Postoperative diet. Zero diets Table number zero menu

The first of the cycle of zero (surgical) diets is prescribed in the postoperative period, in case of impaired consciousness, or when it is impossible to eat solid food.

Indications for dietary table No. 0A

Diet No. 0A is the first of a series of zero (surgical) diets. It is used in the postoperative period, for disorders of consciousness, and when it is impossible to eat solid food.

The diet is designed for 2-3 days. Subsequently, diet No. 0B is prescribed.

Dietary table goal No. 0A

The purpose of diet No. 0A is to provide nutrition to the patient when normal nutrition is impossible. The diet helps the body obtain the necessary substances and energy in difficult and post-operative conditions.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 0A

Diet No. 0A does not fully satisfy a person’s physiological needs for energy and nutrients. Used in hospital settings.
All dishes are liquid and jelly-like. The food temperature is moderate, cold and hot dishes are excluded. The eating regimen is fractional - at least 7-8 times a day in portions of no more than 200-300 g.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 0A

Proteins: 5 years
Fats: 15-20 g.
Carbohydrates: 150 g.
Daily calorie content: 750-800 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.8-2.2 l.
Salt: 1 year
Vitamins: up to 200 mg of vitamin C in each dish, other vitamins as prescribed by a doctor.
Macronutrients: as intended.
Microelements: as intended.
Optimal food temperature: 45 degrees Celsius.

Soups: weak low-fat meat and fish broths, rice and oatmeal broths with butter or cream.
Dairy products: cream if the condition improves no earlier than the 3rd day of the diet.
Eggs: 1 PC. soft-boiled if the condition improves no earlier than the 3rd day of the diet.
Sweet dishes: liquid jelly from fruits, berries, dried fruits.
Beverages: weak tea with milk, rosehip infusion, dried fruit infusion, freshly squeezed berry and fruit juices.
Fats: unsalted fresh butter if the condition improves no earlier than the 3rd day of the diet.

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 0A

All solid, pureed and other foods, milk, sour cream, grape and vegetable juices, and carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet.

Excluded are bread and bakery products, snacks, pasta, coffee, cocoa, pickles, smoked foods, canned food, marinades, seasonings, and sauces. Also exclude strong tea, fried and stewed foods, mushrooms, butter dough, fermented milk products, sharp cheeses, cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Sample diet menu No. 0A

08.00: 100 g of tea with sugar, 100 g of liquid jelly.
10.00: 180 g oatmeal broth with cream.
12.00: 150 g of fruit jelly, 150 g of dried fruit decoction.
14.00: 200 g of weak meat broth with butter.
16.00: 150-200 g of tea with lemon and sugar.
18.00: 180 g of rice water with butter, 100 g of fruit jelly.
20.00: 200 g berry juice.
22.00: 180 g of liquid from compote.

Diets belonging to the zero group are the most strict and are prescribed during the rehabilitation period of operated patients. Most often, we are talking about operations on the digestive organs, after which difficulties arise with the absorption of nutrients in a natural way.

Diet No. 0 is an alternative way of eating for patients experiencing severe postoperative stress and a number of catabolic reactions in the body. While on this diet, the patient receives minimal but regular nutrition, which makes it possible to avoid installing a nutritional drip in a hospital setting.

Fractional gentle nutrition (mashed, liquid, jelly-like food) is prescribed in the form of 3, following one after another, diets - No. 0a, 0b, 0c. They contain quickly digestible proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a lot of liquid and vitamins. Salt is almost completely excluded from the diet. Also, various nutritional mixtures are prescribed for surgical diets - ovolact, inpitan, enpit.

Features of diet No. 0a

This is the strictest zero diet, so it is prescribed for a maximum of 2-3 days. The diet consists of liquid, jelly-like dishes, the daily dose of vitamin C is 200 mg. Food is served warm, at least 7-8 times a day.

