What do you need to play Warface? How to play Warface well? Training is the key to success

Warface is one of the most modern shooters to date. The game has gained great popularity both in the CIS countries and abroad, but many today do not even know how to play Warface and what the features of this game are. In fact, there is nothing difficult in starting to play this game, but in order to enjoy the process, it is better to know certain nuances.

How to play?

You don't know how to play Warface and where to find this game? It's simple, you can download it from the official website. It will be easier to launch a website through some search engines or advertising banners in order to be transferred to the landing page of this shooter.

So, you need to click on the “Play for Free” button, after which you will be sent to the registration page. Here you will need to indicate your email (from the mail.ru service, of course), which will be your main account, as well as a password for it and come up with a forum nickname for yourself. After registering your account, you will be taken to the game download page, where you will need to click the “Download” button. "Game Center" mail.ru will be downloaded to your computer, through which the game will be downloaded.

How to start the game?

If in the future you have any problems with how to play Warface, you will need to launch it through this “Game Center”. It will also be possible to check the client for any errors or delete it if necessary.


There are rumors that you can use it. It’s immediately worth noting that finding them today is far from as easy as it might seem at first glance, and even if you succeed, in this case you can be quickly banned at the very first report from another player. It is especially not recommended to dabble with cheats for those people who invest real money in the game or play on an already upgraded account, since losing their valuables will be very unpleasant.

You can find the following cheats:

  • AIM - auto-targeting the enemy's head for the fastest kill.
  • Wallhack - the ability to look through walls.
  • Speedhack - increased running speed, and in some cases even the ability to fly.
  • Casper - allows you to pass through walls.
  • Anti-recoil and high rate of fire - increasing the characteristics of weapons for more effective use.
  • Cheat for credits/crowns - in theory it should add resources, but in the vast majority of cases it is just an ordinary advertising ploy that forces you to download a large number of files and watch the maximum number of advertisements.

Depending on the number of cheats used, your effectiveness in battle also increases, but at the same time, of course, the chances of getting banned also increase. At the same time, do not forget that you can be banned not only based on reports from various players, because the game uses its own protection system, which can automatically block your account if any third-party programs are detected.

This information will also be useful for those who like to play honestly, but at the same time want to know when and what cheats are used against them.


One of the advantages of Warface is its deeply thought-out social component. The game has one key difference from the vast majority of other games: to understand how to play Warface, you need to be able to play in a team, because this is not only PvP, but also a PvE game. In PvE modes, it is especially important to play together, since some missions are almost impossible to complete if the team is poorly coordinated.

To make it easier for players to interact with each other, they can unite into Warface clans. In addition to increasing teamwork among players and simplifying interaction, a clan tag appears next to their nicknames.

Warface is a free-to-play multiplayer shooter with a first-person view. The game takes place in 2023: the military organization Blackwood conducts experiments on people and is involved in the arms trade in order to control resources. You will have to use your combat skills by participating against other players in PvP modes, or by joining forces with friends to complete PvE missions.

Client games are the most common type of computer entertainment. Their main feature is indicated in the name itself: such projects use a special set of files to launch. It is called a distribution for short.

Unlike browser games, the files of which are stored somewhere far away on the server, in the case of client games the user must install it. On the one hand, this is not always convenient, because the client game cannot be launched instantly on any computer. On the other hand, the presence of a downloadable client makes it possible to significantly improve the graphics and content of the game.

In order to launch and comfortably play Warface, you need to make sure that the computer at hand meets the system requirements of this game.

System requirements can almost always be found on the official website.

Minimum requirements:

Windows XP, Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0 Ghz, 2 Gb RAM, 6 Gb HDD, Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT 256 Mb

And launch Mail.Ru Game Center.

2. You can select your own folder for saving distributions of downloaded games or leave the default one. Read the license agreement and check the appropriate box. Click OK when you're ready to continue.

3. After installing the Game Center, the Warface distribution will begin downloading automatically.

4. When the download is complete, click the "Install" button.

5. Specify the folder where the game will be installed and click OK. The installation of the Warface client will begin.

6. After successful installation, click the "Play" button.

8. When you first enter the game, you will need to create your character. Select one of the suggested faces, enter the name of your character (only letters of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic), numbers, symbols "_", "." and "-") and click "Create".

