What you need to open a kindergarten. We are opening a private kindergarten: how the preschool education business works. Language kindergarten

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Today, there are clearly not enough places in municipal kindergartens and it is a big problem to arrange a child there. Even if you take a queue from the very birthday of the baby, this does not guarantee that in 2-3 years there will be a place. Fortunately, there is now an alternative option - a commercial establishment. And our today's article will be devoted to how to open a private kindergarten.

Is it profitable to open a private kindergarten today?

A private kindergarten is an educational institution whose functions include the provision of social services to the population for a fee from the parents and with the help of extra-budgetary funds. When opening a private kindergarten, its owner is obliged to:

  • provide supervision and care for the child;
  • to ensure the health of the child and the prevention of possible diseases;
  • to engage in the education and upbringing of the child;
  • carry out pedagogical work with parents.

Off-budget funds are understood as investments of third-party investors or your personal finances spent on opening a private kindergarten, its design and maintenance.

From the point of view of parents, a private kindergarten has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • There is no queue for the child's enrollment.
  • There are not many children in the group - usually up to 15 people. This means an individual approach to each child in terms of providing him with educational skills and abilities. In addition, the vigilant attention of the staff can serve as a guarantee of the safety of the baby.
  • Opening a private kindergarten, its owner tries to recruit qualified teachers as educators. Attention is also drawn to the attitude of future employees towards children.
  • Many private kindergartens provide services that are not available in municipal institutions: teaching children foreign languages, playing musical instruments, swimming, horse riding, etc. In addition, such kindergartens often use unique educational programs.
  • In a private kindergarten, special attention is paid to the nutrition of babies. The food there is actually homemade - tasty and healthy at the same time.
  • Children after such kindergartens are perfectly prepared for school, including thanks to many developmental activities and games.
  • Parents, through specially created board of trustees, can control the process of education and upbringing of their children.


  • For a child to go to such a garden, you have to pay a lot. Accordingly, there are no benefits for payment. However, according to many parents, the main thing is that the baby is good.
  • There is no special place for walking, unless the private kindergarten is open in a separate building. Children usually walk in a nearby park or park.

Should you open a home kindergarten? There are definitely several advantages here:

  1. This business has not very high risks, relatively low costs and stable income.
  2. To open a private kindergarten, you do not need to overcome numerous bureaucratic obstacles. It is enough to obtain a work permit and sign contracts with parents.
  3. You can try yourself as an entrepreneur and study time management, become a director or manager, educator or teacher, and grow professionally in any of these areas.
  4. If you have a child, then you will be able to find for him not only good educators, but also a pleasant company of children. The kid will always be supervised and eat right.

If you consider opening a private kindergarten as a business, then this is a very good option. There is a fairly high demand for educational services - in the absence of high competition.

But there are also difficulties here. First, don't count on super profits: childcare comes with a lot of money. In order for the business to pay off faster, at least 20 children must attend kindergarten, paying for one place from $ 200 to $ 1,500 per month.

Secondly, it is not enough to advertise the opening of a private kindergarten and wait for rich parents. If you cannot offer any special developmental methodology or additional educational programs, then they are unlikely to go to you.

Which one do you want to open a private kindergarten

There are three types of such preschool educational institutions:

  1. Kindergarten of a general type of development with a specific direction... Children can be taught in depth some kind of humanitarian science, drawing, music, etc.
  2. Children's development center... More often it includes many large-scale complexes of different directions: health, sports, etc. In many children's centers there are swimming pools, computer classes, drawing studios.
  3. Combined kindergarten. One institution may have several groups: general education, with a bias in one area or another. And even one group can combine different directions.

Submit your application

There are kindergartens with groups for children with disabilities - physical or mental. In these institutions, the child not only receives medical care, but also masters the education and training program. It is practically no different from the one that is given to ordinary children, but it takes into account the health problems of the child.

Here are some more types of kindergartens:

Waldorf kindergarten

Opening a private kindergarten of this type, its creators see it as their main task to identify children's creative abilities, to promote the harmonious development of the baby. The educational process is accompanied by background music. Children are taught labor, modeling and drawing, fine motor skills are trained. Children make educational toys themselves or with the help of relatives.

There is no emphasis on early development of intelligence in Waldorf gardens, so children do not get through reading and writing.

Montessori kindergarten

The basis of education in such kindergartens is the M. Montessori program, whose roots go back to pre-revolutionary times.

Educators are trying to instill in the child a set of the best qualities: honesty and kindness, responsibility for committed deeds and respect for freedom. They do not command children, but they make sure that the kids themselves understand the boundaries of what is permitted, they themselves learn order and discipline.

In Montessori kindergartens, children are divided into age groups. There must be several zones, each of which has its own purpose.

In some zones, children are actively moving - running, jumping, playing. In others, they study music, drawing, foreign languages, etc. with teachers. Even the furniture items in such kindergartens are divided “according to meaning” and the age of the child.

Language kindergarten

Many parents think over the future of their children in advance, planning their study abroad, or simply want their child to speak a foreign language at a good level. It is for these that a kindergarten of this type is designed.

Some institutions with a similar bias give knowledge of not even one, but several languages. It is very important that all teachers working in these kindergartens are native speakers.

And one moment. Recently, many private kindergartens have been opened with a bias not only in the study of a foreign language, but also in the development of theatrical skills, musical abilities, etc.

Kindergarten for kids with disabilities

All private kindergartens teaching children with disabilities work with each kid according to an individual program. The technique is selected based on the type of disorder, and in the future, as necessary, the necessary adjustments are made to it.

Country kindergarten

These private kindergartens are usually set up in forest plantations. Indeed, what could be better than outdoor activities, especially if the territory owned by the institution is large enough?

Kindergarten-boarding house

In such kindergartens, children are most often arranged by those parents whose work schedule does not allow for a different decision. Most of these gardens are open around the clock, six days a week. The babies are fed here five times a day. If necessary, dads and moms can leave the child for the night or even for a whole week.

Private kindergarten at school

Sometimes private kindergartens are opened at the school. Such a bundle is considered to be the most progressive today and further contributes to the child's good studies. In addition, after kindergarten, the child does not need to select a school.

Home kindergarten (family)

Recently, more and more private kindergartens are opening in ordinary apartments. Children stay there part-time, but in terms of care and supervision they are quite provided.

You don't need any license to open a private kindergarten at home. The rest of the documentation is processed in accordance with the usual requirements. But the process itself is quite simple, and even many young mothers often think about the possibility of opening this kind of business.

How to open a private kindergarten and where to start

Before you start doing such a business, think: is a private kindergarten required in your city or district?

How to determine this?

First, find out the population of the area and find out who mainly lives here. If they are retirees, then the success of your business is a big question. But in new areas that have not yet acquired a municipal kindergarten, but are populated mainly by young families, your private kindergarten will certainly be in demand.

So, a small step-by-step instruction:

  1. Check out the statistics for the area.

Remember: in many cases, nothing will prevent you from opening a private kindergarten in the old area. As already mentioned, there are huge queues everywhere now in preschool institutions.

  1. Find out how easy it is in your area to place a child in a municipal daycare.

The education department of the city administration can provide you with information. If the situation is such that in the selected area there are several state institutions of this type and even they are not fully filled, then opening a private kindergarten will be very risky.

