What he can do at 10 months. He gets up, walks at the support and with support. Physical activity can vary from person to person.

Kids grow up quickly, acquire new skills, and copy the behavior of adults. Parents can contribute to harmonious development based on generalized characteristics compiled by experienced pediatricians, psychologists and educators. By the age of one and ten, most children learn to be independent and begin to show character.

Physical development of babies a year and ten months

At this age, the movements of the crumbs become more confident. Is the child trying to move independently? and these attempts are increasingly successful. Some children can bounce in place without losing their balance or toppling over on their side.

Playing with the ball is now much more interesting, because you can firmly hold it in your hands and throw it forward or to the side... Parents are touched and happy with all these new skills, with the exception of the actively developing ability to pull off their clothes.

Closer to the second year, children begin to take off their mother's carefully worn things - a hat, mittens, a blouse. And everything that you manage to steal ends up on the floor.

Don't punish the child. So he defends his independence. Buy clothes with fasteners, which are more difficult for your baby to cope with than Velcro and buttons.

In most babies, by the second year, 18 teeth crawl out, and in some, the indigenous ones begin to climb. If it is less, there is no need to panic - everyone's teeth grow at an individual rate.

Features of the development of the psyche at the age of 1 year and 10 months

At this stage, all children actively continue their acquaintance with the world around them. They are interested in everything and everything.

Parents need to be especially careful. Because a child at this age has not yet formed the instinct of self-preservation. A kid, finding himself alone with an object that can be dangerous, cannot experience the feeling of anxiety inherent in adults.

In addition, the child begins to imitate the parents, repeats their actions. Many people like to wash with adults. They carefully copy the sequence of their actions.

Don't be surprised if your daughter shows an increased interest in cosmetics and tries to do makeup. So she projects the actions of her mother, which she observes every day.

In games, children a year and 10 prefer collecting constructors, studying three-dimensional figures, building turrets. Observing what the adult builds during the game, the little one will diligently try to repeat.

The range of emotions is expanding. The ability to empathize and care develops.

Close people need to show attention and care, give the child love, show understanding and reckon with his opinion. Family warmth and support help in the formation of a harmonious personality.

Communication with people around

By one year and ten months, toddlers are able to understand some of the requests of adults and fulfill them. On the street, they pay attention to other children, and some crumbs like group games.

But not all children play with others enthusiastically. There is no need to force the kid. Observing other people's children from the side, he looks closely at his peers and their games.

By the age of one year and ten, babies begin to distinguish intonations in conversation and are able to answer the questions "Who is this?", "What is this?"

What should children be able to do in a year and 10 months already?

Every day the baby learns something new. By this age, a year and 10 months, the baby often begins to communicate with others, making not only sounds, but also words. Having met on the street or at a party with his peer, the baby can show attempts to communicate and make friends.

Constant communication between parents and children, reading fairy tales, watching cartoons helps in the development of speech. Children of this age require repeated reading of the same fairy tale or watching the same cartoon. They memorize many words and sentences and try to reproduce.

Toddlers of this age do not only take off their clothes. Most of the children themselves put on mittens, a hat, a scarf, and some try to put on shoes without assistance.

Do not be surprised if during this period the baby begins to disassemble his toys into parts - this is how new things are learned. Parents will not be disturbed by vigilance, in these situations it is necessary to check that there are no small parts in toys that the baby can swallow, and sharp corners that can hurt.

By this age, the toddlers independently hold cutlery and can drink from a cup without splashing its contents.

Nutrition for children per year and 10 months

Every month, the children's diet is replenished with new products and dishes, they are necessary for growth and development.

The daily menu should contain such products as:

  • porridge;
  • fish, eggs (alternate);
  • milk products;
  • meat;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.

Classic milk porridge must be cooked so that the consistency is slightly viscous. It is advisable to add vegetables, fruits or boiled meat to cereals without milk. Cooking cereals in the oven allows you to diversify the diet and taste sensations. It turns out something like a pudding.

The amount of pure milk must be reduced. It reduces appetite and can cause stomach and intestinal problems. Therefore, it is better to add it to soups and cereals.

  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream.

Eggs on the menu should be met no more than 1 time in 2 days.

Fresh fruits - the necessary products in the diet, but it is advisable to observe how the body of the crumbs reacts to their introduction. Some fruits can cause allergies, some can have a laxative effect.

Dried fruits can be included in the dishes , but not more than 50 g per week. Dried fruits are added to cereals, used for cooking compotes and jelly.

