DIY egg craft ideas. Eggshell crafts - interesting creative ideas for creating DIY jewelry


Eggshell has long become not only material, containing up to 27 elements that are most useful for the human body, incl. consisting of 90% easily digestible calcium carbonate, but also a decorative element when creating crafts.

This is the basis for creating beautiful souvenir eggs, painted according to traditional canons, these are New Year Christmas decorations from the shell, this is also a decorative element mosaics.

For any of these products, you need Fine wash and dry the eggshell. If you like mosaic panels, be careful when crushed. To do this, it is better to place shell fragments between two notebook sheets and slowly roll them out with a rolling pin. Try to achieve uniform pieces of broken shells: neither too small nor too large. It is very convenient to use the painted shell after the Easter holidays. In general, use your fantasy and imagination as allies, use everything that can improve your mosaic.

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Interesting do-it-yourself eggshell crafts are popular among beginners and experienced needlewomen. At exhibitions you can find many products made from this material. It captivates with its naturalness and accessibility. All lovers of creativity should try to work with this raw material, and the house will acquire an updated appearance thanks to the received decorations.


Shell decoration is usually associated with the tradition of decorating Easter eggs. And carving (carving) was popular in China in ancient times. It is commonly believed that the world originated from eggs. Therefore, they were given for any holidays. In the museums of this country, you can still find works from the 13th-15th centuries.

Now shell carving has a completely different look, it has become more complex and thoughtful. All this thanks to the tools they work with to create the most detailed drawing. But you can also make simple crafts for children from eggshells.

What can be done from this material

As a first step, you can try decorating the eggs with mother-of-pearl. Add painting or decoupage on the white surface of the material.

Sewing is gaining popularity. Moreover, they use various additional means: ribbons, beads. Such works look original and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Many needlewomen create small pots for grass from this material. It turns out unusual, simple and practical.

What crafts are suitable for a child?

Making Christmas decorations for the New Year with your own hands is much more interesting than just buying them in a store. You can create anything: animals, fish, cartoon characters. The rounded shape will tell your imagination what to create.

For example, making a clown is easy. Stick a cap from a stationery on the surface, make a collar out of paper and draw a face. The toy is ready.

And cutting out the fin, tail and decorating the muzzle with paint, you get a fish. The pig is created using a heel cut out of paper, a tail and painted eyes.

It is not necessary to use specific images. By adding rhinestones, beads, ribbon or other auxiliary material to the shell, you will get a bright Christmas decoration. It all depends on your imagination. Focus on master classes on crafts from eggshells, and you will succeed.

mosaic products

The shell has gained its popularity among decoupage lovers. When split, it recreates the effect of cracks. To do this, attach the fragments to the surface with PVA glue with a minimum amount of space between them. When dry, cover with primer or acrylic.

After this step, you can paste your favorite images, pictures, napkins, adding details. Don't forget to apply a protective layer of varnish. This product is durable and can withstand wet cleaning.

Technology for making mosaic crafts from shells

To get the mosaic effect, degrease the surface, apply a primer and paint. Draw a sketch with a pencil on the product. Paint the shell with acrylic paints and apply along the contour of the picture. PVA glue is also suitable for this. For ease of care for the work, cover with a glossy varnish. The masterpiece is ready!

If you decide to do a mosaic with a small child, then choose a simplified method: replace the glue with plasticine. Spread a thin layer of material on a paper or cardboard surface. Using a stick or other pointed object, draw a picture and its outline. And attach the fragments to the surface by pressing into the plasticine.

Mosaics decorate many items: from paintings to interior items, vases, dishes. For inspiration, refer to the photo of eggshell crafts that other craftsmen post.

To understand how to make a craft with your own hands, you need to know some details:

As a preparation of the material, you need to pierce holes with an awl on different sides of the egg. Blow out the contents and wash the future product. After drying, it is necessary to strengthen the structure. To do this, pour acrylic-based varnish or glue inside.


Scroll the shell - the inner surface should be completely covered. When the egg dries, it is ready for creativity.

Creativity for all generations

Making works from eggshells has many advantages. Children develop fine motor skills, and for middle and old age, an important plus is the availability of the material. This hobby can be done for the sake of pleasure.