Even if you set a fairly reasonable price for a child's stay in your institution, it will still be higher than in municipal institutions.

Not everyone can afford to pay for the maintenance of a child in a private kindergarten. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, some parents initially strive to send their children to such institutions - these are well-to-do people and people with average incomes. Moreover, both of them impose certain requirements on a private kindergarten with regard to living conditions, quality of food, degree of education and options for organizing leisure activities.

However, the majority of parents in our country so far choose private kindergartens for their children only because of the lack of an alternative: for some reason, it did not work to arrange a child in a municipal institution.

Another segment of the population that literally has to use the services of private kindergartens are visitors. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region it is practically impossible to place a child in a state garden without registration or a Muscovite social card.

But back to the analysis of statistical data. Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to pay attention to other indicators. Find out if there are already private kindergartens nearby, and if so, how many there are. What are their prices and additional services? Will you be able to compete with them on these characteristics?

To open a private kindergarten, you need a business plan

What do you need to open a private kindergarten? First of all, a business plan. Without a pre-drawn and well-thought-out document, the case is most likely doomed to failure.

Many people think that it is not worth wasting time on empty formalities. Why, if he himself once went to kindergarten and remember the routines established there? But without a business plan, it is very difficult to prioritize correctly.

The purpose of this document is to give you an idea of ​​where your business exists, point the way to success, help you avoid minefields and get around sharp corners.

The business plan must confirm that the private kindergarten you opened will be profitable, and not ruin, that the income received will at least cover all the expenses incurred. And remember: you need to draw up a business plan taking into account the audience for which it is intended. Therefore, there may be several such plans.

A business plan for yourself and your partners mainly contains information related to the technology of doing business and illuminates all possible details. A plan drawn up for a bank in order to obtain a loan or intended for a person financing a project should focus on numbers that reflect the profitability of the future business.

With this kind of planning, you can:

  1. Make a forecast for the future.

Following a business plan will help you better understand the specifics of your business and start managing your private daycare more efficiently. You will be able to clearly imagine what steps should be taken to improve the business, you will be able to consider in detail the scenarios for its development, determine the goals and identify the resources necessary to solve the assigned tasks.

  1. Not only open a private kindergarten, but also develop your business.

The ideal option would be to become self-financing as soon as possible. Unfortunately, in reality this is not always the case. Rapid development requires a constant flow of funds.

But your own money runs out pretty quickly, and you have to look for investors or take out a bank loan. A well-written business plan in these cases can help.

  1. Choose the path of development.

With the help of a business plan, it is easier to assess all the directions in which it is worth moving, and to settle on the most optimal one.

  1. Manage cash flows more efficiently.

Even small miscalculations can lead to business closure. First of all, it should be understood that money and profit are far from the same thing. You can make a profit, but at the same time experience a severe shortage of funds and, as a result of such an imbalance, go bankrupt. Following a business plan will help prevent these kinds of mistakes.

  1. Assess your business accurately.

In general, any competent entrepreneur should know the value of his company to the nearest penny, especially since in some cases this knowledge is simply necessary. What if you want to sell your business? Or will you need an additional investor at a certain stage? A business plan will be the best tool to carry out such an assessment.

  1. Make sure you are doing everything right.

When opening a private kindergarten or starting any other business, you want to do everything as quickly as possible: get the company back on its feet, start earning income, etc. there will be problems. By following the procedure, these errors can be avoided.

Now for drawing up a business plan. You need to do this yourself, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of certain points and carrying out the appropriate calculations. All data is individual, and therefore the only thing that a business plan downloaded from the Internet can help you with is to serve as a model for analysis.

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What documents do you need to open a private kindergarten

This institution can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Some choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). You will need about 2-3 weeks to register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, the registration of an ANO or a preschool educational institution will last twice as long.

In order not to waste time, you can do several things at the same time: carry out repairs in the room, preparing for the opening of a private kindergarten, draw up the necessary documents, look for future employees, etc.

Many, in order to save time, first conclude a lease agreement for an individual, and after registration they renew it.

The taxation system and accounting features will depend on the form of registration. An individual entrepreneur can acquire a patent for a period of one month to a year. If your kindergarten room is very small, and there is a minimum of staff, then this option will suit you best.

By opening an LLC, according to the simplified taxation system, you will pay 6% of the income. DOE and ANO in this regard have their own characteristics.

When opening a private kindergarten, you must obtain accreditation and license from the department of education or from local authorities with the appropriate authority. Only in this case will you have the right to conduct educational activities.

To obtain a license, you will need the following documents:

  • An agreement for the lease of premises or for ownership, if the kindergarten is opened in a private cottage or apartment.
  • A conclusion issued by the fire services that the premises meet all the requirements for preschool institutions.
  • A similar conclusion from the SES.
  • Tax registration certificate (TIN).
  • Articles of association.
  • Educational program.
  • List of available methodological literature and teaching aids.
  • List of teachers and educators.
  • Data on the number of children.

Those who open a private kindergarten and carry out teaching activities without a license face criminal liability.

You do not need a license if you are registering an organization as a children's development or training center, in which kids stay no more than 3-4 hours a day. In this case, the development center is understood as a variety of sections, studios and hobby groups.

What requirements must be met in order to open a private kindergarten

Premises and equipment

While registration is in progress, start looking for a suitable room for your kindergarten. It must comply with the requirements of SanPiN (as amended on April 4, 2014) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations."

The requirements for a private kindergarten are as follows:

  • Each child should have six or more square meters of floor space.
  • There must be separate rooms for eating, playing and sleeping.
  • It is necessary to equip the office of the manager.
  • The same applies to the doctor's office, and it must have a full range of medicines, including for first aid.
  • The kindergarten must be equipped with a sports center or gym with everything necessary for training.
  • There must be offices of a psychologist and a speech therapist.
  • There should be facilities for hobby classes: swimming pool, drawing studio, dance hall, etc.
  • A catering unit is required.
  • Toilet rooms for children should be equipped with washbasins, child seats for toilet bowls, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals.
  • Need a separate dressing room with lockers.

When opening a private kindergarten, it is necessary to ensure that there is a fire alarm in each of its premises. Rooms should have both natural and electric lighting. It is necessary to paint the premises with moisture-resistant paint and maintain a temperature of 22 degrees in them.

Children should be provided with everything they need. That is, you need to purchase in advance:

  • age-appropriate toys;
  • educational games;
  • stationery;
  • kitchen tables and chairs, dishes;
  • hygiene items;
  • storage cabinets and other furniture.


The staff must be selected even before the opening of a private kindergarten. When applying for a job, attention should be paid not only to education, experience and category of teachers, but also to their attitude towards children. The kindergarten staff should consist of:

  • manager;
  • health worker;
  • educators;
  • nannies;
  • cooks;
  • cleaning ladies.

Each of the employees must be a professional in their field. This is especially true for teachers: only good teachers will be able to prepare children for school with high quality.

The doctor does not have to be called full-time. You can try to persuade you to get a part-time pediatric doctor from the nearest clinic. The nurse should be familiar with the specifics of working in preschool institutions.

If you plan to open a private kindergarten with a certain bias, then you need to hire an appropriate specialist:

  • a psychologist;
  • drawing teachers;
  • a teacher of additional education in a foreign language;
  • music teachers:
  • choreographer, etc.

