How to paint face painting. This makeup is water-based, easy to use, lays on the skin in a thin layer, can be easily washed off with a damp cloth or water. There are neon, matte, pearlescent shades on sale. The US FDA discourages the use of fiol

Face painting for children is one of their favorite pastimes. All guys, without exception, adore painting faces, trying on funny faces of animals. It is especially fun to transform with the help of face painting at children's parties and performances.

This safe "make-up" can be applied not only at a masquerade, but also at home if parents want to diversify their child's leisure time. You can buy paints for body art, but it is much more interesting to do face painting with your own hands. Our master class is dedicated to little fans of experiments and magical transformations!

How to make face painting yourself

We offer you a mini-instruction on how to make a safe paint for painting the body and face.

Face painting for children. Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon cold cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon water
  • food coloring

Face painting for children. Preparation:

In a bowl, combine cold cream and starch, then add water and food coloring. Mix the ingredients well. You should have a creamy paint that won't drip or run. Use different food colors to make dyes of different colors. It is recommended to store the finished paint in a closed airtight container.

How to use face painting for children

Gather your child's hair in a ponytail to open up the forehead to the maximum, use a cape that you do not mind getting dirty. It is convenient to use a compact soft brush to apply baby face painting on the face and other parts of the body. When doing this, make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes. Makeup is easy to remove with soap and water.

Children, unlike adults, cannot sit still for a long time. Therefore, you need to apply paint on the face of a fidget quickly. In addition, babies can feel funny and ticklish from the touch of a sponge, which can affect the quality of the child's war paint. So try to distract your child with casual conversation when doing body art.

You should not paint children who are not yet three years old, as well as children with sensitive skin that reacts to face painting components. Before starting work, it is better to test the paint on a small area of ​​the skin to check if the crumbs are allergic. If the baby has skin diseases or open wounds, then body art is not worth it.

Why are face painting classes useful?

1. Children's face painting is a very exciting and interesting activity. This pastime brings kids together and improves communication skills.

2. If kids paint each other's faces, they develop imagination and creativity. They learn to paint, train their color perception and get the opportunity to express themselves.

3. Face painting allows you to diversify your leisure time, make your holiday unforgettable.

Ideas for children's face painting: photo

The most suitable images that little ones will be happy to try on are the "makeup" of a fairy, butterfly, kitty, princess, star, rainbow, ladybug, heart or flower. Great face painting ideas for boys - lion, robot, spiderman, pirate, batman, tiger, Indian, monster. In this photo selection, there is definitely something interesting for the transformation of your daughter or son.

Now you know how to make face paint at home, how to apply it and rinse it off correctly. You can use ready-made images of body art for children or come up with your own, original, together with your son or daughter. Face painting classes will provide a good mood for children and their parents, turn an ordinary birthday into a bright show.

Childhood is one of the brightest and most memorable moments in life, when you want to believe in fairy tales and enjoy bright colors. Parents are ready to do a lot to keep their children healthy and happy. One of the new and very wonderful solutions for children's parties and celebrations is the application of watercolor painting.

What is face painting

Face painting is a new type of specially created makeup, in which there are no harmful substances and only the brightest and most beautiful paints are used. This paint has no contraindications, allergic effects and can be easily applied to the face or body. It is simply washed off without using any detergents using clean water.

The use of natural products in the preparation of this kind of paint allows the skin to breathe calmly after application. The paint will not clog pores. Such qualities make it possible to use such paints quite often without harm to a small organism.

You can draw a lot of wonderful pictures with aqua paints, paint any mask on the child's face, or turn him into a fairy-tale character. Face painting is not just beautiful, it will bring a lot of positive emotions and allow children to have a wonderful time.

What face painting is made of

Special paints that are used for applying face painting are water-based. These paints are very easy to use and can be applied without special tools. You can apply or remove such makeup with plain water. The paints you buy must be thinned with water. They can be safely mixed to obtain the desired hue or color. If you do not want to use very bright colors, then paint for face painting can be diluted with plain water, and the shade can be made pale.

In addition to water-based paints, oil-based paints can be used. They are a little more difficult to use, but will last much longer on the face. You cannot dilute this paint with ordinary water. But it will hold up well, and your child will be able to spend a lot of time with such make-up, without getting dirty clothes and without losing their spectacular appearance. You can remove makeup with warm and soapy water.

