What to do if you fell in love with a friend's boyfriend: we understand the love triangle. Understand yourself. Is it worth confessing your feelings

Falling in love is that feeling that occurs completely unexpectedly and without any warning.

Therefore, when the girl comes to the realization that "I fell in love" a number of painful questions arise.

First of all, it is worth distinguishing between concepts. Most likely you are covered with a second feeling and there is nothing to worry about.

Choosing the right tactics

But even a light and heady feeling of falling in love makes the girls nervous, wondering: I fell in love, what should I do?

It is necessary to choose the right tactics and find out as much as possible about the person of interest. It is possible that the veil before the eyes will fall immediately after a closer acquaintance.

  1. Collection of information- every girl can turn into Miss Marple if necessary. This is exactly the case. Get to know him better: what he is fond of, tastes and preferences, etc. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to do this purely personally. Connect your friends, so you can get to know the man from all sides and do not arouse suspicion in your direction.
  2. Is it mutual? This is probably the most important question that worries a girl in love. In fact, identifying his attitude is a very simple task. Men do not have natural cunning and cannot hide their feelings. If he likes you, he will always look around you, take an interest in you and follow you with his eyes.
  3. Decisive action- if you do not want to directly declare your sympathy, then you can organize "random" meetings and fateful collisions. Having met by chance at the cinema, show all your charm so that the chosen one wants to go to the next session with you.
  4. Step back- now, when the work done is bearing fruit, it is time to give up positions and give the initiative in the hands of the guy.
  5. Long-awaited reciprocity- after his courtship and romantic meetings, we can say the long-awaited "yes". In this case, you will have all the trump cards. After all, it was he who drew attention to you and achieved reciprocity.

How not to become a slave to love?

I am falling in love ... It would seem like a wonderful proposal filled with deep meaning. However, feelings often make us slaves to our desires.

A girl in love becomes dependent on the man she is in love with. Their meetings and conversations take on special importance. The girl tries her best to please him, choosing her words carefully and laughing out loud at his jokes.

Choosing this tactic, the girl often loses her “I” and the man feels it. Thus, the ideal girl's strategy fails miserably.

Do not impose on the chosen one, show your best sides, try to charm him and let him go. If you made an impression, he will definitely come back.

How to behave:

  1. Remember your goals, aspirations and desires - you must be a self-sufficient and developed personality. Do not forget about what you wanted to achieve in life before you fell in love.
  2. Do not divert the attention of other men - while your communication is at the level of several meetings, you can take the attention of other men. So the hunter's instinct will work for him, and you can compare whether he is so good.
  3. Take everything around with humor - even if your communication is not going the way you wanted, do not get depressed and do not become melancholic.
  4. Give him the reins and the right to take the initiative.

What if the situation is a little more complicated?

Falling in love can not always be simple and unambiguous. There are a number of examples where your own feelings can be destructive. For example, if a girl falls in love with a colleague, or a married man.

Here a difficult situation arises when it is necessary to make a volitional decision. Are you ready to become the reason for the breakdown of the family for the sake of your happiness? Or would you rather hide your crush in the hope that it will pass?

If your sympathy fell on a lonely colleague, then you should act like this:

  1. You see each other often, so you always look stunning.
  2. Become a part of office life, show how you can start light conversations.
  3. Take the opportunity to bond at a corporate party.
  4. Always smile at work, he constantly glances at you.
  5. Forget about competing with the object of desire.
  6. Try to arrange a joint business trip.

Falling in love is a warm and heady feeling worth enjoying. Even if it turned out not to be mutual, you should not be upset and worried.

Think of potential failures on the love front as a valuable experience. After all, loving is no less wonderful than being loved! Author: Ekaterina Volkova

If you fall in love with a guy who has a girlfriend, it’s always an ordeal. I don't want to find myself in an awkward position, "running" after someone who is already busy. In addition, it is uncomfortable in front of the girl, because she did nothing wrong to you.

