Head is badly thinking what to drink. What if sometimes I understand badly, and how to improve the efficiency of the brain

According to statistics, in recent years, the diagnosis of "Vegeth-vascular dystonia syndrome" (VDC) put each third patient

Apathy, drowsiness, depression, headaches and dizziness, felling, reducing memory and attention - all these are symptoms of VD.

Photobank: Depositphotos.

Another terrible manifestation is a violation of cerebral circulation, leading to such a serious disease, as a stroke, which occupies second among the causes of death of Russians.

In the fall, VD is sharpened, like all chronic diseases. This is due to the fact that the body even a healthy person negatively responds to temperature differences, reduction of the daylight, racing atmospheric pressure, perturbation of the magnetic field of the Earth, which is rapid at this time of year. Most of all suffer the population of large cities with their mad rhythm, incomplete noise, a bad environment ... provoking factor is the increase in load, stress at work or study. Therefore, office employees are particularly hard to endure IRs against the background of psychological disadaptation after the holiday season: it is hard to engage in work. As a result, symptoms become more pronounced, well-being deteriorated, memory and vital tone decrease.

Comment Doctor

Psychotherapist Clinic "Asteri-Honey" Clinic Gennady Nikolaevich Mironychev so comments on the problem of VDC: "Currently, the term" vegal dystonia "is not generally accepted, although at one time was very popular. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), adopted in Russia, to violate the function of the vegetative system, there is a term "somataminal vegetative dysfunction", which can be localized in any functional system of the body and any human body, so the seasonal aggravation is an increase in the queue for doctors Almost all specialties. But most often go to neurologists, as the majority of complaints are still on pain in the head and a decrease in mental performance. Statistics are frightening: up to 80% of the population of the globe suffers to those or other manifestations of the EMD, and almost a third of them need qualified medical care. It is noteworthy that women are more susceptible to death than men. Of course, risk factors in our difficult time set ... Competition in all spheres of life, hard dents, constant hurry, multitasking, - All this causes neurosis and stress providing fertile soil for the occurrence of various diseases in humans. It can be said that VDC is a disease of civilization, the Beach of modern humanity, the payroll for the mind, career and material benefits, which are so difficult for us. It is impossible to underestimate all the seriousness of this insidious disease: with the age of blood pressure fluctuations will be more pronounced, arising from a minor occasion, the fainting will become familiar, in short, the disease will be moved harder and painful. It is important to remember that people with such a disease must be observed at a neurologist, which prescribes special drugs to normalize blood circulation and exchange processes in the brain, such as, for example, vasogram, such drugs improve the metabolism in the brain, emotional state, memory and concentration of attention, There is a vasodilatory effect without influencing blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive, possess anti-asthenic and light antidepressant property. "

Eliminate symptoms

How to keep health? What to do during periods of exacerbation? How to avoid problems at work, at a university or school so that the head does not fail at the most responsible moment? Minimize or altogether to eliminate the symptoms of the ICC will help a reasonable routine of the day and a healthy eight-hour sleep. Non-shows is categorically contraindicated. Proper nutrition rich in macro / trace elements, vitamins, fiber and other useful substances provides a supply of strength and energy: any diet is prohibited from ICC. Do not underestimate the importance of exercise, be it a run, cycling or just a walk with a dog. After all, it is a sedentary lifestyle (sitting, watching TV, "hanging" in social networks) can provoke a violation of cerebral circulation and aggravate a disease. Do not explain the need to refuse bad habits.

Making special exercises

In addition to drug therapy, doctors recommend a set of special exercises for the whole family in order to eliminate the symptoms of VDC. The exercise is performed from the situation sitting, it is necessary to cross legs and take a deep breath for 1-2 seconds. Next, follow the slopes of the body forward and naughty on your knees. Initial position. Again a deep breath and a breath delay, then the tilt back, as far as possible. This exercise should be repeated 10 times in each direction.

And the most important thing…

Vegeth-vascular dystonia is not a death sentence, but a reason to change the lifestyle, revise the attitude towards yourself and your health. And remember, the commodity expression "all diseases from nerves" in this case justifies itself by 100%.

