May 27 is a holiday. Glorification on the Day of the Holy Trinity

And through them he caught the universe. Humanitarian, glory to Thee!

Kontakion on the Day of the Holy Trinity, Tone 8

When the languages ​​\ u200b \ u200bof merge have descended, / the languages ​​of the Highest are divided, / when the fiery languages ​​\ u200b \ u200bare separated, / all the call is in the union, // and in accordance with the glorification of the All-Holy Spirit.

Translation: When the Most High descended and mixed languages, He thus divided the nations; when he distributed the tongues of fire, He called everyone to unity, and we praise the All-Holy Spirit in accordance.

Glorification on the Day of the Holy Trinity

We magnify Thee, / Lively Christ, / and honor Thy All-Holy Spirit, / Thou didst send Him from the Father // to Thy Divine disciples.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity, One Conscious Power, of all the blessings of the Wine that we will repay Thee for all that I have rewarded for all of us, sinful and unworthy, before, not only in the light of our good, for all, I have rewarded all of us in all days coming? It is like to give thanks to you for the benefits of good deeds and generosity, not to words, but more than deeds, keeping and fulfilling your commandments: but we, with our passions and wicked people, are transcendental and wicked from wickedness. This sake, for theirs is filthy and polluted, not tochiyu before trisvetloe your face bezstudno yavitesya but lower thy name Presvyatago izreschi dovleshe us to ashche not you yourself pleasure in them in the joy of our vozvestiti, Thou, chistyya and pravednyya loving and repentant sinner milueshi and the tender welcome. Behold, O Most Divine Trinity, from the heights of Thy Holy Glory on us, many sinners, and our good will instead of the good deeds received, and give us the spirit of true repentance, until the end of all days Thy will, and glorifying with pure thoughts and good deeds, thy most sweet and great name. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity, the creation of Mark the monk

The Omnipotent and Life-giving Holy Trinity and the Beginning of the Light, all creation, that which is in this world and above the world, by one goodness brought forth from nothingness and provides for it, and preserves, and, besides your other ineffable blessings to the earthly race, repentance to death for the sake of the weakness of the flesh who gave us! Do not leave us, unfortunate ones, to die in our evil deeds, and let us not be a laughing stock to the head of evil, and to the envious, and to the destroyer; for you see, Merciful One, and how strong are his intrigues and enmity against us, and what our passion, and weakness, and neglect are. But do Thy good deeds over us, we pray, who anger Thee every day and hour by breaking Thy sacred and life-giving commandments. So, all our sins, in our entire past life and up to the present hour, in deeds, or words, or thoughts, let go and forgive. Honor us, then, to finish the rest of our lives in repentance, and contrition, and the observance of Thy holy commands. If we, being seduced by pleasures, sinned in many ways, or spent time seduced by vile desires, useless and harmful; if, driven by anger and unreasonable rage, they insulted any of our brothers, or because of our language they were entangled in inevitable, unjust and strong nets; if any of our senses, or all of them, willingly or unwittingly, knowingly or ignorantly, in infatuation or deliberately stumbled madly; if the conscience has been defiled by evil and vain thoughts; or if you have sinned in any other way, compelled by the inclination and habit of evil, forgive us and let go of everything, O All-Bounteous, All-Good and Most-Merciful, and grant us vigor and strength for the future to do Thy will, good and acceptable, and perfect, so that we, unworthy, purified, appear to Your philanthropy, having changed from the night and gloomy evil by light-like repentance and, like acting goodly during the day, to Your philanthropy, praising You and magnifying forever. Amen.

To Blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool

Troparion to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool, voice 4

Enlightened with Divine grace, God-madra, / with a lot of wholeheartedness and patience / in the course of his life he passed away as well. / pray to Christ God, // may he save our souls.

Translation: Enlightened Divine, God-wise, with much and patience, you have made a good path in temporary life. Therefore, even after death, the purity of your life was manifested, for you exude the grace of healing to all who come with faith to your holy grave, Isidore, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

In troparion to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool, voice 4

Calling thee from the earth for everlasting inhabitants, / observes and while dead your body is unharmed, / holy Isidore, / you have lived in integrity and purity of life; our souls.