Agreement with parents

The agreement on educational services concluded with the parents must contain the following:

  1. Name of the parties: Contractor and Customer. The first is the owner of the institution, the second is one of the child's parents.
  2. Subject of the contract... This paragraph lists the services provided by a private kindergarten: looking after and caring for a child, transferring certain knowledge, skills, abilities to him, etc.
  3. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  4. Liability measures in case of non-compliance with the contract.
  5. The procedure for resolving controversial issues.
  6. Service list with their cost.
  7. Clause on the possibility of recalculation.
  8. Address(legal and factual), details.
  9. Permission to process personal data.

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How much does it cost to open a private kindergarten

The amount will depend on many factors. But the main thing here is how much you are willing to invest in this business.


One of the biggest expense items. Let's say you need to tidy up a 100 sq. m. In order to ultimately meet all the requirements of various authorities, you will have to spend about 600-700 thousand rubles. This amount includes the purchase of building materials and payment for repairs.

Equipment + furniture

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to buy everything you need for it: furniture, household appliances, cutlery, etc. And this is not cheap at all. The same refrigerator in M.Video costs 15 thousand rubles, a four-burner electric stove - 8000 rubles. On average, expect 600 thousand rubles.

This is the minimum figure. Some owners of "elite" kindergartens can afford to spend half a million rubles on an Italian kitchen set alone.


So that the private kindergarten you have opened does not go unnoticed, you will have to spend money on advertising. It will cost from 100 thousand rubles and more, otherwise the campaign will not bring much benefit. And keep in mind: the larger your establishment, the more investment in advertising it will require. The location of your kindergarten will also affect the cost of the advertising campaign: in some regions it will cost you less, in others it will be more expensive.

Is it worth opening a private kindergarten with a loan

The ideal option would be to use only your own funds to open a business. But you can take a loan, work successfully and pay it off without any problems - there are a lot of examples of this. Many entrepreneurs even managed to save part of their profits, directing it to the development of the business.

In addition, due to the specifics of the business, you can qualify for certain benefits at a loan rate. There are a number of suggestions that make it easier to obtain start-up capital for starting a private day care center.

For example, the fund for the support of social entrepreneurship "Our Future" provides a loan at only 5%. Another option is to apply for a small business competition as an entrepreneur planning to work in the social field. If everything works out, the state will reimburse you for the funds spent on opening a private kindergarten.

Those working without a license for educational activities are reimbursed up to 1.5 million rubles. If you have one, then you can count on an amount of up to 10 million rubles, provided that this money is no more than 60% of the funds spent on opening a garden. But 60% is also a large part of your investment in this business.

How else can you open a private kindergarten using state support? There is an option to apply for subventions that will be paid to you from the municipal budget for the monthly maintenance of one child.

In the capital, this amount is 2,500 rubles, in Krasnodar - 9,000 rubles, and in the Moscow region - 12,000 rubles. But such subventions can only be received by organizations that have a state license.

In fact, this is far from a complete list of support programs for entrepreneurs working in the field of preschool education. If you study all the options in the most detailed way, then after opening a private kindergarten, you can quickly return all the money invested in the project and start earning on the performance of those functions that the state cannot perform in full.

How to Advertise Your Newly Opened Private Kindergarten

Any business needs advertising - this is an axiom. And, if you want to attract clients to your private kindergarten, you need to conduct a competent advertising campaign. Let's look at a few more or less effective ways to do this.

Private kindergarten building decoration

  • Facade.

When a kindergarten is located in a separate building, then most often it is designed according to the theme of the institution. The walls are covered with bright paint, images of fairy-tale and cartoon characters are applied to the shop windows. Such a move is very competent, because the buildings designed in this way attract the attention of parents and are liked by children.

If a private kindergarten is not opened in a separate building, but on the first floor of an ordinary residential building, then you can hang a colorful banner on the facade, write the name of the institution on it and decorate it with attractive-looking drawings. It would also be nice to list all types of services provided by the institution.

  • Signboard.

Do I need to order a luminous sign? Not really. A private kindergarten is not a pharmacy or grocery store that needs to attract the attention of customers at any time of the day. The most common sign will do. The main thing is that it should correspond to the theme of the institution, be bright, colorful, with decorative elements in the form of stars, flowers, etc.

  • Entrance.

The entrance group can be designed in approximately the same way as the facade of the building. It should attract the attention of children and their parents. But make sure that all the components of the group (stairs, canopy, railings, etc.) are in harmony with the overall design of the institution.

On the day your private kindergarten opens, try to decorate the building. Use balloons and posters for this, invite animators. All this will attract the attention of passers-by, among whom there will certainly be mothers and fathers, who are just in search of a suitable institution for their child. This will be the first impetus to expand your customer base.

Outdoor advertising

  • Billboard.

Placing posters on billboards is a good step. If a private kindergarten opens in a small town, then use shields in several of its districts. If it happens in a metropolis, it makes sense to place advertising only near the area where the institution is located.

The posters themselves should look bright and positive. It would be nice to focus on the "chip" of your institution that distinguishes it from others: the musical or choreographic bias of the kindergarten, teaching foreign languages, etc.

  • Advertising in elevators.

Printable advertisement

  • Leaflets.

Before starting a private kindergarten, print flyers with relevant information about the institution and give them to people. Be sure to include in your flyers about the upcoming Opening Celebration.

  • Business cards.

Order business cards and hand them out whenever you can. They will remind people of your establishment. And mums and dads, who have already become your clients, can give such a business card to one of their friends or acquaintances, if they show interest in your institution.

Internet advertising

  • Site.

Your own website, promoted on thematic platforms, will bring you great benefits. Perhaps many of your future clients will find out about the opening of a private kindergarten on the forum for young mothers. Regularly update the resource, report on planned promotions, post information about the team, share photos and videos from the kindergarten.

  • Banner advertising.

A good way to promote your site is to place banner ads on thematic resources.

  • SMM.

When opening a private kindergarten, create your own group on the social network. This is likely to be the most effective advertising ploy. In such a group, in addition to general information about the institution, other interesting information should be posted: useful articles for mothers, a list of planned events, photos of your pupils, etc.

Thanks to this, the group will gain some fame: mothers will probably do reposts, sharing information with their friends and subscribers. True, this type of advertising will require a certain amount of money: initially it will be necessary to “wind up” basic subscribers, as well as place community advertising in larger urban groups.

  • SEO.

SEO means the promotion of your resource with the help of a certain set of works. It consists of the following points:

  1. Website optimization. Before your resource begins to "accept" visitors, experts will bring it to its proper form.
  2. Website promotion. This means raising its ranking in search engines for certain key queries (for example, "private kindergartens opened in such and such an area", "private kindergarten services", etc.).
  3. Continuous improvement of the site... The higher the level of resource development, the more efficient it is. Fill your site with interesting content on the relevant topic. This will attract users, improve behavioral factors and consolidate the resource's position in the ranking.
  4. Reputation management: chatting on forums and working with customer reviews.
  5. Local promotion institutions based on its location.

You don't need to use absolutely all types of advertising. Some of them won't do you much good. It:

  • Radio and TV advertising.

