What is interesting to give my husband for the new year. Husband's hobby and a gift for the New Year. Luxurious gifts for the husband for the New Year

New Year's Eve even for the most respectable man, at least for a moment, but wants to feel like a little boy, who is overwhelmed by delight at the sight of multi-colored packages lying under the Christmas tree. A loving wife will definitely want to please her spouse with gifts, however, she may face difficulties in choosing.

Indeed, deciding what to give your husband for the New Year can be difficult. Especially if the spouses have been living together for several years and all the "obligatory" gifts in the form of ties, razors and watches have already been made.

Basic selection rules

When planning to make the best gift to your husband for the New Year, you need to remember the basic rules for choosing:

  • Do not forget to whom the gift is chosen. Even if you really like that cute blanket with chrysanthemums or a beautiful table lamp with "hanging", you should not buy these things. First, think about whether the recipient of the gift will like them, because you are choosing not just a thing for the house, but a present for a specific person. Therefore, consider the taste of your husband when choosing, even if it does not coincide with yours.

  • We use reconnaissance tactics. To choose the really best gift, you need to try to figure out exactly what your husband wants to receive. You can ask directly, in some families it is customary to directly order gifts for each other, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if there is a desire to make a surprise, then you will have to "play the scout" for some time. Listen to your husband's conversations, maybe he will casually mention that he would like to have this or that thing, but now it is not the right time to buy it. Look closely at which departments in the store your husband stops at, what things he pays attention to. But be careful, it may happen that your husband gets ahead of you and buys the thing he needs on his own, even before the holiday. And then your pleasant surprise can be considered unsuccessful.
  • A friend can come to the rescue. It happens that with all the diligence it is not possible to "find out" information about the desired gifts for the husband. In this case, you can ask for help from a close friend of your spouse. If they communicate closely enough and, moreover, have a common hobby, then a friend will definitely give useful advice. And if the wife knows little about her husband's hobby, then his friend can help and choose a present. For example, if a spouse is not fond of fishing, then she is unlikely to be able to choose a good spinning rod, so she will need the help of a knowledgeable person.

  • Decide on a gift budget. Some wives believe that an expensive gift is always better. In fact, this is not always the case. Of course, if the family does not experience any material problems, then the spouse can buy whatever comes into her head. If the financial situation is unstable, or the family is trying to accumulate funds for a large purchase (an apartment, a car, etc.), then the spouse may not only not be happy, but also get angry that a large amount was spent “on nonsense,” even if this “nonsense "Bought for him as a gift. Especially if the wife does not work and the main income of the family consists of the husband's earnings. In this case, it is better to choose an inexpensive but pleasant gift, or even make a surprise with your own hands.
  • We take into account the character of the spouse. When choosing a gift, it is imperative to take into account the character of the spouse. Wives, as a rule, know their husbands well, so they can immediately tell what kind of gift he will like. There are men who are practical by nature. They need to give only useful gifts, even if it is not very original, but the donated thing can be used for its intended purpose. Some representatives of the stronger sex remain romantics at heart. In this case, it is worth picking up an unusual gift for your husband for the New Year, even if the purchased item will not bring the spouse any practical benefit.

Hobby Gifts

The ability to choose gifts is not always an innate quality, but it can be learned. One of the most rewarding options is the things that are related to the spouse's hobbies. If a person is really passionate about something, then he will always be happy to get a thing from this area.

If the husband prefers to spend his free time in nature, then he can be picked up as a gift in the store of goods for outdoor activities. You can choose a new high quality sleeping bag or convenient folding chair, get a good metal thermos or unbreakable tableware set... If the husband is fond of winter hunting or fishing, then he will be glad to receive thermal underwear or warm comfortable suit- overalls and a jacket for outdoor recreation. If all this "in the household" of the spouse is already there, then you can choose a good fur blanket, this thing will warm the traveler even in severe frost.

If the husband loves music, then he should choose a gift from this area. Maybe he needs a new one player or headphones? Or maybe he will be pleased with new recordings of his favorite performers or a ticket to a concert of a group whose work he likes. If you decide to make an original gift to your husband for the New Year, you can buy him bathroom radio non-standard design, for example, in the form of a starfish or a submarine.

