Children's New Year's wishes on pieces of paper are comic. Funny and interesting comic divination for the new year

Would you like to know what awaits you in the new year? Maybe you will meet your first love, maybe you will give birth to a baby, maybe you will go on a journey, can you find your dream job? Or maybe your most cherished dream may come true at last? To find out if it will be the way you want, just look at our New Year's predictions in verses for each sign of the zodiac - for children and adults. And you will immediately understand everything what to expect from the New Year.

Predictions for children according to the signs of the zodiac


On this bright New Year
A happy turn awaits you
If you are the best
Know that success will come to you!

There will be a year rich in roads,
But there will be no trouble with them,
Because your success
Will bring your first snow!

For schoolchildren Aries New Year
It will be full of cheerful worries
Learning will be so easy
Lighter than a white feather!


The year is rich in joy for you,
Friends and enemies
Purposeful sweetness
He will sooner bring!

* * *

The year will bring you joy
A lot of joyful chores
Money, sweets, flowers,
And candy until spring!

On a summer day, a wish will come true
Unexpectedly, beautifully and easily
If there is one more wish,
Make it up, drink milk!


Funny poems and songs for you
Suddenly all dreams come true
You choose poems and texts,
And you will learn the prediction in one!

Gemini autumn day
Will bring the news
And advice: drive rather laziness,
To live more interesting!

For you luck lurked
Among the pictures of February
You will soon be very surprised
How new friends will appear!


New Year will bring you
Interesting twist
In personal life and in fate,
Always be on top!

Surprise, find
Promises New Year
Walk proudly
And you will be lucky again!

New Year will give Cancers
Joy, celebration and surprise
True, go along the gullies
We'll have to get your prize!

a lion

This year you will be visited
Distant friends, funny
They will give in the snow
We are happy to meet you, dear ones!

On this bright New Year
A bright round dance will come
Have a nice day and a summer day
All bad things will go far into the shadows!

A small holiday promises you
An unexpected gift
But be patient
To claim your prize!


New Year's fairy tale last
Unnoticed for a whole year
And good luck for 30 years
Will definitely bring!

This year among the gifts
It will definitely be hot
After all, reading congratulations,
Do not fit your finger into the jam!


Promises you fun
And friends year round dance,
Necklace made of coins
And the snow cycle!

Comic prediction
In a year will give a promise
And make all dreams come true
Anything you ask!

If you want to be happy
All beautiful New Year,
Put on everything that is beautiful
And rather in a round dance!


Happy New Year
Will invite you into the whirlpool
Adventures and guests
Well, happy friends!

Predictions for children
Friends will be invited in your year,
Where are the enemies, and where are the friends
Your life will tell you everything!

On this bright New Year
The cat will cross the road
But do not be afraid - he is with him,
Happiness will bring home!


This year will be rich
For candy, marmalade,
Sweet gingerbread, sweets,
There will be many and no troubles!

Magic happens in a year
And there will be a triumph
The year will be rich in affection
Life will be easy, like in a fairy tale!

Good luck will come on a summer day
You catch her in the country
Among daisies and flowers
Butterflies and mosquitoes!


In the spring it will come to you
Guest that was on the New Year,
He will give good advice,
Which will give you good luck for 100 years!

This evening wishes
In a year they will fulfill all desires
Make up your mind to the stars,
What do you want in poetry or prose!

Capricorn will be happy
If on this New Year,
He's a coin with chocolate
In a glass with lemons will bring!


Smile Aquarius
Luck is waiting at the door
The year is rich in gifts
Will be for chocolate too!

Fortune-telling will tell you
Where luck awaits will show
If only on New Years,
You will be the first to taste the cake!

So that the paper predicts
I have guessed good luck for you,
Write a wish on it
And a wish for the Snow Maiden!


Your wishes will come true
Even this New Year.
If you write wishes
Friends and will not break their black cat!

The year promises you a lot
Amazing roads
Happiness is on the doorstep again
Orange pie!

The year will be rich for you
For candy, chocolate,
Sweets, cakes, salads,
And strawberry marmalade!

Adult comic predictions for the New Year 2019 in verses by the signs of the zodiac


Aries on a corporate night
Gives a lot of perspectives
The lonely will find
In March, all your destiny,
And a year will give married
Many joyful minutes
Will treat you with wonderful tea,
When the guests are all gone!


For Taurus, short skirts will be in vogue,
And they will tell you where to find a chance in your love,
Fortune boldly awaits you, happiness is beyond the threshold,
And this year will generously give money!


The year will be rich in Christmas trees,
But not only on pins and needles,
But also for outdoor recreation,
Even in bad weather
There will be many bright days
Many happy guests
Well, in the life of prospects,
And at the end of the corporate party!


Cancers will not be laughing:
To achieve success sooner,
We'll have to hurry up again
Well, maybe, learn some more,
Will lead you in a row
For candy, chocolate,
For love joys
And bright successes!

a lion

Good luck will smile on the lions
Somewhere from the middle of February,
When the sun wakes up
And things will get better
There will be a lot of money
If you don’t refuse
At night you work hard
But you won't get in touch with Yaga!


Year recommends Virgo
Become rather brave in love,
Shyness will get in your way
Reach out to hearts
Cupid's arrow will hurt,
But the year will give glamor
Will give good luck and success
You will become more beautiful than everyone!


For Libra, the year will bring
A lot of joyful chores
Joy in personal life:
Soon you will certainly be lucky
Who will get married at home
Happiness, joy and comfort,
Maybe a continuation of the race
Stars will be sent to you from the sky!


