"Be healthy!" Synopsis of the lesson in the middle group for the section "Healthy lifestyle. Calendar-thematic planning on the topic: Work plan for healthy lifestyle in the middle group

Pukhova Natalya Yurievna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten number 1 "Birch" about. Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region.



  • teach children to take care of their health;
  • improve the skills of using personal hygiene items;
  • explain to children what benefits the sun, air and water bring; good mood; to give an understanding of the need for vitamins for the human body.


  • encouraging children to answer questions; develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination.


  • to cultivate the desire to be healthy, to be attentive to yourself.

Vocabulary work:

  • sun, air, water, toothpaste, caries.

Preliminary work: observance of regime moments, conversation with children about vitamins, consolidation of knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Didactic games: "Vitamin houses" , "Pyramid of Health" .

Mastering integrative qualities: mastering basic cultural and hygienic skills, curiosity, activity, emotional responsiveness, mastering the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. Compliance with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of conduct. The ability to solve intellectual problems, adequate to age, to have a primary idea of ​​oneself. Mastering the universal prerequisites for educational activities.

Methods and techniques: cognitive activity with a health-improving orientation, breathing and motor exercises, play, research actions, riddles. Wood with personal hygiene items: toothbrushes, soap, paste, towel.

Leisure course:

Children enter the hall and sit on high chairs.


What "Hello" ? - the best of words!

because "Hello" - then be healthy!

Guys, I suggest you go on a very interesting airplane trip today. Fly? Let's go ...

Gymnastics: "Airplane" .

We get on the plane (Children squat)

Let's go flying! ("Get started" plane, get up.)

We are flying above the clouds. (Hands to the side)

We wave to dad, wave to mom. (Take turns with both hands)

Careful: the mountain! (Lean left, right.)

It's time for us to land! (Squat)

Educator: Guys, what is it on our way? (Flower meadow)... See what's growing on it? (Flowers)... These are unusual flowers. All different colors. Do people often have mood changes? Display of pictures depicting children with different emotional states. Suggest to children, speculate:

(What do you think, if a person has a headache, or is he tired, he may be in a bad mood? And if he is healthy, he is doing well, then what is his mood? (Good)... Come and take a flower in a color that matches your mood. (bright color - good mood, dark color - bad mood).

Educator: Show how my guys smile and how sad they are.

"Flower meadow" .

Educator: I am glad that you all chose bright flowers, which means you are in a good mood. Let's give our flowers to the guests, and they will also have a good mood! (give).

Educator: Children, and in order to be cheerful and cheerful, we start the morning with what? (with charging)... Why do we exercise? (to be healthy, cheerful, cheerful).

Physical education:

We stamp our feet
We clap our hands.
We shake our heads
We shake our heads.

We raise our hands up
And then we omit them,
And then we serve them and sing the whole song,
La la la la la la.

Educator: Well done! Is your mood better? Let's go further.

Educator: I see an unusual tree ahead (there are toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, a towel on the tree)... Have you seen such trees? (No).

And you know, this tree is magic and can speak, let's listen.

(entry "Moidodyr" : “It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings, and the unclean chimney sweeps are ashamed and disgraceful).

And in what fairy tale did you hear such words? (children's answers)

Educator: Now I will ask riddles, and you will look for answers on this tree.

Slips away like a living thing.
But I will not release it.
Foam with white foam
Do not be lazy to wash your hands! (Soap)

What is soap for? (To wash your hands).

Educator: When do we wash our hands? (before eating, after a walk, when they get dirty, after having stroked the animals. After all, there are a lot of microbes on the wool).

Self-massage "Washer"

We must, we must wash ourselves.
(three hands together)
Where is the pure water here?
(Show palms)

We will open the crane shhhh,
(imitation of opening a tap)
My hands shhhh.
(three palms together)

They did not forget their nose and cheeks and washed everything with water,

(stroked his nose and cheeks, then the whole face.)

Educator: We also listen to the riddle of what grows on our unusual tree

Soft, fluffy
White, clean.
I'll take him to the shower with me
I'll be clean and dry. (towel)

Educator: Why do we need a towel? (to dry off)

She lives in a tube

It creeps like a snake from it,

Inseparable from the brush often

Mint Tooth ... (paste)

Educator: Guys, how many times a day do you need to brush your teeth? (2 times - morning and evening)... And for what? (to keep teeth healthy, white)

Educator: Guys, smile at each other and see how many teeth do you have? You are so Beautiful. When you smile (illustrations of teeth are found under the tree).

