Palmistry where is the line of marriage. What does branching on the marriage line mean. Line break or split

The ancient Indians believed that human life is predetermined by fate. Interpreters of the hand, palmists, determined the similarity of the signs on the hands of people with similar fates. Everything was written down on hand: changes in life, dates of weddings and the number of children born.

Even the date and circumstances of death are written in everyone's palm. Anyone who is interested in palmistry can read the signs of fate. Who will become your spouse and how will family life develop? You will find the answers in the palm of your hand.

In this article

What does the marriage line mean in the palm of your hand

Finding the marriage line in the palm of your hand is easy. Look at the line of the heart. Descending from the index finger to the little finger, the line of the heart touches the hill of Mercury, on which you will see the line of marriage. It is no coincidence that the lines of marriage and the heart are located nearby - a marriage without love is doomed to misfortune.

Main lines on the hand

The famous palmist Hiro writes in the book "You and Your Hand" about the marriage line:

Only long or clearly defined lines on this hillock indicate the likelihood of marriage or a long union, short ones - connections that do not end in marriage.

By the number of marks on the edge of the palm, the number is judged:

  • marriages;
  • attachments;
  • partners.

The quality of the relationship depends on the spouses. Fate brings people together, and the future is determined by the actions and thoughts of lovers.

More about it:

How many marriages

One clear and straight line is a sign of a happy and long family life. There will be a meeting that is predetermined by fate. The owners of such marks do not look for love on the side, because they are satisfied with their partner.

Most often, people have two lines of marriage. Sometimes this means a difficult period in a relationship. But if the spouses do not divorce, then family life begins with a clean slate. Do not forget that the future has no beaten path - everyone chooses their own destiny.

The owner of three lines on the edge of the palm will not avoid divorce. To understand what destroyed the marriage, fate or the conscious choice of lovers, analyze other marks on the hand.

Weak lines are a sign of loneliness, as is their absence. The life of such a person is filled with casual relationships, or it is a child or teenager who has not entered into a relationship with anyone.

Marriage lines are fickle, they change over the course of a person's life more often than other lines and marks on the palms.

Forks and islands - guessing at relationships

If the line of affection begins with a fork, then the person will marry for love. First, the lovers are waiting for resistance. In most cases, this is disapproval from relatives who are dissatisfied with the union. But the merging of thin marks into one clear and deep one is a sign that love will stand the test of difficulties.

Forks in the form of a fan on the line of love are a sign of uncertainty. People with this sign are torn between hobbies, work and home, not knowing what to give preference to.

A marriage line that ends with a fork is a sign of the initiator of a divorce. If the mark begins with a fork, then the family will collapse through the fault of the partner.

parting signs

An island is a bad sign for a relationship. This is a sign of cooling feelings and unhappy attachment. Such marriages end quickly.

Marriage line about the secrets of personal life: how to predict problems in marriage

The marriage line is a reflection of the life together of lovers. If the mark rises to the little finger, then this indicates that the person does not want to legitimize the relationship and marry. But not against living together. Sometimes the upward bend is interpreted as a sign of widowhood.

If the spouses have doubts about choosing a partner, then this will be reflected in the marriage line. She will become thin and pale. But if the mark deepened and a vertical line appeared, then this is a sign that marriage will save the birth of a child. A deep line means that a boy will be born. Thin - a girl will be born.

If the marriage line bends or slanted pale lines depart from it, then this is a sign of life's hardships. A person is waiting for a decline in activity due to strong experiences: illness, poverty and misfortune.

A dashed line is a sign of a sudden break. It is possible that the couple will get back together, this time for a long time.

The line that rises to the little finger is a sign of high expectations. It occurs in women who have lost interest in love due to frequent disappointments in partners.

The meaning of the signs

The lines of marriage are duplicated on the hill of Venus and on the line of influence. These three points in the palm of a person will tell about the character and family life of a person.

If the hill of Mercury is empty, but a person has entered into a marriage, then this is a marriage without love. Any palmist, even a beginner, is able to determine this by looking at the palms of people who are getting married.

It is important to remember that marks about future marriages are located on active hands. For right-handers it is the right hand, for left-handers it is the left hand. But because of the desire to hide problems, people unconsciously change the position of the marks. To avoid deception, the palmist analyzes the marks on the inactive hand. Analysis will show the true motives of a person.

long and short

A long line is a sign of a long relationship that will forever remain in the memory of the participants. If a person has experienced the bitterness of parting, then the next union will be reflected in a new clear and long mark on the edge of the palm.

