Papers how to make a palm tree out of paper. How to make a naturalistic tall and voluminous palm tree out of paper. Assembling the trunk for a medium-sized palm tree

Every mother knows that it is very important to develop fine motor skills with a child. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of mental abilities, speech apparatus, as well as hand skills. The more such activities in the life of a baby, the earlier he begins to speak, understand the speech of his mother and becomes a full-fledged member of society. Also, every mother knows how hard it is to interest the baby and persuade him to do something specific, the more necessary for the mother, and even devote this activity for a long time. This article describes techniques for making a palm tree out of paper with your own hands. Such lessons on fine motor skills will delight the kid and the desire to bring the job started to the end.

Firstly, the baby will do the craft in the company of his mother, which is always pleasant for him, and secondly, the palm tree is such a plant that you will not find on the street, so it will be very interesting to see the result and enjoy his unique plant, even if it has grown from paper.

There are many options for execution. Here are just some of the master classes.

Volumetric origami

To complete a voluminous craft, you will need:

  • 14 sheets of high density green paper or cardboard;
  • 16 sheets of yellow or brown paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

A palm tree consists of a certain number of constituent elements. To obtain the finished product, you need to collect 210 elements from green paper and 243 elements from yellow (or brown). The constituent elements are assembled according to the diagram in the photo.

Do not be afraid, all actions are performed quickly and easily enough and within the power of any mother and baby.

When all the components are ready, you can smoothly proceed to the next stage - assembling the palm tree.

First of all, it is necessary to create a frame for the product so that the palm tree can stand on its own and not fall. For this, two levels of nine green modules are built, after which they are all turned inside out.

Next, one green element of the third is put on each corner of the element of the second level. A total of 18 elements are required. The fourth level is built in the same way as the third. To create the fifth level, you will have to attach as many as 36 elements!

To make the palm look more natural, add soil around the five levels of grass at the base of the tree.

For this, yellow elements are added to the execution from the sixth level. The sixth and seventh levels are entirely composed of 36 yellow elements. Starting at the eighth level, we move on to creating the trunk of the palm tree.

The 18 yellow elements are evenly distributed over the skeleton of the tree, in the part that acts as the soil from which the palm tree grows. At the ninth level, you need to distribute eight yellow elements, and repeat this action for 19 subsequent levels.

The trunk of the palm tree is ready. You can move on to making leaves. In total, six leaves must be made for the finished product. Leaves are made from green elements.

The first two levels of the sheet consist of six elements. The elements of the second row are put on as if on the wrong side (if we take the first level in comparison).

To complete the third row, you need to put on two elements at each of the corners of the second level. According to this scheme, 12 levels are assembled.

The remaining five leaves are made using the same algorithm. To complete the work, you need to glue the leaves to the top of the trunk. Now the palm tree is absolutely ready!

By adding imagination, you can use the same principle to create a whole rainforest of palm trees, or even build your own desert island with dense palm vegetation.

Videos on how to make an origami-style palm tree can be viewed here:

Simple option

If the baby is very young, making a palm tree using the origami technique may seem quite difficult to him, or he may simply not be perseverant due to his small age.

For such babies and their mothers, there is an easier option for making a palm tree out of paper.

For work you will need:

  • newspaper;
  • green paper;
  • brown paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Scotch.

The first step is to start creating the trunk of the palm tree. The sizes of the material and blanks used depend on the desired size of the finished product, therefore, they are not spelled out in the article.

For this, newsprint is taken and rolled tightly into a roll, then wrapped with tape.

The diameter does not need to be made small, the larger the trunk diameter, the more stable the palm will be.

The next step is to take brown paper and cut it into strips equal in length to the circumference of the palm trunk. On each strip, cuts are made along the bottom approximately to the middle, it turns out something like a fringe. The more often the cuts are made, the more beautiful the finished product will look.

The outline of the sheet is drawn on green paper. You can take a ready-made image from the Internet and transfer it to paper, or you can independently decide how the leaves of your palm tree should look like.

Mom and baby also decide on the number of leaves. It is important not to spare the material so that the palm tree does not look too modest and dull, but also not to overdo it, otherwise the appearance of the finished product may become very careless.

The place where the trunk and leaves are glued is wrapped with a fringed strip.

The product is ready. You just need to let it dry and you can build your own jungle!

Related videos

More related tutorials here:

In this article, we want to talk about how to successfully combine love of the tropics, creativity and unnecessary plastic bottles.