In the event that the husband himself plays music, then you need to pick up a gift for him in a musical instrument store. Of course, you can hardly pick up the instrument itself (here, as when buying shoes and clothes, you need to “try on” the instrument for yourself), but you can buy accessories that any musician needs as a gift.

If the husband is avid motorist, then there should be no problems with the choice of gifts. Any large car dealership has a huge selection of gifts for car enthusiasts. Of course, it makes no sense to buy a spare part for a car, but you can buy:

  • a compressor powered by a cigarette lighter;
  • a set of tools in a convenient case;
  • a special organizer that allows you to maintain perfect order in the trunk;
  • new seat covers, or massage or fur seat covers;
  • car coffee maker connected to the cigarette lighter;
  • navigator or video recorder;
  • cute pads to the salon;
  • device "anti-sleep" - the husband will like this present if he spends a lot of time on the road;
  • new modern car radio.

Most men will be happy to receive necessary or just pleasant computer accessories... If possible, you can please your beloved spouse with new products - buy a more powerful laptop or a more modern smartphone.

If the budget for buying gifts is modest, you can choose an inexpensive but “cool” gift for your husband for the New Year. For example, a special backlight lamp for tablet funny shape, mini fridge for storing cans of Coca-Cola, connected to a computer via a USB connector. There are many different cool and at the same time useful accessories, just look into the specialized department of the store to find something suitable.

It used to be that the best gift was a book. If a man loves to read, then this gift will be very relevant today. You can donate an e-book by pre-loading the works of your spouse's favorite authors. But if the husband is a conservative, then you can buy a series of ordinary books of his favorite genre.

Joke gifts

New Year is a merry holiday, so it is quite possible to buy some funny souvenir as a present for your spouse. You can make a gift "with a hint."

For example, if the spouse is sleepyhead and getting out of bed on time is a problem for him, you can give him flying or running alarm clock... To turn off the alarm, you will have to run after him, and, having already got out of bed, it is unlikely that the husband will go back to bed.

If your spouse is a little lazy, give him a teahouse a cup that mixes the sugar itself... By the way, the presence of such a cup will eliminate the need to collect teaspoons throughout the house.

A spouse who spends the day and sleeps at work can be given nice pillow which in appearance resembles a regular folder for papers. The presence of such a pillow in the office will allow the spouse to spend time with comfort in moments of relaxation.

Another gift option from this series - funny slippers... They can be purchased or knitted (sewn) by yourself. You can choose slippers in the form of a symbol of the coming year. And if the husband loves to spend time playing "tanks", then the sneakers can be made in the form of combat vehicles.

You can purchase a T-shirt and order an image or lettering of your choice to be printed on it. For example, you can write on the T-shirt "This is the best husband looks like", or decorate the clothes with your joint photo.

Add some romance

There are many worries in everyday life, so many spouses rarely say words of love to each other, although they value each other very much. But on holidays, you can forget about the daily hustle and bustle and prepare a romantic gift for your husband for the New Year.

The easiest option is romantic dinner for two at home. The main condition for this event is that you must stay alone with your spouse, so the children must be put to bed early or sent to their grandmothers.

Think over the dinner menu, it is better to include your husband's favorite dishes in it, even if he prefers prosaic food like potatoes with meat, seafood and other gourmet foods that women's magazines recommend preparing for a romantic evening. A hungry husband is unlikely to be romantically inclined, so you shouldn't experiment with food. But it is important not to overfeed your spouse, otherwise, after dinner, he will begin to doze off, and the rest of the evening program will be ruined.

In addition to dinner, you need to prepare the creative part of the evening. For example, you can pre-like strip plastics courses and prepare an erotic dance for your spouse. If you're at odds with choreography, just tell your husband how much you love him. Most likely, such a gift will touch the spouse to the core.

