Analysis of urine by nechiporenko for how long it takes. Laboratory research, allowing to assess the function of the kidneys and urinary tract - urine analysis according to Nechiporenko: what shows and how to collect

An analysis according to Nechiporenko is usually called a type of laboratory study of urine, in which microscopy of its sediment is performed with the determination of the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders per unit volume (1 ml). Such an analysis differs from a general clinical study of urine in greater specificity. It is prescribed in case of detection of pathological changes in the general analysis to exclude or confirm renal pathology.

How to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko?

According to Nechiporenko, a urine sample is considered a specific study, on the basis of which serious conclusions are made about the state of health.

Preparation for its conduct must be appropriate:

    Heavy physical activity on the day before the study should be excluded. The same applies to spicy and fried foods, psychoemotional stress, food and dyes that affect the color of urine, medicines. The body must be in a state of relative functional rest;

    Do not do research before, during or immediately after your period. This can lead to false results. The same applies to diagnostic manipulations with the bladder (cystoscopy, catheterization);

    Direct collection of urine should be preceded by hygienic procedures with thorough washing of the genitals with warm water;

    Requires preparation of a clean plastic container or other container. The main thing is that it is closed with a lid;

    Direct sampling of material is carried out by collecting only the urine that is released in the middle of the urination process. This means that the initial portions of urine are released into the toilet, and immediately after that, a collection container is placed under the stream. The act of urination is also completed not in a container, but in a toilet bowl. Only 20-25 ml is enough for analysis.

What is the rate of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko?

Normal indicators are as follows:

    Leukocyte cells - up to 2000 pcs. in 1 ml;

    Erythrocyte cells - up to 1000 pcs. in 1 ml;

    Cylindrical elements - up to 20 hyaline cylinders.

An important aspect of any diagnostic study is not only the correctness of its conduct, but also a competent assessment of the indicators obtained. The reliability of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment tactics in relation to each patient depend on this.

Analysis indicators

The performed diagnostic procedure determines the cellular composition of urine. Its deviations from the normative indicators in a larger direction arise only with a serious pathology of the excretory system.


    Leukocytes. These cells are immune and must be present in the blood and urine in a certain concentration, which indicates the normal protective properties of the body. If an excess of these cells is recorded in the urine, this indicates their increased migration to the kidneys, which is direct evidence of the presence of infection and inflammation;

    Red blood cells. These blood cells must not be allowed to enter the urine. But since a person is in constant motion, and not all cells are the same size, occasionally single red blood cells seep through the renal barrier or the vascular wall of the inner surface of the urinary tract. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the urine is evidence of either damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, or mechanical irritation of their mucous membrane. The state of erythrocytes is necessarily assessed - fresh or leached cells. That says a lot;

    Cylinders. They are a kind of protein casts of the renal tubules. They are based on protein, which does not have time to be reabsorbed into the blood from the primary urine. The deposition of leukocytes, salts and other cellular elements of urine on it leads to the formation of microscopic plugs in the renal tubules. As they are washed out, they are excreted in the urine. Cylinders can be hyaline, granular, epithelial, erythrocytic, and waxy. It all depends on their appearance and structure, which is determined by the nature of the pathological processes in the renal tissue. Normally, cylinders can be detected in the urine, but only of the hyaline row.

Analysis results

If the deviations from the normal indicators of the general analysis of urine were not confirmed by its microscopic examination according to Nechiporenko, this indicates an inaccuracy of the sampling and is an indication for re-diagnosis, but after more thorough preparation. In cases where the indicators obtained during the Nechiporenko urine sample are significantly higher than the established norms, the patient probably has kidney or urinary tract pathologies. Indicators corresponding to normal values, especially those confirmed by repeated studies, exclude any renal pathology.

Bad result

This concept means significant deviations from the norm of any of the indicators of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. What it can be, and what diseases are caused, is displayed in the table.