In the meantime, you dream of him every night and you, yourself not understanding how, find yourself in those places where you can meet him. What if you can't forget? Deal with your feelings!

A passing fascination

Not every girl is able to. Many young beauties feel that they like a young man and decide: “I want to!”. But think about what drives their feelings? Most likely a fleeting hobby that becomes chronic if the object remains inaccessible. Think of a capricious child who demands a toy until his parents “break down” and buy him what he asks for.

If you fell in love with a guy who has a girlfriend, he loves her and does not pay attention to you, you should think about your feelings and really understand. What attracts you to it? It is better to be sincere with yourself right away, so that later you do not have to, with whom nothing connects you. If you are in the mood for a serious relationship, you can probably tell the difference between passion and real feeling. Try as much as possible to answer yourself the question why you need it. Are you ready to fight for him, live with him, have children? And if not, isn't it easier to find another?

Predatory Instinct

There are some girls who only pay attention to other people's guys, even if they can do it. Family psychologists believe that in this way they raise their self-esteem and prove superiority over other women. The guy himself is not so important to them as the opportunity to defeat the rival and "take away" her beloved.

They are often called predators, but do not judge indiscriminately. These women or girls themselves become victims of their own inner difficulties.

Needless to say, it is very difficult for such women to find their happiness? Unfortunately, most of them cannot understand what drives them when they find themselves involved in a love triangle over and over again. Psychological help may be required to get out of it.

And if he is also in love?

A completely unpleasant situation arises if you fall in love with a guy who has a girlfriend, and he begins to show you signs of attention, not intending to part with his former girlfriend. Of course, you may immediately suspect that you are nothing more than a way for him to have fun. However, this is not required. Perhaps he also has feelings for you, but does not yet know what to do. Give him time to think, and then a sincere conversation can help. And don't trust empty promises. In such a situation, it is very important to trust yourself and not lose your composure.

What to do if you really fall in love with a guy who has a girlfriend ?

Of course, you will want to tell him how you feel. No wonder you will feel guilty and painful that you cannot be with him. Is it worth talking to him sincerely? Hard to say. It's up to you to decide. It may happen that after that you will feel more painful, but at least you will not hope in vain.

In any case, you have to grow up. It is unlikely that you want to stoop to ugly squabbles and the struggle for a young man. What is the difference between an adult woman and a girl? She is the mistress of her feelings, she knows how to live with them, without destroying either her own or someone else's life. Try or an activity that will bring you joy and will not allow you to plunge into suffering and pain.

It is necessary in spite of everything, and then fate will definitely smile at you. It is possible that over time you will realize that you made a mistake when you fell in love with a guy who has a girlfriend and that he is not suitable for you.

Falling in love does not always evoke feelings of joy and inspiration. Some girls get lost from surging feelings, not knowing how to behave further. The first step is to determine if you are really in love!

How to know if it's really love

On social networks, you try to determine what a young man is fond of, with whom he most often communicates, who he likes. Particularly persistent girls find the former passions of their lovers, and study information about them.


You are jealous of him. To former and potential girls, to girlfriends and passing acquaintances. Jealousy is always very eloquent, and will not hide the true attitude towards a person.


Most girls in love are preoccupied with the question of how to attract the attention of a young man they like. Most often, the choice falls in the direction of external changes, and they can be very diverse. Someone decides to change their wardrobe, someone wants to change their hair color and the like. Some girls begin to focus on the probable taste preferences of the object of sympathy, and someone does not move on to radical changes, but simply begins to take care of themselves more intensively.

Atypical behavior

Trying to please their beloved, charmed girls often have atypical behavior for themselves. This can manifest itself in different ways: some show excessive shyness, afraid to say at least a word, while others are very active. In the second case, the girl in love tries to joke a lot, laugh and be the center of attention, even if this is usually not too typical for her.

