How to originally congratulate your colleague with the birth of a child? How to congratulate your colleague to draw a big picture

In each team there are their own, long-established traditions, and one of them is to congratulate colleagues happy birthday. But in this pleasant custom there is an important and most responsible moment: a gift. Before each solemn date, the team needs to think about how to congratulate a colleague on his birthday, what to give him and how to prevent the selected present.

Non-duty present, and a gift with a soul

Many quite rightly believe that giving gifts is much more pleasant than to receive. After all, the emotions that you experience when you see the present, for a long time they charge the positive and desire to do good deeds. And doubly nice to give things made by their own hands or just well chosen, so it is important to think about this idea in advance.

The character of the gift directly depends on how close you are with a person. In a small team, everyone usually communicates close enough to allow you to give a funny thing or a souvenir joke. However, for the one who knows most of the colleagues is exclusively at work and does not support informal relationships with them, it is better to choose something more serious.

When choosing a gift, it is important to proceed from the preferences of the perpetrator of the celebration. Try to find out what he has long been dreaming or what he is most needed. A person who constantly lends all the handles, you can give an expensive, beautiful written set. Such a gift does not oblige anything, but is a pleasant attention sign.

One who is always late to work, present alarm clock - now it's easy to find beautiful, under ancient clock, which will simultaneously become an excellent interior decoration. And the early ptashka coming earlier, you can present a soft pillow.

Girls easy to make a beautiful bouquet - it does not matter whether you want sisters or colleagues for work. And if the colors apply the certificate to visit the massage salon, the birthday girl will be delighted. Massage salon can be replaced by a manicure or hairdresser: no woman will refuse to devote time to himself.

For a man, a great gift will be a good toilet water, expensive hours - of course, provided that it matches its style.

You can pay a colleague tickets to the theater or ballet if he likes such events. So he will remember his birthday for sure for a long time.

For a motorist, it is not a problem to find an original gadget that will make trips more secure or interesting: Navigator, DVR and other technique in honor of those who spend a lot of time.

In the office, one of the most frequently used things is a diary, so they end quickly. Do not be afraid to be banal, because the office can deliver no less joy than decorations or technique. The main thing is to find out in advance how at the moment the person needs a new notebook and boldly give him sincere congratulations.

Do not forget that the best gift at all times is a book. Despite the fact that in the modern world of the books are not so appreciated, the collection of works by the beloved author or a series of books in the beloved genre of the birthday will not leave him indifferent.

Try to proceed their considerations of practicality, choosing a gift to a colleague for a birthday, because it is much more pleasant to get what will be not only memorable, but also necessary. Statuettes and various vases will quickly turn into a beautiful dust collector, while the thing constantly used will delight for a long time.

In the big team, it is not a problem to collect a certain amount for a gift, but what to do if there are few people, but I want to please a colleague? Here the revenue will come creativity and fiction.

Present a gift correctly - also art

The present does not necessarily have expensive and branded, because the main thing is known, attention. Just know in advance what is most like the birthday and use this information for the benefit to him. Even the most banal and ordinary item can be presented bright, unusually, original.

Creatively give money

Money is a universal gift. With him, you definitely not be mistaken, because in this version a birthday name will be able to purchase what he needs. However, just give a modest envelope or even a postcard - not the best way to show a person your sympathy. But you can turn this procedure into an unforgettable adventure, setting up a real quest.

Surely, each of us played in the "search for treasures", why not remember this game on a birthday? Draw a map and throw it on the table of a birthday room. Let it pass through all the offices of the office, collecting tips, which will lead it to the cherished treasures, and all employees will hurt for him.

You can do it easier: to attach a symbolic gift to the envelope. They can have anything: nominal mug or original wall calendar with photos of a birthday party, a pot of beloved coffee, a beautiful box of chocolates. The main thing is that the person understands: the money is given not because his colleagues and friends were too lazy to think about the gift.

We arrange the day of the birthday

Make this day unforgettable, devoting him to the perpetrator of the celebration. For example, if you congratulate an accountant, let all on this day be accountants. Or turn the office into the city or country that most like the birthday name. Does he dream of going to London? Great, imagine that all of you are the British, Big Ben snaps outside the window, and serve oatmeal for lunch.