If the "unclear head", "turbid head" - the feeling with which you get up and lie down, and if increased irritability, fatigue and bad dream are added to this - most likely, we are talking about asthen-neurotic syndrome.

Basic symptoms: Many many complain about the "fog in the head", "head as a cotton", "obscure head" and the like symptoms.

If you notice overwhelmability, sleep disorder, constant irritability, then you may have a psyche disorder called astegen-neurotic syndrome.

Prevalence: This disease is one of the most common "diseases of civilization." It is often referred to as "influenza managers."

People educated people are susceptible to the disease. The most characteristic age is from 20 to 40 years. These are entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, teachers. In a special group of risk, people whose work is associated with an increased responsibility, for example, air traffic controllers.

In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome called "nervous exhaustion"

Also in the risk group creative personalities.

Causes of occurrence: The main causes of occurrence are stress, long-term nervous excitation, chronic lack of sleep, permanent overwork. Also, factors contributing to the emergence of astheno-neurotic syndrome are suffering diseases, including colds, some viruses, poisoning, poor ecological situation.

Similar symptoms: What diseases may appear as "head, as in the fog," poor sleep, weakness and irritability, except for neurasthenia? First of all, these are asthenic conditions with beginning heavy diseases. In the second - masked depression, which at the beginning can be easily confused with astheno-neurotic syndrome. And chronic fatigue syndrome can appear in a similar way.

So the correct diagnosis can only be delivered by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. For diagnosis, professional psychological diagnosis (psychotestes) is usually used, which can be passed independently (under this link).

How the disease develops: The syndrome occurs gradually, with a combination of emotional and physical overvoltage, constant fatigue. Most often, the diseases have a decline complaints, general weakness, increased irritability, "fog" in the head, the inability to cope with the usual volumes of work.

If a person continues to continue to undergo stress and does not appeal for medical care, the condition will deteriorate to the usual set of complaints about the "WATTAT" head, the tears, complaints of the heart, fog in the head joins. Imprint irritability to extremely, but irritation is rapidly replaced by weakness. The dream is usually distexts, does not bring feelings of rest, after sleeping the head "As Watch". It worsens appetite, constipation or diarrhea can be disturbed. Sexual attraction is subjected to both men and women. The condition worsens before the weather change (the so-called "meteo-sensitivity"). In the absence of treatment at this stage, apathy, lethargy, pronounced weakness and resistant reduction in mood are joined. Interest in life decreases, the patient thinks only about his painful state, about his "unclear" head.

The absence of treatment may result in psychotic disorders.

Treatment: Positive treatment prospects, usually psychotherapeutic methods give excellent results until full cure. In severe cases, a combination of psychotherapy with psychopharmacotherapy is used.

Self-medication usually worsens the state and leads to the progress of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, the psychotherapist doctor for setting the correct diagnosis should be eliminated by all diseases in which similar symptoms are manifested, because the more precisely the diagnosis - the more successful treatment will be.

Various diseases with similar symptoms must be treated in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the psychotherapist. A good psychotherapist selects therapy that meets the specific manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome is one of the most common "diseases of civilization." It is often referred to as "influenza managers."

The treatment of syndrome depends on the severity of painful symptoms, but is primarily aimed at eliminating psychotrauming factors. It is necessary to reduce both mental and physical exertion. This is the most important condition for treatment, without such events to defeat the disease will not succeed. In the early stages of the development of the disease normalization of the rhythm of life, the elimination of stress and psychotherapy can be enough to significantly improve the state of health. And, of course, at this stage, there are very good effects of psychotherapy methods that do not use drugs - cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalysis, methods of group psychotherapy are very effective.

In any case, you need to refer to the psychotherapist.

In more launched cases, additional psychopharmacotherapy may be required. Apply a lining drugs, tranquilizers, if necessary, sleeping equipment and antidepressants. Psychotherapy is also actively used in the treatment of launched astheno-neurotic syndrome.

The first indicator of the improvement of the condition is the normalization of sleep and the disappearance of the feeling of "fog" in the head. With the appointed treatment in time, the problem is usually possible to win completely, however, if the intense situation and stress at work and in personal life continue to be maintained, various complications are possible.

