The energy of the fulfillment of desires with the help of an energy ball. Energy and dreams - what the fulfillment of desires depends on How to fulfill your desires with the help of energy

What is an energy ball? Read carefully and you will find out how you can fulfill all your desires!

A proven technique for making your wishes come true!

Step 1: create an energy ball

Create an energy ball between your palms. To do this, you need to close your palms, rub them against each other, and then gradually spread them apart. The distance between the palms should be approximately 10-15 cm.

So that you can feel the energy ball, try to move your palms slightly towards each other, you will feel a little resistance.

Feel your energy ball properly, take your time, the success of the wish fulfillment technique largely depends on this!

Step 2: fill the energy ball with desire

When your balloon is ready, put what you want into it - the fulfillment of desires takes place there, inside your balloon.

Imagine that there is a monitor inside this energy ball, which shows a video with the fulfillment of your desire.

It should be at some point, and at the same time you should feel that the desire has already been fulfilled.

If your desire is impossible to visualize¹ - just imagine yourself happy that you got what you wanted, that your dream came true. But imagine everything exactly there, in the ball! It is like a cocoon in which the fulfillment of desire ripens.

Feel the state of joy in finding what you want and put this emotion into your energy ball. There is nothing difficult about it, just allow yourself to dream!

Step 3: energize the ball

When you have presented everything well enough, and your hologram² is already in the energy ball, charge it in any way convenient for you! I usually imagine golden threads of energy that fly up to my ball, from which it becomes brighter and hotter.

The fulfillment of your desire depends on how much you fill your ball with energy, therefore, treat this stage carefully.

Step 4: letting go of desire

When I feel that the cocoon is sufficiently charged, then mentally, slightly nudging it with my hands, I send the ball up into the Universe. You can imagine it as you like, the main thing here is your inner knowledge. "Having flown" to the sky, the ball spills over it, and the hologram of your desire is sent for realization.

As you can see, these four simple steps will not take you much time - 5 minutes of disconnection from reality will do you good; try it and see for yourself.

This method even allows you to resolve situations in which specific people are involved!

How do I use the energy ball. From personal experience ...

“I was driving home in a bad mood, the road was long. Then I did the Energy Ball technique just so that it was more pleasant to go home - I decided to just dream and imagine what was completely unreal for me. In addition, the desire concerned another person with whom I really wanted to meet.

Considering that this person communicated with me only for work, it seemed unrealistic to spend a day with him. However, on the same evening, literally a couple of hours after the dispatch of my order, I was invited to a conference, where, as it turned out, he went too. We spent this day together. Moreover, the conference was canceled, and we walked around the city and talked all day! "


So you need:

  • create an energy ball;
  • fill it with desire;
  • charge the ball with golden energy as much as possible;
  • send a desire for realization to the Universe.


Negotiate the term. Tomorrow means tomorrow. Or you can use the phrase "when it is most appropriate" if you do not want to specify the time.

The only "but" - you should not have internal resistance in the reality of the deadline. So choose a term intuitively, or trust the universe. Try it and you will definitely succeed! I wish you success!


Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Visualization (from lat. visualis, "Visual") - the general name of the techniques for presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (Wikipedia).

² Hologram - about capturing image obtained holographic method.

There are many techniques for making dreams come true, but not all suggested ones work. We've found three proven wish-fulfillment techniques that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that for a long time we cannot decide which of the methods to use to implement our plans. There are many exercises for fulfilling desires, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you start to wonder if all this really works, or is it just someone played a cruel joke with us.

Some argue that the same technique can work for one but not work for another, and that a large number of exercises and rituals will have to be tried before you can find your own method.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow certain rules and laws of the Universe. After all, it is they that greatly influence our Destiny, even if you do not believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true quickly and easily.

Three proven techniques for making your dreams come true

Below are three ways to help you achieve everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that in order to fulfill any desire, except for exercises, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn't matter if you make a sharp forward dash or just a small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also, do not forget to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can perform it at any convenient time, the main thing is that no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths in and out. After that, imagine a ball of golden color in front of you, sincerely smile and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the sphere, whether you like it or, maybe, you are not satisfied with something in it. In that case, fix whatever you don't like.

When the adjustments are complete, visualize yourself within this sphere and your desire. Now put them together. Think about how you will feel, how to behave, and the like when your wish is fulfilled. Pay attention to whether you are happy with the performance or not comfortable enough.

After that, imagine a ray of green light extending from the zone of your heart, pumping up your sphere like a balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is full. After that, release your sphere together with desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki grades open, you can strengthen your request with this teaching. In this case, you practically do not have to waste your energy. All that is required of you is intention, a clearly articulated desire, and the activation of Reiki. As a rule, having the first step, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy is only capable of curing diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only heal people, but also make dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

Recently, Simoron techniques have been gaining momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and make the most cherished wish during it. As a rule, many people get hung up on their dreams and create an excess of energy that can slow down the process. Simoron helps to easily let go of desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Forces the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best way.

This method is well suited for a large company, where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel beads. On one of them, write your desire with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn't fly away ahead of time. You will need the rest of the balls to lift your mood. Draw air from them into your lungs and after that, in a thin voice, start reading a rhyme or singing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or laugh enough. Here you can already turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After that, take the balls prepared in advance with your desires and release them into the sky. Rejoice at how they soar in the clouds, imagine that the wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And you will soon be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method for setting hard boundaries and promises

This method is often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create for yourself such conditions in which you simply cannot help but begin to move towards your goal. Such an exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the performer. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you’ll pay your friend a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not reaching your goal must be significant enough to get you moving.

This exercise is quite tough and strongly knocks the person making a wish out of their own comfort zone, but it is also very powerful. Remember, when setting goals, the timing must be realistic and the punishment harsh. Those who used this method argue that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By applying one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with unnecessary stress and stress. Dream great, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and

Desires drive us, so we want them to come true. Harddon't despair if everything you count on doesn't justify itself. But to overcome the setbacks and make the dream come true is real.History knows many examples of how people achieved unimaginable successes and wonderful results.
For this, everyone not only followed some logic, but also necessarily worked on themselves. And yet, sometimes a person has everything: knowledge, skills, talent, but things do not go well, and the hope for the fulfillment of desire is gradually melting away.

