead to an exacerbation of chronic ailments of the duodenum or stomach. Therefore, during this period, there is often a significant deterioration in digestion. In addition, due to hormonal changes, diarrhea and bloating can occur.

Trimester II

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus begins to increase significantly in size, which leads to strong pressure on all organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. Pain can be attributed to squeezing of the intestines, thus, the feces pass with difficulty and can lead to constipation and pain. Also, pressure is exerted on the bladder, followed by squeezing of the ureters, as a result, this leads to the accumulation of urine.

In parallel, during this period, the fetus begins to move more and more actively in the uterine cavity. Movement can lead to blows to various organs in the abdomen.

Trimester ІІІ

Pain at this stage of pregnancy occurs as a result of raising the fundus of the uterus, which leads to pressure on the liver, pancreas, and stomach. There is a slight effect on the internal organs, which leads to small changes in their functioning. This process has absolutely no effect on a woman's health.

Phantom pain in the right iliac region of the abdomen

Oddly enough, so-called phantom pains can occur during pregnancy. In fact, the body is in perfect order, there are no pathological changes, but the pregnant woman has a far-fetched feeling of discomfort.

All this happens exclusively at the psychosomatic level, when the psyche affects the sensations of the body. The reasons for the occurrence of such conditions during the gestation period are very different:

  1. Unconscious desire to attract attention to yourself.
  2. Panic fear for the condition of the fetus.

By virtue of the maternal instinct, a woman will create all the most favorable conditions for the development of the fetus, therefore, if any pain occurs, the question will be disturbing, why did the pain appear, if everything was done correctly, is it not a threat? This panic state can lead to phantom soreness. Also, this moment may be due to hormonal changes. In order to exclude all kinds of ailments, it is best to seek advice from a leading gynecologist, because the pain may be obvious.

What is the danger of pain?

The early stages of pregnancy can be characterized by rather painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, radiating down the abdomen. This pain can be caused by a completely normal process - fetal implantation.

Sometimes the pain in the right hypochondrium can persist for several days, and then intensify. In this case, pathological changes that threaten health cannot be ruled out. The most dangerous are:

  1. Miscarriage.
  2. Appendicitis.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Spontaneous abortion.
  5. Detachment of the placenta.
  6. Rupture of the fallopian tube.

It is almost impossible for a woman to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and prevent complex consequences. After all, a noticeable deterioration occurs in the sixth week of the term. The state of health is characterized by fainting and sharp pains in the lower abdomen, followed by bloody discharge. Ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that threatens a woman's life and always leads to the death of the fetus.

Note! If an ectopic pregnancy is detected long before the onset of spotting or bleeding, then the woman may not have the fallopian tube removed.

What to do if the right hypochondrium hurts?

If, during gestation, pain in the abdomen begins to disturb, namely in the right iliac region, then it is initially necessary to establish the nature of the pain. If the pregnant woman feels that the pain is expressed in a sharp, acute character, then this is confirmation of problems with the bladder or appendages. When a similar pain radiates to the back, then pathologies with the kidneys are possible. The occurrence of such pain in the early stages warns of a possible infection that it got due to unprotected intercourse or it is an ectopic pregnancy. Aching pains indicate inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Sudden sharp pain can occur with exacerbations of appendicitis or ruptured cysts.


Often, especially in the last months of pregnancy, expectant mothers feel soreness in the side on the right. In the presence of chronic pathologies, pain may worsen. Let's try to figure out the possible reasons for this phenomenon, and only a doctor should make a diagnosis.

What can hurt on the right

In the right side, there are many organs that, when inflamed or malfunctioning, can bring pain. In the upper part there is:
  • the upper part of the pancreas and its head;
  • part of the intestine;
  • gallbladder;
  • antrum of the stomach;
  • right kidney;
  • liver;
  • biliary tract.
With an increase in the weight of the fetus and due to the restructuring of the body, the work of organs can be disrupted, often as a result of poor blood supply. New diseases appear, and old ones are exacerbated. The above organs can create painful sensations in the upper part of the right side, of varying intensity, from constant aching to sharp and paroxysmal.
If a woman has a sore side in the lower right side, this may be a violation in:
  • ureter;
  • parts of the uterus, tube, or right epididymis;
  • lobe of the bladder;
  • large or small intestine;
  • appendix.
These organs and systems, under pressure from the uterus, reduce their activity and work with increased stress.

When is soreness the norm?