Educator: Look, what kind of tooth is it? (showing funny tooth).

Why is he hilarious? (he's healthy, white).

Showing a sad tooth. Why is this tooth sad? (He has a hole. He got sick. He has caries).

Educator: Guys, what does it take for you to grow up, to have strong teeth, to see your eyes well? (you need to eat vegetables and fruits, there are vitamins).

Educator: What fruits and vegetables do you know?

Whoever eats a lot of vegetables and fruits never gets sick!

Show of illustrations: Carrots. Apple. Candy.

Educator: What do you guys think, which of these products are good for your teeth? (apple, carrot)

Educator: And the candy? (a lot of sweets are bad for teeth).

Educator: What are teeth for? (to chew food)

Educator: Therefore, we must take good care of them!

Gymnastics: "Airplane" , an audio recording with the sounds of the forest sounds).

Educator: Where did we end up? (in the forest)

Educator: Why is it easier to breathe in the forest? (because the air is clean)

Educator: do you think clean air is good for your health? (Of course).

Educator: Let's breathe.

Respiratory gymnastics elements "Let's catch the air with our hands" -

for a short breath we squeeze our palms, for a long exhale we unclench.

Educator: What is a forest for? (to go for mushrooms, berries, for a walk, listen to birds ...)

Educator: And a person also needs warmth from the sun. (Picture display "Sun" )

The exercise "Affectionate sun"

Imagine that now our hands and faces are warmed by a gentle sun.

Children imitate relaxation.

The sun has hidden, it has become cool, squeeze into a ball.

Children tense up.

The sun shone again, we are warm, pleasant.

Children show relaxation and pleasure. Repeated several times.

Educator: The sun, air and water are our best friends!

Educator: our journey has come to an end. We flew to the kindergarten.

Educator: Did you like it? Where have you been today? What did you fly on?

What would you like to wish each other? (to be healthy, beautiful, cheerful and not sick.)

Summary of the lesson on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the middle group "Where health is hiding"

Target: Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: Introduce the concept « health » and "disease"... Continue introducing body parts to children.

Teach children to take care of their own health, know the simplest techniques of self- health improvement(acupressure). Form the correct posture.

Raise the need for adherence to diet, eating vegetables and fruits. Foster responsiveness and a desire to help others.

Correctional work: To develop oculomotor functions, visual attention.

Materials and equipment: Toy bear, two baskets, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a selection of slides for occupation.

Course of the lesson:

(Slide of the autumn sunny forest and the sounds of the forest)

Educator: - Guys, today I invite you to take a walk in the forest. Walking is very beneficial for our body, especially in the forest. Take a look around, what do you see? Listen to what you hear? Let's sit in a clearing, admire nature, listen to the sounds of the forest.

(A teddy bear appears - an unexpected guest)

Bear: - Who came to my forest? And so I can't fall asleep for the winter, and then there are children, so I'll eat you now. Oh, my head, oh my back. What is it with me? I got sick, I can't even sleep.

Educator: - Mishka do not roar so scary, all my children scared! Better say hello yes tell, what's wrong? Or maybe the guys and I will help you, we will cure you!

Bear: - Yes all hurts: both throat and paws ache, and noise in the ears. Help children. I'll sit down with you, maybe teach me how to get rid of diseases.

Educator: - Help, guys? Let's teach Mishka how not to get sick, maybe he will grow kinder.

Children, together with a teacher, perform massage of biologically active points in a poetic form:

Wellness gymnastics(self-massage).

So that the throat does not hurt, we will stroke it boldly.

(Stroke the neck with the palms from top to bottom.)

In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub the nose.

(They rub the wings of the nose with their index fingers.)

We will rub the forehead too, we hold our palms "Visor".

(We put our palms on the forehead "Visor" and rub it with movements to the sides - together)

"Fork" do it with your fingers and massage your ears boldly.

(Move the index and average fingers and rub the points in front of and behind the ears)

We know, we know yes-yes-yes, we are not afraid of colds.

(They rub their palms together.)

Educator: - How are you getting better Misha? Did our massage help you?

Bear: - The head passed, and the nose began to breathe, the paws seemed to let go? But does your stomach still hurt? Can I eat some of your guys, maybe help?

