Chihuahua how to name a dog name options. Cool nicknames for a chihuahua girl

Picking a nickname for a pet can be quite difficult. The name carries information encoding and affects the character of the puppy, is the first command that your dog remembers. We will understand all the intricacies of choosing nicknames for babies of this breed.

In accordance with the official registration of purebred Chihuahuas, all nicknames of Chihuahuas in a litter are required start with a letter indicating the number of birth (1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, etc.). Contain a prefix from the breeder (for example, the name of the dog). As a result, difficult-to-pronounce names appear, such as Eisknecht Raphael Bruce, Azhur Courage Argo, Constellation Asta Icecream. Luckily, at home, you can call your pet by an abbreviated name or give it a different name.

  1. Dogs respond better to one-syllable names (Bucks, Rex) or two-syllable names (Ada, Boni).
  2. Puppies quickly remember nicknames that begin with the consonants B, D (especially J), F, R, C. You can also use these letters in the middle of the name. Names for vowels and consonants X, Sh, Sh, S are remembered worse.
  3. Avoid names that sound like standard commands- "Fu", "Fas", "Sit" (Pound, Fax, Sidi). Dogs in stressful situations find it very difficult to distinguish sounds and may have problems with training.
  4. You should not name a dog after a deceased or lost pet, as the nickname contains negative information and will remind you of the loss.
  5. Human names can make you feel awkward on the street when you call your pet. Therefore, it is better to take foreign names or aliases of stars.
  6. Nicknames that emphasize the uniqueness of your puppy are well perceived: size, color, character.
  7. You can also be creative and give the baby a funny nickname or one that matches your profession or hobby.

Chihuahuas remember their nicknames better if they start with consonants.

The rules are not critical, and when choosing a name, you should listen to your heart. Chihuahuas are long-livers, so the nickname should please you for the next 17 years.

Often sneezes are offered to be called names that emphasize their diminutiveness and fragility. But Chihuahua owners know that this is a small dog with the heart of a lion. Therefore, it will be appropriate to give worthy names, especially to males.

With the help of a nickname, you can prescribe certain qualities that you want to see in your pet.

In boys, honor, nobility, courage, the ability to protect the owner are preferred. Suitable nicknames: Aztec, Jack, Count, Thunder, Don, Idol, Marquis, Signor, Tyson, Hunter.

The nature of the pet can tell you how to name it.

Beauty, kindness, grace, grace, tenderness are emphasized in girls. Names for teas: Bella, Vivienne, Diva, Dolly, Jasmine, Fun, Weasel, Mila, Mimi, Hanni.

With the help of a nickname, you can adjust the behavior of the dog

So a dashing bully, in contrast, can be called an Angel, and a modest puppy a Demon. The miracle of reincarnation will not happen immediately, but over time, the name code and its meaning will affect.

The nickname over time affects the character of the Chihuahua.

Nicknames for boys and their influence on the character of the dog:

  • Amigo means true friend in Spanish. One of the most appropriate names for Chihuahuas, as their main purpose is companions.
  • Archie is energetic, agile, cheerful and good-natured, attached to his master.
  • Jack is kind and strong, a good watchman, but a little headstrong. Training is slow.
  • Ryzhik is calm, good-natured, well-trained, loves children and plays with them with pleasure.
  • Charlick is a small, beautiful, defenseless baby, often sleeping in bed with the owner.

Nicknames for girls and their influence on the character of the dog:

  • Alpha is strong, playful, restless, but highly trainable. Strict handling is required.
  • Squirrel is cheerful, affectionate, a favorite of children.
  • Betty is brave, kind, strong.
  • Lada is smart, easy to train and courageous.
  • Tina is sensitive, understanding.

Chihuahua is named after a Mexican city, we call a puppy by a Spanish name

Mexican nicknames for boys: Aleio (defender), Basilio (king), Vasco (raven), Gaspar (dear), Cayo (joy), Lope (wolf), Mario (man), Pablo (small), Sancho (saint), Ciro (sun).

Mexican nicknames for girls: Alita (noble), Bonita (happy), Ines (saint), Carmen (vineyard), Lucia (light), Pepita (mother), Reina (queen), Rosita (rose), Chiki (baby), Evita (live).

German nicknames for the Chihuahua

For boys: Petit, Klaas, Heini, Tommy, Chris, Wally, Fred, Money, Bernie, Wolf.