Rejection of a dream is always painful, and most importantly, psychologically difficult. The consequences can be depression, loss of healthy self-confidence and, as a result of such problems, a person simply gives up. However, everything is not always so sad. Even if it seems that no force in the world can help you achieve what you want don't despair: you may just be lacking in luck. Only one spell separates you from the realization of your dream -Genghis Khan's spell.
Ancient magic on guard of your happiness. - The ancients had a lot of rituals and knowledge. Now people have practically forgotten about them, since the connection between generations is gradually being lost, and what was once reliable is overgrown with legends. Nevertheless, even today the ceremonies and spells of our ancestors are ready to reveal their strength and power before us. The fulfillment of a desire, such as attracting love or wealth, or maybe health or a well-paid job, is quite possible with the help of secret knowledge: after all, it has been used for centuries. This is exactly whatGenghis Khan's spell... The very spell of Genghis Khan can be obtained from a person who has studied for more than one year Tibet ... This man calls himself Choepal, and it was to him that the master revealed the secret of the fulfillment of desires. Choepal tells an amazing story of his life. He was originally a military man and after demobilization could not find myself in ordinary daily life. Then he went to Tibet in search of himself. There Choepal fell under a severe blizzard while in the mountains. Through the efforts of the future teacher, he survived and became an exemplary student.Before his death, the teacher gave him an ancientBuddhist wish-fulfillment technique... What is this technique and why is it called "spell Genghis Khan "? Choepal says that the Mongolian commander Genghis Khan himself used this knowledge. In his youth, he received them from a great sage, while he himself was in exile. It was this spell that helped Genghis Khan achieve all the desired heights, tilting luck to his side.

How does Genghis Khan's spell work? - Choepal finds an individual approach to every desire and every request, using his knowledge to compose an individual spell of Genghis Khan according to all the ancient rules of the Tibetan monks. It all depends on what kind of desire you want to fulfill. Genghis Khan's spell works when your request is stated clearly and not ambiguously. Maybe this article will help and give YOU an impetus to YOUR desires.The process of drawing up and addressing the Higher Forces to you is not the easiest one. Within two, sometimes three days, information is read from the Universe, and then, depending on the complexity of your request, the corresponding incantation of Genghis Khan is drawn up. After it is completed, the most difficult stage begins. Words must be endowed with the highest grace. The spell of Genghis Khan will bring you into direct communication with the Higher powers, which will help to realize your most difficult desire in life. The choice is yours!

ANOTHER WAY TO FULFILL WISHES. Mandala: fulfillment of desires through drawing. - Coloring mandala is not only entertainment. This is a proven way to find inner harmony and make your wishes come true.Drawing helps to find balance and also develops creativity. Mandalas you can practice both at the behest of the soul, and as an instrument of fulfilling a cherished desire. By her own mandala - a sacred circle containing universal power and energy flows.

How to create a wish fulfillment mandala. - One of the principles of the image is to create a circle. Patterns fit into it. Which - you choose yourself, listening to the soul and its desires. The colors also only depend on your imagination.You can draw the mandala yourself. It is advisable not to use improvised tools, but if the circle turns out to be uneven, use a plate or compasses. It will help to create not only an even circle, but also the basic patterns inside.Weave patterns within the circle based only on your feelings. It can be flowers, rhombic figures, leaves - it all depends on your imagination and mood. This mandala is only yours, it must be nourished by yours pure thoughts and innermost desire.If you are not ready to draw from scratch, use a ready-made template (there are a great many). Take a close look at the patterns and choose the one that you liked the most and found a response in your soul. After it is framed, start painting and making a wish.

Fulfillment of desires through drawing. -The process of fulfilling a desire resembles a magic ritual, and you need to approach it responsibly.Balance your feelings and thoughts, (more on this below ...) prepare the room where you will perform the rite of fulfillment of desire. The place and time do not matter. The main thing is to be comfortable. For more diving into the atmosphere mystery, light candles and / or an incense lamp.The desire must be clearly formulated, be real (requests for the capture of the goldfish will not be fulfilled) and not bear malicious intent. Write it down on the back of your mandala paper.Tune in to the fact that your wish will certainly come true. Pick your colors and start creating. At the end of the ritual, you will feel relaxation, bliss and serenity. Energy flows were restored, and positive energy cleared the mind of negativity.Look at your mandala - it is perfect. Now talk to her about fulfilling a desire to consolidate success. Leave one candle lit, concentrate and say: “I (name) ask you to fulfill my desire (desire itself). As I wish, it will come true. Not a single word will be forgotten. " To enhance the action, use link:
Take the finished charmed mandala to a secluded place and do not show it to anyone until the wish comes true. If something went wrong, you can speak to her again or create a new drawing by changing the words of desire or making a new one. First, what is necessary to fulfill your desire is to understand that a dream does not come true, not because a person is unlucky or inactive, but because he lacks any character traits or lacks vital energy, or he has insufficient information, experience to realize your desire. Second. The realization that for the fulfillment of a desire a person lacks something in himself, should push to the next stage, the stage of changes. To get closer to the realization of your plans, you need to change, include those qualities of character that would direct energy in the right direction.Third, you need to visualize your desire. It is necessary to present in bright colors the fulfillment of this desire and the consequences of its realization. Thoughts about what has been achieved must necessarily be in the present tense. You need to present your desire as if it has already been fulfilled.If all these actions do not raise doubts and bring only positive emotions, you can proceed to the next stage. On the fourth stage, it is necessary to understand the very essence and mechanism of the fulfillment of desire and act in accordance with this. As you know, all human thoughts and words have their own vibrations that are transmitted into space. Counts,that if a person already mentally associates himself with an event, that is, he thinks about the realization of his dream, then there is a resonance between the person and his thoughts. The vibrations of the body will change in accordance with the made desire and these vibrations will be radiated into the universe. On the fifth stage, the Universe forms an event that corresponds to the energy radiation of a person. This means that thoughts and dreams begin to materialize. To do this, YOUR chakras will help YOU, to open you need to work on yourself a little, and for this you need patience and
Opening the chakras: how to achieve inner harmony.- Chakras - these are the energy levels of human development. These are our inner centers of power through which energy flows. The opening of all chakras contributes to the achievement of harmony and peace of mind. If at least one of the chakras is closed, then the development of a person is suspended, he begins to feel internal and external discomfort, which leads to diseases, mental disordersand in life.