Raw vegetables or vegetable salads before lunch help to improve appetite. It is not necessary to grate vegetables on a grater. At this age, children are able to eat food cut into small pieces.

The incoming food must contain at least 70% carbohydrates.

Intelligence and character of the baby at 1 year and 10 months

Children in the year 10 months of age begin to understand what adults are talking about, with the exception of complex words that they do not yet know. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what and how to say in the presence of crumbs.

In addition, children learn to solve more complex problems, they are able to select elements of the same color as their toy or clothes.

Facial expressions, intonations and gestures become more varied, and in games the kids remember and reproduce the correct sequence of actions.

The child tries to show his individuality, to defend his own opinion. Because of this, riots and tantrums occur if they bring him a bottle or plate that is not his “favorite”, or put on the “wrong” outfit.

Parents should understand that these are not just whims, but a desire for stability and attempts to express their opinion.

A child at the age of 10 can express his emotions with the help of bites.

The reasons for this behavior

  • Aggression.
  • Excitement.
  • Curiosity.

It is necessary to explain to the child that this behavior is unacceptable, and that it hurts the person with the bites.

Educational games for babies aged 1 year and 10 months

It is necessary to deal with the development of the baby, it is not advisable to let everything go by itself.
At this age, the emphasis is on games for the development of fine motor skills, learning to correctly determine the color and shape of objects, and drawing.

It is advisable to use constructors and kits, which contain many parts of different colors, shapes and sizes.

Exercising in the morning will help strengthen your immune system and make your baby's movements more confident.

Babies at 1 year and 10 months require close attention. Work with your child more often, and your baby will develop correctly and harmoniously.

Self-observation must be carried out under certain conditions, otherwise the results will not be objective. You can read about what exactly needs to be considered in the article

Baby development at 10 months. Pronation"

Put the baby on his stomach, step back and call him, showing his favorite toy. A ten-month-old baby pushes off from the position of "support on hands" and gets on all fours, standing on his hands and knees, he knows how to swing, but can lose his balance. In addition, at 10 months, the baby already begins to crawl, although this process is still poorly coordinated.

The development of a child at 10 months is also clearly manifested in the fact that he sits down from a “prone” position or from a “on all fours” position (spontaneously or holding onto furniture).

Baby development at 10 months. Reactions and skills

Lay the baby on his back, step back and watch him. At this age, the child is able to sit down without the help of an adult and from the “lying on his back” position. To sit down, he pulls himself up, holding on to suitable furniture.

Please note that a ten-month-old baby sits loosely with a straight back and slightly extended legs. In this position, he can be and play for a long time. If the child needs an object out of reach, then, more often than not, he gets on all fours and crawls towards him. The baby spends much less effort to sit down from the “prone” or “on all fours” position than to pull up from the “supine” position.

Place your child on the floor next to a couch or chair. Now he can stand on his own for more than half a minute, holding onto the furniture.

Sit down the baby and reach out to him. Holding on to them, he should be able to get up from a sitting position.

Sit down your baby (you can hold it slightly) and put it on the table in front of him or stretch out a round cookie with a diameter of 0.5 cm in the palm of your hand. The development of a baby at 10 months is manifested in the so-called "tweezers grip", when the baby takes a small object with an elongated forefinger and opposed his thumb, like a pair of tweezers. At the same time, he does not use the rest of his fingers. This skill must be performed with both pens.

At the moment when the baby is watching you, pick up a cube in your hands and knock one cube against another. Then give them to the child, have him take one in each pen. At 10 months, his two-way coordination is already so developed that he can repeat your movements - hitting cubes against each other. If something does not work out, show the kid the "battle of cubes" again.

Sit at the table with the cubes laid out and place the child on your lap (the cubes should be positioned so that he can reach them with the handles). Immediately or after a few minutes of play, the ten-month-old begins to throw toys on the floor with noticeable pleasure. If it doesn't, take one die and roll it yourself.

Sit down the child and show him the doll or bell. The toy can be held in handles. If you chose the second option, then draw the baby's attention to the bell tongue. At 10 months old, children no longer only grasp the image of the object as a whole, but also notice its individual details and try to examine them. Your child, for example, may touch the doll's face, eye, mouth, nose with his index finger. If you offered him a bell, he will stick his finger inside and feel its tongue.

Baby development at 10 months. Interaction with the outside world

For the next experiment, you need to choose a moment when your baby is calm, not tired and relatively focused. Sit him on your lap and try to "talk" with him: slowly and expressively pronounce those syllables that he already knows how to speak. Pause for at least 10 seconds between individual syllables. A ten-month-old child correctly repeats the syllables spoken by the mother. Such a game from the outside resembles a "dialogue".

