Two cats with different eyes. Can heterochromia be called an ailment? Deafness of odd-eyed cats

Genetic mutation, pathology, disease - whatever they call heterochromia in domestic cats. However, there are cat lovers who are convinced that such animals bring good luck. What is remarkable about the breed of cats with different eyes, you will learn from this article.

This phenomenon is inherent in cats with white wool, therefore, it is the fruit of selective breeding, because in nature there are no white fluffs. In this case, the aesthetic and non-standard appearance led to the development of genetic ailments in cats. These include heterochromia.

In the body of the animal, the W gene is present, which is responsible for the shade. In this case, the presence of small amounts or in excess of melanin is characteristic, which can protect the pet from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and also affect the color of the eyes.

Multi-colored eyes in a cat are a combination of a blue tint with yellow, brown or green. Such animals in 30% of cases are prone to deafness, which manifests itself on the part of the blue eye. It is important that this scientifically based phenomenon occurs not only in cats, but also in other animals, as well as humans.

Video "Why do cats have different eyes?"

In this video, you will learn what heterochromia is and where this interesting phenomenon comes from.

How does it affect your pet's health?

Heterochromia is not a disease, since it does not affect the animal's vision in any way. Such a genetic malfunction occurs in cats with a white or tricolor coat, as well as in those who have suffered from a serious illness. This pathology is both congenital and acquired. In the second case, one of the factors that can cause this consequence is the long-term intake of medication by the cat.

You need to take care of your pet's health in the following situations:

  1. If the blue eye becomes reddish. This means you are dealing with a bruise. Show the furry pet to the vet, and he will find out what exactly the cat suffered from. A bursting vessel or hematoma - all this must be treated taking into account the recommendations of a doctor.
  2. If the cat has a melanoma or tumor growing in the eyeball. It is important to provide treatment promptly, because a neoplasm in the eye is fraught with serious health problems.

Heterochromic cats are friendly, calm creatures. They will not have any special health problems because of this phenomenon. However, try to control their well-being.

Breeds with different eyes

A phenomenon called heterochromia occurs in several breeds of domestic cats.

Khao Mani

Kao Mani cats were originally bred in Thailand. The name "kao mani" in translation means "diamond eye" or "white pearl". At first, such animals were the property of the aristocracy, but over time they appeared among ordinary people. They are not cheap, so even nowadays not everyone can afford to buy and keep such kittens.

This animal is characterized by a small body, a smooth coat, and an elongated muzzle. It was not only the expressive appearance that made kao mani so popular. They appreciate her for her friendly, gentle nature, sociability and the ability to show affection. Caring for such an animal is no different: the cat is clean and picky about the content.

Keep in mind that it is worth buying a kitten if you are ready to devote a lot of time to it.

Loneliness is a pathological danger for an animal that he cannot stand, so there must always be someone in the house. The pet becomes attached to the owner, remains faithful to him. It is believed that it attracts happiness and well-being to the house.

Angora cat

The Turkish Angora, as the Angora cat is called, is another species that is characterized by heterochromia. The animal has a compact size, small bones, an elongated body with rounded ribs. A mature cat weighs 5 kg. The ears are long and erect. Among the common shades of the coat: cream, white, black, blue, red. Felinologists are convinced that representatives of the Turkish Angora breed are more likely than others to have multi-colored eyes.

These cats appeared in Byzantium, and in the 16th century they were brought to Europe. Fuzzies with white wool are considered popular, their cost is the highest. Buy such a kitten in nurseries, as these animals will live longer (18-20 years).

It is important to properly care for the Angora. Include dietary supplements in your daily menu. Try to brush your pet's coat regularly, as well as clean ears and trim nails.

The character of the cat is active, she is trainable and is always able to find something to her liking. Intelligence is inherent in Turkish Angora, as they learn basic tricks. They love to be in the spotlight.

Turkish van

This species was named after the Turkish district of Van. Representatives of the breed with different eyes will become full members of the family, as they are playful, friendly. They quickly get used to the new environment, are ready to make contact with people. Common shades of coat include white and tortoiseshell interspersed with golden, brown, gray and black. The coat of cats is smooth.

Such a pet follows the owner around the apartment, purrs, climbs into his arms and looks into his eyes, looking for an opportunity to communicate with the owner. The Turkish van will accept all family members benevolently, but will choose one favorite. He likes to conquer heights, which is why he is often seen on cabinets and refrigerators.

The cat is not afraid of water, it is bathed in the bath regularly. Moreover, by nature, the pet is a true hunter: even on a walk, he will not miss the opportunity to explore puddles and reservoirs. The odd-eyed kitten also has intelligence, amenable to training. If you wish, teach him such commands as "Give a paw!", "Sit!", "Aport!" etc.

