What is self-hypnosis and how to use it. Rules for drawing up self-hypnosis formulas. Self-hypnosis. A practical guide for beginners

Self-hypnosis is the controlled ability of a person to enter a hypnotic state. This is a form of therapeutic self-hypnosis. It takes place with the participation of one person, without the help of a hypnotist.

As a result of long training, you can independently learn to manage your dreams. If you want to comprehend self-hypnosis, the book will certainly help you with this. Hypnosis is based on such principles as: relaxation, the ability to manage your desires, feelings and even painful sensations. Thanks to this, a person comes to unity with his soul, and learns to control emotions and mind. Self-hypnosis is used very often to fulfill one's desires. It does not harm human health, but on the contrary has a positive effect on the mental state.

Self-hypnosis application

Self-hypnosis is increasingly being used to treat a variety of diseases and to strengthen one's health. In almost 100 percent of cases, it helps to cope with the insomnia that has plagued people for years. The technology of fulfilling desires is available to everyone. If you want to get rid of complexes, fear, normalize weight, improve intimate relationships, then resort to self-hypnosis without hesitation. It will also help:

  • solve health problems;
  • cope with stressful situations;
  • normalize sleep;
  • learn how to rest properly so as not to feel tired;
  • get rid of fears;
  • eliminate addiction to drugs and alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • normalize weight;
  • become self-confident;
  • improve family relationships;
  • acquire the meaning of life;
  • it is much easier to endure life difficulties;
  • and intuition;
  • gain creativity.

Hypnosis lessons can be obtained from a professional and taught on your own. Surprisingly, hypnotists do not possess supernatural powers. They simply use the knowledge and skills necessary for this, thanks to which they help people to relax and plunge into a state of trance. A person who is easy to inspire something can be quickly convinced of something, for example, to say that he is a great artist. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are better known in the West. Many stars have resorted to this miracle technique. Drew Barrymore recovered from Fergie's alcoholism. The result is obvious.

Known hypnosis experience

A lot of people gather in the big hall. On stage, someone moistens a piece of cotton with plain water and says that an unpleasant smell will now spread throughout the hall. Whoever senses this smell should raise his hand. A few minutes later, in the front rows, people begin to raise their hands. More and more people smell bad. And here is the whole hall with raised hands. But in fact, cotton wool does not have any smell, and everyone can be convinced of this. Hypnosis lessons will be useful for those who suffer from allergic reactions, as in the trance state the allergy goes away. Hypnosis was invented back in the 19th century by an English surgeon who used it as a method of pain relief. Without knowing it, we every day fall into a state of trance, it does not last very long, so we do not notice it. The psyche protects itself from stress in this way. By the way, technology of fulfilling desires in Austria is taught as a course for employees of banks and jewelry stores. If they are suddenly attacked by a robber, they will be able to hypnotize him.

Funny story

The famous English hypnotist was sued by a man for doing anything for 120 minutes while under hypnosis - conducting a huge orchestra, dancing a ballet, rejoicing, as if he had won a million dollars in the lottery. After that, in ordinary life, he began to behave strangely. 4 psychiatrists gave him the same diagnosis - acute schizophrenic syndrome. However, the court ruled that the hypnotist was not at fault.

You will not believe!

Self-hypnosis to fulfill one's desires can lower or increase body temperature, dilate blood vessels, relieve fatigue and pain, regulate blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

The main stages of self-hypnosis

Not everyone succeeds in getting out of hypnosis quickly. Doze can overpower you. There is no need to rush. Gradually, the usual sensations of body and mind will return. You need to get out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fall asleep, there is no cause for concern. Self-hypnosis often turns into a normal dream, after which you wake up refreshed.

In order to achieve this goal, you should adhere to some tips.

  • The external conditions of the place where you are going to enter the trance should be as comfortable as possible (normal air temperature, absence of excessive humidity, etc.) and should not put you in danger.
  • So that nothing distracts you from immersion in a trance, you should satisfy everything just before self-hypnosis.
  • If you are very tired, you should not start self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires. It will not lead to anything good.
  • Try to relax every part of your body from the top of your head to your toes.
  • Do not think too much, but focus on an important problem.