How to open the chakras. - In total, there are seven chakras ... Each has its own meaning and is responsible for a certain area of ​​life.The first chakra is Muladhara.She is responsible for our primary needs and for the satisfaction of her own life. Opening this chakra promotes the development of a strong nervous system and inner balance. You can open the first chakra through physical activity. To do this, it is enough to do exercises or jogging every day.Second chakra - Svadhisthana. She is responsible for good relationships with people, the development of communication skills. You can open this chakra through proper nutrition. Eliminate fatty and salty foods from your diet. Don't overeat, but enjoy the food you eat.The third chakra is Manipura.This chakra gives willpower, money and purposefulness. In order to open the third chakra, it is necessary to use positive attitudes every day oraffirmations

This will set you up for success.The fourth chakra is Anahata.This chakra bestows acceptance of your own self. It reveals a person and gives him a new vision of the world. To open this chakra, you need to get rid of all stereotypes and prejudices, and you should also avoid negative assessments of yourself and those around you.The fifth chakra is Vishuddha.This chakra helps us to see through people, to feel them. Singing, laughter, proper nutrition and tact in dealing with people have a positive effect on this chakra.The sixth and seventh chakras are Ajna and Sahasrara.These chakras help to develop intuition, achieve complete harmony with yourself and the people around you. They give peace of mind and the opportunity to learn the secret of the universe. Not everyone can open this chakra. Usually for this, people meditate for a long time. But first, you can try to develop your spiritual side of life.
Opening the chakras contributes to the acquisition of spiritual happiness and harmony. A person gains strength and indestructible energy, does not suffer from diseases and failures. If you want to reveal this potential in yourself, then you have to work hard on yourself.
Chakras: how to open them and what it can give you. - Chakras - these are energy points in the body that are responsible for the accumulation, transformation and reception of energy. The very concept of "chakra" is abstract. They cannot be seen and touched, but they can be felt. Each chakra of a person is responsible for certain spiritual qualities and energy in a particular area of ​​life. It is believed that if a person fails in some area, then some chakra is not working for him. For example, setbacks in your personal life can happen due to the fact that the love chakra is not working well. Where are these energy centers and how to activate them?There are 7 in total chakras ... Each has its own function and is located in a specific place on the human body.
First chakra - Muldahara. -It is located in the perineum or at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for natural instincts, inner fears and physical endurance. If it doesn't work, then the person begins to feel defenseless, lonely and insecure. On a physical level, this can manifest itself through pain in the lower abdomen and spine. You can activate the Muladhara chakra through meditation. To do this, you need to imagine a red energy ball in the tailbone area and tune yourself to the idea that life does not pose any threats. You should , well-being and safety.

The second chakra is Svadhisthana. - It is located at the level of the appendix and is responsible for the feeling of joy, the ability to have pleasure and the formation of creative energy. People who have this chakra inactive often become angry, jealous, and addicted to their attachment to something. On a physical level, this can manifest itself throughdiseases of the genital organs.You can activate the Svadhisthana chakra by returning simple everyday joys. Try to find something pleasant in every day you live, get satisfaction not from the result of work, but from the process, fight and stay yourself.
The third chakra is Manipura. -It is located in the solar plexus area. If you often do something not the way you want, if all your plans collapse due to any external circumstances, you cannot gain strength for active actions, then the Manipura chakra does not work for you. She is responsible for confidence, life principles, our desires, stereotypes and the choice of the path. The physical manifestations of the inoperative state of this energy center are diseases of the stomach and liver. You can activate this chakra by freely expressing your thoughts and desires, as well as from stereotypes and prejudice.
The fourth chakra is Anahata.-
It is located in the area of ​​the heart and is responsible for the ability to love and compassion. The physical manifestation of the passivity of this chakra is heart disease, lung disease, poor circulation. Failure in love? Perhaps your love chakra is not working? You can activate it if you learn to accept yourself for who you are and love your body and soul.
The fifth chakra is Vishuddha.- This chakra is located at the base of the neck and is responsible for self-realization. If you are lost in life, you are not satisfied with what is happening around you or the lifestyle that you lead does not bring you satisfaction, then this chakra does not work for you. On a physical level, this can be expressed through diseases of the larynx, thyroid gland, throat. To activate this chakra, you need to remain yourself, not depend on other people's opinions and views, go your own way and
The sixth chakra is Anja. -It is located in the middle of the chest and is responsible for intuition. The passivity of this chakra can be expressed in addiction to drugs, high self-esteem, loss of meaning in life and a sense of superiority over other people. This chakra can be activated by development of intuition. It is necessary to listen to your desires more often and learn to feel unity with the world.
The seventh chakra is Sahasrara. -It is located in the parietal region and is responsible for unity with the Universe. This is the highest point of human consciousness. She is responsible for spirituality and insight, and is the main chakra through which the energy of other centers passes. This chakra can be activated only through meditation and gaining new knowledge about the Universe and its energy.
CHAKRA WORK - the process is long, but the result of all efforts is worth it to engage in comprehending your energy centers. Awareness of harmony, a sense of joy, success in life and the acquisition of the meaning of life - all this can be obtained through the active work of the chakras.
Recharging with energy: how to open the chakras. -In the body of each person are located chakras ... These are the energy centers on which the physical health and emotional state of the body depends. Do you know where the chakras are and how to open them? Before answering this question, you should understand a little about the purpose and properties of the chakras.

Human chakras- these are seven energy centers that are responsible for various aspects in his life. If one of the chakras is closed, then its properties also disappear. For example, if your chakra, which is responsible for health and vitality, is blocked, then it is likely for this reason that you are plagued by illness.It is important to understand the threat of blocked chakras. Serious problems related to health, relationships with people, withfinancial conditionand other problems. What needs to be done so that the chakras are constantly open and their properties are activated? Let's figure it out.
First chakralocated in the tailbone. She is responsible for energy, health and Also, this chakra provides procreation and sexual activity. Chakra energy can be blocked when a person feels fear. To open it, you must always face your fear. This does not mean that it is wrong and unnatural to feel fear. You just need to solve all the problems that make you afraid.
Second chakra- This is the groin area. She is responsible for confidence, cheerfulness, sexuality andself-realization.This chakra can beclosed because of the guilt that overwhelms you. If you constantly blame yourself for something, then you will never be able to achieve your goal in life. There is only one way to unblock the second chakra: get rid of the feeling of guilt, find the reason why you feel guilty and neutralize it.
Third chakrais at the level of the navel. She is responsible for communication skills, relationships with people around her, dedication and finances. If you have difficulty communicating, something is difficult for you. achieve and you are having trouble inmoney issuethen it is possible that your third chakra is blocked. The reason for this may be a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life and high demands on oneself. It also happens due to feelings of shame and frustration. To open the chakra, you just need to slow down your pace of life, pay attention to loved ones and stop making too high demands on yourself. It is necessary to get rid of feelings of shame and disappointment, forgive your offenders and not try to demand much from