Heterochromia in the breed is manifested in a combination of yellow and blue shades of the eyes.

White and fluffy domestic cats have always been appreciated by the inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine. From time immemorial, such a color has always been associated by people as the color of goodness and light. Even in ancient Egypt, the white cat was regarded as a sacred animal capable of healing people and endowing them with wisdom. More details about this breed, how pets behave in the house, videos, photos - all this is presented in this material.


Special signs

As mentioned above, the white cat has always been considered the sample of the purest color. If you follow international standards, then you need to understand that a real white cat should not have any signs of other colors on its body. And even other shades.

A white cat must be exclusively white in color, otherwise it will be considered just a mixture. Although it should also be borne in mind that white kittens at an early age are not always snow-white. A white fluffy kitten may have specks or specks on its head on its body. But they often disappear with age.

It should also be added that white kittens change their eye color with age. If a kitten had blue eyes in childhood, then it is possible that with age a white cat will have amber or green eyes. But a special place among such pets is occupied by animals with blue eyes.

Sometimes a cat can become snow-white over time, and earlier its color may be different. Moreover, such an animal may have red eyes. What does this mean? The fact that a white cat may well be an albino. An albino is a cat whose coat has lightened as a result of failures at the genetic level, that is, in the absence of pigmentation. They are, in fact, virtually indistinguishable from other cats, but their eyes can have a reddish tint.

Variety of white rocks

Snow white cats can be completely different. It all depends on the breed. What kinds of snow-white animals do the inhabitants of our country prefer to have in their homes today? White cat breeds are presented below.

Turkish angora

Very often, the white cat of the Turkish Angora meets with different eyes. Therefore, there is no single standard for eye color. On average, the weight of an adult is about 3-4 kilograms. The male can weigh up to 5 kg.

The color of such animals can be absolutely any, with the exception of brown or Himalayan color. But, naturally, the most valuable color is white. Breeders do not recommend mixing this breed with any non-white pets. Moreover, individuals of a snow-white color are always more expensive. The wool of such an animal does not have an undercoat. Its length can vary. As a rule, the fur on the collar and tail is long. The hind legs should have the so-called pants.

This breed is easy to train. White kittens are smart, well-mannered, affectionate, quickly become attached to a person. The fur of such pets should be carefully combed out. In the off-season, the white cat sheds heavily. In practice, pets with different eyes often have hearing problems.


Foreignwaits are varieties of oriental cats. This white cat first appeared in 1965 in the United States as a result of selection. His ancestors in the Middle East can be found in almost every home. But in Europe and the USA, it is not so popular. This variety should have a snow-white coat, there should not be a single sign of yellowness on it. By the way, this oriental color is the only one in which the eyes should be blue. In the event that a white cat has eyes of different colors, then such pets are often not allowed to mate.

If a kitten has eyes of different colors, it means that he received them from oriental parents. Sometimes there are specks on the top of such kittens that disappear over time.

Persian breed with blue eyes

Persian animals can be of any color. But if the animal is endowed with snow-white color, then it will have blue eyes. The coat of such a pet is fluffy and very long. Such an animal requires regular brushing. The character of the Persian blue-eyed cat is phlegmatic, the pets are very attached to the owner.

As a result, they are highly dependent on the person, which makes them more lazy. If you do not take care of the wool, tangles will form in it. It is also necessary to wipe the cat's eyes from time to time. The white Persian cat, as a result of the occlusion of the lacrimal glands, needs regular eye care.

All white cats are deaf: myth and reality

It is often believed that pets with blue eyes are deaf in most cases. Why is it so? It should be noted that there is some truth in this.

Indeed, animals with blue eyes can suffer from hearing impairments, but this does not mean that they are deaf.

Why do people think white cats are deaf? It has already been scientifically proven that a white cat with blue eyes is more modest, he has a timid character. This may be due to hearing impairment. But the fact that animals with blue eyes are completely deaf is nothing more than a myth. According to a study of these pets, only a small fraction of them - 5% - are born deaf.

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Video "All about the Turkish Angora"

You can find out all the basic information about the Turkish Angora.

White is an iconic color associated with a fresh start, innocence and purity. The ancient Assyrians, who wrote in dream books about what a white cat dreams of, mentioned good news, success in business, or the reconciliation of old enemies. Snow beauties are preferred by people who are neat and organized, a white cat in the house symbolizes comfort and regularity. But these cats have many characteristics that you should know about before buying a kitten.