Change of mood

Falling in love, we experience a whole range of different feelings, and, undoubtedly, this cannot but affect the general mood. One minute the girl thinks that her lover will never pay attention to her or is completely interested in another, and this makes her plunge into dark thoughts. A few minutes later, the lover remembers the signs of attention given to her, and comes to the conclusion that she got excited about conclusions, instantly getting into a wonderful mood.

New hobbies

When we feel sympathy for another person, we want reciprocity, and often we begin to think that we are not as good as we could be. Such awareness makes people master new sports, look for interesting hobbies. Often, preference is given to those areas in which the object of sympathy is also interested.

What to do when you seem to fall in love with a guy

Keep your mouth shut, even in front of your best friends

Many girls, having fallen in love with a guy, almost immediately share this news with their friends, and sometimes even with random interlocutors. Sometimes this can play against the storyteller herself. A guy can find out about her feelings from other people, and the girl will feel embarrassed, especially if this story reaches him in a distorted form. If you fail in seducing a young man and want to quickly turn this page of life, then later the questions of your friends will only interfere with this. Anyway, it is better to wait for reciprocity, and only then share this joy.

Don't be afraid and don't panic

If you want to get a guy's attention, then panic in this case is completely inappropriate. It is important to feel confident and communicate with him as if he were a good friend of yours. Behave naturally and at ease, excessive panic can play against you.

Learn as much as possible about him

To interest a guy you like, it would be nice to find out about his tastes and preferences. It is also important to find out if he is free. After all, it may happen that you start to develop vigorous activity around him, and later it turns out that he has been in a relationship for a long time. By the way, this fact may not always be obvious from social networks, so it is better to clarify the status of a lover through mutual acquaintances or somehow unobtrusively in a personal conversation. Nowadays, social media pages can tell a lot about their owners - about music preferences, hobbies, and more.

Go to action

Of course, even a very careful observation of a young man will bring you closer to him only in your own thoughts, while he may not even know about your existence or just barely think about you. A fairly common way to attract the attention of a young man is flirting. If the guy understands that he is of personal interest to you, it will increase your chances! Many guys hesitate to be the first to show sympathy for girls, fearing that this may not be mutual. By immediately indicating that you like him, you can quickly achieve certainty. Even if it becomes clear that while the guy is not very interested in your communication, you will save yourself from unnecessary waste of time that you could spend waiting for his initiative.

Don't be intrusive, but be in his sight

In coquetry and flirting, it is important to observe the measure. A hint that you like the guy is enough - nothing else is needed. Do not try to immediately become a part of his life and constantly be in touch with him if he has less initiative than you. Periodically initiate communication with him, if he does not, but it should not be daily - let him have the opportunity to miss you.

Give the guy time to win you over

Do not expect that immediately after a young man starts communicating with you, he will immediately begin to take steps towards rapprochement. All people are different, and it is possible that he will need more time than you to "take a closer look." Perhaps he is also studying you, trying to figure out how best to start a relationship. Of course, there are guys who, after the first hint of sympathy, are ready to ask for a date, but there are much fewer such active ones.

Pros and cons if younger

A plus This kind of relationship gives a woman an incentive to look her best in order to match her partner. She begins to follow fashion trends more closely, to be interested in novelties in the field of cosmetology, and in general, she tries to keep abreast of all the latest "trends". As a rule, falling in love with a man younger than herself, women find ways to visually “throw off the years.” An interesting pastime. This will be especially a plus for active women who do not feel their age and are interested in the same hobbies as a few years ago. Minus Some of the fair sex, being in relationships with men younger than themselves, over time begin to cultivate complexes. They begin to think that their pair looks awkward, where the partner is clearly losing against the partner. Such thoughts can gradually turn into jealousy and neuroses. The woman begins to think that her chosen one is completely frivolous, unlike her peers. Gradually, at his age, she begins to see a big minus for herself. Although, as a rule, the childish behavior of men is not always dictated by age.