The strength of a relationship is determined by the length

A short line is an unstable union or a stormy romance. In most cases, this is a passion that flared up and went out suddenly.

A long and thin line is a sign of relationships in which people suffer. Such relationships last long if the participants resign themselves to the inevitable evil.


The bifurcation of the marriage line is a sign that the paths of lovers will diverge. The initiator of the distance from each other will be a person whose brush on the marriage line is wider.

Split example

Such a person is prone to conflicts and suffers from low self-esteem. Therefore, any misunderstanding is perceived as a personal insult. It is not surprising that such a person will take out dissatisfaction with life on a partner who has trusted him.

island at the end

The island is a sign of strong negative emotions: scandals, quarrels and fights. The owners of the island divorce noisily and do not hide enmity towards each other. The courts, the division of property, the desire to take revenge - this is how the family idyll collapses among people with islands on the line of marriage.

Island example:

If the line of attachment bends to the line of the heart and ends with an island, then the sign takes on a different meaning. Now this is a sign of incest, betrayal with a close relative.

Cheating with a relative

Confirmation of the incestuous relationship will be reflected on the hill of Venus. The line of incest shows only the possibility of such a connection, and not the fact of what happened.

Marriage line and heart line

The interaction of the marriage line with other marks on the hand:

  1. The trait of marriage rests on the line of the Sun - a sign of a relationship with a rich person. This refers to the material wealth or spiritual wealth of the individual.
  2. A marriage line that leans towards the heart line is a sign that one spouse will outlive the other. If the marks intersect, then the person will painfully survive the loss.
  3. Long dashes that come from the center of the palm and cross the marriage line mean a love triangle or obstacles from relatives. Spouses have to overcome trials and prove the right to live together.

Practice shows that a line that descends to the line of the heart is not always a sign of the death of one of the spouses. Sometimes this is a sign of spiritual death, when a person is disappointed in the chosen one. The reason for this is assault or treason. The act that caused disappointment will be reflected in the hand of the spouse.

The negative energy that betrayal provokes is as strong as bitterness from the death of a loved one.

Reaches the line of the head

The merger of two marks is an unfavorable sign. Such a union is weighed down by assault and mental pressure.

Most often, such a sign is found in women who are married to a tyrant. The wounded ego of the husband demands compensation for insults, and blames his wife for all troubles. In such families, a tense atmosphere reigns, and people suffer because of unbalanced characters and nervous exhaustion.

Lover's lines

The first sign of the appearance of a lover is that the line of marriage becomes blurred towards the middle of the palm. This means a loss of interest in a partner and a cooling of feelings.

If a thin long line appears next to a clear line of affection, then the affection will pass to another person. If the line of the lover becomes thicker and clearer, then over time the relationship will become stronger and there will be a change of partners. If the lines of infidelity and marriage intersect, then the spouse and lover will meet face to face.

Often, inexperienced palmists confuse the marks of lovers with the features of children. To avoid this, look for confirmation of betrayal on other palm marks, and not just on the hill of Mercury.

Confirmation of secret connections is sought on the inactive hand, which displays the real thoughts and feelings of a person. The active hand is a mask for the outside world, and it is impossible to confirm the connection on the side using it.

If the line of the lover stretches below the line of marriage, then the vicious relationship began before the wedding and continued after it. If the trait of the lover is located above the trait of marriage, then the connection on the side appeared after the wedding.

How to determine the time of the appearance of a lover

If you find similar marks on the hand of the chosen one, then do not rush to draw conclusions about infidelity. Look for confirmation of the changes on the hill of Venus and marks on the line of influence.

Having a downturned tip

The curving line of marriage is a sign of the collapse of hopes and an alliance that did not justify itself. The closer to the edge of the palm the bend of the line began, the earlier the spouses became dissatisfied with the union.

This does not mean a break in relations. Such marriages are not doomed to divorce, because the situation is fixable. But to correct it, you will need to work on yourself and rethink the life goal of your partners.


An uneven line is a sign of a difficult relationship in which lovers often quarrel and seek solace on the side, but then return to their former partner.

If the marriage feature is wavy and the relationship is formalized, then betrayal and the existence of a double life are possible. It's easy to prove it. Check both hands to confirm love on the side and even children born out of wedlock.

Secret signs

On the marriage line there are signs:

  • dot;
  • cross;
  • star;
  • triangle.