If it is unrealistic to stay at home alone, but there is a chance to entrust the care of the children to grandmothers (or the children are old enough to take care of themselves on their own), then it is worth organize an "outdoor event"... If possible, it is better to leave for a few days in a holiday home. If this is not possible, you can arrange for yourself a romantic evening in a restaurant.

Pleasant emotions

In principle, the purpose of any gift is to evoke pleasant emotions in the recipient. But you can donate not just a thing that will delight, but an interesting entertainment or adventure.

For example, you can "cooperate" with the wives of your husband's friends and make a general gift - a certificate for the game paintball, to visit bowling club or any other entertainment that the recipients of the gift will like.

Can be donated pool pass or a gym, these gifts the spouse will emphasize that she cares about the health of her husband. If the spouse wants to master some new skills, then as a gift, you can pay for training on courses that are interesting for him. Maybe he wants to learn extreme driving? Or have you wanted to learn horse riding for a long time?

You can buy tickets for any entertainment events - sports competitions, concerts, performances and so on. The main thing is that this event arouses the interest of the husband.

Inexpensive gifts

If there is no way to make a solid gift, then you should not be upset. You can give your husband an inexpensive but useful thing for him. Even simple woolen socks lovingly tied by a spouse are a wonderful gift, which contains a particle of the giver's soul.

Inexpensive gifts should also be chosen for the ex-husband for the New Year, if you have maintained a good relationship after the divorce. Small souvenir, wall hanging or desk calendar- these are quite acceptable gifts for the ex-spouse. If you give something expensive or personal, then such a present can be perceived as a proposal to renew the relationship and cause a negative reaction from the actual wife or girlfriend.

The choice of gifts is wide enough, you just need to think about which of them will really please your husband.

The husband is the most important representative of the stronger sex for any woman. Gifts for the husband for the New Year 2018 are a way to express your feelings, emphasize the value of mutual love and respect. Every caring wife is worried about the question: What to give her husband for the New 2018? How to pleasantly surprise your loved one? Many options for unusual gifts for men are presented in the following lines.

The main ideas for gifts to her husband for the New 2018 are:

  • Alcohol, cigars and accessories;
  • Gifts related to hobbies;
  • Presentations that are related to work;
  • Funny gifts;
  • DIY things;
  • Extreme Adventure Certificates;
  • Games;
  • Vacation vouchers;
  • Personalized gifts;
  • Gifts that help you take care of your health.

Alcohol, cigars and accessories

At least 76% of men consume alcohol, 60% of the stronger sex smoke. In this regard, a husband who uses strong drinks or tobacco products can be presented with:

  • Havana, Dominican or Nicaraguan cigars;
  • Exclusive smoking pipes;
  • Handmade cigarette or cigar mouthpieces;
  • Collectible whiskey 12 or 18 years old;
  • Bottle holders in the form of human hands;
  • Flasks for alcohol;
  • Stones for whiskey.

Gifts associated with hobbies

Any man is pleased when his wife knows what he is fond of and knows at least a little about his hobby. Interesting gifts that are associated with hobbies are:

  • Buildable plastic model of a ship, tank and plane;
  • Carbon rod;
  • Fisherman's and hunter's vest with many pockets;
  • Arrowhead set;
  • English raincoat tent;
  • Holster for a pneumatic pistol (you need to know the exact brand of the weapon);
  • Home smokers for heat treatment of meat and fish .;
  • Dumbbell or expander sets.

Presentations that are related to work

Men occupy different positions in society. Representatives of the strong half of humanity like it when women emphasize it. Depending on the profession, you can give your husband:

  • Handle with personalized engraving;
  • Car gearbox cufflinks;
  • A set of tools in a beautiful package;
  • Leather cover for driver's license;
  • Travel bag;
  • Tabletop Stress Relief Bag;
  • A memory card in the form of a racing car.

DIY things

A gift that is made with your own hands and presented to the husband should take a lot of time for the beloved to appreciate the labor and attention costs of the most valuable woman. Without using special skills for a loved one, you can make:

  • Photo frame;
  • Warm socks;
  • A case for small things from an old tie;
  • Strap cup holder;
  • Book holders;
  • Cover for a tablet computer;
  • A mug with a mustache.