Is it worth developing sympathy and winning the heart of the chosen one

Of course, if you have serious feelings for a person, then this is a very significant reason to try to establish a relationship with him. The exception may not be reciprocity or the principles of a potential partner. Some men (like women) do not welcome a big age difference, and if your chosen one has similar views, then most likely you will only waste time trying to get his attention in some way.

Fell in love with a movie actor, singer, or fictional character


Fanaticism - an excessive manifestation of interest in someone or something, many people are susceptible to, and we can talk about different areas: religion, cinema, music and so on. If we are talking about a hobby for some famous person or movie hero (books), then the situation is completely under control. Girls under 16-18 years old often fall in love with their idols, so in this case you shouldn't worry - many have gone through this. However, the situation becomes more complicated if an adult girl or woman is in love with a star or character. It is especially difficult if, in this case, she refuses relationships with the men who surround her, devoting all her free time to researching the life of an idol and persecuting him (if possible). This behavior can lead to serious problems in your emotional state and personal life.

How to get out of this state and fall in love with a real person

If your passion goes beyond acceptable boundaries, and you have been told about it many times, you should think about how to get rid of your obsession. Think about why you are interested in this particular person, and not some person from your real life. Most likely, you think that in your environment there are no worthy contenders for your attention who could compare with your idol. Perhaps this is true, and then the obvious conclusion suggests itself - the environment needs to be changed! Sign up for interesting courses that guys are more likely to attend, and chances are, you will soon be able to meet an interesting person in real life. Realize that the person you fell in love with does not exist! Yes this is true. Any famous creative person or character is just an image that has been carefully thought out by someone, precisely in order to arouse the interest of the public. you build a happy personal life (even if you think that you do not need it), then there is a serious reason to seek help from a specialist. There is nothing shameful in this - psychologists solve such problems much more often than you think.

The most difficult situations

When I fell in love with a friend

Don't panic ahead of time. Often, happy couples are formed in this way - a guy and a girl are friends for a while, and then imperceptibly fall in love with each other. If we are talking about a real friend, then you can frankly confess your feelings to him. Perhaps soon they will turn out to be mutual, and your confession will make the guy look at you from a new angle.

Fell in love with her boyfriend's friend

Most likely, this happened due to the fact that in your current relationship some problems have formed that you may not even have thought about. First of all, try to establish a bond with your boyfriend, and then, most likely, falling in love with another person will disappear by itself.

I have strong feelings for a girl (friend)

It is possible that such feelings could arise against the background of general dissatisfaction in personal life and disappointment in the guys. Unable to find a suitable partner, sometimes girls begin to look at the representatives of their sex with a new look, believing that only another woman can truly understand a woman. There are dating sites, various courses and interesting places where you can meet a decent and understanding young man - take a few more tries!

A married man conquered the heart

The best way out of this situation is to try to shift your attention to someone else. A married man - this can only be intriguing and exciting at first, but in the end it inevitably leads to conflict, tears and condemnation. Try to avoid it right away.

Lost her head from a boss or teacher

Sometimes a relationship develops between a boss and a subordinate, or a teacher and a student, but more often than not, such falling in love does not lead to anything serious. It is worth remembering that often men, being in a higher position, thus simply use girls. And girls sometimes confuse their delight in the status and professional qualities of a potential chosen one with being in love. Although, of course, there are exceptions and truly loving and happy couples are formed.

Non-reciprocal love or when a relationship is simply impossible

How to stop loving

If you cannot be together, then you need to do everything possible to erase this person not only from your life, but also from your thoughts. The easiest way to do this is to fill your everyday life with new hobbies and acquaintances. Write down your schedule for the next month by the minute, and stick to it. It is important that the schedule includes more meetings with new people (courses, trainings, etc.). Go in for sports, hang out with the guys, have fun (even if you don't feel like doing it all), and "healing" will not keep you waiting.