However, you should not refuse to use local channels and stations if you can afford it and are sure that you will find your target audience with the help of local resources. But in any case, it is worth considering whether such advertising will pay off in the end.

  • Some outdoor advertising is also quite expensive: video boards, lightboxes, figures, LED signs.

In addition, your goal is to attract the attention of not all passers-by without exception, but specific groups of people. Of course, outdoor advertising is needed, but you can get by with cheaper options: decorate the facade of a building, use billboards, etc. The main rule here is that advertising must be expedient.

How to save money?

Before opening a private kindergarten, decide how many children you are going to accept. The more small clients you have, the more you can earn.

It is not necessary to open one private kindergarten for 100 kids, you can organize five small institutions with groups of 20 people. But the profit, despite the fact that the number of children is the same in both cases, will differ.

By opening one large private kindergarten instead of five small ones, you will save 20 to 30% of your money. But the rate of return per child in a large institution will be lower.

  • If you open an institution for 100 children, you will receive 1 million rubles a month. The profit rate will be 10 thousand rubles.

The more children are enrolled in kindergarten, the lower the profit rate per child. The fact is that the room for 100 children should be spacious enough, and this will affect the rental price. You need a lot of employees, each of whom needs to pay wages. The running costs will also be quite high.

  • If you get a license for educational activities, then staff salary costs can be reduced by 10%.

The rate of return for a private kindergarten open to 20 children will be higher. Such an establishment can be located in a four-room apartment on the first floor of a residential building, significantly saving on rent. The main thing is that this room complies with the SanPiN standards.

A modest staff means low costs. And by organizing a small catering unit in the kitchen, you can save on food - not to the detriment, of course, of its quality.

  • Preparing food in-house is four times cheaper than buying prepared food on the side. You just need to hire a cook, regularly replenish the stock of necessary products and do not forget about the requirements of SanPiN.

Having calculated the income and all the necessary expenses, it is easy to come to the conclusion that in a small kindergarten, the profit rate per child will be much higher than 10 thousand rubles.

  • It follows from this that by opening a small private kindergarten, you will recoup your investment much faster. From this side an institution for 20 kids is more profitable than a kindergarten for several similar groups.

Small private kindergartens, scattered across different neighborhoods, have other advantages as well.

Firstly, it is much easier to recruit the required number of children into them. Secondly, nearby institutions will be in great demand: many parents find it easier to take their child to a neighboring house than to take every morning to the other end of the city.

If you decide to open a small private kindergarten, then keep in mind: its profitability will directly depend on the capacity. On the other hand, the profitability of a business can always be increased through government support or by offering parents additional services: the possibility of visiting a kindergarten on weekends, special classes, etc.

But whichever option you choose - large or small kindergarten - first develop the right economic model. Only under this condition will the business be profitable.

How to open a private kindergarten and not go bankrupt

The risks in this business are small, but they exist. You can open a private kindergarten that meets all the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, offering both ordinary and additional services, equipped with the latest technology, which looks very attractive outwardly thanks to a fresh renovation - and burn out because there will be no clients.

Another risk is competition from a municipal institution. It so happens that the work is adjusted, everything goes on as usual, when suddenly a state kindergarten opens within walking distance. It costs four times less to send a child there, and for many parents this will be a decisive factor.

If the municipal garden has a gym and a swimming pool, a hall for choreography and other similar advantages, then you will have no chance at all ...

The third risk is unreliable landlord. Should he refuse to renew the lease, your plans will collapse. Or the situation will take an even worse turn: you will spend money on repairs and purchase the necessary equipment for opening a private kindergarten, recruit children into a group, and the person will simply terminate the lease. And everything is according to the law, there is no one to appeal to.

The risks listed above are far from the only ones. There are also those that are directly related to the work of the institution.

Having decided to open a private kindergarten, do not forget about one very important point: as soon as the first child crosses the threshold of the institution, you are the owner of the kindergarten you will be responsible for the life and health of the baby. Should something happen to a child (God forbid!), And your institution will forever lose its reputation. But there is still the risk of a fine and even a prison ...

Therefore, advice: deciding to open a private kindergarten, once again think it over carefully, weigh the pros and cons. This business will have to be treated with all possible responsibility.

Approximate data:

  • The monthly income is 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Description of the service

A private kindergarten provides services for parents to look after their young children (3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at the same time. The list of services provided includes finding children in the kindergarten, meals, walks, classes. Overtime stay of the child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the first floor of a residential building; the apartment will be converted into non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan, we will consider the option of renting real estate. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced, and your profit will increase.

Market analysis

Today, the problem of placing a child in a kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government agencies like this. Parents wait for their turn for a very long time, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many are trying to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are gaining popularity.

As a rule, parents of children who already know how to speak and walk feel an urgent need to look after their children. The age category is from 3 to 7 years old. Older age is not relevant at all, since children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Mothers usually sit with them, they are given maternity leave and parental leave for this. The greatest demand is observed in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit for the kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with a teacher education. They will be able to immediately be the owner of the business, and the educator, and the cook, and the cleaner, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain feminine "accent".

The limited number of municipal kindergartens makes a big difference between the large (constant!) Demand for kindergarten services and the supply in this market sector. There will always be clients in this type of business. Moreover, they are likely to become regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in an area of ​​the city where wealthy families live. They tend to use the services of such organizations with greater confidence in them. Thus, portrait of a potential buyer will look like this: these are families with a child of 3-7 years old, their income is set at an average level and above average (it is worth focusing on the last category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby, and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapon of the fight will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers (for example, the conduct of martial arts or dance classes by a professional trainer). It makes no sense to make the cost lower than the market average - in this case, the costs simply will not pay off and the organization will not generate any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to become familiar with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and cause additional income.

The factors influencing the enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. The first private entrepreneur cannot change. However, he can minimize the influence of negative factors and use the opportunities for his own benefit. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since it is quite difficult to open a kindergarten today, this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Possibility of attracting investments in this sector of the economy.
  • Low advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislation.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • A high level of bureaucratization in this area.
  • Decrease in the level of income of the population due to the crisis.
  • The presence of financial barriers to market entry.
  • The need for paperwork for the transition from the category of private kindergartens to non-governmental educational institutions.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that have a positive effect on business can not only be used for good, but also strengthen their influence. Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibilities for further expansion.
  • Choosing a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in this case, the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to go to work in your organization, since the salaries in municipal kindergartens are very small).
  • An increase in the cost of the services provided is possible.
  • An entrepreneur has experience in this area.
  • Availability of all kinds of advanced training courses.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any client base, the need to search for clients.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in the event of injury to a child, for example).
  • The inability to meet the increased demand (the availability of a small number of children's places will not allow).
  • The need for major repairs.
  • High level of costs for the necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decline in the quality of services due to lack of staff motivation.

It is important to understand that certain factors may be absent in a particular enterprise. It is already important to conduct a study of the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. So that there are no problems, we arrange a teacher for one and a half rates.

