What can be done from napkins to a new one. Green herringbone - master class. Christmas tree made of napkins

Hand-made things have always been valued more than purchased items. They can be given as gifts or to decorate the interior with them. Napkins are a material that is freely available in many stores and has a low price. Even a child can make crafts from paper napkins with their own hands. And the work of adults does not look "childish".


Kids do not yet have pocket money, so a gift for mom, grandmother, aunt on International Women's Day has to be created on their own. What can you do with your own hands in kindergarten? Interesting applications, postcards, trees and much more are obtained from paper napkins. Almost all works will use the same materials: napkins of different colors, scissors, glue, stapler.

Even a child can make carnations. Add thin twigs and a bright marker or felt-tip pen to the base materials.

  1. Fold one napkin two times. You should get a square.
  2. Fix in the center with a stapler.
  3. Draw a circle inscribed in a square.
  4. Paint over the edges of the circle with a marker.
  5. Insert a branch in the center, and glue the top layer of a napkin to it.
  6. Begin to gently crease the rest of the layers.

It turned out the first flower, make a few more of these, forming a bouquet.

You can experiment with sizes, colors and decorations. Wrap the bouquet with gift wrapping, tie it with a ribbon. Cut the edges of the flowers with a wavy line, or You got excellent DIY crafts for March 8. In kindergarten, very beautiful things are also created from paper napkins.

Lump Animals

To make animalistic pictures, you will need to add colored paper and cardboard to the base materials. It's easy to make do-it-yourself paper napkin crafts. The "Animals" master class is an application. Having mastered the basics, you will be able to come up with your own stories. So, the progress of work on creating a butterfly:

  1. Print out the Butterfly coloring page and the rest of the work will be done on its basis.
  2. Color the background blue - the color of the sky.
  3. Take napkins of different colors and cut them into small squares.
  4. Now you need to crumple each one with your fingers into a small ball, and use PVA glue to glue it to the coloring in the appropriate place.
  5. Having finished with the butterfly, proceed to the background design. Cut out the sun, grass and clouds from colored paper.

The result is a wonderful picture! By the same principle, you can create any animals. Just look for a matching coloring page and fill it with the colors you want. Use your imagination, and you may be able to adapt threads, buttons for the eyes of animals, a herbarium and much more.

Such crafts made from paper napkins, created with their own hands, help children develop fine motor skills.

Animals from squares

This option is suitable for creating not every animal, but only one that has the shape of a circle in its body. These do-it-yourself handicrafts from paper napkins contain only one square:

  1. For example, make an appliqué "Penguin" out of plain colored paper.
  2. Fold the napkin two times to make a square.
  3. Staple it in the center and cut out a circle.
  4. Crush all layers from bottom to top, except for the last one.
  5. Glue the last layer to the applique in the corresponding round place on the animal's body.

That's all! In the same way, you can make a bear, a fish, the head of a lion, a kitten and other animals.


Topiary from napkins is willingly made not only by children, but also by adults. Such crafts from paper napkins (do it yourself) fit perfectly into the interior. The master class gives only basic knowledge, and the craftswoman herself chooses how to decorate the work. To the main set, you need to add branches, a flower pot, newspaper and threads. Progress:

  1. Crumple the newspaper and fix its shape with threads. It is not necessary to make a very large size, since the volume will already be increased by napkins.
  2. On one side, make a hole for the branch.
  3. Cut the napkin into quarters.
  4. Staple two of them and cut out a circle.
  5. Begin to crumple each layer, do not touch the last, they should be glued to the ball made in the first stage.
  6. When the ball is ready, insert a branch into the hole and glue.
  7. Fill the flowerpot with newspapers, you can put stones on the bottom for stability.
  8. Insert the branch with the ball and fix it securely in the pot.
  9. To hide crumpled newspapers, you can use small decorative stones, pebbles, or the same napkins.

This is the basics you need to know to create a topiary.

Design options

When creating a topiary, you can use any materials at hand. If you don't have a branch, then just attach the ball to a flower pot, it looks no less attractive.

When creating a ball, think about what the topiary will be used for. If the room in which you plan to put it does not contain many bright decorative elements, then you can add butterflies to the craft, use different colors, tie the stem with a ribbon, decorate the pot. And in the case when the room is already cluttered with paintings, figurines, flowers, it is better to dwell on minimalism.

