What happened to the people? What happens to a person after death according to different religions of the world Bad relationships worsen health, good ones improve

In reality, what happened to the people? Everyone has changed, they are in a hurry, they are busy with something, they lack something, there is no peace of mind.

And whoever you don't ask - everyone complains. They complain about the lack of time, good work, high salaries, poor health, unfair leaders, rude teachers, bad manners of children (moreover, strangers, not their own). And very few of those who complain that he remembers Allah little, attends a mosque, helps his neighbor, spends his nights in vigil, turns to the Creator not only when he feels bad and has problems, but giving praise to Allah for everything that is given to him, showing obedience to the Creator. There are few of those who are satisfied with their lives, give praise to the Creator and devote all their free time to worship, spend nights in vigil, reading the Koran, dhikr, get up for the tahajjud prayer at night and spend from their property for the good on the path of Allah.

But they say, and in books they write, what Muslims used to be like. For example, we can give a comparison.

Earlier, Muslims led a simpler lifestyle and arranged their worldly life, knowing that sooner or later they must part with it. They listened to the following hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Abdullah ibn Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took me by the shoulder and said: "Be in this world as a stranger or a traveler" ... Ibn Umar said: “When night comes, do not wait for morning, and when morning comes, do not wait for night. Take advantage of your health before your illness, your life before your death ”(al-Bukhari).

In their life there was not so much excitement, envy, greed as we experience. They were content with little, and even in this little, they were careful not to mix with the doubtful, not to mention the forbidden. Few humiliated another for being poor, or honored another for being rich. There was no room for oppression, resentment, or reproach. And if anyone was reproached, it was only for committing sins, for leaving namaz, for not observing the norms of Islam. Because the measure of the correct life of a person has always been the Shariah. The word of the scholar-theologian was the basis for reproach or support. God-fearing people went to bed early, after the night prayer, to get up before dawn for the desired worship, dhikr, reading the Koran, tahajjud prayers.

The Almighty said (meaning): “They raise their sides from their beds [to perform prayers in the night] and cry out to their Lord with fear [of Allah's wrath] and hope [for His mercy] and spend [give alms] from what We have given them” (surah “ As-Sajda ", ayat 16).

Allah Almighty in the Qur'an also says (meaning): “Indeed, the God-fearing will dwell in the Gardens of Eden and among the springs and will receive what the Lord has given them, for before that [before they enter Heaven] they did good [on earth, because in the earthly world they did everything in the best way that they were commanded]. They slept only a small part [and most of it they devoted to the worship of Allah]. And before dawn [at the end of the night], calling out to Allah, they asked Him for forgiveness for their sins "(Surah Az-Zariyat, verses 15-18).

The importance of worship at night is also said in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). It is narrated from the words of Abu Huraira that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every night, when its last third comes, the mercy of our Supreme Lord descends to the nearest heaven and says:“ Is there someone who turns to Me with prayers? I will heed his plea! Is there someone who asks Me? I'll give him what he wants! Is there someone who begs Me for forgiveness? I will forgive his sins! " (al-Bukhari, Muslim).

Times change
But time began to change rapidly, especially along with technological progress. There was an interest in the neighbor's world and in its joys and amusements, since everything became available. People began to buy televisions, audio and video recorders, and serials were one of the first to flood people after perestroika. Everyone, regardless of gender and age, started watching useless TV shows like “The Rich Also Cry” or “Just Mary”, and during the screenings everything calmed down, everyone empathized with their heroes. The next day, those who had time to look, retold those who did not have time. The more advanced began to open video halls and turn video films around the clock: during the day - action films, in the evening - films "18+". People were drugged. And this is all along with the desire to dress in fashion and import.

After that, computers and computer rooms appeared. Computers began to decorate not only the office, but also the home environment. They began to be bought most of all for games for both adults and children. People slowly, one by one, began to fall into oblivion. Abstraction from the other world has become a common thing. Other interests appeared, they spent more time playing computer games than doing anything useful. The parents' attention to the child was reduced to the fact that the main thing is that he is at home, even if he plays games on the computer or watches TV all day. Satellite television became available, and instead of the usual two or three channels, thousands of others came to suit every taste and interest. The upbringing of youth and children was completely taken over by the media. After them came "Mr. Internet". Why master? Yes, because the Internet has become like a kitchen knife, with which you can cut bread and kill a person, since most sites began to carry negativity and distort a person's morality, his time, views, life. The Internet has misled many, led astray, some have lost the meaning of their lives on the Internet, some have started online love.