Common methods of going into trance

  1. On inhalation, you rise a little; on exhalation, on the contrary, you lower. With each breath, sink deeper into self-awareness.
  2. Place your hand palm up and relax completely. Then start squeezing it slowly and it should take you at least 3 minutes. All attention should be focused on this hand, you should feel everything that happens to it.
  3. Imagine a long staircase in front of you, along which you need to go down. Start slowly descending it, first lower one leg, then the other. You should feel the movement down. Imagine that there is a brick wall in front of you, which moves with you. With every step you take, you plunge deeper into self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires.
  4. Imagine that you are a bird that slowly flies down from a great height. Imagine that there are white cumulus clouds around you, and you are smoothly falling through them. You are warmed by the gentle sun, from this you are more and more immersed in a hypnotic state.

How to write hypnosis formulas

Here are some examples:

  • I will quickly deal with a difficult situation.
  • Each time I start to believe in myself more and more.
  • All alcohol is unpleasant to me, and the smell causes dislike.
  • I sleep well, and I have only pleasant dreams.

The self-hypnosis guide for dermatological diseases advises to represent the affected areas of the skin, on which healing dressings are applied. Imagine that the itching or pain goes away and you feel good.

Smoking and hypnosis

Hypnosis really helps to quit smoking, as American scientists have found. True, you have to stick to a diet and exercise. Most often, women do it faster than men. In our country, with the help of hypnosis, they have now learned to treat neuroses, obesity, alcoholism, phobias, drug addiction.

Photo hypnosis

There are mysterious and mesmerizing photographs in the world. They grab people's attention with movement. Could this be an optical illusion? But in any case, animated pictures with moving figures do not leave anyone indifferent. Photo hypnosis is often used to attract people to a blog, website, or forum.

Self-hypnosis can be done regularly. You should not be afraid of him, he will not harm your health, and may even, on the contrary, help solve the problem. You have to believe in this and make every effort to fulfill your plans. Self-hypnosis reviews are very diverse. Someone thus solves their problems, while others have not even heard of it. Some people succeed in achieving the desired result, while others are unlucky.

Everyone wants their positive washes and desires to come true. In childhood, we get acquainted with the magic of magic wands, gins, goldfish. People also come up with different ways to achieve the most intimate. But, unfortunately, few make any effort. Ours and there is no doubt about it. Long ago, scientists proved that every thought transforms in the real world. So your fantasies can come true with just a try.

Since ancient times, people have known that the human brain is the center that controls our entire life and determines the reality in which we live. It is the brain (or rather, our subconscious) that has a strong influence on a person, working on it, you can change many internal attitudes. But in the normal state, it is quite problematic to do this, therefore it is necessary to achieve a state of altered consciousness, and self-hypnosis can help a lot in this.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very similar concepts, but they have certain differences. Let's go back in history to find that starting point when they arose.

For the first time, the inhabitants of Ancient India started talking about states of altered consciousness and hypnosis. Somewhat later, approximately in the fifth century BC, the so-called "sleepy temples" came into fashion among the ancient Greeks, in which healing from many ailments was carried out. Almost all ancient civilizations had knowledge about the peculiarities of the trance state.

Hypnosis became especially popular in the 18-19th century - many famous European psychotherapists began to actively engage in it.

The technique of modern hypnosis was developed in the second half of the twentieth century by Milton Erickson, the most famous hypnotist today. The technique got its name precisely in honor of its founder.

But Erickson was engaged not only in ordinary hypnosis, but also paid enough attention to self-hypnosis. The doctor was able to prove that self-hypnosis helps to get rid of many pathologies, and also contributes to the realization of the desired. After all, it is using the technique of self-hypnosis that you directly contact your subconscious, in which truly incredible opportunities are hidden, which many do not even suspect.