Joke gift

If the husband has a sense of humor, creative gifts for him will be:

  • Troll mask;
  • Cap with supports for beer cans;
  • Keychains in the form of a female breast;
  • Bell to call for kisses;
  • Comic certificates of "faithful husband" or "family leader";
  • Covers for the "Tsar" or "Santa Claus" passport;
  • A set of telescopic cutlery;
  • Fake brick.

When choosing funny presents, it is important not to offend the human dignity of the husband, but to emphasize his abilities and skills.

Extreme Adventure Certificates

Different types of extreme adventures are loved by all representatives of the stronger sex. It is advisable to clarify the dates on which the husband is free and his preferences in the field of unusual recreation before choosing certificates for such events. The husband will be pleasantly surprised by the certificates for:

  • ATV walks;
  • Trial lesson in piloting an airplane;
  • Skydiving;
  • Paragliding or hang gliding;
  • Climbing course;
  • Martial arts lessons;
  • Visit to the rope park;
  • Scuba diving.


Board and indoor games are an ideal gift for a person who likes to spend time with friends and acquaintances. Games will be good gifts for an extrovert man:

  • Have a drink;
  • Road monopoly;
  • Las Vegas;
  • What? Where? When?
  • Darts (board and darts);
  • Mini basketball;
  • Football or leverage hockey.

Vacation packages

Vouchers for New Year's holidays should be chosen based on the wishes of both spouses and whether or not both halves of the family have a holiday vacation. Great places to visit for the New Year 2018 will be:

  • Ski resorts in Poland and the Czech Republic;
  • Thailand beaches;
  • Villas in the Seychelles;
  • Red Square in Moscow;
  • Palaces and museums of St. Petersburg;
  • House of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug;
  • Ice floes of polar bears in the Far North.

Presentations that help you take care of your health

Presentations that emphasize health care are suitable for men over 40 years old. To a young representative of a strong part of humanity, such gifts will seem like an ugly reminder of illness or body flaws. As gifts that help you take care of your health, the following are suitable:

  • Warm home slippers;
  • Back or leg massagers;
  • Set for Nordic walking;
  • Jade pillow;
  • Creamy honey with mint or cedar resin;
  • Ultrasonic body device;
  • Certificate for 1-2 massage sessions.

Personalized gifts

Personalized gifts show a woman's knowledge of the individual traits of her beloved man. Excellent personalized gifts are:

  • T-shirt with an inscription;
  • Mug with original print;
  • Warm robe with embroidery;
  • Coaster with engraving;
  • Alcohol bottle with a personalized label;
  • Memory card with glued initials;
  • Keychain with photo.

How to give a gift to your husband?

You should always give a gift to your beloved man with a smile on your face, even if, in the woman's opinion, the thing that is presented is not very useful and necessary. The representative of the stronger sex will appreciate the spouse's sincere desire to deliver pleasant emotions. You can also arrange a small quest, the tasks of which will hint at the nature of the gift.

Presentation packaging should not be bright and colorful. A plain (black, brown) box or bag will be much more pleasant for a man. You should never use the services of a courier to present a gift. It is better to present the present within 10 days after the holiday, but personally.

You need to give a gift without witnesses, left alone with your husband. To make the event brighter, you can get out in erotic underwear from a large box or put a present at night in the most prominent place in the apartment (a chair near the bed, a desk or a TV stand).

As a rule, married ladies do not suffer from the choice of a New Year's gift and present the most ordinary presents. Or maybe it's time to change something abruptly in your habits and relationships with your soul mate? So, what to give your husband for the New Year 2016? Give him a real New Year's holiday, with its miracles, magic and fabulous atmosphere, because this is exactly what each of us dreams of, regardless of age!

New impressions for the New Year

If your husband, as in a joke, has everything except a tram pass, do not despair. Consider the option of an unusual and memorable gift - a certificate for a parachute jump (if your husband loves extreme sports), a certificate for attending an interesting master class or extreme driving.

You haven't been to the theater for a long time? It doesn't matter, New Year is exactly the time when you can make your wishes come true and at the same time congratulate your husband in an original way - give him tickets to visit the theater.