With rare tingling sensations in the side from above or below in the last stages of pregnancy, you should not worry if they are not accompanied by other alarming symptoms - vomiting, fever, chills. Moderate flank pain is normal at different stages of pregnancy. The closer the date of birth, the more mild pains appear more often, and they are caused by the pressure of the child on neighboring organs.

If there is a sudden and sharp pain on the right that does not pass quickly, weakness, fever, stool disturbance, bloating and vomiting have joined, you should call an ambulance or visit a gynecologist or therapist.

If there is pain in the side when walking, then the reasons may be completely different. Read more about this.

Painful sensations in the trimesters of pregnancy

The causes of natural soreness in the side on the right can be fetal movements, active growth of the uterus, hormonal changes:
  • In the first trimester toxicosis often appears. At the same time, the digestive tract is under serious stress - frequent vomiting, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. With such symptoms, chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can worsen, which provoke soreness on the right side. Digestive problems appear in the 1st trimester and due to the restructuring of hormones. The result is obvious - prolonged constipation, bloating, flatulence and pain.
  • In the second trimester the growth of the uterus begins. It gradually displaces neighboring organs, especially the intestines. As a result, the absorption of food and the movement of feces becomes difficult, excruciating constipation with pain begins. The ureters and bladder are also compressed. Urine can become stagnant in the renal pelvis, and incomplete emptying of the bladder occurs.
  • In the third trimester due to the active growth of the fetus, the fundus of the uterus rises, and pressure begins on the peritoneal organs. Negative disturbances in their functioning may begin, which leads to unpleasant sensations.

If it hurts at the top right

Soreness under the ribs on the right in pregnant women due to many diseases. There is the stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines, and the lower lobe of the lungs. Also, pain can be given upward with dyskinesia of the bile ducts. It may be a symptom of right-sided pleurisy or pneumonia. At the same time, the focus of pain is located in the sternum, but it can also radiate to the right under the ribs. Fever, fatigue, cough and other symptoms of respiratory diseases are added to it.

Cholecystitis causes pulling, severe pain, which at first gives under the ribs, especially when changing the position of the body with an emphasis on the right side.

Soreness under the ribs closer to the back occurs with inflammation of the right kidney. This may be a sign of movement of a large stone, pyelonephritis, urinary outflow disorders. With such a pathology, a pregnant woman has cutting, sharp pains or, conversely, pulling and light pains. You cannot do without a doctor's consultation and proper treatment. Find out more reasons about back pain in the right side.

If it hurts in the lower abdomen on the right

In the lower abdomen on the right, the intestines, pancreas, appendages or ovary may hurt. Disorders of the stool, flatulence indicate problems with digestion. To alleviate the condition, expectant mothers switch to dietary fractional meals and take biobacteria.

Intestinal inflammation is caused by bacteria and fungi that release toxins, so you cannot do without the help of doctors. The pain below may worsen after eating salty, acidic foods, fatty foods and some fruits or vegetables.

The lower right also contains the ureter, appendix, right ovary and part of the uterus. Soreness for a long time during pregnancy can cause:

  • intestinal volvulus;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • acute appendicitis and peritonitis;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tube and ovary;
  • ovarian necrosis, cysts and their rupture.
Also acute pain in the lower peritoneum on the right- a dangerous symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy test showed 2 strips, then an ultrasound scan is necessary to exclude the course of pregnancy in the fallopian tube, which can burst, causing profuse and dangerous bleeding.

With inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis begins, characterized by pain, vomiting and nausea. Laboratory tests for enzymes, ultrasound and a complete blood count will show the presence of the disease.

Renal pathology often causes soreness in the lower abdominal cavity on the right. The pain is caused by an infection, large stones that can budge and get stuck in the ureter, causing unbearable colic that radiates to the back. If urgent measures are not taken, the disease worsens and acute disorders, including internal bleeding.

Acute fatty hepatic dystrophy. Rarely seen during pregnancy. This is a severe gestosis that requires serious treatment. Soreness in the lower abdomen is accompanied by cramps, drowsiness, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication.

About other causes of pain in the lower abdomen -.

Why does it hurt in the right side during pregnancy (video)

Why does it hurt to the right or left in the lower abdomen during pregnancy? What pathologies can there be if such a symptom appears? We will learn more about painful phenomena during pregnancy from the video.