The palm tree is an undeniable symbol of summer and relaxation. But it is expensive to go to live palm trees, and you want to get a piece of such a wonderful sunny mood. However, why buy a palm tree if you can make it yourself? Moreover, using objects that are easy to find in any home - plastic bottles.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles in stages?

  • Let's start by slicing the leaves of the palm tree. To do this, divide the plastic green bottle into two parts, the upper one will come in handy
  • Now strips are cut from this upper part. Work the surface along. The shape of the bottle does not matter at all - any will do.

  • After cutting the resulting bottles fixed on the cable

IMPORTANT: The cable diameter must be between 12 and 14 millimeters.

  • And now you can start making the barrel... For them, plastic bottles with a capacity of about 2.5 liters of brown color are useful.

  • Along the bottles make incisions so that the stripes are wide

  • The bottom is removed

  • Prepare a sheet of metal, the thickness of which must be more than 0.5 centimeters. Two rods need to be welded to this sheet. about 25 centimeters long. One of them should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the sheet, and the other at a smaller

  • Place metal tubes on the rods... The diameter is desirable within 20 millimeters. As for the height, it depends on how high the palm tree you want to see.

  • At the ends of the rods, you need to weld metal bushings. It is in them that palm leaves from bottles will be planted.

IMPORTANT: It is better to bend the wires on which the improvised leaves are planted.

  • As soon as the leaves were gathered, you can proceed to the trunk

Diagram of a palm tree made from plastic bottles

  • For clarity, you can see on the diagram how to form trunk of the future tree from plastic bottles. Fix an iron rod in the ground, and then string bottles on it. Pre-cut the bottom of the bottles

  • For green bottles intended for leaves, the bottom is also cut off. Further each bottle is cut into 3 or 4 pieces... Each part, in turn, is made in the form of a fringe.

  • As soon as a few green bottles are designed as shown in the diagram, you can start assembling the crown

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to make cross-shaped cuts on the brown bottle - this way the green bottles will be better attached. For better attachment, you can also wire the composite crowns inside the brown bottle to each other.

  • Now the top with a crown is attached to the trunk as shown in the diagram

How many plastic bottles do you need to craft a palm tree?

There are plastic bottles in every home, but how many do you need for a palm tree? For trunk stock up on 10-15 pieces of brown material, or even more.

Pay attention to the displacement: so, for crafts from 15 bottles, it is recommended to purchase a two-liter material, but for smaller palms - bottles of 10 - you can stock up on one and a half-liter bottles.

As for the leaves, then it is better to take bigger bottles for them - the palm leaves are quite long. On average, at least 7 bottles are needed for one palm.

How to make palm leaves from plastic bottles?

  • If you want to get wide leaves fan-like, cut off the bottom first. Then cut the bottle so that it forms three parts. It is recommended to use not only green bottles, but also yellow ones - this way the palm tree will look more natural.

IMPORTANT: Bring the incisions approximately half a finger to the neck.

  • Each of the cuts is rounded and tapering towards the base in such a way as to resemble leaves
  • Now you need straighten all the leaves outward
  • The leaves are cut in such a way as to create a fringe. A fringe is required on both sides of each leaf. The middle, of course, should remain intact - 1.5 centimeters is enough. It is recommended to bend each clove to create splendor according to the following principle - one down, the second evenly, and the third up

How to make a palm tree trunk from plastic bottles?

  • First of all, cut about 1/3 of the bottle- namely the bottom
  • 8 petals are cut from the remaining bottle. You need to step back half a finger from the lid
  • Turn out each of the segments

IMPORTANT: You can also use a cut-off third of the bottle to save material. However, for this you have to make a hole in it. You can use a knife for such purposes, previously heated on the stove.

How to collect a palm tree from plastic bottles?

As a stem, which will serve as a support for a palm tree, it is best to use a metal-plastic pipe. Its diameter should be 20 millimeters. But there are no restrictions on the height.

  • You need to start assembly from the bottom.... And for the bottom, pick up the largest details, for the top - the smallest. They are collected by the glass-to-glass method
  • The petals should turn at this time staggered
  • The very bottom is best secured with double narrow tape.- it connects perfectly. However, you can also use glue.
  • But 30 centimeters before the top of the stem, you need to finish collecting the trunk and start collecting foliage. And use a checkerboard pattern too
  • Once the build is complete, bury the reinforcement 30 centimeters in the ground. In this case, 40 centimeters should remain on the surface. And on this armature, put on a ready-made pipe with a palm tree

Options for palms from plastic bottles

Plastic bottle palms can look different. But it's better to see once, so we bring to your attention a selection of photos with similar artificial trees.