Erickson believed that everyone can master self-hypnosis if they wish. And if someone has difficulties with immersion in a trance state, then you should engage in a change of consciousness together with a person you can trust.

Nowadays, self-hypnosis works real miracles - millions of people around the globe achieve incredible success in curing deadly diseases, gain self-confidence, fulfill their most cherished desires and do much more.

The following video will tell you more about the secrets of self-hypnosis.

How self hypnosis works

Our subconscious mind acts as a powerful force with which it is difficult to compare anything. If you learn to use this force correctly, you can easily change your life in the most harmonious way.

At the same time, the mechanism for fulfilling desires is quite elementary. Our subconscious mind cannot distinguish real information from imaginary. Therefore, when a new thought or idea appears in your head, it first takes root in the depths of our brain and only then begins to manifest itself in reality. This is actually the main secret of the action of self-hypnosis.

Therefore, if you strive with some changes in your life, you must first of all deal with changing your thinking.

It does not matter which of the types of self-hypnosis you are most interested in - self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires, self-hypnosis for money, self-hypnosis for success, or something else - before starting to practice, study the following recommendations.

  1. You need to find a quiet and calm room in which you will feel comfortable. Even minor extraneous sounds can greatly interfere with you. Therefore, pay special attention to this aspect and be sure to turn off your mobile phone.
  2. Trust your body. It is likely that during a self-hypnosis session, you will feel various unusual sensations in your body. This is a sign for you in which direction to move. Trust yourself and enjoy the process.
  3. For self-hypnosis to be truly effective, you will need to devote enough time to practice. Regularity is very important, especially at the beginning. Therefore, schedule your practices so that self-hypnosis sessions occur at the same time.

Self-hypnosis: the immersion technique

Now we come close to the analysis of the very technique of immersion in a state of altered consciousness. It consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Take a comfortable position on a chair or armchair, it is important to lean on the back and completely relax your body. Place your hands on your knees and place your feet so that your foot is completely on the floor.

It is better in the process of self-hypnosis to be in a sitting position, and not in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you risk very relaxing and falling asleep.

  1. Muscle relaxation. The next stage - you find any point in the room and focus on it. Say the phrase to yourself: "My eyelids are getting more and more heavy, I completely relax." Repeat this formulation many times. You need to feel like you are truly overwhelmed by relaxation. Then you will want to cover your eyelids. Follow the prompts of your body - it knows better what you need now.
  2. Trance state. The next step is to establish a connection with your subconscious. To this end, you need to mentally transfer yourself to the elevator, which smoothly descends from the 10th to the 1st floor. You need to count each floor, visualize the situation as much as possible, feeling more and more relaxation.

When the elevator reaches the first floor, its doors open silently. You move forward and find yourself in a very cozy and comfortable room in the central part of which there is a large and very comfortable bed. You need to go up to him, lie on him and immediately fall into a sound sleep. Mentally, you need to say the phrase: "I fall asleep in a healthy sleep and will stay in this state until I return to the elevator and start moving up."

Secret- when you mentally move down in an imaginary elevator, your subconscious mind begins to awaken, and going up, on the contrary, you return to our reality. This exercise is the foundation of the self-hypnosis technique.

This is already a state of light trance, when you can begin to dictate certain attitudes to your subconscious mind.

An important point! Do not start setting immediately, you can do this after two to three weeks of constant relaxation training, when you have learned complete relaxation and can stay in this state for a certain time.

  1. Self-hypnosis and work with the subconscious. Active self-hypnosis is the most important part of self-hypnosis. Here you introduce the necessary attitudes into your subconscious mind.

An important detail- the work of our unconscious and consciousness is very different. The subconscious mind relies on images, not words. Therefore, working with him, you need to use a different technique - to inspire ideas in the image of images.