Translation: He who called you from the earthly to the eternal abodes preserves your body intact after death, Saint Isidore, for you lived your life in chastity and purity, blessed one, without defiling your body, therefore, with the prayer of Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

In troparion to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool, voice 1

Divine over prosvetivsya grace, divinely wise, / a lot of patience in the lifetimes for committed art Thou, O / thus managing and repose istochaeshi wonders / those with faith coming to the hand of the relics of thy Isidore-blessed. / Thank Davsha tee fortress / thank Proslavlshemu thee in chudeseh, // Glory to the One who works for you to all healings.

Translation: Being enlightened from above Divine, God-wise, with much patience you completed your life's journey, and therefore afterwards you exude miracles to everyone who comes with faith to cancer with yours, Isidore. Glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the One who glorified you with miracles, glory to the One who gives healing to all through you.

Kontakion to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool, voice 8

To the elbowed and devil in the saints, / even from Christ, the gift of miracles to the one who receives them, / we now bring praise to the praise, / but as having the boldness of the Holy Trinity, / Yuzhe prayed, come forth from work

Translation: To the brave and amazing among the righteous, who has received the gift of miracles from Christ, we will bring the words of glorification today. But as one who has a co, pray her to get rid of the troubles of your servants, but we cry to you: "Rejoice, God-wise Isidor."

In kontakion to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, for Christ's sake the holy fool, voice 4

I trust your memory, blessed, those who do, / keep from all evil and compassion of the serpent, / if you have boldness towards all the Sovereign, Christ God, / His prayers to get rid of the troubles and work of God.

Translation: With faith celebrating your memory, keep from all evil and the temptation of the devil, for you have boldness to the Master of all, Christ God, pray to Him for deliverance from the troubles and misfortunes of your servants, God-wise Isidor.

Prayer to the blessed Isidor Tverdislov, Christ for the sake of the holy fool

Oh, the great pleasure of God, holy righteous Isidore! Help me, a sinner, always a sinful passion for the conquered: you are a representative and intercessor, and a quick helper in my sorrows, and a diligent walker of my salvation. Thou by faith in thy righteousness and in thy work of eternal glory and of the Kingdom of Heaven, thou hast been vouchsafed, and now at the Throne of the Lord of all, the King of Christ, our God is coming. The same and pray, righteous passionate: remember me accursed, lying in the tine of sin: already I can’t build my eyes to the heart of Zion, I am bound by the nets of the diabols and bear women. Save me with your prayers from all evil inclinations of the enemy and from all sin, that I may receive healing from the wounds of sin, from the universal serpent imposed on me. All my life, I am accursed in the sweets of this world I have exhausted, and I am not a helper, and we do not know anyone to run to, but give me a helping hand. For this reason I run to you and pray to you: O holy righteous Isidor, give me help on the day of the Dread Judgment: when the Son of Man comes to judge all, then I pray to Him, the fearful granting me no judgment by the greatness of His mercy. Pray to the Sovereign Christ to God, that in this present day we will have mercy on us for His sinful and unworthy work, and may he confirm our thought, that we will also turn away from all evil and obey him in faithfulness and faithfulness to him. so that he reached the heavenly dwellings, let us ceaselessly glorify the One Trinitarian God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod

Troparion to Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod, Tone 4

Having rejoiced, O God, restraint / and the desire for your fertility, I have restrained, / at the priesthood he sat down, / and like a bright star, enlightening the faithful hearts / cry / give miracles will save our souls.

Translation: Having enjoyed, God-wise, and tamed desires, you sat on the holy throne, and like a bright star, enlightening the hearts of believers with the radiance of your miracles, our Father, Saint Nikita, and now pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

In troparion to Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod, Tone 2

Desiring a heavenly space, / from youth in a tight place he shut himself up, / was deceived by the enemy, / the fathers by humility and obedience won the fortune of us;

Translation: Desiring heavenly freedom, from your youth you are in a cramped place, in it you were an enemy (the devil), again by power and obedience you defeated the devil, Nikita, and now, standing before Christ, pray for the salvation of all of us.

Kontakion to Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod, Tone 6

The bishops of the sang have almost come / and purely the Purest coming, / it is appropriate to pray for your people that you brought it, / as the rain, through the prayer of the light, came, / once upon a time, and the city of fire died out / Christ / God, the prayers died your praying, / yes all the crying of ty

Translation: You were honored as a bishop and standing immaculately to the Immaculate (), persistently brought prayers for your people, so rain came down from heaven with a prayer, another time you stopped the fire in the city. And now, Saint Nikita, pray to Christ God to save your people who are praying, but we all appeal to you: "Rejoice, saint, most awesome father."