These signs mean relationship problems. The presence of dots indicates difficulties with mutual understanding. Sometimes it is a sign of illness or poverty of the spouse. The dot is a rare mark. Most often, this is a sign of a conscious choice, when a lover improves the life of a chosen one.

If the line with a dot is bent upward, then this is a sign of widowhood, which was determined by fate long before the meeting of lovers.

The cross indicates obstacles in love. A star is a sign of marriage of convenience, when one person takes advantage of the location of another. If a triangle adjoins the line of marriage, then the family will break up due to misfortunes and hardships.

More about the signs of fate:

Dating time

The main question that worries people is when will the lovers meet? It is difficult to calculate the date of the meeting due to the small size of the attachment line. If we look at the palm through a magnifying glass, then the date is determined with an error of 4–5 years. In addition, the marks of the relationship are constantly changing, except when the meeting is predetermined by fate. In such people, the trait of attachment appears in the womb and does not change throughout life.

Determining the date near the little finger

To determine the exact time, remember the tricks:

  1. The closer the marriage line is to the heart line, the sooner the relationship will begin. The closer to the little finger, the later. There are cases when the owners of the fold at the base of the little finger met love at the end of their lives - at the age of 70-80.
  2. When dividing the mark into three parts, each period is equal to 25 years. This rule applies to people over 30 years of age. For those who are younger, the marriage line is divided into 2 parts. In this case, each part is equal to 44 years.
  3. Another way to determine the age of marriage is to analyze the comets on the lifeline. This is a sign of serious changes in fate. Correlate them with the lines of affection on the edge of the palm and set the exact time of the meeting.

Here is what Hiro writes in You and Your Hand about marriage age:

If the line of influence joins the line of Destiny, this will give the most accurate date. Since the middle of the palm, approximately where the lines of Fate and Head intersect, is considered the middle of fate, the line of influence connecting with it during this period will mean an age of about 35 years. On the hill of Mercury, it should correspond to a line approximately in its middle.

celibacy ring

The celibacy ring is a negative mark, as is the sign of the crown of celibacy. Most often, a crown is a consequence of a birth curse. In this case, children pay for the negative karma of their parents. But sometimes women who compete with each other for male attention cause damage to each other.

Look up the Mount of Mercury. If he is clean on both hands, then this is a sign of the crown of celibacy. It will take the work of a powerful magician to clear the ancestral curse.

Curse is the result of human magic. Unlike the celibacy ring that fate left. The celibacy ring starts at the base of the little finger and runs along the hill of Mercury.

Complete celibacy ring

If the ring is full, then fate punished the person with loneliness. If it is interrupted in the middle of the hill, then a meeting with love is possible, but difficult.

It is important to remember that the celibacy ring is not a sentence, but a call for change. If a person wants to start a family, then he will have to reconsider his position in life and change a lot: work, home, habits and views.

If the celibacy ring is the result of the cruelty of the ancestors, then a person will have to find people who have suffered from his kind and make up for the losses. Only then will fate allow a person to find love.


Each person is individual. There are no people with the same pattern on their hands, just as there are no identical destinies. The variability of the lines confirms that fate is determined by choice.

Palmistry is one of the sciences that allows a person to answer the main question: “Who am I?” Unwillingness to know yourself and the world around you leads to conflicts and pain. Remember that we are responsible for our lives, as well as the lives of those who trusted us.

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. To step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and gain true freedom.

In palmistry, as in a predictive technique, many issues related to the life and fate of a person are considered. For example, often the subject is interested in personal life, the possibility of creating his own family. In this case, you should consider the lines of marriage and children, as well as any dashes and symbols on them. Of particular importance is the cross on the marriage line. Inexperienced palmists consider them a bad omen, but this is not always true.

The feature of marriage is otherwise called love and marriage. It characterizes not only the quantity and quality of married life, but also any romantic, intimate relationship with the opposite sex.

The road begins on the edge of the working palm, that is, for left-handers on the left hand, and for right-handers - on the right:

  • It stretches in a horizontal direction along the hill of Mercury (below the base of the little finger).
  • Some people may have several threads, this gives reason to believe that serious relationships in the life of the subject will not be the only ones.
  • The lines that cross the road of marriage must be considered both individually and all together.

The one that is closer to the heart road will be considered the first. Short threads that do not go to the hill of Mercury, as a rule, are not taken into account or characterize a short romantic relationship.

  • In the absence of a marriage trait, it can be judged that the subject will never bind himself by family ties throughout his life, or will be in so-called civil relations, without a stamp in his passport.