For girls: Britta, Reni, Nicky, Moni, Gaby, Trudy, Barbie, Cloudy. Hanni.

German nicknames for Chihuahua sound good.

Japanese Chihuahua Names That Carry Deep Meaning

For boys: Hiro (generous), Kokoro (heart, soul), Ren (lotus), Haruki (radiant), Miyako (beautiful night child), Hoshi (star), Aiko (beloved, beloved), Akira (bright), Takara (treasure).

For girls: Yuri (lily), Kiku (chrysanthemum), Sakura (cherry blossom, cherry), Masuru (victory), Michiko (beauty child), Aimi (beautiful love), Nami (wave).

Choosing the name of the Chihuahua by color

Nicknames of black dogs:

  • Bes, Blackie, Zorro, Onyx, Pirate;
  • Zolla, Blackberry, Panther, Night, Shadow.
You can choose a nickname for a Chihuahua by color.

Names of spotted dogs:

  • Bad, Domino, Marble, Patch, Spotty;
  • Bead, Freckle, Dotty, Blob, Dot.

Nicknames of white dogs:

  • Diamond, Brulik, Marshmallow, Casper, Snowball;
  • Arctic, Snow White, Tempest, Cameo, Lily.

Nicknames of brown dogs:

  • Bruno, Coconut, Leroy, Mocha, Choco;
  • Godiva, Chestnut, Cola, Molly, Chocolate.

Nicknames of yellow dogs:

  • Banana, Lemon, Buttercup, Midas, Sunny;
  • Amber, Buffy, Goldie, Zlata, Chiquita

Nicknames of red dogs:

  • Scarlet, Sunrise, Twinkle, Rhett, Ruby;
  • Lava, Lightning, Autumn, Rose, Scarlett.

Nicknames of gray dogs:

  • Granite, Gray, Smokey, Ash, Flint;
  • Pebble, Haze, Silva, Foil, Pistachio.

Funny nicknames combined with your profession or hobby

  • for culinary dogs: Waffle, Cupcake, Sugar, Dumpling, Pepper, Cheburek, Meatball.
  • for dogs of system administrators: Admin, Google, Driver, Keyboard, Opera, Pixel, Mouse, USB flash drive.

You can give a nickname based on your profession.

Funny nicknames for chihuahua

  • Bourgeois, Broom, Yorick, Confucius, Mamai, Mixer, Dodger, Government Inspector, Rimbaud, Chupa Chups.
  • Gavka, Thunderstorm, Kara, Sprat, Murka, Popsa, Bullet, Sparta, Umka, Plague.

Most popular nicknames

  • car brands: Boomer, Beha, Jeep, Opel, Skoda;
  • cartoon characters: Barney, Jerry, Timon, Peppa, Pumbaa, Shrek, Fiona;
  • currency: Bucks, Dollar, Euro, Lira, Chirik;
  • fashion brands: Gucci, Dolce, Louis, Tiffany, Prada;
  • stars: Basta, Bieber, Timothy, Bianca, Creed.

Many celebrities own miniature chihuahuas. A compact and unpretentious dog often accompanies them on trips.

You might like the name of your idol's pet

Whatever name you choose for a puppy, remember that your care and attention is important for a little chihuahua. Never scold a puppy by his name. Apply commands.

What names for chihuahua girls exist, and how to name your pet correctly, these questions often arise before newly minted owners. Often the whole family decides what to name the dog.

The nickname is the first command that the puppy remembers and learns when he is in a new house. The pet's nickname should not only please the owners, but also be easy to pronounce, match the character and appearance of the dog. In general, the question of how to name a four-legged friend should be approached with attention, and all name options should be carefully weighed.

It's funny when a small dog is called Thunder or Hurricane, and a big dog is called Squirrel or Baby. It must be remembered that the smaller the dog, the shorter its name should be. Small pets with extremely long nicknames look funny and ridiculous. Sometimes there is a feeling that the nickname is larger than its bearer.

In addition, the name of the animal should also reflect the degree of thoroughbredness. Various Tuziki and Masyanya are unlikely to suit a pet whose pedigree includes several generations of winners at exhibitions. So, when choosing a nickname for a dog, you should consider the breed and character of your pet. For some reason, owners of small dogs, such as chihuahuas, have particular difficulties with the selection of nicknames.