In kontakion to Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod, Tone 1

Having conquered the enemies of the forest doble / and the light of the virtuous brightened, / of sanctity I was clothed in clothes, glorious Nikito, / in no light of the life of yours and miracles;

Translation: Having valiantly conquered the enemy's cunning and shining brightly, you put on the robe of sainthood (became a bishop), glorious Nikita, in him, shining more than the sun with the light of your life and miracles, you have enlightened many and led to Christ. Pray for us, who glorify you.

Prayer to Saint Nikita, the hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod

Oh, Bishop of God, Saint Nikito! Hearing us sinners, come to this holy temple of those who flocked, and honestly your image of those who worship, and to your saints who fall, and crying out sweetly: I am sitting on the throne of the sanctity of family life in greatness to the city with this fiery flame to the situation, by prayer the fiery flame extinguished thou. And now we pray thee, for the saint of Christ Nikito: pray to the Lord, he also save this Great Novgrad and all the cities and countries of Christianity from cowardice, sweat, gladness, fire, hail, dreamed of and from all the adversaries we save yours, we glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful representation, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The economy of our salvation has been accomplished! The actions of all Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in this matter have now come into force. What God the Father was pleased to be, what the Son of God fulfilled in Himself, then the Holy Spirit has descended to appropriate the believers. For our salvation "According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, when sanctified by the Spirit, to obedience and the sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ" () .

For this sake we are baptized "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" committing to "Keep everything that I have commanded you" () .

Those who do not confess the Holy Trinity cannot have a part in the saving actions of Her Persons and, therefore, receive salvation. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Consubstantial and Inseparable Trinity, who has given us the confession of Herself! "Father Almighty, Word and Soul, the three nature united in the Hypostases is all-essential and pre-divine, we were baptized into You, and we will bless You for all eternity."

Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one nature, one nature, one essence. Therefore, the Three Persons are the Consubstantial Trinity. People also have one nature, one nature. But while God is the Inseparable Trinity, divisions constantly occur in people ... The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have one thought, one will, one action. What the Father desires, the Son desires ...

Since 1995, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, the All-Russian Day of Libraries was established, which is celebrated on May 27 in honor of the foundation in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library.
May 27 is also the Librarian's Day. The day of the librarian was appointed to the day of the opening of the first public library in Russia.
“Considering the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of national education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decree:
Establish an all-Russian Day of Libraries and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the foundation in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.
The Government of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies recommend holding events within the framework of the Day of Libraries, aimed at enhancing the role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as at solving problems related to the development of libraries ".
President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin (May 27, 1995).

The events of May 27.