Fourth chakralocated at the level of the heart. She is responsible for the ability to love and feel. The heart chakra can be closed due to grief. This feeling can completely destroy the chakra, in which case you may face prolonged depression, apathy and loss of interest in life. To prevent this, it is necessary to get rid of sadness, not to give restless thoughts.master the mind.If you are grieving, then you should get rid of this feeling, otherwise it will completely absorb you. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the cause of grief and look at the situation from different angles.
Fifth chakrais located in the throat area and is responsible for communication skills and metabolism. This chakra closes due to constant lies. You can open the throat chakra only when you learn to speak the truth, and first of all, when you are honest with yourself. Also on fifth chakra people around you can negatively influence. If you often have to deal with the lies of your loved ones, then the chakra can be blocked. Only honesty and decency will help here.
Sixth chakra- forehead. This energy center provides contact with the inner "I", with the subconscious andanswers. The blockage of this chakra is due to illusion and lack of a sense of reality. You should live more with realities and concrete dreams, and not with an illusory reality. To ensure that the sixth chakra is always active, you need to accept your life as it is, with all its shortcomings. Only after that will you realize what exactly you lack for a hollow happiness and what goal you need to strive for.
Seventh chakrais over the head. This is a connection with the Cosmos. The seventh chakra can be blocked by your attachment to the material world and your sense of possessiveness. You don't have to be completely dependent on the things that surround you. Learn to let go and strive for To make your life better, you need to keep all your chakras open. Then you can live in love, wealth andcomplete harmony with yourselfand the surrounding world. Your energy centers will be active, life will be filled with meaning and positive emotions, and the feeling of happiness will not leave you. Working with the chakras is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand that open energy centers are the secret of your longevity, happiness andfinancial well-being.
Energy. -First you need to figure out what energy is. The word“Energy” conjures up images of wires and sockets or your own metabolism, but there is another invisible energy all around us. This energy is a part of us and the environment, as well as that which we direct during magical work. There are many forms of energy. Most of the known to us fall on the spectrum of frequencies that can be detected by scientific methods. The most common is the visible light spectrum, the rainbow, but there are many forms of invisible energy, such as radio and television waves and radiation. All these energies- part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We are also aware of a range of energies that are physical vibrations or sounds. While scientists agree on the characteristics and ranges of defined energies, metaphysics knows a whole range of other energies.Much of the "evidence" for spiritual energies is personal testimonials, not objective scientific evidence. Each person describes their experience differently, so the evidence varies. Names and cultural connotations also vary.
Let's start with personal energy.Personal energy resides within and radiates from your being. This is the energy of your body and all its systems, it includes metabolism, temperature and nerve impulses. It is also the energy of non-physical systems, energy bodies and chakras. We'll dive deeper into the anatomy of the energy body later, but for now, it's enough to understand that your body has a non-physical component - spirit. The interaction of body and spirit creates an energy field around your body. Modern practitioners call it an aura. The energy that flows through these energy systems is like blood that flows through the physical body, and in the Eastern tradition is called ki or qi. It can be taken from the environment and treated by the body. The names "ki" and "qi" can refer to other forms of energy that we will talk about. Kundalini, a word from the Hindu tradition, is another form of personal energy, but is more associated with the base of the spine, can rise up the spine, activating spiritual centers, the so-called chakras.
The most important thing is to establishconnection with the energies that are under our feet, the energies of the Earth. This is the energy of the planet and the Goddess, the consciousness of the world, which supports us. It was called manna, or shakti kundalini. Most people perceive this energy as feminine. The energy of the Earth resides not only inside the planet, but also around it, for example, this magnetic field and energy grids, the so-called lines of the Earth. The sacred sites - Giza in Egypt and Stonehenge in England - are famous for being focal points in Mother Earth's energy grid. Think of them as meridians on the body. They allow invisible energies to flow and carry health and life.
Above the earth is the energy of the sky... It also fits the name cosmic, because it embraces the energy of the Sun and the stars and, in general, the entire universe, which pours down to the earth. Since in many pagan traditions the Earth is associated with the mother and the Goddess, the sky is usually associated with male deities. The heavenly gods appear in many mythologies as paternal figures, protectors and breadwinners.In the Hindu tradition, invisible life forces are transmitted through the breath, taken in through the food and drink that we absorb, and through the air we breathe, and is called prana. The phonetic similarity of this word to the Hawaiian designation for life force, mana, is curious. Prana, mana, ki and qi, as well as many other names such as orgone, ode, odic force, pneuma, noumenon, telesma and ruach, describe the basic life energy that is found in all things.
Divine energyIs an all-encompassing category for energies that are not in the masculine / feminine or higher / lower polarity. Witches work with divine energies as a result of the magic circle ritual, creating what is traditionally defined as "perfect love and perfect trust." In other words, pure divine energy, or unconditional love, is used to create a sacred space for rituals. This energy loves everything and knows everything, transcends and embraces all polarities.
Exercise 2: feeling energies. - The purpose of this exercise is to physically experience some of the spiritual energy that you yourself generate. Many students find it easy to do with some practice, but others find it difficult because they don't know what to look for. I am aware of this energy as a very weak, very light magnetic repulsion. If you take two positively charged magnets and try to connect them, you will feel some resistance from the energy fields. Imagine something similar, resistance between the fields of your hands. They are not exactly the same charges, so it will not be as strong as the two magnets.I describe this sensation using the analogy with magnets, but other people may perceive it, for example, as changes in temperature. You may also feel a slight tickling or tingling sensation, as if your hands are numb. Some people feel pressure or even texture.
-1. Spread your arms about a meter apart, palms facing each other. Close your eyes if you like. You are aware of any new information that you receive from your hands, but you do not appreciate these experiences and do not try to recreate them. Let them happen naturally.
-2. Slowly bring your hands closer to each other. Pay attention to all the sensations that come to you in waves. These are the waves of your aura, your energy body. Some waves create more "drag" than others. Try this several times with your eyes closed and then with your eyes open. If you find it difficult, start over, but first rub your hands together hard, as if you are trying to warm them. This will increase the sensitivity of your palms.
-3. When you're done, rub your hands together as if you were washing excess water off of them. This is how you get rid of all the energies that you might accidentally collect. Finish all exercises with energy with a gesture of erasing excess.
Exercise 3: ball of energy. - 1. Start as in Exercise 2, but when your hands are about twenty centimeters apart, pretend you are holding a ball of energy. At first it looks like an empty bowl, a vessel, but you fill it with energy as you hold it between your palms.
-2. As you exhale, imagine blowing out energy with your mouth and palms. This energy helps to fill the ball. Feel it filling up. Try to make the ball thicker and harder. At first you will have the feeling that you are pretending and making up, but this “pretense” is the response of energy to our thoughts. If you act as if the energy is changing, this is what happens.
-3. When you have a "solid" ball of energy between your palms, you can literally play with it. You can make it smaller and less dense. You can stretch it like caramel. See how fluid the energy is, how it responds to your intentions and commands.
-4. When you're done, put your hands together and imagine that you are absorbing energy into yourself. Then dry your hands to remove any excess.Later, as you build up your skills, you will be able to draw more energy from the environment to create energy balls. They can be “charged” with intention, such as healing, and given to other people, animals, plants, and places to work magic. Plus, you can manipulate energy of any shape and size. I like to weave energy "webs" of protection around myself and my home.Now that you have a sense of the power of your personal energy, if you have a class partner or friend or relative willing to help, you can see how your energy interacts with another person.
Exercise 4: feeling the aura.- As in Exercise 2, make your hands feel more sensitive by rubbing the palms of your palms, but instead of rejoining them, extend them in front of you, palms forward, as in the stop gesture.Stand at one end of the room and your partner at the other. Close your eyes and walk slowly towards your partner, let him guide you if you go astray. Feeling the energy between your palms, you are looking for a similar sensation when you reach the edge of your partner's energy field.Keep your eyes closed, but note the different levels of energy you are feeling. Move back and forth to explore these sensations.Repeat the exercise, this time with your eyes open. Stop when you feel the first layer of resistance. Have your partner raise their arms straight out in front of them. Usually the perimeter of the aura is an arm's length outside the person's arms. I found that depending on individual boundaries and emotions at the moment, it can be more or less, but in general, about an arm's length. Where do you feel it? Switch roles and do this experiment again.
Exercise 5: dragging energy. -The exercise with the ball of energy was aimed at control, now, in this new experience, you will learn how your energy can influence other people in the most subtle way. You will need a partner again.
-1. Stand facing each other, at a distance of a couple of meters. The receiving partner's eyes must be closed. Make sure he stands up straight, but does not lean against any support.
-2. Then try using your willpower, breath, and intention to push your energy out and influence your partner. Make a collecting movement in your surroundings to collect your energy as you inhale. Push as you exhale smoothly, sending energy to your partner.
-3. Look at your partner. If there is a third person in the room, he may notice what is happening better than the exercise partners. Usually, the perceiving partner seems to be leaning back a little, even if he does not consciously feel it.
-4. Reverse the process by gathering the energy between you and pull the energy forward with your intention. Inhale and swing your arms towards your body, drawing the energy closer. You may notice your partner leaning forward a little. Repeat these steps several times until you feel comfortable. Then ask your partner, who is still standing with their eyes closed, how they are feeling.
Exercise 6: walking on the ground. - This exercise opens your experience beyond your personal energy and allows you to feel the energy of the earth. Our ancestors slept on the earth and exchanged energy with it every day. Now most people barely touch the ground - they are separated by shoes and floors. Walking on the ground, like the other exercises in this book, helps you regain balance with the Earth's energy field. Ground walking is a simple meditative walk in nature. Start in a natural setting, in a field or park, on a beach or in a forest, not on concrete or asphalt. If you feel comfortable doing it barefoot, fine, but with practice, it will feel through your shoes.Walk slowly and meditatively. Be aware of the ground beneath your feet. Be aware of your personal energy, the aura field around you, the touch of the earth and the mixing of your energies. As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling not only through your mouth, but also through your feet. My yoga teacher says that a wise man breathes with his feet. I believe this also applies to wise witches. Imagine that you are sucking in the life force, the energy of the earth, with each new step. This energy strengthens and balances you. It boosts metabolism and energy levels, giving you health and joy in the moment. Breathe normally. Excess energy will leave you naturally during your daily activities. Focus on the connection you feel with the earth.During these walks, look for quiet places that can serve as meditation for further exercises.When you feel it is time to finish the exercise, return to your daily activities. If you feel an excess of energy, too strong a charge, get on all fours, put your palms on the ground. Imagine how excess energy flows out of the palms and even from the head. You give it to the earth and establish a connection. At the same time, you can express the intention that the energy that leaves you will serve the healing of the planet. There are other ways to establish a connection with the earth. If you can't reach down, imagine energy flowing out of your hands and feet onto the ground. Hug a tree. Imagine a tree absorbing personal energy for its own healing and establishing a connection with the Earth through its roots. You can even imagine yourself as a tree and let the energy flow through your roots.
When you have mastered working with the energy of the earth,You can add crown breathing to connect with the energy of the sky. Make this new connection and learn this vibration. Then try to work with the energies of the earth and the sky at the same time. The energy of the sky can make you dizzy, more open and aware than the energy of the earth, so be very careful. Simple walking meditations can be as powerful and enlightening as any other exercise in this book. Don't underestimate them.
The most important lesson in working with energy- understanding that all energies and forces are basically neutral, that is, not good and not bad. Sometimes you can feel the energy of a place or person and experience it as “negative,” but it’s just energy that is being used for not very good intentions. Intention rules everything. Electricity is electricity; it powers a light bulb, a life support apparatus, or an electric chair alike. This is why people who use energy must take responsibility for it. Personal energy the energies of earth and sky and divine energies can heal or cause destruction depending on the purpose behind the actions.