Scorpio will receive joy
Unless he is stupid:
Even if life and sweetness,
Don't go astray
Boldly achieve your goal
If you want a year
Gave money, walk, fall in love,
And then you will be lucky in everything!


For Sagittarius, everything will be simple:
The main thing is to go forward
And then very serious
There will be this New Year
He will always give joy
New life turn
And let him give gold
The beauty of you a ginger cat!


Capricorn: will perform again
Year of desire, will give success,
The main thing is that with an extra word,
You did not frighten off the success,
Boldly make your way to the goal,
Have fun from the heart
Sing songs and fall in love
The year will make all your dreams come true!


Aquarius has a cold year
Promises vanity
Even if the schedule is tight
It makes you longing again
Wait for the turn again
In personal life and love,
And good luck at the gate
Will arrive as soon as possible!


A year rich in luck
The stars promise you
If only you jam
Take it to your friends at night
Feel free to share your luck
And everything will return again
Don't be alarmed - small change
Love will not come to you!

Other predictions:

Caution: this year
Black cat for the turn
Will bring you good luck
And the whirlpool of friends
There will be happiness and love
Will come back again and again
Money is sharp like a river
All will fill the shores.

* * *
This New Year's Eve
Let me have a prophetic dream
He will light candles on the tree
Decorate the windows with silver
Promises good luck to the year
Changeability in fate
If only you give up
You can't take it for yourself in a taxi!

New Year is a holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale, gathering close and dear people. Accordingly, the preparation for the celebration must correspond to the scale, otherwise the whole event will be reduced to a simple meal, with a few congratulatory words. If you decide that you will be the organizer of the event, we recommend that you prepare in advance. Today, comic predictions and lotteries are gaining more and more popularity, among other entertainments.

Prediction is a notification about an event that should occur in the near future. Whether we like it or not, it is human nature to be interested in his future. Now there is no shortage of various predictions - all kinds of astrologers, fortune tellers and sorcerers, so people are tired of serious prophecies in their lives.

Comic predictions for the new year are, in addition to a fun pastime, also a fresh look at forecasts for the near future. We are sure that the assembled guests will appreciate your ideas and receive great moral satisfaction.

Friends, your prophecies can be completely different - long, describing each action or very short, written in prose or in verse, the most important thing is that they are funny, bring laughter and joy to others.

Submitting predictions for the lottery

Let's first consider the possible presentation of predictions, and then, offer examples of text.

Prophetic balls

To do this, you need ordinary balloons, small leaves and a pen. We write down the predictions on pieces of paper, roll them up in a tube, put them in a balloon and inflate it. The balls can be tied to guests' chairs, or they can be handed out during fortune-telling. Having burst the balloon, the person reads aloud the foresight associated with his life. The more cheerful the prophecy, the more positive it will bring.

Preparing in advance for the session, you can specially age the paper (by dipping it in strong tea or onion solution) or make it bright, colorful with a beautiful string. This will add a touch of mystery or celebration, whichever you choose.

Pot of predictions

Everything is simple here, we take pre-prepared dishes, put folded bags with comic wishes. We start the pot in a circle, each guest pulls out one package and reads it out.

The container can be pasted over with shabby paper, giving an outdated look to the dishes, or you can age the paper in advance.

Gypsy chest

Deep in us there is a stereotype about gypsies, they say they are all wonderful fortune-tellers, and this is a great way to use them in their comic prophecies.

Having disguised yourself as a gypsy in advance, you or one of the guests enter a room with a chest filled with predictions. The presenter invites each invited guest to take out one package in turn and read it out.

The main thing here is not the forecasts for the future, but the presentation. It will be great if the gypsy enters the role and, with an expression peculiar only to them, will hold a competition.

Prophetic cookie

Do you remember the quote: "everything that is ingenious is simple, and everything that is simple is brilliant"? It is this aphorism that underlies this competition. To prepare it, you will need fortune sheets and cookies. True, you will have to make cookies yourself, however, if you have the opportunity to purchase them, why not. For those who want to create something original, we offer a recipe for making cookies.


  • Eggs, 3 pcs;
  • 50-70g wheat flour;
  • 50g butter;
  • Spices optional;
  • Sugar, powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk, beat the white until foam appears, add flour, sugar, spices as desired, mix until smooth.

A little tip: do not be too zealous while whipping the protein, if a large number of air bubbles appear and the dough begins to rise quickly when the temperature rises.

  1. Spread cooking paper on a baking sheet and grease with butter, preheat the oven to 180-200 C. With a teaspoon, spread even circles on a baking sheet.
  2. We put it in the oven for about 6-7 minutes, as soon as the edges are gilded, we take it out and turn it over, lay down the fortune-telling paper, fold it in half. Next, taking the cookies by the ears, we bend it.
  3. We put it on the table and wait until it cools completely.

Miracle dumplings

The next event has a certain similarity to the previous one, the difference is that instead of cookies we use dumplings. This old fun, today is practically forgotten, but for predictions in the bosom of family and close people, it is perfect. The secret is in the object that we put together with the filling, which carries a certain meaning.