A drawing and music teacher will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be arranged as part-time employees or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option in order to exclude the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One educator will work with the children. His duties include looking after children, exercising, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, alphabet, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives living in the same entrance as a cook and cleaning lady. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that rooms for sleeping, playing and eating must be equipped. In our case, the kitchen will be the place for the ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - playroom, 3 room for sleeping. There will also be an exercise area in the games room.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to the kindergarten, parents must pay an admission fee. 7 thousand rubles per child. This amount may vary depending on the region. On average, from 5000 rubles. up to 15,000 rubles We will count this money separately and use it to cover the initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no home kindergarten as a legal form of business. Remember that if the name contains the words "school" or "kindergarten", then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur, the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain an appropriate license to organize activities in the Department of Education.

  1. ... We pay a state fee of 800 rubles. If nessesary, . The OKVED code may be: 85.32 "Provision of social services without providing accommodation", 80.10.1 "Services of preschool and primary general education", 0.10.3 "Additional education for children".
  2. You can apply UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. We draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to obtain a license for an individual entrepreneur with the appropriate name of the organization.
  4. You must also register with the Pension Fund and the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund.
  5. Childcare activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to article 48 “ Education Law”, Individual pedagogical activity is not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. It is better to contact a lawyer for help in drawing up.
  8. Do not forget about the observance of sanitary norms and fire safety rules!

Marketing plan

Price policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will settle at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that the main clients will be wealthy people, for whom the cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will focus on families living in nearby houses, it will be possible to save quite a lot on advertising. In this case, promotion methods include:

  • Signboard. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is also important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting ads. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having previously compiled the selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, conducting a “parenting day”. On such an evening, you can acquaint parents with the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of pointers. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it is better to exclude bypasses of apartments. Wealthy clients can be intimidated by this. In this case, advertisements in newspapers and on television will be ineffective. The number of clients is small, and the costs of such advertising are very high. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential customers faster.

Calculation of projected income

The average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens, this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even higher (if you do not take into account Moscow, because there prices are 2-3 times higher). Also, we do not charge additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other places of leisure.

Production plan

Most likely, the business owner, and not the landlord, will have to repair and equip the premises. This will be a small renovation, the main thing is that the premises comply with all sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

We'll have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose two-tiered to increase the space), armchairs, tables, chairs, a kitchen set, cupboards and more. Don't buy very expensive furniture. Better to choose an average price, but reliable things.

From the equipment you will need a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, music center. A microwave oven is also available. A laptop is optional.

Leisure is also worth taking care of. Let the kindergarten have soft toys, board games, drawing supplies, writing books, notebooks. You also need a sports criminal with mats, ladders, a horizontal bar, etc.

In the beginning, you will have to spend a lot of money on finding clients. But after that you won't have to do it.

The payments to the tutor and the cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook - 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

It is possible to organize an additional stay of the child in the garden. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the caregiver in order to stimulate him and provide additional income.

Organizational plan

Initial costs will amount to RUB 315,800.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 - 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (consider 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 - 5,400 = 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600 / 156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 - 84,000) / 30,600 = 7.6. Consequently, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a tutor or the apartment is not rented, but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore, at the initial stage, it is advisable to consider this method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be a new set of children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, one must not forget about the possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may face are as follows:

  1. High bureaucracy in this industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are due to regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (penalties for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

You can avoid the risk. You just need to study the existing laws in detail and comply with the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent checks of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of the existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The potential implications for IP are not that great. installed low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

However, it is important that the premises meet all the requirements. It will also increase the level of customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of employees

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Potential losses: reduced profits, customer abandonment. As a result, the company may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur, the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • carefully select personnel, set high requirements (but remember that this also leads to high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium skill levels and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly engage in the development of your employees, sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) should be aware of the latest effective techniques used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of free funds

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, and various activities. All these costs are quite large. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

There are several ways to protect yourself:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand the business by increasing income due to the effect of scale of production;
  • have their own funds that can be invested in the business.

In extreme cases, you will have to go to the bank for loans, which will negatively affect your income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on loan repayment and interest payments. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can draw up a business plan yourself just for your business. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity, or if you saw a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! This is the only way we can work together to make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for the attention!

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
We are trusted by 700,000 entrepreneurs of the country

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

100,000 sq.m.

Required area

RUB 800,000

Minimum investment

200,000 rubles / month

Income (if attended by 20 children)

Business in the field of preschool education is a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of ​​a private kindergarten.

Today in Russia, institutions of additional education for children are gaining special popularity. This trend is associated, firstly, with the growth of the birth rate in the country, secondly, with the lack of places in state kindergartens, and thirdly with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

The development of the market for private gardens and development clubs began in the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active growth in the birth rate. Over time, the prospects of the market were appreciated by many - the market began to fill with players who began to conquer consumers with different income levels. If earlier the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for a wealthy category of the population, the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

Even during the crisis, the segment of private children's education felt confident enough. According to experts, this business is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that it is impossible to save on children, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

The idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten is most often visited by young entrepreneur parents who experience "queues" for state kindergartens. Many of those who are far behind in the "queue" are ready or forced to pay for a private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the rejection of state kindergartens may lie not only in the notorious "queues". Now many parents initially do not want to send their child to a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten. This category of parents has an average and above average income, and therefore makes certain requirements to the quality of food, education and leisure activities for a private kindergarten.

And since there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before you open a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh the pros and cons, assess the market and its relevance in your city.

We count kindergartens

We will begin our research by calculating the number of inhabitants of the district and finding out their structure. For example, if the majority of the district's residents are elderly people, then the kindergarten here will be out of place. It's another matter when you decide to open a kindergarten in an area without a public kindergarten, which is needed by young families living nearby.

Where to get information from? You can request data on the statistics of the area at the passport office. In extreme cases, you can use the Roskomstat website and find information on your own.

To find out about the existence of "queues", contact the city administration - the education department. It may be that there are several state gardens with low occupancy in your chosen area - then it makes no sense for you to open another one here.

After checking this information and finding the perfect place for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next stage.

We count finances

Before you seriously start implementing an idea, you need to calculate how much it will cost. It is rather difficult to indicate the exact figures in which the opening of a private kindergarten will result, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main one sounds like "how much are you willing to pay?" This is the type of business in which investments have a clear minimum and a blurry maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

Firstly, the renovation of the premises takes a significant share. Even if you have selected a civilized room for the kindergarten, in order to adapt it to the needs of children and the requirements of the legislation, you need to spend money. For a small garden for one group, 100 sq.m. will be enough. Repair in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all works and materials).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Secondly, most of the budget will be "eaten" by the equipment of the premises. In a kindergarten, you need to purchase furniture, bedding, dishes, household appliances, toys, educational materials. Get ready to spend about 400 thousand rubles on this article.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. The minimum amount that needs to be budgeted is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourthly, paperwork takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, put 15-20 thousand rubles on this cost item.

Fifth, don't forget about non-obvious costs. For example, you will have to pay rent for the premises even before the opening of the kindergarten (unless, of course, you have a suitable 100 sq.m. property). And rent of such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, to open a private kindergarten will need from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.

We study the pitfalls, weigh the pros and cons

Although opening a kindergarten is a good idea, it has its own difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with the good. Why open a private kindergarten?

    current and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crises;

    state support for the sphere of preschool education.

And now about the disadvantages:

    difficulty in the selection of highly qualified personnel;

    high level of competition;

    the need for the presence of an entrepreneur in business;

    low profitability due to the cost of rent, wages of employees and the cost of services provided;
    - the complexity of doing business;

    large initial investment.