Appendicitis is the cause of pain

Acute appendicitis is a common cause of pain in the right peritoneum. The blood supply to the appendix of the intestine is disrupted, and inflammation begins in it. The appendix can be located under the liver, therefore, the symptoms of inflammation are sometimes confused with gastritis. The low location of the process with its inflammation gives pain that radiates to the perineum and even the legs. There is a frequent urge to use the toilet. At the beginning of the inflammation of the appendix, the pain may be mild, it radiates to the lower back and back, which can be confused with pathologies of the spine.

Appendicitis during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that requires urgent hospitalization and surgery.

Gynecological problems

Aching dull pains appear at the bottom right if there is a cyst or torsion of the ovary. Such a pathology is treated promptly or with the help of drugs - antispasmodics, antiplatelet agents.

Natural pains are those that are caused by the stretching of the uterine ligaments as the fetus grows. In this case, there is no need for hospitalization and treatment, but a doctor should monitor the condition of the pregnant woman.

Many genital infections, such as trichomoniasis or ureaplasma, cause soreness in the lower abdomen on the right and left. During pregnancy, such diseases require hospitalization and competent treatment, as they can infect the placenta and lead to fetal development disorders.

How to relieve the condition yourself

Any long-term painful sensations require medical attention, especially during pregnancy. The unpleasant sensations from active movements of an already large child can be reduced or eliminated simply by adopting a comfortable position, for example, to lie down and relax.

The inflammatory process in the organs will be detected if a urine and blood test is taken. Elevated leukocytes and protein in the urine are indicators that there is a focus of the disease. Appendicitis, ovarian cysts, increased uterine tone, kidney problems will be confirmed by ultrasound. In case of severe pain, you need to call an ambulance. Pain relievers can harm your baby if taken uncontrollably. Light spasms temporarily helps to relieve No-shpa or Drotaverin, which is completely safe during pregnancy.

The appearance of pains of various natures in pregnant women is a completely natural process, because rarely anyone passes this time unnoticed. As a rule, there is a feeling of discomfort in the lower back with a sharp turn. This is due to the stretching of the ligaments, which is observed under the pressure of the growing embryo.

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Later periods can be characterized by pressure on the intestines, as well as discomfort due to the girl's low mobility.

Painful sensations in a woman

If the right side hurts during pregnancy, you need to remember which organs are located here, and what can provoke pain.

  1. Often in the early stages of pregnancy, the right side hurts, which can be a sign of ectopic development of the fetus. To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound scan, which will show where the embryo has attached.
  2. If the right side begins to hurt during pregnancy, this may be a symptom of appendicitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the small intestine, which is called the appendix. As a rule, with this pathology, pain appears near the epigastrium, and then falls below.
  3. Cramping can hurt in the right side during pregnancy if intestinal spasm is observed. This may be due to constipation or a change in diet. To make the pain go away, it is enough to take an antispasmodic.
  4. It may hurt the side on the right during pregnancy below, if there is any disease of the liver or gallbladder. Then it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to exclude severe gestosis. This pathology poses a danger not only to the embryo, but also to the mother.
  5. If during pregnancy the right side of the lower abdomen begins to hurt, this may be a symptom of the development of an ovarian cyst. Over time, it is possible to move the pain into the anus, which prevents the adoption of a sitting position.
  6. If your right back hurts during pregnancy, you may have kidney disease. Diagnosis and treatment can only be carried out by a therapist or urologist.
  7. Under the ribs, the right side during pregnancy can hurt due to varicose veins of the uterus, which are located on its sides. This may be due to the increased blood supply to this organ in an “interesting position” in combination with weak vessel walls.
  8. We also note that pulling the side on the right during pregnancy can be completely for a harmless reason - if there is a stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, which is slightly shorter on the right. This explains the localization of pain on the right side. What does the nature of the ailment indicate?

Cramping pain

Before you go to the gynecologist and find out why your right side hurts during pregnancy, try to independently determine which organ caused this pain. To do this, you need to understand its nature - the pain aches, it is dull, sharp, sharp, or just pulls:

  • aching and prolonged pain on the right during pregnancy is most likely caused by the pancreas, intestines or liver;
  • if the right side aches and pulls during pregnancy for no more than 10 minutes, this indicates that your baby has turned abruptly and caused you some discomfort, you can reduce pain while lying on your back by drinking a no-shpa pill;
  • pulling on the right during pregnancy can with inflammation of the genitourinary system, then the pain is localized.

If you feel any of the above ailments, immediately make an appointment with a specialist. Do not take any medication before consulting your doctor. Only after a complete diagnosis will you be prescribed rational treatment.