Palm bonsai from plastic bottles

  • For making such a palm tree cut off the top and bottom of the bottle

  • From the resulting green plastic material cut small strips, and from them - leaves

IMPORTANT: The stripes should be about a centimeter wide.

  • Each of the pieces of leaves is necessary pierce

  • You should also prepare the wire for the branches.- it should be from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters in diameter

  • Now cut off 30-50 centimeters of wire and fold it in half. Pass the first sheet and twist the ends 2 or 3 times - this is how it is fixed

  • The first rectangle is the top sheet. Place the rest on either side of it.

IMPORTANT: You should step back from each pair of leaves 3-4 millimeters, and then you need to twist the wire.

  • As soon as the twig weaving is over, twist the ends... In general, you need to stock up on 15 branches for a palm tree. Let the uppermost ones contain the largest number of leaves, and the lower ones - the smallest

  • The palm tree will consist of two tiers. The branches should intertwine with each other, creating a common trunk

  • Now we will create the foundation... A pot is not very suitable - it is best to anchor the palm tree on the island. To make it, a soap dish, a saucer, vessels - anything that has an oblong shape will come in handy. The container is covered with cling film and then filled with liquid alabaster

  • Put the palm tree in a bowl and wait 10 minutes- during this time, solidification will occur. Then there will be only take out the platform How to make a large palm tree from plastic bottles?
    • First of all, stock up on plenty of bottles. Cut them in half, and form prongs on the cut pieces.
    • Further in the earth a metal pin is attached. Strong wire can be used as an alternative

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to take care that the pin is firmly attached to the ground.

    • Blanks from bottles string on the pin... It is advisable to go around them in order to create a natural effect.
    • From green bottles cut the leaves after removing the bottom from the bottles
    • Connect all elements into a common structure... They can be held together with harnesses or welding

    How to make a small palm tree from plastic bottles?

    For a similar little palm for a room will need only 3 brown bottles and one for leaves with a capacity of 0.6 liters.

    • So, cut each brown bottle into 4 equal pieces... And along the cut of each of the parts you need to form cuts triangles to centimeter
    • Peel back these slices
    • Now divide the green bottle into 3 parts, the largest of which will be the one with a neck - 9 centimeters
    • Collect the trunk from the part that consists of the bottom... Glue other trunk components into it

    As you can see, you can arrange your own tropics in any part of our vast homeland, and at any time of the year. The material is very accessible, and a little time will be spent. In addition, such a palm tree is perfect for those who do not have time to care for living plants.

    Video: Master class for making a spreading palm tree from bottles

Together with my son, we agreed to make a palm tree from plastic bottles for the garden. It turned out that there are many ways to implement the idea. Wanting to get the best specimen, we tried several schemes for assembling an exotic plant, which we will tell you about.

When we started assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles, we fully felt the main problem: a huge amount of containers is needed! It must be borne in mind that all this abundance of bottles must be washed, cut up and collected with our own hands. The scissors gave his son blisters. In the course of work, three ways of solving the issue were discovered:

  • make a small tree;
  • use technology with less material;
  • paint transparent bottles.
This all went through our hands several times.

As a result, we decided to make a medium-sized tree. We painted only three bottles. We have achieved the use of containers almost without scraps, that is, by 90%. 35 brown and the same green plastic bottles were spent on the entire product. We give a description of the creation of what you see in the photo, as well as diagrams for assembling a small and large tree with your own hands. We made a man under a tree from plastic bottles earlier.

Man-made palm and "local" created earlier

Assembling the trunk for a medium-sized palm tree

Let's start assembling the tree from the trunk. It will require a metal tube that easily fits into the neck of the bottle. The tube should be 50cm longer than the palm tree: this part will be in the ground.

We used a whole 150cm tube to assemble the barrel. For installation on the ground, a 1 m long reinforcement was driven into the ground by 50 cm, on which a tube of the supporting structure of a palm tree was put. Below is a step-by-step instruction and a diagram for assembling crafts for a garden and a vegetable garden. The step numbers here and below correspond to the numbers in the pictures:

The result is the trunk of a palm tree. The diameter of the tree is not the same due to the use of different bottles, but in nature it happens.

Small palm trunk

We know that on the surface of the palm tree there are jagged protrusions of the remnants of branches. At a short distance, they are clearly visible, so a trunk of another design is better for a small tree.

