The energy power of women is the whole truth. The strength of a woman is in her weakness: how to understand female tricks

Ecology of life. Psychology: Every woman wants to have a powerful feminine energy, to be strong as a woman, attractive, to feel her feminine resources ...

Every woman wants to have a powerful feminine energy, to be strong as a woman, attractive, to feel her feminine resources, right?

We do a lot of practices in order to get closer to this goal, to become harmonious, feminine, whole, internally calm.

It is important for us to be strong as a woman so that there is a courageous man nearby, strong as a man, responsible, protective and loyal. After all, it is our female energy and its quantity that allows a man to remain faithful and not gain energy on the side of other women.

And we also want to be strong like a woman, so that, when faced with obstacles in life, we could look at them wisely and calmly, learn from them a lesson and see in this situation the care and love of God, instead of being nervous, complaining and asking “for what? ”, bring yourself to nervous breakdowns and ultimatums to God!

We want to become femininely strong, so that we have enough patience, love and endurance to bring up our children in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance, so that for them their mother will always be an unshakable support and haven of love at any age, and not a nervous, tucked-up woman who herself is not I have enough strength to live.

We need female power for friendship, because sometimes our beloved friends are bad and hard, and with our energy and love we can again inspire them to develop and further path, we can give them faith in themselves and strength to create their reality.

We really need a woman's strength to live harmoniously, internally easily, calmly and happily in a feminine way.

Female power or shakti is the basis of the creation of the world, everything began with her and she is the source of everything in this world. Our female energy creates reality, it is she who creates the material world, she gives birth and nurtures, she attracts and attracts, this eternal value is more significant than gold and diamonds, because female power is the essence of creating reality, the key to life!

And therefore, men really need women-muses to create great deeds, children need affectionate mothers, grandmothers - caring granddaughters with love in their eyes!

Everyone needs a strong woman, because wherever she comes, she awakens life and energy in this place, she creates the energy of space and fills it with vibrations of love.

Recently, I have been paying a lot of attention to my feminine strength, not to the mind, not to knowledge, but to my inner energy! And I noticed such a thing: people's attitudes towards me are changing very much, men take care of me, even barely acquaintances - they help, protect and offer support. My daughter began to treat me with great affection and tenderness. Friends and acquaintances help in a common cause, support and always come to the rescue if I suddenly feel sad. If I am in a good mood, everyone becomes happy, if I am sad, then those around me (especially men) begin to make efforts to make me cheerful, because they depend on my energy.

Being an energetically strong woman is very beneficial.

At first, you create a mood and energy around, and do not fall under someone's influence. She wanted - everyone laughs, wanted - everyone has nostalgia, or all of a sudden all romantic came - and everyone around was drowned in thoughts of love.

Or, for example, she came home, and her husband is angry after work. She took a calm gentle mood for herself, went up to him, silently hugged him, kissed him, wrapped her with her energy, like a soft blanket, and went to the kitchen to go about her female affairs. It takes 5-10 minutes, the husband enters the room already calm and curiously asks how you are doing. He has already calmed down and everything is fine again. Convenient, right?

Or the child is crying and naughty, and you take him in your arms and say: “You are my good! I understand how sad you are ... ”and bathe him in your love. And after 2 minutes the cub is already smiling and running to play.

No need to swear, explain, prove, be nervous, cheat and worry. I personally always use my feminine power even at work: the workers in the brigade had a fight (they are doing repairs in my studio), everyone is on edge, something goes wrong, you go up to the foreman, put your hand on his wrist or on the edge of his shoulder and calmly, gently say "You have already done such a great job, everything is already so beautiful ..." Several minutes pass, they are already working harmoniously and everything is fine again.

Secondly, you yourself create your reality. When a woman has a strong energy, it is enough for her to wish something in a good mood and let it go, just continue to live on. It won't be long at all, and her wishes will come true!

Thirdly, you feel like a part of the great creation of God, a part of the great cosmic feminine power, and you are always protected. You always feel and realize that the Great Ma's are guiding and protecting you.

And it's not just some words that really protect, through people. You just need to trust!

Recently in my studio the movers left the tap open for the night and poured water on the floor, the beautiful chocolate-colored parquet swelled and deteriorated. Not only did I lose a lot of money, but I also lost precious days, because I already wanted to quickly enter the studio and start doing great women's affairs there. I sat down and became sad. I didn't think about anything at all, I just sat there and was sad to myself quietly. They immediately began to call me, and when they heard my voice, help and support immediately began to flow. The next day, the guys arrived, and not only laid new floors in 1 day, but also stood up for me and made those negligent loaders take responsibility for their actions.

Fourthly, you feel everything perfectly!

When you are in contact with yourself, then you perfectly feel the states of people and their needs. Women are very empathic by nature, and for them clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience is not a special gift, but a common thing. All women who have come into contact with their nature have these opportunities. And therefore a strong woman feels everything in advance, without any logic, she already knows at a subtle level how what she started will end. And therefore, having learned to listen to our intuition and our heart, we, women, receive the key in world knowledge, to foresee and control our destiny.

Each of you at least once received answers from the universe in the form of dreams, a premonition, an inner voice or a sudden realization. But when we are in contact with our feminine nature, we can be connected to this state all the time.

For example, in my circle, where women live in accordance with their nature, feeling each other is completely normal.

Just a couple of days ago, my cosmoenergy mentor calls me and says: “Yulia, yesterday I was doing my own thing in the evening, and suddenly I felt that you felt bad, I received information that you need to hold you under certain energies. What has happened with you?". And in fact, at that time I was in a very difficult condition and everything that she described to me fits perfectly into reality.