Terminology and other names: In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome, together with diseases of similar symptoms, called "nervous exhaustion".

In modern psychiatry, the term "neurasthenia" is often used to designate neuro-asthenic syndrome (synonyms). In the domestic sense, neurability is usually perceived as a state of painful-nervous, unbalanced, characteristic of brown people, easily perhaps with various influences and sentiments that are in a state of acute mental crisis. And in the medical sense it is the state of depression, irritability, "unclear head".

If you neglect the principles that should help your brain work actively, do not doubt that he will definitely revenge and just refuse to work. Sometimes we forget the words, sometimes we can not get together, sometimes thoughts in the head simply seem to be. How to improve the thought process? Everyone knows that the brain for work requires oxygen, and what else can we wake the relaxing brain to take a case?

So your brain will not work if:

1. You will not fall out

In addition, the chronic lack of sleep can cause a lot of health problems, it seriously worsens the concentration of attention and work of the brain. Most people need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep daily, but this figure is individual. In addition to sleep duration, its quality is important - it should be continuous. A phase in which we see the dreams (the rapid sleep phase or the REM phase), has a strong influence on our well-being in wakeful hours. If sleep is often interrupted, the brain spends less time in this phase, as a result of which we feel sluggish and experiencing difficulties with memory and concentration.

See also:

2. You do not know how to cope with stress

There are many available ways to combat stress, including meditation, diary, work with a psychologist, yoga, breathing practices, Tai Chi, etc. All of them have their advantages in terms of help in the work of the brain. ()

3. You are not moving enough

Physical exertion can enhance blood flow, and at the same time - and the inflow of oxygen and nutrients in all body tissues. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of substances that help the compound and even the formation of nerve cells.

If your work is sitting, periodically distracting and knead the neck - do slopes to the sides. Any mental activity alternate with physical. We sat at the computer - dried 10 times or walk along the corridors and stairs.

4. You do not drink the desired amount of water

Our body is about 60% consists of water, and the brain contains even more water - 80%. Without water, the brain gives failures - from dehydration starts dizziness, hallucinations, fainting. If you drink not enough water, then you will become irritable and even aggressive, and your ability to make the right decisions will decrease. Can you imagine how important water is important? Often the constant desire to sleep, fatigue, fog in the head - are related to the fact that we are not drinking enough. That is, drinking something we can a lot - soda, coffee, sweet teas ,. But many of these drinks, on the contrary, only deprive the cells of the body of the fluid, just leading to dehydration. Especially drinks containing caffeine (tea, coca-cola coffee). As in the anecdote, "we drink more and more, and we are worse." So you need to drink exactly water - drinking water. But the water is also not worthwhile. Just drink as needed. Let you have a drinking water at hand. Try to drink at least half a glass of warm water per hour throughout the day. Read in.

5. You do not consume a sufficient amount of glucose

For us, food is both the greens of salad, and the harmless chicken breast. And for the brain, all this is no meal. Migraine give glucose! And the main suppliers of glucose are carbohydrates. Chicken with vegetables will not let you fall in a hungry faint, but come up with something ingenious ... for this dietary lunch is not enough. We need bread, sweet, (perfect option). A person who needs mental activity is in no way comes in an aviagenous diet. At work, a piece of bitter chocolate or dried fruits will be perfect.


Carbohydrates are also different - simple and complex. Ordinary sugar (simple carbohydrate) although it is glucose, "the mind" will add not so much. He quickly splits, causing a sharp rise of glucose first, and then a sharp drop, not having to "feed" nervous cells. But the complex carbohydrates are grain bread, porridge, vegetables (yes, there are also a lot of sugar in them), pasta - cleavagely slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. On the road and on the snack, the perfect version of complex carbohydrates - banana! Makaroni is worth it if the next meal is not soon.

6. In your diet insufficiently useful fats

Any price, avoid processed, hydrogenated fats, which are called transhirs, and minimize the use of saturated animal fats. Reduce the consumption of trans fat is not as difficult if you remember some rules. First of all, you need to delete margarine from your life - they all contain many trans fat. Be sure to view labels on baking (cookies, cakes, etc.), as well as chips, mayonuzes and other products containing fat products. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers have not yet indicate the content of trans-fats on the product packaging. If in the list of ingredients is worth any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil - the product contains trans-fats.