Genetics is a complex thing, not always predictable and insanely interesting. It is not entirely clear how exactly, but the genes responsible for the color also influence the behavior of cats. The characteristic features of white cats are tender affection for the owner, bordering on dependence. They are affectionate pets, calm, appreciating comfort, coziness and silence. Of course, the breeds of white cats differ in temperament: the Persians are somewhat detached from the bustle of everyday life, the oriental whites cannot even have a day without people, the airy British ladies are restrained, but they prefer society to boring gatherings alone.

Ethologists believe that white cats with different eyes often behave unpredictably, easily changing from anger to mercy and quickly switching from one curious object to another. This is a mystery cat and a surprise cat. A short-haired white cat with blue eyes is an affectionate "monkey" ready to spend the whole day in the arms of a loved one. Green-eyed beauties are full of secrets - a sort of sorceress who sees through anyone and does not overlook even mere trifles.

White cats will not be happy next to people who are rude, harsh, nervous, demanding. They do not like noisy gatherings, familiarity from strangers, sloppy children's games, scandals.

A completely white cat with green eyes, the color of sparkling copper or a summer sky, in a luxurious long fur coat, astrakhan cape or light cloak is a faithful friend, companion and companion. If a person does not represent an affectionate and dependent creature next to him, it may be worth paying attention to other colors: black and chocolate activists, spotted circus performers and red-haired merry fellows. The character of white cats, as well as their color, is special. And forgetting about what a huge role character plays in the formation of friendly relations is fraught with trouble.

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Tarnished reputation

White, and especially long-haired white cats, breeders call cats not for lazy people. And it is important to realize this moment even before buying, since there is nothing more pathetic than a dirty matted wool of an indistinct shade. White cats completely ignore deaf partitions, closed doors and strict prohibitions: if there is dirt in the house, she will find it, smear herself and appear before the owner, looking at him with the most innocent look. It is useless to scold, to wean the cat from examining the territory - even more so. A white cat in the house is a serious reason to keep perfectly clean.

However, do not think that a snow-white cat is a kind of dust collector. If the pet is healthy, and the owner does not forget to take care of the coat, there will be much less problems. As a rule, the "revealing" places are the heels, base of the tail, chest, muzzle and base of the ears. In these areas, the coat often takes on a yellowish or grayish tint, even if the house is sterile clean. Therefore, caring for a white cat necessarily includes bathing with the use of special shampoos, pastes and powders. Cosmetics should be professional and therefore not cheap. A penny whitening shampoo can burn the coat, dye it in a "cheerful" bluish or greenish shade.

In Ancient Russia, there was even a sign of what a white cat in a stained fur coat dreams of: a slander, a tarnished reputation, gossip, and unsightly rumors. And really, what will the guests think when they see the once grimy white cat? It is doubtful that they will consider the owners to be neat, loving and caring people.

Gluttony of Snow White

In addition to their affectionate nature and difficulties in caring, white women are also distinguished by a tendency to various types of allergies. First of all, these are reactions to all kinds of delicacies that loving subjects treat the snow queens. A small piece of sausage, a sip of cocoa, a red fish - it's impossible to refuse! And now a white cat with blue eyes is not at all royally itching, crying, sneezing and covered with red spots. The coat grows dull, sticks out in clumps, the skin peels off - the payment for gluttony, in which not the cat is to blame, but the excessive love of the family.

When purchasing a kitten, consult with the breeder regarding feeding and strictly follow its recommendations, without exposing the white beauty's immune system to dangerous strength tests.

In addition, white cat breeds are sensitive to insect bites and other external irritants - dust, air freshener, fabric softener, cleaning powders. This does not mean that cats with white hair all overwhelm suffer from allergies to everything, but you need to remember this tendency and try to protect your pet from negative factors.

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Ay, can you hear me?

Breeders have long known about the main weakness of white cats - congenital deafness. Unfortunately, it has not been completely resolved, although work in this direction is ongoing. To understand why white cats are deaf, you need to understand not only the genetics of colors, but also the genetics of embryonic development. The main thing that the owner of a white cat should know: the breeding of such animals should be controlled by an experienced breeder, since with the wrong selection of pairs, the amateur risks getting weak and even viable offspring.

This collection contains amazing photos of colorful eyes of cats and cats. This phenomenon is called heterochromia - when each eye has its own color.

This collection is a continuation of a colorful photo post called Colors and Cat Eyes, where you can admire the charming eyes of our smaller brothers. Here we will pay more attention to heterochromia - different colors of the iris of the eye in a cat

Heterochromia can be partial or complete. Partial is when different parts of one eye are painted in different colors. And complete - this is when each eye has its own color

Differences in eye color are not considered a disease. However, it most often occurs in cats that have survived a severe illness and most often in white individuals

A special gene responsible for eye color prevents melanin from reaching the iris and coloring it into the desired pigment. Pedigree cats such as Angora are also prone to this genetic mutation.