Hearts became attached to the Internet, it became like Satan's nets in human hands. People began to spend nights in online communication, watching all the unnecessary information, videos, not to mention their content, etc. The Internet has become more accessible and time-consuming and more brain-consuming than any of the above electronic techniques. The main thing is that the Internet has become mobile. Thanks to phones, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, communicators, netbooks, laptops, people have the opportunity to view everything and everyone on the Internet wherever a mobile connection or "Wi-Fi" works.

The interests of people, especially young people, their worldview, goals, morality, psyche, communication, employment, study, respect, understanding have changed a lot. The concepts of people, their tone and manner of communication changed. Along with the distortion of concepts, the vocabulary of people has also changed. Instead of phrases expressing respect, a request and an apology, came blat, obscenities and "vpadlu". As a result of all this, mutual understanding between children and parents came to naught. For children, parents are old people who do not understand anything in life. And for parents, they are loving children.

Social networks, such as Odnoklassniki and the like, have absorbed almost the entire audience without age restrictions. So what? And that's it! People began to buy themselves fun, paying for it not only with money, but also with their own time. And instead of spending nights in worship on a prayer rug, the majority began to spend them at computer tables or televisions.

Time began to fly like lightning, they did not have time to look back - the night had already passed, and if they tried to devote this time to worship, the night would seem so long that dawn would never come. Thus, many people have lost grace in time.

O Muslims, isn't it time for us to think about the other world and learn how to prioritize what we need and limit what is useless ?! After all, then we will all certainly regret the wasted time, even if it is equal to one breath taken without remembering Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the Day of Judgment, the servant of Allah will appear before his Lord and will answer questions about his life on earth: how he disposed of it; what knowledge he mastered and how he used it; what kind of wealth he owned, how he acquired it and for what needs he spent; did he keep his body in good health and how did he use it " (at-Tirmizi).

It is also written that there is nothing that a person would regret so much on the Day of Judgment, as about the time wasted in this world, without remembering Allah Almighty in it. May Allah give us the power of reason to understand this truth. Amine!

Scientists say: the longer we live with one person, the more our body changes. Finding out exactly what happens to us during a long monogamous relationship.

Scientists have studied couples who have lived together for decades. It turned out that they synchronize the work of the kidneys, the level of cholesterol and the work of some muscles. They begin to speak "their" language, come up with their own words, copy each other's facial expressions and show the same emotions in the same situations.

And psychologist Robert Zanjonts compared wedding photos of couples with pictures that were taken 25 years later. And he found that even if the spouses were not alike initially, then, after years of marriage, they acquired an external resemblance. He even revealed a pattern: the happier people are in a relationship, the more they begin to resemble each other.

2. We have the same diseases

British scientists have found that people in long-term relationships have the same health problems. For example, spouses often suffer together. And we dealt with it together too.

This is probably due to the fact that partners adopt each other's habits: in nutrition, in emotional reaction, in physical activity, etc.

3. Bad relationships worsen health, good relationships improve

The longer a person has a couple, the healthier he is, the researchers decided. Upon contact with a loved one, the hormone oxytocin begins to be produced in our body - it reduces stress, blood pressure and reduces sensitivity to pain.

But this only applies to happy relationships. If you choose between loneliness and constant conflict, then it is better to be alone. At least for the sake of health. Due to frequent, the body begins to suffer from an excess of the hormone cortisol: this has a bad effect on the immune, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Scientists even found that those who are concerned about relationships are 2 times more likely to die from heart problems.

4. We take better care of ourselves and our health

Having a partner makes us pay more attention to ourselves: people in relationships more often give up bad habits, eat right and play sports.

It's about mutual support: scientists from London found that 50% of women who smoke were able to quit if their partner quit with them. For those whose partner did not smoke, the success rate was only 17%. Of those women whose partners smoked regularly, 8% quit.

