Business production ideas: how to properly organize your own production? How to open your own production

Often, many people who decide to become entrepreneurs have a desire not only to make a profit from their business, but to directly take an active part in it - to work and produce goods themselves. However, how to make your own production uninterrupted and in demand? We suggest the reader to answer this question in this article.

What is in-house production?

First you need to understand the terminology. From the point of view of economics, any production is a process associated with the manufacture of various types of products.

Commercial activity - a set of measures aimed at making a profit by performing transactions for the sale and purchase of goods or services.

The concept of "own production" (or production activity), in turn, means that a person is personally engaged in the manufacture of something. We will talk about this today.

How to start your own production? Choice of specialization

Firstly, this will significantly reduce the initial investment in the business for the reason that the demand for the product being produced will be, although not numerous, but stable (an ideal launching pad for the development of small capital).

Secondly, personal participation in the production of a product will help to focus on it, and this, in turn, will be a good motive for increasing the quality of products and improving the technological process.

Naturally, high-quality products of our own production will have a good reputation in the market, which will be another indisputable plus for an entrepreneur.

There can be a lot of options here: from making small household items (decorative shelves, candlesticks, etc.), souvenirs, knitwear to artistic forging (for example, various window bars, gates) and furniture.

However, one should not lose sight of the fact that there are products for the production of which a license is required.

Formation of a legal and material foundation

Further development of own production has two options: depending on its focus and volume, a person who decides to organize a business can conduct his activities as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or a legal entity.

The latter option is suitable if the entrepreneur plans to work with medium-sized or large-scale production.

  • Official registration of its activities with the relevant authorities.
  • Purchase or lease of premises, where the business will be conducted in our case).
  • Purchase or rent of special equipment required for production.
  • Salaries of employees, as well as their costs (for example, registration of a work book, purchase of accessories necessary for work, etc.).
  • Marketing and advertising activities.

The last point should be given special attention for the reason that today people advertise almost everything: their business, home production, services provided, etc.

There are a lot of options for good and really effective advertising at the moment. For lower costs, you can limit yourself to hiring several promoters or ad posters (as a rule, special notice boards will be available for advertising).

We include working personnel

It's not a secret for anyone that in any production a business is necessary without it, a household will not last long (if they can exist at all).

If we are talking about small-scale production, then the best option would be to hire a team of workers under the leadership of a foreman. When applying for a job, it is best to give preference to specialists who are well versed in the field of production.

In addition to a worker, it is necessary to hire and Usually it is: a driver (part-time courier), a loader, a storekeeper, a measurer. Some specialties and positions can be combined.

Sources of financing

Any business, if, of course, the entrepreneur has serious intentions, requires significant investments.

Many businessmen who deal with production activities prefer to take loans from banks. The fact is that today very many banks regard such production as a profitable business and are happy to finance it by issuing targeted loans to the entrepreneur.

Often, in relation to entrepreneurship, various kinds of actions are held that allow a businessman to get loans on conditions that are quite favorable for business (most often, this kind of privilege applies to agriculture).

roll up

It will take a lot of effort to start from scratch. This is a time consuming and costly process. It is recommended to calculate in advance the important details of the business project.

Search for an activity

An approximate list of types of profitable business:

  • Production of building materials from scratch. You can open a small factory for the production of bricks, concrete, steel, plastic, metal-plastic. You can create sculptures from a variety of materials.
  • Food production. Available, a mill, a wine-vodka or meat factory, a factory for the creation of semi-finished products, a farm, to make cottage cheese or dumplings.
  • Creation of household items. Realistically open the production of plastic windows, doors, bars, furniture, various accessories, dishes.
  • Service industry: taxi, dry cleaning, workshops, hairdressing salons. Business in the field of activity from scratch is relevant for those who do not have enough finance for the initial investment. It is worth starting a production in a familiar field of activity.