Leukocyturia above 2000 / ml

    Urolithiasis disease;


    Prostatitis and vesiculitis in men;

Hematuria above 1000 / ml

    Toxic nephropathy;

    Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis;

Hyaline cylindruria above 20 / ml

    Acute and chronic pyelonephritis;

    Glomerulonephritis in acute and chronic form;

    Kidney damage in hypertension;

    Systematic intake or overdose of diuretics;

Granular cylinders in any quantity

    Active phase of glomerulonephritis;

    Poisoning with salts of heavy metals;

    Malignant primary nephritis or pyelonephritis against the background of urolithiasis;

    Hydronephrosis against the background of structural reorganization of the kidneys;

    Viral, bacterial infections;

    Any intoxication;

    Diseases of the connective tissue of a systemic and autoimmune nature;

Wax cylinders in any quantity

    Nephrotic syndrome;

    Any kidney disease, accompanied by their organic changes;

    Chronic kidney failure;

Epithelial casts in any quantity

    Viral infections;

    Poisoning and internal intoxication;

    Acute necrotic process of the renal tubules;

    Overdose of nephrotoxic drugs;

Erythrocyte casts in any quantity

    Crisis course of malignant arterial hypertension;

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is prescribed to find out in what condition the urinary system is after the decoding of the general urine analysis showed unsatisfactory results. This type of study allows you to more accurately calculate the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders in one milliliter. Therefore, in patients, adults and children, the question often arises: "How to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko?"

Thanks to the general analysis of urine, the doctor is able to determine the presence of toxic substances in the body of adults and children, the amount of salts, organic and other substances. The study of the liquid helps to determine whether destructive processes are developing in the kidneys, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, the general analysis of urine, although it is able to show deviations from the norm, but which inflammatory processes occur in the body, cannot be found out with its help. Therefore, in case of poor results, to clarify the situation, the doctor prescribes a urine test according to Nechiporenko, with which it is possible to assess the condition of the kidneys and urinary system.

Thanks to the analysis according to Nechiporenko, it is possible to determine:

  • The presence of red blood cells - this is the name of the blood cells that give it a red color. Inside them is hemoglobin, whose task is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs to the cells and back. They should not be in the urine of a healthy person, but still a small amount is allowed (up to 1,000 in 1 ml). Detection of red blood cells in urine signals possible kidney problems, including tuberculosis in the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • The presence of white blood cells is blood cells that are part of the immune system. In urine, they should be only in small quantities (up to 2 thousand in 1 ml). An excess of immune cells in the norm indicates inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra, prostate. May indicate kidney stones, urolithiasis, tumors.
  • The presence of cylinders is the so-called formations that are formed from protein in the tubules of the kidneys under the influence of the acidic reaction of urine (they may also contain erythrocytes). Thus, in the absence of protein, cylinders in the urine are unable to form. If they are found, it means that there is an increased amount of protein in the urine, which indicates the disease. Therefore, a healthy person should not have cylinders in urine, but a small amount is allowed (up to 20 per 1 ml). If they are, it may mean that you have kidney problems.

Pregnant women should be aware that during the period of carrying a child, the results of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko are often close to the upper limit of the norm. This is normal in such a situation, so there is no need to worry. But in order for the doctor to be able to correctly assess the course of pregnancy, it is imperative to submit the material for analysis within the timeframe indicated by him, observing the preparation technique and the rules for taking the material. How many times it will be necessary to take the test, the doctor will say for sure.

If it is necessary to examine the child's urine according to Nichiporenko, you need to know that the norms of children do not differ from those of adults. As well as the rules for submitting material for analysis.

How to prepare?

Given the importance of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, before proceeding with the collection of material for analysis, it is necessary to learn how to collect urine and adhere to the correct algorithm of actions. If mistakes are made during the preparation or taking of biomaterial, the result will not correspond to reality, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The algorithm for preparing for the procedure is as follows. The day before collecting the material, any physical activity must be excluded. The same applies to emotional overstrain: while taking a biomaterial, the body must be in a state of relative functional rest.

Before you start collecting urine for analysis, you must not eat fried, spicy food, meat, sweets, honey, confectionery, as well as food products that affect the color of urine during the day. In no case should you drink alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol ones (for example, beer), for two days before taking urine. You should also avoid taking medications, including contraceptives, before collecting urine. How long before the analysis it will be necessary to stop taking medications, the doctor will say for sure, since much depends on the type of medicine.

If you cannot stop taking medications, before you start collecting urine, this issue must be agreed with the doctor, who will tell you in detail about the algorithm of actions in such situations.

Women of reproductive age should be aware that urine should not be passed three days before and within three days after menstruation. Discharge in the urine will not allow correct results. If it so happens that it is impossible to postpone the analysis and it should be done as soon as possible, the entrance to the vagina should be closed with a tampon.

How to get material?

Prepare a urine collection jar in advance. It is desirable that it be made of glass, have a wide neck, and its volume does not exceed one hundred milliliters. You need to wash the dishes without the use of detergents (only soda is allowed), then sterilize in the oven for about five minutes. Do the same with the lid. In addition, there is an easier option: you can buy a sterile jar at the pharmacy, specially designed for collecting urine from children and adults, and use it.