5. Women are losing and gaining weight

Interesting statistics: according to the observations of scientists, most women at the beginning of the novel lose weight. And when the relationship becomes stable, the lady begins to gain weight. Well, pregnancy in most cases adds extra pounds.

6. Sex spoils

Yes, that's such a sudden fly in the ointment. Finnish scientists surveyed 2,000 women and concluded that long-term monogamous relationships can turn women away from them.

The polls were conducted twice: in 2006 and in 2013. It turned out that girls who were in a relationship with the same man for all seven years reported the lowest level of desire in comparison with everyone else.

Faced such a problem and want to diversify your intimate life? Keep "".

O Muslims, isn't it time for us to think about the other world and learn to prioritize what we need and limit what is useless? After all, then we will all certainly regret ...

Indeed, what happened to the people? Everyone has changed, they are in a hurry, they are busy with something, something is missing, there is no peace of mind, and you ask no one - everyone is complaining. They complain about the lack of time, good work, high salaries, poor health, unjust leaders, rude teachers, bad manners of children (and not their own). And very few of those who complain that he remembers Allah little, visits a mosque, helps his neighbor, spends his nights in vigil, turns to the Creator not only when he feels bad and he has problems, giving praise to Allah for everything that He has given him , showing obedience to the Creator of all that exists. Yes, there are few of those who are satisfied with their lives, give praise to the Creator and devote all their free time to worship, spend nights in vigil, reading the Koran, dhikr, get up for the tahajjud night prayer and spend their property on the path of Allah.

But they say, and in books they write, what Muslims used to be like. For example, we can give a comparison.

Earlier, Muslims led a simpler lifestyle and arranged their worldly life, knowing that sooner or later they would have to part with it. They listened to the following hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Abdullah ibn Umar said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took me by the shoulder and said:" Be in this world as a stranger or a traveler "". Ibn Umar said: " When night comes, don't wait for morning, and when morning comes, don't wait for night. Take from your health for your disease, from your life for your death "(Al-Bukhari).

In their life there was not so much excitement, envy, greed, they were content with little and in this little, too, they were careful not to mix with the doubtful, not to mention the forbidden. Few humiliated another for being poor, or honored another for being rich. There was no place for oppression, resentment or reproach. And if someone was reproached, it was only for committing sins, forgetting namaz, not observing the norms of Islam. The Shariah has always been the yardstick of a person's correct life. The word of the scholar and theologian, alima, was the basis for reproach or support. God-fearing people went to bed early, after the night prayer, to get up before dawn for the desired worship, dhikr, reading the Koran, tahajjud prayers. The Almighty said (meaning): “ They raise their sides from the beds [for performing prayers in the night] and cry to their Lord with fear [of Allah's wrath] and hope [for His mercy] and spend [give alms] from what We have given them "(Surah" As-Sajda ", ayat 16).

Allah Almighty in the Qur'an says (meaning): “ Indeed, the God-fearing will dwell in the Gardens of Eden and among the springs and will receive what the Lord has given them, for before that [before they enter Heaven] they did good [after all, in the earthly world, they did everything they were commanded in the best way] ... They slept only a small part [and most of it was dedicated to the worship of Allah]. And before dawn [at the end of the night], crying out to Allah, they asked Him for forgiveness for their sins "(Surah" Az-Zariyat ", verses 15-18).

The importance of worship at night is also mentioned in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). It is narrated from the words of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Every night, when its last third comes, the mercy of our Supreme Lord descends to the nearest heaven and says : "Is there someone who turns to Me with prayers? I will heed his plea! Is there someone who asks Me? I'll give him what he wants! Is there someone who begs Me for forgiveness? I will forgive him for his sins! "" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

Times change

But time began to change rapidly, there was an interest in the neighbor's world and in its joys, amusements, since everything became available. Especially along with scientific progress. People began to buy televisions, audio and video recorders, and one of the first things that flooded people after Perestroika were serials.

Everyone, regardless of gender and age, started watching useless TV shows like “The rich also cry” or “Just Mary”, and during the screenings everything calmed down, everyone empathized with their heroes. The next day, those who had time to look, retold those who did not have time. The more advanced began to open video halls and watch videos all day long, during the day - action films, in the evening - films "under eighteen".