Nevertheless, the opening of a kindergarten is assessed as a promising business line, characterized by stable income and social significance.

Our verdict is that a private kindergarten needs to be opened!

In order to make a minimum of mistakes in this difficult process, we recommend that you draw up a well-thought-out business plan. The more aspects of the business you cover, the easier it will be to implement the idea.

We offer step-by-step instructions that will help determine the main stages of opening a kindergarten.

How to prepare documentation?

A private kindergarten can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or an LLC, and you can also choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). Keep in mind that the registration period, depending on the chosen legal form, differs significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registration of a preschool educational institution or ANO will take 2 months.

The choice of the registration form affects the taxation system and the nuances of accounting. By choosing an individual entrepreneur, you can acquire a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum of staff. If you open an LLC, you will pay 6% of the income under the “simplified” scheme. DOW and ANO also have their own peculiarities of taxation and accounting.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In accordance with Art. 91 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. If the services of a private garden include childcare, supervision and development - this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, which means that licensing is not required.

Still, how do you get your preschool license?

This process is very complicated, for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity and constituent papers.

    Curricula and lesson plans that meet Ministry of Education standards.

    Documents on the qualifications of the leader, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    Conclusion of the SES and the fire service on the suitability of the premises.

    A document confirming the ownership of the premises or a lease agreement.

How to choose a place for a kindergarten?

This is the next stage of the quest, which requires a lot of effort. Finding a suitable room for a kindergarten is not so easy. The requirements in this case are strict, and if the room does not meet at least one requirement from the list, you are unlikely to be given permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Safety.

All standards are spelled out in SanPin and fire safety rules, which should be carefully studied before starting a search for a room. Let's list the key ones:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    the presence of separate rooms for playing, sleeping, eating;

    even the smallest private kindergarten should have a manager's office;

    a medical professional's office, with a full set of necessary medicines and first aid supplies;

    a gym equipped with the necessary equipment;

    a separate room for eating;

    toilet rooms equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, child seats for toilets;

    locker rooms and lockers for storing things;

    all rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, lit with natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Don't be intimidated by the impressive list. Still, the solution to the issue of premises is not so difficult: the entrepreneur is required only to know the rules and regulations, as well as a thorough and careful search for a suitable premises.

In some cases, the state will help you choose the right premises. In some regions there are preferential leases for municipal premises. Therefore, it is worth considering all the options, calculating the possibilities and finding the best solution for yourself.

You can find cheaper premises with the help of the state. In some regions, there are special programs for preferential lease of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible options, calculating an economic model and identifying the optimal rental rate for yourself.

How to find employees for kindergarten?

For a kindergarten, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, therefore, you should carefully approach the selection of personnel. The main problem when opening such an institution is precisely the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, recruiting is recommended at the stage of business planning. It is imperative that employees have a pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in the psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required. Also, all employees must have a medical record and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of staff depends on the size of the kindergarten: the more groups in your kindergarten, the more nannies and teachers you need.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For one group, the number of people is 20, the minimum list of personnel: 2 educators, 1 nanny and 1 cook. At the same time, it is assumed that this state combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, with the necessary qualifications). If you find such versatile employees, you can cut the payroll.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by the parents of preschool children. The institution's services are aimed at families with an average income.

    Placement of an advertisement in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience gathers.

    Posting announcements in houses geographically close to your institution. The most effective in this case is advertising in elevators.

    Placing information in local newspapers can be not only a commercial advertisement, but also a whole article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial day in a group;

    Placing information on all kinds of thematic forums in cities.

    Providing additional services. For example, it could be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to live stream their child's progress.

How to conclude an agreement with parents?

Be sure to sign a service agreement with the parents of the children. The model contract should include:

    Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the child's parents, as the Customer;

    Subject of the agreement: services rendered by an educational institution: supervision and care, services for additional education, etc .;

    Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.

    Measures of responsibility for violation of clauses of the agreement and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for kindergarten services and the possibility of recalculation;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to process personal data.

You can ask for help from a lawyer who will help you draw up a contract competently. The cost of his services in this case will be small.

What benefits can I get?

One of the most frequent questions is what benefits and support from the state can an entrepreneur receive? If you are in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes under a simplified scheme (for a patent as an individual entrepreneur);

    privileges for private educational institutions - cancellation of VAT;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may apply to the creation of a private educational institution and the lease of premises, the use of premises owned by the municipality.

You can get other types of assistance from the state - check with the local education department in charge of this industry. Also, the profitability of the kindergarten can be increased if you take part in the municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old is allocated significant sums from the municipal budget.

Anything is possible if you take the initiative.

What other costs do you need to consider?

In addition to the initial investment, you need to calculate the monthly costs.

Fixed costs consist of rent, utility bills, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation charges. Of these, more than 50% of costs are related to wages.

An approximate calculation of the monthly costs of a private kindergarten

Thus, at least 250 thousand rubles will need to be subtracted from the proceeds received. (after all, taxes are not included here) to calculate the net profit.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will attend your kindergarten, and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then the monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

If we take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for a profitable business, at least 30 children should attend a kindergarten. And then about 50 thousand rubles. the net profit you will have.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, considerable funds are needed, and the payback period for such a project is quite long.

When choosing which kindergarten to open: large or small, you need to understand that the profitability of a small kindergarten is limited by its capacity. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective one.

What risks in business should be considered?

The biggest risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of clients. Therefore, be sure to conduct market research to identify the real need for private kindergarten services.

Or it may happen that next to your private kindergarten a new municipal kindergarten is suddenly opened, which is in no way inferior to you, and besides, it wins in price.

What else should be feared and, if possible, take preventive measures?

    an increase in the cost of rent, which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a bona fide lessor;

    decrease in effective demand. Still, the amount is 10 thousand rubles. for a kindergarten for a child - rather big. Therefore, there is a possibility that some clients may simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is too much for them. This risk can be minimized with the help of discount promotions and the formation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may lead to the complication of business processes. This risk is beyond control. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case of the occurrence of such risks.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly damage the business reputation of the institution and entail significant problems. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct thorough instruction for both teachers and parents;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and dance schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract high-quality personnel;

    deterioration of the reputation of the institution in the circle of the target audience in case of mistakes in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk with constant monitoring of the quality of services, receiving feedback from the institution's clients and taking corrective measures.

Summing up

Of course, opening your own private kindergarten is a rather troublesome and responsible business. It can become successful only if you correctly plan your business and be “burning” with your work. Then you will be able to achieve stability and high profits. A simple pursuit of income will not bring the expected result. You won't be able to make money quickly. This is a long-term business that involves development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if it is close to you.

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rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

The director of the “Virtuosi” music school Dmitry Tolstyakov shared his practical experience of creating his own music school from scratch with the readers of the project.

This is not easy enough, and this is what you must understand in the first place. Many people believe that you can open such an institution at home, gathering the children of your girlfriends around you, and getting a monthly profit from this. This option is just a job as a nanny. But how to open a private kindergarten, we will tell you further.

List of documents required to open a kindergarten

Educational activities can be carried out by both a legal entity registered in a non-commercial organizational and legal form, and an individual - an individual entrepreneur.