Qualitative characteristics of numbers. - In addition to the characteristics of quantity, numbers also carry qualitative information based on esoteric symbolism associated with the philosophical system of world outlook adopted in a given society. Number symbolism has been used in many traditions. The Pythagoreans used the symbols of numbers to mean harmony between the Universe and man, macro and microcosm. In Slavic legends and epics, the symbolism of numbers plays an important role in comprehending the Foundations of Being.There are quite a few number systems that give numbers certain properties and qualities. They associate the same numbers with different concepts and categories of life. The personal numerical calendar discussed in this book uses a solar dynamic system in which all nine natural numbers from 1 to 9 have special properties and qualities.
The solar system is based on the fact that the number 1 is given the properties and qualities of the central star of our solar system - the Sun. Around the Sun in our system, the planets move in their orbits, connected with the Sun and among themselves by certain numerical relationships or proportions manifested in the mass of the planets, in the parameters of their orbits and in the distances between them.The numbers from 1 to 9 in the solar dynamical system are associated with the planets of the solar system and manifest for us the basic laws of life.
Number 1 - the Sun - the law of unity, the energy of creativity, consciousness and spirit.
Number 2 - Moon - the law of polarity, the energy of separation, choice and soul.
Number 3 - Mars - Trinity Law, the energy of dynamics and motion.
Number 4 - Mercury - the law of the cross, the energy of information and communication.
Number 5 - Jupiter - the law of inner harmony, the energy of expansion and power.
Number 6 - Venus - the law of external harmony, the energy of feelings and pleasure.
Number 7 - Saturn - the law of time, energy of compression and conservation.
Number 8 - Uranus - the law of transformations, the energy of innovation and change.
Number 9 - Neptune - the law of the Highest harmony, the energy of completion and transition to a higher level.
Numerical energies. -
Ancient sages and philosophers argued that numbers rule the world. Numerical energies permeate our world and determine the existence and development of all phenomena, processes and objects in it. Numerical energies manifest themselves not only in the quantitative measure of everything, but also in proportional ratios, qualitative characteristics. These are the primary energies of the creator's intention, which existed even before the creation of all that exists as software installations.Numerical energies are present everywhere, each person can tune in to them at any time and in any place, and having tuned in, receive them and use them at their discretion.Operating with numerical energies represents a type of higher mental magic, since it is the energy of the subtlest vibrations. The influence of these vibrations is multidimensional and is realized on all planes of existence, manifesting itself in literally everything that a person encounters in his life.Everything is present in everything, all the numerical energies of the world, therefore everything can enter into resonant connections at this level of life. Interacting on numerical energies, the world develops according to general laws, which for us are manifested through the numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9.
PS ...