Cats with different eye colors, especially white ones, are sometimes completely deaf, but more often than not, they are fine with hearing. As a rule, 60-70 percent of white cats with different eyes can hear, and most often white cats with blue eyes are prone to deafness - this is at the genetic level.

At dog shows and competitions, colored eyes can be a reason for refusing to participate, but for cats it is rather an advantage. Many cats with colorful eyes have won international prizes. In Turkey, for example, there is a state-supported nursery - they breed snow-white angoras with colored eyes. They love cats here, the cattery has been operating since 1917. According to legend, the cat of the Prophet Muhammad also had different eye colors.

Interestingly, a cat can carry a white gene in itself after several generations, and at the same time not have white hair at all - but the effect of multi-colored eyes will still appear

Initially, all kittens are born with blue eyes, which change color over the next few months of their life.

In kittens, heterochromia can appear as different shades of blue in each of the eyes, and within two months, each iris will acquire its own color.

Lots of photos are also available in the topic

They bring good luck to their owners. Scientists have debated for years what this unique and sometimes downright frightening sight is about. Some argued that it was a genetic mutation, others were convinced that it was some kind of disease. Today we will try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and find out what breeds of cats it is inherent in.

What is the reason for this anomaly?

We must say right away that this unique phenomenon occurs not only in cats, but also in other animals, and even in humans. It has a scientific basis and is known as heterochromia. The reason for the appearance of differences in the color of the iris is considered to be a deficiency of melanin or its presence in the body in an abnormally large amount. The color in which the irises will be painted depends on the concentration of this substance and on the characteristics of its distribution. In other words, the eye affected by heterochromia has undergone hyper- or hypopigmentation.

Most often, cats with different eyes are found in nature, the breed of an animal does not play a special role in this matter. Heterochromia can be complete or partial. In the first case, one eye of the animal is blue, and the other is golden, green, yellow or orange.

Can heterochromia be called an ailment?

Let's make a reservation right away that cats with different eyes are not considered sick, since this phenomenon does not affect the vision of animals. This anomaly is often found in white and tricolor individuals, as well as in those who at one time had a serious illness.

Experts distinguish between acquired and congenital heterochromia. The first occurs as a result of prolonged use of certain medications. The second is due exclusively to hereditary factors.

with different eyes

The breed of animals does not in any way affect the appearance of heterochromia. In the case of white individuals, this anomaly is due to the presence of a very dangerous dominant White gene in them. In a homozygous form, it often becomes the cause of the death of unborn babies.

Another feature associated with the white color of the coat is that under its influence, significant changes in the organs of sight and hearing can occur. In addition, it has a strong effect on the formation of the primordia of the feline nervous system.

with different eyes

The breed was bred by accident. These semi-long-haired animals have a strong elongated body with an excellently developed chest and a rectangular back, slightly tapering towards the tail. Strong limbs are considered a characteristic feature of adults. Moreover, the rear ones are slightly shorter than the front ones.

These beautiful graceful cats with different eyes weigh from four and a half to nine kilograms. Males are distinguished by a more powerful bone and larger size. Individuals that have reached the age of three are considered sexually mature. Representatives of this breed are very sociable. They are able to express their own emotions and needs. Despite the fact that these animals are attached to all family members, they allocate one owner for themselves.

Turkish angora

These medium-sized animals, characterized by small bones, have a graceful elongated body with rounded ribs. The average weight of an adult is about five kilograms.

Among the representatives of this breed, there are also cats with different eyes. The wedge-shaped head of the animal is decorated with large, erect ears, covered with soft pile. The body of the Turkish Angora is covered with silky white, cream, black, blue or red hair. Individuals of the Himalayan, lilac and chocolate colors are not allowed for breeding.

White ones are especially popular with. As a rule, they are sold at a higher price. Individuals bought in a professional nursery do not have hereditary diseases and can live for at least eighteen years.

The basis of the diet of the Turkish Angora should be made up of special super-premium food. Grooming the coat is reduced to regular brushing with a brush. It is sufficient to repeat this procedure once a week. Also, representatives of this breed need regular cleaning of the auricles, trimming the nails and rubbing the eyes.

These rather playful cats are characterized by an active temperament. They love physical activity and love to be in the spotlight. So that the pet does not get bored during your long absence, it is advisable to purchase a scratching post for him, special exercise machines, interactive toys and other accessories that allow the animal to throw out the accumulated energy. In addition, the Turkish Angora is highly trainable. She is so smart that she is quite capable of mastering a few not-too-complicated tricks.