But polyunsaturated fats are omega-3 and omega-6 - essential fatty acids. You can only get these fats through food. They improve blood circulation and reduce inflammatory processes in the body and are very useful for the brain. It is contained in salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trouts, as well as in the seeds of sunflower, tofu and walnuts.

MONONOSATURE FIRE AND POWERS. Monounsaturated fats reduce cholesterol levels. They are in many nuts, olive oil and avocado oil.

7. Your brain does not get oxygen

The brain can withstand without oxygen for 10 minutes. And even when nothing prevents us from breathing, the oxygen brain may not be enough. In winter, the battery and heaters are circular, they consume oxygen, crowds of the people and the room, where there are many people, also deprive us of the required amount of oxygen. The cold, nose is laid - we seem to be breathing, but it turns out, not qualitatively! In all these cases, you noticed that you begin to sleep? So affect the brain lack of oxygen.

What to do? To air the room, open the windows, and be sure to walk.

8. You do not train your brain

Studying new subjects and languages, receiving additional skills, intelligent hobbies help maintain and multiply brain resources. Permanent "training" ensures that it will work at the highest level throughout life.

Memory disorders: why memory becomes bad, rate and communication with diseases, treatment

Memory is an important function of our central nervous system to perceive the information obtained and postpone it in some invisible "cells" of the brain on the reserve to extract and use it in the future. Memory is one of the most important abilities of human mental activity, therefore the slightest violation of memory will be embarrassed from the usual rhythm of life, suffering himself and annoying others.

Memory disorder is most often perceived as one of the many clinical manifestations of some neuropsychic or neurological pathology, although in other cases forgetfulness, absent-mindedness and poor memory are the only signs of the disease, on the development of which no one pays attention to, believing that a person is so from nature .

Big mystery - human memory

Memory is a complex process proceeding in the central nervous system and involving perception, accumulation, holding and reproducing information obtained in different periods. Most of all about the properties of our memory we are thinking when you need to master something new. The result of all efforts attached during the learning process depends on who anyone can hook, to perceive seen, heard or read, depends on the result of all the efforts attached in the learning process, which is important when choosing a profession. From the point of view of biology, memory is short-term and long-term.

The information obtained by a glimpse or, as they say, "flew into one ear, flew out of another" - this is a short-term memory at which he seen and heard is postponed for several minutes, but, as a rule, without meaning and content. So, the episode flashed and disappeared. Short-term memory did not promise anything to promise that, probably, well, in otherwise, a person would have to keep all the information that he was not at all.

However, with certain efforts of a person, the information that fell into the short-term memory area, if it looks like it or listen and penetrate, goes to long-term storage. This is happening in addition to the will of the person, if any episodes are often repeated, have special emotional significance or occupy a separate place among other phenomena for various reasons.

Evaluating his memory, some people claim that she is short-term, because everything is remembered, absorbed, retells in a couple of days, and then it is also quickly forgotten.This often happens when preparing for exams, when information is postponed only to reproduce it to decorate a test book. It should be noted that in such cases, referring to this topic again, when it becomes interesting, a person can easily restore, it would seem lost knowledge. One thing is to know and forget, and another is not to get information. And here, everything is simple - acquired knowledge without much efforts of a person was transformed into long-term memory departments.

Long term memory analyzes everything, structures, creates volume and purposefully postpones for future use for an indefinite period. In from long-term memory, everything is holding. Memory mechanisms are very complex, but we are so accustomed to them that they perceive as natural and simple things. However, we note that for the successful implementation of the learning process, in addition to memory, it is important to have attention, that is, be able to concentrate on the necessary items.

It is practical for a person in some time to forget past events, if it is time not to extract his knowledge to use them, therefore, it is not always the inability to recall something, you need to relate to memory violation. Each of us experienced a feeling when "spinning in the head, but does not come to the mind," but this does not mean that serious disorders occurred in memory.

Why do the failures in memory happen?