If a marriage trait was not found in a married person, it is likely that the reason for the union was not bright and sincere feelings, but calculation.

Crossing the roads of marriage and children

In palmistry, the intersection of threads is called a cross and is most often interpreted as an omen of a bad character or negative events:

  1. The exception is when the line of children crosses the line of marriage.
  2. This sign will symbolize the desired child, in which parents and all relatives do not have a soul.
  3. It also happens like this: rising up, the line of marriage crosses the line of children, forming a cross.

This means that the relationship between the child and parents will not be trusting, probably due to excessive guardianship and strictness of the elders.

What are the threads of marriage

The longer and deeper the road, the stronger the couple's relationship. Also, these parameters may indicate a strong attachment of a fortuneteller to a partner.

In addition, look at other parameters:

  • integrity;
  • tortuosity;
  • branching.

A wavy line, for example, is considered a sign of quarrels in the family, and a broken line indicates an individual's tendency to be alone.

When the thread forks, such a sign is called a fork:

  1. According to it, it can be assumed that in a certain period a disagreement will arise between the spouses, which will lead to a divorce or separation for a certain period of time.
  2. If the fork is at the beginning, that is, it stretches from the edge of the palm, and then combines into one, then the individual may remarry with a former partner.

If you look at the palm, you can see many lines, signs, intersections and marks. But most people are interested in the meaning of the marriage trait and the symbols that are placed on it. After all, only here you can see the future family life and answer the questions: “Will I have a family?”, “Will there be children?”, “Will I find happiness with my soulmate?”. ..

The meaning of the cross

When considering the marriage road, special attention is paid to the study of signs. Each of them has one or more meanings, sometimes contradicting each other:

  • For example, a cross on the marriage line on the arm can be interpreted as a disagreement with a spouse or his relatives.
  • It is not at all necessary that family life will end in divorce, and even more so there is no reason to think about widowhood in this case.

However, having noticed in the subject small lines that cross the lines of marriage, it is worth warning him that difficulties in family life are possible: quarrels, scandals, financial turmoil.

  • Fate prepares various trials for a person, but always leaves a chance to smooth out the course of negative events, and sometimes even avoid them altogether.
  • In palmistry, there are cases when the features on the hand not only changed their direction, but even completely disappeared.

This fact may indicate that a person worked hard on himself and his character, fulfilled his karmic task, and deserved a more harmonious life.

  • Thus, having noticed a cruciform figure on the marriage road, analyze your relationship with your partner, try to understand what could be the reason for the quarrel.

Creating a family is the most important stage in a person's life. Therefore, many people are so eager to look into the future in order to find out about the betrothed or predict the number of children. Palmists can answer these questions simply by looking at the palm of their hand. Information is carried not only by the length of the line, but also by the presence of unusual marks of Fate. It is especially important to know about rare signs in the palm of your hand, one of which is a star on the marriage line.. …

Baby signs in the palm of your hand

True, men do not always have such marks, but if you find a line of children with your spouse, this indicates his great desire to become a dad.

There is a line in the palm of your hand that will tell you everything about your past and future in relationships with the opposite sex. You need to guess on the right hand if you are right-handed, and on the left - if you are left-handed. Find in your palm a line located on the edge of the palm just below the little finger. This is the marriage line. There may be several of them, but this will not at all mean the number of your legal spouses in your entire life. About everything in order.

The line of marriage in palmistry indicates, first of all, not the marriage itself, but on relationships with the opposite sex. The number of these lines at the little finger means the number of permanent partners. The meaning of the marriage line is love relationships with your chosen ones, their duration, nature and outcome. Length, clarity, width, special features and much more will tell about the fate of each relationship.

The long marriage line in the palm indicates for a long relationship. If the line on the palm is short, then this relationship is short, but this does not mean at all that she was unhappy.

For happiness in marriage and relationships indicates the width and clarity of this line. If it is clearly visible, and at the same time also wide, then this is a clear sign of a happy and passionate union. If the marriage line is barely noticeable and very thin in itself, there were no sincere feelings in this union, or love was unrequited.

An indicator of the nature and quality of relationships are special signs on the palm:

  • If the marriage line bifurcates at the end, then this predicts a divorce.
  • If there are islands on this line, this is a sign of complex relationships, constant quarrels and conflicts between partners.
  • If the line is interrupted, and then continues again, then the relationship will either end or resume again.
  • If the marriage line crosses the heart line, this is a bad sign. This arrangement of lines indicates widowhood.
  • If the line of marriage goes even lower and reaches the line of the mind, this is a sign of assault and a tough relationship between partners.