  • Orange peel - a beloved or beloved will present a gift;
  • Peanuts - a romantic meeting is possible;
  • Cherry - good luck in business;
  • Peas - comfort and prosperity will reign in the house;
  • Walnut - health will recover;
  • Buckwheat - a sudden increase in finance;
  • Mushrooms - a life full of tranquility;
  • Money - sports victories;
  • Grain is a full bowl of riches;
  • Raisins are an unexpected temptation;
  • Cabbage - the salary will skyrocket;
  • Caramel - romance is possible;
  • Potato is a raise at work;
  • Cranberries - expect a change in your personal life;
  • Ring - wedding;
  • Hot peppers - possible problems at work or at home;
  • Dried apricots are great news;
  • Carrot - meeting new people;
  • Meat is a financial success;
  • White thread - you will have to leave for a long time on the business of the company;
  • The green thread is going abroad;
  • Black thread - quick business trip;
  • A thread with knots - problems from where it was not expected;
  • Cucumber - a new passion;
  • A button - you will get something from clothes;
  • Sugar - the year will be successful;
  • Apple - your work will be appreciated.

Three-Fortune Lottery

To do this, we write wishes or prophecies on pieces of paper, at the rate of three prophecies per person. We fold the leaves beautifully and mix in a bag. It is suggested to pull out the packages one by one, reading them aloud.

Intimate desires

To prepare for the competition, it is necessary to prepare funny images of the person's basic desires. It is not at all necessary to draw yourself, you can choose pictures from magazines or print, attach the images to a rope, pull the rope. We blindfold the guests, untwist and bring them to the stretched rope, giving the opportunity to choose the leaf ourselves. Images can be completely different.

  • Family hearth;
  • Finance;
  • Head office;
  • Wedding;
  • Huge, new homestead;
  • New car;
  • Modern gadgets;
  • Travel and more.

The text of comic predictions for 2019 in verse

  • Wait not crying, luck will come again;
  • Look ahead quickly, a lot of money is coming soon;
  • You have a fast road, but there will be a lot of money;
  • Step boldly you forward, success with luck is already waiting;
  • From close friends, expect news soon;
  • You will find your love, maybe you will get married again;
  • You will fly up the ladder of your career, you will even sit up with the boss;
  • A huge mountain of money will fall from above, a native will recover from an illness;
  • Do not be sad in vain, friends are on the way;
  • Your neighbor has fallen in love with you, so live for many years;
  • In the last month of winter - February, success will come to you again;
  • I saw for sure that you will have a big family;
  • Exactly at midnight, New Years, your luck will come;
  • In front of the management, you will have to be in order to leave the temptation to get drunk;
  • Once you have been kicked out of your job, then your worries have diminished;
  • At the holiday, whoever gets drunk will return to the house without advance payment;
  • In the store, take you fashionable pants;
  • Under, clinking glasses, they will give a cool phone;
  • A piece of ice will fall on the heels, life will become like a picture;
  • The year of the pig is already on the way, we wish you friends,
  • To be neat, smart, clean, not like a boar.

Comic predictions in prose

  • Stepping firmly up the career ladder, do not slip on the spit of envious people;
  • Perhaps a rise is expected very soon, you will have to move a couple of floors higher;
  • Keep smiling and we will certainly sign a lucrative contract with the manufacturer of toothpastes;
  • Happiness has come to you - remove the bad habit, but here's a curiosity - a couple of new ones will appear;
  • Be careful - in the coming year, the addition of a family is possible, cockroaches from neighbors are gathering to you;
  • You will find a hidden treasure, although its appearance will be very similar to the hidden stash of a spouse;
  • With the coming of the new year, the possibility of an attack on you is great. Success will strike an unexpected blow, it will be almost impossible to fight back;
  • The gray everyday life of the next year will be diluted with bright meetings with the opposite sex;
  • In the near future, you will gain a lot, though it will happen to your pockets;
  • Your friends remember you very well, how you can forget the debtor;
  • Be careful on the roads, perhaps fate awaits at the crossroads;
  • This year, for the cockroaches in your head, will be especially lucky;
  • All difficulties and difficulties will leave you, it is incredibly boring with you;
  • Next year, your body decides when, where and most importantly with whom to be;
  • The rod inside you may turn out to be an ordinary nail in one place.

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. A great time to get together, eat delicious food, make gifts and share your wishes. Children see magic in him, that Santa Claus visits houses, leaving gifts there. And so that he knew exactly which children are writing letters. For adults, the New Year is also a time of waiting for a miracle. After all, they make wishes, make plans and believe that it will definitely turn out better than the previous one.

Therefore, the game is so popular - predictions for the New Year. Moreover, these are comic predictions regarding various topics. There are allegorical ones where there are hints or lengthy expressions. There are exact ones that reflect the existing reality. There are many ways to play this game. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic predictions for films and songs

A great opportunity to have fun with the company when the festive dinner is eaten and there is dessert ahead. Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​New Year's predictions will surely please.

How to arrange:

Predictions can be hidden in special cookies.

  • you can bake special cookies by putting notes with funny predictions inside them instead of filling;
  • inflate a dozen colored balloons and give the players one by one a needle to pop them - put notes inside;
  • print colorful candy wrappers by placing notes inside, then wrap chocolates in them and give them to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on identical pieces of paper, fold them and put them in a box or hat - let the guests take out one by one;
  • compose short prophecies and assign a number to each, tell the guests at the feast the numbers or ask them to choose for themselves (for example: "Give the numbers from 1-10 one by one").

It is more interesting to guess for the coming year from films or songs. The results are cool sayings.