And if you have extensive experience in decorating, then your work may well be a success among handicraft lovers and even bring money.

Photo of eggshell crafts



There are eggs in every refrigerator, but most do not even suspect that you can create a real work of art from their shell. By its hardness, many professionals compare it with marble. The surface of a chicken egg is very difficult to scratch. That is why the eggshell mosaic is so highly valued.

Crackle is a technique for creating picturesque paintings from broken shells. In the East, this technique has been used since ancient times. Today, with its help, you can interestingly transform any object. This creates the effect of a cracked lacquer coating. Over the years, this technique has been forgotten. But long-forgotten old can be a great way to decorate your new modern home. Children will also enjoy being a part of this process. Be patient and prepare the source material for creativity.

Egg shell preparation

You can do a lot of things from eggshells with your own hands, but before that you need to prepare raw materials. Of course, it is not necessary to specifically beat eggs for creativity. Just collect the shell after cooking the next meal. For example, you boiled eggs for a salad. Clean the surface and leave the shell to dry. After it is completely dry, it must be cleaned of the white inner film.

It is better to dye the shell immediately, using food coloring. Dilute all available colors in various jars. Dip the egg skins in there. The coloring matter acts on the material for half an hour. The color is rich and even. After staining, remove the future material and lay it out on sheets of paper. Leave overnight to dry completely.

Mosaic from the shell: preparatory work

The eggshell mosaic looks very nice. The execution technique is quite simple. To create it, you need to find durable cardboard. Glue is better to choose PVA brands. To apply it, prepare a few brushes. You will also need a pencil, a stationery knife, varnish and sandpaper.

If you decide not to paint the shell in advance, then prepare acrylic paints. They will have to be applied to the finished canvas. This option is more economical, but requires utmost attention and accuracy. After preparation, you can get to work. Figure out how your eggshell mosaic will look like.

Surface treatment and mosaic collection

Be sure to responsibly approach the preparation of the surface for the future masterpiece. The desired image is applied with a very thin layer of pencil. It all depends on your imagination. If it is difficult to draw on your own, then use modern technologies: select a drawing on the Internet and print it on a printer. Before that, in the graphic editor, mute the colors and outlines.

The finished shell must be crushed into identical pieces. Just lay out the source material on paper and roll over it with a rolling pin. Just do not overdo it: too small pieces are difficult to put on glue. A large shell looks careless, so find the golden mean.

Glue is applied in parts on paper. Only after that, pieces of the shell are applied. It is necessary to start with the largest particles. There should be space between the pieces, but minimal. Making crafts from eggshells is a long, but interesting lesson. If the pieces look ugly, use a clerical knife. With it, you can give the shell any shape. Take your time creating your mosaic.

We decorate a box or a vase with a shell

Start exploring other finishing methods after you have received your first eggshell appliqué. The master class can be found in this article. It doesn't matter what you choose to decorate. The main thing is to prepare the workspace before gluing the egg shell.

The surface of the wooden product must be carefully sanded. After that, a primer is applied. It is better to immediately paint the product in the desired color. Only after completing these points, you can start decorating the little thing. Further, the same points are repeated as in the case of the usual mosaic.

Bottle with eggshell decor

The bottle can be an addition to any interior. The main thing is to decorate it correctly. An excellent option would be an eggshell mosaic on its surface.

  1. We find a bottle, wash it and degrease it.
  2. To keep the shell well on the glass, you must use a napkin. It is divided into layers and glued to the walls of the vessel.
  3. Gently glue the pieces of the shell. After drying, another thin layer of napkin is glued on top of the source material.
  4. Next, a primer is applied and its final drying is expected.
  5. The drawing is made with paints or using the decoupage technique.
  6. Do not forget to fix the finished panel with a layer of varnish. Such a bottle can be put in any room or presented to a loved one.

Here are some egg shell crafts you can do. Be sure to create with your children, they will appreciate this kind of activity.

For the bravest

Girls can experiment with egg crumbs that remain from decorative work. Everyone knows that eggshell mosaic looks good in the interior of the room. But this is not the only way to use this natural material.

All fashionistas watch their nails. Every week they visit nail salons to create another masterpiece. Try at home to make a very interesting effect on your nails.