Forget and let go

Having stopped loving a person, you will soon release him from your life. First you have to force yourself, but then everything will go easier - do not be interested in him, do not follow him on social networks, do not try to somehow get in touch. Imagine that he never was in your destiny. By the way, traveling is a good way to help you tune yourself in the right way.

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbulletin blog!

"What if I fell in loveand became dependent on a man. I think about him all the time, I am fixated on him and I understand that it is impossible to live like this any longer. I try to overlap with him more and live first by waiting for such short meetings, and then by remembering them. It seems to me that he, too, is not indifferent to me and is about to do something concrete, for example, invite me somewhere. But, if for several months we have just crossed paths in common places, sometimes we talk a little or just throw a couple of phrases, " by Victoria.

« What to do if you fell in love and can no longer live without him. Probably, this is dependence on a man, because without him I feel bad and lonely. We already have a close relationship with him, and in the pauses between our meetings I feel obsessed, I have insomnia and I freak out for any reason, I don't really know me. Once he disappeared for a couple of days and I got hysterical. After that, he became colder with me, said that he did not need me. I'm afraid I scared him with my addiction. What can I do to fix everything, how to become stronger and more independent? " - Marina writes.

You can learn about how amorous you are from the test →.

Fell in love and became addicted to a man

Falling in love can imperceptibly turn into obsession and dependence. It all starts with the usual signs of falling in love:

  • You can not sleep,
  • you lose your appetite
  • you constantly look at the phone, waiting for its call,
  • think about him all the time
  • spend most of your time trying to figure out what went wrong between you, why he didn't call, looked your way, seemed indifferent, and so on.

By themselves, these signs of falling in love are not dangerous until they begin to destroy you and your life.

If the excitement and feelings of falling in love take complete control over your body and thoughts, and you live with the grains of the man's attention, which he gave you, or even just the memories of such attention, then you have already become addicted.

This attitude in love actually only hurts, which I often tell my clients about. Some answer me that they are just emotional and very feminine, it is difficult for them to be rational and sober when they are in love.

Obsession and addiction has nothing to do with femininity. Even if you are sensitive and vulnerable by nature, this does not mean that you have to lose yourself in order to be with a man.

What to do if you fell in love and lost yourself

In love, the opposite is true: we support the desire of a man to constantly strive for us when we reduce his importance in our life.

I know that this is easier said than done, especially if you are already in the grip of feelings and no rational beliefs affect you. But there is a great way to start changes, without exhausting and painful work on yourself - this is to move in small steps.

Step 1 - reduce the relevance

Ask yourself questions:

  1. Have you ever changed your schedule for the day for the sake of an object of adoration?
  2. Tried to coordinate your plans for him?
  3. Planning what to say when you're around him?
  4. Did you try to make him fall in love with yourself, climb out of your way, forgetting to just be yourself?
  5. Did you think that his bad mood and coldness were your fault?
  6. Thought that when he moves away from you you need to be nicer, friendlier and more understanding?

If you have done all this, then the first step you need is to reduce the importance of this man in your life.
Make it your only priority.

This means:

  • do not plan your time focusing on it;
  • stop trying to deliberately please him and fall in love with himself;
  • stop being nice and understanding when he is disrespectful to you.

Once you stop pleasing a man by adjusting your life to him, you will immediately notice a change.

First, you will understand whether the man is really interested in you, whether he has the potential to develop a relationship with you, or whether he was just reflecting your attention.

Secondly, the attitude of men towards you in general and your subject of adoration in particular will change. You will become more attractive. Because you naturally hold on without trying to please him on purpose. You trust yourself enough to be yourself, not caring what he thinks of you, no pressure comes from you.

Step 2 - change focus

Now you have concentrated all your energy and thoughts on the subject of adoration, and completely lost sight of your own life and your destiny.

Our thinking is driven by purpose. If you have no purpose in life, you wander like a "hedgehog in a fog", having no idea where you will end up.

Define your goal in life and shift your focus from the man to that goal.