For example, find suitable song titles:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (Factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • One day the world will bend under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, a locomotive - from the film, Yu. Nikulin / G. Vitsin sing;
  • Hope - A. Herman;
  • Renunciation - Fleur;
  • They won't catch us - Tatu;
  • Furry bumblebee;
  • White roses;
  • Winged swing;
  • Combat;
  • Wind of change;
  • Tenderness - M. Kristalinskaya;
  • The beautiful is far away;
  • There is only a moment;
  • What a woman!
  • White roses;
  • Goodbye love - A. Makarsky;
  • Memories - Factor 2;
  • Stay - City 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting! You can make prophecies not just by taking the title, but by turning on the composition you received and listening to it. It will turn out to be a real musical evening. Many songs have a deep meaning and give you some thought.

Examples of predictions that can be made based on the films of the current years:

“The evening of memories will end with an unexpected meeting. Perhaps an old school or student friend will come? "

“Goodbye to delicious donuts! The new year is clearly starting with a new advanced diet! "

“A mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise you. Perhaps a fan or an old friend? "

“The year will fly by like a winged swing - sometimes up, when you are lucky and the work is going well, then down, when difficulties arise. Keep swinging, the black stripe will surely change to white. "

“When the dark night without the moon comes, make a wish. It will come true soon. "

“The usual life will end after the New Year holidays. The wind of change is inevitable! At first, the changes will seem like an unpleasant surprise to you, but then you will realize that everything is going well. "

Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​New Year's predictions will surely please.

Movie titles

You can guess by songs or movie titles. This is a simple, at the same time original way to get comic predictions for the New Year 2019. Then the guests themselves will be involved in the process of decoding the "prophecy", and most of the results will be cool. A list of the names of films used should be compiled in advance or written later, with guests. Let them remember the pictures, and the presenter will write it down. In a column, no numbers. Then, the players name the numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. According to him, he predicts for a year, adding a decryption option from himself or will distribute paper notes to everyone in advance, where the names will be.

For example:

A vivid option for the design of predictions.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • The curse of a nun;
  • The scent of a woman;
  • The Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex and the City;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Stranger;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big jackpot;
  • Reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • A forty-year-old virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Zigzag of luck;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Matchmakers;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions in the new year:

"A big jackpot awaits you!" - clearly refers to money.

"Waiting for the taming of the obstinate" - perhaps the bosses will apply special measures to "educate" the negligent employee or this "surprise" concerns the house. Will you have to educate the child more strictly?

“A colleague has been looking at you for a long time. Previously, he did not try to take active action. Office romance will begin suddenly. A stormy whirlpool of passions will whirl! Be extremely careful and trust your intuition! "

"Reincarnation of a forgotten project will bring unexpectedly good results, even if you have to try!"

“Be careful, you will have to unite the team when the boss entrusts a new major project. Work with a united front, otherwise you will sink like the Titanic! "

“The sinister curse of a nun awaits you! Perhaps your beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come soon? "

“Wait for the matchmakers! Is your beloved niece going to get married? "

Lines from songs

At the same time, train your memory, recalling the lines of some favorite compositions or the names of paintings. You can print them on sheets of paper in advance and distribute them to guests.

Song excerpts suitable for predictions (for next year):

"Forget him, forget" (c) "Hands up."

"Such tenderness, on the mirrors" (c) Maxim.

"Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses" (c) A. Pugachev.

"Oh mom, I'm going crazy!"

"Do not listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything" (c) Max Korzh.

“But when everyone is gone, stay, sit next to me” (c) Olga Marquez.

"I so want to be with you, but sorry, zai, to the ass" (c) Vitya Ak-47 - Sorry, zai, to the ass.

“And even if the whole world turns to dust, I will carry your heart in my hands” (c) Olga Marquez.

“Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world "

“Wait a little longer. We will show you the way "(c)" Way.

"I am free! Like a bird in the sky! "

“How lucky you are - my fiancee” (c) Mumiy Troll.

"Dad bought a car" (c) A. Pugachev

“Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome” (c) P. Volya.

"Just a glass of vodka on the table!" (c) G. Leps.

"The plane takes me away easily" (c) Valery.

“For a week, until the second. I'll go to Komarovo! "

“If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today ”(c)“ Kino ”.

Interesting! Each line is a ready-made prophecy, the participants only need to choose! Somewhere wise wishes are hidden, somewhere there is a reason to laugh, at the same time to think.

In addition to lines from various famous songs or movie titles, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that, apart from a joke, they bring benefit to the players.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Drink tea regularly, at the same time never hurt

Interesting texts for New Year's comic predictions.

Your keyword will be: "Fast"

Rapidly - your career will develop in the new year,

Also, the salary will rise rapidly.

Rapidly - relations will strengthen,

Fast - you have to run when the boss calls.

Rapidly - the bonus will be credited.

Swiftly - the working year will fly by and a leisurely (there is no need to rush here) vacation!

Look more cheerful - everything will turn out great in the new year.

Predictions in verse.

Happiness will come in your personal life,

At the same time, income will increase.

He will live in peace, without worries and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you with a smile!

The year will definitely come out successful,

You will calmly solve all the tasks.

You will fulfill the plan, you will distinguish yourself with diligence,

And the authorities will praise, noticing this.

Ask for a prize, do not be shy.

At the same time, you will get an increase soon!

The prince is waiting for you, arrived long ago. A white horse, work is stable, a bouquet of flowers - I have collected everything. It remains to convey to him the answer: "Yes!" and take a step. Look around, he's near!

It has long been envisioned - it will certainly come true in the new year,

Unexpected troubles will go away imperceptibly.

Expect without fail

Arrival of a harmful relative!

He will grumble constantly

But it will bring good luck and unexpected income.