Don't like theater? Then cinema, circus or dolphinarium is for you. And lovers of an active lifestyle will appreciate the opportunity to spend an extra hour on the ski slide or at the skating rink.

The celebration of New Year's Eve itself can bring new impressions. Rent a hotel room or rent a country house - a change of scenery is both the best vacation and an opportunity to stir up the senses.

Renting a country house is a great gift idea for the New Year

Not one of the listed options is suitable? It doesn't matter either - buy your spouse a gift certificate, and he will decide for himself what to spend it on.

Husband's hobby and a gift for the New Year

Is your husband a passionate person? So this is great! This will help solve many problems that arise when choosing a presentation. Listen to what your spouse says to you from time to time. Often men dream out loud "I would not refuse such a fishing rod or mug" and this will help us to guess exactly with the gift and please the soul mate.

Does your husband love technology and can sit for many hours at a laptop or tablet? As a gift, you can choose a new original mouse (the main thing is to make sure that your hands are comfortable and comfortable on it), a new cover for a tablet or laptop bag, a laptop table or a cooling stand. Even such a trifle as new computer speakers or headphones will delight your husband.

Good headphones are a suitable gift for the New Year

An active, sports-loving or travel-loving husband can be pleased with a set of sports equipment, sportswear, a bag or a set of workout towels. A variety of tourist equipment and accessories will allow you to choose an original and useful gift, the main thing is that there is enough money for it. Your husband loves hiking at any time of the year - get him a thermos mug that you can pack in a holiday package. An addition to a useful and small gift will be a comic certificate of the best tourist or a comic cup for climbing Mount Everest.

A unique and original gift can be an exercise bike or a strength training machine for your home. In addition, you can use such a device without any problems.

Beer lovers will appreciate the beer set, which includes glasses, cup holders and tasty treats with beer. A mini-brewery will be an unforgettable and unexpected gift.

Bath lovers can give a couple of good brooms, bath attendant gloves, bath cap or slippers, towels and a set of essential oils.


Another hobby, thanks to which our list of possible New Year gifts becomes even larger and more varied. Husbands-motorists groom and groom the car as if it were their own, and by giving a necessary and useful car gift, we will definitely please my husband.

What can you choose as a gift? Let's start with the most affordable - car accessories. An original and unexpected gift will be a car communicator that can be attached to the rear window and on which your companion can express their emotions and even write a short phrase. There is a communicator model on which you can create any emoticon (from a smile to anger), a communicator-constructor, on the display of which you can show your feelings and signs familiar to every motorist (for example, the letter "U" or a shoe). Such models include about 100-150 words, of which more than 400 sentences can be made (“I'm in a hurry!”, “Sorry,” “Stop,” etc.). The kit includes the display itself, mount, remote control and instructions. To create a sign or inscription, you just need to use the remote control.

Autocommunicator - a New Year's gift for a car enthusiast

If your husband spends a lot of time behind the wheel of a car on duty or because of the call of his heart, give him a travel mug or a mini-cooler, which will make the trip more comfortable and enjoyable. Another option for a pleasant and useful gift for such a motorist will be the “Antison at the wheel” device, which will help you stay awake while driving - as soon as the driver tilts his head, the device starts beeping.

A universal gift for all occasions is a set of tools, as well as means for cleaning the body and glass from snow and ice. A glass stand, a phone, a DVR, a GPS navigator, a non-slip mat on a dashboard, car lights, new seat covers, a fan, a car hairdryer, a vacuum cleaner, a headrest pillow, a car massager or a braid on the steering wheel - you can present all this to your husband on New Year!

Gifts for the smoker

Many men cannot live a day without cigarettes, and no matter how sad it is, it is this addiction that gives us another chance to guess with a useful and unexpected gift.

New Year is a time of change and why not try to change your husband for the better and help him give up cigarettes. An evolutionary invention, the electronic cigarette, will help your husband to stop smoking harmful tobacco products and keep the smoking habit. Such accessories imitate the smoking process, while preserving the taste sensations from cigarettes, but completely eliminating the possibility of harmful substances and tar getting into the body. You can pick up a whole set of cartridges with different flavors to them. In terms of volume, one cartridge can be compared to one pack of cigarettes.