Business preparation

To form your own business from scratch, you need to go through certain stages that involve solving the following organizational issues:

  • Idea formation. Dream alone is not enough, an entrepreneur must have special skills in the chosen industry.... It is not always worth being original and creating something new, the business may not take root. It is wiser to borrow a certain promoted idea, adding it to a little personal or completely copying the idea.
  • Thinking and creating a business plan is a fundamental moment, with the study of technical and financial details of production from scratch.
  • Choice of premises. To open a business, depending on the type of production, you will have to take into account the observance of sanitary standards and GOST. If necessary, it is worth deciding on the area of ​​the premises and warehouses.
  • Registration of the necessary documents from scratch. It is worth knowing in advance about the documentation for your own business, various licenses and certificates. A ready-made package of documents will speed up the creation of production. The entrepreneur should study the laws related to the business in advance. We must not forget about the timely payment of taxes, in order to avoid problems with the tax office, which will make it easy to open a business.
  • Search for qualified employees. To start a profitable business, you need to have good staff. In certain types of businesses, workers will need health records.
  • Selection of suppliers. You need to advertise your company, have quality products to get an impeccable customer base for the sale of goods.
  • Business advertising and customer search from scratch. Without understanding advertising techniques, you should contact specialists, in particular, people involved in SMM services. Professionals will help with communication tools and production promotion on social networks. The best tactic in working with clients and building your own base is to give more than expected, then the clients will become permanent.

Is it worth starting your own business?

Before starting a profitable business from scratch, a prospective entrepreneur needs to ask himself questions that give a general idea of ​​his own abilities. Not every beginner is mentally prepared to implement a business idea. Below are the inner beliefs of a successful businessman:

  • Awareness of the possible unprofitableness of a business idea from scratch and the probable lack of profit.
  • In the absence of entrepreneurial acumen and money, you cannot start a profitable business.
  • A case cannot be studied in a month.
  • Starting a business with a friend isn't always a good idea.

The main examples of thoughts of "would-be businessmen":

  • Business is easy. We must immediately go headlong into production and defend the original positions.
  • Reputation is acquired and there is no point in worrying.
  • Tired of stupid bosses - I want to start my own business and show my personal worth.

The main indicator of production efficiency

When creating your own production from scratch, it is recommended to think over a business plan, especially the financial component. The following key concepts should be considered:

  • The cost of the client is a certain amount of finance for PR for the company.
  • Average check is the approximate amount of one purchase. It is calculated in a simple way: the revenue is divided by the average cost.
  • Cost is the minimum cost required to start a production. Knowing the cost price, the entrepreneur will not go into a minus.
  • Revenue is the total amount of income in a given period.
  • Profit is an indicator of the profitability of an enterprise. Expenses are subtracted from the proceeds, there remains net income, withdrawn by the entrepreneur and used for his own needs.
  • Conversion - the total number of actions taken to the planned ones.
  • A businessman should focus on increasing profits and reducing costs for one client.

Writing a business plan

A business plan will help an entrepreneur understand his own level of readiness, an idea of ​​the final goal and the sequence of steps from scratch. There are several steps to creating a quality plan:

  1. Analysis of the current situation and collection of all information. A popular type of analysis is SWOT. This abbreviation stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of production. This analysis allows for a more objective picture of business planning from scratch.
  2. Formulation and description of sections, including resume, range of services, marketing tactics, financial and organizational plans, goals for the future, achievements.
  3. The embodiment of the idea.

Opening an enterprise is a costly process in financial and moral terms.

However, with the ability and patience, any production from scratch will be successful.

High-quality and beautiful clothes are what will be in demand at any time of the year. There are few developed atelier chains, and small sewing workshops are mainly engaged in the repair of clothes. The competition in this industry is not high, and everyone can do this interesting business. Moreover, the sewing business does not require large investments. What is interesting about a tailoring business idea, what pros and cons await aspiring entrepreneurs, how to start a clothing business from scratch and what should be done for this, read on.

The first steps

The relevance of the business idea is that there are many different clothing stores in the city. But, having come to any of them, you do not always find what you need. And then a person can turn to a tailor and order a product according to his taste and size.

It is important to immediately decide what types of services your atelier will offer. The following options are possible:

  1. Sewing of specialized clothing (dressing gowns, uniforms, etc.). In this case, you can count on large orders from the owners of pharmacy chains, construction or specialized services. You will also be able to participate in public procurement tenders.
  2. Sewing and repair of outerwear. You will need to purchase specialized powerful sewing machines, since work with leather, fur, thick fabric is coming. The main users will be private clients.
  3. Sewing and repair of light clothing: dresses, shirts, trousers. This option is the easiest for beginners. You will need a small room and simple equipment.

Where to start a project? To understand whether it will be profitable to open a particular type of sewing workshop in your region, an analysis of competitors is carried out. An idea is being thought of how to take its place in the market and offer customers something new, different from competitors.