He will come for a short time - he will visit and that's all,

At the same time, problems, sadness and troubles will take away!

Do not be sad, better open the door wider.

Do you want to celebrate this New Year like that?


Let happiness in the New Year.

Hope will come with him, stand a little,

Take her out of the way.

Love will pass freely, it is impossible to hold back.

With her, you can safely wait for a visit.

Sufficiency will gradually approach the threshold,

He will look closely at the house, the threshold and the surroundings.

Decides - it is necessary to stay, people are nice, cozy here.

Collect this company, treat yourself to tea,

If they want or tell you what - write everything down.

Feed deliciously, read fairy tales and put them to sleep.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even dreary and difficult. Will take enough time, perhaps it helps the nerves. But the result will definitely justify all investments - a new house!

Soon in the coming year, you will be the victim of a surprise attack. In the evening, after all the New Year holidays, a group of unknown people will find you. Among them is luck, it will hold tight. The active ringleader will be love, she is also the organizer of the attack. The third is wealth, and inspiration will come with them.

It is worth warning - the attack will work out and you will not be able to escape.

Smile more often, then you will receive an unexpected offer. The director of a toothpaste factory will want to work with you.

Your wealth in the coming year will increase significantly after you receive a million dollar winnings! Be careful not to waste your money on trifles.

On a holiday, your numerous relatives will unexpectedly remind you of themselves. Everyone will invite you to visit, feed you delicious food and give you a gift!

You will feel like a prisoner of a time machine - you will have to work a lot and you will get the impression that you have returned to the Year of the Horse. However, the results are worth the time and effort!

The end of the year will bring a series of violent upheavals. Your success will amaze your envious people, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will appear Sunday morning and shock you. Could it be the postman? Will give you a notification that you have received your million dollar winnings! We'll have to let him in!

You will lose seven things: failure, debts, an unpleasant acquaintance, resentment, misfortune and a bad habit.

You will get seven things in return: love, prosperity, luck, inspiration, hope, happiness, and a bonus.

Be careful, the word "big" haunts you. If the salary is big, if the project is entrusted to a large one, if the gatherings are large-scale, where a lot of people will gather! So try to use this word wisely! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly by! Get a cool car, have a cool rest at your favorite resort. Life will change dramatically, and the tough boss will order to issue a stunning award!

Looking for destiny? Be sure to visit the nudist beach and look around carefully. Perhaps your happiness will find you by itself and settle down next to you in the new year!

Much will pass by in life. Only a few things will remain: happiness, well-being, good health, and good luck.

Prepare dinner, dress up the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely come to visit! Treat him, entertain him with conversation. At the same time, tell him about your plans. In return, the good old man will bring you a wonderful gift!


When composing the text of the notes, one must be guided by the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to offend, but to make those present laugh. If a company has gathered where there are children, it is better to avoid vulgarities. If all the guests are relatives or friends and they have been communicating for a long time, you can add snippets of pleasant memories to the prophecies.

It would be nice to write a few individual messages focused on a specific recipient. His hobbies, professional activities and character will be clues.

Hello! I saw in a contact the idea of ​​a gift for the new year. I downloaded a file with 365 predictions, printed the truth on plain paper, cut it into strips, rolled it into rolls and tied it with multi-colored ribbons. Decorated the lid and jar with ribbon, tinsel, beads, sequins. It was not possible to print the label from the original because she herself made it close to the original, and here is the result.

I apologize for the quality of the photos, I didn't want the camera to work

And this is a top view of the lid and the box for the jar

Here is a list of predictions, I slightly corrected it by replacing some of the predictions:

Such a sun can only have everything

depends on you!

You are moving towards a better life

situations. This applies to both deeds and ideas.

There seems to be an obstacle in your way, but

the delay may be favorable

Think about health

Tight hugs await you

Ahead is a tender kiss

You are lucky! So be humble

Don't relax too much

Come to the boss with your left foot - and waiting for you


Always smile! And no one will call you

a gloomy person. Be silent! And nobody

call it a bore.

Beware of the bald ones

A sharp turn awaits in life

Today is the best day for you! Like all


You are on the right track.

Having conquered one mountain, start storming

The burst of energy will help you cope with

a large amount of unplanned work.

Accept what you cannot change and you

you will feel better.

Nature, time and patience are three great doctors.

It's time to act!

May the world be filled with tranquility and


Working with new partners will be very


Work on diplomatic

abilities - they are very useful for

implementation of ideas.


Romance will take you in a new direction.

From now on, your kindness will lead you to

Today you will have a beautiful day.

Measure seven times, cut once!

Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.

The nightingale is not fed with fables.

Focus on family and harmony with

the surrounding world.

A happy life is right in front of you.

Now is the time to try something

Patience! You are almost there.

The one who knows is rich enough.

Do what your soul and body asks for

Anyone who does not expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed.

Good luck takes you through all the hard times.

Pay special attention to old friendships.

Physical activity will greatly improve

your outlook on life today.

Good time to finish old


The good news will come to you in the mail.

Well done is better than well said.

Although some try to hinder you, you

you will still achieve your goals.

Man is never old to learn. New

knowledge will bring you success.

Whatever is done is for the best.

Do what you must and come what may.

It's time to get moving. Your mood

will improve.

You have to consider the unexpected


Leave no effort and get what you want

Someone needs your support

If you want to be successful, you have to look

as if you have it.

Best the enemy of the good.

The funniest desire is to please everyone.

What we ask for is what we get.

The winner differs from the loser only

that rises one time more than

Remember that every day is the first of the rest

parts of life.