Educator: No, Mishka doesn't need to eat anyone. Guys, what should you do so as not to get sick? (Answerschildren : get hardened, go in for sports ....)

Educator: - By what signs can you know that a person is sick? (coughs, fever, looks sad)

- What are the rules of hygiene, guys, do we observe at home and in kindergarten? (Answers children: - We wash in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc.)

Educator: - Why do you need to do this? (Answers children: - To be clean, to look good, to be pleasant, and the skin healthy to be tempered to wash away germs.) Bear, play with us and remember the rules hygiene:

The game "Complete the sentence"

Wash my face in the morning (healthy)

Rub your eyes with dirty hands (harmful)

Use soap when washing your hands ... (healthy)

Eating with dirty hands ... (harmful)

Do not brush your hair ... (harmful)

Brush your teeth 2 times a day ... (healthy)

Treat teeth at the dentist (healthy)

There are unwashed fruits and vegetables…. (harmful)

Educator: - How do microbes get into the body? (Answers children: when sneezing, coughing without covering your mouth; if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet; do not wash vegetables, fruits.)

Educator: - What phone can you call an ambulance? (by number 03)

Educator: Well done. Let's play with you and show. How to behave in order to keep health.

Didactic game "You can and cannot"

Bear: - Well done.

Educator: tired? Let's do some exercises


You will eat vitamins.

You will be very, very strong - they will show strength.

If you run far, run in place

If you jump high - jumping on two legs.

Legs will dance - they put their feet on their toes.

And do not know fatigue!

Educator Mishka, let's look into your basket, the tourists must have left this treat for you. (Shows children dummies of chips, cola, sweets)

Bear. Here are sweets - sweets are my favorite, now I will eat and I will feel better. Oh, it got even worse, now the tooth ached.

Educator: Oh, you bear, how can you eat so much sweet, it's bad for health.

Bear: - Help me disassemble my basket for healthy and unhealthy foods, please!

Educator: We will put healthy products in one basket, and harmful products in the other.

Didactic game "Useful and harmful products"

(The teacher sprinkles a basket in front of the children and offers to help him, in one basket collect healthy foods, and harmful to another basket.)

The children sort the groceries to the music, collecting them in two baskets.

Educator: Well done guys helped the bear. There are many vitamins in these fruits and vegetables that protect us from diseases, if we eat them, then we will not be afraid of any cold.

Bear: Oh, something hurt my eyes.

Educator: Mishka, do you want us to teach you our gymnastics so that your eyes don't hurt?

Visual gymnastics Bear.

Get up, hands behind your back, watch and listen and carefully repeat:

The bear sat on a log Raise his head up and

He began to look at the sun. move your eyes to the right to the left.

Don't look at the light, bear! Blink your eyes.

Eyes can get sore!

Educator: - What good fellows you are, thank you for making Mishka happy, and recovered and cheered up! And for this, the bear has prepared gifts for all of you with juicy carrots! “Carrots are very healthy for the eyes and for growth. Now you will come from my forest to group be sure to wash your hands and treat yourself to health". And it's time for me to sleep in the den, goodbye to Spring!

Educator and children: Thank you Mishka, don't forget about us and our proverb Remember: "I AM health shore, I'll help myself! "

Related project: Formation of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten (Middle group)

1. Topic: Formation of a healthy lifestyle "Rainbow-arc (HEALTH)"
2. The project was implemented: by the educator of group No. 3 - Ovchinnikova A.A.
3. Type of project: educational and play
by the number of participants: group
4. Participants of the project: children of the middle group No. 3, educators of the group, parents of pupils.
5. Project term: short-term - 1 (one) month. The risks in the implementation of the project are minimal, since there is practically no dependence on external factors.