Indicative menu for diet No. 0a by hour:

  • 8.00 – warm tea (100g) with sugar (10g), liquid fruit jelly (100g).
  • 10.00 – strained apple compote (180g).
  • 12.00 – weak meat broth (200g), butter (10g).
  • 14.00 – fruit jelly (150g), rosehip decoction (150g).
  • 16.00 – tea with lemon (200g), sugar (15g).
  • 18.00 – rice broth (180g), butter (10g), fruit jelly (150g).
  • 20.00 – rosehip decoction (180g).
  • Before bedtime– strained compote (180g).

Features of diet No. 0b

This diet follows nutritional therapy No. 0a, and lasts from 2 to 4 days. At this stage, the patient is already allowed pureed rice, buckwheat, porridge in water or meat broth; vegetable slimy soups with cereals, meat soups with semolina; steamed protein omelettes, soufflés, soft-boiled eggs; meat and fish in the form of puree. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. The number of meals is reduced to 6 times a day.

Indicative menu for diet No. 0b:

  • First breakfast: buckwheat in water with milk (200g), a piece of butter (5g), steam omelette, tea.
  • Lunch: rosehip decoction (100g), cream (100g).
  • Dinner: meat broth with semolina (200g), meat soufflé (50g), compote (150g).
  • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly (100g), egg, rose hip decoction (100g).
  • Dinner: steamed fish soufflé (50g), oatmeal porridge in broth (200g), tea.
  • For the night: rosehip decoction (100g), berry jelly (150g).

Features of diet No. 0v

It is prescribed at the stage of transition from dietary treatment to complete nutrition that meets all physiological standards. Cream soups, boiled meat, poultry, fish, pureed cottage cheese, kefir, milk, fruit and berry purees are added to the diet.

Indicative menu for diet No. 0b:

  • First breakfast: semolina porridge with milk (200g), tea with sugar.
  • Lunch: pureed cottage cheese (120g), applesauce (100g), rose hip decoction (180g).
  • Dinner: vegetable cream soup (300g), steamed meat cutlets (100g), fruit jelly (150g).
  • Afternoon snack: egg white omelette, juice (180g).
  • Dinner: steamed fish in the form of soufflé (100g), rolled oats milk porridge (200g), butter, tea.
  • For the night: kefir (150g).

The most strict diet. Diet 0 according to Pevzner is prescribed after surgery on the digestive organs, including when the patient is unconscious.

The “Table 0” diet after surgery will provide the patient’s body with the necessary amount of calories and nutrients, provided there are contraindications to eating solid food. In addition, treatment table number 0 according to Pevzner guarantees maximum unloading of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the formation of gases in the intestines.

0 The nutrition table consists of three stages, the purpose of which is to gradually transfer the patient to the regular menu.

  • 0 "A"
  • 0 "B"
  • 0 "B"

Read more in another article, find out which one is right for you.

Description of stages

0 "A"

Dietary table 0 "A" is prescribed immediately after surgery and has the lowest calorie content - from 750 to 1200 Kcal. The amount of salt is minimal - 1-2 grams. The dishes are only liquid and jelly-like, their temperature is no more than 45 degrees. The daily diet is divided into 7-8 meals, that is, meals are fractional. One meal – no more than 300 grams.

Here is what patients who are assigned to table 0 “A” can eat: mucous cereal decoctions with the addition of cream, fruit and berry jelly, weak meat broth, fruit jelly, juices, rosehip decoction.

Here's what you can't eat: dense foods (including purees), whole milk.

Find out what's different in another article.

0 "B"

The medical diet 0 “B” is prescribed 2-3 days after 0 “A” and has fewer restrictions. It is also higher in calories - 1550-1620 Kcal. The allowed amount of salt also increases - 4-5 grams. You can eat 6 times a day, warm dishes, 350-400 grams in volume.

The “Table 0 B” diet menu includes, in addition to the food shown at the previous stage, the following food:

  • Buckwheat, rice, rolled oats porridge (liquid, pureed)
  • Slimy cereal soups with vegetable broth
  • Steamed egg white omelette
  • Soft-boiled eggs
  • Puréed meat and fish
  • Steamed meat and fish soufflé
  • Sweet berry mousse

0 "B"

Diet 0 “B” according to Pevzner is the final stage of zero diets. The calorie content and volume of salt consumed here are almost the same as with a normal diet (2400 Kcal and 7 grams, respectively). You need to eat up to 6 times a day, the dishes are warm.