You need to start collecting urine for analysis only in the morning, right after sleep. The preparation algorithm is as follows: first you need to wash the genitals well with warm water. You only need to collect the urine that is released in the middle of the urination process. The technique for sampling the material is as follows: release the initial portion of urine (two to three seconds) into the toilet, then put a jar prepared in advance under the stream and collect the middle portion. To conduct a qualitative analysis, it is enough to hand over about twenty-five milliliters of liquid. The urine that is released at the end of urination does not collect in the container.

It is desirable that the material, after collection, be delivered to the laboratory within an hour, maximum two. After this time, urine begins to disintegrate, which is the cause of distorted results. Therefore, the analysis is prepared quickly, the data in a regular clinic can be obtained the very next day.

After research

If deviations in the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko in adults and children do not confirm a negative result obtained with a general analysis, this means that mistakes were made during the collection of material or during the analysis. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a repeated general analysis. The technique of material sampling and preparation in this case is exactly the same as in the analysis according to Nechiporenko.

If the urine test according to Nechiporenko turns out to be negative, this indicates destructive processes in the kidneys or in the urinary tract. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes other research methods that will make it possible to understand what is happening in the body. When making a final diagnosis, the doctor will consider the data of all studies in aggregate, and also take into account the patient's complaints and symptoms of the disease.

It is possible to identify various malfunctions in the body using tests. The study of urine is quite informative. Depending on what problems the patient is concerned about, there are several ways to conduct it. A general analysis can be done, a study using the Zimnitsky or Nechiporenko method, a check for the presence of acetone, etc.

Identifying inflammation

If patients are worried about pain during urination, and the general analysis did not reveal any abnormalities, it is worth continuing the examination. In this case, a competent doctor may offer to conduct a study according to Nechiporenko. For patients, this is a chance to find out the cause of the problem without wasting extra money. Such an analysis is considered standard, it is done in ordinary laboratories of polyclinics. The main thing is that the doctor does not forget to make a note on the referral.

The results of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko make it possible to detect malfunctions in the body. Indeed, it is this study that is aimed at identifying hidden inflammatory processes. True, a deviation from the norm will be noticed only when the problem lies in the work of the genitourinary system.

Preparation for research

If the doctor suspects that there is a latent inflammatory process in your body, he will prescribe a special examination. But do not worry: the collection of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is carried out in almost the same way as for other studies of this biological material. But you need to properly prepare for it.

It is advisable to revise your diet a day before the proposed study. It is necessary to exclude fruits or vegetables that can change the color of urine. It is also recommended to limit the amount of meat dishes, salty, spicy and acidic foods. Avoid alcohol intake and try to protect yourself from excessive physical exertion. Avoid diuretics and medications that can affect urine color and blood clotting.

Collection of material

Well, everything is clear with the rules of preparation. Now let's discuss how to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko. By the way, a very important nuance: women are not recommended to take biological material during critical days.

Now the process itself. First, it is necessary to conduct a thorough hygienic toilet of the genitals. For research, only the first morning urine is taken. To collect it, you need to release a small amount of liquid into the toilet. It is necessary to urinate in it for 2-3 seconds, after which you can already substitute the jar. In a container, you need to collect about 100 ml of urine.

Speaking about how to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko, it is important not to forget that the jar used must be clean and dry. It is better to purchase a special container at a pharmacy. If you want to use some kind of homemade jar, then it must not only be thoroughly washed, but also sterilized. However, in most laboratories, as a rule, such containers have not been accepted for several years. So to speak, these are already relics of the past.

Regardless of which container you used, it is necessary to deliver the material to the laboratory within two hours after collection. Only compliance with all of the above conditions can guarantee a reliable result.

Purpose of the analysis

The study by the Nechiporenko method makes it possible to determine the latent inflammatory process by counting the number of cylinders, erythrocytes and leukocytes in 1 ml of the taken material.

If the patient figured out how to collect urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, and did everything correctly, then in a few hours he will be able to find out exactly what problems he has. In addition to identifying hidden inflammatory processes, such as cystitis or pyelonephritis, the study will help establish the onset of the development of urolithiasis or damage to the renal parenchyma. In addition, it is this study that allows precise control of the effectiveness of treatment, which is carried out with the help of antibacterial agents.