1199 Pope Innocent imposes the first direct papal tax on the Clergy.
1328 - after the death of the youngest son of Philip IV the Handsome - Charles IV the Handsome, who became the last representative of the Capetian dynasty, Charles's cousin Philip VI, the first king of the Valois dynasty, entered the French throne.
1647 - The first witch, Alse Young, is executed (hanged) in Massachusetts.
1657 - The Holy Roman Empire pledged to help Poland in the fight against the Ukrainian Cossacks.
1679 - Habeas Corpus Act is adopted in England - an act on guarantees of individual rights.
1703 - The Peter and Paul Fortress was founded. Day of the founding of the city of St. Petersburg.
1753 - the construction of St. Andrew's Church in Kiev was completed.
1794 - Empress Catherine II issued a rescript on the founding of a new city and port in Khadzhibey and approved the first general plan of the city of Odessa.
1795 - The first state public library in Russia, the Imperial Public Library (National Library of Russia), was founded.
1812 - in the city of Cochabamba (Bolivia) an uprising against the Spanish colonial invaders was suppressed, over 200 defenders of the city were killed, among whom were the elderly, women and children. In memory of this day, a monument to the "Defender of Coronilla" was erected on Coronilla. In addition, on May 27, in memory of this event, Mother's Day is celebrated in Bolivia.
1821 - the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory was founded.
1831 - In New Mexico, Wild West explorer J. Smith is killed by his Indian companions.
1844 - The first Morse dispatch is sent.
1855 - a monument to I.A.Krylov was opened in St. Petersburg in the Summer Garden (sculptor P.K. Klodt).
1873 - The inhabitants of Prince Edward Island decide to join Canada.
1883 - the building of the Historical Museum was opened in Moscow on Red Square.
1895 - English inventor Birt Akres patented a film projector.
1896 - on the day of the coronation of the new Russian emperor, the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition was opened. One of the festive events was the staging of Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar" at the Wooden Opera House. This was the rebirth of the Private Opera of Savva Mamontov, who invited Fyodor Chaliapin to the main role. The 23-year-old singer was by this time already enrolled in the Mariinsky Theater, but it was his collaboration with Mamontov that became fateful for him.
1900 - In the parliamentary elections in Belgium, the proportional representation system was tried for the first time in the world.
1905 - the beginning of the Tsushima battle.
1913 - in St. Petersburg, the world's first heavy multi-engine aircraft "Russian Knight" designed by Igor Sikorsky successfully passed flight tests. Two and a half months later, he set a world record, staying in the air for 1 hour 54 minutes. with seven passengers.
1916 - US President Woodrow Wilson calls for the creation of the League of Nations after the war.
1920 - the formation of the Tatar ASSR.
1921 - Afghanistan became an independent state.
1922 - The Vatican strongly criticized plans for a Jewish state in Palestine.
1926 - A monument to Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer is erected in Hannibal, Missouri.
1928 - the airship "Italia" (expedition leader General Umberto Nobile) crashed in the ice of the Arctic. Prior to this, the expedition safely reached the North Pole, on which it dropped the flags of Italy and Milan.
1929 - a monument to the playwright A. Ostrovsky was unveiled in Moscow near the building of the Maly Theater.
1930 - Richard Drew patents "transparent cellophane adhesive tape" - scotch tape. The novelty was used to protect the glass of a car when painting.
1931 - the world's first human flight on a stratospheric balloon was performed by the Swiss scientists O. Picard and P. Kipfer.
1933 - Walt Disney's cartoon "Three Little Pigs" premiered.
1934 - the title "Honored Master of Sports" was introduced in the USSR.
1937 - The Golden Gate Bridge, one of the most beautiful in the world, inaugurated in San Francisco. The bridge is 1,280 meters long with six traffic lanes and two footpaths, suspended on two main ropes 93 cm thick, anchored on steel supports 227 meters high.
1938 - The government of Canada nationalizes the Bank of Canada.
1940 - the first attempt on the life of Leon Trotsky, which ended in failure.
- Belgium signed the act of surrender.
- Operation Dynamo began (evacuation of British expeditionary units from Dunkirk). This event had a tremendous impact on the further course of the Second World War.
1941 - The German battleship Bismarck was sunk by the British fleet 400 miles west of the French coast. Of the 2,221 crew members, 2,106 German sailors were killed, only 115 people were rescued. After this battle, the commander of the British Home Fleet, Admiral John Tovey wrote in his memoirs: "Bismarck" fought the most heroic battle under the most impossible conditions, worthy of the old days of the Imperial German Navy, and he went under the water with the flag raised. "The death of the battleship" Bismarck " put an end to the offensive activity of the German surface fleet, the German navy concentrated its efforts on submarine warfare.
1949 - The Chamber Theater directed by Alexander Tairov was closed in Moscow, "which in fact was the bearer of bourgeois-cosmopolitan and formalistic tendencies," the collective "did not acquire a new creative face and was unable to firmly embark on the path of socialist art."
1950 - Frank Sinatra's television debut on NBC. He performed alongside comedian Bob Hope.
1956 - the Soviet polar station Pionerskaya was opened.
1960 - a military coup took place in Turkey.
1971 - Lev Yashin's farewell match took place in the presence of 103,000 spectators. In this match the national team of clubs of the all-Union sports society "Dynamo" (masters from Moscow, Kiev and Tbilisi participated in the match), played against the national team of the World Stars, for which Eusebio, Bobby Charlton, Gerd Muller and many others played. The game ended with a score of 2: 2.
1973 - USSR acceded to the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Copyright. The era of Copyright has begun.
1977 - the State Anthem of the USSR was approved, which existed until the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
1992 - The G7 countries decided to create a special fund to support the falling Russian ruble.
1993 - the abolition of criminal prosecution for homosexuality in Russia.
1994 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia twenty years after his exile.
- the group "Splin" was created.
1997 - the Founding Act on mutual relations between the Russian Federation and NATO was signed in Paris.
2000 - In China, a Catholic priest received six years in prison for publishing the Bible and other religious books. They accused him of illegal publications and secret preaching of Catholicism. The Chinese constitution mentions the principle of freedom of religion, but only state-approved churches can be attended.
- The Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan revoked licenses from all private Internet providers in the republic.
- Israeli shekel and Mexican peso were included in the list of freely convertible currencies used for settlements in the international interbank system CLS.