The diet includes the following dishes:

  • Cream soup and cream soup
  • Steamed cottage cheese dishes
  • Pureed fish and meat, also steamed
  • Dairy products
  • Mashed cottage cheese
  • Baked apples
  • Puréed vegetables and fruits
  • 75 grams of white bread crackers.

Product table “Table 0”

0 “A” 0 “B” 0 “B”


mucous cereal decoctions with added cream,fruit and berry jelly,weak meat broth, fruit jelly, juices, rosehip decoction.

It is forbidden:

solid foods (including purees), whole milk


Buckwheat, rice, rolled oats porridge (liquid, pureed), withlicky cereal soups in vegetable broth, bsteamed Christmas tree omelette, Ieggs, soft-boiled, pgrated meat and fish, withSteamed meat and fish soufflé, msweet berry mousse

It is forbidden:

solid foods (including purees), whole milk


Cream soup and cream soup, paromatic dishes made from cottage cheese, pgrated fish and meat, also steamed, todairy products, pgrated cottage cheese, sbaked apples, pmashed vegetables and fruits,75 grams of white bread crackers.

Bottom line

After surgery, the patient needs calories and nutrients more than ever. Table 0, as practice shows, not only provides the body with useful substances, but also helps to establish digestive processes, which speeds up rehabilitation.

Not so tough, you can read about it in another article.

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Once in the hospital, a table 0 diet is prescribed if a person is undergoing treatment within the walls of a medical institution due to serious injuries that prevent them from obtaining beneficial microelements from food in the standard way.

Main indications for prescribing diet table 0

The zero diet is usually called a surgical diet or a therapeutic diet. As a rule, it is prescribed to patients in medical institutions who have undergone surgery on the digestive organs. Plus, such a diet can also be prescribed if the patient is unconscious, if such a condition is associated with the presence of a traumatic brain injury, any infectious diseases manifested as high fever, and impaired cerebral circulation.

The zero diet aims to provide adequate nutrition for a person who currently cannot eat food in the usual way. Thanks to such a diet, the medical staff of the institution where the patient is located can control the digestive processes, while at the same time preventing bloating. The processes of loading and unloading the stomach are also monitored.

Table 0 diet consists of three diets that will gradually replace each other depending on how quickly the sick person recovers and is able to eat other types of food.

Since initially he was allowed to consume only certain foods at the time of surgical intervention in the body (if such an intervention was performed). The same applies to those cases when the patient is allowed to eat only some food after he has regained consciousness.

The table 0 diet includes the following nutritional plans:

  • table No. 0A;
  • table No. 0B;
  • table No. 0B.

The menu contains only those products and dishes that contain the most quickly digestible proteins, fats and other beneficial microelements that a person needs in order for his condition to return to normal as quickly as possible. Particular attention is paid to limiting the consumption of table salt.

Meals should be frequent. However, the portions are usually small. A measured meal is necessary in order not to injure the human digestive system.

What foods can you eat while following the 0A diet?

Particular attention in the table 0A diet is paid to low-fat broth. The broth must be meat. It is easy to prepare, and at the same time it contains a huge amount of useful substances that a sick person needs in order for his condition to normalize in a short time.

Liquid berry jelly is another dish that a patient can consume if he needs to adhere to the 0A diet. Naturally, such a dish will be relevant in the summer. In winter, making jelly from fresh berries is quite difficult.

A rosehip decoction with a small amount of sugar is not suitable for all patients. The dish has a specific taste, which will not be to the liking of all people who do not have the opportunity to eat a standard diet for this period of their lives.

Strained compote is another drink that can be consumed by patients if they have been prescribed diet table 0. When preparing, you must be careful to ensure that the compote does not turn out too sweet. Otherwise, its use for a zero table will be unacceptable.

Tea with sugar and lemon is a drink that activates the mental functioning of the brain, gives a charge of vigor and strength, thanks to which the patient activates all the processes responsible for a speedy recovery.