Our kindergarten is located in the newly built microdistrict Severny, even though it is a new and not yet fully equipped microdistrict, but the kindergarten already has its own ecological path, which includes: "Avenue of Trees", "Fruit Garden", "Kuban Corner" and much more, therefore, one of the main areas of work in an educational institution is the creation and development of a health-preserving environment.
More and more often, questions related to the health problems of children - the younger generation of our country - are heard in the media from the lips of teachers, doctors and parents. These questions are topical, first of all, because there is a tendency towards a deterioration in the health status of children in different regions of the Russian Federation.
No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health, which must be fought for. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, temper, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene, in a word, to achieve in reasonable ways a genuine harmony of health.
And if modern educational standards oblige teachers to more carefully and actively participate in the field of health preservation of children, then the parents of preschool educational institutions often ignore the advice of educators, preferring an easier way in this direction. Instead of systematic tempering, conversations about the benefits of fresh air and outdoor games, strict adherence to the daily regimen and diet, compassionate mothers and grandmothers "feed" babies with synthetic drugs, which, according to the advertisement, "help to restore the vitality of the body."
The formation of a child's attitude to a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without the active participation of not only teachers and all kindergarten staff in this process, but also the direct participation of parents. Only with a change in the structure of the family can we expect real results in changing the attitude of preschoolers and their parents to their own health.
The need for a healthy lifestyle must be formed from early childhood, when the body is flexible and easily amenable to environmental influences. With a professional approach to the issues of health preservation, each child strengthens the desire to be healthy, to grow up beautiful, active, to be able to serve and behave so as not to harm himself and others.
Thus, one of the main tasks of the educational process today is to help preschoolers and their parents develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, teach them to assess their physical capabilities, see the prospects for their development, and realize responsibility for their health.
In addition, the issue of health is especially acute in the winter period, when a significant increase in the number of cases of morbidity is observed in children, which requires the need to use modern, innovative approaches in educational and health-improving work.

During a month, thematic conversations were held with children of the middle group about a healthy lifestyle, about what hardening is, how fresh air affects a good appetite and sound sleep, etc.
One of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition! For this purpose, in the summer period of time on the site of the group was organized "Mini garden", which was looked after by the children of the group together with the educators.
During the acquaintance with fiction, the attention of the children was drawn to how writers and poets glorify a healthy lifestyle. Folk songs and jokes about human health were learned.
In educational activities, children were asked to play active, didactic, plot-based role-playing games that affect human health issues.
During the implementation of the project, work was carried out to improve the health of the children: washing, walking barefoot along the health path, rinsing the mouth with water at room temperature, outdoor games.
For parents, special consultations were held on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for middle-aged children, visual material was drawn up in the parent's corner about the importance of a regimen and healthy nutrition for children, as well as a Lepbook was prepared for visual propaganda about a healthy lifestyle.


Objective of the project:
preservation and strengthening of children's health, contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude towards health as the main value of all project participants.

Project objectives:
to increase the interest of children in a healthy lifestyle through a variety of forms and methods of physical culture and health improvement work;
continue to introduce children to the rules of hygiene;
to contribute to strengthening the health of children through a system of recreational activities;
to increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue
preserving and strengthening the health of the child;
instilling interest in various sports through cognitive activities;
motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle within the project and outside of it;
education of moral behavior;
introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process;
organization of a health-preserving environment for the beneficial physical development of children.

A health-preserving educational environment includes the following components:
1. Optimization of sanitary and hygienic conditions for education and training.
2. Rational organization of the educational process and the mode of the study load.
3. Providing adequate nutrition for children in a preschool educational institution.
4. Improving the system of physical education.
5. Providing psychological comfort to all participants in the educational process.
6. Use of health-saving educational technologies.
7. Widespread use of educational programs in the field of health.
8. Improvement of social adaptation and provision of family counseling focused on improving the health of children.
9. Conducting health monitoring.

Estimated project results:
Preservation and strengthening of children's health through a system of complex physical culture and health improvement work;
Creation of a subject developmental environment that ensures the effectiveness of health-improving work;
Using a variety of forms of interaction with parents
in order to increase the level of knowledge on the problem of strengthening and
preserving the health of children.

Project work plan:
Collection of information: a selection of photographs, a set of games and exercises of various orientations (for posture, flat feet, muscles of the arms, legs, back), acquaintance with the methodological literature on health preservation.
Working with children: exercises, games, reading poetry and riddles; conducting conversations on the topics "Useful - not useful", "Bad - good", "Cleanliness and health", "Personal hygiene", "About healthy food", "Who goes in for sports".
Hardening procedures: invigorating exercises after sleep, staying in the fresh air, gargling, washing, air baths, walking along the health path.
Independent activity: preparation and design of the "Rainbow-arc (HEALTH)" Lepbook, which contains didactic games, sports exercises for all types of muscles, Physical minutes, Riddles about sports, Illustrations with all kinds of sports, Moments, Fun exercises, etc. ...
Working with parents: an exhibition of educational literature on the physical
development of children and strengthening the health of the child's body, consultations on the topics "Family sports", "On the observance of the children's regime", "The sun, air and water are our best friends", "Play in the life of a child", "Do gymnastics in the morning", manufacturing of non-standard equipment (Lepbook).