A small palm tree may have a different trunk design

A small palm tree can be installed in the country directly against the wall of the house. In this case, you need to step by step perform the following operations:

Big palm trunk manufacturing technology

There is a third way to make a palm trunk. If we want to make a large tree for a summer cottage, close in size to a natural one, the examples already considered will not work due to the disproportionately small trunk diameter and the fragility of the structure. In this case, you will have to cut off the lowest parts of the plastic bottles, and then drill and fasten them with screws or nails to the log. Of course, a lot of containers will be required.

The option of making a barrel of natural sizes

Master class for making a crown for a medium-sized palm tree

Now we will deal with the crown of an exotic tree. For its assembly, we also chose a design with full use of plastic bottles. Bottles are different, and we divided them into five groups for five tree branches in advance, trying to keep all the sets approximately the same. To assemble the crown, you need to follow these steps step by step:

Like the trunk, the crown of a palm tree can be done in a variety of ways. It is very convenient to choose the required option based on the size of the tree. Going back to the medium size sample, you can make a fluffier crown. However, in this case, you will have to cut the bottles in 5mm increments, that is, do three times more work with your own hands. In addition, in this case only the upper third of the bottle is used, which would require three times the starting material.

Making a crown for a small tree

Now we will give a master class for making a crown for a small palm tree. This craft is well suited for beginners. In this case, it takes noticeably more time to work with each detail, but noticeably fewer bottles will be required, and the crown of the tree will have a more natural look with a small distance to a small tree.

This crown will only require a few bottles. The step-by-step instructions will be as follows:

Other options for making an artificial tree crown

Variants of palm tree crowns with different leaves

Note that palm leaves can be cut using a different pattern. If you wake up your imagination, you can come up with something new and make your own palm tree from a plastic container on your own.

Please note that the crown shown in the photo below is a good fit for making a large tree.

Already having some experience, we understand that this option will require a large amount of source material. As you can see, only the lower parts of exactly the same bottles, strung on a wire, are used here.

To prevent the individual links from entering each other, the top of each workpiece is cut and folded inward.

We hope you have the best plastic bottle palm. The video below will help you clarify the missing details.

Paper palms are great for budget decoration of terraces, verandas, gazebos and patios, all kinds of parties, as well as school and kindergarten holidays. These palms are easy to make, and even a child can handle it. But even better, for all their cheapness and elementary nature, these palms look really very realistic.

To you will be required:
- Long cardboard rolls from paper towels or decorative wrapping paper (for the trunk of a palm tree, which can be made from a wooden, metal or plastic pole / stick, and from other analogues);
- Brown paper, a lot - you can wrinkle it, you can use paper bags with at least 1 side of one color - in general, everything that fits the definition;
- Thick green colored paper (you can glue the usual colored paper in 2 layers for greater rigidity);
- Brown thin elastic bands or thin brown twine / rope;
- Stapler;
- Scissors;
- Duct tape;
- A stable decorative container in which you will "plant" your palm;
- Decorative stones or small seashells;
- Sand.

1. If you use cardboard rolls as the trunk of a palm tree, you will have to glue several pieces in length to get a palm tree of the required height. Glue as securely as possible so that the palm tree does not suddenly bend at an inopportune moment. You can even stuff the rolls inside with something hard and long at the junction. If you already have a long stem base, skip this step.

2. Use your hands to tear the brown paper into pieces with deliberately jagged edges, but wide and long enough to wrap around the base of the palm trunk in a spiral with a good overlap. Before wrapping the trunk, remember the paper with your hands for a more realistic palm look in the end.

3. Secure the wrapped paper to the barrel with rubber bands or a thin brown rope. Place the rope and elastic bands with great distances between the turns so that the paper holds firmly, but its uneven edges can be folded to the sides. Wrap the entire trunk - fold the horizontal edges of the paper away from the trunk - it will look more like the bark of a palm tree.

4. Cut from thick double-sided green paper large leaves of the most common slightly elongated and pointed shape - 8 pcs. Don't try to make them now look like long rectangles with rounded corners, like living palm trees - this is not necessary. When you attach the finished leaves to the palm tree, they will look just right. Fold the cut leaves in half along their entire length.

6. Take 4 of 8 ready-made leaves, fold them together (in a stack) with the lower tips, but direct the sheets themselves at the same time in different directions - unevenly, naturally. Fasten the folded ends with a stapler 2-3 times. Repeat with the remaining 4 sheets.