It is advisable to prepare fruit jelly for a sick person yourself, rather than purchasing its ready-made analogue in a store. So, the finished jelly may contain too much sugar, which is not permissible for a sick person. In addition, store-bought products may be made from low-quality ingredients or artificial goods, which can subsequently damage the digestive system of the person prescribed such a diet.

It is acceptable to offer the patient a variety of freshly prepared juices to choose from. The only condition is that before drinking the juice must be diluted with water two or three times. It is not recommended to drink more than 50 g of juice at one time.

If on the third day after prescribing such a diet, the patient’s condition has noticeably improved, he can be given a small piece of butter (no more than one gram), one soft-boiled egg and cream.

It is imperative to exclude vegetable juices from the menu, both homemade and those purchased in the store. Whole milk and kiwi are not recommended to be given to a patient who has been prescribed a zero diet.

Carbonated drinks will have to be excluded from the menu for a long time. Puree dishes and any other dishes are unacceptable to be offered to a person with priority table No. 0.

Table diet No. 0B: features

Typically, such a diet is prescribed no earlier than a few days after table No. 0 was prescribed. In addition to those dishes whose consumption was allowed by the diet described above, the patient can also eat a number of other dishes.

Eating pureed porridge becomes acceptable. They must be boiled in water with the addition of meat broth or fresh milk. It is also possible to use meat broth with the addition of semolina porridge. It is acceptable to eat soups prepared with vegetable broth.

If desired, the most directly ill person can be offered various juices, jellies and mousses prepared on the basis of low-fat berries. At the same time, in order to prevent the patient’s condition from worsening, such dishes can be consumed no more than one hundred grams per day until a different diet is prescribed.

Every day, while following such a diet, the patient should drink at least two liters of water. This amount does not include the consumption of soups or compotes, as well as tea. The water must be clean and not carbonated. Drinking sugary drinks such as carbonated sweet water is not allowed.

Food for the day should be divided into six meals. For each meal, approximately four hundred grams of food are allocated, which should be consumed during the day.

Healthy diet table 0B

This diet is prescribed when the patient is ready to switch to a nutritious diet designed for consumption by a healthy person. One hundred grams of white crackers are added to all other dishes, the consumption of which was allowed on the previous two diets. For example, they can be consumed with soup.

Fermented milk products can be consumed without special restrictions. However, this does not mean that the patient’s entire diet will have to consist exclusively of fermented milk products. As for cottage cheese, it is best to consume it immediately after preparation. Homemade cottage cheese will be much healthier than its store-bought counterpart, which will be no less fresh.

Milk porridges no longer need to be wiped before consumption, as was necessary when following the previous diet. It is permissible to use them in the form in which they are at the time of preparation.

Eating eggs is not prohibited.

As with other similar diets, all food for the day should be divided into six meals. All servings are approximately the same size and contain various beneficial microelements.

Diet 0 indications: the first days after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.

2. in a semi-conscious state (cerebrovascular accident, traumatic brain injury, infectious diseases with high fever).

Diet goal 0

Provide a minimum amount of food when nutrition must be sharply limited or it is difficult to eat denser foods, relieve the digestive organs as much as possible, and prevent flatulence.

Diet 0 is the most mechanically and chemically gentle. It consists of liquid, semi-liquid, jelly-like, pureed food.

Diet 0 consists of three sequentially prescribed diets - 0a, 0b, 0c.

Diet 0a:

Appointed for 2-3 days.

Chemical composition: proteins 5g, fats 15-20g, carbohydrates 150g, calorie content 750-800kcal, salt 1g, free liquid 1.8-2.2l. Up to 200 g of vitamin C is added to the dish (other vitamins are administered as prescribed by the doctor).

Diet 0a, diet:

Food must be taken 7-8 times a day, the food temperature should not exceed 45 degrees. No more than 200-300g of food per meal.