The tasks are implemented through the use of health-saving educational technologies, such as:
Organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the upbringing and educational process, contributing to the prevention of the state of overwork;
Psychological and pedagogical technologies associated with the direct work of a teacher with children;
Educational and educational technologies, which include programs for teaching health care and the formation of a culture of health.

Thematic conversations with children:
“How to take care of your health”.
"Cleanliness is the key to health."
"Helpful - not useful."
"Personal hygiene".
"About healthy food".

Acquaintance with the literature:
K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"
Health poems
A. Barto "Grimy Girl"
K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"
Riddles and proverbs about a healthy lifestyle

Play activities:
Game name, goal
Outdoor game "Sun and Rain"
Purpose: to develop the physical activity of children.
"Mischievous ball"
Purpose: to perform jumps at your own pace and rhythm.
"Sparrows and the car"
Purpose: to secure the run in different directions.
Didactic and developing games "Wonderful bag", "Know and name vegetables"
Purpose: to develop children's understanding of tasty and healthy food.
"Cats - Mice"
Purpose: to run in a certain direction without pushing each other, walk on toes.
Outdoor game "Kitty"
Goal: development of crawling skills, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs.
"Fast legs run along the path"
Purpose: run fast - slow, respond to the signal.
"Magic Forest" - a complex of outdoor games based on imitative movements of various animals: a bear, a hare, a chanterelle, a dog, a cat, etc.
Purpose: to exercise children in running, walking, crawling on all fours, maintaining balance, jumping on two legs in place, forming the quality of personality.
"Development of movement in preschool children"
Purpose: to consolidate the basic types of movement, to bring up positive emotions, to form the ability to correct posture.
"In the country of health"
Purpose: to form a conscious attitude to health, to teach to take care of your health, to evoke an emotional mood.

Independent and joint artistic and productive activities:

Drawing with pencils, markers, crayons.
Games with water (under favorable temperature conditions) in a group.
Wellness activities: washing with contrasting water, air baths, walking barefoot along the health path;
Walks and outdoor games in the fresh air.

Observations, excursions:
Watching other children play while walking.
Purpose: fostering good relations with each other, developing the prerequisites of children for games of various types: running, jumping, throwing and catching a ball, crawling, climbing.
Excursion to the sports hall of the kindergarten: a conversation with a physical education instructor, acquaintance with sports

Health-saving technologies, technologies for maintaining and promoting health:
Dynamic pauses - during classes, 3-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.
Outdoor and sports games - as part of physical education, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degree of mobility.
Relaxation - in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature.
Finger gymnastics is recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems at any convenient time (at any convenient time).
Exercise for the eyes - at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher.
Respiratory gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health-improving work. Ensure ventilation of the room, the teacher give the children instructions on the obligatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure.
Gymnastics after sleep - every day after naps, 5-10 minutes.

Forms of organizing health-preserving work:

Physical education classes
independent activity of children
outdoor games
morning exercises (traditional, breathing)
motional and health-improving physical exercises
exercise after a nap
sports holidays
wellness treatments, etc.


In the course of the project "Healthy lifestyle" the following results were obtained:
The children of the middle group developed an interest and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Children are happy to walk barefoot along the health path, they have independently mastered the mouthwash technique, I willingly use Lepbook made by me personally, while experiencing pleasure, wash their hands up to the elbows, rinse their mouths, play with water.
Children independently take the initiative to move: they run, jump, play with a ball, crawl, climb not only in a group, but also on the street.
The incidence rates of children have decreased.

Educational value of the project:
The children have significantly increased their interest and desire to do gymnastics, physical education, and take part in health-improving procedures.
Cognitive value of the project:
Children have increased their knowledge of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
The concept of health-improving activities has expanded.
Creativity and imagination manifested itself in the manufacture of a non-standard project (Lepbook).
Prospects for project activities in this direction:
In order to increase interest in a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to continue systematic work on this topic through the creation and implementation of new joint projects with parents using non-traditional approaches in this direction. Continue to introduce health-preserving technologies into pedagogical practice aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of preschoolers.