Think magic? Nothing like this. We can feel everyone in this way if we enter our energetic feminine pole, instead of the mind, we begin to listen to the heart and trust our feelings.

In short, there are a lot of benefits and benefits from a strong feminine energy. I can describe them for a long, long time.

Recently, at my consultations, I am increasingly asked the question: “How can you become strong like a woman? What is this force composed of? How to get it? How to multiply it in yourself? "

I think this question is relevant for many women!

Let's figure it out!

Where does female power begin ...

With the awareness of being a woman. Not just understanding that I have such a gender identity, but with the feeling and acceptance of myself as a woman, my body, my characteristics.

It is very important for a woman to accept a few facts about herself and treat them with acceptance and calmness.

The first most important fact: “Woman is a creative force. When a woman is bad, everyone is bad. When a woman feels good, everyone thrives! "

This awareness is very important so that a woman does not wear herself out, does not curry favor with a deficit and always cares first of all about her emotional state, knowing that all the people around her depend on it. A woman who has realized herself always understands that it is necessary to give and create only from abundance, but first you need to fill yourself with grace, your body with pleasure, and your heart with love! When you become aware of yourself as psychic energy, then much in life falls into place: you stop adapting to men and their gloomy mood, you stop depending on the opinions of your friends, you calmly take the child's whims and are able to cope with it. And knowing this, you will always care not about doing as many things as possible, but about your mood and state, because they are the key to your joy and the joy of others.

Second important fact, about which we all know, but we are trying to fight: "A woman is not stable"

Female energy in itself is not structured and chaotic, it is a clot of power that can turn for good and for evil. We are not constant and not stable, our mood often changes, because we strongly feel the vibrations of the planets, the general energy of the city, country, planet, flows of energies pass through us and we periodically broadcast the pain or suffering of various egregors.

We are mediators, guides. Therefore, even if everything is fine in a woman's life, she may periodically cry from internal pain of unknown origin. This is how female karma is worked through - through states.

It is not possible to explain your condition to a man.

Once I was driving with my husband, everything was fine, and suddenly I saw a couple of old people crossing the road: a lame blind old man, who was being led by his arm, his wife, exhausted and tired of life. They were approaching the store. And looking at them, I so felt their state: alienation, needlessness, loneliness, despair, powerlessness in front of the world, pain from my helplessness and weakness. I burst into tears. I was crying and could not stop! The husband, as always, did not understand what was happening. Just now, my wife normally and cheerfully told her review of the film, and now she sits sobbing!

I think the story is familiar to you.

And many women try to fight their instability, discipline themselves, suppress emotions, as a result, male strength increases in them.

Instead, you need to accept your impermanence and emotional fickleness and take it into account in your life. You can sometimes laugh at him, because it is sometimes very funny. And you need to make a discount on this in everyday life, not reproach yourself for coming to the store for boots, but leaving with new underwear. Or if you are covered with sadness, do not look for reasonable reasons to be sad in order to explain your condition to people. Just say, “I'm just sad ... there is no reason! No one is to blame. I will cry now and calm down. Stay with me, hug me ... ”- it means to be in contact with your emotions.

Woman is Chaos, man is Cosmos (translated as "order"), and if you feel that you have become Cosmos, then you have moved away from your power. For a woman, chaos is a completely normal phenomenon, she knows what is in her chaos :). A good example is a woman's bag. There are only a couple of compartments in this bag, but they hold a million items. How to find the one you need? You put your hand in, close your eyes, turn on your intuition and voila - the thing is in your hand the first time. I observe this phenomenon in myself and in other women. For order and structure, a woman needs a man, and then there will be a place for him in relationships, and he will grow and develop in them.

I am often asked: "Julia, tell us about your time management, how do you manage everything?"

I honestly don't know. My time management is pure intuition, I intuitively feel which way to go, which business to start, which to postpone, where to go, what to do first. All my attempts to bring myself to the classical discipline - were crowned with a breakdown and irritation, as well as an increase in male energy. Sometimes it even happens to me that I leave the house and still don't know where I'm going, I just trust my hands, the feeling of the road, and then suddenly I find myself in a very necessary place or meet with a particularly important person. Pure chaos, no man will understand me.

Do not try to drive yourself into a rigid framework, discipline, order - for this you need a man! Remain chaos, and the Cosmos will come to you ...

What else makes a woman strong, powerful?

Women's skills and abilities. Yes, it is they that increase our feminine self-confidence, prepare us for relationships, create the foundation of feminine strength.

Let's take an example of two women:

Skills and skills of the first: she is a Doctor of Laws, two higher educations, speaks a computer, speaks languages, studied in the best business schools and knows how to clearly negotiate, drives a car, understands politics.

Skills and skills of the second: she perfectly cooks (took several culinary courses), owns sexual practices (tantra, wumbling, Danish practices and of course, read the "Peach Branches" translation into Russian of the Kama Shastra), she knows how to do massage, knows the psychology of women and men , is engaged in energy and knows how to control their states, heal.

  • Which of these women do you think will feel the most confident and calm in a relationship?
  • Which of them will find it easier to attract a man into their life?
  • Who will find it easier to create a strong family?
  • With which of these women will a man's relationship develop harmoniously?

The more a woman has purely feminine skills, the more chances she has to build harmonious relationships, the more in demand and unique she is.