For example, you want to get rid of extra pounds using self-hypnosis. Then don't just imagine how you do it, how much money and effort you spend on it. Just start visualizing your graceful, slender, beautiful body and instill in yourself something like this:

“I get into the realm of my subconscious. Now it actively perceives information. I am constantly losing weight. My body fat is melting every day, forming a slender silhouette. The whole body loses weight evenly. My body fills with vital energy and light, I become light and airy. "

Repeat this affirmation many times, while imagining a picture of your ideal body. Make sure the visual image is firmly embedded in the brain. Indeed, it is really much more effective to resort to self-hypnosis than to go to liposuction.

Make all your self-coding affirmations as descriptive as possible, articulate them clearly and beautifully so that they are easy to remember. This is the basis of successful self-hypnosis, which not everyone knows about, but it is this that ensures the effectiveness of the attitudes.

Another important point is that when using self-hypnosis, choose only one goal. Give her one or a couple of weeks and only then start fulfilling the next desire. Immediately instill in yourself, for example, weight loss, then - self-confidence, health, getting rid of ailments, and so on. Only you control your body, so you can cope with any suggestions.

  1. We end the trance. At the end of the self-hypnosis session, you should feel calm, confident, know that in the very near future you will be able to realize your goal and it will become reality. At the end, use the mind-fixing phrase "Everything will be exactly as I decided."

Then mentally get up from the imaginary bed. Take your time to approach the elevator and enter it. Go upstairs, while counting each next floor. When the car stops, you need to get out of the elevator and open your eyes. Sit in place for a few minutes without making any movements until you finally find yourself in the real world. This is the final moment of the practice of self-hypnosis.

Do not be alarmed if everything does not work out right away. You need to make more efforts and a positive effect will be guaranteed to you.

Self-hypnosis is a great power with which you will have the opportunity to change your life in the most dramatic way. Self-hypnosis reviews are impressive - after just a few sessions, people become more self-confident, begin to lose weight, solve many life problems that they had to put up with for years. Try this miracle cure for yourself and see how effective it is!

We met Alexander at the institute. He surprised me with his concentration, zeal for study and love for experiments on himself.

Alexander trained Holotropic Breathwork, and experimented with sleep, and trained memory in the strangest ways. In general, Alexander was entirely for self-development. For the longest time at the institute, he studied self-hypnosis. Gradually, he involved our entire company in his new hobby. The techniques that he drew from books on psychology have helped him and us more than once in preparation for exams, important interviews and problems in our personal life.

Self-hypnosis - self-immersion in a hypnotic state, trance. An important component of self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis in particular opens up new possibilities of the brain, which we often do not use, and sometimes even do not even suspect of their existence.

Self-hypnosis is an individual work of consciousness aimed at instilling in oneself any attitudes, ideas.

The types of self-hypnosis are:

  1. Affirmations. Affirmation is a familiar repetition of attitudes - positive or negative (but if you want specific results that will make you happy, you should give yourself positive attitudes, isn't it?). Our desires - to have a big house, travel, money and a happy marriage - will be more achievable by saying to ourselves the phrases - "I have a big house", "I have a good expensive car", "my loved ones are healthy and live in abundance" and that Further.
  2. Gratitude. The main thing is to feel gratitude, to thank fate and higher powers for a “happy marriage,” “healthy and beautiful children,” “a new promising job,” even if you don’t have it now. Constant "thank you" sets you up in a positive mood and changes your life for the better, attracting what you want into your life.
  3. Visualization. By mentally drawing pictures that are pleasing to your heart, you are programming your mind to achieve fantasy. The more you focus on the desired picture, the more relaxed you are - the better the picture emerges, the closer you are to achieving your dream. It is advisable to repeat the visualization as often as possible - several times a week.
  4. Meditation, immersion in a trance. At this moment of thought, the entire cycle of thoughts must be turned off, focusing only on physical sensations. Mentally pronouncing the installation, it is important to feel not in reality, but in ... emptiness. "Enter" with this setting in the wasteland, stay there for some time (at your discretion), and return with this setting to reality.

The techniques of self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis differ in that in the first case there is no need to enter a trance state. Self-hypnosis, unlike self-hypnosis, has no harmful effect (provided that thoughts are positive and aimed only at improving your affairs and condition).