Abramova Tatiana Nikolaevna
Conversation with children of the middle group about a healthy lifestyle


(middle group)

conducted by physical education instructor Abramova T.N.


develop an understanding of the need to take care of your health, take care of it,

learn to be healthy and live a healthy life;

instill a love of exercise;

create a cheerful and joyful mood in children.

Instructor - Dear guys! Listen to this poem.

Oster G. Bad advice

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid business

Leads to nothing.

Hands will get dirty again

Neck, ears and face

So why waste energy?

Time to waste?

A haircut is also useless

It doesn't make any sense.

To old age by itself

The head will go bald.

Agree, it's nice to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful! Instructor - Have you ever wondered what our health a lot of good and loyal friends?

(discussion of children, the instructor encourages the creative activity of children)

Instructor - Let's think together what helps a person to be healthy. (children's answers)

Instructor - Right! Cool clean water, which we wash, douche and wipe ourselves with in the morning. It hardens our body, drives away sleep, cleanses the skin, washing away dirt, sweat and pathogenic microbes from it.

Instructor - Guys, who are the microbes?

(listens to children's answers)

Our second friend is morning exercises.

To the sounds of vigorous rhythmic music, we walk at a brisk pace, run, squat, bend forward, backward, right and left, take a ball, hoop or rope.

After morning exercises, mood rises, appetite appears, because exercise, regulating the work of all organs, helps to join the daily rhythm.

Let's all do some exercises together now.

(children repeat the exercises after adults)

Instructor - Guys, let's play a game with you "Magic bag".

Didactic game "Magic bag".

Children by touch with their eyes closed take one object out of the bag, feel it and give the answer what it is and what it is for.

The bag contains a toothbrush, hand soap, a towel, a washcloth, a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of body gel, a hairbrush, and a massage comb.

Instructor - I hope you understood: to be healthy, you need to keep clean, wash your face and wash your hands with soap, brush your teeth and cut your nails. Clean your room and wash dishes. It's not for nothing say: "Cleanliness is a guarantee health» .

I know a lot of kids who do not like to observe the daily routine. But the daily routine is a wonderful friend of our health! If we always get out of bed at the same time, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, go for a walk, go to bed, then our body develops a certain biological rhythm that helps to maintain health and vigor.

But you and I have forgotten about one more devoted friend of ours - about movement.

Let's think if it could be healthy person which leads the motionless Lifestyle and most of the time sitting in an armchair or lying on the couch? Right! Can not!

The instructor gives each child a card with a picture.

Instructor - Guys, each of you has a picture in your hands. Let's show and tell in turn what you have depicted. (children show and tell)

Instructor - Movement, especially in the fresh air, makes us strong, agile, tempered!

Summer gives us not only warmth and sunshine, but also the opportunity to swim in a river or lake, play football, volleyball and other outdoor fun games.

And in winter, when everything is white, trees and bushes dress up in fluffy snow sheepskin coats, you can ski and sled, play hockey or ice skate around the shining lights of the fir tree.

Instructor - What a fine fellow you guys are! Now we are sure that you know all about hygiene, oh healthy eating, about the regime of the day. Grow healthy, cheerful and happy!

Related publications:

The problem of human health, its preservation and strengthening remains especially acute, requiring serious pedagogical comprehension and solution.

Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children The concept of Federal State Requirements (FGT) provides for the creation of conditions for improving the quality of preschool education, etc.

Consultation for parents "Formation of a child's idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle" The health of a nation is one of the most important indicators of its well-being. Ensuring the health of the younger generation is one of the urgent tasks.

Consultation "Formation of a value perception of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers" Consultation for teachers and parents of kindergarten pupils

As soon as you wake up, do the exercises, friend. Then everything will be just joyful ... To be healthy is great! Everyone.

OOP DOU determines the content and organization of the educational process for preschool children and directs it to the formation of a common one.

Summary of entertainment for healthy lifestyle in the middle group "Let's keep our health"

PURPOSE: formation of a preschooler's idea of ​​himself and of a healthy lifestyle, of the rules of hygiene and health protection.