How to apply face painting

Using face painting, you can turn your child's ordinary day into an unforgettable journey into the world of fairy tales. Moreover, applying aquarelle will take a little time. You don't have to be an artist or makeup artist to do this.

To get started, you need the paints themselves and a few different brushes. If you want to make a certain drawing, then you need to look for an answer to the question of how to draw face painting and save the found picture that you plan to transfer to your child's face.

Before applying cosmetics, you still need to make sure that it will not cause an allergic reaction. Every girl and woman knows which method can be used to check cosmetics. You just need to apply some of this makeup to the area of ​​your neck and wait for a while. If there is no redness or rash on this area of ​​the skin, you can safely apply paints to the child's body.

After you have tested the paint, choose things that you won't mind getting dirty. Once dry, the paint will not transfer to things. But while you paint the child, and he, of course, turns, things can be ruined. Also, pay attention to the fact that the image of the child will look much more beautiful if the pattern on the face and the things in which he will be dressed are in harmony. It is quite simple to create face painting on your face with your own hands, but pay attention to the full image of the hero.

The features of applying the makeup itself are very similar to ordinary painting with paints. Thus, if you want to create a large and voluminous drawing, then let the previous layers of paint dry out a little.

If you are planning to do a tint, you need to do a tone. Face painting will look beautiful if you apply the tone with an even and beautiful color. The tone should be applied with a small sponge and gently enough. Then let it dry for a while. Then you can start drawing further. Draw outlines and outlines, and then paint over the inner parts.

When applying paint to a child's face, do not forget not to clog the pores and rub the paint hard. To do this, do all the strokes carefully and do not press hard.

How to remove face painting

The method of removing face painting from the face depends on the basis on which it is made. If you are using water-based makeup, you will have enough warm water to wash it off. Before painting with face painting, you need to moisturize the skin a little. This procedure will help you to easily remove makeup without damaging the integument. Once you've got the makeup off your baby's face, you need to use a little scrub to remove any remaining paint from the pores. Do not forget that the brighter the colors, the more difficult it is to wash them off the face.

If you have used oil-based paint, then you will need to prepare a soapy liquid to remove it. Use a little warm water in it. Such a solution will very quickly remove oily paint from the face. After complete removal, do not forget to moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.

Face painting for girls

Face painting for boys and girls may differ not only in the pattern you apply, but also in the color scheme in which you paint your face. Face painting for girls can be much brighter than that of boys. Pink shades and sequins will be used here.

Face painting for girls is mainly bright and beautiful drawings of butterflies or princesses, applied with paints of bright and rich colors.

A butterfly will look very beautiful on the girl's face. This is one of the most popular face painting drawings on a girl's face. The butterfly is drawn very simply. To do this, you need to make a delicate background using a dark color. Next, you draw the outline of the wings, the nose, the very body of the butterfly. There will be wings on the cheeks, which you can also sketch in different colors.

In addition to butterflies, a cat's antennae will look beautiful on the girl's face. Such drawings are very easy to apply and do not require much effort. In order to draw the face of an animal, you need to make a background with a small sponge, and then draw the contours with black paint. The mustache and nose of the animal will become the contours.

And, of course, you can draw flowers for the girl. This is a wonderful image of a princess, lady of flowers or a woman in the forest.

Face painting for boys

To apply a pattern to a boy's face, you need to think about a more masculine image. And this is where superheroes can come to the rescue. One of these could be Spider-Man or Superman. Face painting for boys will look very beautiful if, for example, a spider-man is drawn. To make such a drawing is quite simple, because first you just need to make the outlines and shade the entire face a little.

In addition to heroes, you can also apply a drawing of an animal such as a tiger or a dog to the boy's face. But for this you will need to choose the appropriate clothing.

Cartoon characters

You can choose the hero of your favorite cartoon as a drawing for make-up. So, for example, for a children's party or birthday, you can choose a certain cartoon that your child loves most and paint all the guests with the heroes of this cartoon. This is a great idea for a holiday.

If you cannot choose a particular cartoon, then each child can be colored the way he wants to. In this case, you can declare the dress code at the holiday. Then everyone will resemble fairytale heroes.

Face painting abstraction

Drawings of cartoon characters or animals will look very beautiful if used as face painting for children. But besides this, you can try out abstract drawings in the form of geometric shapes, lines, dots. You can apply such drawings not only to children, but also to yourself.