  • treat the surface of the nails and give them the desired shape;
  • cover the nail plate with a layer of transparent varnish, now apply crushed eggshell crumbs on the dry surface;
  • cover the source material with any color.

Such a manicure will look interesting on your hands. And it's very easy to do it.

This is how you can use an inconspicuous eggshell. Agree, each of these options looks creative and stylish. Experiment and create beautiful things with your own hands. Being original is simple: open your creativity and you will succeed!

Every child loves to craft, creating original crafts using natural materials for these purposes. Of course, there is a logical explanation for this, for example, first of all, it should be noted that it is really more pleasant to work with them, they are affordable, which is important. For these purposes, you can use both cones and pebbles, certain plants, but also, of course, empty eggs, eggshells, creating a real work of art.

On the net, you can find a lot of photos of egg crafts, which will allow parents to choose exactly the option that they will try to implement with their child. There is nothing complicated about this, which means that with a little effort, you can always achieve the desired result.

As a rule, original crafts are really obtained from eggs, for example, it can be a parrot, a piglet. As for the main material for such an activity, you can always find it in the refrigerator.

Craft "Chicken from an egg." Peculiarities

If you want to make an egg craft with your own hands, then know that there is nothing complicated here, you will need to take into account some useful recommendations.

First of all, you should prepare a few raw eggs, yellow knitting threads, PVA glue, and of course wooden skewers.

An egg can be pierced without much difficulty; for these purposes, a thin needle is used, which should be pierced first one, then the other side, blowing out the liquid contents.

Next, you need to cut the threads, doing it in a small way, lubricating the egg with glue, using a brush, and then sprinkle it on all sides with various threads, and you need to try to gently press them, then they can stick well.

From the bottom of the egg, into the hole that you will previously prepare, you need to carefully insert the skewer, if the hole is large, then try to coat the joint with glue, this will cause the chicken to sit firmly on the skewer. The scheme for beginners will definitely help you avoid common mistakes, creating crafts without problems and difficulties.

Do not forget that you will definitely need to glue the chickens' eyes - beads, red cardboard beaks. This is the final stage in the manufacture of this craft, which means that you will definitely cope with this work.

It is worth noting that you can always decorate the Easter table, children's room with such chickens. Such a simple instruction will always make it easy to implement such ideas, there is no doubt about it.

Crafts from eggs for the little ones

As a rule, none of the children will be able to refuse such an activity, as it is interesting, tempting. Therefore, parents must necessarily provide him with such an opportunity, especially since all the materials necessary for this work are at hand.

Parents can show a master class to a kid who will definitely fall in love with this process, and in the future it will turn into a hobby.

At the very beginning, you need to cook a paste, after which pouring into one plate, cereals into another plate. It is also the task of parents to show the baby how to properly hold the egg.

Semolina, as you know, is white, so you can always add food coloring, sparkles to it, but this is not necessary. As for decorating, you can do it in different ways, it all depends on your taste, preferences, wishes of the baby.

To please children, you can turn on your imagination and draw, for example, funny faces on eggshells, or come up with an interesting fairy tale about Easter men made from eggs. In any case, egg crafts always look interesting, original and unusual.

In order to translate the wishes of the child into reality, it is necessary to take into account all the simple recommendations that were mentioned, and then the egg craft for children will be made in a short period of time, and you will be able to please your baby. To create it does not require expensive and supernatural materials, they are all at hand.

If from childhood you teach a child to make crafts from eggs, then it is possible that in the future he will be engaged in some other creative activity.

Photo crafts from eggs

Egg Craft: Swan

Monogamous hearts are tightly bound.

Together forever fate and flight.

And even death, killing a friend,

Swan friendship will not break.

Eduard Asadov

...Perhaps, swans have been the most popular among humans at all times. And this is not surprising, because such a strong and graceful bird is a true embodiment of beauty. You look at her - and all problems immediately recede into the background, a state of peace of mind and peace comes.

With the help of the most basic things, you can create a beautiful swan or even a whole flock of swans from an ordinary egg. For this you will need:

  • egg;
  • needle or knife with a sharp end;
  • feathers (can be obtained from a feather pillow);
  • plasticine;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • beautiful saucer;
  • paints.