Low-fat weak meat broth, liquid berry jelly, rosehip decoction with sugar, strained compote, rice decoction with butter or cream, fruit jelly, tea with sugar and lemon, freshly prepared fruit and berry juices, diluted with sweet water 2-3 times (up to 50ml per appointment). On day 3, when the condition improves, add 1g butter, soft-boiled egg, 50g cream.

Diet 0a, exclude:

1. Whole milk and cream

2.Grape juice.

3.Vegetable juices.

4. Any dense and puree-like dishes.

5. Carbonated drinks.

Diet menu 0a:

8h: liquid fruit or berry jelly 100g, warm tea 100g with sugar 10g.

10h: strained apple compote 180g.

12h: weak meat broth 200g with butter 10g.

14h: rosehip decoction 150g, fruit jelly 150g.

16h: tea with lemon 150-200g and sugar 10-15g.

18h: rice water 180g with butter or cream 10g.

20h: rosehip decoction 180g.

At night: strained fruit and berry compote (liquid) 180g.

Diet 0b

(1a surgical)

Diet 0b is prescribed after diet No. 0a for 2-4 days.

Liquid pureed porridge from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, cooked in water with the addition of 1/4 - 1/2 milk or in meat broth.

Mucous cereal soups with vegetable broth, low-fat weak meat broths with semolina.

Steam soufflés and purees from lean meat and fish (without skin, tendons), steamed protein omelettes, soft-boiled eggs.

Cream, jelly, mousses from non-acidic berries up to 100g per day.

Diet 0b chemical composition: proteins 40-50g, fats 40-50g, carbohydrates 250g, calorie content 1550-1650kcal, salt - 4-5g, free liquid - up to 2 liters.

Diet 0b, diet: Take food 6 times a day, for 1 dose 350-400g.

Diet 0b, menu for 1 day:

For the whole day, 20g butter and 50g sugar.

1st breakfast: steamed white omelette of 2 eggs, buckwheat porridge in water, liquid, mashed - 200g with milk and 5g butter, tea with lemon.

2nd breakfast: rosehip decoction 100g, cream 100g.

Lunch: meat broth with semolina 200g, steam soufflé from boiled meat 50g, strained compote (liquid) 100g.

Afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg, fruit jelly 150g, rose hip decoction 100g.

Dinner: pureed liquid oatmeal in meat broth 200g with 5g butter, steamed boiled fish soufflé 50g, tea with lemon.

At night: rosehip decoction 100g, fruit jelly 150g.

Diet 0c:

(1b surgical)

Diet 0c is prescribed after diet 0b for the transition to physiologically complete nutrition.

In addition to the dishes recommended for diets No. 0a and 0b, the diet includes up to 100 g of white crackers, cream soups, puree soups, steamed dishes from pureed boiled meat, chicken, fish, fermented milk products, steamed dishes from cottage cheese, freshly prepared pureed cottage cheese with cream or milk of creamy consistency, baked apples, vegetable and fruit purees, milk porridge, tea with milk.

Diet 0c, chemical composition: proteins 80-90g, fats 65-70g, carbohydrates 320-350g, calorie content 2200-2300kcal, salt 6-7g.

Diet 0b, diet: eat 6 times a day. Temperature of food: cold - not lower than 20 degrees, hot - not higher than 50 degrees.

Diet No. 0c, menu for 1 day:

For the whole day: 20g butter, 60g sugar, 100g crackers from premium white wheat bread.

1st breakfast: milk semolina porridge 200g with butter 5g, soft-boiled egg, tea with lemon and sugar.

2nd breakfast: fresh mashed cottage cheese with cream 120g, baked apple puree 100g, rose hip decoction 180g.

Lunch: vegetable cream soup 300g, steamed meat cutlets 100g, fruit jelly 150g

Afternoon snack: steamed egg white omelette, fruit juice 180g.

Dinner: pureed oat milk porridge 200g with butter 5g, steam soufflé from boiled fish 100g, tea with 50g of milk added.

At night: kefir 180g.

After diet 0, diet No. 1 or surgical diet No. 1 is prescribed. Diet No. 1 surgical differs from diet No. 1 in that it includes weak meat and fish broths and vegetable broths, and whole milk is limited.