However, the day of the birthday girl can be arranged only in the team, where everyone knows each other well and ready to maintain the game. However, in this way you can try and rally the team, but if you are not sure about the success of this venture, it is better to leave it.

Surprise party

Recently, such parties have become quite popular, perhaps under the influence of foreign films. But there are its own charm: preparation is a kind of intrigue that combines the team and creating a unique atmosphere.

In order for the idea to succeed, you need to warn all employees in advance and stipulate your behavior during the day. It is possible to pretend that everyone forgot about the birthday, all day to avoid conversations on this topic and not respond to questions from the birthman. And even in the evening, to delight him unexpectedly began a holiday.

The only drawback of this idea is that a person can take care of his colleagues, so try to think about it in advance how to implement it.

Creative gift

Creativity is an intangible thing, but creating and inspiring, so you can make a wonderful gift to the birthday, devoting him to the poem, a song, a fairy tale. You can even create your own group or theatrical troupe who will perform a gift. If there is one or more creative people in the team, then they will not be difficult to come up with a funny and interesting script for the birthday of colleagues.

You can write a few quadrupp about who has a holiday today and make them up the office so that he find them during the day. Among employees there is an artist? Excellent, draw funny cartoons, sign them recognizable phrases - and the charge of a good mood is secured for the whole day.

Gift with your own hands

DIY, made with their own hands, is a simple way to show that the birthday girl is not sensible to you. After all, it is much easier to buy a gift than to come up and create it, and a person will certainly evaluate their efforts.

The most simple, but beautiful idea for Hendmade - a collage of photos. You can collect a variety of photos and originally to arrange them, turning, for example, in the calendar. Handmade albums are very nicely looking at wishes. You can use the finished notebook or assemble it from individual sheets on which everyone writes a wish.

If you think about to give a colleague on the anniversary, the gift will become a wonderful option: in moderation is symbolic and at the same time memorable.

So, birthday celebration at work can be fascinating and easy, if you approach it creatively and with humor. Do not be afraid to introduce new traditions, experiment and amaze, and you will realize that the question of how to congratulate a happy birthday colleague at work, not so complicated, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to show enthusiasm and the desire to make a person a pleasant one, and the rest will apply.


If your colleague has a separate office, you can arrange a surprise there. True, for him you need to know the exact time of the employee's arrival to work to prepare everything.

Inflate a huge number of multicolored balloons and scatter all over the room.

Make a poster with congratulations and hang so that it rushes into the eye from the threshold. Write warm words or poems on the poster. It is better if the congratulation is written by the team, and not copied from the Internet.

If you are going to congratulate a woman - buy a huge bouquet of flowers without registration and put in a bucket with a beautiful design (in a vase such a bouquet should not be placed).

You can take roses, chamomile or other flowers on long legs. For a man, buy good alcohol, cigars, or any other item that he will like. Flowers or gift Put on the desktop the culprit of the celebration.

A few minutes before the arrival of this person, turn off all the equipment and light. Create an illusion that there is no one in the office. Hide in a decorated office. When the culprit of the celebration will go to it and turn on the light, congratulate it together.

If you have a good relationship with your colleague, you are closely talking about working questions, but not well know about his hobbies, give something that will probably like it. Darts collection, table hockey, funny paper holder or stationery, decorated unconventional manner, will become an excellent choice!

After you decide to give, you need to think about how to hand a gift. You can just pass it out of hand to hand with warm wishes, you can come to a little earlier and leave a gift on the table, and you can decorate the office with balloons and ask Colleagues to attach congratulations to them - so the birthday will be remembered for a long time.

How to congratulate your employees? Such a question is familiar to all men, and even more so often he sounds from the mouth of the male half of the team before the holidays, such as the new year, March 8, and others, is familiar with the same, but every time, every year, we are again and again come across the problem of congratulations, Selection of gifts and their presentation. What to do how to make a holiday ladies memorable, unusual, cheerful and solemn, how to make serious workers smile, be happy and just enjoy life, knowing that today their day? Of course, the best way is to arrange a day off for all of them, but which director wants it, of course! And then men have to get out, look for what makes the joy of their wonderful colleagues. To help the male half of the population, our advice on how to congratulate the collaborations is beautiful and unique.