Method of active self-hypnosis

Used by A. S. Romen. This technique is based on the balance and harmony of the mind and body of a person. Consists of two stages:

1) Complete relaxation. It is necessary to feel not only lightness, but also the heaviness (immobility) of each part of the body. Start small - hands and feet. You need to feel so heavy in your arms and legs that it is difficult to lift them or move your fingers. Even with an effort, raising the arm should be done slowly and heavily.

2) Achieve the sensations you need. For example, feelings of coolness. Feel it all over your body. And then, try to feel the coolness (coldness) in only one part of the body - in the arm, leg, around the head. If after months of training you can feel coolness in your left hand (for example) and heat in your right - then you have achieved success in mastering this technique!

Autosuggestion (self-hypnosis) is a meditation technique that excludes a hypnotic state. This is the same self-hypnosis, but the main task is to relax in the process, without going into a trance state. Autogenic training of self-hypnosis also helps to part with bad habits, to convince yourself that the goals are achievable.

The self-hypnosis technique was first proposed by the pharmacist Emile Coue. Experimentally, he noticed that self-hypnosis directly affects a person's body movements. For example, a person mentally imagining a circle, holding another object in his hand, will make movements in the shape of a circle, trying to give the object in his hand a rounded shape.

How to learn self-hypnosis? Just practice regularly! Don't expect instant results, enjoy the process. And over time, you will notice how significantly your workouts have progressed.

Self-hypnosis technique

The main thing to understand is that the subconscious mind does not distinguish between the imaginary and the real. And by programming itself for a certain mood, the subconscious is trying to adapt to it, you change, and the reality around you also changes.

For starters, try to retire in a quiet place. Don't be distracted by extraneous sounds.

For self-hypnosis, you need to relax as much as possible, choose a calm environment for this.

The first practical lessons should not end in a hypnotic state, it is enough to learn how to enter into a light trance. Try to see yourself from the outside.

For the first time, try to do self-hypnosis in front of a mirror. Don't expect immediate results. Feel the tension pass through each muscle in your body. The sensations that a person experiences during immersion are similar to reading a prayer or meditation.

Each time you will be better able to relax, focus on one thing. The technique itself consists of 5 stages, in total it takes half an hour.

Let's see how to use self-hypnosis to convince yourself to break with nicotine addiction.

  1. stage. Focus on one goal, desire. Speak to yourself the result of the goal, the result. We analyze what resources we have now to achieve the goal. We are thinking how to change the current situation. For example, we made a strong commitment to ourselves to quit smoking on Monday. For ourselves, we have indicated: smoking is a big problem that needs to be eliminated
  2. stage. Relax completely physically and emotionally.
  3. stage. Visualization of the process and the result in achieving the goal.
  4. stage. Pronouncing the desired result.
  5. stage. Exit from a hypnotic state.

How to do self-hypnosis correctly

It is important to clearly formulate your desires: "I want to quit smoking", "I want to build a house", "I want a leadership position." Self-hypnosis does not work with the "not" particle, therefore the queries "I do not want to be subordinate", "I do not want to live in a rented apartment" will be heard without this particle. And then you get requests "I want to be subordinate", "I want to live in a rented apartment."

The self-hypnosis method is an excellent technique for exploring your capabilities, because we all know that the human psyche is capable of much more than we use in everyday life.

The self-hypnosis technique works only if you practice it regularly. Don't put off exercise for long periods of time.

Self-hypnosis on sleep is considered a productive form of exposure. In a dream, we process all the information received during the day, the most important we see in the form of dreams and remember at a subconscious level.

Self-hypnosis lessons

For training, you can try the following method:

Sit down comfortably. Focus on the opposite point or object. Take a deep breath and exhale 3 times to relax your muscles. This exercise uses your hearing, sight and smell. In 3 sentences, tell yourself what you hear, see, feel.