Face painting on a child's face will cause a lot of emotions. Abstraction is something out of the ordinary, and children themselves can apply these images. Moreover, if something does not work out, you can always wash off the makeup and redo it. Thus, it will be an interesting and fun game.

Positive emotions from using face painting

Face painting always brings a smile and Psychologists recommend periodically holding such events, or taking part in them. After all, first of all, they bring a lot of positive emotions. You can also learn more about your child's options and desires. Drawing can also reveal many hidden talents.

Another option when you can use face painting is a photo shoot. It would be a good idea to make a photo after applying the face painting. A smile and positive emotions will definitely remain on your child's face. The photos will turn out to be just wonderful.

Using face painting at any time is a wonderful emotion for your child. It is also a great opportunity to discover new talents or just spend a few hours with your child, recharge with positive energy and have fun.

Today our guest Natalia Lodygina , blog author "Varezhkiny Joy" and a mother of two children from the city of Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region. Natalia will talk about what children's face painting is, what is needed in order to make face painting for children at the holiday, and will give practical advice on applying makeup on children's faces.

Taking this opportunity, we once again invite you to, timed to coincide with the biennium of our community of blogging moms and dedicated to children's holidays. We are waiting for your ideas and master classes.

What is face painting for children?

Face painting or children's body art is gaining momentum more and more. Now, at many children's parties, you can see cute animal faces or recognize your favorite characters in make-up.

Face painting Are special water-based face and body paints. They are easy to apply and just as easy to wash off with water. Such paints are hypoallergenic, therefore they are widely used for painting children's faces.

But in addition to aesthetic pleasure, face painting also carries a psychological load, helps to relieve mental and physical stress and helps you easily get used to the image of your beloved hero and beat him. And if you are planning a children's holiday, or you just want to please your child, then you can master this simple lesson yourself.

Before starting the master class, I will give several recommendations, which I came to through trial and error.

* Never force a child to put on makeup if he does not want it, not all children tolerate the touch of brushes on their face and body.

* Before starting to paint, move a dry brush over your face so that it does not come as a surprise for the baby.

* Do not offer him the pattern that you like, the child will wear it, not you. Even though you have to look at it. 🙂

* Do not draw for more than 10 minutes, a small child gets tired of sitting still in one place. If you see that he is becoming uncomfortable, let him jump or breathe freely (some children are afraid to breathe when they are painted on their faces).

* Be sure to keep a small mirror in front of you, the child just needs to see what is being painted on his face, besides, it will distract him and help him to relax.

* Talking to your child about something interesting during the procedure, it also helps him to relax.

Well. Valuable instructions have been received, now we can proceed directly to practice. Here I will show you how you can create multiple images from one base frame.

For face painting you will need:

  • Paints. I use Snazaroo Paints.
  • Brushes. We need 2 brushes # 1 and # 5-6.
  • Sponge or sponge.
  • Cotton pads, sticks, napkins.

My niece Olya agreed to become a guinea pig. We tied her naughty bangs under the bandage.

Kitten, bunny or tiger cub?

Apply white paint with a wide brush between the nose and upper lip. With a thin brush, paint the tip of the nose with black, then draw a strip from the nose to the upper lip, circle it and round it up. It turns out cheeks. Dots and antennae can be applied to them. Apply white color to the bridge of the nose, and slightly blend it with a sponge so that there are no sharp boundaries.

Our basic framework is now complete. Several animals with characteristic features can already be made from it.

Any color is suitable for the Kitty, we chose blue, applied it to the face along the contour, without capturing the eye area, and drew triangular ears above the eyebrows. A red tongue on the lower lip, with a black color emphasized the coat and ears. We deliberately did not capture the eyes to show that we can not touch them, because in some children the area around the eyes is very sensitive.

The next beast has big teeth, and everyone immediately guessed who it was. 🙂

For the Bunny, we chose a pink color, applied it completely to the entire face, except for the cheeks, they are white. The paint was shaded with a sponge, it turns out a more even color. We grabbed the cheeks a little to smooth out the borders of the flowers.

Draw a rectangle on the lips and below in white. We mark the teeth in black, make some strokes near the eyes and nose.

Then you yourself can think of the characteristic features of the animals. For example, a mouse has a gray color, round ears, a small tongue or small teeth. The squirrel has an orange color, the ears are triangular with tassels, you can have a small tongue without a tongue.