First of all, you must choose for your ladies. You can do this in several ways, of course, first of all, specifying the amount to which you expect.1. Find out what they need and present a surprise to her by buying the thing for her. To buy all employees of the same gifts and beautifully prevent them. Buy each of the / gifts, symbolizing their appearance, spiritual world, the perception of life.

And do not forget to call her early for your oral congratulation to hear among the first. Just tell her how you love her, because it's so great that you have such a wonderful friend!

Original birthday - childhood holiday. Birthdays are replacing each other from year to year, bringing us new, unforgettable impressions, joy and smiles. Birthday - a sad holiday, someone will say. And it will be a mistake. After all, it is necessary to rejoice at myself, and not to be sad about the past. The more a person rejoices for himself, the more internal forces and health. So rejoice at your birthday must be necessary, that you will be original when you can be happy just like that.

You will need

  • Cooker, desire.


Very good to arrange unusual. Workshops arrange a gift card (made or purchased), in it come up with and write a fairy tale about the birthday room. In which it is nice to paint as a good girl she grown and what wonderful one has become. Having matured what she became successful and beautiful, and then tell me that she was waiting in the future. One day, an evil bald chef discovered good and decided to appoint his own deputy, and after some period - the director of his new company, "... married a wonderful prince on Red Ferrari, etc.

After what a girlfriend should look out the window and there see the limousine. From the limousine, she must understand what this limousine is waiting for it. After it goes down to, release a bunch of balloons and congratulate with.
You ride around the city, considering old photos. You can call for attractions, ride a swing and eat sweet sugar wool and remember childhood (at this time you take pictures of a photographer who should not see).

When you get tired of all this, then travel to a pre-booked sauna, (at your discretion). When entering the room, make your eyes and open the door. And there is a covering table, in a circle of the closest and expensive people for her. Already at the event, adjust the battle on the pillows, the Lophanye of inflated balls with confetti, or candy.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

You can arrange a trip to the city of Dreams of a friend, not necessarily with a location in the boarding house, you can simply make a tourist trip by hitchhiking and spend the night in tents, dilute the fire and bake in coals purchased potatoes, roasted kebabs. Under the cup of sparkling wine and the wonderful mood of the birthday will have to taste everything.

Your colleague has a birthday, and you want to make him a surprise (or her)? In addition to congratulations and gifts, it would be great for the holiday to this holiday!

You will need

  • Balloons, Watman, Paints, Markers, Flowers, Stationery Buttons, Threads, Caps, Confetti.


Divide into groups. One hand the Watman, markers and paints, and let them draw a birthday room. The main thing is that the inscription is as brighter and more noticeable. And watch literacy so that you do not work, as in the famous TV series, poster "With a gube!".

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If you want to stand out for your congratulations among the guests or simply present a memorable gift to a close person, for this there are many opportunities - funny and romantic, costly and not very simple, or requiring special efforts on your part. In any case, if you are preparing a non-bank gift, the birthday name will be appreciated.


View the range of unusual things that are now offered by many gifts stores: running, not allowing to sleep; Plates and magnets with various fun inscriptions; "Coughing" ashtrays and other souvenirs. Please note that such a gift can cause delight only in the first minute, and then turn out to be an unnecessary bass, about which the birthday name will forget. When choosing a similar gift, think, would you like to have such an object of the house.

Contact a special agency that organizes funny draws and congratulations. They can help make a holiday really unforgettable. Selecting the draw, focus on the character of the birthday room, his addiction, a sense of humor. The draw should be kind and bring joy to him, and not just a laugh around.

Order an unusual pastry cake. The masters will make a real work of art by issuing a cake depending on the features of the celebration of the Celebration: The cake decoration elements can be presenting the plot of his life, a hobby, a favorite book, memorable dates and so on. The price usually depends on the weight of the cake, and not on the quantity and complexity of the jewelry on it.