New Year

Waiting for the New Year is the time when the flight of creativity begins, and the festive mood does not leave until December 31st. New Year's crafts from paper napkins can be made in the form of the same topiary, only use more green flowers and New Year's toys.

But it's better to make a real tree:

  1. Take a large sheet of paper, preferably a Whatman paper. Roll it up in the form of a cone, resembling a Christmas tree, glue it.
  2. Cut the bottom so that the craft can stand straight.
  3. Now, according to the already studied technique, which was described during the manufacture of topiary, it is necessary to make a lot of green flowers.
  4. They can be the same size or shrink upwards.
  5. When the spruce is ready, decorate it with tinsel, hang flat paper toys, put on a star.

Such a thing will be a great holiday gift. Very interesting New Year's crafts from paper napkins. The photo shows the decoration option.


A small decorative element that can be attached to the ceiling is a great craft for a girl's nursery. You will need a wire. Progress:

  1. Use wire to make a skeleton of a ballerina.
  2. Glue the wire with white napkins using PVA.
  3. Get started on your clothes. Take a napkin of any color and fold it in a triangle, bending it in the center.
  4. Now trim the bottom in a semicircle.
  5. Do the same with a different color, but use a smaller napkin.
  6. We put the resulting "dress" on the doll.
  7. Tie up at the waist with threads or a ribbon.
  8. For greater puffiness, napkins can be curled.

Experiment with the size of the skirts, the number of linings and embellishments. Use a transparent fishing line or thread with a safety pin to attach the ballerina to the ceiling.

Now you know how to easily create crafts from paper napkins with your own hands. All you need are napkins in different colors and fantasy. Using the materials at hand, you can create very unusual and stylish things. The works will fit well into the interior of the apartment or will be suitable as a present for any holiday.

Many do not realize that many beautiful crafts can be made from ordinary napkins. The material will help you create a decoration for any holiday at no extra cost.

It will take a few minutes to complete the craft and even young children can create it. Kids will love making napkin appliques, while adults they will help them remember their childhood and colorfully decorate the room.

But how to make crafts from napkins with your own hands using scrap materials?

Special serving

Ordinary paper napkins can be found on every table, anywhere in the world. A rich imagination will allow you to create many different shapes from a napkin.

Origami is popular, with which you can make many swans or wonderful flowers. You can find many ways to create paper jewelry, which, thanks to the great possibilities, will allow you to create a wonderful craft.

On the Internet, you can find many photos of napkin crafts on any topic. Often there are figures made in the form of flowers.

Examples of creating paper flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from a regular napkin:

  • The green napkin is laid out in the shape of a triangle;
  • We install it in the glass, leaving both ends outside the glass;
  • Roll the yellow napkin in the same way and twist it to make a tube;
  • The lower side is folded and the flower is straightened;
  • The resulting rose is dipped into a glass with a green napkin.

Pocket for various cutlery:

  • A napkin from any angle is twisted into a tube to the center;
  • The tube is bent into two equal parts so that the holes remain in front;
  • From the opposite side, the edge is bent to the front side.

Children's crafts

Consider a few handicrafts made from napkins for children.


It will be interesting for children to create different shapes together with their parents.

Dandelion requires the following accessories:

  • PVA glue;
  • Paper;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Dye;
  • Stapler.

Making napkin crafts is an easy task that even kids can do. A stalk of a future dandelion is drawn on the sheet. A ball of the desired size is cut out of a yellow napkin, which is fixed in the middle with a stapler.

Scissors make cuts along the edges towards the center, and the resulting flower is glued to the paper. The green napkin will be dandelion leaves that stick to the stem.

After the glue has dried, it is necessary to straighten the flower by folding and pressing all the cut edges on a yellow napkin. You will get a fluffy flower that will delight adults and children with its appearance.


To create crafts you need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil.

A butterfly is drawn with a pencil on paper. The necessary pieces are cut out of the napkins so that they correspond to the size of the drawn butterfly. This will help to develop motor skills in babies and will be to their liking.

The resulting parts are glued to paper. The craft will turn out colorful, voluminous and will decorate the room.



For crafts you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Pencil;
  • Stapler.

A branch is drawn on cardboard with a pencil. Scissors cut the body of a bird from paper of various colors, which is glued to cardboard. A green napkin is cut into small pieces and rolled into small tubes.

The resulting tubes are glued to the contour of the branch. We cut out a ball from a red napkin, which we fix with a stapler in the center.