This summer, I often had to communicate with men of a fairly high level. In a dialogue with one of them, it accidentally turned out that I can do a massage, cook deliciously, heat a bath, steam with a broom, dance and do a bunch of all sorts of other female wisdom. He looked at me as if I had descended from heaven to earth and timidly asked if I could teach his wife, because, in his opinion, these skills make a woman just a treasure in the family!

Think about what education in which female areas will bring you more self-confidence as a woman?

Maybe you will feel more confident inviting guests to the table and preparing a signature dish for them that makes them moan with pleasure?

Maybe you want to discover the priestess of love in yourself and learn sexual practices and techniques that will not only make you a desirable woman, but also deepen relationships on an energetic level?

Maybe you want to improve the qualities of the hostess and learn how to create coziness, receive guests with warmth and love?

Personally, I know exactly what trump card can be pulled out of my deck of trump cards when I want to charm a man. And every woman has her own signature trump card. Which one do you have now? And are you planning to expand the deck with trump cards?

And of course, the most important condition that gives a woman strength, making her invincible is the ability to love! Sincerely, truly, with the heart, not with the mind ...

Love and its living is one of the most important goals of a woman's life. We women are ready for a lot for the sake of love ... we are ready to suffer, we are ready to overcome the impossible, we are ready to wait, and sometimes even die for it!

But are we ready to just let her in and let her be in our lives? Are you ready to love yourself? Love others? Or is it safer to live without feelings?

In the modern world, there are a lot of dogmas about love, stereotypes that come to us through the painful experience of other people, through fairy tales and stories, through films and beliefs.

Almost every woman has in her mind a set of these stereotypes that separate her from great strength:

1) Because of love, you will have to suffer / give a sacrifice ...

2) If people love each other, they should be together. If they are not together, this is not love ...

3) You can love only once ...

4) It is impossible to love everyone at once ... and so on.

I think you can add many more conditions and restrictions for love to this list.

But no matter what we think, no matter how we interpret the rules of love, it still remains a state that is available to everyone who is ready to open his heart ...

And it is very important for us women to get rid of the dogmas that keep our hearts closed. The heart center fills a woman, gives her meaning and strength to live, it brings sensations, feelings, depth into her life. It gives calmness and magical power ... if it is open.

We are very much limited by the conventions of our society, which says, if we parted, we must hate each other and be offended, you can no longer love each other.

But this is not the case. Sometimes fate develops in such a way that we lose the people we love, but this does not mean that we should stop loving them, and this also does not mean that everything is over with this love and your heart will not feel anyone like that again.

Love is all-embracing and great. After all, when relatives die, we continue to love them, we can also continue to love people with whom fate divorced us ...

It is absolutely necessary for a woman to fill her most important love with trust - love for God and love for herself. And when this love lives in her heart, she quite clearly feels that “my task, as women, is to carry love and tenderness, to bring lightness to the world, and God will arrange everything else in the best way!”

Karma is now unfolding very quickly, in one life we ​​meet several very important karmic people with whom we must share true love, without admixture of feelings of guilt, shame and pain.

A loving woman is beautiful! Remember your state when you love, everything around takes on meaning, content, colors, clarity ... and the feeling comes that "this is what I want to live for." The main thing is not to confuse the state with the object to which it is being traced. And then we can preserve this state and live with it forever, and it won't hurt so much to let go, because the most important thing remains with us!

Put your hand to your heart and feel if you have the strength to live with love in your heart? Are you ready to discover this power in yourself? And partly, in dissonance to society, continue to live with an open heart?

At some stage in my life, I made this choice, and it brought me incredible sensations from life. I chose love so decisively that 4 chakras involuntarily begin to open in people next to me. And many are afraid of me, because they are not ready to live like this ... while others begin to open their hearts, release from it, everything that was hidden there, all the power of their love and its thirst. This is especially true for men. One of the most frequent phrases that I hear from them: "Julia, what I told you now nobody knows about me / a couple of people know / I never told anyone about it!"

Because a woman connected with her heart full of love quenches the thirst for trust! And trust is the foundation of a healthy and strong relationship!

A loving woman is powerful, she can forgive, she can be merciful!

You know, when I got acquainted with the Vedic knowledge, and heard that a woman should communicate with a man in this way, should cook for him, should massage his feet, I thought, “This is so difficult! This is what patience and endurance one must have! "

But everything turned out to be much simpler, it is enough just to love strongly so that you have the strength to work female miracles every day!

Therefore, please forgive all the insults in your heart, restore the thread of love in relationships with people! You need it. This is for your happiness!

For now, just put your hand to your heart and ask:

"What separates me right now from the state of love?"

And if you have no weighty arguments, then live this day with your heart with love! published by

Strong Women have always lived, they were listened to, they were worshiped. They boldly led men who felt not only a strong spirit, but also determination, striving and independence.

Every Woman has such a strength. Men are used to calling us "the weaker sex", "gentle creature", but when it comes to promoting their own goals, protecting their child or preserving family well-being, an affectionate kitty becomes a tigress who is able to show the whole world the true purpose of a Woman.

So what is our main strength? When do these inconceivable qualities manifest, which sleep until a certain moment in each of us? Let's talk about this in.


Agree, without a "hearth", there is no family warmth, comfort, harmony and warm relations.

Love and peace, a woman-mother-wife can keep in a family. Children, in a full-fledged family, are happy, the husband feels like a protector, a breadwinner for his "pack". But everything is lost when the “hearth” does not warm up in the family.