Many online stores offer a "certificate of impression", that is, the opportunity for a person to survive unusual sensations for him, try himself in a new business: jump with a parachute, visit an interesting master, make a walk on a helicopter. However, for someone it will be a good gift, and someone will not take advantage of them. Inspiring such an idea, you can come up with a birthday name "Impression as a gift": order a joint trip to commemorative places of his life, organize a whole day of pleasant, going to the theater or an interesting excursion.


In order not to make a mistake with the date, ask the personnel of the company's days of the company's birthdays (or that department where you work). Set reminders of these dates (for example, B), one thing in a few days, the other is directly in the holiday date.

Plan an approximate budget for congratulations. Discuss with colleagues the opportunity to collect money for gifts and install the full amount for all. It is better if you immediately be able to collect all the necessary amount per year. Otherwise, proceed to reminders of the need to take money in advance so that people can plan their budget.

Take care of small gifts. It can be notepads, organizers, original handles or circles. A good souvenir is a thing associated directly with work activities - for example keychain pressure gauge - auto mechanic, a new stethoscope or a thermometer - a doctor, a laser pointer or a set of special markers for the board.

To save personal time, gifts can be bought at all at once - then during the year you will be delivered from the need to go shopping in search of a suitable option every time.

If you have a festive tea party in your organization, offer other employees to participate in his organization. Distribute duties - let someone take care of disposable dishes, someone will go to the cake or cake, someone will cover on the table.

Optional per day preceding the festive, delay with colleagues after work and decorate the workplace of the future birthday room. For this, flowers, balloons, serpentine, congratulatory posters of their own manufacture, etc.

Congratulations better challenge in the morning - the birthday girl will receive a positive charge for the whole day. After the culprit of the celebration is gifted by all those who wish, remind him that after the working day he is waiting for a festive tea party.

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Tip 15: How to originally congratulate your birthday colleague

Birthday - a cheerful and joyful holiday. It only happens once a year, so I want this day to be for the birthday room is filled with pleasant and vivid impressions. The organization of the holiday requires an individual approach, because the culprit of the celebration may be not only a close person, but also a friend or employee.


The morning for your colleague can start unexpectedly, for example, with musical congratulations on the radio. Every day, many radio stations conduct special morning shows in which the birthdayniks congratulate fun and all over the country. Take advantage of this option.

If possible, festively decorate the workplace of your colleague. For example, before coming to work, put a greeting card, a souvenir or a gift. Either to install a congratulatory saver on the desktop.

If your company has its own website, place your congratulations on it. Place the photo of the birthday girl and write warm words. Perhaps guests or site clients will join your congratulations. Such attention will not leave your colleague indifferent.

You can play your employee: pretend that you have forgotten about his day, and after the working day, under any pretext, invite it to a cafe or bar, where the surprise party will be prepared in advance. Such a congratulation will be exactly and enjoyable.

You can congratulate your colleague with an original humorous poem or story. Try to compose it yourself or all the working team. In the content, make an emphasis on the description of the positive qualities of the birthday room. Your employee will be especially nice if this congratulation reads the boss himself. You can also remember any interesting, funny story associated with a birthday party. He will definitely appreciate such a creative and original approach to his celebration.

Give your own memorable. Let it be an inexpensive gift, but it will still have a long time on your colleague memories of a cheerful holiday. For example, you can order a mug or a T-shirt with a "hike", a funny pattern or photo of a birthday party. If your colleague is a fan of any artist, a kin driveman, or a politician, give him a figurine of the idol. You can order his portrait or cartoon and arrange it in a beautiful frame. Such souvenirs can become both decoration at home and workplace.

Tip 16: How to originally congratulate men from February 23

In many organizations, men on February 23 simply give small souvenirs and cover the table. But this is a great holiday, especially for those who served. And to congratulate the representatives of the strong floor are needed in the original way.

You will need

  • - military uniform;
  • - nominal souvenirs;
  • - Pillows;
  • - incense;
  • - candles;
  • - Balloons;
  • - diplomas;
  • - Clothes, shoes, wigs, false mustache and beards;
  • - Collage.


Dress all women in organizing a military uniform and ask them to give an honor when meeting with men. At the event itself, you can ask the weak floor to execute a song or read poems. Such a congratulation will be remembered for all men on the company for a long time. If you do not have the opportunity to disguise all women, then at least ask them to wear saws, helmets or epaulets.