Electronic cigarette - an innovative gift for her husband for the New Year

If your husband prefers to smoke a pipe, a package of luxury tobacco or a new pipe would be a good gift. A cigar lover can be surprised with a set of real Cuban cigars or a box for storing them, which can be purchased, or you can make it yourself, having decorated it in the decoupage style.

You can also give a smoker husband an original ashtray, a high-quality lighter or a cigar rolling machine, but best of all - help your husband to give up this addiction!

Useful and interesting gifts

Refuse to buy items of clothing, household appliances and personal hygiene products - you can buy all this just like that, for no reason. An original and memorable gift will be a set of elite coffee, tea or alcohol, which your husband dreams of trying.

Does your husband have a mustache or beard? Buy him as a present, or a whole one. All this can be bought in our.

For gambling men, you can purchase card sets, sets of table games or a home mini-casino as a presentation.

Those who like to receive guests will be pleased with the original set of beer mugs, cognac glasses or stacks made in the form of chess pieces or animals.

The husband loves outdoor recreation, with a fire and barbecue - give him a new handmade brazier or a barbecue set! And lovers of summer cottages will be pleased with a new hammock or sun lounger.

Does your husband have a good sense of humor? Buy him a running alarm clock that will help him wake up faster in the morning or a dumbbell alarm clock.

An original gift will also be a set for wine, which includes a container for storing a bottle, as well as a corkscrew, a dispenser, a cork and a ring for bottle necks made of silver.

An original passport cover, a set for playing mini golf, table football or hockey, high-quality stationery, a perpetual magnetic calendar, photo frames, notebooks, paintings and collages - all this can be given to your husband for the new year 2016 without fear.

Your husband appreciates and loves original things - give him a personal pillow with an interesting and memorable inscription, order a ring from a jeweler with Solomon's inscription “Everything passes. And it will pass! ”, An original figurine or a tie.

A connoisseur of home comfort and family values ​​can be pleased with an original family album, which will include all your photos and photos of your friends, with signatures and wishes, as well as a warm blanket or bathrobe.

Make your husband happy with a handmade gift. It can be a photo frame, a video clip, a knitted scarf or a decorative key holder, a shelf for storing your favorite little things, or a picture of your life partner.

Do not give your husband stabbing and cutting objects, as well as handkerchiefs - according to popular beliefs, this leads to frequent quarrels. Do not give a watch - this is for parting.


If you are still tormented by doubts and cannot decide on the choice of a gift in any way, talk to your husband's friends and find out what he dreams of, because not only my friends and I share our desires, but also our men with friends.

Regardless of which present you have chosen, remember - a beautifully wrapped gift, a festive atmosphere and New Year's Eve in the circle of loved ones and relatives are the key to a happy family life and good mood for the whole year!

Everyone loves surprises. Especially on New Year's Eve. And if the spouse declares that he can do without a gift, most likely he is being cunning. Deep in his soul, every man remains a child who always enjoys surprises. And even if you have been married for more than one year, this is not a reason to stop surprising each other, demonstrating the depth of feelings.

Therefore, when choosing what to give your husband, be careful and try to find out in advance his wishes from the faithful. But what if the New Year is approaching, and interesting ideas have not come to you?

If the budget allows

Many wives torment themselves with the question: "What is the best gift for my husband for the upcoming New Year 2017?" If you are used to pampering your spouse with expensive presents, pay attention to Swiss watches, silver cufflinks, branded writing utensils, genuine leather briefcases, designer business card holders, stylish wallets. For male car enthusiasts, a massage seat cover, a navigator, a rear-view camera or a mini-refrigerator for a car will be a good gift. Also pay attention to the radio that your spouse uses in the car. If it is outdated and unable to read USB sticks, buy a more modern device for it.

If a man has been eyeing miniature airplanes, helicopters or radio-controlled cars for a long time, you can also try to make his dream come true. Such a gift to his beloved husband for the New 2017 Year of the Red Rooster will surely cause him a lot of positive emotions.