How the research is done

Many patients are interested not only in decoding the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko, they are curious about what happens to the material they have collected in the laboratory. People want to know exactly how research is done. The analysis is carried out as follows. A portion of urine brought to the laboratory is mixed, 5-10 ml is poured from it into a test tube. After that, the container with the selected liquid is centrifuged for three minutes at a speed of 3500 rpm. After the completion of the procedure, the upper layer of urine is drained, only 1 ml with the sediment is left in the test tube, which must be mixed well. It merges into a special chamber, where erythrocytes, cylinders and, of course, leukocytes are counted.

Decoding the result

In order to understand whether everything is in order with the body, it is necessary to know what is the established rate of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. Ideally, this study should detect no more than 2000 leukocytes in 1 ml of the test fluid (for women, an increase of up to 4000 is allowed). There should be from 1 to 6 of them in the field of view. There should be up to 1000 units of erythrocytes in each ml. That is, 1-3 will normally be in the field of view. And the test material should contain no more than 20 cylinders.

An increase in any of the indicators indicates the presence of problems. If you received an analysis result where there are more red blood cells, leukocytes or cylinders than the specified number, you need to go to the doctor to find out the reasons for the changes.

Deviations from the norm and possible problems

It is enough for a specialist to look at the research results to identify the inflammatory process, the onset of urolithiasis or other diseases. True, the doctor, before prescribing treatment, can clarify whether you know how to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko. After all, the slightest violation of technology can lead to the ingress of impurities into the biological fluid, which ultimately leads to distortion of the results.

Any inflammation contributes to an increase in leukocytes. If your analysis has 10-15 units in the field of view, then this indicates the beginning of the pathological process. But serious inflammation will cause a significant increase in the amount of these substances. There will be about 40-50 of them in the field of view. But keep in mind that an indicator of 10 units most often indicates a poorly conducted hygienic toilet.

But an increase in the level of red blood cells (this phenomenon is also called "blood in the urine") is called hematuria. In this case, it is important to find out how many bodies are in an altered state (leached), and how many are in a normal state. It is from these data that the nature of the problem is judged. If unchanged red blood cells are present in the urine, this may indicate an inflammatory disease such as cystitis or urethritis. An increase in their number may also indicate the passage of a kidney stone through the urinary tract.

Detection of altered red blood cells indicates kidney problems. Their number increases with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, or even with kidney tuberculosis. To identify these pathologies, you need to know which norm is set for each of the indicators.

The Nechiporenko test also helps to identify epilepsy or viral hepatitis. An increase in the number of cylinders is indicative of such problems. But do not panic right away - there may be more of them than the norm if you had increased physical activity the day before.

Examination of urine of pregnant women

Women expecting a baby are sometimes prescribed such a study. But the interpretation of the results in this case should be approached more carefully. For example, an increase in the number of leukocytes is often observed in expectant mothers. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the kidneys, and all this is aggravated by the addition of infection.

But an increase in the number of cylinders can be a consequence of the development of toxicosis. No less attentive should be paid to the growth of red blood cells. This happens quite often, because it is in an interesting position that all chronic diseases become aggravated in women, but sometimes this can be the result of squeezing the urinary tract by the uterus. Before starting treatment, it is better to go for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

If the expectant mother was assigned such a study, then she should take advice on how to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko during pregnancy very seriously. It is advisable not only to wash thoroughly, but also to make a small cotton swab, with which you can prevent vaginal discharge from entering the urine.

Analysis in children

In pediatrics, the analysis we are considering is also not uncommon. It is prescribed for children after identifying problems in the general study of the mentioned biomaterial, with suspicion of sluggish inflammatory processes, to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as to establish latent leukocyturia and hematuria.

The norms in this case are no different from adults. True, an increase in the number of leukocytes up to 4000 units in 1 ml of the test liquid is permissible here. Children, as well as adults, may have pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, and renal tuberculosis. Each of the diseases can be suspected by a doctor with corresponding deviations from the norm.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is one of the most important diagnostic tools. It is used in urology, nephrology and other medical fields. This low-cost diagnostic method is considered to be very informative. It allows you to identify hidden pathologies of the genitourinary system and begin to eliminate them as soon as possible.

What does urine analysis according to Nechiporenko mean?