Orders nominal souvenirs with original (or written independently) verses or photographs of men. You can choose mugs, t-shirts, watches, puzzles, key rings or wall posters. Presentation Subscribe in the form of adoption oath.

Make an order in a specialized company to the artist of Oriental Dance. Origine decorate a large room, spread around the walls of the pillows on which men will sit. Light incense and candles. Such a surprise will not leave any man indifferent.

Labor activity is an integral part of the life of most modern people. In any team comes such a moment when it is necessary for birthday. Conducting most of the life in the workplace, each person is forced to comply with certain rules in communication and is not always openly expressing his sympathy around. Therefore, it is necessary to use any holidays in order to demonstrate sincere appreciation to your colleagues. This shares the team and makes communication more comfortable. Happy Birthday, you can give a good poem, which is presented in this article.

We are a working family!

Alas, a part of life proceeds at work!

And somehow we are approaching Saturday!

Sometimes our day only in the circle of colleagues passes,

Week ... year ... the other ... and so fate to the working family reduces us!

Everything is divided in half: And anger, and grace of bosses!

We can recognize each other on gait!

And I want to confess without barracks:

Such as you, colleagues need to search!

You are our everything, you are the main figure,

Always ready to support, understand, forgive.

You are still a very gentle nature,

You are simply impossible not to love!

We wish you a hardest health!

We wish a lot of honey and wine!

And we are glad to what together with you.

We have a working family - alone!

Original ideas

  1. If there is large spaces: Halls, corridors, halls, etc., - congratulating a birthday colleague, you can make an original large-scale postcard. For example, with large colored sheets to lay a registered wish in the lobby and allow a colleague to overlook it from 3 floors or higher.
  2. Card Happy Birthday Colleague may contain a route card that should lead to a gift: the more place of work, the more fun can come true.
  3. Despite the massive passion for healthy food, fashion for sweets is in no hurry to leave the podium! Therefore, the relevant and the sweet postcard remains: made in the form of a folder, portfolio, car, and so on. Such a congratulation is usually eaten during lunch all the department, workshop, etc.!
  4. If there is multimedia equipment, then your birthday colleague can be congratulated the original audio or video card. It is better to provide automatic inclusion in the appearance of a birthday room, and only then - the emergence of joyful and funny employees.
  5. Registration of the room where congratulations will occur, also plays an important role. We are not talking about the exclusive design in - to raise the mood, there are several bright balloons attached to the table or another workplace of the celebration.


Despite the external severity and restraint, demonstrated in the workplace, all people are waiting for heat and attention from others. Having spent quite a bit of time for the preparation of non-hard congratulations for their colleagues, we can make the world around us more friendly and warm.

Personal holidays


Taking a risk you can lose everything, but not the risk you will definitely lose!

How to congratulate the colleague happy birthday or just congratulate each other at work? The organizer or culprit of the celebration often faces the risk of increasing the ability of the authorities for the loss of working time.

But somehow it is necessary to make a holiday festive day for others, and congratulations to take on human, not secret and not in the form of a patter, meeting in the corridor during the working day. If possible, this question should be discussed. A completely "safe" option is a congratulation of an employee during a lunch break.

In this case, you are guaranteed the lack of reproaches about the use of working time, and at the same time you do not risk going to the situation when the birthday girl or the jubilee has already searched before from work to have time to take congratulations on the family. It happens, of course, that the team is friends with families, but it rarely happens that the whole team is present at family celebrations.

Therefore, a home holiday is one, and congratulations to colleagues, bosses and subordinates is quite another. If the boss considers the celebration in the team mandatory, then it is necessary to organize it so as not to tear off a person from congratulations close to the family circle.

So, two options are possible - congratulations during the lunch break and a separate, specially organized holiday. However, this does not mean that before lunch, the day should pass as usual. From the very beginning of the working day, you need to create a festive atmosphere and prepare everyone to climax, that is, directly to congratulations. The workplace of the perpetrator of the holiday can be decorated:

  • flowers;
  • poster;
  • postcards.