The edges are cut and the circle is glued to the body of the bird. The edges are straightened in the same way as dandelion to create volume.

Room decoration with napkins

From napkins and a stapler and scissors, you can create many different flowers. To make a peony, you need several napkins.

Small napkin craft instructions:

  • A circle is cut with waves around the edges;
  • Scissors make an incision towards the center;
  • The middle is fixed with a stapler;
  • The cuts along the edges are straightened in any order.


You can cut out beautiful numbers from cardboard and decorate them with napkins. A number is created from cardboard and pasted over with paper. It can be pasted over with newspaper and covered with a primer. Next, corrugated paper is glued onto the figure.

We create flowers using the peony method or another way. For one flower, you need several colored napkins. The lesson will take some time, but it will be worth it.

Circles are cut out of colored napkins, fastened in the middle and straightened along the edges. Flowers are glued to the number in random order.

The created craft will serve as an excellent decoration for any holiday.

Photo of crafts from napkins


I always thought that the sweet tooth in the family was me, and now I increasingly notice that I am left without sweets, and my husband is to blame ...

Probably, the whole point is that I like to experiment with different recipes for dishes, and this is mainly confectionery: cakes, pastries and muffins, which I get amazingly tasty.

It so happened that over time my hobby turned into an additional source of income - I began to bake to order. And for a long time I was looking for a way to decorate my products beautifully, until I caught my eye paper lace napkins... At first I used them as a backing for cakes and cupcakes, but I soon realized that napkins can also be used for decorating boxes.

Once I was holding such a napkin in my hand, and several ideas were born in my head, thanks to which now my house is decorated with a new openwork lampshade and a charming basket for delicacies. Yes, yes, I made all this with napkins.

Editorial staff "So simple!" prepared 11 ideas for you handicrafts from paper openwork napkins commonly used for serving cakes and muffins. They are graceful, like lace, but very inexpensive.

Crafts from paper napkins

  1. Openwork napkins look very stylish on packages. Recently, decorators often use them in gift decoration because of the elegance and simplicity of lace underlays.

  2. And you can also decorate paper bags with sweets for children, adult guests with such napkins, or decorate wedding bonbonnieres in a similar way.

  3. And here is one of those ideas that I personally embodied with the help of paper lace napkins in just 2 hours. As you can see, you can also decorate a lampshade with napkins!

  4. Another way to use lace confectionery substrates is to decorate ordinary jars with them. So you get cute candlesticks that will decorate any wedding celebration, your apartment or country house.

  5. A great idea to prepare for the New Year!

  6. First of all, pastry lace napkins resemble paper snowflakes, which everyone must have cut out in childhood before the New Year holidays.

    So with their help, you can decorate a winter shop window or a window in a room in an original way, combining patterned coasters of different diameters. It will turn out beautifully if you make a Christmas tree out of them.

    A good idea for a graceful snowflake.

  7. From openwork paper napkins, mesmerizing light garlands are obtained that can be hung in a restaurant or at home for a holiday. And most importantly, making such a garland is quite simple, you will definitely cope, even if you have never decorated anything before.

    A very nice idea if you take a garland of bulbs. Thread each light bulb through the center of the napkin. The light will scatter very nicely. The main thing is to take non-heating lamps, otherwise this venture can be fire hazardous!

  8. And also such a napkin can be used as template for decor bags.

  9. Or create a cute lamb. I will definitely make one for the New Year to hang it on the tree.

  10. If you have a delicate openwork wedding - feel free to use this confectionery paper in your decoration. It will give your invitation a magical look.

    And each guest will be able to receive a designer personalized boarding card in the style of your holiday.

  11. Such beauty can be created with a balloon, PVA glue, 20 paper lace napkins and your inspiration.

And I also offer you a recipe for a very tasty and at the same time low-calorie, which my whole family simply adores. Such a delicacy will be a good reason to purchase paper lace napkins as a substrate for dessert and as a material for creativity.

Lace paper napkins are now available to absolutely anyone, they can be found in supermarkets - in the department where they sell everything for the holidays, in stores with dishes for baking and in special stores for pastry chefs. They come in different shapes, diameters, colors and are very inexpensive.

By connecting imagination and inspiration, you can make many beautiful crafts that will decorate your home and give it comfort.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - this is what the girl's heart strives for! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique jewelry with a floral theme. She dreams of living in France, learns the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.