On the line of marriage in palmistry, you can also find out number of children. Children are indicated on the palm by vertical short lines emanating from the marriage line. These lines are used to judge from what relationship children will be born and how many there will be.

If a small short line is visible parallel to the marriage line, this evidence of treason. But, as a rule, this can also mean just a short love affair before marriage or after it. True betrayal can be recognized by the marriage line, which seems to wrap around another barely noticeable line. Simply put, if there is another wavy line along the marriage line on the hand, this is a clear sign of infidelity.

If small short lines go down from the marriage line (it is important not to confuse them with the lines of children), then this indicates about disappointment in family life or in a relationship.

If there is a cross on the marriage line, this is a sign of the impossibility of continuing the relationship. This can be interpreted as a divorce, but for reasons beyond the control of both spouses.

An asterisk on the marriage line is happiness, fidelity and mutual respect.

In order to see the situation on the love front in more detail, it is necessary to analyze the palm as a whole. You need to pay attention to all the lines, hills and signs on the hand. But even divination by hand, based on one line of marriage, will help you find answers to all your questions regarding family life, relationships and love affairs. We wish family happiness, and do not forget to click on or

23.02.2014 11:10

Each Sign has its own characteristics that affect all areas of life. Perhaps the brightest quality of the Signs ...

A serious relationship in palmistry describes the line of Marriage. It is located at the top of the palm. The signs on such a line help to understand how the personal life of a man or woman will develop. A fork in the line of Marriage, a cross or an island are negative signs. They show how quickly the couple will restore harmony and get out of the crisis.

How to interpret the line of Marriage in palmistry

The Marriage line has several meanings. It determines the success of personal life. Marriage is the basis of love relationships, a responsible step. On the line, you can determine when a person decides to take this step.

General meaning of the trait:

  • strong ties - officially registered or civil marriage;
  • strong attachment;
  • joint affairs, life, the birth of children.

On the line of Marriage are the lines of children. They determine how many babies a couple will have. The meaning of each line depends on the neighboring bands: if the family does not work out, the line is thin, and the neighboring ones are more pronounced. The length of the line determines how long the partners will live together. The total value of the Marriage trait changes depending on the figures located nearby.

Features of the location and shape of the line

The line of Marriage is located along the line of Love. She can have any length and curves, but she always emphasizes the arcs that match the marriages.

Only vertical stripes display the union of lovers - everything that departs from them is responsible for the duration of the relationship and the number of children. If your union is not strong, the line is florid. Cliffs speak of parting - it will not be possible to save the family. Such a sign is especially dangerous if there are children in the family.

The points on the line indicate stagnation: a difficult period will drag on and only strong couples will be able to survive it. The triangle improves the forecast - promises financial success. Forks are a dangerous sign. If the trait has 2 or more branches, it will not be possible to maintain harmonious relations.

What does a fork in the arc mean

Forks on any lines are a dual sign. It portends difficulties, but they can be overcome. If the trait of Marriage is bifurcated, trouble will suddenly come. Forks at the beginning and end of the line affect the entire family.

This means that difficulties will not only interfere with building relationships with relatives, but will also lead to serious negative consequences. A double line suggests doubt: its 2 ends are 2 options for the development of events.

In this case, the fork indicates the need to make a choice, not to torment two partners. If there are parallels next to the main feature, the partner has had a connection on the side for a long time. In this case, the choice will not change the fact of treason.

Place of divergence

If the line bifurcates and then converges again, there will be separation. Partners will go different ways, but over time they will be able to renew relations (they will choose one common path). If the line ends at a fork, the roads will part forever. Restoring such relationships will not work.

Important details of the divergent trait of Marriage:

  1. Fork at the beginning. If the line diverges at the origins (at the beginning), the relationship will immediately deteriorate in a couple. If the line does not end there, the lovers will be able to overcome differences, but they will have to try. If the bar goes up after the fork, the relationship between men and women will improve. If the fork is pointing down, a new round in the relationship will not lead to reconciliation.
  2. Fork at the end. If the line of Marriage bifurcates at the end, but then connects, an established couple will suffer from quarrels and constant conflicts. Partners face divorce with heavy litigation if the fork is the end of the line. Branching at the end with a short arc indicates an imminent separation.
  3. Fork with additional figures. The fork with the figures that cross it out determines the outcome of the relationship. For men and women, such a sign, backed by a star, means the need for change. As a result, the couple will be able to establish communication. If the fork is combined with a lattice or a cross, the spouses will divorce.
  4. Fork with 2-3 branches. A triple fork indicates that the couple will have to solve several problems at once. If they have children, three branches indicate problems with younger family members. Three ends at the line of Marriage is one of the worst branching options.