An intelligent, calm, loving woman will always extinguish the family conflict in the bud, warm everyone, caress and create the necessary harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night ... And just know that they are waiting for you and you have much to hurry.


To love your husband, value him as a Personality, praise, guide, give good advice, support in difficult times - this is Love.

When there is peace and harmony in the family, no spouse will look at the other, for comparison. If this happens, then he will definitely understand what treasure awaits him at home.

  • "A wise wife will build her house, and a foolish one will destroy it." (parable of Solomon)


Yes, every Woman is capable of controlling a man, getting what she wants without war, hysterics and swearing. It is worth showing how much we believe in our men. When men are confident in us, as in a submissive, obedient and faithful companion, the whole world is at our feet.

Making it clear that the main thing in the family is the Husband, that he is the head, the ruler, the king, in the end, then, believe me, there will immediately appear a place for the queen next to him. Only when a man receives the necessary support, care and, most importantly, the opportunity to show his masculine qualities of a leader, a woman is left with no less great things to direct her master in the direction she needs.

  • The husband is the head, the wife is the neck.
  • Where the neck turns, the head will look there.
  • If you want a smart head, learn how to turn it correctly, in the direction you need.

Female weakness

Men value their strength so much that sometimes they have to demonstrate it next to a weak Woman. Therefore, it is so important to demonstrate to each man in time his masculinity, determination, strength and power. A weak, light and airy Woman will help to do this.

You should not press on pity with constant sniffling, and remind you of helplessness. You can ask correctly once, pointing out the dignity of a man.

Before the strength of a true man, female weakness takes on special sophistication and beauty.

As she is

Being yourself, not playing and not wearing different masks, is important for each of us. Someday the mask will fall off, and this will not be the most appropriate hour. The main thing is to learn to live by your own rules. To pretend to be another person means to live a different life.

Feminine power is hard work on oneself. Defenseless, timid and a little shy, at the same time strong in spirit, wise and loyal: why not an Ideal Woman!

Ideal - for everyone it has its own concept. Striving for your ideals is the meaning of life. Look into the future, go to your goals, value and respect someone else's opinion, then Fate will bestow its blessings!

Nature has given us everything we need for feminine strength to make plans come true. The main thing is that she gave us Men who are so strong, self-confident and eager for female love and affection. But what can they do without a wise and weak Woman?

Be sure to read the beautiful words of a loving and very strong Woman

I will tie your life

From fluffy mohair threads

I will tie your life

I won't lie a single loop

I will tie your life

Where a pattern across the field of prayer,

Wishes for happiness

In the rays of true love

I will tie your life

From a merry melange yarn

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from the bottom of my heart.

Where do I get the thread?

I will never confess to anyone.

To bind your life

I secretly dissolve mine.

(Valentina Belyaeva)

Where can money, career growth, success in business come from to a woman? What is the main female power, with the help of which such talents can we women receive all the blessings of the world? Let's figure it out.

Money can come to a woman from two sources: either she earns herself, or the man gives. But it often happens that a man in a woman's life is either absent altogether, or he is such that he himself must be provided with money. That is, she, in any case, has to work.

What does "have to work" mean? This means performing male functions, i.e. perform certain actions for the sake of providing, feeding, surviving and protecting their family.

You will not deny that a man has been a hunter since ancient times and brought prey into the house, providing for his family? And also, when a threat arose, he became the protector of his family. So Protection and Provision are primordially male functions.

And I invite you to look at the situation, why in general some things are considered to be truly masculine, and some are feminine. And what happens to women when they take on male responsibilities. And the choice is always yours, whether to cultivate femininity or not. Because femininity is the main feminine force.

A woman is a being who gets everything without war. Ideally, we are women like flowers. We are born to please and enjoy, "blossom and smell". Are you surprised?

Male energy is directed Yin energy. A man is ideally straightforward. He is like an arrow, like a vector. A woman is flexible, fluid, wave. Woman is pure potential from which everything is born, but has not yet been born. It is from this that our ability to give birth to other worlds is conditioned - to give birth to children. Woman is unmanifest energy. And a man is a manifested consciousness.

A woman energetically has a place of strength and accumulation of energy - the uterus. A man has a head. That is why a woman, first of all, needs to take care of the ways of filling with energy that are natural for her feminine nature. And what happens when a woman begins to live in a context - has set a goal, gathered, won?

A woman is very energetically depleted, the level of female hormones falls. She creates unnecessary and unnecessary difficulties for herself. And most importantly, after all this, the man feels high - he has achieved the desired goal. After all, everything in his body is sharpened precisely to achieve the goal, and it is this moment that is a source of energy for a man. And a woman in this situation feels devastated, exhausted and absolutely unhappy. It is at such moments that thoughts arise: "Why am I?", "Well, how much can you?","Why doesn't he do it?"

Consider also the moment of our cyclicality. The female hormonal background changes every day. Whether we like it or not, nature is inherent in the ability of a woman to bear children. And our homonic background depends on the stage of maturation of the egg. Do you think that nature will make the end result of the case dependent on emotions? This is the prerogative of men, their mind is always pure and free from emotions.

There are many more moments, but the essence is the same - when a woman follows the male path, she destroys herself, destroys her health, beauty, her female happiness. She, with her own hands, deprives her man of success, wealth, and his masculine qualities. Because a man next to a "courageous" woman slowly migrates to the female policy.

With all of the above arguments in mind, I suggest a woman to develop her femininity as the only sure way to attract money to herself in abundance.