In addition, at this age, children already demonstrate a clear understanding of speech. Choose a moment when the child is still cheerful and cheerful, and someone from close relatives is in the room with you, and ask the child: "Where (for example) is grandmother?" You can ask a question about his favorite toy, for example: "Where is your ball?" The question can be repeated several times to get the child's attention. In response, the baby turns his head in search of the face or object about which he was asked, and when he finds it, he momentarily stops his gaze or smiles.

The 10th month of a child's life is an interesting period both in the life of the baby and in the life of his parents, filled with the unique romance of knowing the world around him.

At this age in child development along all the leading lines - sensory, social, speech, motor - there are qualitative changes. Substantive activity (introductory game) remains the leading one, in which new things are outlined:

the child begins to be interested not only in the object itself, but, to a greater extent, in what can be done with it;
a tendency towards creation appears in the actions of the infant.

At the age of 10 months the child's attention is attracted by the play of an adult with cubes, pyramids, balls, rings. And the more often the baby is shown various variations with objects that have long been familiar to the child, the more he receives sensory information about their properties: the ball is rolling, but the cube is standing, the cone can be placed on the base, but cannot be held on top, etc.

If earlier, being in the arms of a parent, the baby looked at his face, now, having gained some autonomy, sitting on a carpet or standing at a support, child is watching, first of all, by the hands of an adult: how he acts with certain toys.

Gradually, the child moves away from disorderly manipulation. More and more often you see the following picture: here he put a cube on a cube, rolled the balls to a hole, put a ring next to another, etc.

Building pyramids

If earlier the baby only destroyed what his mother put together for him, then at the 10th month the baby catches the creative meaning of her actions and begins to repeat them so that he can do something. This creative orientation, which began at the end of the 9th and 10th months of life, will become more and more pronounced.

This is necessary for development of thinking and speech, because a product of his efforts appears in front of the child, which has a name - a turret, a pyramid, a ladder, a path, etc.

Playing with objects

Another important aspect is speech understanding. The child begins to understand a two-word phrase: the name of the object and actions with it. For example: “Give me a pen!”, “Wave your pen. Bye! ”,“ Show me where the dog is? ”,“ Drink milk ”,“ Eat porridge ”,“ Collect balls ”, etc.

To master understanding speech to the child the formation of a connection between the object and the word denoting it is necessary. That is why substantive activity is of particular importance for speech development of the child, being an orientation and research game in terms of content, and an introductory game in terms of form. During this game, the child learns the names of objects and actions with them.

When playing with toys innovations also appear - showing the plots of unfolded actions: the doll dressed up and sang a song; the cockerel walked around, pecked at the seeds, crowed; the dog danced on its hind legs, then lay down, etc. All these shows are emotional and are accompanied by short speech passages: “Lyalya top-top! La-la-la! "," Dog av-av! " and etc.

You notice that the child is watching with interest the actions of the family: grandmother sews, grandfather knocks with a hammer, sister sings - everyone is doing something. An adult denotes their actions with a word, and the baby carefully peers into what is happening. 10 month old baby understanding is intensively formed, but significant positive changes also occur in the development of active speech.

By 10-11 months of age, the child has a more developed ability to imitate speech. Now the baby, following an adult, immediately repeats the phonemes of the native language, onomatopoeia and even the lightest babbling designation words, for example, "av-av" (dog), "ha-ha" (duck), "ku-ka" (cockerel) and etc.

However, not all speech sounds are equally good for a baby. And you notice that during the roll call, the baby easily pronounces those sounds that appeared even earlier in babbling: "m", "b", "c", "p" (labial). Their sound is associated with the closing and opening of the lips on exhalation, which at first occurs spontaneously.

The child makes sounds, close to correctly articulated - he cannot do otherwise. But it is important that at this moment the physiological factor turns on: the baby hears himself, imitates himself. In the process of these repetitions, the pronunciation is corrected. Consequently, the algorithms of those phonemes that the child hears and repeats repeatedly are being worked out. The baby succeeds in articulating them faster.

As a rule, to 9 months the child already correctly pronounces the labial “m”, “p”, “b”, “c”, and by 10-11 months - the labio-dental “t”, “d”; sonorous "n", "l". And you hear about the following speech routines: "ba-ba-ba", "a-la-la", "ne-ne", "dya-dya-dya", "ta-ta", "so-ka", "Av-ava", etc.