  • All-Russian Day of Libraries (Librarian Day). The All-Russian Day of Libraries, celebrated in our country annually on May 27, is rightfully the professional holiday of Russian librarians - the Day of the Librarian. This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 "On the establishment of the All-Russian Day of Libraries." One of the main tasks of today's holiday is to celebrate the great contribution of libraries to the development of culture, science and education, their most important role in the life of society. In this regard, various events are held in libraries, reading rooms and other educational institutions on this day, aimed at attracting new readers and increasing the role of books in people's lives.
  • Chemist's Day. Workers of the chemical and petrochemical industry in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan celebrate their professional holiday, the Day of the Chemist, on the last Sunday of May every year. On the occasion of the Day of the Chemist, festive concerts and traditional awards for the best employees are held at chemical enterprises.


On this day, May 27, one can celebrate with bold decisive actions of an unusual holiday - the Day of a bold decision and celebrate by eating sprat a funny holiday - the Day of the invention of sprat.


Being courageous means doing everything possible for your success, and not waiting for this opportunity itself to come to you. Today is the day when you need to make some bold decision. It could be a decision to marry, or to propose to someone, it could be a decision to just try to be polite and not rude all day, or to discourage the kitten from being threatened by angry dogs. The most important thing is to make a decision today and quickly, because today you have a great chance to become brave, if not in the eyes of others, then at least in your own eyes.


Sprats are a type of special canned fish. Previously, they were made from a subspecies of European sprat - Baltic sprat, later special canned foods from Caspian sprat, juveniles of herring, Baltic herring and other small fish began to be produced under this name as well. Today, the word "sprats" is understood as simply smoked canned food from small fish in oil. To prepare sprat from small fish, it is smoked without any preliminary processing, and then preserved in oil. If you are a fan of these canned food, then on this holiday, the Day of the invention of sprat, you can enjoy your favorite dish, but you should remember that while smoking sprat, a carcinogen is formed in this product - benzpyrene, which, accumulating in the human body, can cause a number of mutations and the formation of malignant tumors. A person who has consumed only 50 g of sprat receives a dose of benzpyrene in the body, equal to the dose received after a pack of smoked cigarettes!

Holidays of Ukraine May 27, 2018

  • Chemist's Day.

World and international holidays 27 May 2018

  • There are no world and international holidays on May 27, 2018.

Orthodox holidays May 27, 2018

  • Trinity - Holy Trinity Day, Pentecost. One of the main Christian holidays - the Day of the Holy Trinity - is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the twelve feasts and glorifies the Holy Trinity. And it is called Pentecost because the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles took place on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ.

Also today on the church calendar:

  • Commemoration of the Martyr Isidor of Chios;
  • Memory of blessed Isidor, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Rostov wonderworker;
  • Memory of Saint Nikita, hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod;
  • Memory of the Martyr Maxim of Asia;
  • Memory of the Monk Serapion Sindonite;
  • Commemoration of Saint Leontius, Patriarch of Jerusalem;
  • Commemoration of the holy martyr Peter Rozhdestvin, presbyter;
  • Terebenskaya (Terebinskaya); Yaroslavl Pecherskaya - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays May 27, 2018

  • Sidor Bokogrey. The national holiday "Sidor Bokogrey" is celebrated on May 27 (according to the old style - May 14). Believers of the Orthodox Church on this day honor the memory of two saints named Isidore - Isidor of Chios, the martyr and Isidor Tverdislov, the miracle worker. Other names of the holiday: "Sivery", "Sidory", "Sidor Ogurechnik". The day was nicknamed Bokogrey because from May 27 the cold northern winds - "Siver", stopped blowing. Our ancestors said: "On the day of Sidor, all the sivers will leave."