Let your colleague receive congratulations before the work day. Congratulations can be chosen from the chapter "Congratulations and toasts", or write (compose, draw up). Oral congratulations are mandatory. At the same time, there is an opportunity to declare that the presentation of gifts and tea drinking will take place during lunch. This is a great moment for a birthday boy who also may have been preparing to accept these congratulations, and prepared a treat for colleagues. If the perpetrator of the holiday intends to arrange a separate banquet after work, he can also declare it at such a moment. This is the most natural and convenient for all scenario. Much more troublesome and not always convenient for the working day to guess the moment for the invitation. Someone can have other planned cases for a lunch break or evening after work, and an invitation before the start of the working day makes it possible to revise your plans.

    Make an annual subscription to the diapers.

    The birth of a child is great! In addition, if a child is born from colleagues, it is perceived almost in family. Woman in the position in the team: everyone empathizes, advise, are divided by memories. And so the miracle happened! A small person who you too was waiting for, was born. This news flies away all instantly! How much weight? What is height? Everything is fine? Who looks like? How does mom feel? When will you write down? These questions are twisted in the air. And now there is a timely question what to give? Practical parents will undoubtedly tell me what kind of gift they would like to get. Then there are no problems: they threw off, bought, beautifully packed, solemnly handed over. But there are copies of modest, who have everything and all that in this spirit. Here you have to strain. I suggest thinking about the mother. For example, give it a certificate for visiting the spacing, or pool, massage, fitness, and the like. Give your child a young, healthy, cheerful mom, he will appreciate when it grows.

    It can be said that on the big now another person has become more)) Congratulations, of course, Ryzhik !!!

    Mom is the most important thing that can hear a woman. Being my mother think is great. After birth, women change and become even more gentle, sensitive, they shine with some inner light.

    Ryzhik, let you and your family will not have problems.

    Let your babies grow beautiful and healthy.

    And your husband is more and more)))

    And the colleague just need to give money so that she herself decided that to buy a child.

    How to congratulate a colleague with the birth of a girl? - It is necessary for her sincerely glad! Then the most original congratulations will be by themselves.

    Congratulations to colleague Ryzhik!

    Girl good health, grow as soon as possible!)

    By the way, today Mothers Day!

    So double congratulations!


    The little man has become more.

    Love and happiness is not enough for her!

    Warm, smiles, beauty,

    Let everyone come true!

    Let her grow up

    Let blue be the sky!

    More in life wonders

    Ski stars from heaven!

    Let mom pleases, happens

    She loves her so hard!

    Good luck to her we wish ...

    Happy daughter congratulations!

    My best wishes! Good and joy.)

    A cake from diapers became very popular, I saw many times. I was very pleased to get from colleagues at work: the first photo album, a developing rug and a huge pack of diapers.

    To congratulate a person with the birth of a child, it is always a big joy, especially a colleague - a person with whom you spend enough time in one company (campaigns :)) Of course, you need to say warm words, those who come out of the heart, wish all the best. When at work, our colleague was pleased with all the birth of a son, we all came to the hospital with posters, with a stretching, with balls. Congratulations, Mahali her window, everyone was very happy. Congratulations and balls tied to the trees opposite the e-windows and our colleague, until the earliest, felt that we were as if with her (this is sensations, she then shared his impressions with us).

    This is actually essentially a question, and now I would like the most important thing ...

    If no friends, we would not know how much wonderful happening in this world.

    TJU,thank you for sharing this joyful news!

    Happy heart congratulations Ryzhik (Now I learned that a love) with the most joyful, the most wonderful event of life.

    Daughter, daughter, Mine Otild,

    Let it grow healthy, it is not necessary.

    Let everyone smiles, and stands on the legs.

    Let for mom be a sun in the window.

    Long-awaited, small angel earth

    Mom gave the wings behind his back.

    Mom will try, Mom Sun will time.

    And everything will teach, and always will warm.

    Mom will be next to happiness and sadness,

    After all, now mom has wings by shoulders

    No in the light of joy above and light,

    What to be just mom for your children.

    Congratulations on the newborn. I wish you happiness family, baby health and patience mom. And maybe throw a gift, every loan. Can I do here on bv? The newborn is a big joy in the family, but also significant spending.