But they will not appear soon in children's speech sounds "r", "w", "h", "z", "c", "u", because they require a more complex pronunciation. As experts note, for the majority of difficult phonemes, their own feedback system should be formed at a higher level of development of speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers.

It becomes clear why 1 year of a child's life is called the preparatory stage of speech development: it takes time for the baby to begin to articulate even light speech sounds (phonemes). After all, phonemes are units of speech from which words are formed!

General development of the child

The tasks of the general development of the baby, which are facing the parents, are aimed at the correct organization of his life:

  • provide the child with sufficient motor activity: the ability to move in space (crawling) and stand on the legs at the support (near the chair, near the sofa, etc.), move with an added step along the support;
  • enrich the child's object games by introducing a variety of actions with the same aid ("ball throw", pyramid, matryoshka, cubes, etc.);
  • develop in your child stability and purposefulness of actions with objects;
  • pay special attention to the child's creative actions, as a result of which a "product" appears - a turret, a wheelchair made of rings, a wooden nesting doll, etc .;
  • enrich the child's playful communication not only with the mother, but also with loved ones, acting out situations with the use of household items, toys, etc.;
  • continue to improve the fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • keep the baby interested in other children, teach the child to play next to other babies.

Development of the child's speech

The tasks of developing a child's speech should be highlighted:

  • fill the child's life with vivid impressions when getting to know the world around them - nature and society (warm sun, green grass, cooing pigeons, watering machine, holiday flags, a flower bed of autumn flowers, etc.);
  • name all objects, phenomena, events that fall into the baby's field of vision;
  • speak emotionally, but not wordy, slowly; build sentences of two words - subject, predicate (object and action with it). Use simple turns of speech that the child understands;
  • continue to develop speech skills in the process of expanding social contacts of the toddler with adults and children;
  • expand the child's understanding of the adult speech addressed to him (his passive vocabulary);
  • in the process of developing actions with objects and in special speech classes, form an active vocabulary of the baby (i.e., his independent use of words);
  • encourage the child to imitate the adult, repeat new syllables after him that are not in the baby's babbling;
  • encourage the baby to pronounce the first babbling words: "ma-ma", "ba-ba", "pa-pa", etc.

The kid is interested not only in electronic toys with changing modules of light, color, sound, but also in the simplest household items: a can in which the kid picks up balls; a colander, in which there are many holes, etc. These objects are different from toys, but no less interesting for the baby, because the actions with them are accessible and visually (visually) simple.

Educational game"Who's doing what?"

Objectives of the game

  1. Continue to enrich the child's social experience by organizing cognitive and verbal contacts with adults from his immediate environment (father, grandmother, sister, etc.), to increase interest in them.
  2. By agreement with the family, play out the situations of actions with household items.
  3. Practice understanding phrases of 2 words: the name of the object and actions with it ("What are you doing?" - "I cook porridge", "I fix the machine", etc.).

Material for the game

Household items (strainer, basket, wooden spoons painted under Khokhloma, colander, canister, etc.), pyramid, object pictures (3-4 pcs.): Doll, typewriter, bear, bunny, cockerel, etc.

Mom and her child go to grandmother's kitchen. Grandmother affectionately greets the baby, calls him by name. Mom, holding the child in her arms, looking at the grandmother, slowly and expressively asks: "What are you doing?" Grandmother replies: “I cook porridge. Kashka for Sasha (child's name) ".

Grandma shows a can, a colander, a basket. Gives the child a basket in which he will collect balls. Mom invites the kid to wave his hand to his grandmother: “Goodbye! Till! (learned action) We're going to grandpa! "

The grandfather greets the child affectionately. He is asked the same question: "What are you doing, grandpa?" Grandpa replies that he is collecting a pyramid for Sasha. Mom puts the baby on the legs near the chair, on which the rings are laid out. Mom and child are watching the actions of the grandfather. The kid breaks up with his grandfather, his mother offers to wave her hand: “Goodbye! Till!" (learned action) and, taking the gurney, they go to see what the little sister (aunt, brother) is doing. The whole stage is repeated. The sister examines the pictures and shows them to the baby, names the pictures. At the end of the activity game, mom and baby play on the carpet. They collect balls in a basket, carry a wheelchair, select toys for pictures (doll, bear, cockerel). The mother voices the child's actions: "Sasha is folding balls", "Sasha is rolling the wheelchair", "Sasha is looking at pictures", etc.

Speech communication with family members should be repeated with different accessories, finding new playful reasons.