Its homeland is Mexico, where the Mayan and Aztec tribes revered the ancestors of today's dogs as sacred animals. These pets are fast in their movements, they have a good reaction, a stable psyche and a lively character. All these features of the breed should be taken into account if the owners were faced with the question of how to name the Chihuahua.

If the owners have a problem, how to name it Choosing a nickname for small dogs requires ingenuity and rich imagination. Choosing a name for a small dog, at first glance, seems to be a simple matter: take any familiar nickname and shorten it, making it a diminutive. So, from the formidable Polkan you can make Polik, Jack can be turned into Jackie, and Mukhtar into Mushka. However, this approach is not always effective.

What is the name of a Chihuahua puppy? These fearless but fragile dogs are not suitable for long and pretentious names designed for large dogs. It is better to choose short, funny and energetic nicknames that perfectly reflect the character, origin and even appearance of the pet.

The most popular names for dogs that are not impressive in size are Archie, Bonya, Zhuzha, Nyusha, Kuzya, Timka, Umka, Lyalya, Masyanya, Knopa, Tosha, Ricky, etc. It is easy to see that nicknames for small dogs are long rarely exceed 2 syllables. This length of the pet's nickname is generally considered ideal. It is convenient to pronounce it and even, if necessary, to shout.

If you want to choose a more authentic name, then you should make sure that it has a good abbreviation. It is unlikely that the owner will be comfortable calling his girl Matilda. Most likely, she will turn into Motya or even Motka.

There are also general unwritten rules on how to choose names for dogs.

If the owner has a thoroughbred puppy, then by the time of the sale he will already have documents that indicate the official nickname. However, many owners do not like the name that the breeders gave the baby.

In this case, nothing prevents you from coming up with a new nickname or shortening an existing one. As a basis, you can take the first letter of the official nickname. If you don’t like this name at all, then you can forget about it and come up with your own. In the end, the owner will not call the puppy on a piece of paper.

It is important to remember that dogs are not called human names in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

It is considered bad form to give a new pet the nickname of a previous pet. It is not recommended to give dogs nicknames that coincide with geographical names. The Caucasus or Baikal sound strange when they turn into dog names. And in relation to small dogs they also create a comic effect.

Names for chihuahua girls

Choosing a Chihuahua name for a girl is quite simple. First of all, it is worth remembering that these little dogs sailed to Europe from Mexico, which means that all names with a Spanish flavor will suit them. Carmen, Carmelita, Alicia, Dolores, Rihanna, etc. are great name options for chihuahua girl dogs.

You can look at flower nicknames.

Chihuahua girls are quite flirtatious. Nicknames Malva, Mimosa, Rose, Petunia are ideal for a small and cheerful dog.

If there are children in the house where the puppy girl appeared, then names from cartoons can be used. Elsa, Gadget, Button, Peppa will please the baby and become good.

Many owners nurse their puppies like children, which is reflected in the choice of nicknames. Sometimes a girl is called

  • Baby;
  • Busey;
  • Button;
  • Lyalei;
  • etc.

Coming up with nicknames for small dogs is easy enough. However, the process of choosing a name can be delayed for a long time, since it is often difficult for the owners to stop at one option and abandon the rest.

If the owner feels that he lacks imagination, then other languages ​​\u200b\u200bcan be called for help. You need to look at the appearance and character of your girl. Take the brightest sign as a basis, and then translate this word into English, French, Italian or even Japanese. It may turn out to be a unique nickname for a chihuahua girl. For example, a golden-colored dog can be called Aurea, that is, golden. Or you can remember the heroine of the Disney fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" and call her Aurora. A jumpy girl can be called Jumpy, and a particularly cute and beautiful dog can be called Beauty or Belle.

According to experts, the most popular nicknames for Chihuahua girls are Barbie, Gloria, Silva, Laima, Linda and, of course, Button.

Names for chihuahua boys

Choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua boy is not easy. This dog will not fit a formidable nickname like Rex, Hercules or Boomer. It is worth abandoning the traditional dog nicknames, such as Tuzik or Bobik, since they do not fit at all with this noble breed. What nicknames are suitable for chihuahua boys?

Speaking in the most general terms, the selection of a nickname for a boy is no different from a similar process for girls' dogs.