People were drugged. And this is all along with the desire to dress in fashion and import. After that, computers and computer rooms appeared. Computers began to decorate not only the office, but also the home environment. They began to buy more for the sake of games - for both adults and children. People slowly, one after another, began to fall into oblivion. Abstraction from the other world has become a common thing. Other interests appeared, they spent more time playing computer games than doing anything useful.

The attention of parents was more inclined to the fact that the main thing is that the child is at home, even if he plays games on the computer or watches TV all day. Satellite television became available, and instead of the usual two or three channels, thousands of others came to suit every taste and interest. The upbringing of youth and children was completely taken over by the media. After them came Mr. Internet. Why master? Yes, because the Internet has become like a kitchen knife, with which you can cut bread and kill a person, since most sites began to carry negativity and kill a person's morality, his time, views, life.

The Internet has misled many, led astray, many have lost the meaning of life because of the Internet, many have started online love. Human hearts became attached to him as the Internet became like Satan's networks in human hands. People began to spend nights in online communication, watching all the unnecessary information, videos, not to mention their content, etc.

The Internet has become so accessible and time-consuming and brain-consuming, like none of the above types of electronic technology. The main thing is that the Internet has become mobile. These are phones, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, communicators, netbooks, laptops, etc. Thus, people have the opportunity to view everything and everyone on the Internet wherever mobile communication or "Wi-Fi" works.

Thus, the interests of people, especially young people, their worldview, goals, morality, psyche, communication, employment, study, respect, understanding have changed a lot. The concepts of people, their tone and manner of communication changed. Along with the change in concepts, the vocabulary has also changed. Instead of phrases expressing respect, a request and an apology, came blat, mate and "fell". As a result of all this, mutual understanding between children and parents came to naught. For children, parents are old people who do not understand anything in life. And for parents, they are beloved children.

Social networks such as Odnoklassniki and the like have taken over almost the entire audience without age restrictions. So what? And that's it! People began to buy themselves fun, paying for it not only with money, but also with their own time. And instead of spending nights in worship on a prayer rug, most of them began to spend them at computer tables or televisions.

Time began to fly like lightning, before they had time to look back, the night had already passed, and if they tried to devote this time to worship, the night would seem so long that dawn would never come. Thus, many people have lost grace in time. O Muslims, isn't it time for us to think about the other world and learn to prioritize what we need and limit what is useless? After all, then we will all certainly regret the wasted time, even if it is equal to one breath taken without remembering Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ On the Day of Judgment, the servant of Allah will appear before his Lord and will answer questions about the life spent on earth: how he disposed of it; what knowledge he mastered and how he used this knowledge; what kind of wealth he owned, how he acquired it and for what needs he spent; in what health did he keep his body and how he used it "(Tirmidhi).

It is also written that there is nothing that a person would regret so much on the Day of Judgment than the time wasted in this world, without the remembrance of Allah Almighty. May Allah give us the power of reason to understand this truth! Amine!

What happened to people, is the angle of fall inevitable?
How many orbits of God have we left by choosing shame?
From birth in the bosom of the Creator to rebirth
Man is unrighteous for a century, even though nonsense is reasoned.

How is it that the brain does not contain the greatness of the world?
Every stroke on the planet is as beautiful as a golden dream!
Where the cannons are thundering, the frightened lyre falls silent.
Humanity raves about space with an empty soul.

We do not learn anything, burning in the dark abyss
Out of ambition and envy, passionately hungry for victories
Over the remnants of reason, running into the void urging
And the infinitely laughing One who admonished the light.

We were not the crowns of creation, dreaming innocently,
That shaggy ancestors lived in the depths of the caves,
Jumping off a tree branch and frying a mammoth picture,
And then they accidentally got to the bottom of the music of the spheres.

It is impossible to combine love and the filthiness of deception.
Hate drowns us out like dynamite slow fish.
For us, of the dishes, not cordiality is more dear, but mortal "manna"
In the form of ringing coins, which rings pleasantly for the ear.

Look around, man! Look, you're scarier than Medusa.
By birth - a genius, in essence - a cannibal,
Instead of sensory organs, preferring genitals with a belly.
The apocalypse will be the price of fake victories.

After us, even a deluge? So we will have sulfur and lava.
We live unworthily, the unworthy will end.
And before us there were those whose glory crumbled in the dust,
Whose traces were confused by time and swept away by the Creator.