Remember, if the painful sensations are present for more than half an hour, and even have an increasing character, you should immediately contact a medical facility for help.

Painful sensations

Unpleasant sensations under the ribs

Very often, pregnant girls are worried about painful sensations near the lower back, which is associated with a restructuring of the body. And then all future mothers begin to diagnose themselves and self-medicate on their own, which rarely brings a positive result.

First, in order to eliminate annoying low back pain, it is necessary to identify their cause, and only then begin treatment. Among the most common reasons are.

  1. Expansion of the ligaments that support the uterus, which puts stress on the entire lumbar region. Then there is a slight pulling pain, which does not cause significant discomfort.
  2. If the right side in the lower abdomen also begins to pull during pregnancy, then you should already be on your guard. This may indicate an inflammatory process and cause significant harm, up to a miscarriage. That is why you should see your doctor.
  3. Increased sensitivity of the sciatic nerve, which is directly related to the lumbar spine.
  4. Diseases of the bladder, which is also accompanied by pain in the lower back.

Thus, back pain often does not pose a serious threat to the gestation of an embryo, since they only indicate a restructuring of the body.

Back discomfort

Back pain, most often, is associated with stomach problems, because "in an interesting position" for a girl, all organs begin to work more intensively, experiencing heavy loads.

Stomach pressure

The causes of such pain can be.

  1. Violation of the mutual arrangement of organs, which creates an obstacle to the normal functioning of the digestive system. That is why pregnant women often experience heartburn, constipation, and loose stools.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body. Under the pressure of hormones, the work of the intestines slows down, which is required for the absorption of more nutrients. Also, hormones affect the muscles of the stomach, as a result of which they are more relaxed.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, which is associated with a decrease in immunity.

In the event of such pains, it is necessary to carry out compulsory treatment. To this end, visit a specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and rational therapy.

Here are the statistics of the most common causes of pain.

CauseDescriptionHow often occurs,%
1. Ectopic pregnancyThe fetus does not develop in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube.25
2. AppendicitisInflammatory process of the small intestine, which is called the appendix.15
3. Ovarian cystThe gradual movement of pain into the anus, which prevents the adoption of a sitting position.15
4. Varicose vasodilation of the uterine wallIncreased blood supply to the uterus in combination with weak vascular walls.20
5. Stretching of the ligaments of the uterusWhen the right ligament is slightly shorter.50
Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine allows you to influence the focus of the disease, but does not always provide proper assistance. Surgery is often required, which is possible only in medical institutions.

Rebuilding the body

Of the folk recipes for pain, the following are best.

Raw horseradish compress:

  • take raw horseradish - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • grate horseradish;
  • mix the gruel with sour cream.


  1. Apply a compress to the lumbar region.
  2. Cover with a napkin.
  3. Tie the lower back with a warm scarf.

Garlic compress:

  • take a head of garlic;
  • squeeze out the juice of the garlic;
  • squeeze out the juice of half a lemon;
  • mix into one "cocktail".


  1. Moisten a cotton towel.
  2. Apply to a sore spot for 20 minutes.

Specific preventive measures cannot be named. Everything can be due to various reasons, on which the method of treatment depends.

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for information only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not advise to self-medicate. The determination of the diagnosis and the choice of the treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Carrying out a child is no less difficult task than giving birth to it. Within 9 months, the female body experiences a lot of uncomfortable and even painful sensations. One of the most common is the situation when the right side hurts during pregnancy.

There are 2 points to keep in mind:

  1. The pain is not necessarily associated with the fetus, and this is what often worries expectant mothers in the first place. In addition to the baby, other organs and tissues are located in the abdomen. The disease could be in the body long before pregnancy.
  2. As the child grows, there is pressure on the mother's internal organs. Thus, pain is not always a symptom of an illness. There is a possibility that the organ or tissue has become overly compressed.

Painful sensations in the side can be either a manifestation of a long-standing disease that did not manifest itself in a state of rest of the body, or acquired as a result of an increased load on the systems and physical pressure on the organs. Overloading can easily provoke a relapse or worsen symptoms.