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and launched the Warface game. Choose the character class you like and go into battle!

Hello, gamers. Dmitry Kin and I are in touch, I have one question for you - aren’t you tired of being quickly killed in the Warface game, and your allies constantly writing in the chat that you don’t know how to play?

If this problem is relevant to you, then get ready for changes, because now you will learn how to learn to play Warface like a pro, which means you will have a chance to prove to everyone that you are not to be trifled with.

I already wrote about how to play for different classes in, and there was also another useful article, but this time I will try to combine all the useful tips in one place so that you can finally start upgrading your skill.

How to shoot straight in the head

To ensure accurate shooting, each class will have its own rules. Agree, it would be stupid to use the same methods when shooting from a sniper rifle and a shotgun, their lethal distance is too different.

Therefore, be careful, in each of the points below I will indicate to whom it will be most useful.

1. Aim for the head. No matter how trivial it may sound, many beginners do not do this, sometimes they even forget so much that they run towards the enemy while staring at the ground.

Remember, even while on the move, you must keep your sights at chest level so that when you collide with an enemy, you can quickly react, aim your sights and fire a burst to deliver a headshot.

2. Learn to shoot with a click. It will be useful for engineers and attack aircraft to learn how to shoot one cartridge at a time - this is especially important at long distances, because regardless of the distance, the first bullet always flies to the target.

It is important to distinguish between fast and slow clicks. If the weapon allows you to fire quickly, then do it, and if it takes a split second to re-aim the sight, then you need to slow down the rate of fire so that each subsequent shot is as accurate as possible.

This method can be used in PvE missions at any distance, of course, depending on the situation, but for PvP at close and medium distances, clicking is ineffective, which means in battles with other players, use it only in moments when the enemy is far from you.

3. Control the recoil. If you play as an attack aircraft or engineer, then your arsenal is filled with automatic rifles and machine guns, which means we can use automatic fire and deliver maximum damage per unit of time.

Like any real weapon, game guns have their own unique recoil, and in order to shoot them directly in the head, you need to study each barrel well, which will ultimately allow you to understand how to shoot with them.

After purchasing a new weapon, go to the training ground, stand opposite the wall, choosing an average distance, and try out your weapon. Fire a 3-5 round burst, then try clip shooting.

Study how bullets fall based on the pattern of holes in the wall, memorize this pattern, and then try again, while trying to absorb the recoil by moving the mouse while shooting in the opposite direction to the recoil.

If you do everything correctly, the bullets will fall more closely together, which means the chances of accurate shooting will increase. Always use this trick with your favorite gun, over time your hand will get used to performing such adjustments, and you won’t even think about it.

But, you should know one more important feature here. Some weapons in Warface have a chaotic spread and will be difficult to control, in this case I advise you not to worry and take something more worthwhile.

4. Choose the right distance. This is a very important point that affects all classes. For snipers, it is clear that long distances will be ideal, but doctors should get as close as possible to their prey.

For engineers, medium and close ranges are good, but an attack aircraft can handle everything - in a sense, it is universal, but with other classes in their “pond” it will lose.

Movement is life

Imagine a combat operation in which fighters stood in an open field and exchanged fire with each other. I think this shootout would not last long, and its outcome would depend on the accuracy of the shooters.

In the Warface game, as in real combat, you not only need to shoot accurately, but also be in constant motion - as soon as you stop, you are already at gunpoint. In general, you should make life difficult for the enemy and correctly use the capabilities of your hero.

Let's look at a few principles to follow for survival.

1. Change positions. You shouldn’t sit in one place for a long time - they will definitely find you. Make 2-3 kills and run to another place.

2. Use a tackle. It is very useful for medics, because they have melee weapons, and a tackle allows you to quickly reduce the distance to the enemy. However, it can be used in other situations, for example, to slip past a window that is being watched by an enemy sniper.

3. Strafe. When clashing with the enemy, you should not stand rooted to the spot, as this will make you an easy prey. Use the ancient method, which works well - move left and right while shooting, perhaps this will save your life.

Training is the key to success

As you understand, it is not enough just to know how to shoot and how to move, you also need to constantly train. To develop the skill of shooting at heads, I recommend that you go on missions with a pro badge.