Such a diagnostic study was proposed by a Soviet physician scientist. This inventor was Alexander Zakharovich Nechiporenko. The technique proposed by him makes it possible to determine the amount of blood elements present in urine. Attention is paid to the calculation of the following components:

  • erythrocytes;
  • leukocytes;
  • cylinders.
  • when blood particles were found in a previous urine test;
  • if the doctor has concerns that a latent infection of the urinary system is wielding the patient's body;
  • with diabetes mellitus, vasculitis or another disease that affects the functioning of the kidneys;
  • when the doctor wants to track the dynamics of treatment.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko can also be performed during pregnancy. His doctor prescribes if a woman complains of burning, pain and other discomfort in the kidney area. In addition, such a urine test can also be prescribed for small children. It is prescribed when a specialist has reason to suspect the development of a pathology of the excretory system or in case of metabolic disorders.

Analysis according to Nechiporenko and general urine analysis

The methodology for conducting these two clinical trials is somewhat different. For general analysis, a microscope is used. The Nechiporenko test is carried out using a special counting chamber. With this device, the amount of blood cells in the fluid is counted. The difference between the general analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko can be seen from the results of the study. This test gives a detailed answer. In contrast, a general examination provides only generalized data on the patient's state of health.

What does the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko show?

Such a study helps to make out what the general diagnostic test will not show. What the analysis according to Nechiporenko shows: the amount of blood elements in 1 ml of urine. In this study, the diagnostic fluid is passed through a centrifuge. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - the amount of urine (test volume) is 50 ml. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, sediment is formed in the biological fluid. It is poured into a special chamber used for counting blood cells and cells.

The doctor prescribes a urine analysis according to Nechiporenko at the slightest suspicion of a pathology of the excretory system. It helps to accurately diagnose such serious diseases:

  • cystitis is an inflammation of an infectious nature, which is accompanied by cuts during urination;
  • good and malignant neoplasms;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis, accompanied by a deterioration in appetite, a rise in temperature and other signs of malaise;
  • glomerulonephritis is an acute or chronic process characterized by a jump in blood pressure and swelling;
  • prostatitis;
  • intoxication of the body caused by poisoning with poisons;
  • kidney infarction;
  • essential hypertension and so on.

How to take a urine test according to Nechiporenko?

How reliable the results will be depends on the correct collection of biological fluid. For this reason, before performing the diagnostic procedure, the doctor will explain to the patient in detail how to take the Nechiporenko test correctly. He will give recommendations on how to prepare for manipulation. In addition, the doctor will advise on how to properly collect the biological fluid.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - preparation

For the results to be as reliable as possible, the patient needs to follow these recommendations:

  1. Tell the doctor about the medications you are taking. Because some medications (such as antibiotics and diuretics) interfere with results, you may need to stop testing them within a few days.
  2. Stress and intense physical activity can give a false picture, so it is advisable for the patient to protect himself from all this.
  3. The day before collecting the biological fluid, you must refuse to take products with a coloring effect. These include carrot juice, beets, and rhubarb. In addition, you should refrain from alcohol, sweets, heavy meats and soda.
  4. Before you take the Nechiporenko test, you must thoroughly rinse the genitals. If this is not done, dead cells will enter the biological fluid, distorting the results.

In addition, women should not conduct a diagnostic study according to Nechiporenko during menstruation. Blood can pass from the vagina into the urine. As a result, the analyzes will no longer be reliable. It is also necessary to refuse such a diagnostic examination 2 days after the end of the menstrual cycle. During this period, blood cells remain in the genital tract, and from there they can get into the urine, thus distorting the results of the analysis. If, nevertheless, it is unbearable to wait and you need to undergo an examination immediately, you must use a hygienic swab before collecting the biological fluid.

For some period of time, you will have to postpone the delivery of the analysis after catheterization. During this manipulation, minor damage may remain in the urethra. Because of them, the results of the Nechiporenko test will show an increased concentration of erythrocytes in the biological fluid. In addition, it is important for the doctor to make sure that the patient does not have diarrhea or colds before conducting such a diagnostic study. Such pathologies will distort the test results.

How to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko?

A sterile container should be used to collect the biological fluid. It can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. A small glass container with a wide neck is also suitable for this, which must first be washed with a soda solution, and then sterilized in a microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. Here's how to correctly collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko:

  1. Wash the genitals well with water. At the same time, it is recommended to wash without soap.
  2. Collection of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  3. The container with the biological fluid must be immediately covered with a lid so that foreign microorganisms do not get inside.

How much is urine analysis done according to Nechiporenko?