Causes of memory violations and attention in adults and children can be different. If a child has problems with learning at a congenital mental retardation, then he will come into adult condition with these disorders. Children and adults can react differently on the surrounding environment: Children's psyche is more tender, so stress it tolerates harder. In addition, adults have long been studied what is just trying to master the child.

No matter how sad, the teenage of alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs with adolescents, and young children, left unattended by parents, became frightening: not so rarely recorded in summaries of law enforcement agencies and therapeutic institutions of cases of poisoning. But for the children's brain, alcohol is the strongest poison, extremely negatively affecting memory.

True, some pathological conditions, often protruding the cause of scattering and bad memory in adults, as a rule, are excluded in children (Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis).

Causes of memory violations in children

Thus, the reasons for memory violations and attention can be considered:

  • Lack of vitamins ,;
  • Asthenia;
  • Frequent viral infections;
  • Card and brain injuries;
  • Stressful situations (unfavorable family, the despotism of parents, problems in the team that the child visits);
  • Poor eyesight;
  • Mental disorder;
  • Poisoning, alcohol and narcotic drugs;
  • Congenital pathology, in which mental retardation is programmed (Down syndrome, etc.) or other (any) state (lack of vitamins or trace elements, the use of individual drugs, the change is not for the better field of metabolic processes), which contribute to the formation of attention deficit syndrome, which, As you know, memory does not improve.

Causes of adult problems

In adults the reason for which there was bad memory, there was a scattering and inability to concentrate on a long time, various diseases acquired in the course of life were a long time.

  1. Stresses, psycho-emotional loads, chronic fatigue and souls, and bodies;
  2. Acute and chronic;
  3. Discirculatory;
  4. the cervical spine;
  5. Card and brain injuries;
  6. Metabolic disorders;
  7. Hormonal imbalance;
  8. Tumors um;
  9. Mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia and many others).

Of course, anemia of various origins, lack of trace elements, diabetes mellitus and other numerous somatic pathology leads to a violation of memory and attention, contributes to the appearance of forgetfulness and scattering.

What kind of memory disorders are? Among them allocate dismnesia (hypermonesia, hypomensions, amnesia) - changes directly to memory, and paramnezia - distortion of memories to which personal fantasies of the patient are added. By the way, some of them surrounding on the contrary consider phenomenal memory rather than its violation. True, specialists may have a somewhat different opinion on this.


Phenomenal memory or mental disorder?

Hypermnezia- With such a violation, people remember and perceive quickly, information, postponed many years ago, unprecedented in memory, "rolling", returns to the past, which does not always cause positive emotions. The person himself does not know why he needs to keep everything in his head, but some long-lasting events can reproduce to the smallest detail. For example, an elderly person can easily describe in detail (up to the teacher's clothing) Selected lessons at school, retell a lithmontantage of a pioneering fee, it is not difficult to recall other details related to study at the institute, professional activity or family events.

Hypermnezia, in the absence of a healthy person, in the absence of other clinical manifestations, the disease is not considered, rather, on the contrary, this is exactly the case when they talk about phenomenal memory, although in terms of psychology, the phenomenal memory is a slightly different phenomenon. People with a similar phenomenon are able to memorize and reproduce huge amounts of information that is not related to some special meaning. It can be large numbers, sets of individual words, lists of objects, notes. Such memory often possesses great writers, musicians, mathematics and people of other professions requiring ingenious abilities. Meanwhile, hypermneosis in a healthy person who does not belong to the cohort of geniuses, but with a high intelligence coefficient (IQ), not such a rare phenomenon.

As one of the symptoms of pathological conditions, memory violation in the form of hypermnezia is found:

  • With paroxysmal mental disorders (epilepsy);
  • With intoxicating psychoactive substances (psychotropic drugs, narcotic drugs);
  • In the case of hypologia - a state similar to mania, but not reaching it in the severity of the flow. Patients may have a tide of energy, increase vital activity, and ability to improve. In hypologia, the violation of memory and attention is often combined (dismantle, instability, inability to focus).