Catholic holidays 27 May 2018

  • Trinity. Since the 14th century, the Trinity Sunday in the Catholic Church has been called the first Sunday after Pentecost, in contrast to the Orthodox tradition, where the celebration of Pentecost (Descent of the Holy Spirit) and the day of the Holy Trinity are combined. Today's holiday is dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity, liturgical readings and sermons on this day reveal the Christian teaching about the Trinity of God.

Holidays May 27, 2018 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Belarus on May 27, 2018 - Chemist's Day.
  • Holiday in Kazakhstan on May 27, 2018 - Chemist's Day.
  • Holiday in Kyrgyzstan May 27, 2018 - Day of Libraries.
  • Holiday in Turkmenistan May 27, 2018 - Day of the Turkmen Carpet. Day of the Turkmen Carpet (Holiday of the Turkmen Carpet) is one of the national holidays of Turkmenistan. It was established in 1992 and is celebrated annually on the last Sunday in May. The carpet has been one of the most important things in everyday life of the Turkmens since ancient times. This weaving product symbolized power and wealth. Special manufacturing techniques and unusual ornaments distinguish Turkmen carpets from all others.
  • Holiday in Nigeria on May 27, 2018 - Children's Day. In Nigeria, Children's Day is celebrated annually on May 27. It is celebrated by the government and non-governmental organizations. Pupils of primary and secondary schools do not go to school on this day; special events are held for them on the occasion of the holiday. Usually on this day, children come to local stadiums, where representatives of each school participate in the march. This is a kind of parade competition in which the winning school is chosen. For many parents, Children's Day is an opportunity to spend more time with their children.


1945 - The British in Austria handed over to the Soviet authorities the Russian Cossack corps, created by the Nazis and going to join the Vlasovites.
1956 - The Pionerskaya Russian polar station was opened.
1971 - Lev Yashin's farewell match took place in the presence of 103,000 spectators.
1973 - the USSR acceded to the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Copyright.
1988 - A law on cooperation was adopted in the USSR.
1993 - Cancellation of criminal prosecution for sodomy in Russia.
1996 - An agreement "On a ceasefire, hostilities and measures to resolve the armed conflict on the territory of the Chechen Republic" was signed in Moscow
1997 - The Founding Act on mutual relations between the Russian Federation and NATO was signed in Paris.
2010 - A bus with Russian tourists fell from a bridge in Turkey.

Events in the history of this number

1647 - execution of the first witch
The search for those responsible for troubles and misfortunes always led to the fact that someone became a victim. In Massachusetts on this day, the first witch was executed by hanging, she was declared Acha Young.

1095 - foundation of the city of Ryazan

1703 - foundation of St. Petersburg
The winged words of Alexander Sergeevich, “the city will be founded here”, are dedicated to the foundation of the city on the Neva. The construction began with the Peter and Paul Fortress; very soon St. Petersburg will become one of the most beautiful cities of the Russian Empire.

1794 - the general plan of Odessa was approved.

The new city, according to the rescript of Catherine II, was supposed to appear in the territories occupied by the Khadzhibey settlement.

1855 - the opening of the monument to Ivan Krylov
The Russian writer became famous for writing a huge number of instructive and witty fables. Grateful readers decided to honor the memory of the famous fabulist.

In the history of St. Petersburg it is the first monument to appear on the streets of the city, in the history of Russia it is the first monument in honor of the writer.

1905 - Battle of Tsushima
One of the most tragic battles in the history of the Russian fleet, the victory went to the Japanese, who completely defeated the flotilla of the Russian Empire.

1926 - Installation of a monument in honor of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
A monument in honor of the main characters of the works of Mark Twain, mischievous and resourceful boys, was erected in the state of Missouri, the town of Hannibal. The place was not chosen by chance, the writer grew up here, and the impressions of his childhood and youth formed the basis of funny stories.

1937 - the opening of the Golden Gate
One of the most beautiful bridges in the world is located in the city of San Francisco. At the time of its creation, it was the longest suspended structure in the world. The bridge bore the same name and the bay, the banks of which it connected, and allowed to significantly reduce travel time.

1969 - the birth of the "Time Machine"
A new musical group appeared in the Soviet Union, playing in the style of rock. She immediately found her fans who remain loyal to the team decades later.