The tailoring idea has its pros and cons associated with high risks:

  • Insolvency of the target audience in the region.
  • Low-quality equipment requires high repair costs.
  • The lack of extensive experience at the tailor makes it possible for a marriage or damage to the thing, for which the atelier is responsible to the customer.
  • Custom-made clothing always comes out more expensive than analogs from Chinese manufacturers, so it is difficult to make money from a tailor shop in Russian regions with below average incomes.

From the pros: low costs, no special requirements for the premises and location.

How to register a business

To organize a sewing production, it is enough to independently issue an individual entrepreneur. But if you plan to start making workwear or open a factory, then it is better to immediately register an LLC. The fact is that individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to participate in state auctions, and large companies will be eager to cooperate with a legal entity.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs. One main and two additional types of activity are indicated in the application. The following codes are suitable for the sewing workshop: 14.1 "Making and sewing clothes of any type, except for working with furs", 14.2 "Making overalls". OKVED is selected depending on the selected specifics of your atelier.
  • Receipt from the bank for payment of the state fee.
  • Copies, certified by a notary, of passports and TIN.

It costs from 1,500 rubles to notarize photocopies. The tax authorities will have three weeks to consider the application. After receiving the certificate, you must immediately switch to the simplified taxation system.

But there is no time to waste. When the documents are collected and submitted, you can proceed to the implementation of the idea.

Organizational matters

To implement the idea, you will need a small but very bright room. Even the basement of a large shopping center will do. The main thing is that your potential customers can easily get to the order department. It is better to locate the atelier in the central part of the city, near public transport stops. It is good if there are beauty salons, bookstores that sell fashion magazines nearby. A small workshop will need a room of at least 80 sq. m.

Inside the room is zoned:

  • Zone for receiving orders.
  • Dressing room.
  • Sewing factory.
  • Recreation area and changing room for staff.

If the price list of your services includes only clothing repair, then an area of ​​20 sq. m. The fitting room is fenced off right next to the sewing area. But high income from a small clothing repair department is not to be expected.


The sewing workshop will require the following personnel:

  • Director. He will supervise the work, establish contacts with major customers.
  • Accountant. Keeps accounting records.
  • Seamstress-cutter (4 persons). Carries out fitting, cutting, sewing products.
  • Artist-fashion designer. He works with clients, creates individual projects, decorates the display area.
  • Cleaning woman.

A flexible work schedule is being developed. The administrative staff works every day, from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00. The seamstresses work in pairs in shifts according to the 2/2 schedule, the fashion designer - from 10:00 to 19:00 every day.

All employees work under an employment contract, and contributions to the pension and insurance funds are made for them. The accountant and the director work on a salary system. Seamstresses, cutters and fashion designers have a salary equal to the minimum wage and 5% of each completed order.

More detailed personnel costs are outlined in the sewing workshop business plan.


For the equipment of the sewing workshop, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Class 1022 car - 1 pc.
  • Class 51-A car - 1 pc.
  • Machine 62761 class - 1 pc.
  • Class 97 car - 1 pc.
  • Cutting table - 1 pc.
  • Mannequin - 3 pcs.
  • Steam iron - 2 pcs.
  • Ironing board - 2 pcs.
  • Bracket - 1 pc.
  • Coffee table - 1 pc.
  • Writing table - 1 pc.
  • Computer - 1 pc.
  • Mirrors - 6 pcs.
  • Tailoring scissors - 4 pcs.

Sewing accessories: needles, pins, hairpins, threads.

Equipping a small atelier will require at least 500,000 rubles. The cost and step-by-step instructions are detailed in the business plan.

In addition to basic expenses, you need at least 100,000 rubles. for unforeseen expenses and depreciation of equipment.


The profitability of the project directly depends on the number of customers. To attract customers, the atelier introduced the following specific services: coffee, tea, consultation of a fashion designer-artist, fashion magazines. Convenient working hours from 09:00 to 19:00 and lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. The day off is Sunday.

The atelier has introduced a number of features that attract consumers:

  • It publishes its own catalog, which presents various options for light outerwear. In the catalog it is possible to order a specific model in the desired color range and from a specific fabric.
  • With the help of software, a fashion designer can demonstrate to clients visually how a finished item will look on a figure in a particular color scheme.
  • Discounts are offered for children's models, for large families, pensioners.