The registration of this organization is carried out by the FRS of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In a special form, you indicate your activity. The period for consideration of your application lasts 1 month.

After that, you register with extra-budgetary funds, the tax service, as well as government statistics. However, you also need to obtain a license to conduct educational activities. To obtain a license, the following documents are submitted:

  • Premises lease agreement;
  • certificate confirming tax registration;
  • the conclusion of the sanitary service on the compliance of the premises with all sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • the conclusion of the fire service that the room meets all the standards and requirements that apply to preschool organizations;
  • articles of association;
  • documents confirming the availability of educational materials and literature;
  • educational program;
  • data on the number of children and the teaching staff.

The issuance of such a license is handled by the Department of Education and local governments, which have this authority.

Although obtaining a license takes a long time, it is impossible to open a preschool institution without them, as this threatens with criminal liability.

The only loophole that does not provide for obtaining a license document is the positioning of your institution not as a kindergarten, but as a children's training or development center. Although a license is no longer needed here, you may have problems with checking the SES and any other authorities.


The business plan should include a special section with a list of services. You can also increase the already established list at any time, since today there are no regulations that would prohibit its increase.

Since this is a private establishment, try to make it special and distinct from government agencies. It can be an institution for children with:

  • Increased activity;
  • vision problems;
  • speech problems;
  • rare diseases;
  • inclination to learn languages, etc.

For such special conditions, it is necessary to find excellent specialists and obtain all the necessary permits.

Start with a minimum, expanding your range of services over time. Every year you can add new classes by inviting new specialists.


You can buy or rent premises. Also, if you have enough funds, you can build a house. In any case, the premises must comply with all standards, otherwise the SES or the fire service will simply prohibit its use.

Equipment and equipment

What is needed for a private kindergarten? Let's divide everything we need into zones:

  • Bedrooms: beds, mattresses, pillows, bedding sets;
  • play and recreation area: chairs, children's tables, teaching aids, musical instruments, toys, office supplies;
  • dressing room: individual lockers for storing clothes, sofas;
  • dining room: furniture, dishes, cutlery, napkins, household appliances;
  • utility block: washing machine, dryer, household inventory;
  • medical office: devices, special equipment and furniture, overalls, medicines, refrigerator;
  • administrative office: furniture, computer, office equipment, office supplies, telephone;
  • hygiene and sanitary procedures: pots, plumbing, towels, detergents.

Kindergarten staff

The number of educators depends on the number of children. There is one teacher for every 15 children. If you position yourself as a good preschool, then the number of staff should be large. The staff includes not only educators, but also methodologists, teachers of physical education, music and foreign languages, psychologists and speech therapists, cooks and nannies, doctors, paramedics, nurses and security guards.

It is important to invite experienced professionals here. While it doesn't come cheap, their job at the institution will pay off completely in a couple of years. And you can save on service employees if you take them part-time, on an hourly wage or on a part of the rate.

The kindergarten bears full responsibility for the life and health of children, therefore, it is necessary to hire such a number of personnel in which children will not be left unattended for a second.

Over the past few years, the trend has become quite popular to install surveillance cameras that broadcast images online. This opportunity allows both educators and parents to observe their children, as well as monitor the work of employees of the institution they have chosen.

Your costs

The cost of renting a premise depends on its area. If this room is about 400 m2, then renting it will cost you 50,000 rubles. Utilities - around 20,000 rubles.

Repair, purchase of all the necessary fixtures and fittings, furniture and toys, the first salary to employees, as well as the organization of baby food will also cost you a tidy sum. According to the last calculations, all this will cost in the region of 1,000,000 rubles.

Potential risks

  • Rent. You will need to renew the lease of the premises every year. With each new year, the cost may increase, which means that you must be prepared for such a turn of events. The owner may change his mind, and you will need to look for a new building and equip it. To minimize this risk, write down all the conditions in the contract in advance and work only with decent landlords who have been recommended to you.
  • Neighbors ... This is a risk that almost every aspiring entrepreneur faces. In 90% of cases, neighbors are dissatisfied with the opening of even a mini-garden next to their houses. Before concluding a contract, make sure that the residents of the nearest houses do not mind. This way you will avoid negative publicity in the media and unwanted prosecutorial checks.
  • Conflicts with parents ... Very often, the emergence of conflict situations is not the fault of the employees of the institution, but the initiative of the conflicting parents. They can be seen immediately, so try to stay as far away from them as possible, standing your ground: the rules are the same for everyone, the opening to the garden group is phased, the same approach is applied to all. Then no one will be able to find fault with you about the fact that you are not coping well with the responsibilities entrusted to you.
  • Future perspective. Private kindergarten as a business - a perspective for the future. Don't expect instant feedback. The profit will come over time. After you build a good reputation, happy parents will talk about how wonderful their children were.

Your income

The numbers below are averages. The amount can be either significantly higher or lower:

  • Membership / entrance fee - 60,000 rubles;
  • monthly fee - from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles;
  • individual lessons (foreign languages, singing, drawing) 10,000 rubles per month;
  • short-term groups of 8 children - 6,000 - 7,000 per month per child.

So, you have 40 children in your kindergarten. The initial payment is 60,000 rubles, the total amount is 2,400,000 rubles. Monthly contributions bring up to 2,500,000 rubles a year, individual lessons bring another 100,000 rubles, short-term groups - 500,000 rubles., The profit of the institution is 3,000,000 per year, plus initial contributions for the first year of operation - 2,400,000 rubles (the amount varies depending on the number of new children you will be accepting for each new school year).

Of course, from the amount you subtract the salary of employees, the cost of food, security, office supplies, toys, utility bills and rent, but, anyway, in the first year you have every chance not only to fully recoup all expenses, but also to come out in a plus ...

Since most modern parents want to give their children the best education from an early age, you have every chance to open a promising business.

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Cash settlement service at Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

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  • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
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RKO at Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

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  • Free opening of P / S in 10 minutes;
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Cash settlement service at Sberbank. Open an account

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More about current account

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Cash settlement services at Expert Bank.

In the early 2000s, the birth rate in the country fell sharply. People did not live in the best times, and the economy was just beginning to emerge and a long stagnation. Against this background, thoughts about children appeared extremely rarely, and the number of newborns was rapidly decreasing. At one point, it became clear that the kindergartens were not staffed in the required volume. It was decided to close many until better times. And now the best times have come, there are more and more young mothers and fathers every day, and there are no more kindergartens.

If you see that in your area, city, region, there is a real problem in order to send a baby to a good kindergarten, then you need to think about how to meet the demand for this type of service.

In one of our previous articles, we talked about how to open a children's development center, an analogue to all well-known kindergartens, only with a limited number of children. The article was more of an advisory and educational nature, and there were very few figures and specific facts. Many readers began to apply with a request to paint a detailed and working business plan for opening a kindergarten.

At first the idea seemed to us good and necessary, but there was no practical knowledge in this area. And just a month ago, our team met a man who has been developing his private kindergarten for three years. We asked to give us an excursion into his business, to give advice and recommendations, to acquaint with figures, expenses, profits, with everything that will be of interest to our readers.

I would like to say right away that the kindergarten is open in Moscow, but all the advice is effective for any other city. It is clear that you will have to do a certain correlation by numbers, well, this is no longer a problem, the main thing is to know what to count in the first place, and what to give up.