Hunting and fishing enthusiasts will not be left indifferent by a new folding brazier or a high-quality sleeping bag, as well as various equipment that he can show off to his friends. If you want your husband to be at home more often, give him a present on New Year's Eve that would make family leisure more exciting. It can be a billiard table, mini-football, game console.

Inexpensive gift ideas

But what if you temporarily do not work or it is customary in the family to keep a common budget? After all, taking the lion's share from him in order to buy him a gift with a man's money is extremely ridiculous. For a man, it is often not so much a gift that is important as attention. Therefore, you can please your beloved with the help of pleasant little things, the acquisition of which will not cause much damage to your financial situation.

Every man uses a computer, tablet or mobile phone every day. Therefore, do not doubt that he will be pleasantly surprised to become the owner of useful gadgets for his favorite technology. Take a closer look at a rubber keyboard for touch devices, a fancy USB hub, a USB-powered cup warmer, a keyboard backlight lamp, or a special vacuum cleaner whose main task will be to remove dust and dirt from under the keys. Husbands who prefer to spend their leisure time playing computer games will be crazy about a special gaming mouse or joystick. And for those who like to use a laptop on the couch, it will be much more convenient to work at it thanks to a special stand or table.

For a husband who is crazy about his car, picking up a gift is as easy as shelling pears. You can surprise your beloved hubby with the help of a special car table, at which your spouse can comfortably have a snack on the road or work with a laptop.

It will also be appropriate to present the motorist with a roomy suitcase for tools or a grid organizer, which will keep the trunk clean and tidy. If a man works as a driver or just spends a lot of time behind the wheel, one of the most useful gifts for him will be a device that prevents him from falling asleep while driving.

Fans of the steam room will not refuse to receive a new bath set, consisting of a soft towel, a hat and a broom, as a gift.

What other inexpensive gifts for your husband will be desired in the New 2017? For your attention the current list:

  • Lantern;
  • thermos;
  • cookies with New Year's predictions;
  • cool mug;
  • puzzle for a large number of parts;
  • board game (Mafia, Monopoly, Scrabble, chess);
  • music disc of your favorite artist;
  • key case;
  • case for glasses;
  • beer glass;
  • a rarity from a flea market (antique book, Soviet army flask, old cup holder).
  • Baellery clutch set + Luminor Panerai watch

A bet on practicality!

Also, most women prefer to opt for practical gifts. They may not surprise your spouse, but they will definitely come in handy in everyday life. This can be: shaving kits, new perfume, sweater, belt, etc.

Ideas for original gifts

But do not limit yourself to standard presents, think about what you can give your husband an unusual gift for the New Year. What original surprise will the faithful like? This could be the following list of presents:

  • beer helmet;
  • personalized flash drive with engraving;
  • portrait on canvas from his photograph;
  • flying alarm clock;
  • funny house slippers;
  • certificate for extreme leisure;
  • a certificate for visiting the SPA center;
  • office golf set;
  • vibration cushion;
  • Electronic Cigarette;
  • foot massager;
  • a scarf or hat, knitted with your own hand;
  • elite grade of tea or coffee;
  • aquarium;
  • subscription to "men's" editions;
  • orthopedic pillow or mattress;
  • home simulator;
  • an annual subscription to the fitness center.

Such unusual and original options for gifts to her husband for the New 2017 will surely give a lot of positive emotions.

Organization of a romantic evening will be no less original present. After all, everyday life "eats up" sensuality and passion, so New Year's Eve is a great occasion to revive feelings, refresh them. Organize dinner at a good restaurant, but a delicious homemade meal is also a good solution. You can also give your husband a ticket to one of your favorite resorts, which will allow you to enjoy a pleasant time together during the New Year holidays.

DIY gift?

You may not even guess that the gift that you prepare with your own hands will delight your husband no less than an expensive present. But it should be understood that the gift should be "masculine". No crocheted napkins, throw pillows, or jewelry boxes. The best option would be to decorate a simple wooden photo frame. Decorate it with metal nuts, small pebbles, coffee beans, old coins. Put one of your happiest photos inside the frame and do not doubt that such an element of decor will be a wonderful decoration for your man's desktop.