The collected biological material should be delivered to the laboratory for examination as soon as possible. You cannot store it for a long time, since bacteria will actively begin to multiply in this environment. The result of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is done within 2 hours. In this case, the biological material should not be exposed to too low or high temperatures or be in the zone of direct sunlight.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - transcript

In a diagnostic study, both the correctness of its conduct and a competent assessment of the results obtained are important. After the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is done, the indicators are carefully studied (each component is calculated). It is important for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and start therapeutic procedures in a timely manner.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is the norm

Even in a completely healthy person, a certain amount of blood elements may be present in the biological fluid. Analysis according to Nechiporenko - the norm is as follows (in 1 ml of the test material):

  • erythrocytes - up to 1000 cells;
  • cylinders - maximum 20 units;
  • leukocytes - up to 2000 cells;
  • - should not be;
  • epithelial cells - single presence is permissible.

At the same time, the table of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko indicates that the norm in pregnant women is slightly higher than in other patients. It is considered acceptable if the number of leukocytes in the biological fluid is 2000-4000 units. With such indicators, the doctor does not prescribe any kind of treatment, but simply carefully monitors the woman's condition and, if necessary, prescribes a re-examination.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - leukocytes

These cells are involved in immune control. Their increase indicates an active inflammatory process in the patient's body. If the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko has increased leukocytes, this can serve as a signal of such pathological processes:

  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidiasis;
  • endometritis and so on.

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - erythrocytes

Red blood cells are incredibly important for the body: they carry oxygen and other valuable substances to the cells of tissues and organs. An increased amount of these elements indicates kidney damage or that the mucous membrane of the urinary canal is damaged. Nechiporenko method - urine analysis can show the concentration of red blood cells is more than normal for such pathological processes:

  • kidney swelling;
  • prostatitis;

Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital for the test. GENERAL ANALYSIS OF URINE and NECHIPORENKO! How to collect urine correctly?

  1. Wash, general analysis: collect urine in a container, pour about 100 ml into a jar (a special container for urine is sold at the pharmacy)
    According to NECHIPORENKO: That is, at the beginning and end of urination, urinate into the toilet. In the middle of urination, urinate in a separate bowl, pour into a jar for analysis (a special container purchased at the pharmacy).
  2. Necropost, now in regional hospitals they practice delivery to one bank and not even in the morning. At any convenient time, you can go to the laboratory, show the direction, get a jar without a lid. Next to the toilet. But the quantity should be over 100ml. The rest will be spilled on their own.
  3. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko.
    Urine analysis according to Nichiporenko is the second most popular analysis among doctors, which is necessarily prescribed when leukocytes and erythrocytes appear in the general analysis. It allows you to clarify their number and determine the severity of inflammation. Urine according to Nechiporenko is handed over in the morning. Collect the "medium portion" of urine in a clean jar, and even 5 ml is enough. Attach the direction and take it to the laboratory immediately.
    General urine analysis: - In order to correctly pass urine analysis, prepare a clean, dry jar. Ideal - a jar of mayonnaise or baby food with a screw cap. Disposable urine jars are also sold in pharmacies. Some health centers provide disposable plastic jars. Collect urine in the morning while it is concentrated.
    Perform a genital toilet before collecting urine samples.
    When you wake up, wash your external genitals with warm water so that microbes and out-of-date cells from their surface do not spoil the picture. Collect a midstream urine sample for testing. Remember that urine should be at least 100 ml. After closing the jar, attach the direction to it with an elastic band and take it to the laboratory no later than an hour later. Women must not donate urine three days before, during and after menstruation: the discharge that gets into it will give an absolutely wrong result. If it is nevertheless necessary to pass urine, doctors resort to bladder catheterization. My advice to you is to refuse. The catheter injures the urinary tract and almost always leads to inflammation. It is better to take a piece of cotton wool and close the opening of the vagina with it. Do not collect the first few drops of urine.
  4. I supplement: Clinical urine analysis and urine analysis according to Nechiporenko are collected on different days. On the first day, OAM, on the second, according to Nechiporenko. The general analysis is indicative, but the other pursues completely different goals - identifying a latent infection or monitoring treatment.
  5. 1. Teach the patient the technique of collecting urine for clinical analysis:
    - in the morning, after washing away, allocate the first stream of urine into the toilet at the expense of 1, 2;
    - delay urination;
    - open a bank;
    - collect 150-200 ml of urine in a jar (if necessary, complete urination in the toilet);
    - close the jar with a lid.
  6. Piss into a jar and take it to them, let them figure it out with this Nepochirenka