The main causes of pain in the right side during pregnancy

Most often, pain in the right side occurs when walking. This is due to the peculiarity of the location of the internal organs of a woman in the abdomen. The growing uterus squeezes them, squeezing and pressing against the walls, and against each other. When walking, the load on all systems increases and the pressure on the organs increases, which causes painful sensations. If the pain does not go away for a long time, there is a reason to worry.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of pain. The pain is sharp and growing, sharp, stabbing, pulling, pulsating. The most dangerous is the combination of cutting with stabbing or cutting. The syndrome indicates acute inflammatory processes, purulent accumulations and other similar pathologies. In such cases, you can not hesitate and you must immediately go to the doctor.

Consider a number of diseases and abnormalities in which the right side hurts during pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy

A common reason. Physiologically, it is the right ovary that is the worker, and the left one acts as a "spare". That is why the pain is characteristic of the right side.

Following a natural call, the egg attaches itself to the stopping point, which becomes the fallopian tube, if the egg has not reached its destination for any reason. Not designed to carry a fetus, it cannot stretch and rupture when the embryo reaches a certain size. A woman experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen for some time before rupture, which is accompanied by bleeding.

In this situation, emergency hospitalization is required. Blood loss and trauma to the internal genital organs are fatal.


Appendicitis causes pain on the right side

Doctors distribute the abdomen area into 9 squares - 3 zones on the left, 3 zones on the right and 3 in the center. When experiencing stabbing or cutting pains in the lower abdomen, the first step is to exclude the option of inflammation of the appendix. The danger of appendicitis lies in the initial focus of pain located in the central upper zone (epigastric), and after a while, the pain moves to the lower right zone, where the appendix is ​​located. Together with such accompanying symptoms as vomiting, high fever and chills, in the initial stage, it can be confused with poisoning, and it is highly undesirable to allow the condition to deteriorate.

Experiencing these sensations, urgent medical attention is required. The rupture of the appendix is ​​subject to severe and not always successful treatment, and the inflamed one is removed exclusively by surgery.

Distension of the uterus

The uterus is a muscle. Any muscle is characterized by overload and stretching, which occurs during the growth of the fetus. The pressure on the tissues provokes constant aching pain. When the mother is actively moving, or the baby himself is moving, the pain may intensify. In such cases, doctors recommend rest, and to relieve the spasm - a warm shower or bath, if there is no threat of miscarriage.

Pinched ureter

Painful sensations are provoked by the increased volume of the uterus with the fetus, which strongly presses on the internal organs. One example is the right ureter. As the fetus grows, the pain may worsen. Cases are not excluded in which the unpleasant sensations will last for some time, and then will pass when the child changes his position.

Ovarian cyst

The cyst occurs long before pregnancy and does not manifest itself in any way for a long time. During pregnancy, the ovary enlarges and irritates the nerve receptors, due to which the cyst appears. As a result - aching dull pain in the pelvic region. When the cyst ruptures, the pain becomes acute and rolls over in attacks.

The pain intensifies if you press on the abdomen and is given to the anus, causing false urge to use the toilet.

You need to see a doctor. In each case, the doctor's prescriptions are individual - from painkillers and antispasmodic drugs to urgent surgical intervention.

Diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity

Due to the enlarged uterus, the internal organs of the woman "move apart" to the sides. Thus, they, previously in the center, are pressed to the sides and the pain associated with them manifests itself in an unusual place - under the ribs or from the back, causing confusion.

Consider the organs that are "pressed" to the right side:

  1. Liver. The most common liver disease is hepatitis. There are 4 types of the disease - A, B, C and toxic. The first three are transmitted mainly sexually and through blood. Toxic occurs when taking medications and toxic agents. In addition, alcohol, gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women) and heart failure cause liver disease. The latter provokes stagnation of blood in the lungs and liver, greatly stretching it.
  2. Kidneys. Renal colic is caused by stones in the ureter, inflammation and abscesses. Symptoms resemble an attack of appendicitis, but unlike him, pain can be given to the back, lower back, or appear in the lower abdomen. If the stone has left the ureter, very intense pain can come in waves.
  3. The gallbladder. The uterus "pushes" the organs to the sides, and therefore, the gallbladder is under the ribs, along with the liver, stomach and part of the intestine. Food is digested thanks to bile, which is injected by the gallbladder into the intestines. The fattier the food, the more "solution" you need to use. The presence of a stone in the gallbladder will block the exit of actively secreted bile and promote its accumulation, which will lead to pain on the upper right side.

Pancreas. The most common disease is pancreatitis. Symptoms are severe pain, vomiting, nausea, increased sweating. Pain sensations radiate towards the back, in the supine position, and weaken in a sitting position with an inclination forward.