And the woman, as you already know, answers me: “I don’t need your femininity, I’m already out of this age. And men do not interest me, the main thing for me is the happiness of my children and that the financial situation is equalized”.

For her, with her experience, with her mother's covenant to rely only on herself, my advice to develop femininity is an empty phrase. She believes that Fortune will find it for what it is, only it is necessary to grasp this Fortune stronger - pull it out from life with teeth and nails!

Dear women, life gives money in abundance only to courageous men and feminine women!

Femininity is the capital of a woman at any age. This is our feminine strength.

Because femininity is a woman's potential. And potential, translated from the Latin "potentio", is a possibility. The more femininity, the more opportunities you have!

And Luck is an Opportunity. To go to Luck, you need a flair. Without female intuition, there will be no flair. Never! The Lucky Circle looks like this: intuition - intuition - opportunity - acceptance of the opportunity - luck - enjoying the situation!

Since it is a circle, flair and pleasure are always close by. A woman who is happy with herself and can enjoy in any situation is truly feminine. And since she knows how to accept the situation with pleasure, she is desirable for the situation.

And the situation is never without people! There are people inside every situation! Femininity is the enjoyment of people inside a situation!

People always reciprocate. They simply cannot do otherwise. What you send to people, they send back. Is it trite? But for some reason, many do not want to understand what they themselves are sending to others.

If you want more money, be warm. But not maternal, because you are not a mother to these people. Show feminine warmth. What is it? Feminine warmth is the ability to give love and significance to your interlocutor, the ability to accept from him everything that he gives, the ability to inspire him and make him want to cooperate. It is cooperation that increases the flow of money. Everyone knows that.

But not everyone understands that it is Femininity that causes the desire to cooperate, help and take care of a woman. Simply put, give her more money.

And if you do not feel the true pleasure of the One Who is Near, then you are Mommy and you have the "I myself" program working.

Until you remove this program, there will be no money. You can whine and complain. Nothing will help - no talismans, no lotteries. You will be losing money on everything.

The sooner you begin to understand that Femininity is not rubbish, useless in the economy, but a true, real increase in the flow of money, the sooner stability, prosperity and abundance will come to you.

And Real Men with good money will even appear around you!

There is a story about a meeting between the wife and mistress of one man. They began to discuss it, and the wife said:

- He is a fool, a miser and a scoundrel. I don’t understand what you are with him!

“You’re wrong,” replied the mistress, “he is both generous, and wise, and brave! Judge for yourself:

every holiday brings me gorgeous gifts - here are the rings, and a fur coat, and a car.

- That's really not true! - my wife was indignant - He doesn't even give me flowers on holidays, he doesn't give me his salary! He is still a miser!

- No! - objected the mistress. - He is a sage, it is always so interesting to communicate with him. He read a lot, knows a lot, has his own opinion about everything. I love to listen to him - I learn so many new things!

- Say it too! - the wife grinned - He always carries some nonsense and nonsense! Even listening is disgusting! And what a scoundrel! He will never intercede for me, at night he will not meet how to make repairs - so it disappears, and I do it myself !!!

“We seem to be talking about different men,” the mistress smiled. “Three days ago, he even fought for me with the guy who called me. Never lets carry anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers. And even at home he hammered all the nails, laid the parquet flooring, tiles ... I tell you, he is a generous, wise man and brave!

And after all, each of them is right. Because with one of them, a man behaves in such a way that he looks like a scoundrel, and on the other, he is brave. Although the man is one and the same.

This story shows how much a woman influences a man. The same man can differ dramatically, depending on who is next to him.

I know examples of alcoholics in their first marriage and successful businessmen in their second. And vice versa - I saw successful men who left their first wife for a young girl. After a couple of years, they lost everything and became drinking bums.

Why it happens? Because the power of a woman is enormous. And her influence on a man is limitless. In fact, a woman "makes" a man. She reveals some qualities in him, and neutralizes some. Most often it acts unconsciously. Using generic scripts and the experience of your family. If dad was successful, then she will unconsciously help him achieve success (she has such a picture in front of her eyes). And if dad was a loser or drank a lot, then her unconscious picture will lead the family to ruin.

The problem is that women do not understand their strength and do not pay enough attention to their thoughts and actions. They do not realize their strength and the possibilities of their influence on their husband. If we knew that we were born with a magic wand, it’s unlikely that we would wave it in vain and order all kinds of nonsense, right?

Let's consider what a wife can do with a man, how she can affect his character and actions.

Let's start with the negative influence of the wife

As a wife thinks of her husband, so he becomes. He sees in him only shortcomings and imperfections - they multiply every day. And then even that man who has great potential to be a good husband becomes an ordinary horned animal from the goat family.

If a wife does not respect her husband, no one respects him. Neither family, nor friends, nor colleagues. We can say that the wife writes a certain word on her husband's forehead that characterizes him. And according to this inscription, other people begin to build relationships with him. This is how the wife, without thinking, will write some nasty thing with a permanent marker, and then she is surprised ...

If a wife does not trust her husband and does not open his heart, no one trusts him. Even if he is fully worthy of such trust, all the same, everyone around him will constantly doubt him. And what an increase or new prospects here!

If the wife is always dissatisfied with everything, then in the family everyone becomes the same dissatisfied. They will have the wrong apartment, the wrong dinner, clothes, and rest. And even the parents will seem completely wrong.

If the wife thinks that it would be possible to find a better husband, this is the first step to male infidelity. It is said that the woman is always the first to cheat. True, she does this only mentally, and it is difficult to convict her of this. And a man cheats physically after his wife gave him such "permission" with her thoughts that he is far from the best.