VISUALIZATION "MATRIX OF MONEY" !!! -Those who own the matrices of fate know the future as well as the past; they are subject to time and distance, the mysteries of life and death, they can rip off the veils that hide the secrets of fate and fate from a mere mortal ...
(From the ancient teachings of the Sumerians)
Look closely at the picture. This is the money matrix. It's yoursthe main picture, it works to attract money into life and at the same time serves as a talisman and protection.The most important thing is that the "matrix" attracts money into your life from sources that you do not even know about, and money comes from you very quickly. For example, you will be unexpectedly repaid a debt that you no longer hoped to return, or an unplanned bonus will be paid at work, or the change will be delivered 2-3 times more and etc.
Matrix is a combination of symbols in which certain information is encoded and which are saturated with a certain energy charge.
Meaning of symbols: a coin flying into your hands - ensures the movement of money in your life;
- hands are the hands of God who gives you wealth;
-oko - fills you with ideas on how to make money;
- fairies and butterflies at the bottom - allows you to make money easily,
-grape at the top - means that only the one who has can give.
This matrix needs to be charged with your own energy. To do this, follow these steps:Focus your gaze on the money matrix.
Three times in a row, while looking at the money matrix, say your complete name. Place your left palm on the money matrix, with the fingertips of your right hand move clockwise over your left palm, under which is the money matrix. As you do this, imagine the flow of money from the coin into your left palm.
Repeat three times: "O eternal Spirit, with humility I ask, with love I invite, with faith I implore you - fill this sign with strength and energy."After that, look at the money matrix for another minute, looking through it, as it were. Let her image become unclear and vague. Slowly dissolve into the energy emanating from the money matrix and envelop yourself in a money energy fog.Twice a day when you get money, look at the matrix, sending your gaze as if through it. Do this for seven days. Then it is enough to repeat this exercise twice a month. A charged money matrix cannot be touched by anyone except its owner. By charging the matrix, you can make a financial or business wish.In the future, you can make a wish for the matrix at any time. Remember one thing - the desires for this particular matrix should concern ONLY the financial and business areas.You can charge the same matrix to your firm, shop, enterprise.In this case, it is placed on the table or hung on the wall. At the same time, the matrix serves not only to attract money, but also plays the role of a talisman against financial failures.


All ancient magical traditions are dedicated to gaining special success, which allows you to discover all the secrets of life.

and the universe, to penetrate the sacred knowledge of the adepts.

One of these keys to hidden knowledge

initiates is the numerical symbolism of Pythagoras, which makes it possible to find what

for many centuries the entire human civilization has been striving:

wealth, prosperity and happiness.

Magic pyramid:

The structure of ten numbers matchesspecial magic square, in the center of whichlocated number 5.

Numberabsolute success.In the magic square

esoteric formula encrypted,

which comparable to the Greek phrase

signifying"Everything in the Universe"

the correspondingmagic combination or

digital matrix number 1626 =Everything in the universe.

If you want to achieve absolute success

everywhere and in everything, then commitsacrament is necessary

the fifth day of any month at 15:00

(the number 15 corresponds to the vibration matrix

the number 1626, and the number 5 is the coreabsolute success).

It is desirable that it be

Friday (the given day of the week is

fifth in a row, which enhances

magical vibration that attractsabsolute success).

Take a sheet of A4 paper

and draw on it with a black pen

magic pyramid

and on the back of the sheet write the number

Write down belowthe desire you have formulated,

need or dream -that guiding star that

will direct your life towards success,well-being and wealth.

First letters of the word pyramid

(feast)correspond to the element of fire, thus

between the base of the pyramid and Fire

existsassociative connection.

So after you are clear

formulate your needs on a piece of paper,

this paper should be burned.

The procedure described above

(i.e. on the front side of the sheet

draw a pyramid, in reverse fig. 2

repeat exactly five timeson the same day and the ashes

scatter in the wind.

Thus, following the esoteric tradition,

you created a magicvibration matrix,

attracting success, happiness and well-being.

It is believed that within fifteen daysthe realization of your plans awaits you. If you want to

further enhance the effect,thenthe day after

the performed ceremony - 6th,at the same time, at 15 o'clock,

on an A4 piece of paperdraw the following:

in which it is encryptedGreek name for God.

This alphabetic triad becomes the basis of the word.


and can be translated from Greek as

"always", "endless", "eternity".

embodying your absolute success,transforming it into eternity -

i.e. in the opportunityinherit success

from generation to generation.

To wealth, prosperity and happiness

when used correctly"always" was not only you, but alsoat your family and friends(does not apply to friends).

After you write toleaflet letter triad

save this paperwithin 40 days,and on

Burn the 41st day using the magical vibration

sound mantra formula

(you need to say out loud, burning):

Keter - Crown Monad

Malkud - Kingdom of the Decade

Ietsah - Victory of the Heptad

The timing of this ceremony

on day 41 - exactly at 18:00

(determined by the fact that Keter is the Crown


corresponds to the number 1, Ietsah - Victory

(Heptad) -

number 7, Malkud - Kingdom (decade) - number 10:

summing up, we get 18).


As they say, be afraid of your desires, because they tend to come true. So make your wishes consciously. "I will share the ritual that my sister and I performed this summer. The results were what we need, and most importantly - very quickly! So if anyone is afraid of sudden changes, it is better not to take up this ritual.
And so what's the point Make a wish. Take a notebook, count out the 100th page and write on it how you would like to spend the 100th day of the ritual. That is, you describe your desire in the most detailed way in the present tense. The little sister wanted to get married, but then she did not yet have a groom. And my husband and I thought of our home, laptop, car and all sorts of other differences. After that, every day, on a new page (starting with the first), write down all the changes, without evaluating "good or bad", because everything is for the better and everything is for the realization of your goal. At the beginning of each page, I still wrote the desire itself. I had "I am changing my life for the better on all fronts in 100 days." This is to fix in the brain What did we end up with? My little sister got married on the 102nd day, and we found a buyer for an apartment and a house that we hadn't even dared to dream of before, and with such a profit that the money from the sale of the apartment is enough for everything we dreamed of. The number of days can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is to give the Universe a task to fulfill your wish in a timely manner.