Chihuahua nicknames for boys should be chosen according to the same logic. You can recall the origin of the Chihuahua breed. Quite often, dogs are called beautiful and sonorous Spanish names:

  • Antonio;
  • Pedro;
  • Dorothea;
  • Ignacio;
  • Enrique;
  • Carlos;
  • etc.

As a name for chihuahua boys, energetic nicknames consisting of 2 syllables are also suitable. So, you can name your pet Dinky, Pixie, Johnny, Druppy. As already mentioned, this word length is considered ideal.

As a nickname for a chihuahua boy, you can also use the names of cartoon characters, for example:

  • Bambi;
  • Vini;
  • Casper.

If all the variants of the names of the Chihuahua boys do not like, then you can again turn to translations into other languages. Take a closer look at your pet and name it by its main character trait, for example, or by its appearance. Good names for a chihuahua boy would be Tiny, for his small stature, or Slippy, if he likes to sleep and relax. You can name your little friend after a flower. The name Buttercup looks pretty.

Finally, I would like to remind you that nicknames for dogs can be very different.

The choice of a nickname is limited only by the pet owners' own imagination.

It is up to you to decide what you will name the Chihuahua dogs. The pet does not care how the owner will call him, the main thing for him is that love is heard in the voice of a person.

It is up to you to decide how to name a Chihuahua, but before you do this, you need to realize what a responsible and significant decision this is. For both you and your little dog. The name for the animal is its calling card, which characterizes the behavior and temperament of the dog. With the help of the nickname, further communication occurs between the owner and the Chihuahua. This article will help you choose the right and beautiful nickname for your pet.

With their miniature size and extraordinary character, Chihuahuas are extremely individual in their habits and mood. To choose the right nickname for a representative of this breed, you need to take a closer look at the behavior of your pet, even if you have already chosen a nickname in advance. Perhaps, by his actions, the baby himself will tell you which name is most suitable.

First, the Chihuahua is a very calm dog. No matter what's going on around her, she won't bark for no reason. At the same time, having a devoted character, the dog will always rush to protect its owner.

Secondly, dogs of this breed are extremely jealous. As soon as the owner pays attention to another person or animal, a small chihuahua begins to experience a stressful state.

When coming up with a nickname for a Chihuahua, one should not forget about the curious nature of a miniature dog. She is ready to sit in one place for hours and watch your actions, carefully noting every detail.

Before choosing a nickname for your dog, you can pay attention to her. If your pet has a smooth and shiny, close-lying coat, then the name "Fluff" is unlikely to suit. But for a long-haired chihuahua - just right.

Right choice

Raising a pet begins with accustoming him to a name, so it plays an important role in both the dog's life and yours. The future of a dog depends on its nickname, and many people will judge you based on how you named the baby.

When choosing nicknames for a chihuahua, do not forget to consult with your family - the dog is now their pet too.

To make it easier for you, below are the basic rules that you need to follow when choosing a nickname for a dog:

  • the nickname must match the gender of the puppy - a nickname for a boy is not suitable for girls;
  • it is not worth giving a nickname in advance;
  • the name should sound good;
  • the name should be short;
  • it is better not to use rude or vulgar nicknames;
  • calling a chihuahua by a human name is not worth it;
  • the nickname should not be consonant with any team.

Now let's look at each rule individually.

On dog playgrounds during the time with a small chihuahua, you can meet same-sex dogs. The name of your baby should clearly indicate his gender, in order to avoid unforeseen aggressive actions on their part. For example, males often fight for their territory. The owners of such animals, having heard the nickname of your pet, will be able to recall their dog in time. In the same way, obsessive molestation of males to bitches can be prevented.

It’s not worth rushing to choose a nickname for a chihuahua because the puppy’s behavior can refute the chosen nickname. Do not worry, the choice of nicknames for dogs is simply huge. There is always the opportunity to choose an individual nickname for your baby.

The name should sound good and bright so that your pet likes it.. In this case, he will immediately learn to respond, even if he is far from you. A nickname consisting of sonorous and hard sounds is easier to pronounce.

If you respect your pet, then for his nickname it is better not to take obscene words. Imagine what the environment will think about you and your dog.

You need to pronounce the pet's name clearly and quickly, as the team will follow, so the name of the chihuahua should consist of one or two syllables. The longer the nickname, the longer you will call the dog to action.