Try to get as many headshots as possible, ideally you should achieve brainbreakers periodically. To do this, use the recommendations described above.

Of course, going after bots will not make you a master in PvP, so train in meat grinders as often as possible, where you won’t have to think, just shoot and move. It is in this mode that you will improve your skill the fastest.

If you want to become a real pro, do such training regularly; it will be cool if you can devote 2-3 hours a day to this.

Summing up

All professional Warface players have spent a lot of time becoming a bender. You also have every chance to become a cool shooter in this game, the main thing is to know the basics and constantly work on mastering them. And once you have mastered it, constantly improve it.

Lastly, I would also like to advise you to watch videos of how the pros play and adopt their style of play; over time, you will find your own unique style and will do incredible things in battles.

With this, I say goodbye to you and wish you a speedy upgrade of your skills. By the way, if you have anything to add, write in the comments.

Game release year 2012

Can play from 16 years old

The world of Warface is unlikely to leave fans of client-based first-person shooters indifferent. There is plenty of room for lovers of firearms, 3 battle modes, as well as a special operations mode, which includes missions ranging from storming a skyscraper to blowing up a generator.

Review of Warface

Registration in Warface

The shooter genre is a niche in which it is difficult to be original, as a result of which it was quickly filled with three “pillars” in the form of Counter Strike, Battlefield and Call of Duty, and the remaining games could be called plagiarisms of them to one degree or another. However, the company Crytek, which released the cult Crysis, which for a long time literally dictated to gamers with its parameters the maximum power of gaming computers, decided not to stop itself with the single-player series and break into the multiplayer industry by releasing its own online project called Warface. It is quite expected that the company was able to achieve success and Warface received recognition among players.

Review of Warface

The main advantage that distinguishes the Warface game is, of course, the graphics and quality of execution of the game itself as a whole, which corresponds to Crytek’s policy and has been working for many years. The graphical performance of the game (especially at the time of its release) is significantly superior to its analogues, but at the same time the shooter is also suitable for relatively weak computers, which makes it generally accessible.

The Warface game provides only four main character classes - these are:

  • Engineer. Destroys opponents with a submachine gun, and also lays all kinds of mines, arranging unpleasant surprises for enemies;
  • Stormtrooper. A universal soldier - an assault rifle and grenades, what else is needed to effectively exterminate manpower? A portable ammo box that allows you to do this without stopping;
  • Sniper. A long-range class made in the tradition of the genre. It’s a pity that in the realities of local maps there is practically no place for this class to deploy in PvP;
  • Medic. Melee soldier. Always ready to shock enemies with a shotgun, and allies with a defibrillator.

Unlike most similar shooters, Warface implemented successful co-op, which most players liked. And this is not surprising, because here it is not just suggested to “kill n enemy soldiers”, the co-op looks like quite interesting and varied missions like “Escort the convoy” or “Kill the boss”. For fans of the classics, there is a standard “Survival” mode, in which players will have to defend in a group against an armada of opponents.

The PvP game Warface is even more diverse, although it includes traditional and familiar modes:

  • Capture the flag - pick up the flag and bring it to your base;
  • Detonation – plant a bomb or defuse it depending on the command;
  • Capture – we capture points and earn points;
  • Team battle – mutual destruction of two teams of players;
  • Destruction - capturing and holding a point until an air strike is carried out on it;
  • Meat grinder - every man for himself.

The only thing that depresses Warface to this day is that the maps are too cramped. The game has gathered a large number of players, but they simply have nowhere to stay. Even a short review of the Warface game makes it clear that the developers have left themselves a lot of room for development, and this is especially noticeable in the meat grinder.

Registration in Warface

Registration in the Warface game is a separate pleasant feature, because here it basically does not exist. Today you can hardly find a person who does not have his own mailbox in Mail.ru, and since this company is the localizer of games in the CIS, players have already registered in Warface for free in advance - just go to your mailbox and go to the Games section.

How to start playing Warface online?

In order to start playing Warface online for free, as mentioned above, just go to your own mailbox, go to the Games section and add it there. After this, you will be offered to download the Mail.ru Game Center, through which you will play Warface. It is worth noting that in order to play Warface, you will need to enter the game through this Game Center, then select the Warface game section there and play for free.