As a great storm rose on the sea on Ladoga, as fire fell from the sky, so a sharp rock split in half, and a spirit came out of it - a mighty spirit, a sacred spirit, a stone spirit, watery and fiery, walks and wanders the earth, helps the poor, the weak protects. Anyone who wants what they want, but does not ask for money in return, no money, no bread, no pebbles from the sea, no grains of sand from the banks, no needles from a Christmas tree. The spirit walks, the conspiracy sings - and while it sings, my strength grows. I straighten up to my height, I am filled with powerful force, I can do whatever I want, I will sow the fields, I will cross the forests and seas, I will turn up mountains and rocks, and put them in their places! Everything planned will come true for the good of me and all the creatures of God living in the world.

This conspiracy must be read when you want to get help to fulfill your desire. Just keep in mind that desire should really be important, extremely necessary for you, and, of course, one that cannot harm anyone. You need to read the conspiracy on the new moon: either on the day itself when a new month is born, or on one of the next two days. It is better to read it in the morning. No special rituals are required: they created a cozy twilight, tuned in, relaxed, focusing on breathing, read a conspiracy to themselves, delving into the meaning and presenting visual images, tuned in to contact with the Higher Forces. Then you need to be sure to focus mentally on the desire that you want to fulfill. Then speak the conspiracy quickly, in a whisper, three times in a row. Then take some rest, sitting with your eyes closed, and be sure to immediately switch to something else. Do something that will keep your thoughts occupied and help you not to think about your desire. This is an important condition, try to fulfill it, because in this way you release desire from yourself and give it the necessary freedom so that it can accumulate energy for its implementation..


Believe it or not, luck will come to you in 4-8 hours. And so ... Consider that we are making a trial. Right now! Now you will be in touch with luck. And then something in your life will definitely change for the better within 4-8 hours. If you manage to make friends with the White Vortex of Happiness and Good Luck, to tame it, then your life will improve. The ancient sages said that even a trip around the world begins with a small step. And then everything around will begin to change for the better. Well, let's make our life a little brighter and more enjoyable! Please have a pen, colored pencils and a notebook to open on the centerfold. NOW WE WILL CAPTURE THE ENERGY OF THE WHITE VORTEX OF LUCK You have no more than 30 minutes to do the whole thing. Otherwise, you will not catch happiness, it does not like the slow. So try to work as fast as possible. After all, your fate is being decided now!
MAGIC: OPENING ACCESS TO THE WHITE VORTEX Action 1. Remember any event, any day and hour, when everything worked out for you. Well, remember? Work in your hands and argued, success came to you then, right? Maybe someone will remember such a moment from their golden childhood. So what if you were only 5 years old! You, most importantly, remember the feeling of luck and success. And where did it come from - the first gudgeon in the river was caught or the work, which was important, is not important. It is important to catch the Vortex of great power of success. It may have been a tiny bit of luck. Do not hurry. If you do not suddenly come to mind, walk around, think ... Do you remember? Means, it took a bite! Now we need to catch this White Whirlwind of Luck. We do the following. Action 2. LET'S LUCK WITH THE WORD Write what kind of event it was. Energetic and understandable. For example, you can write: "I am 7 years old. Top five in school. Parents praise." In a word, here each of you should remember his own - just think about it, as you should! So let's get to work. Action 3. LET'S LUCK WITH A LOOK Do you know that your gaze is filled with magical power? Maybe you are not aware of it, but when we imagine something, we are already entering into a wonderful connection with this dream or image, very strong. Everyone knows how witches and sorcerers cause damage? They take a figurine or a doll, imagine the one whom they need to chase, and they prick the figurine with a needle. And it was not for nothing that ancient people made sacrifices to their idols, they even smeared their lips with honey. By causing harm or (benefit) to a figurine, a doll, any image, we influence the person she represents. Draw your success on paper. Yes, right now (take a notebook and open it so that there are 2 blank pages on the spread). Can't draw? It doesn't matter, draw something that expresses success FOR YOU. Square, house, mug. But! It is advisable that the lines of your drawing are closed, otherwise we will lose the magical power of the Vortex. Action 4. LET'S ATTACH LUCK WITH A COLOR Color is very important for us. No wonder people believe that if you pass under the rainbow, all dreams will come true. So we will call on the rainbow to help. After all, each color is a shade of magical power. We use colored pencils or felt-tip pens. What did we do? Now before you is the Window of Desires, through which we can always touch the White Whirlwind of Good Luck! But now we will combine LUCK with the wonderful power of love! And do you know what happens? Power-love, which will dissolve the Black Vortex of failures. Action 5. FILLING THE WINDOW OF WISHES WITH MAGIC POWER Think about love. It's so easy! Remember how you loved your mom, dad, grandmother, sister, Murzik the cat. The main thing is for love to warm the heart. Remember the first time you went on a date, how you were in love with a neighbor on your desk or the hero of a book. Love - it is everywhere, scoop up its life-giving power. Let's draw love. Draw without hesitation. The bigger the better. This is a portrait of your beloved - great! It is you, and you are in love, shining with happiness - wonderful! Just a heart or a flower? Very good! The main thing is that by looking at the drawing, you understand that this is YOUR love. Let's call color to help. Now choose a color and paint over your drawing. And let it turn out to be a fabulous portrait, which does not happen in life - these are trifles. The main thing is that the bright color reminds of love and brings joy. WHAT WE GET IN THE END So, you should have two drawings. The first is the Window of Desires, through which you can now always touch the White Whirlwind of Luck. The second is a drawing of your Love. Well, now tune in to both of these pictures. Here he is the first, and here is the second. Don't lose touch with your drawings. And slowly, slowly close the notebook, watching as the first drawing falls into the arms of the second. These two drawings, like palms, touched. All the energy, when you close the notebook, will flow from one drawing to another and back. Do not hurry. Hold on. Give the energy of your Love to the window of Desires to get into. And vice versa, the energies from the Window of Desires mix with your Love. WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THIS EXPERIENCE? We have launched light magic, which has already begun to operate and is already working. What wonderful results it will bring will tell you much more than all the explanations. No wonder they say: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And so, wait. Now, there will certainly be some favorable changes in your life. And you did it! Whatever your reason says, especially among unbelievers, your soul is already tuned in to a miracle. In four hours something good will already begin, well, maybe you will wait a little longer - but during this day, luck will surely visit you!