Do the sigh-exhale exercises again, reduce the number of sentences to two. Then breathe in and out again, tell one sentence about each of the three senses. After that, completely relax again, try to look at yourself from the outside. Feel your body completely immobilized.

Stay in this position for a few minutes, and then start repeating the desire that is paramount for you now: quit bad habits, bring prosperity, money, new opportunities into life.


Try self-hypnosis as soon as you finish reading this article. The sooner you start practicing, the sooner you will get the first results. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can get rid of bad habits, attract money and prosperity, and attract happy events into your life. Dare, and remember that we ourselves create our own destiny. Good luck!

Self-hypnosis techniques: how much time to allocate for self-hypnosis?

For many, one to three sessions a day will be most effective. The first sessions may be longer than the next. At first, you will need fifteen to thirty minutes to go into a trance. Individual differences in time only indicate your uniqueness, therefore, there is no need to make any comparisons. Almost every session, regardless of the apparent similarity with others, is considered to be almost a unique experience.

You probably prefer very short sessions. In self-hypnosis sessions, the overall duration of the sessions is not as important as their regular, daily repetition.

Self-hypnosis techniques : how can you tell if your path is correct?

The transition from a conscious ordinary state to a hypnotic state can be very smooth, so at first you may not notice it.

There are three signs by which you need to judge whether you are in a state of hypnosis.
The first sign. You notice that the relaxation suggestion has worked. You have disconnected from the surrounding influences and completely relaxed.

The second symptom. You noticed that after certain suggestions, you felt numbness, coldness, lightness, warming, or heaviness in any part of the body.

The third sign. Before you close your eyes, check your watch and try to remember the time. Before you open your eyes, try to guess how long the session lasted. Open your eyes and check the time on the clock - how much time has actually passed. Less or more? Time distortion indicates a hypnotic state.

Self-hypnosis techniques : how can you not be distracted by extraneous sounds?

This is the most frequently asked question. Indeed, it is not easy to concentrate when a jet plane roars overhead, or maybe a multi-ton truck shakes the pavement and your ears. Retire - do not retire, technology and nature will still "get" you either with the roar of the street or with the hubbub of birds.

If you can't quickly deal with the noise, then try to get some benefit out of it. Instead of getting in the way, let the noise guide you into hypnosis. If this noise is due to street traffic, then try to imagine that, rushing near your windows, he took all your worries and anxieties with him. Feel how your muscle and mental tension is relieved with the fading sounds. Let the sounds help you to relax. Use them in your suggestion:

"Despite some noise, the fan and air conditioner do a good job of freshening and purifying the air in my home. Let such sounds remind me that self-hypnosis improves my inner state of mind and body."

Surely, you are tired of the annoying chorus of birds. Try to listen to their voices and catch something in tune with the task of your self-hypnosis. For example:

"I can also relax as naturally as chirping sparrows, and breathe deeply and calmly."
If the steps and voices of passers-by bother you, you can tell yourself:

“Every time I find time for my self-hypnosis practice, nothing and no one should distract me. Let the people around me go about their business. Even if their loud activity distracts me for a while, I will again be able to return to complete detachment in order to to see even more clearly all the changes that are taking place in me. "

This kind of suggestion can switch to changes within your body and help you feel light or heavy in your hands. You can use the gaze fixation technique or another method of self-hypnosis induction.

Having successfully dealt with extraneous sounds, you can now deal with those distractions that lurk in yourself. The first step is to come to terms with the fact that such distractions exist. You cannot dismiss what really exists. Such attempts will lead to the fact that you will become more and more "fixated" on the problem.

Distracting thoughts are like cars scurrying in different directions at an intersection. Do not try to get these thoughts out of your head, but try to count them. Bring the count to thirty or fifty. Just don't get confused. Carefully separate one thought from another, and if you have three thoughts in your head at once, you do not need to count them as one. Have you counted? Now you know exactly how many different thoughts are attacking you.