And one more beast is the Tiger. You can draw it on a basic basis, but we changed it a little for variety.

The base is white on the upper lip and eyelids, and above the eyebrows. The rest of the face is covered in orange. Draw the nose in black, as if we circle it from below and mark the wings of the nose. We circle the eyes from above and below making them feline. Draw the lower lip in black, dots on the cheeks. And tiger stripes on the face. You can draw fangs sticking out of the corners of the lips, but we have a kind tiger, and we did not draw them.

This concludes my master class on children's face painting. I would be glad if you need it. Good luck with your creativity!

I invite you to see works from the photo exhibition of body art "Beautiful vision".

Drawings on the face will create a cheerful atmosphere for any children's holiday. In this article we will tell you how and how you can draw drawings on the face of a child and show the most interesting photos of face painting so that you can repeat them at home.

Do-it-yourself face painting is very simple. To work with face painting, you need to purchase special water-based paints. Face painting is of two types - in the form of a dry, compressed powder, outwardly reminiscent of watercolor paints, and in a liquid, already diluted form. In addition, you will need a set of sponges - sponges for applying tone to the model's face and a brush for painting. You can use natural hair brushes for watercolors or gouache in different sizes. You will need both a thin, pointed brush for drawing small elements, and a thick brush with a flat tip, you need at least two of them.

What to look for before applying face painting?

  • Only use face paints that are clearly marked for skin use only. Acrylic, oil, or nitra paints are not safe to use on the skin.
  • Refuse to paint for those children who have open wounds or ulcers on the face.
  • Very young children usually don't like the feel of paint on their faces, so you can just slap them a spot of red paint on their little nose and you have an instant clown.

Most Popular Face Paintings for Girls- Butterfly, Fairy, Princess, Fantasy, Rabbit, Ladybug, Cat, Flowers, Rainbow, Dog (Puppy).

Most Popular Face Paintings for Boys- Red Spider Web, Pirate, Skull, Tiger, Robot, Bat, Clown, Dog (Puppy), Alien, Indian.

PHOTO of drawings on the face. Face painting options for children

Face painting for children is one of the most interesting entertainments. All guys, without exception, adore painting faces, trying on funny faces of animals. It is especially fun to transform with the help of face painting at children's parties and performances.

This safe "make-up" can be applied not only at a masquerade, but also at home if parents want to diversify their child's leisure time. You can buy paints for body art, but it is much more interesting to do face painting with your own hands. Our master class is dedicated to little fans of experiments and magical transformations!

How to make face painting yourself
We offer you a mini-instruction on how to make a safe paint for painting the body and face.
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon cold cream
1/2 teaspoon water
food coloring
In a bowl, combine cold cream and starch, then add water and food coloring. Mix the ingredients well. You should have a creamy paint that won't drip or run. Use different food colors to make dyes of different colors. It is recommended to store the finished paint in a closed airtight container.

How to use face painting for children
Gather your child's hair in a ponytail to open up the forehead to the maximum, use a cape that you do not mind getting dirty. It is convenient to use a compact soft brush to apply baby face painting on the face and other parts of the body. When doing this, make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes. Makeup is easy to remove with soap and water.
Children, unlike adults, cannot sit still for a long time. Therefore, you need to apply paint on the face of a fidget quickly. In addition, babies can feel funny and ticklish from the touch of a sponge, which can affect the quality of the child's war paint. So try to distract your child with casual conversation when doing body art.
You should not paint children who are not yet three years old, as well as children with sensitive skin that reacts to face painting components. Before starting work, it is better to test the paint on a small area of ​​the skin to check if the crumbs are allergic. If the baby has skin diseases or open wounds, then body art is not worth it.

Why are face painting classes useful?
1. Children's face painting is a very exciting and interesting activity. This pastime brings kids together and improves communication skills.
2. If kids paint each other's faces, they develop imagination and creativity. They learn to paint, train their color perception and get the opportunity to express themselves.
3. Face painting classes allow you to diversify your leisure time, make the holiday fun unforgettable. Ideas for children's face painting: photos The most suitable images that little ones will be happy to try on - "makeup" of a fairy, butterfly, kitty, princess, star, rainbow, ladybug, heart or flower. Great face painting ideas for boys - lion, robot, spiderman, pirate, batman, tiger, Indian, monster. In this photo selection, there is definitely something interesting for the transformation of your daughter or son.