The hardest part of this craft is getting rid of the contents of the egg. To do this, we make two opposite holes, trying not to damage the integrity of the shell. One hole should be larger than the other. Then, with an effort, we blow into a smaller hole, if the yolk does not come out, it is necessary to pierce it with a needle. After that, we thoroughly wash the egg from the inside, if there is a seal, then it is easy to get rid of it with a detergent and a sponge.

From the cardboard we cut out the base on which the swan will be attached.

Using plasticine, we install the eggshell.

We give it the shape of a thin swan neck, attach it to the egg from the side where the hole is larger. We decorate the head with red and black plasticine.

We glue the feathers and tail with PVA. You can glue the whole swan with feathers, but then you need to choose a contrasting color for the wings.

Now we are making an impromptu lake - we pour water in a saucer and paint it blue with paints. Now you can let our swan swim. The craft is ready.

P.S.: It looks very nice if you also make a black swan. The technology is the same, only the shell must first be painted black with a marker and black feathers should be found.

Egg craft: airplane

In order to create a toy with your own hands, it is not necessary to be an artist or designer. It is important to want to spend time with the child, to bring him joy and

most briefly plunge into the world of fantasy and carefree childhood. My story on how to egg craft. Of course, before making crafts with your own hands, the egg must be thoroughly washed.
Then holes are pierced at both ends - carefully so that the shell does not crack. The next step is extracting the content. The easiest way is to blow the protein with the yolk onto a plate. Be sure to rinse the shell again and rinse the inside with water using a medical syringe. An empty egg is a truly magical thing! You can turn it into a doll, a pig or any other animal, car, submarine, balloon...

This time the son ordered the plane. To begin with, we mark with a pencil the places where the tail and wings are attached, the glass of the cockpit and future windows. From thick cardboard we fold the wings and tail of the aircraft.
Don't forget about the baby! He is quite able to glue parts or place an asterisk-sticker on the wing. When all the details are ready, let's take care of the body again: paint all the "glasses" with a blue felt-tip pen, correct with a marker for writing on the CD.

Separately, cut out a silver strip with a "chassis" from an old postcard. Now the final assembly: glue the cardboard parts to the shell with PVA glue (do not forget to “round” them according to the silhouette of the egg, pressing them against the edge of the table), install a tip or propeller that will close the hole from the needle.

In this way, you can make a whole series of toys for board games, you can turn eggshells into Christmas tree decorations, you can paint them “like a bump” or make a garland by lacing them with a satin ribbon - the more diverse materials you use, the more interesting it will be for the baby to watch how ordinary objects turn mom into an almost living toy.

One tip: prepare stickers, cut threads or cardboard blanks in advance: little fidgets can get bored while you cut out the details, which means half the fun of the process will be lost.

Eggshell craft: lamb

The creative development of children should always be aimed at doing a variety of crafts with their own hands. This activity will involve them in the fantasy world and give them the opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts. It is worth noting that you and your child can make any craft from an empty egg shell, for example, a bird, a pig, a dog, a swan, a fish and much more.

So, to make a lamb you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • wire;
  • black marker.

Step 1. Take a raw egg and make two holes in it so that its shell does not crack. Then gently blow the entire contents of the egg onto a plate. To eliminate the smell, be sure to rinse the inside of the shell with water using a syringe. This procedure must be done several times.

Step 2. Depending on your creative imagination, you can leave the shell in a natural color or paint it with watercolors.

Step 3. Cut out small ears from paper and glue to the shell on the side where it expands.

Step 4. Tear the cotton wool into small pieces and paste over part of the shell with it.

Step 5 To make the front and back legs of the lamb, take a certain length of wire and bend it into an oval shape. Next, attach short wires to this oval, bending them at the ends so that the lamb does not fall. Now you can decorate its wire legs by covering them with any fabric.

Step 6 Connect the resulting shell and legs by gluing them with quick-drying glue.

Step 7. Draw eyes on the lamb with a black felt-tip pen.

As you can see, create unusual do-it-yourself egg crafts very easy. The finished lamb will certainly become the main decoration of the children's room, and its manufacture will bring pleasure to you and the child.