The daily audience of the Poetry.ru portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Readers of my posts began to make fun of me, sending malicious questions, satisfied that nothing happened to them after the date of 12/21/12. For example, this is what they write. “Geddonius, what about the end of the world or the transition to the 5th dimension? The rush hour has passed, and the world has remained as it was. Maybe it's time to change the record: this one is already hackneyed, wheezes, makes noise and the frequencies are not the same ... "

But the reaction of the modern "brain" to the Creator's Instructions, which we quoted in our posts: "Comrade. Creator! So we do not need you, we will somehow cope with it ourselves, including unrighteousness! And as you were out of business, you remain, you only know how to shake the air with horror stories! "

In a word, people were encouraged and again show pride, although others were hiding in bunkers on the eve of the arrival of the “fateful date” 12/21/12, announced as the last day in the calendar of the ancient Mayan people. Obviously, they were seriously afraid that the End of the World would fall on them. But Darkness has long dominated over humanity, and the Light must replace it with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This time the coming of the Age of Aquarius coincides with the change of large Cosmic Cycles, due to which great changes are already taking place in our Galaxy in the Dense and Subtle Worlds. The Celestial Curators and the Creator himself announced through their channels that the planet Earth is making a Quantum transition into the layer of Space of higher vibrations, called the Fourth Dimension, therefore, terrestrial biological beings, including humans, should rapidly transform into condensed astral entities without changing their external form. Astral people will continue their existence on the new Earth, in conditions of heightened vibrations, as the Sixth Race of the Co-Creators of the Higher Mind.
The quantum transition for the safety of the Earth, especially people, takes place in a sparing mode, i.e. not instantly, but over the course of several years, so that spiritually aware people could transmute the biological body into the astral body of the Fourth Dimension, and then the Fifth Dimension.

The Creator made the following clear in his first dictation after the “transition date”.
“Yes, on 21.12.12 there were no natural disasters on a Planetary scale, because people, by their behavior, or rather, by their Spiritual Unanimity, demonstrated at the Ecumenical Council, managed to prevent the end of the World and the Planet crossed the border of the Epochs without human sacrifice!
But now, whether people want it or not, they (each person individually) will have to adapt to those conditions of the vibrations of the Sixth Race, which become the basis for the existence of people who have crossed the border of the Ages and fell by the Will of the First Creator, and now also the Free
By the will of the Co-Creators at the Council, among those lucky ones who will form the basis of the Sixth Race.

I would like to warn you once again that not only the comprehension of theology of God, but also the observance of the Canons of Eternity is today becoming the condition without which any meaning of human existence is lost, for in conditions of high vibrations the connection between man and
The First Creator (only in Co-adjustment with God is it possible to perform the function of Co-Creators for the next 26,000 years).

Therefore, after the successful holding of the Ecumenical Council, a period of Co-Attunement opens up for people and, believe me, a very difficult period of their own (internal) Attunement, which consists in the formation of their inner EGO, the providence of which must be consistent with God and the Canons of Eternity!

People have stepped over the "hothouse" conditions of SELF improvement and now found themselves "one on one" with the high vibrations of the Great Cosmos, and their future really turned out to be in their own hands, and how people behave after the Council will be their ascent to the "throne"
The Savior of mankind or leaving the stage of the Universal Program for the Transformation of Space! "

Although the Creator himself instructs earthlings that “in conditions of high vibrations the connection of a person with the Primordial Creator will be very acutely felt (only in Co-Adjustment with God it is possible to perform the function of Co-Creators for the next 26,000 years)”, people of DISbelief, “brainworms” - atheists, refuse to support the Creator , they say, they themselves will cope with all the problems, confident that there will not be any cosmic transformations, but the prosperous life of "biological shells" with a twisted consciousness in the Third Dimension will continue, as before.