Educational game"Dog"

Objectives of the game

  1. Use a walk with your baby to familiarize yourself with animals living next to a person, in particular a dog. To draw the child's attention to external signs, habits, voice reactions. Introduce onomatopoeia ("av-av").
  2. Demonstrate an emotionally kind attitude towards the animal, but do not allow the child to approach him (conduct observation from a distance of 3-4 m, the baby is in the arms of an adult).

Adult draws child's attention to the dog: “Soba-a-achka! Av-av! " and, holding the child in his arms, follows the animal, walks around, making it possible to observe the dog from different angles: "What a dog-a-achka, av-av!" Then the mother describes the animal: “The dog has a tail, paws, ears. How does the dog bark? " - Answers: “Av-av! Av-av! " Turns to the child: “Say: av-av! av-av! "

In conclusion, he reads N. Komissarova's poem "Dog":

A dog came to us,
Good dog,
Wagging its tail
Loudly barking!
Av-av! Av-av!

Finger game “But, but! It is forbidden"

Objectives of the game

  1. To learn with the child the conditional “forbidding” finger movement (threatening), combining it with the understanding of the phrase: “But, but! It is forbidden!"
  2. Introduce this prohibitory movement into play shows with story toys. Use folklore for the little ones.

Material for the game

Subject toys of medium size (30–40 cm): dog, bunny, pussy, pig Piggy.

Mom comfortably arranges the baby on a high chair at the children's table. Sits down opposite the child. There are toys under the table. At first, the mother tries to attract the child's attention: she calls him by name, lovingly strokes his hands, smiles.

Then it reads:

A bug has come to us,
A squiggle tail,
Wagging its tail
Loudly barking!
(L. N. Pavlova)

With these words, the adult brings the dog to the table. The dog spins, runs on the surface of the table and starts barking at an adult, then at a child (an adult performs the onomatopoeia "aw-aw!").

Mom says sternly: "But, but!" (threatening the dog with his index finger). “Don't bark! It is forbidden!" Then he approaches the child and performs this action with his finger (passive movement).

He repeats the phrase several times: “But, but! You can’t! ”, Accompanying her with a forbidding gesture with the hand of the baby.
Then he performs the same game action with the pussy, forbidding the dog to bark at the cat. At the same time, an adult repeats the prohibition with the hand of a child with the words: “But, but! It is forbidden!":

You little dog, don't bark!
Don't scare our pussy!
(based on Russian folklore)

Then the bunny comes. The scene is repeated. Mom is trying to translate into active movement the prohibitive gesture already understood by the child with the interjection "Ho-no!" An adult complements "You can't!"

You are a dog Bug,
A squiggle tail,
It is forbidden! Don't bark!
Do not scare the bunny, the bunny!

You little dog, don't bark!
Do not frighten Piggy (Tepu, Mouse, Lisku, etc.)!

In the end games-activities all the animals gather in front of the child, the mother transplants them into a cart and takes them out onto the carpet.

Educational game"The doll is dancing"

Objectives of the game

  1. Continue the practice of speech roll call based on the learned syllables "la", "la". Associate the babbling word "lala" with the demonstration of the doll: lala (doll) dances ("la-la-la!").
  2. During the lesson, try to make the kid understand the meaning of the phrase “the doll is dancing” (“Lyalya la-la-la!”).

The mother sits the child in front of herself so that he can clearly see her articulation. Then he says: "La-la-la." Becomes silent. Allows the child to respond, repeats the sound combination again. If the baby responded, mom picks up: "La-la-la!" If the child is silent, she repeats this speech passage over and over again. As a rule, the baby responds, enters into roll call, repeating after the mother: "La-la-la!" She shows the doll, which begins to dance: "Lyalya (doll) la-la-la!" (dancing). Mom plays this scene emotionally, repeats several times that “Lyalya is dancing”.

Educational game"Mischievous rings"

Objectives of the game

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Expand sensory experience when dealing with objects: the simplest ratio of part to whole. Understand a two-word phrase: "Take off the ring!", "Give the ring!"

Material for the game

Rings of the same size and color (4–5 pcs.), Threaded to the end of the rod.

The adult places the rod horizontally in front of the child, holding one end. Tilts the rod towards the child.

The kid sits at the table or on the carpet. He is invited to remove the ring. The first one is filmed by an adult, showing how to perform this action, and explains: “A ring! They took off the ring! " Then the child begins to remove one ring after another, and the adult makes this task easier for him by tilting the rod towards his hands.