  1. I. INTRODUCTORY PART. Educator: Guys, I suggest you go to the country today

well, "Zdorovyachkov". Do you want to grow up to be healthy, strong boys and girls? And what needs to be done for this, we will learn in the country of "Zdorovyachkov". Are you ready? Make yourself comfortable, our train departs! Carriages, carriages rattling on rails A company of children is being taken to the country of "Zdorovyachkov". To keep your body from letting you down, you need to train it. Then you will be able to withstand heavy loads, for example, walking for a long time, climbing a high mountain. You need to keep your body clean, wash, take a shower, brush your teeth. After all, the healthiest person can get sick from dirt, and microbes, as you understand, like to settle where it is dirty. Here we are with you and learned the first law of the country Health: "Health is a healthy body, strong and clean."

1st RELAY "Hygiene products". Now guys, I’ll ask you riddles.

1 riddle. I wander through the woods, And through the mustache and hair! And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (RACES)

2 zag. Plastic back, Stiff bristles. He is friends with toothpaste, 2 Serves us diligently. (TOOTHBRUSH)

3 zag. It weighs on the wall, dangles - Everyone grabs at him. (TOWEL)

4 zag. I take the work on myself- Heels, elbows with soap and rub ... And I rub my knees, I don't forget anything (MOTHER)

5 zag. Slips away like a living thing, But I will not let him go. Foams with white foam. He is not lazy to wash his hands (SOAP)

6 zag. And it shines and shines, No one it flatters! And he will tell anyone the truth - He will show him everything as it is. (MIRROR) This country probably has other laws.

Children are invited to select pictures depicting healthy foods, tell them how they are useful, remember the benefits of vitamins, name foods whose use should be limited, list the main nutritional rules.

II RELAY "Healthy food"

You know very well how certain foods are useful or not very useful, and you correctly noted that it is important not only to use healthy foods, but also to follow the nutritional rules: wash your hands before eating, eat food that is offered for breakfast, lunch and dinner. , but do not overeat or snack between meals, otherwise the same thing may happen to you as with the hero of K. Chukovsky's poem "Barabek": Robin Bobin Barabek Eaten forty people, And a cow, and a bull, And a crooked butcher, And a cart , and an arc, And a broom, and a poker, Ate a church, ate a house, And a smithy with a blacksmith, 3 And then he says: "My stomach hurts." And now it's really time to eat.

III RELAY "Harvest"

IV-th RELAY "Let's cook borscht, cook compote" Here we have learned the second law of the country Health: "Health is proper nutrition."

GAME "Edible, inedible." Now listen to the poem "Strongman": I want to become a strongman, I come to a strongman: - Tell us about this: How did you become a strongman? The strong man looked at me, He threw a chair up to the ceiling, And then, catching it, Like a feather, raised the wardrobe. So he came up to the table, grabbed the table by the leg, He began to juggle it deftly. - It's simple - training! I will not hide my secret: Early in the morning I get up And in the sun, and in bad weather I open the windows wide open. One Hundred Fun Exercises With a rope and a ball! You will do them without laziness, You will also become a strong man.

4 G. Sapgir Let's do some exercise, gain strength for the further journey. PHY. MINUTE "Radiant Sun" Well, how did you get some rest? Pay attention to how you feel after physical. minutes ki? After a good training session, outdoor games, skiing, playing hockey and other physical exercises, the mood always improves, it can be easier to do difficult work. Movements give a charge of vivacity, energy, which means they add health. After a good charge, appetite appears. What is appetite? I'm on a sled from the mountain. The bear flies head over heels. We ran to dinner, And Appetite came to us. Together with him we sat down at the table, We ate everything with appetite. Come to us, Appetite! Our mother says that a good appetite will not hurt anyone. If you did a good physical exercise, ate with appetite, how do you feel after that? It seems to me that now you yourself can name another law of the country Health. Health is movement!

Dear guys, you already know the three laws of the country Health. You are one step away from entering this country. Tell me, should a really healthy person be kind, generous, help people, see and understand the beautiful?

What does it mean to be kind? What is generosity? What does it mean to see and understand the beautiful? Did you know that now you have discovered the fourth law of the country Health: “Health is a good heart”? Remember all these laws of the country Health.

GAME "Kind Words" Health is a healthy body, strong and clean. Health means proper nutrition. Health is movement. Health is a good heart. 5 How do you think kindergarten observes these laws? You come to kindergarten clean and tidy, wash your hands before eating and when you get dirty, the cooks prepare delicious food from healthy products, and you try to eat it, exercise, play outdoor games, try to be kind and sympathetic. Where is this wonderful country of Health located? This is our kindergarten! All conditions have been created here for you to grow strong, strong and healthy. We wish you good health!