Obviously, it is obvious to understand such subtleties, to distinguish between the norm and pathology for only a specialist. Among us, in most - the average representatives of the human population, which "nothing human is not alien", but the world at the same time they do not turn over. Periodically (not every year and not in each settlement) appear genius, they are not always possible to immediately notice, because often such individuals consider just eccentrics. And finally, (maybe not often?) Among various pathological conditions there are mental illness, requiring correction and complex treatment.

Bad memory

Gimnosis - This species is usually expressed in two words: "bad memory".

Forgetfulness, scattered and poor memory is observed in asthenic syndrome, for which other symptoms are characterized in addition to memory issues:

  1. Increased fatigue.
  2. Nervousness, irritability about and without it, a bad mood.
  3. Meeting dependence.
  4. Happy and insomnia at night.
  5. Drops hell ,.
  6. Tides and others.
  7. Weakness.

Asthenic syndrome, as a rule, forms other pathology, for example:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Transferred cranknogo injury (CMT).
  • Atherosclerotic process.
  • The initial stage of schizophrenia.

The reason for the violation of memory and attention in the type of hypomensions can be various depressive states (not everyone), the climacteric syndrome flowing with the adaptation disorder, organic lesions of the brain (severe CMT, epilepsy, tumor). In such situations, as a rule, in addition to hypomensions, the symptoms listed above are also present.

"I remember here - I do not remember"

For amnesia Not all the memory is completely completely, but its individual fragments. As an example of such a type of amnesia, I also want to remember the film Alexander Gray "Gentlemen of Good luck" - "I remember - I do not remember here."

However, not all amnesia look like in the famous film, there are more serious cases when the memory is lost significantly and for a long time or forever, therefore several types are disturbed among such memory violations (amnesia):

A special type of memory loss, with which it is impossible to cope - progressive amnesia, representing a consistent loss of memory from the present to the past. The reason for the destruction of memory in such cases is the organic brain atrophy, which occurs when alzheimer's diseasesand . Such patients poorly reproduce traces of memory (speech disorders), for example, they forget the names of household items, which are used daily (plate, chair, clock), but at the same time know why they are intended (amnesic aphasia). In other cases, the patient simply does not recognize the thing (sensory aphasia) or does not know what it is needed (semantic aphasia). However, it should not be confused by the habits of the "raw" owners to find the use of everything that is in the house, even if it is intended to be completely for other purposes (from the dish of the kitchen watches in the form of a plate, you can make a beautiful dish or stand).

Well, it is necessary to invent this!

Paramnezia (distortion of memories) Also refer to memory violations, and among them the following types are distinguished:

  • RafamentIn which the fragments of their own memory will be destroyed, and their place occupy the history patient and presented to them "in full", because he himself believes what he says. Patients tell about their exploits, unprecedented achievements in life and work and even sometimes about crimes.
  • PseudoMemminiscence - replacement of one memories by another event, which actually took place in the patient's life, only at a different time and in other circumstances (Korsakov syndrome).
  • CryptomesiaWhen patients, having received information from various sources (books, cinema, stories of other people), give it for the events themselves. In a word, patients due to pathological changes are going to an invalid plagiarism, which is characteristic of the delusional ideas encountered during organic disorders.
  • Emenezia - The person feels (quite sincerely), what happened to him already with him (or saw in a dream?). Of course, such thoughts sometimes attend a healthy person, but the difference is that patients give such events to such events ("loaning"), and healthy just forget about it.
  • Polympsist- This symptom exists in two versions: short-term failures in memory associated with pathological alcohol (confused episodes of the last day with the long-lasting events), and the combination of two different events of one period of time, ultimately, the patient himself does not know what was actually.

As a rule, these symptoms are accompanied by other clinical manifestations in pathological conditions, therefore, noticing signs of "Deja Nu", you do not need to rush to make a diagnosis - it happens to healthy people.