Human names as nicknames for dogs are best avoided. Many people with this name will not appreciate your choice and, most likely, will be offended. If you really want to, then it is best to use foreign names.

If the nickname of the Chihuahua is consonant with any command, then this can confuse the dog, making it more difficult and. For example, a team such as "Vesta, place."

Once you've chosen a name for your puppy, try calling your pet to them for a while. It will become clear whether the nickname suits the baby, whether you like the new name. Perhaps this is not your option. To help you make up your mind, below are some examples for both a Chihuahua boy and a girl.

Nicknames for girls

The choice of nicknames for your little Chihuahua princess is very diverse. It all depends on your imagination and hobbies.

For example, if you are a connoisseur of classical music, then names such as Symphony, Note or Gamma are great.

People interested in mythology can be advised such nicknames as Artemis, Aphrodite, Medea.

Travelers will like such names for Chihuahua girls as Tasmania, Havana, Alaska.

You can find an interesting and beautiful name for girls in any area: foreign celebrities or film actresses, cartoon characters.

The nickname for a miniature chihuahua girl should emphasize her character, be funny and bright.

Nicknames for boys

If for sophisticated girls you need to choose a name more diligently, then for a Chihuahua boy it’s a little easier to choose a nickname - the choice is simply huge.

You can use place names: Yukon, Tibet, Colorado.

We can advise fans of cartoons the following nicknames: Brad, Aladdin, Jerry, Krosh.

If you are a gourmet, then you will like such names for chihuahua boys as Mojito, Absinthe, Latte.

Are you into fantasy? Then such names as Frodo, the Hobbit or Aragorn will undoubtedly please you.

You can find an interesting and beautiful nickname anywhere - historical names, brands of your favorite cars, scientific terms.

The name for a Chihuahua boy should be noble, luxurious, brave and charming.


Of course, in the first place, the size of the breed and the temperament inherited from the ancestors are of great importance when choosing a nickname. But the nature of the individual puppy also determines the options.

The nickname of a dog is not just a beautiful set of sounds, but genetically embedded information, a certain algorithm for the behavior of a dog in the future. The fate of a pet largely depends on the name. Be responsible and wise when choosing a nickname for your incomparable Chihuahua.

What is your pet's name?

The name is the individuality of each of us, our character, behavior, habits depend on it. It is in the name that our strength, charisma, and for dogs - the nickname given to them from an early age affects their directly inner world. This rule is especially important to observe if you acquire such a “personality” as a chihuahua. When, you need to instill even more cultural habits in a decorative dog, and the nicknames for the Chihuahua girls play a major role here.

And of course, the assertiveness, patience of the owner himself will not allow the cute creature to be manipulated, and sits on his neck. Let's find out what nickname to give a chihuahua to a girl so that her character becomes obedient and at the same time not cowardly. When and how to call a chihuahua, how to address a dog by its name, and when to mention its name most often.

Depending on the nature

Chihuahua tends to be offended and, in general, to experience stress more often than other breeds. As a result, she may tremble and hide in corners, cowardice and fear of strangers develop.

If the dog is not properly cared for and not given enough care, shouting from time to time, a good friend will not come out of it. As a result, you will get a cowardly or aggressive mini-life partner, and why do you need such a misfortune? Don't take liberties with your dog, even if it has outgrown its puppyhood.

This is the first thing you should pay attention to, the second is that praise and affection should not completely replace education, that is, a strict voice is important, and ignoring the game, and a warning, and, of course, affection.

But in no case offensive phrases, screams and slaps.

In order for all this to be observed - both the stick and the carrot are combined, you need to start with the right upbringing and accustoming to the name. Make it so that you pronounce the name in certain situations when the dog is calm and so are you. If you want to scold a puppy, don't say her name. Otherwise, she will be offended, and every time she says the name, she will ignore you.

I would like to give one more important advice - to call the Chihuahua sonorously and briefly. From remembering your name depends on the further education of the puppy. Even if the dog's passport indicates that she is Isabella, then, of course, you can teach this sound with some effort.

But if you imagine how this name will be pronounced for a long time in your performance if you need to execute a command ... So, it’s better to immediately change the name to an abbreviated one - Isa, for example, or Bella - they are more quickly remembered by the dog.