When the baby takes off all the rings, the mother emotionally says: "No rings!" (spreads his arms). The child can repeat this gesture and even say: "No-oo!"

According to experts, the list of what a child should be able to do at 10 months is quite impressive. In addition to noticeable physical progress, changes in the baby's behavior are becoming apparent. In the first year of life, children absorb information like sponges, so the number of their skills and knowledge is steadily growing. Pediatricians recommend monitoring the behavior of newborns (it is best to keep a journal), this will allow you to establish whether there are any delays in physical or mental development.

Physical indicators of a ten month old baby

By the tenth month of life, the growth of the child gradually slows down when compared with earlier stages. Weight gain is no longer so active. Average indicators are in the area of ​​9.5 kg of weight and 76 cm of height. The data may differ insignificantly from those indicated, all children develop individually. There is one point to which you need to pay attention - the baby must grow according to a certain schedule. If the data changed in sharp jumps, and then stood still, this may indicate some hidden internal pathologies. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another important indicator of normal physical development is full and healthy sleep. Now at night the baby sleeps almost without waking up, up to 12 hours in a row. Daytime sleep is required, at least two times for two hours. Without proper rest, the newborn will not grow evenly and gain weight correctly. If you adhere to the specified schedule for up to one and a half years, this will strengthen the body's natural immunity, increase its resistance to infections.

Motor skills and communication principles of a newborn at 10 months

Ten months of age is an important period for the development of the baby's motor skills. Any deviations can be an indicator of abnormal development, a lack of certain vitamins or nutrients, or insufficient muscle development.

At 10 months old, the child should do the following.

  1. Crawl confidently on hands and knees, without getting tired and not being capricious.
  2. Sit with an emphasis on the handles or with a little help from an adult.
  3. Get up from a sitting position - both with support and independently.
  4. Walk on objects, and even climb and descend low stairs.
  5. Use a spoon, cup and sippy cup.
  6. Respond normally to pot use. The procedure should not give him emotional or physical inconvenience.

In addition, the newborn already adequately responds to the requests and instructions of the parents, performs simple actions without prior demonstration of adults. He can repeat gestures seen only once at least a week ago.

The child already plays independently, he constantly shows interest in the world around him, learns new things. Thanks to the development of memory, the baby remembers the location of important objects, furniture, storage places for toys, and can distinguish his clothes.

Through the development of social skills, ten-month-olds begin to interact with those around them. Remembering the gestures they saw, the kids are already beginning to use them for their intended purpose.

Speech becomes more intelligible. Now the baby can use whole words, albeit blurred and not always understandable. It is recommended to encourage such attempts, this will speed up the development of speech skills. If the baby shows interest in TV, he can only watch children's programs, otherwise it will be impossible to wean him from some of the words he has heard.

Options for the manifestation of emotions in the baby and the perception of the surrounding world

The most interesting thing, according to the parents, is the child's manifestation of adequate emotions corresponding to the situations that have arisen. Reasonable whims in response to the selected toy, the manifestation of fear in the presence of a sudden noise, a smile at the sight of family and friends - all this indicates that the child correctly evaluates the environment.

At 10 months old, the toddler tries to behave like "big". Having mastered the movements of the hands and fingers, he accurately repeats the gestures he has seen (it is almost impossible to wean him from them). There will be no limit to the child's delight if he is allowed to watch TV or "talk" with someone on the phone.

Do not scold children during this period for broken toys. They don't break, but study things, trying to figure out how they work. Even at such a tender age, babies begin to use the laws of physics. They know perfectly well what to pull for in order for the cup to fall off the table, how long a stick must be taken to reach a distant object.

To summarize all of the above, the skills of a ten-month-old child should be reduced to the following:

  • attention to sounds and especially the speech of others, an attempt to imitate what was heard;
  • an adequate response to the mood of others and the events taking place around;
  • the manifestation of emotions appropriate to the situation;
  • interest in small objects, attempts to understand the structure of large and complex structures;
  • high development of motor skills, which allows the child to crawl, sit, walk and stand with support, use household items;
  • chewing small food, calm refusal of the breast;
  • calm reaction to attempts to seat him on the pot;
  • active interest in other children.

In addition to these skills, individual children can surprise with their individual achievements. Everything that is listed refers to the compulsory program of what ten-month-old babies should be able to do. If you deal with a newborn individually and purposefully, you can achieve amazing results.

Parents' actions if the child develops in slow motion

If it seems to parents that their baby is developing with a slight lag behind peers or his skills do not correspond to the stated data, do not panic. First of all, you need to consult a pediatrician. The doctor will conduct the necessary tests, evaluate the baby's data based on his individual characteristics and say for sure if there is a reason for worry.