7. Crumple a good brown paper ball if you made the base of the palm tree from cardboard rolls. Stick the bonded lower ends of the two "bundles" of palm leaves deep enough into the upper roll of the trunk, opposite each other, after smearing both the tips and the inner surface of the roll with glue. Slide a ball of paper tightly on top so that the leaves don't fall out, and also to close the hole in the trunk from above. Spread out the leaves and, if necessary, correct their position a little.

If the trunk does not have a hole, simply use glue on the top and bottom of the fastened tips of the leaves, then wrap them tightly with a thin brown rope around the top of the trunk of the palm tree. It is also worth dropping glue under the rope everywhere.


Try to put 2-3 palms of different heights and leaf sizes in one large - wide and deep - container;

To make this project even more sustainable, glue newspaper leaves and paint them green with tempera, and then cut out palm leaves from the resulting project.

From ordinary colored paper and glue, which is in every home, you can make many wonderful crafts that will delight you and your children. For example, a paper palm tree would be a great option for beginners who want to do it themselves.

The process of making a palm tree from paper is entertaining enough to keep young children interested. In addition, he superbly develops imagination and fine motor skills. A volumetric origami-style palm tree or a palm tree made of pieces of wire and corrugated paper will be a wonderful interior decoration. We have created a detailed master class with photo and video materials, thanks to which you can easily cope with this task.

We make a voluminous palm tree out of paper with our own hands in MK

To make a palm tree out of paper, we need:

  • Corrugated green paper;
  • Plain brown colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • thin wire about 25 cm;
  • glue.

First, overabout making a trunk for our palm. To do this, take some corrugated paper wire and plain brown paper.

1) We wrap the wire with a piece of corrugated paper, this is necessary so that the brown stripes do not slip when we crate them to the wire. And the shape of the barrel will be more durable.

2) Cut the brown paper into strips of about 2-3 cm each. Fold each such strip 6 times and create a fringe from them. To do this, we make a neat cut from any edge.

3) Now glue the brown fringe to the palm tree frame. Apply glue to the edge of the strip and wrap it tightly around the frame so that the base is not visible. We do this 3 times to make the palm tree more voluminous.


In order to create foliage for our palm, cut the corrugated paper into strips of 1 cm and a length of about 6. Fold in half and cut out the leaves. We give each leaf an elongated shape, similar to a palm leaf. The leaves need to be made in 2 sizes - the small ones will go to the top of the palm tree, and the large ones will serve as the main part of the crown.

Now all that remains is to assemble the finished palm tree from the parts that we made. To do this - Glue the leaves to the top of the finished trunk - first small, then large.

At the end, we fix the workpiece on the stand. And a hand-made palm tree is ready. You can decorate the base with fine colored stones or sand for a finished look.

Origami palm:

The volumetric palm tree made using the origami technique will also look original. For this you will need:

  • 14 sheets of thick green paper,
  • 16 sheets of yellow paper,
  • Glue.
  • stationery knife or scissors

To create a palm tree using this technique, we first need to collect the required number of modules. You will need 210 green modules and 243 yellow ones. To make a module, we will use the diagram below.

After assembling the required number of modules, we begin to create our palm in stages.

Palm base:

1) First, we need to make our palm tree an island on which it will stand. To do this, make up the first and second rows of each of the 9 green modules and turn them inside out.

2) On each corner of the module of the second row we put on one module of the third. A total of 18 green modules are needed.

3) We collect the fourth row by analogy with the third.

4) And in the fifth row, you will need to attach 36 modules.

Sand beach:

1) Starting from the 6th row, we turn on the yellow modules.

2) It is necessary to form 6 and 7 rows, each should consist of 36 yellow modules.


1) From the 8th row, the trunk of the palm tree begins to appear.

2) Distribute 18 yellow modules evenly. We insert them into the gaps between the modules of the first and second row, imitating sand.

3) In the 9th row, distribute 8 yellow modules and repeat this action for 19 rows in a row.

Palm leaves:

1) Now we need to make the branches of our palm tree. In total, we need 6 identical leaves for this. To assemble one sheet, you need green modules - the first 2 rows should consist of 6 green modules each. The modules of the second row are put on backwards compared to the first. we do the third row as follows - 2 green modules are put on each one of the corners of the previous row. In total, you need to collect 12 rows in this way.

2) The other five leaves are collected in the same sequence.

Finish the creation of the palm tree by gluing the leaves to the top of the trunk.

Our original origami-style palm tree is ready.

Related videos

We have selected for you several illustrative and useful video tutorials on the topic of creating a palm tree from paper that can be useful and invite you to watch them.