In life, there is the main and not the main thing, and we often

spending energy on trifles.

Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad either

how could it be!

The flip side of the crisis is new opportunities.

When God closes the door, he opens the window

A thousand miles road starts from the first

Never be afraid to do what you cannot do.

Remember, the ark was built by an amateur.

The professionals were building the Titanic!

It's better to regret what you did, not what


Whoever stands still, he goes back.

What is not done is for the best.

No one is defeated until they admit

yourself defeated.

The fight is always justified if you know why


The main thing is not to forget the main thing. Otherwise you will forget

the main thing, and this is the main thing!

Do not rush into heroes until they call you.

These people and these events in your life turned out to be

here because you brought them here yourself. That,

Never ask anyone for anything, especially those

who is stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything

Only fools are lucky once. The smart are lucky

Evil is not in what enters the mouth of a person, but in

what comes out of them.

Do what you can with what is,

where you are now.

will happen.

Today has just come that tomorrow, about which

you worried yesterday.

There are no hopeless situations: even if you are eaten,

you have at least two options.

If you were born without wings, don't bother them

The dog has so many friends because it wags

tail, and does not speak the tongue

You are unique, just like everyone else.

Love your enemies ... this will definitely lead them to


There are no desperate situations. Usually the way out

is in the same place as the entrance.

It's not enough to know your own worth - you still need to use it

The wind of wandering blows you.

Be carefull!

Wait for change.

Don't miss important news.

Wait for the budget replenishment.

Caution on the road.

The stars are supportive of you.

Make time for your home.

A meeting with an important person awaits you.

Lead your ordinary life in an unusual way.

Do not look for external enemies: to understand that

interferes with your development, look inside

Be attentive to the clues of fate.

If the well is clogged, then it's time for it


The payoff comes from what you owe

breake down.

It's time to end the old and start the new.

If you do not want serious shocks,

analyze your attitude to your own


Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.

Don't expect too much and don't think about

the end result.

Study your shadow sides; understand that

attracts unhappiness into your life.

Finish what you started.

Be patient and if the decision is yours

right, the universe will support him.

Don't get emotional.

Take a closer look at your health.

Enjoy your luck and share it with

people around you.

Don't expect quick results.

Important news will arrive very soon.

Be persistent in the battle with your own


Your energy is leaking due to rash or

untimely action.

Go with the flow of life without grades and

trying to understand her.

Do not overestimate your strength: it can

lead to overvoltage.

Events are completely out of your control.

Reflect and do not rush into action.

It's time to act, even if from you

you need to jump into the void.

Do not try to stubbornly exercise your will.

a life that has been a mystery until now

Stay alert and avoid trouble.

If you take the initiative, success will not

keep you waiting.

Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all


The problem is not where you think it is.

Someone is trying to hinder or harm

Everything is God's will: to influence the situation is not in

Your power!

The answer to your question is related to some

a man, perhaps well known to you.

Something new will enter your life that

will significantly affect your personality.

Take a close look at your

environment: someone can bring you to the very

decisive moment.

You hope not in vain!

The result of your actions may be


Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.

You will finally be able to unlock the rusted

What you strive for is not worth yours.

The main characteristic of the current situation


The offer that will be made to you will not

Forward and only forward: the case you are talking about

think - right!

Alone, you cannot cope with your


From sowing grain to harvesting must pass

Wait a little, and the next day

will bring you an unexpected long-awaited

You tagged for a long time, but you made a mistake. Your

the shot hit the wrong beast. However, this is yours

loot, just try your best

appreciate it.

Bad weather is raging around. But in your house is very

cozy and warm.

To avoid feeling very lonely

help others also reach the top.

The best chance awaits you soon.

The more you hunt for the big ones

Stop thinking about wealth often, and it

will certainly come to you by itself

Show less pride and be

attentive in actions.

The "grain" you sowed a year ago will sprout with

the waning moon. The harvest is expected to be very

rich, most importantly, make sure that no one is

trampled on.

People have repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to rekindle

Fire. You came and the long-awaited fire

flashed instantly - here it is, the hour has come

your triumph.

You tended the tree long and hard, and

finally, it bore many fruits. Its branches

bend under their unbearable weight -

it's time to reap the well-deserved harvest.

The one who in the coming days will make you

nice gift first, knows about you almost

all. It is he who will lead you through the long, difficult

path, but you can only reach the end

You have become an obstacle to someone's dream.

Step aside carefully

consider your dream - it is next to you.

Anyone who does not expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed

Soon you will get rid of the bad habit and

get two new ones.

Soon you will find yourself in a magic cave with

treasures. Be sensible, don't take

all - take as much as you can

carry away. But give half of it by all means

You are lost in a deep, dark forest.

Look around you - a person who,

will certainly help you get out, is

very close to you at your distance

outstretched arm.

Open up and let the light into that part of yours

a life that has been a mystery until now.

Anything you give to others from your heart will return to

you doubly.

The dawn is coming, which is waiting for the multitude

of people. But only you will be able to catch the first

joyful sunbeam. Lucky - you

live to be 100!

You sit on the seashore, but for some reason not

you can inhale deeply, deeply.

Be courageous: and then luck will come to

to you from magical lands.

Your half thinks you are super

With great love you will be turned to stormy

Something exciting awaits you

Carried away by feelings, you won't feel

their age

You will meet with your soul mate

Your half will help you in all

household chores

Your soul mate will show you their feelings.