1971 - Lev Yashin's farewell match
The outstanding football goalkeeper played his last match, he played for the Dynamo national team, and the rivals were the football stars of the world. The goalkeeper's place in the Dynamo team.

Celebrities born on this day

1877 - Isadora Duncan, a brilliant dancer and wife of Sergei Yesenin;

1967 - Maria Shukshina, actress, TV presenter.

The holiday will begin at 12.00 - with the carnival procession of the I St. Petersburg International Festival of Circus Art (the Fontanka River embankment near Belinsky Square - Nevsky Prospect).

Famous circus performers, trained animals, including elephants, will take part in the carnival procession in the center of St. Petersburg in honor of the City Day.

At 12.30 - a parade of drummers on Nevsky Prospekt.

The best, most titled bands and drum orchestras will come to the show parade. These are laureates of international and all-Russian festivals, such as DrumWave (St. Petersburg), Spasskaya Tower and Samba Festival (Moscow), Percussion Parade (Vidnoe), DrumFest (Essentuki), Drums of the World "(Togliatti)," Trummaania "(Estonia)," Percussive Arts Society "(Italy) and many others. Each of the teams represents different directions, styles, continents and eras.

The festive parade will be opened by the historic Petrovsky Orchestra of drummers and flutists. Spectators and guests of the city will enjoy unique demonstration performances, fashion shows of bright costumed groups. In the finale of the show, for the first time, Nevsky Prospekt will witness the creation of the most massive consolidated drum orchestra in history and the establishment of a Russian record. About 1000 drummers will take part in it, who will simultaneously play a specially written composition dedicated to the anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Celebration on Nevsky Prospekt:

On this day, Nevsky Prospect will become a huge holiday territory. The space from Sadovaya Street to the Griboyedov Canal will turn into a pedestrian, festively decorated area.

A parade of athletes will take place at 14.00.

The marches of the 1930s, performed by brass bands, will open the next picture of the holiday. Historical reminiscence and a tribute to the tradition of Soviet times - the legendary parade of athletes with the construction of the famous "pyramids", invariably causing delight and admiration.

At 14.15 the most massive flash mob in the history of St. Petersburg "d'SPB" will begin.

The main action takes place at Gostiny Dvor (on the roadway of Nevsky Prospekt). Thousands of people publicly declare their love for St. Petersburg and will take part in the construction of the live hashtag # d'SPB.

At 14.45 at the same place, the dance flash mob "Light up the Nevsky!"


Great Bicycle Parade in St. Petersburg - from 11.00 to 14.00
route: Big Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky" - Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

The large-scale bicycle parade dedicated to the 315th anniversary of St. Petersburg will be attended by several thousand Petersburgers and guests of the city, representatives of different professions and generations. At the finish line, cyclists will enjoy interactive entertainment and children's competitions.

As part of the action, a bicycle market, an exhibition of retro and custom bicycles will be held, free bicycle workshops, test drive of unusual bicycles, and outdoor games will be organized. In 2017, 15 thousand people took part in the Great Bicycle Parade.

The formation of the columns of the Great Bicycle Parade - 2018 will begin at 10:00 at the intersection of Liteiny Prospekt and Zhukovsky Street, starting at 11:00. At this time, an entertainment program will be organized for the participants of the event near the Oktyabrsky Big Concert Hall

IV St. Petersburg Ball of Nationalities
12.00 - Nevsky Prospect
13.00 - Spit of Vasilievsky Island

The Nationality Ball annually confirms the status of St. Petersburg as the multinational capital of Russia. The festive event will begin with the Parade of Nationalities along Nevsky Prospect. Then, in the water area of ​​the Neva, a theatrical program will unfold with the participation of representatives of various national diasporas of St. Petersburg.

In the historic center of the city, framed by Rostral columns, a concert is being held with the participation of more than twenty outstanding national creative groups and performers. The program includes folk dances, a show of clothing collections, arts and crafts, playing musical instruments, master classes on national crafts.

At 12.30 - Festive program of the Youth Theater on Fontanka, dedicated to the City Day and the World Championship - 2018 (Izmailovsky Garden - 114 Fontanka River Embankment).