Names for chihuahua girls can be combined with behavioral features (they will open to you after a couple of days the puppy stays in the house), appearance (color, coat length). The dog may like the nickname, or not be perceived by it at all.

For example, it is known that the sounds “b”, “r”, “j”, “d”, “g”, “h” are best perceived by the Chihuahua. These sounds must be present at the beginning or middle of the nickname. Let's give an example of such names: Gioconda, Judy, Dixie, Barbie, Verona, Dana, Rose, Jeanne, Betty.

If the owner wants to give the puppy a cool name, he needs to know - a chihuahua is not a reason for ridicule. Get ready for the fact that on the street everyone will giggle, and openly, and the dog will feel, to put it mildly, “not very good.” You should choose names that cause a smile, not laughter.

It is believed that the owner himself will not be able to educate such a dog correctly, his intonation and perception of the name of the dog will be distorted, simply put, affect the correct upbringing.

Take such cool chihuahua nicknames for consideration, perhaps among them you will find a suitable one for your chihuahua: Baby, Zita, Pixie, Shumka, Toffee, Britney, Alice, Kitty, Spark, Button, Lyalya, Nika, Nota, Chip, Fiesta, Happy.

There are still many cool names, and if you think carefully, you can make a personal portrait of your girl without any problems. Such names are suitable if the dog will not participate in exhibitions. Otherwise, for a chihuahua girl, come up with beautiful nicknames for dogs. Such a nickname can be shortened and subsequently used daily, as a diminutive - affectionate.

If you want to name Chihuahua girls by color or according to the length of the coat, the following names will surely come in handy for you: Umka, Snezhka, Snezhinka, Puma, Madonna, Zlata, Bagheera, Gamma, Busya, Hanni, Blondie, Smokey, Pumpkin and so on.

List of original names

If you have not yet decided what to name a Chihuahua, then take a closer look at the list of original names.

"A" - Anfisa, Adele, Ivory, Alice, Assol, Agatha;

"B" - Betty, Beatrice, Becky, Busi, Bianca;

"B" - Wanda, Verona, Vixie;

"G" - Gwen, Gracie, Glady;

"D" - Dune, Donna, Jerry, Dorothy;

"E" - Christmas tree, Egoza, Eva;

"F" - Jeanne, Geneva, Julie;

"Z" - Zemfira, Zvezda, Zeta;

"I" - Inga, Isolde, Yvette;

"K" - Kaori, Ketty, Christy, Baby;

"L" - Lucy, Loan, Lily, Weasel, Moon, Lolita;

"M" - Margo, Mouse, Monica;

"N" - Nancy, Nyusya, Ninka;

"O" - Olivia, Okie, Auggie, Omega;

"P" - Patricia, Polly, Perry, Puma;

"R" - Rainbow, Ruby, Roxy;

"S" - Sandra, Samantha, Simka, Susie, Sally, Sakura;

"T" - Tiffoni, Treada, Tanya, Tootsie, Thalia, Tuta;

"U" - Umka;

"F" - Pistachio, Chip, Fiesta, Flora, Fifa, Fi-fi;

"X" - Hanni, Chloe, Hana, Haruki;

"C" - Flower, Tsunami, Princess;

"Ch" - Chelsea, Seagull, Celesta;

"Sh" - Shebbi, Sherry, Spool;

"E" - Elsa, Eureka; Angel;

"Yu" - Juno, Yula;

The choice of a nickname for a puppy is limited only by the imagination of its owner. But do not choose a nickname in advance. After all, she may not be suitable for a pet. It is better to watch the puppy for a while, he will definitely show his character. But it’s not worth delaying the choice either, one week is enough.

Human names for a dog are not quite suitable. But you can use foreign names and some of their diminutive forms. The average life span of a dog is about 15 years. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the nickname should be well suited not only to a small puppy, but also to an adult dog.

When choosing a name for a puppy, you need to consider some features of these animals. Dogs respond better to nicknames of one or two syllables that begin with consonants (except for X, Sh, Shch, S). It is desirable that voiced consonants be in the middle of the word. Names that are consonant with standard commands should be avoided.

You can choose a name in the following way: loudly and clearly pronounce all consonant sounds in turn and follow the pet's reaction to them. Those sounds to which the puppy reacted faster must be recorded and used for his nickname.