Many people associate salt with sadness, pain, tears, so why not get rid of all this by dissolving it in water! So, the ritual itself. Pour salt on a plate, write down what you want to get rid of: for example, "problems" or "illness." Pour clean water into a glass and whisper into the water: Dissolve my sorrows And dissolve problems, Happiness, joy and health They settled in my house. Then, pouring water onto salt, stir until completely dissolved, saying the same words. Once the salt dissolves, pour the water down the sink with a feeling of being rid of the negativity. Be sure to thank the Universe. This should be done on the waning moon. I wish everyone a happy, calm and joyful life!



First prayer.

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of all blessings and darkened by the mind of cowardice: sweep, please, God's saint, do not leave us in sinful captivity, let us not be our enemy in joy and we will not die in our crafty deeds: pray for us unworthy of our Sister and the Lord, to Him you stand before us with incorporeal faces: mercifully create our God in our present life and in the future weight, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds and according to the uncleanness of our hearts , but in his goodness he will reward us: we trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we ask for help to your holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, the servitor of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and the troubles that rise up against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers it will not embrace us to attack and we will not get bogged down in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions: pray, to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God that, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but to our souls salvation and great mercy, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Second prayer.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid of the Lord, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad in this life, pray to the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me accursed; pray the Lord God, all creatures of the Sourer, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; so I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

No less stronger prayer will be heard that comes from the heart and in your own words:

“Lord, my heavenly Father, I ask you to help my husband find and fulfill his destiny. Bless his work, may it bring him success and financial prosperity. May he be satisfied doing his job! May people respect and appreciate him! Open your heart to him, Lord, so that everything he did coincide with Your Divine plan. Give him optimism, Lord, grant him energy and strength, so that he will work in joy for the benefit of himself and the whole society. Help him rejoice at success and appreciate what he has achieved. Let his every step and sigh be directed towards You, Lord! Bless him on his way! Help him gain confidence and open the doors of the future for him! Protect him, Lord, from all enemies and ill-wishers! Help him grow and improve! I pray, Lord, that I can be a worthy companion to my husband! So that she could support, delight and inspire him to new achievements! May our union be strong and pleasing to You! Thank you, Lord, for everything that you give us and I surrender to your saint's will! Be blessed, Lord, forever and ever! Amen!"

That's all for today. Do not forget about gratitude and LIFE will bring you as many joyful and successful events in life as you allow yourself. An important nuance! There are two key points in the technique of performing various activations. First- you need to clearly understand what you want. And this applies to different activations - to attract love, money, help, improve relationships. That is, not just mindlessly go in the right direction or light a candle in the right place, but prepare yourself internally for holding it. Before starting activation, it is very good to tune in to the desired result, see your goal, even describe it on a piece of paper, think about it in the process, imagine that the goal has been achieved and feel this state. Second secret- do not stop after the first or second activation! The rule of regularity works here, in this case you will feel really noticeable and long-term results that will appear from month to month. All in the bonus below the activation. Be very careful, money star, very capricious, perform exactly the activations in time, think positively and everything will work out.
Order an individual calendar of favorable dates. Personal auspicious calendar is compiled taking into account the date, place of birth and place of residence of the person. This unique and useful tool will help you effectively plan any business processes, negotiations and personal affairs, and the right actions at the right time will bring good luck and prosperity to your life! Personal auspicious calendar dates and hours for each day will give you a huge advantage over other people. You will move with the flow of time as planned, which means - more efficiently. Since you will know for sure when favorable moments come, then you will only do your important things in them. Thus, you will save your time and energy. And time, as you know, is an irreplaceable and most valuable resource! There are also packages: It all depends on you what YOU want to improve. Ask a question by mail. Take action! The choice is yours!

If you do not know your hour of birth, or if you have an undefined hour of birth, or any of yours, you can contact us by writing to the mail. your birth hour in bazi according to the kubni method.Dr. Manfred Kubney - one of the best European specialists in the field of Chinese metaphysics bazi. Manfred Kubney Born in 1959 in Germany, he was educated at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, where he earned his degrees in philosophy and sinology. Doctor Kubney knows both written and spoken Chinese perfectly.
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Each of us has dreams that we dream of realizing. The correct energy will help you achieve the desired result much faster.

The psychology of positive thinking, as well as the energy of a person, helps to make desires come true. In addition, there are many ways to fulfill your plans. To make wishes come true more often, many use the help of conspiracies. But even the most correct words are best strengthened with an appropriate attitude.

The psychology of desires

In the psychology of success, there is a certain set of rules that help you come to your dream in the shortest possible way. In order for a dream to come true, you must:

  • correctly formulate it;
  • program yourself for success
  • find the right motivation;
  • do not stray from the path, showing willpower.

Why do you need wording? Then, you need to know where to go before you hit the road. It's like traveling - without a well-defined route, your journey will be an ordinary walk, not a trip to pursue your dreams. It is the same in our situation.

Then it is important to determine the benefit for yourself, so that there is a desire to go towards the dream. At the very end, you only need stamina and fortitude, which will help you not to abandon your plans.

Energy of desires

Human energy plays a significant, if not decisive role in the fulfillment of desires. Simply put, it is correct attitude that activates nature's help for you. This is the kind of luck that everyone talks about, but which not everyone manages to make their ally.

A great way to improve energy will be affirmations for the fulfillment of desires. Applying a positive attitude will motivate you and boost your morale. Choose affirmations individually, or compose them yourself.

If your desire or dream is difficult to achieve, if you need a lot of time to achieve it, then seek help from lunar calendar and horoscopes that will help you tune all the same energy in the right way.

Amulets and talismans are also able to activate energy, and at the same time enhance protection from negativity. The best talismans of 2016 are those associated with the element of Fire. Read about them in more detail, and let your desire for well-being and happiness not fade away.

Esoteric masters have always noted that any thoughts and words have enormous weight. Do not underestimate the power of desires, as their energies change our lives. But if you do not make the appropriate efforts, Fate will only give you disappointment, allowing you to approach the dream and allowing you to look at it from afar. After that, she simply closes the door, which makes her feel bad. That is why you should not bury your dreams.

We wish you good luck and only fulfilling wishes. Follow the lunar calendar, marking new moons for yourself, because there is an effective ritual on the new moon for the fulfillment of wishes. In the struggle for your own happiness, all methods are good, so do not miss out on your luck. Patience, success and do not forget to press the buttons and