Sharpen your perceptions of your life prospects. When you know your goal, you know where to go and what to do, your self-confidence rises, your days are filled with meaning, and you experience positive emotions.

Each person has abilities and needs, the realization of which gives us happiness and a sense of the fullness of life. Set goals according to your needs with the following plan:

  1. Imagine what your goal looks like.
  2. State your goal.
  3. Think about what it takes to achieve your goal.
  4. What obstacles can arise on the way to the goal.
  5. Who can support you on your way to your goal.
  6. Think over specific activities to achieve the goal.

Stop wandering around the vicious circle of your feelings of love. Liven up, feel your interests in life. The less you direct your energy towards him and more towards your goals in life, the sooner you will arouse his interest in yourself.

With the client's permission, I will quote an excerpt from her letter after the consultation.

“After I began to devote more time to myself and my interests, I began to receive more attention from him. He began looking for me himself, waiting at all corners to chat about some little things. He tilts his head to me when we chat, listens attentively, I see that it is important to him what I say, especially when it comes to him. I see that he is comfortable with me. I noticed when other women try to involve him in a conversation, he communicates with them more out of politeness and hurries to get rid of them faster, looking in my direction with excitement. But now I do not adjust my time to him, and I do not wait for him to talk to others in order to pay attention to me. I follow my schedule, constantly keep my goals in mind and I am happy to see him now start running after me, ”- writes Oksana.

These two steps are to reduce the importance of men and focus on your own goal, which is actually easy to accomplish, if only you want to. Before you change something in yourself and your life, you yourself must want it. It's up to you whether you let your love, obsession, or addiction rule your life, or consciously build your personal life.

Love always comes unexpectedly. You saw a person and like lightning pierced. Now his appearance makes you stiff and embarrassed, every day you count the minutes until the moment you see him again. With a sinking heart, catch every word and look in your direction. You hope that he will reciprocate, and you notice that he lays his gaze on you a little longer. But, if in some cases a man himself tries to get closer to a woman he likes, then in others, for a variety of reasons, he is in no hurry to take the first step. And the longer this uncertainty lasts, the harder it becomes in your soul. Love is rarely disinterested, any lover wants to be close to the one he loves. Therefore, in order not to torture yourself further, it is better to take some action and resolve this situation. What action is best to take depends on each specific situation, but there is something in common in every love story.

First, try to understand if your loved one is reciprocating. It depends on what is best to do next. There are several options here: to confess your love yourself, to wait for him to do it, or to stop loving. Acceptance of each of

These decisions depend on who became your lover, how he treats you, is married, has a girlfriend, or you see him for the first time and do not know anything about him. When a girl feels that she has fallen in love, along with this, anxiety seizes her. It is difficult enough to understand what a man experiences if he does not show any emotions. Usually, when a girl does not know what to do, it immediately becomes clear that this is not the love that captured the two lovers, and they are absorbed in each other, but the one that can become unrequited, bringing only one suffering. That is why do not take any steps, but wait and take a closer look at who you are in love with. You can say about sympathy without words, so do not rush things.

  • First, try to find out everything you can about the chosen one. Friends and mutual acquaintances can help with this. After learning about his character and behavior as much as possible, think again, if he has any traits that annoy you, which you consider unacceptable, can you put up with them for a long time. Maybe. you have already felt that he is not so beautiful, and you are not ready to experience unpleasant moments for him.

  • If everything suits you, and you are even more convinced of how wonderful he is, start studying his habits, hobbies, what he likes or dislikes. This will help to avoid any mistakes in behavior that can push him away, and at the same time will make it possible to find some common ground, for example, in the form of visiting one hobby club, cinema, restaurants.