If a wife is stingy in heart, does not want to serve her husband, warm him with love and pacify him, he seeks consolation for himself in alcohol and drugs.

If the wife does not allow her husband to do men's affairs - communication with friends, fishing, garages and other nonsense in women's opinion, the husband seeks rest differently - in alcohol, computer games, smoking and other not the most joyful things.

If a woman does not open her heart to her husband, he becomes greedy. And then you can't beg for snow from him in winter, let alone flowers on March 8th. The moment a woman cuts off her husband's access to her heart, he cuts off access to her wallet for her.

If the wife is too independent - everything is herself and no one is needed, then the husband becomes irresponsible. Even if before that he was quite well responsible not only for himself, he seems to lose this skill, relaxes and merges with the sofa.

If the wife is resentful, the husband will be angry. Anger manifests itself in different ways in our bodies.

If a wife is mentally unfaithful to her husband, then he will be stingy. And why should he spend money on a woman who, not today, will find another tomorrow and leave?

If the husband's wife does not obey, constantly argues and argues, then the husband will cease to be a man. He becomes irresponsible and malacholny, weak and "none".

If a wife regularly abuses her husband - for example, "blows his brain" or yells at him, insults and so on, then the man will have two options. Or he becomes a submissive henpecked, with a completely broken will and male Ego. Or he also begins to commit violence against his wife - most often in the physical plane.

If a woman is too active in external activities, the husband becomes a passive appendage to the television. Although earlier he could be quite a successful businessman.

But there is also a downside!

If a wife sees good qualities in her husband and focuses on them, they begin to grow and multiply. Even if there is no reason for this. Even if he was not supposed to be responsible, he becomes so. Should not be a boss - but suddenly it becomes. Etc.

If a wife respects her husband, friends and colleagues begin to respect him for some reason. They support him and help him in difficult situations.

If a wife trusts her husband, other people trust him.

If the wife does not hide anything from her husband, does not deceive, opens her heart, then the husband will not be able to deceive his wife and cheat on her.

If a wife opens her heart to her husband, he becomes generous. He begins to look for reasons to please her and make her even happier.

If a wife sincerely serves her husband, he will take her under his protection with great pleasure. He will take care of her and protect her from everything.

If the wife is sympathetic to her husband's temperament and tries to satisfy him, then the husband will move mountains for her sake. To do this, you need to learn to see the qualities of your husband, and not measure him with your stereotypes.

This is the most important thing that I want to convey to you. If your husband does not suit you with something, find the reason for this in yourself. And this work is worth putting in effort and time. What would I be if I were a man? - Are you sure you want to know? - Then look at your husband. This is how it would be. He lacks masculine qualities just as you miss feminine ones.

For example, the husband drinks beer. Then your main job is acceptance. Acceptance that he has the right to ruin his health if he wants to. And it also most likely speaks of your emotional dryness in a relationship with him. Perhaps he lacks support and encouragement.

Or the husband doesn't want to work. Then, perhaps, you work too hard and absolutely disobey him. And what's the point of kicking him and signing him up for interviews? Even if he goes there, it won't last long with this attitude. Therefore, you need to change yourself.

Why is the man lying on the couch? Because a woman in stress pushes him there. She rushes around like a meteor, sweeping away everything in its path, and to stay alive, he disguises himself as a cape on the sofa.

If your husband does not help you with the children, think about it, do you consider him a good father, worthy of the children to love him on an equal basis with you? And did you not turn him away from help, pointing out that he washed the baby's ass badly, and did not boil the bottle again?

God gives us exactly as much as we deserve. Our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters - we cannot choose them. So you have to learn to accept. But with husbands it is different. There is an illusion of choice. There is a feeling that there could be another, better.

But this is only the appearance of a choice. God also gives us spouses. How else would we meet and love each other? How would we find each other in the crowd and be attracted?

And since God gave you such a husband, it means that you deserve exactly this. But why and why - this is already worth thinking about. And what to do next with this is your choice and your scope for creativity.

Take care of each other!

You can always blame each other and look for a speck in your spouse's eye. Or you can take courage and look into your own eyes with their logs.

And when you notice and examine your logs, you can finally see that there is a Man next to you. Moreover, this person is a Man. And there is a lot of good in it. And how much he suffers from you. After all, a woman is much stronger in matters of relationships. The energy of relationships gushes out of her! And it is very easy to flood a man with stormy waves. And after all, while sailing, he must also make a ship from floating chips, right in the waves! It is in your best interest to keep the waves calm.

Take care of each other! So much energy is spent on senseless battles within families, but these forces could have been invested in creativity or raising children. The energy losses from each quarrel are colossal. Don't waste your energy. Learn to love.

Marriage lines in the palm of your hand and what awaits you in the future

Instead of a quarrel, one could spend energy on:

- maintaining the health of your husband and yourself - for example, you could start jogging in the morning, do exercises or go to the gym. One quarrel would be enough for a month of such useful activities.

- thinking over and looking for a gift for loved ones. Better yet, for each other. And not to buy something that we think he would like. And what he really wants and what he will be happy about (usually these are different things)

- a walk with or with children. Strengthening relationships by walking is the most effective method.

- viewing a family album, memories of how you were so many years ago and how your relationship developed.

- to get to the payment terminal in the metro and put at least 100 rubles into the account of a sick child in order to help his parents undergo surgery. He will grow up grateful, believing in good people and God, choose a good profession and help hundreds of other people. With one small action, you would change the whole world for the better - but you wasted energy on swearing.