    Order a very cute and original cake. For example, this is:

    Make it yourself very nyashny postcard. For example, here is a fairly simple option:

    And of course you need to give a gift. You can buy a very beautiful suit for babes. For example, this is:

    I want to thank everyone for congratulations, and the author of the question for a wonderful question and good wishes! It is very nice to get greetings from colleagues, and more pleasant from colleagues!)

    Thank you very much!

    I also want to answer the question called.

    When I still worked, and when we had any of the colleagues became a happy parent (mother or dad, without a difference), we discarded the general gift to the whole department, who could be more like (the leaders gave more) and bought young parents anything Needed when care for the child. Then everyone who wishes went to the young parents to visit and handed our overall gift and a big beautiful postcard with verses.

    The gift was the educational toys, a developing rug for a baby, a playpen, radiona, children's thing and even a children's car accident.

    Any mom will probably agree that even the packaging of diapers will be a good gift, especially if they are presented in the form of a cake).

    Ryzhik congratulations !!! I wish the health of a strong mom and baby!

    The child is the biggest happiness! I am writing and know what I thought it would like myself a child)))

    Need to work on this issue))

    Be happy and let your family be the happiest!

    I would give my mother who gave birth a little a bouquet of luxurious roses, would still give a lot of things to the beautiful child and an electronic nanny, which would help my mother to lay the baby. Here.

    Now the cakes with different stucco are popular. For example, the cake can be ordered so that the cradle, booties, nipple, and the inscription of any kind and content. I ordered with a snickers - Very tasty and very satisfying. And the effect itself is a magnificent and unforgettable cake. Also, such a cake is good in the photo, which remains a good memories.

    Well, so that the gift is completely unforgettable, then a person in a suit of a stork can be handing it. By the way, the cake itself was wrapped in a beautiful transparent packaging, and if it is still placed in a white handkerchief or a large napkin, then the effect of surprises is guaranteed.

    You can still add something practical and necessary baby

    Make a banner with a photo, with some beautiful inscription, I think she will be nice. I know by myself) And as a gift you can buy a playpen, it will be very comfortable, it will be very comfortable, and the baby will not go anywhere, and mom will calmly do its own) or if there is a car buy a car seat, also a very necessary thing)

    Now banks offer very interesting offers such as children's deposit. This is when you open a small contribution where minimal contributions, innovation and interest are possible. Moreover, this deposit can only be removed upon the occurrence of a certain age of the child. Believe your colleague will appreciate it. And after many years it will remember you with the warmest words. After all, clothes, diapers, toys - it's all will be forgotten. But the investment in the future is a very significant argument and a good gift)

    I think that like any moms, it will appreciate Children's humor.

    1) If you want to congratulate directly at the work itself. Decorate the room with balls, if you allow the bosses, order a cake with a similar subject and congratulate the whole team from the heart.

    2) If the colleague is at home. Dress up in a suit of some animals and go to the whole team home. You can with balls, so even better. I think the assessment will be the highest.

    3) If the colleague only gave birth and is located in the maternity hospital, you can make a presentation. For example, with humor particles about work and move to congratulations on paper.

    since you can not congratulate the child and congratulations through a colleague, you can present it in the role of this child. Those put on it the cape of a baby, give a nipple and then safe can handle a gift. I think the best it will be infant clothes and accessories.

    We congratulated a colleague on the game with a similar joy, in which we have been playing for several years. Every time when there is a reason, throw off at the expense of the head of the clan on the enon number of rubles. And we decide what to give. Then we buy in the online store, what we decided, and the delivery of colors and a postcard, ordered as learned. The benefit now such services is full.

    So, but a colleague, we gave a radionunk, a very necessary gift.

    In such matters, as they say, the main attention. One thing relatives make you a gift or friends. And then there would seem completely unfamiliar people, from all over the union, express their appreciation. It costs a lot.

    To congratulate the child with the birth of a child, you can throw off the whole team and buy a good set for a child, everything you need for a child, diaper, sprawers, caps, a bottle, a towel, and you can even give a pack of diapers, as diapers are always needed, you can also give a postcard to Birthday child with wishes.