A romantic trip awaits you

first class

A special morning awaits you

You will be immensely happy

Something special awaits you

You will smell the scent of love

You will live without looking back

Your half will not judge you harshly for

Your misdeeds

You are the perfect match

Lady and Gentleman - Your Roles This Year

Many magical moments of solitude await you

A romantic dinner awaits you

Something cute and mischievous awaits you ...

Emotions will overwhelm you

An unusual trip awaits you

Trust your intuition, the more you will

think, the less you understand

You will see your soul mate in everything

Something exciting for both of you awaits

A romantic walk awaits you

You will understand who the love of your life is

Something seductive awaits you

A home surprise awaits you

You will be in each other's heart

You should change your outlook on life.

Responsible conversation awaits you

Someone is very worried about your feelings and

Your half will invest everything in you

You will see everything with every look

Many things will become apparent to you.

You will receive answers to your questions

You will be warmed by the warmth of a loved one

You are at the beginning of something new

Together you will open a new chapter

You will receive a good sign

The world of a loved one will revolve around

You can easily deal with complications in a relationship.

You will be inundated with gifts

Do not be afraid to fantasize what yours will be

living together

A joint sports holiday awaits you

Your life will not be boring

Everything in your life will be for two

Someone will sacrifice their dream for yours

You will be more fun with your soul mate than with

by anyone else

A hurricane of emotions awaits you

Someone will take care of you very dearly

Confessions of love are waiting for you

Take photos together

Home will be the coziest place

Your half will be the best support for you and


You will be the steering in the relationship

You don't have to collect the pieces of your heart

You will be the perfect couple

Love will warm you from the inside

Emotions and feelings are the best cure for discouragement

Love, love, love - that's what should be the main thing for you now

For your soul mate - you are something special

You will have someone to fool with

Write a wishlist

Your romantic dreams will come true

Catch a thousand kisses

an amazing reward awaits

Someone is looking for a way to your heart

A chance meeting awaits you

You have to place the largest bet in

of your life

You will shine brighter than the stars

A luxurious vacation awaits you

Catch air kisses ...

Wait for an unusual declaration of love

Take a closer look at your


Thinking about love will help you move mountains

Someone is looking forward to meeting you

Crazy fun awaits you

Do not exaggerate other people's mistakes

You will choose with your heart, not your mind

Wait for a romantic phone call

You will miss someone

See life from a different perspective

The worst is over

Some problems remain, and to solve them

better not alone

Concentrate all your forces on the embodiment of the main

Do not rush things - it will do harm

Events are developing rapidly. Trust

their flow

Don't change your course.

In love, you are at the moment subject

a lot of things.

Do not be afraid of obstacles, they will make the result

even sweeter.

Less complaints!

Avoid quarrels.

Do not deviate from your principles.

You are full of strength and in love you can move mountains.

You will receive important advice from others

Don't chase profit.

Do not limit your freedom, otherwise in your personal

life will be chaos.

You need to make concessions. Forget old grudges

The moment for updates has come.

There is still a calm in your life, but ahead

recovery is expected.

Communication is needed more than ever.

You have a cherished goal or are very close to it.

Define your desires

A joyful event awaits you, but you need

be as friendly as possible.

Only well thought out plans will come true.

Appreciate what you already have.

The fulfillment of the cherished desire is already close.

Try not to take hasty

decisions - clarity will come soon.

It does not hurt to seek advice from a wise

and an experienced person.

You're on your way to the pinnacle of relationships.

Show courage and determination.

Make plans more boldly!

Your slogan is patience and no rush.

A person will soon appear to help you.

If you follow the chosen direction,

the result will exceed all expectations.

A very good time to embody your

Take Your Desires Seriously


Thoughts are more realistic.

Appreciate what can disappear

Give half of yourself to your loved one

Help your soul mate in work matters

You were made for each other

Feelings and emotions will make you feel hot.

Don't Let Stress Ease Passion

Always be on the side of your loved one

Forget about the past and new doors will open

Avoid stagnating relationships

Defeat yourself first, and then your enemies. How

can own others not owning oneself?

Man's adornment - wisdom, adornment

wisdom - calmness, decoration of calmness

Courage, the adornment of courage is gentleness.

The teachers open the door. You enter yourself.

You can lead a camel to water, but you cannot

make him drink.

Lush foliage in those trees that have roots


The one who steps gently will advance far on

your way.

"Better to light a little candle than all your life

curse the darkness "

"To learn to run, you must first

learn to walk. "

The wise one walks without leaving a trace

Tall towers are measured in length

the shadows cast by them, great people -

the number of envious people.

Today they confess their love to you.

It is worth a boat going against the current,

stop, as it will immediately be carried back.

A close neighbor is better than a distant relative

Do not do to others what you do not want for

Direct words are unpleasant to hear, but they

contribute to doing the right thing; good

the medicine tastes bitter, but it helps

Minor conversations ahead.

In the end, happiness.

Don't take medication. There will be joy.

Hold on to whoever you follow.

Don't take loss or


Possessing the truth, you will go the right way

Climb to the royal court

You will make your home abundant.

You are on the right track! Do not stop!

You are not hoping in vain!

Your goal is achievable!

Success will come if you don't listen to anyone

Act not according to the old

right for yourself.

Be patient and if your decision is correct

The universe will support him.

Focus on the present.

Trust what is happening to you.

Unexpected news awaits you.

Look in the mirror and you will see a charming


You will be brushing your teeth tomorrow.

Everything will be fine!

You will do a useful thing!