Try to breathe regularly and slowly to the beat of the count. For example, count one thought as you exhale, the next as you inhale. You, of course, have already understood why you are counting your thoughts? Yes, that's right, you are putting yourself into a trance state.
Feelings of self-doubt or anxiety often prevent you from concentrating. In this case, try to concentrate on this sensation and understand well its essence. Think of it as a place that you are going to. Here you go there. Be very concentrated so that you can understand how this feeling takes possession of you or how you sink into it.

Listen to what doubts and worries whisper to you. It is necessary to refrain from criticizing them. Just listen to be able to understand how this state of inner doubt and anxiety is perceived. You are filled with understanding and compassion for the part of your own self, plagued by doubts. Now try to give vent to all these emotions.

Take a couple of focused, deep breaths in and out. Think only of breathing, try to get rid of feelings of insecurity and anxiety with each exhalation. Inhaling, reflect on the support of your inner friend - that part of your being that has set a goal for itself and strives for it. About five of these breathing exercises and you can relax and go into a trance.

The distraction helps to change the direction of consciousness. Do not be afraid of the states of self-hypnosis, there is nothing wrong in it, it is a natural state of your consciousness, especially since in a trance state you do not lose control over yourself. If necessary, you will be able to adequately and quickly respond to any impact of the surrounding world.

It is difficult to define what hypnosis is. There are many explanations for this phenomenon. However, due to the fact that the mechanism of this effect on the human body is not completely determined, then each description is in direct proportion to the individual understanding of this state. The definition of hypnosis can be as follows: it is a specific state in which various thoughts suggested to it produce a much greater effect than in a normal situation. Under the influence of hypnotic forces, attention is focused within very narrow boundaries. But the level of susceptibility is high. In this regard, the suggested thoughts are sent directly to the realm of the subconscious. This process can cause emotional and psychological as well as physical and chemical changes in the state. Research carried out using hypnosis has proven the ability to control those functions of the human body that do not respond to consciousness.

However, it is not always possible to meet a person who possesses hypnotic abilities. And not everyone can be trusted. In such a situation, you can use self-hypnosis. This process is similar to meditation. In both cases, similar principles are used. However, self-hypnosis, a technique different from meditation, is mainly used for medicinal purposes. It has a beneficial effect on both the spiritual and physical areas of human life. Compared to meditation, immersion in oneself with self-hypnosis is much deeper.

In order to begin the process of controlling the subconscious, you need to focus on your thoughts in a quiet, calm environment. Self-hypnosis, the technique of which involves solitude, is impossible in crowded places. Another prerequisite for immersion in oneself is correct breathing. Inhale should be done through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The breathing itself should be deep and slow. It is this that will allow you to relax and get as close as possible to entering a state of trance. Self-hypnosis, the technique of which involves the use of fantasy, should give rise to thoughts about filling the body with energy of enormous power that spreads throughout the body. In the process of exhaling when counting "six", it is important to imagine that fatigue and sadness, as well as stress and anxiety accumulated over a long period, are leaving the body. They are replaced by the joy and harmony of life.

The next step in the self-hypnosis technique is the process to enhance the relaxation effect. The body will be completely in your power after repeating the setting phrases indicating successful achievement of the result. The relaxation process will be completely completed if:

  • there is no muscle tension;
  • the heartbeat process slows down;
  • breathing becomes measured and deep.

Self-hypnosis, the technique of which involves setting a goal, should serve to create peace of mind or raise mood, get rid of ailments or establish rapport with people around you. For what is immersion in the depths of consciousness, a person must determine in advance.

The most important and crucial stage in self-hypnosis is entering a trance state. At this stage of immersion, a change of attitudes takes place, with the help of which the surrounding world is perceived.

In practice, you can use a variety of techniques to implement self-hypnosis. The most commonly used are:

  • eye rotation;
  • visualization;
  • technique that bears the name "safe place".

The final stage of self-hypnosis is the exit from the trance state. This process is carried out with the help of consciousness or upon awakening. With any of the two options, a person feels vigor and lack of fatigue, both spiritual and physical.