  • Analyze what kind of girls he likes, what attracts him to them. But even if he likes blondes or brunettes, the main thing in female beauty is still a sense of style, moderate use of cosmetics and well-groomed hair, face and body. Examine your wardrobe, whether everything matches your type, suits and decorates. If not, get rid of these things and find a few, but those that are right for you. To find a style that will emphasize all the advantages, you can use the tips of stylists, which can be found in women's magazines. Pay special attention to the condition of your nails and hands, men really do not like too long and overly painted nails. Therefore, it is better if the nails protrude only a few mm and are painted with varnish of a dull color.

  • Remember the effect of smells on men. Choose a perfume with a pleasant scent that will emphasize lightness and femininity, leaving behind a mysterious trail. Fashionable fragrances from famous brands will stir up almost any heart.

  • If possible, then become a member of his social circle. This will help you get to know him better and provide an opportunity to get to know you better. Maybe after a closer acquaintance, you won't have to make any efforts to conquer it. He himself will take the first step towards rapprochement, getting to know you better.

  • You should not change yourself, adjusting to the one you love. You must remain yourself, only in this way will you preserve your own originality and beauty. Your task is simply to show how interesting, beautiful and unique you are, and everything else will be superfluous. But with all this, your beauty and manners should be modest and decent.

  • Learn to listen to what the other person is saying and try to use this information to further interest him. He loves football - learn more about this sport, is interested in books of a certain content - read a few new books. Learn to keep the conversation going.

If the man is married or in a relationship, it is best to stop loving him. Don't harm your psyche. You should not completely devote yourself to love for a busy man, especially if he himself does not show any signs of attention to you. Thus, you will be able to save yourself from unnecessary humiliation and will not introduce an imbalance into the soul, which will not be so easy to get rid of later. Each woman should have her own one, and if your lover is married, then wait until he divorces his wife or breaks up with the girl himself, without effort on your part. After all, they correctly say: you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune.

But often everything is wrong, a man will not make a loved one suffer, which means you will always be in second place. Therefore, if you fell in love with a man who is in a relationship, the best solution would be to stop loving him and get rid of this feeling before it brings trouble. Often, such love arises from a lack of male attention, and not because this man is your prince.

Therefore, it is better to use the advice to stop loving a married man and meet your love. You will be amazed when you meet your prince, how much better he is than a man who is busy. Direct your energy towards finding true love, do not waste your energy on a stranger that you do not need. After all, all the actions that you decide to take to conquer it will only bring disappointment and pain.

Sometimes it happens ... you suddenly realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend. It would seem that it is easy to confess your feelings to the person who is always there and whom you know better than others. But it does not always happen that a friend views you as a bride, or vice versa, you fear that if the relationship does not work out, the friendship will be lost. If you want him to be around as a young man, then take advantage of other girls. You know him very well, all his habits and hobbies. But you need to make him look at you differently. Change your dress style when you date him. Dress now as if you were going on a date, even though now you are. Have a romantic dinner, watch a movie about love. Maybe all this will make him see you as a beautiful girl or confess the feelings that he hid, fearing to destroy your friendship. If you are embarrassed to immediately say frankly that you fell in love with him, say that you fell in love with a good friend. Having learned about this, he will try to find out who he is, especially if he himself is not indifferent to you. And you will have a chance to explain to each other.

To avoid feeling awkward, try not to show your feelings to others. Pay attention to the man you like, but try not to overstep certain boundaries, especially if you work together. If your crush ends unsuccessfully, this can provoke ridicule from colleagues, whose attitude towards you, for some reason, is unfriendly, or nagging from your superiors if you make some mistakes while doing the work.

Having made the choice to talk frankly with your lover, stop loving him if he is busy, or leave everything as it is, hoping that the man himself will take the first step, you make a serious decision. Whatever it is, the decision must be made consciously, be acceptable to you and not cause internal discomfort. Therefore, no matter how events develop further, do not forget that any experience carries invaluable knowledge that will be useful in later life. Love ennobles a person, makes him softer and softens the blows of fate. Whatever the end of your crush, it's better to try than do nothing and regret it for the rest of your life.