Reducing the concentration of attention affects memory

To disabilities of memory and attention, loss of ability to focus on specific objects include such pathological conditions:

  1. Accuracy of attention - a person is constantly distracted, jumps from one subject to another (dismissal syndrome in children, hypologia, hebifranium - a mental violation, developing, as one of the forms of schizophrenia, in a junior age);
  2. Rigidity (slow motion) From one topic to another - this symptom is very characteristic of epilepsy (who communicated with such people, he knows - the patient is constantly "stuck", which makes it difficult to keep dialogue);
  3. Insufficient concentration of attention - About such people they say: "This is what scattered from the street of the pool!", That is, scattered and poor memory in such cases are often perceived, as features of temperament and behavior, which, in principle, often corresponds to reality.

Undoubtedly Reducing the concentration of attention, in particular, will negatively affect the entire process of memorizing and storing information, That is, in the state of memory as a whole.

Children are faster forget

As for children, all these rough, incredit memory disturbances, characteristic of adults and, especially, the elderly, are very rarely celebrated in childhood. Memory problems arising due to innate features require correction and when a skillful approach (as far as possible) can retreat a little. Many cases are known when the efforts of parents and teachers in the literal sense created miracles in Down syndrome and other types of congenital mental retardation, but here the approach is individual and dependent on different circumstances.

Another thing if the baby was born healthy, and the problems appeared as a result of moved trouble. So here a child can expect a slightly different reaction to various situations:

  • Amnesia in children In most cases, it is manifested by dips in memory with respect to individual memories of episodes that took place during the period of perpletion of consciousness associated with unpleasant events (poisoning, coma, injury) - no wonder they say that children quickly forget;
  • Alcoholization of adolescence also proceeds not as in adults - no memories ( polimpporte) On the events taking place during the intoxication, it appears in the first stages of drunkenness, without waiting for the diagnosis (alcoholism);
  • Retrograde amnesia Children, as a rule, affects a short period of time before injury or illness, and the severity is not so distinct as in adults, that is, the child has no memory loss and can not be noticed.

Most often in children and adolescents there is a violation of memory by type of dismnesia, What is manifested by the weakening of ability to memorize, store (retention) and reproduce (reproduction) the information received. Disorders of this type are more noticeable in school children, as they affect the academic performance in school, adaptation in the team and behavior in everyday life.

Kids attending children's preschool institutions, dismnesia symptoms are problems with the memorization of the washers, a song, children cannot participate in children's matinees and holidays. Despite the fact that kindergarten Kid attends constantly, every time coming there, he cannot independently find his locker to change clothes, among other items (toys, clothes, towel) It is difficult for him to find his own. Dissual disorders are noticeable in the home environment: the child can not tell what was in the garden, forgets the names of other children, read many times in fairy tales each time perceives, as if he hears them for the first time, does not remember the name of the main characters.

Transient disorders of memory and attention, along with fatigue, drowsiness and all sorts of vegetative disorders, are often celebrated in schoolchildren with different etiology.

Formerly treatment

Before proceeding with the treatment of symptoms of memory disorders, you need to put the correct diagnosis and find out what caused the patient's problems. To do this, you need to get as more information about his health:

  1. What diseases does he suffer? It may be possible to trace the connection between the existing pathology (or transferred in the past) with the deterioration of intellectual abilities;
  2. Does he have a pathology that directly leads to a violation of memory: dementia, brain vascular insufficiency, CMT (in history), chronic alcoholism, medicinal disorders?
  3. Which drug drugs take the patient and is the deterioration of memory with the use of drugs? Separate groups of pharmaceuticals, for example, benzodiazepines among side effects have a similar type of violation, which, however, are reversible.

In addition, in the process of diagnostic search, it may be very useful to be allowed to identify metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, a shortage of trace elements and vitamins.

In most cases, when searching for the reasons for weakening memory resorts to methods neurovalization (CT, MRI, EEG, PET, etc.), which help to detect a GM tumor or hydrocephalus and, at the same time, to differentiate the vascular brain damage from degenerative.

In the methods of neurovalization, there is also a need because the memory violation at first may be the only symptom of serious pathology. Unfortunately, the greatest difficulties in the diagnosis are depressive states, forcing in other cases to assign trial antidepressive treatment (to find out, there is depression or it is not).

Treatment and correction

The normal process of aging in itself involves some reduction in intellectual abilities: Forgetfulness appears, the memorization is not as easy, the concentration of attention falls, especially if the neck "squeezes" or the pressure rose, however, such symptoms do not significantly affect the quality of life and behavior in everyday life. The elderly, adequately evaluating their age, learn to remind themselves (and remember quickly) about current affairs.