However, the past is now disappearing into oblivion. All our experiences of the past are incompatible with life in the New World, where there is no dense physical Space, where there is a different time and conditions of existence, different abilities and possibilities of their application. This is not taken into account by people of UNBELIEF. They cling to the old with a dead grip, preventing themselves from progressing into the New future. However, whoever does not manage to part with the stereotypes and cliches of his past biological life, he will not be able to get into a new one. A quantum transition requires moving away from one way of being and coming to another. A person, remaining in his form, must change consciousness, parting with the old: the old way of thinking, old types of relationships, life experience that is incompatible with new conditions. Whoever is tuned in to changes, who has an open heart and expanded consciousness for the perception of the new coming, will pass the test of the Quantum transition, and who, due to ignorance and pride, will not be able to switch to the new coming, he will begin to experience difficulties and the severity of "breaking" his ingrained stereotypes and lifestyles influenced by impending events.

Don't believe in real change? But they will. In due time! Do not deny or rush the arrival of these events, which are still impossible to avoid. Better use the available time for your preparation for the transition to the Astral.

After all, the Creator warned that 2% of the righteous people from seven million living earthlings who are ready for Ascension are enough for Him to form the basis of the Sixth Race of new humanity from them, by introducing large Monads into new bodies. They will be the very chosen ones, about whom the Bible announced long ago: "There will be many who are called, but few are chosen!" And the biblical king Solomon warned his contemporaries: “Seek wisdom, develop the mind (consciousness) with all your skill and all your possessions. This alone will save you on the Last Day. "

Jesus Christ also instructed his disciples about the need to expand consciousness, for the increment of heavenly wealth depends on this, the essence of the potential of the Monad's divinity. He told a parable about the Master (Creator), who endowed his workers with heavenly wealth according to their mind and departed for a long time, and upon his return demanded to show Him the accumulated wealth (the potential of the divinity of the Monad). Able workers pleased the Master by being able to double the (heavenly) wealth given to him. The owner told them: "For this I will put you over many!" The wicked worker was punished because he did not increase the wealth given to him (he presented the Master with the Monad without increasing his potential). Therefore, the Master ordered the servants: “Take from him what he has (the remnant of the Monad) and give it to the one who has more than others. For whoever has much, to him will be added, and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him. " This parable of Jesus Christ explains the current situation with the selection of candidates from 7 million earthlings, suitable for the Quantum transition. These are those who have developed their consciousness to the level of the Co-Creator of the Higher Mind, correspondingly increasing the potential of the divinity of their Monad. Since during the Ascension of the cluster of Monads (earthlings) into a higher layer of Space, the crushed Monads, which were previously fragmented to endow all multiplying inhabitants with the particles "I am", are the essence of the potential of divinity, should enlarge due to the decrease in the previous number of the cluster of Monads by merging small particles "I am" into large Monads, then the problem arises of separating selected earthlings with the proper potential of their Monads from other living inhabitants who have not managed to accumulate sufficient potential of the Monad for all their incarnations, as noted in the above parable of Jesus Christ. Small Monads from people will be withdrawn and dissolved in the Monads of the elect, the righteous, who will become carriers of large Monads, and from them the Sixth Race of Co-creators for the Fourth Dimension will be formed. And other carriers of the largest Monads, when small Monads dissolve in them, will immediately go into the Fifth Dimension. By the way, at the first stage of the Quantum Transition, which will last until 2016, there will be an enlargement of the Monads and the Ascension of only selected Russians who have absorbed the Monads of rejected people of UNBELIEF, who voluntarily refused to cooperate with the Creator.

As shown above, a person's value to God is determined by his potential for divinity, or the size of the Monad. Alas! People of the "last days" are carriers of crushed monads, so they degrade, and the value of their lives is correspondingly reduced. Therefore, such people lose their divine protection. This explains the daily death of many ordinary people from suicide, from the more frequent man-made accidents and natural disasters, from the explosion in the crowd of all kinds of suicide bombers, as well as from the bullets of razolik "Breiviks" infected with the mania of mass murder. Many people die from the callousness and indifference of officials - officials and doctors. The reproductive capacity of men and women drops sharply. Cases of the killing of newborns by their parents have become more frequent. All this is a consequence of the incipient Quantum Transition, designed to separate the biological mass of wicked earthlings who squandered their divine particle “I am” on the creation and manifestation of daily thought forms of idle life, from the spiritually enlightened righteous who managed to raise their consciousness to the level of the Co-Creators of the Higher Reason. In other words, people who have fulfilled the Creator's Program for spiritual transformation of themselves amid the hardships of the Dense World.