Often, premature babies need a little more time to master the environment and a set of all the listed skills. If you want to bring this moment closer, you just need to additionally deal with the child. Today, many educational games have been developed that will not only benefit, but also give the newborn great pleasure.

Another important point is that you need to talk to children. And it shouldn't be a stream of meaningless words. The best option is to comment on your own and his actions. When dressing a child, you can list all the things used, you need to describe their color, shape and purpose. If during a walk you describe the surrounding nature and events, it will not go away without leaving a trace, the baby will remember everything and one day will surprise everyone with his knowledge.

If the doctor has made a disappointing diagnosis, you must immediately contact children's centers that increase the socialization of children. Slightly delayed development can be corrected if you react to it in time and take appropriate measures. The basis of success is the regularity of classes, you should not rely on specialists, you need to work with the child on your own.

The main thing is to remember that the success of the baby, first of all, depends on the attention of the parents to him, a sufficient number of specialized toys. If a child develops independently and does not receive sufficient care, you should not be surprised at some delay in mastering basic skills.

Having reached 10 months of age, the baby does not sit idle for a second. He continues to actively explore his surroundings, mastering new skills and acquiring new knowledge.

Physical development of the baby - height and weight of the baby at 10 months

The physical parameters of a child's development at 10 months are within:

By 10 months, most babies grow up to 6 teeth - 2 lower middle, 2 upper middle and 2 lateral upper incisors. Children at this age grow up within a month by 1-1.5 cm and gain 400-500 grams in weight, and overly active children - no more than 300 grams.

What a baby has learned by 10 months of age

By the age of 10 months, the little man had learned a lot, became more independent and sociable. The child enjoys contact with both adults and young children.

By this time, the child:

  • Knows how use a spoon and drink and mugs.
  • No support sits with a straight back, walks, holding onto a support or the hand of an adult, crawls quickly.
  • On one's own gets up, reacting to the outstretched hands.
  • Knows how bite off and chew small pieces of food.
  • Performs in the course of the game, simple actions - rocking a doll, rolling a car or a ball, assembling and disassembling a pyramid, building towers from cubes.
  • Masters tweezers grip - takes small objects with two fingers.
  • On one's own climbs onto or off a bed, sofa, chair.

Psycho-emotional development of a child at ten months

Child's speech

At 10 months, the baby, continuing to babble continuously, utters short words, already understanding their meaning (Lyalya, baba, uncle).

Parents should improve and develop the child's speech, for which to devote enough time to communication with him:

  • Continue acquaintance with surrounding objects and phenomena - bright sun, beautiful flowers in a flower bed, green grass or fluffy snow
  • Expand passive vocabulary , naming the baby all the objects and phenomena in which the baby is interested
  • Encourage your child to make sounds , which are not yet in his vocabulary, that is, to form an active vocabulary of the baby
  • Use simple sentences in conversation with your child from the subject and predicate or turns of speech available to the child's consciousness.
Actions with objects A ten-month-old child consciously performs many actions - rolls a car, rocks a doll, claps his hands or makes a house of blocks. The child learns to manipulate two objects at the same time , for example, move a far away object away from the pyramid with a stick, put a toy in the back of the car and carry it around.

Now the baby not only scatters and destroys everything, but also engages in creation with great pleasure - builds or collects scattered items in a box ... The child does not just make chaotic movements, but acts purposefully, rejoicing in the praise of the mother when the goal is achieved.

Formation of personality At the 11th month of life, the baby is already actively showing character traits - stubbornness or complaisance, sociability or isolation, friendliness or aggressiveness. At this age, the formation of the personality of a little man takes place. ... Now, sometimes, it is not the baby who fulfills the requirements of adults, but the parents follow the crumbs, obeying his requirements and desires.

The kid begins to question the prohibitions of adults, he now does not immediately abandon unwanted actions (for example, throwing tea from a mug or stuffing a foreign object that is unsafe for health into its mouth), the baby does not react to the exclamations of adults, stubbornly continuing the work begun. The kid is interested in what will happen, he kind of tests his parents for strength.

A little time will pass and the baby will begin to behave as expected, so adults should be patient and calm about the child's experiments.

Contacts and social development At 10 months, the baby, the earlier it comes into contact with strangers, tries to say something in order to attract attention to itself ... The child is already aware of the different moods of certain people. Realizing himself as a person, the baby seeks not only the attention of loved ones, but also fruitful cooperation with them. The kid not only carries out simple assignments of the elders, but also finds activities for himself. It is necessary to encourage the desire of the crumbs for independence.