In addition, many to improve memory are not neglecting pharmaceutical treatment.

Now there are a number of drugs capable of improving the work of the brain and even help in performing tasks that require significant intellectual efforts. First of all, it is - (piracetam, flashes, vinpocetin, cerebrolysin, cinnarizin, etc.).

Nootropics are shown by elderly people who have certain age problems that others are not noticeable yet. Preparations of this group are suitable for improving memory in violation of the cerebral circulation caused by other pathological conditions of the brain and the vascular system. By the way, many of these drugs are successfully applied in pediatric practice.

However, nootropics - the treatment is symptomatic, and to obtain a proper effect you need to strive for etiotropic.

As for Alzheimer's disease, tumors, mental disorders, here the approach to treatment should be very specific - depending on the pathological changes and the reasons that caused them. There is no single recipe for all cases, therefore there is nothing to advise patients. You just need to contact a doctor, which is possible before assigning drugs to improve memory, will send an additional examination.

Complex in adults and correction of violations of mental activity. Patients with bad memory under the supervision of the instructor memorize poems, solve crosswords, exercise in solving logical tasks, but training, bringing some successes (it seems that the severity of earth disorders has decreased), after all, they do not give much significant results.

Correction of memory and attention in children, in addition to treatment with the help of various groups of pharmaceuticals, provides for classes with a psychologist, exercises for memory development (poems, drawings, tasks). Of course, the children's psyche is more mobile and better amenable to correction as opposed to an adult psyche. In children there is a prospect of progressive development, while people aged only the opposite effect progresses.

Video: Bad memory - the opinion of a specialist

Brain need training

Congenital abilities are just a basic set of mental development deposit, which is implemented (or not implemented) during life. The performance of the brain is due to the number and strength of neural connections - the more they are more, the better we think. Regular cognitive training makes it possible to keep the brain in a tone, it is more efficient to cope with complex tasks and be more productive in work, study and life.

However, even regular development of the type of reading books, solutions of puzzles and even learning a foreign language will not insure us from the fact that we are "tupim".

Consider in more detail what happens to us at these moments.

What brakes us?

Any mental activity begins with attention. Yes, we can perform any minimal action "on the machine", do not include attention, but we cannot effectively think without high concentration and concentration. That is, the productivity of the momentary work affects the ability to concentrate attention. In some moments, we can not do it - we are not in shape, too tired, hungry or evil - and it slows down the work of the brain. To control external factors, we are completely able - to satisfy hunger or thirst, create a comfortable work environment, pre-sleep and solve all conflicts.

And what if you need to work in uncomfortable conditions?

If we do not have the ability to get rid of external interference - for example, a noisy room or an uninteresting task, then activate attention will not be easy. The ability to concentrate is a skill that can be trained. If you regularly practice "inclusion of attention" under different circumstances, it will be easier to concentrate in uncomfortable conditions. The inclusion of attention launches the other cognitive functions, and the brain begins to "accelerate" and work on full.

How to train?

To develop a habit to regularly train attention, and at the same time all other cognitive functions of the brain can be used using online services. For example, which are drawn up in training on a specific algorithm. Personal program includes 2 simulators to get into operation, is a warm-up. After the warm-up, the rest of the functions begin to train - attention and memory, depending on your abilities, which are determined by introductory testing. Daily 15-minute workouts produce a habit to regularly include attention and pump their cognitive features to keep the brain in tone. Over time, ineffective days will be less and less, and the brain performance is higher.

If nothing helps

But not only fatigue and external circumstances may be the causes of bad brain performance.

Lack of vitamins and trace elements and improper nutrition affect how we are thinking. Food is fuel and building material for the entire body. The brain gets energy as a result of glucose cleavage, which is contained in "long" carbohydrates. Improve communication between neurons helps fish oil, in particular omega-3. Vitamins of Group V. To determine which elements are not enough for productive work, special analyzes and tests will help for productive work, therefore consult a doctor if your condition is worried about a long time.