Izmailovsky Garden will turn into a field of sports: team skipping ropes, giant bowling, figure chess, a master class on stilts and even football with a star - the captain of the theater's football team, Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Barkovsky will play against the guests of the holiday. In between games, guests can use the services of the food court area.

At 14.00 - the main program of the holiday.

The central event will be a festive lottery - a drawing of subscriptions for the performances of the next, 40th, theatrical season. The main prize of the lottery is the annual subscription! From May 17 to May 27, anyone can leave their coordinates at the theater box office by filling out a spectator card. A lottery will be held among the participants of this action. Anyone who, for any reason, does not have time to fill out the card within the specified period, will be able to do so on May 27 in Izmailovsky Garden and also take part in the drawing.

Artists of the Youth Theater will perform with their creative numbers, the presenter will hold a quiz for the guests.

Festive fireworks - at 23:00 in the water area of ​​the Neva

This year, City Day will be held for two days: Saturday 26 May and Sunday 27 May.

May 26, Saturday:

XXII International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts "Salt Town - City of Craftsmen" (Solyanoy Lane), from 11 o'clock.

This is a gift to Petersburgers from the Stieglitz Academy. There will be free workshops, exhibitions and excursions, scientific conferences, a fashion show and a festive concert.

More than 20 professional master classes in the open-air format will be presented this year by teachers, students and masters of the academy. Absolutely everyone will be able to try their hand at the art of ceramics, art forging, mosaics, hot art enamel, stained glass, painting on fabric and other types of art. Also, Solyaniy Lane will house a music stage and an exhibition area, where the works of students and famous graduates of the Academy will be presented.

The Museum of Applied Arts of the Stieglitz Academy prepares special excursion programs for the guests of the festival. It will be possible to learn to understand architectural terms and learn how to “read” any facade on the Petersburg Architects excursion dedicated to the architect M.E. Mesmakher.

Admission to all festival events is free, participation in all programs is free.

IV St. Petersburg International Parade of Retro Transport and Motorcycle Vehicles - from 11.00 to 14.00

Route of travel: Vasilievsky Island, central streets of St. Petersburg

The International Festival "Motostolitsa" for the second time will bring together athletes, motorcycle travelers, collectors of retro equipment, representatives of motorcycle clubs and thousands of Petersburgers and guests of the city who are in love with motorcycles. Within the framework of the festival, the main venues of which will be Manezhnaya Square, Malaya Sadovaya, Inzhenernaya Streets and Klenovaya Alley, a grandiose parade of retro transport and motor vehicles will take place.

Annual Ice Cream Festival - from 11.00 to 21.00 on Ostrovsky Square

As part of the festival, there will be a sports day, a festive concert and entertainment program, in which vocal and dance groups, as well as circus artists will take part.

A special interactive program will be organized for children.

Show "Classics on Dvortsovaya" - from 21.00 to 23.00
Venue: Palace Square

You can enjoy the splendor of classical works by Russian and foreign composers performed by stars of Russian and world music.

The golden cast of the Russian opera school will perform on the stage at the Winter Palace: guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and laureate of the Golden Mask award Venera Gimadieva, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Oksana Volkova, soloist of the Vienna Opera and guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Pavel Kolgatin, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Alexei Markov and soloist of the musical theater "Helikon-Opera" Alexey Tikhomirov, Valentina Nafornitsa.

The dancing part of the show will be decorated by the soloists of the Mikhailovsky Theater, Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes", ballet dancers of the Leonid Yakobson Theater. Petersburgers will be spectators of the premiere performance of the "Duet" dance and sports club, the reigning world champion in Latin American dances.

Thanks to unique video content and high-tech scenography, an impromptu open-air auditorium, stage and even an orchestra will be drawn into a single virtual space of images, sketches, landscapes and interiors based on the eternal works of world art.

Free admission.

Sound show "Singing Bridges" - from 23.30 to 01.10

Venue: Admiralteyskaya embankment, Palace bridge, Neva water area

Half an hour before midnight, a light and music performance will begin on the Admiralteyskaya embankment, accompanied by a symphony orchestra. The musicians will perform popular and beloved melodies of St. Petersburg and Leningrad composers.

Exactly at midnight on May 27, it is planned to raise the Palace Bridge and light the torches of the Rostral columns. The culmination of the holiday will be the stunt passage of the tightrope walker Rasul Abakarov in the alignment of the raised bridge.