A sewing workshop business idea is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs with different budget levels. It is not difficult to implement a business from scratch, since a large list of equipment is not required. The main thing is to choose your own direction of tailoring and implement the idea according to a detailed business plan. Investments in this small business will amount to a minimum of 500,000 rubles. The project will pay off in 1-2 years.

Starting a production from scratch is a rather time-consuming process, especially in our country, where the problem of having jobs is quite acute. Therefore, you need to carefully calculate your capabilities in order for a business idea to be profitable.

Directions for activity

Business ideas are so diverse that sometimes it is difficult to decide which production is profitable to open. An approximate list of existing directions:

  • production of building materials: factories for the production of bricks, tiles, metal tiles, foam blocks, floor coverings;
  • food production: flour mills, wine and vodka factories, meat factories, factories for the production of instant and semi-finished products;
  • service sector: dry cleaning factories, educational firms;
  • production of household items: plastic windows, fittings, furniture, disposable tableware

The process of organizing your own business occurs in stages, and each step on the way to achieving the goal involves the solution of any organizational issues. Only a thorough study and implementation of each item will contribute to the development of your business in the future.

Stages of organizing our own production

  1. Forming an idea ... When choosing a field of activity for a business, do not forget that a childhood dream alone is not a guarantee of a successful process. If you are thinking about where to start your production, ideas are best implemented in the market segment in which you have experience and skills.
  2. Working out a business plan ... The most important point, which is the framework for further activities. The business plan lays out all the production and financial aspects related to the initial and further costs for effective business operations.
  3. Selection of production premises ... When referring to the food sector, keep in mind that this niche has the highest sanitary standards. In addition, it is necessary to correctly calculate the quadrature of the main room, as well as utility and storage areas, if any are necessary.
  4. Registration of a package of documents ... To quickly open production from scratch, it is necessary to draw up and draw up a list of all permits and certificates in advance. Do not forget that your company will be regularly monitored by various services.
  5. Staff recruitment ... The type and scope of your activity depends on how skilled workers and in what quantity you will need. In the food industry, when working with children, and in some other activities, the staff must have health books.
  6. Search for suppliers and buyers ... Advertise your production, study the markets of suppliers of raw materials and sales of products in order to develop an impeccable customer base for the sale of goods.


The range of directions for mini-production is quite wide.

This can be the production of building materials: sand-lime bricks, foam blocks, paving slabs, marble tiles, expanded polystyrene and others.

Food industry: breweries, bakeries, mills, distilleries, cultivation, production of herbal teas, cereals.

Service sector: laundries, dry cleaners.

Other activities: production of plastic packaging, plastic windows, furniture.

Choose what kind of small business you would like to do.

If you have a garage, it will be more profitable for you to produce building materials, the equipment required for this has minimal dimensions, so it may well fit in.

You can also grow mushrooms, with the condition of constantly maintaining a certain temperature.

Mini-production in the food industry implies the presence of specially equipped workshops, in compliance with SES standards.

Special bulky equipment is required for the production of windows and furniture, so they require a large area.

Develop a business plan, decide on the amount of initial capital. Check out the online small business business plans. Seek advice from experienced acquaintances in this matter, they may know about some pitfalls that you may not take into account when drawing up a business plan.

Find funds to start a production. If the required amount is already available, this is a huge plus, and the solution to the financing issue disappears.

When there is no initial capital at all, borrow money from friends, relatives or a bank loan.

Banks are very reluctant to give loans to open a new business, so if you take money from a bank, do not voice the fact that it is needed to open a mini-production. It is better to take a few consumer loans - it will be more realistic. Assess your solvency adequately for further repayment of these loans.

Register your company as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). Evaluate how it is safer and more profitable for you to register an organization, which taxation system is more suitable, how it will be more convenient to conduct accounting.

Purchase the necessary equipment, raw materials and supplies for the selected business. Organize production in accordance with fire and technical safety requirements.

Get approval from SES (sanitary epidemiological station), fire services.

Hire employees with the appropriate qualifications (preferably experienced) and get started.

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The organization of own production for the release of any product takes place in several stages and implies the complication of the process of opening and registration. To create your own production, you need to have production equipment and premises. The process of organizing production can be conventionally designated as several stages.


Search for the right idea. Not every idea turns out to be successful in the process of its implementation. The choice of ideas is huge - from, to the business of nails. It is best to choose the industry in which you are well versed - you had to deal with the type of activity, is there a positive one or is it a cherished dream.

Search for premises. If you are planning to manufacture