Private kindergarten business plan

As we have already said, the kindergarten operates in Moscow, and a room of 500 square meters was rented for it. Rent is not a major expense, as there are many other mandatory ones. Among them:

  • Repair in the first year - 100 thousand rubles. This is a one-time investment and is required anyway. No matter how good the room is, you will have to modify something, taking into account the fact that it will be a kindergarten. In the future, repairs will be local and not so expensive.
  • Fire safety equipment, alarms, panic buttons - installation 30,000 rubles, maintenance 100 thousand rubles a year. You should not save on safety, because you will work with children whose lives their parents have entrusted to you.
  • Contract with a private security service - 1 million rubles a year. It is not cheap and more loyal services can be found. The price depends on the volume of services offered by the private security company.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • Premises for rent are 500 thousand rubles per month. Ideally, if the premises will already be, because a significant item of expenses will disappear. Otherwise, you will have to pay and not a little. Also, premises of this size, and even not technical, are not so easy to find. This is the first place to start.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles
  • Meals for 40 children and 20 employees - 200 thousand rubles
  • Expendable materials. It all depends on how intensively you work and use everything. In this case, it is 60 thousand rubles a month.
  • Salary, bonuses, social benefits and taxes - 1.1 million rubles a month.
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles. Here it is already at your request, but at the initial stages such expenses cannot be avoided.


  • Entry fee (a kind of membership) - 68 thousand rubles
  • Salary. The kindergarten is open 9 months a year, and is closed for the summer. For 40 children, the fee is 25 million rubles a year, which is about 5750 rubles a month.
  • Individual lessons with a child (drawing, foreign languages, singing, etc.) - 100,000 rubles per year.
  • Short-term groups (up to 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles per year.

Minimum kindergarten staff

Employees are an integral part of your business. In this business plan, we will indicate the required minimum of employees, which should be for the normal functioning of the kindergarten. In the process of activity and development, you can attract more and more new people who will expand the network of services provided and increase earnings. It can be teachers of foreign languages, art, music. But at the initial stage you will need:

  • For each group there are 2 educators and a nanny. In our case, there are 2 groups.
  • Musical director
  • Child psychologist who specializes in preschoolers
  • Speech therapist
  • Kitchen staff - a cook and two assistants
  • 2 nurses
  • Territory cleaner
  • Superintendent or building worker

To obtain this kind of license (for conducting educational activities) you need:

  • Copy of the company's charter
  • A copy of the lease agreement for the premises or the sale and purchase agreement
  • Conclusion from SES and firefighters
  • Educational program plan. What, how, how and why you will do
  • Evidence of the material and technical feasibility of such activities
  • Information about teachers, their work experience, education
  • Information about the number of children in kindergarten

As you can see, you need to collect a lot of documents, get more than one permission, bypass dozens of authorities. And that's all if you decide to choose LEU. To open an ordinary private kindergarten, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. You do not need to obtain any licenses, and the requirements from the regulatory authorities are much lower. For example, if an individual entrepreneur violates any norms of the SES, he will pay a fine from 1000 to 3000 rubles. For LEU, the same violations will cost 20-40 thousand.

If you decide to open a kindergarten in an apartment, then let's say right away that this is not entirely legal. Firstly, you will have to negotiate with the SES and firefighters, because it is practically impossible to fulfill all their instructions in the apartment. And the earnings here, too, will not be very comforting. Even in a spacious apartment, you can work with a maximum of 10 children.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it, you will be able to educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur, and refer to the garden as the Child Development Center (CRD) or the Child Care Center (CDC).

The algorithm of action for a kindergarten at home is similar to that for a non-governmental educational institution, only without obtaining unnecessary licenses and permits.

Kindergarten business plan: recruiting

Your kindergarten staff is the backbone of a successful business. You need to understand that it is the people you choose who will communicate with the children, the kids will tell their parents about him, and those will tell their friends. A good teacher, nanny, excellent cooks - this is your goal and guideline.

But no matter how professional on paperwork people are, you must conduct interviews with them under very close scrutiny. You can even put a camera on, record everything you talk about, then track the reactions to certain questions. Always hire new people with a mandatory trial period.

In any case, you will need:

  • Educator- this is the person who should inspire trust and respect in parents. He must think in the same social language with young moms and dads. A prerequisite is specialized higher education and work experience. It would not hurt to find out why the person quit his last job, what was the impetus for such a decision, take the phone of the previous manager and personally find out everything that interests him.
  • Methodist- a person who draws up methods for the upbringing and development of children. This is not a theoretician who knows about children from the books and lectures of the institute, this is a practitioner who has worked in a state kindergarten, who easily finds contact with parents, who knows modern trends in the upbringing and development of babies.
  • Psychologist. You shouldn't hire a young specialist. Although there are a lot of smart young psychologists now, it is not worth the risk. Take a person with experience, but so that he was not of the Soviet temper. The person must be middle-aged, up to a maximum of 35.
  • Director... If you yourself have nothing to do with pedagogy and have never encountered kindergartens, then you need a person for the position of director who is able to organize the correct activities of the kindergarten.
  • Housekeeper... Any household worker, even the very same cleaning lady, must clearly understand that your kindergarten is not a state office, where everything is state-owned. He must be economical, hardworking. I must perceive the kindergarten as something of my own, and work with the appropriate dedication. Good salary and motivation from you, high-quality work from the household worker.

Employee retention and development

If you want to be the best, always go one step ahead of your competitors, use up-to-date methods and approaches of education, then you need to attract super professionals in their field. But such people will have to be motivated so that they stay with you, and not go to work for a competitor. It is clear that the best motivation is an increase in wages. But it is necessary not only to increase it, but to involve employees in such a way that they receive bonuses for certain achievements.

Also try to create a team atmosphere. Holidays, joint vacations, birthdays - everything should unite your team, everyone should feel that they are part of something big and important.

Many girls are thinking about opening their own kindergarten. I think it's not a secret for anyone that this business is better suited specifically to women. And if a girl becomes a mother, then after two years a desire may develop into a need. Why give the child to someone, if you can organize your own kindergarten. If opportunities allow, then you need to try. Here are some tips that will definitely help anyone who decides to take up this risky and highly responsible business:

1. If you have never worked in this area, then you do not need to take on all the responsibilities. It is better to hire a director with experience in administrative positions and teacher training. Ideal if this is the former head of the kindergarten. The director can significantly simplify your life, because he will help you find good and professional staff, choose a room, equip it with the necessary furniture, etc.

2. Justify the choice of premises. It is very good if you have suitable premises in your property. This will remove most of the costs. But, most likely, you will have to rent the premises, which will entail additional risks and responsibility. Try to establish a trusting relationship with the landlord from the first days, make him your like-minded person.

3. Make friends with the employees of the SanEpidemService. It should not be an evil official, whose arrival you are afraid, but a real friend who will prompt, help, give advice and recommendations in order to avoid unnecessary problems and fines in the future.

4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the legal framework for running your business. Understand all the intricacies of taxation. This will allow you to build your business more efficiently and legally.

5. Always keep track of the balance of income and expenses. Many kindergartens introduce admission fees to cover certain risks and get additional income.

Best regards, Anatomy of Business project March 17, 2014 8:25 pm