At 11 months of age, the child positions himself as an adult. He accurately copies the behavior of parents in relation to people around, phenomena and events ... Therefore, mothers and fathers should be careful in their actions, since the baby will equally quickly absorb both positive and negative behaviors.

Child's memory At the age of 10 months, the child knows the names of many objects, confidently finds them with his eyes. The kid can show with a pen where mom, dad or grandmother is, a favorite toy or a sound source. The child knows well where his toys are, can reproduce the actions that he was taught a few days ago ... The little one recognizes his books by colorful illustrations and can tell his mother which fairy tale he would like to listen to.

A child at 11 months of life has learned that objects exist regardless of whether the baby sees them or not. The child learned to remember the connection between actions For example, if you open a drawer, you can get toys, and if you crawl to the kitchen, you can see your mother.

Games and activities with a 10 month old baby

At this age, the baby needs more varied experiences. It's not just about new toys, but also about the setting, people, games, and activities.

It is time for the child to broaden his horizons, for which to increase his social circle, to acquaint him with new places, phenomena or actions.

At 10 months, you need to actively support the development of speech.

The child remembers words better when he performs any actions with objects. Therefore, the game remains the best educational element for the kid.

  1. Small scenes from life ... When giving your child any toy or object, voice your actions and his actions: "Take a car, put a cube in it and drive it!" Leaving the room, wave the little one with a pen "Bye, bye!", Let the baby wave back to you. As you enter the room, say hello to your child, reach out to him and shake his hand.
  2. We study the cooking process ... When preparing lunch, breakfast or dinner, take your baby with you to the kitchen. Show your baby what and from what products you are cooking. The kid is quite capable of remembering that porridge is cooked from cereals, and soup is made from vegetables. Show your baby how you wash and peel vegetables, stir milk porridge with a spoon or cook compote. At the same time, introduce the baby to such concepts as hot and cold, sour and sweet, liquid and thick.

Since the development of speech is facilitated by the improvement of fine motor skills, you need to continue games and activities that develop the child's hands:

  • Overflowing liquid or playing with bulk materials ... While swimming in the bathroom or in the summer at the cottage, give the baby sitting in the water 2 glasses or any containers with a wide neck. Show your baby how to draw water from the bathroom and pour it from glass to glass. The child will like the lesson. The baby can do the same using bulk objects, such as cereals. Such exercises strengthen the muscles of the arms and teach synchronization of movements.
  • Fishing game ... While bathing, put a few small objects, such as plastic balls or fish, in the tub that will not sink. Give the kid a small ladle or strainer and offer to catch the fish. Exercise develops the eye and fine motor skills.
  • We sculpt from plasticine ... Roll the sausage and cut it into several pieces. Show your baby how to roll a ball out of a piece of plasticine and stick it on paper or cardboard. Teach the baby to knead small pieces of plasticine, this contributes to the development and strengthening of fingers.
  • Putting the bracelet on your wrist ... Take a plastic bracelet or ring and put it on your own and then on the children's pen. Show your child how to hold the bracelet so that it is comfortable to put on. Usually, such manipulations are obtained in a baby 3-4 times.

Features of nutrition of a child at 10 months

At this age, children are very mobile, therefore, for their full development, it is required to replenish the energy spent during the day.

The baby's nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals, so that the child's musculoskeletal system develops in accordance with his age.

The child's diet already contains meat and fish. Now that the baby has at least six teeth, you can give up mashed potatoes in jars and cook almost adult food for your child.

  1. Your baby's breakfast should be nutritious and healthy. ... For this, milk porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice cereals are suitable. Curd and fruit purees are no less useful for crumbs.
  2. At lunch, the child must eat the first course. for example vegetable soup. It's time to replace the meat puree with steam cutlets, meatballs or meatballs. A kid who has already grown teeth may well chew such food. The fish can be given to the crumbs in the form of cutlets or small pieces without bones, steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.
  3. Kid's dinner should be light ... Vegetable or fruit purees and kefir are suitable for him.
  4. During the day, you need to give the baby a nibble a small slice of peeled apple or carrot. In addition, the crumb will not refuse a delicious crouton or bagel. A child at 10 months needs to develop the first teeth, for which you need to gnaw, bite and chew food.

In order for the baby to grow up as a healthy and developed child, you need to pay maximum attention to him, surrounding the baby with care and love.