It's hard at first. But the flower also sits underground for some time, in darkness and dampness. Then he needs to expend a lot of energy to break through the soil, to go beyond the darkness. Then you need to strive for the sun for a long, long time. And only then can he open up and show everyone his beauty.

So are people. It takes a lot of effort to learn to love. You need to give yourself time. And at some point, take the courage to step out of your comfort zone. And also allow yourself to absorb the Love that God unselfishly gives us along with the sunlight. And when you are filled with this love, you just need to open your heart.

Its beautiful, like the most amazing Flower - Heart. Heart full of Love.

Love men. They really need your Love. Even if they never admit it.

Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she really loved.

There is a funny story about Barack Obama and his wife.

One evening, President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to go to an unscheduled dinner at a restaurant that was not overly luxurious. Once they were seated, the restaurant owner asked Obama's security guard if he could approach the first lady privately.

Then Michelle and this man had a conversation. Then the husband asked Michelle, "Why was he so interested in communicating with you?" She replied that in her teenage years, he was madly in love with her.

The President chuckled: “So if you married him, you could now be the owner of this wonderful restaurant?” And Michelle smiled: “No. If I married him, then he would become the president. "

I wish you that this day, when you can open your heart full of Love, will come very soon.

The strength of a man is in his woman

A man and a woman are two halves of a single whole. Therefore, it is very important how a man treats a woman, how much he loves and respects her, how he shows his concern for her. After all, what we broadcast to the outside world comes back to us in one form or another. Therefore, a woman is a wonderful mirror for a man, it is thanks to a woman that a man can show his best masculine qualities. How can you check how much a man has become a man? Only with the help of a woman.

Any conflict with the opposite sex suggests that we are still imperfect. And any conflict tells us what you need to change in yourself, over how need to work.

If a man builds a correct relationship with a woman, then he receives powerful support. As we said above, the strength of a man to act in the material world is given by a woman. In many ways, it depends on the woman whether the man will be socially successful. First such a woman is the mother, then the wife and daughter.

A woman can give a lot of strength to a man, but she can also take away if a man behaves incorrectly, if his priorities in life are wrong. When he puts material goods, money and pleasure in the first place, a woman begins to control him, since a woman is the personification of Nature and matter. And this inevitably leads to conflicts.

It is important for a man to understand that in his world the Almighty and himself are the ruler. And if you invite the energy of a woman into your life, then you need to be able to interact with her, to own this energy. Not to suck every last drop out of it, but to own it. To own is to Know the Lad, to know harmony, order. Take care. Interact for creation, for the good of the Family, the World, the Universe. This energy is a gift from God. It is important for a man that a woman opens up to him, begins to give her feelings, her energy. It is necessary to open the woman's heart. There should be an exchange of energies, but this is possible only with disinterestedness on both sides, with respect for each other, while fulfilling our duty towards each other.

If a man does not cope with this energy, then he will lose himself, his spirit, begin to degrade, start drinking bitter or go all out. Isn't that what we see in the modern world? Women are becoming ardent feminists and more and more defend the rights to engage in men's affairs, and men are gradually becoming feminized. But the reason is not in the woman, but in us - men.

It is possible to harmoniously interact with feminine energy only under one condition, when a man puts service to God and people in the first place in his life. A man devoted to God and the ideals of serving the Truth has a devoted and obedient wife.

A man who has not decided on his destiny is not yet a man, he is still on the path of becoming. And the sooner he decides on his favorite business, which will benefit the world around him, the faster he will move from the category of a social animal to the category of a real man.

The strength of a man is in his activities. Through her comes confidence and optimism, respect, personal and professional growth, financial well-being. When a man is successful in his business, he has confidence, and when a man is confident in himself, a woman is calm, she feels socially protected.

When a man has a meaningful goal, especially one that uplifts him, leadership qualities begin to manifest in him. And every woman subconsciously expects this. She wants to be married, wants to follow her husband, wants a man to lead her through life, wants to create the world with him. Then she is ready to give him her energy, ready to open up to him and become an endless source of strength.

To be attractive to a woman, you need to have serious goals in life. A woman should not be the target. This is a very important point for understanding what a harmonious relationship is. A woman is not a goal, she is a friend. That is why the discipline of feelings is so important for a man.

The control of family relations for a man is based on strengthening the power of Reason. A husband should strive for his goal in life, and not think all day long about his wife and their cozy nest.

There is such a rule: in a happy family, husband and wife do not look at each other, but in the same direction. The less a man is attached to a woman, to pleasures, while fulfilling his duty to himself, to society and to his family, the more a woman strives for him.

But a man must be faithful not only to ideals, but also to his wife. This makes the family strong and stable, and adds honor and dignity to a man. The woman symbolizes the Soul of the man and the Motherland. Therefore, betrayal of his wife is equated with betrayal of oneself and the Motherland. A woman is very sensitive by nature, and she immediately at the subconscious level feels the attitude of her husband towards herself. As soon as a man thinks about another woman, she already feels it. Her mood changes, she becomes restless. This means that the characteristics of those energies that she sends to her husband are also changing, and not for the better. A man who thinks that it is possible to start shura-muras somewhere on the side is a stupid man, short-sighted. Indeed, at the subconscious level, we all know absolutely everything about each other. So is it worth losing your precious energy for the sake of momentary pleasure ?!