If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t start anything. A

if you start nothing, then nothing will

will happen.

Remember, there is always tomorrow.

Pay attention to the beauty around you

You are unique - remember this!

Don't miss important news.

Wait for the budget replenishment.

The stars are kind to you.

Make time for your home.

A meeting with an important person awaits you.

Think not only of yourself, but also of others.

Drop your doubts.

Do not deviate from the chosen path.

There may be surprises.

Consider your decision again.

Only if you are collected and focused,

you will succeed in everything, both in business and at home.

Stock up on strong thread to survive


Brilliant prospects promise you this day.

Don't even try to calculate plans for

coming week! Anyway she will


Auntie will smile at you with a white-toothed smile

A decent reward awaits you today for

your courage.

At work and at home, everything will turn out very

successfully. Both colleagues and family members will be able to

dignity to appreciate your extraordinary


Today is the best day for you! Like all


At work, everything works out in your favor.

The sun shines brighter after the rain

Encourage your little weaknesses - allow yourself

have fun!

Today you will be inimitable as never before! And on the spot you will slay the opposite

Try to please your soul mate more often

cute gifts and nice


The beautiful ones will open before you

opportunities to climb the career ladder.

The main thing is to be decisive! Otherwise you will miss

lucky chance.

If you pay more attention to the second

half, your relationship will be just


Do not relax! Lucky case

will turn up, unless you are lazy.

Work at full capacity, and then you will be awaited

well-deserved reward.

The day is conducive to work, but not to excessive


What did not work before can suddenly

get under way.

Creative energy combined with

pragmatic approach can give

results that will make you feel

internal satisfaction and positive

New Year is a holiday for everyone, filled with magic, joy, good mood and jokes. That is why comic divination for the New Year is very popular. Thanks to them, you can diversify the holiday and leave an unforgettable experience after it.

Fortune telling from fortune-telling notes

Of course, the easiest way to cheer guests up is fortune-telling using fortune-telling notes. They need to prepare a huge number of them, make sure that they do not repeat themselves, and put them, for example, in a New Year's cap. Throughout the evening, each of the guests should take out a note and voice their prediction for the next year. Options for prediction notes can be as follows:
    Remember, to be successful, you need to look internally and externally as if you are already successful. You don't need to be liked by everyone, because you are not a dollar. Remember that the more happiness you give to others, the more it comes back to you. Be afraid of your excessive desires. The winner is the one who climbed one time more than fell. So do not be afraid of falls and strive to rise. Do not waste your energy on trifles and all sorts of nonsense. Strive to desire in life what is needed and be as it will be. Know how to single out the primary and secondary in life, and everything will fall into place. Any crisis heralds new opportunities and new growth, do not be afraid of it. Divide people into friends and teachers and become either a friend or a teacher yourself. Love your home and pay attention to it. Take a rest, life is not only about hard work. Rejoice old friends, without them the past becomes faceless. Positive is the engine of success. Smile and luck will follow you relentlessly. Don't look back at the past, live for the future. Life without authorities is easier, do not strive to become one. Live and breathe fully in the place and time where you are now.

Fortune-telling-lot for small objects

Likewise, you can prepare a lot of unpretentious gizmos that can be folded into a large colorful box. For example, some of them may mean the following:
    Children's car - purchasing a vehicle in the new year. A box of matches is a fast journey. Toy fish - a trip to the sea. Part of the building designer is the solution to the housing issue. Signet - a new acquaintance. The ring is a fast wedding. A button is a huge amount of pleasant household chores. Coin - the receipt of unexpected profits. Pen with a red cap - meeting with a vampire. Toy Rocket - Travel to Mars.

Comic fortune telling by salad

Very often, the New Year's celebration turns into a storm of fun. And there is some truth in the fact that there is some probability after the New Year will fall asleep face-down in a salad. But such a curious case can be turned into a comic fortune-telling. If you fell asleep in one of the following salads, then this can be associated with such predictions:
    "Olivie". In the coming year, hardly any changes should be expected. "Mimosa". You can expect the start of a romantic relationship soon. "Herring under a Fur Coat". You will have to please your soul mate all year round, and maybe even for this you will have to give her a mink coat. "With crab sticks". In the coming year, you will have a wonderful vacation in one of the exotic places of the planet. "Caesar with chicken". Soon you will be offered a promotion with a simultaneous increase in salary. "Caesar salad with shrimps". The whole year will be associated with long business trips. "Pickled mushrooms or cucumbers." A not very successful year awaits, in which bad luck and failure will become a new phenomenon.

Comic divination for the New Year is often carried out directly at the table. So, you can use champagne and a piece of chocolate for this. Put chocolate in the glass and monitor its condition:
    If he sank to the bottom, then today you will have fun and dancing until you drop. If he surfaced, then the night will turn into a fairy tale for you and unforgettable adventures await you. If it stuck to the right wall, then you will have a wonderful romantic evening with your soul mate. If it sticks to the left wall, then naturally you will be pulled to the left.
Traditional treats on the New Year's table are nuts, in which notes with short predictions are embedded instead of filling. What to write there entirely depends on your imagination in relation to the contingent of guests that you plan to gather at the festive table. Thoughtful comic divination for the New Year will be a real highlight of a fun holiday. Show your imagination and come up with your own original entertainment, which, subsequently, will be transmitted from holiday to holiday. In a large company, you can expect a lot of impromptu when conducting comic fortune-telling, so predictions will be very interesting, and who knows if they will soon turn into reality, because the New Year is filled with an atmosphere of real magic.