You can also try making a massage mat using the pebbles you brought back from your vacation. This will remind the beloved of the pleasant moments of joint leisure.

Needlewomen can please their spouse with a self-made pillow or blanket.

The husband will be pleased to realize that this present was created especially for him and the issue of cost in this case does not matter. Such original gifts for your beloved husband for the New Year of the Red Rooster will once again allow you to demonstrate your love and care to your soulmate.

The most wonderful New Year holiday is getting closer and closer every day.

And according to tradition, everyone gives each other gifts, a wonderful, old, kind tradition that has entered our consciousness as an integral part of this cheerful, wonderful holiday.

Almost all married women have a painful, difficult to resolve question, what to give her husband for the new year. I would like the gift to be not ordinary, pleasant for the husband, but also financially solvable.

Some women simplify the solution with a counter question to her husband - what to give you for the new year? However, in most cases, they prefer to make a surprise. Which?

At first there was an idea to choose gifts for men and offer them to women, but then I thought, because I am also a man, also a husband, and what would I like to receive as a gift for the New Year's holiday?

I will not touch on any super gifts or rare and exotic ones.

I will limit myself to what can be purchased in our retail chains, the maximum cost, say, 7-10 thousand rubles, or made by my wife's own hands.

And so - I would be pleased to receive it as a present for the new year.

What can you buy as a gift

Since I am fond of video and photo shooting, this is such a device

This video is a helicopter, for filming video from a flight altitude, very interesting filming is obtained and its cost is from 3000 rubles.

I would be very pleased with an underwater camera, or a waterproof box for an existing camera.

It turns out wonderful underwater photos and videos, I just think it is necessary for a vacation at sea. Such devices can be purchased within 5-8 thousand rubles, and boxes are even cheaper.

As a video recorder for a car enthusiast, and if he is also a class with a radar detector.

A very necessary thing, and will protect from a fine, and God forbid, in case of an accident, it will be a witness, and at prices - in our amount, for every taste.

A set of tools for the car.

With the prices here, too, everything is in order, there is plenty to choose from and for a reasonable price.

In general, there is a large choice for motorists:

auto compressor, for inflating tires, a beautiful fragrance in the salon, a set of car cosmetics, a rear-view mirror with a bluetooth connection to the phone, for calls while driving, in general, there is a choice in any auto store.

A new phone, cooler than the old one, with bells and whistles that have not yet been, or a tablet

There are no problems with the choice of these gifts, and at a price they are quite selectable.

For the household, and the man is the owner of the house, a good set of tools so that you can twist the tap, hang the shelf, drive a nail into the wall.

The assortment is huge, and you can choose at a price.

For those who like to indulge in fragrant tobacco, present a smoking pipe, a beautiful lighter for the New Year, although they say we have a fight against smoking.

Perfect for a nice gift

A small men's handbag, or as it is called a purse.

So that you can put personal documents, keys, telephone, cigarettes in it, you yourself sometimes say that the pockets are drawn, but it is both convenient and practical.

If your husband is an avid fisherman, donate a fishing suit, a refrigerator bag, a good thermos, I do not advise you to choose a rod and a set of spinners without a good consultant, because of not knowing, you can take the wrong one.

Now in Russia, practically throughout the entire territory, they have begun to grow grapes, and many men are carried away by winemaking, in the good sense of this wonderful business, their own wine from their own grapes is an excellent drink, for such enthusiasts, a beautiful carved bottle, juice extractor will be a wonderful gift, go to shop for winemakers, and they are now in almost any city, you must look for something.

DIY gift for my husband for the new year

If you are knitting, then you should consider a handmade gift.

Let your hands warm my husband and I think that he will really like such gifts for the new year.

And if you sew, make a present for the car, sew covers.

A folk proverb says that the main thing is not a gift, the main thing is attention! Therefore, pay attention to what is interesting to the husband, and make a small gift