If you want to know how your spouse feels when you are staring at another woman, imagine how she says to you: “Our neighbor has a hard-working husband - it’s lovely to see: both the owner is real, and he earns a lot of money, and the Christmas tree in their house until March 8th. Eh, she was lucky with the man! " And at the same time he will sigh heavily. How does it feel? Do you like it?

A reasonable man will respect and honor his wife, consider her the best for himself, the most beautiful, the most worthy ... A woman flourishes next to such a man, and in return he receives inspiration from her. A woman subconsciously has respect for her faithful husband. And respect for a man in society also comes from a woman. And this contributes to the even greater success of the man in his work. As you can see, everything is interconnected.

The strength of a man is self-control. Not paying attention to other women is another severe austerity for a man. The husband is obliged to control his feelings, to control his desires, then the wife gives him the strength to act.

What often happens in families with age? A man becomes more successful in the outside world, gains strength. Accordingly, it becomes attractive to other women. But he forgets who gave him this power. And then he acts like an ungrateful brute, leaving his wife and children and going to live, as a rule, with a young woman, or starts an affair on the side. This is already a sign of a man's degradation, this is his irresponsibility.

Not only should a husband not allow himself to look at other women, but he should also protect his wife from the views of other men. You need to calmly explain to your spouse that you should not, when going out or going to work, expose some parts of your body or wear tight-fitting clothes that will emphasize her dignity. If a woman dresses like this, then at the energetic level she loses her energy, loses the power of piety, and at the subconscious level she is cheating on her husband, as she shows with all her appearance that she is free. Unfortunately, in our time, many men do not understand this and welcome this fashion.

You should not leave your wife alone with other men, you do not need to let her go to rest alone at the resort, and she should only go for different procedures to female specialists (for example, a hairdresser or a massage therapist). This is done by reasonable men who care what the relationship will be in the family. Of course, there should be no fanaticism in these matters, no scenes of jealousy are needed, but you must show that you are serious. The wife will immediately feel this and will herself be more responsible in dealing with the issues of communication with other people. And believe me, you will immediately grow a whole head in her eyes. Do you know what thoughts come to a woman's mind when a man does this? “I am appreciated, loved and respected. He is not indifferent to me. "

A man should act honorably towards his wife. He should never, under any circumstances, discuss his wife in front of strangers. If, for example, he discusses her shortcomings or advantages with friends, then by doing so he belittles not only the dignity of his wife, but also his own. A woman on the subtle plane will immediately feel a bad word about herself. And a man will gradually lose respect not only in the eyes of his wife, but also in those around him.

By the way, about relationships with friends. By creating a family, a man acquires a different social status. If the question arises as to whom to give priority in relationships: wife or friends, then the answer is unambiguous - relationship with wife is higher than relationship with friends. This does not mean that you need to disown your friends, no, it's just that now the wife is becoming the best friend. And if your old friends are really your friends, then they will understand you and support you.

It is not for nothing that the tradition of men's and women's parties before the wedding is still preserved. Both friends and girlfriends "accompany" the bride and groom to a new family life. They understand perfectly well that after the wedding, the old relationship will no longer be.

How else can you take care of your spouse?

Remember that the mind and feelings of a woman are several times stronger than that of a man, but they are also less stable, so a man must take care of the mental, emotional atmosphere in the house. To do this, he himself must maintain Olympic calmness in any situation. Agree, if a man is overly worried, rushing about in a panic around the house or throwing tantrums, and his wife in a confident voice, putting her hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes with an impartial look, will calm him down: “Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine, I will decide these questions ”, it will look a little strange. Therefore, a man must develop a cheerful and positive attitude in himself, which will help him not to succumb to the emotional influence of his wife and completely calmly and even with humor relate to difficult life situations.

You should also not be angry with your wife if she is offended, cries, makes complaints or talks about her anxiety. We need to listen to her, calm her down, give her advice. The husband's duty is to make his wife peaceful, since a woman cannot always control her feelings. But you need to remember that if a woman begins to worry too much, it means that she does not feel completely protected, it means that you yourself are not confident in yourself and do not fully fulfill your duties.

First of all, a man must understand and accept the nature of a woman. You should not demand too much of her, especially that which does not correspond to her nature, you should not expect from her that she will behave in the same way as you. A man's reaction to one and the same situation can be one, and a woman's reaction is different. And this is normal, since their nature is different.

I recommend that men at first, while they are just learning how to properly interact with women, write off everything on the female nature. It will be easier that way. For example, the wife is offended, makes claims, says that she is already tired of the curtains, although they just changed last year - it's okay. This is their nature. Keep calm. A man in no case should lose his temper, be annoyed with his wife. Contraindicated! Always be willing. Remain yourself in any situation. In this sense, a man must be impenetrable. Reassure your spouse that you think you need time to make a decision. Then calmly weigh the pros and cons, work out the situation, sort out yourself, ask the duty question: "How did I create this situation and why?"

Your wife should definitely be consulted, but the final decision should always be yours. This is your responsibility. It's okay if you make the same decision that your wife told you. This is normal, because someone can see the situation better than you, someone can have more information than you. Just say: "I thought a lot about this question, about what you said, and decided that you are right, we will do this and that." If you say so firmly and calmly, with dignity, then your wife will respect you. And she will also be pleased that you value her and listen to her opinion.

Make the woman feel unique, valued, respected, and needed. Take an interest in her affairs, her mood, maintain a necessary and deep emotional and spiritual connection with her. Make sure to take the time to chat with her. A woman is in great need of all this. Satisfying and protecting her feelings, you will find in her a real, faithful friend.

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