An incorrect location of the trait or a sharp change in its trajectory indicates that strangers will interfere in the relationship. It can be lovers or unfaithful friends - the couple needs to protect the family from interference.

On which hand is the forked line

It matters on which hand the fork appears. If on the right hand (active) - it will not be possible to avoid negative changes. If the left palm determines negative possibilities, then the exact fate of a person is read on the right hand.

The sign worsens when the fork seems to pull the entire line down. It will not be possible to save the relationship in a couple. If only one "branch" is directed downwards, romantic relationships can be restored.

If the fork is only on the left hand or goes up, there is a possibility of quarrels and parting, but they can be avoided. Such a sign is a warning, not an accurate forecast. In order not to spoil the romantic mood in the family, you need to pay more attention to loved ones.


The Marriage Line determines the fate of a person: it speaks of success in personal life and the possibility of marriage. The smoother and longer the line, the easier it is to find a partner and build harmonious relationships. If there is a fork in the line (at the beginning or at the end), there is a risk of parting.

If the branches are connected, it will be possible to overcome the crisis, but it will take a lot of effort. A triple fork is a negative sign. If a triangle or a star is located next to the line of Marriage, then the prognosis is more favorable.

In exact science with the name palmistry the line of marriage is of great importance. A line in the palm of your hand can tell not only about the number of trips to the registry office, but also about the problems that are expected in family life.

In the article:

Where is the marriage line in the palm of your hand

To find the sign of marriage on the hand, you should find and pay attention to the area under the little finger. Between it and the ring around this finger (if any) is the line of the wedding.

Schools of palmistry, for example, indian, says that marriage lines with a similar meaning are located under the thumb. Some practitioners consider this trait name to be incorrect.

Palmistry - how many marriages will there be

Palmistry will answer the number of marriages in a few minutes. Divorces were a rarity in the old days, but they got married or got married several times - widowers remained desirable candidates for spouses.

To determine the number of marriages by hand, you need to count the signs that indicate marriage. Pronounced - a stable union, will last a long time. Almost imperceptible lines show temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not lead down the aisle.

If there are no marriage lines, it is necessary to study the sign that compares the signs on the palms and damage - the crown of celibacy. If relations with the opposite sex are not going well, you need to get rid of the negative, which can be a family legacy. The absence of dashes under the little finger indicates a union of convenience, without feelings.

In palmistry, the number of marriages is counted from the line of the heart. Important: if you wish, you need to pay attention to the lines of marriage, as they are interconnected.

Forks and islands - guessing at relationships

During divination, the line tells about the number of serious connections. You can learn about problems in the family, and about the details of your personal life.

A fork is a bifurcation of a dash located on the palm. The end of the line is directed towards the index finger, located further from the edge of the palm. Forks speak of disagreements and discrepancies in characters, everyday habits, outlook on life.

When a marriage ends with a fork, to divorce. The wider the ramification, the greater the disagreement expected between the spouses. The initiator will be a person with a sign on his hand. The family will constantly quarrel because of different views on every controversial moment.

Pronounced islands on the line, speaking of marital status, to divorce. This sign is heavier. In the first case, there is a chance of adequate behavior of partners, in the second, with an island, it is pointless to hope for a positive. This predicts litigation, scandals, enmity.

There is a specific mark of divorce that has appeared on the hands of people whose happiness is threatened. This is in palmistry, and it is not easy to interpret the mark.

Fortune telling by hand - a marriage line about the secrets of personal life

The great significance of the marriage line is that the trait reveals the secrets of a person. For example, a straight line says that the family will not differ from the average: problems of a different nature are foreseen in married life, but the couple does not hide serious secrets and secrets.

When the line ends with an island and bends towards the line of the heart, this is a sign of incest - a connection between relatives, for example, a brother or sister. You can check the information by looking at the hill of Venus - there is a confirmation or refutation of the relationship.

If the line gets to the sign of the Sun, crosses it - the husband will be a noble person. The man is rich, with a reputation for being solid and influential. Marriage will be important for both, but there is also a calculation.

Features on the hands that can tell about family happiness may interest a person. With the correct decoding of the signs, you can find out in advance about the troubles and try to prevent them.

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