How to turn a Muslim away from drinking. Magical cures for drunkenness. Strong conspiracy against drunkenness

An effective conspiracy against drunkenness is to help the entire family of an alcoholic who not only drinks away the money he has earned, but also neglects any family responsibilities. They read a conspiracy from drunkenness to water or a conspiracy from drunkenness in a cemetery, both people with addiction and their loved ones. Rituals at a distance can work if you use a photo or thing of a sick person. How to choose a conspiracy from binge so as not to be afraid of dangerous consequences?

Magical fight against alcoholism

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness is selected depending on how long a person has been drinking. Alcoholism is a disease of the soul and body. People with strong energy do not suffer from such an addiction. Popular conspiracies from drunkenness are used by people who are desperate to "code" or renounce. There are consequences and complications from a conspiracy to drunkenness, but only with the help of targeted magical influence will it be possible to drive a husband or loved one away from the bottle.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness is read in a certain setting and on days when natural elements enhance the work of the conspiracy. A conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences can affect the lives of all family members. To protect against the consequences, protective spells and prayers help. Only prayer words will help to remove the terrible sin that a man or woman commits every day. A ritual is performed with a sleeping alcoholic, who is at a great distance from the conspirator.

Choosing a magical method of treatment for an alcoholic

Who will help conspiracies? The spells of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova or any effective folk ritual works only on special charged days - on Good Friday, Christmas or Epiphany. On Easter, only folk rituals are held for inveterate alcoholics. Folk conspiracies and rituals of a healer can harm both the conspirator and the victim of magical action.

Rituals are selected depending on such factors:

  • the day when the necessary ritual helps to get rid of the most harmful, dangerous habit (the day when the moon is waning);
  • the state of an alcoholic (the consequences of drinking can weaken the body's defense mechanisms);
  • effective spells are selected for magical attributes (plots in the photo, the towel of the addict, his things);
  • effective spells are not cast during the day, the best time to cast them is at night;
  • an effective conspiracy should be read from memory (you should learn the words of the spell of Vanga or Natalya Stepanova in advance);
  • you can cast spells on a husband, son, friend - on a person for whom the conspirator has sincere feelings;
  • a powerful anti-binge ritual and a strong protective rite helps prevent drunkenness in the future.

A strong ritual against the addiction of Vanga or Stepanova will prevent another binge if you prepare your husband or son in advance. You need to read the words of a prayer for protection on the eve of the ceremony. For a husband or loved one, prayer words will become a guarantee of security.

Consequences of magic

Prayers and conspiracies help before the ritual for one reason - protection is not easy for a person, but vital. Who needs to be protected? Getting booze out of the house, not only physically, but on more subtle levels, is not as easy as it might seem. Conspiracies for food, soap, towel, hair will help remove addiction, but violate the integrity of the human energy shell.

Before performing a magical ritual on any day of the week, on holidays or on weekdays, you should protect yourself and your loved one: they make protection from other harmful human habits. Having jumped off one problem, a weak personality strives to find a new addiction. Only in this way does the life of a weakened person acquire meaning. A magical ritual from a photograph on good days of the week or a spell for food is done in several stages. To avoid consequences, you can take a person to church, let him confess.

They also protect against weakness of the individual. Immediately after reading the plot, the alcoholic loses his vitality. For a person, a targeted magical effect, especially for a long time (conspiracies based on photography, on soap, a ritual with a glass) is very destructive. Protecting a son or husband before rituals that will definitely help is the primary task of a caring woman.

Universal conspiracies for water

Black or white magic will help to bring out mental illness. The difference between two different influences is only in the consequences. At home, a powerful ritual is performed on water, which should be brought from the church. Taken together, ancient rituals for water and Slavic spells quickly relieve an alcoholic of mental illness.

Harmful is such a method (it's about the consequences) at a distance. With the help of whispers on the water, it is better to speak to a husband or son who is nearby. The strongest magic words can be read while a person is sleeping. It is not necessary for an alcoholic to know about magical influences and consequences. Against drunkenness, rituals are held for the Annunciation, a forty-strong ritual on the eve of Good Friday and a rite for water.

What you need for conspiracies on water

From drunkenness, only a proven ritual with water helps. Muslim, ancient Slavic, Easter rites at home show good results. In severe cases of drunkenness, several magical events are carried out at once. At home, the safest but most effective rituals are performed on an addicted person using magical attributes:

  • salt;
  • prepare wood ash;
  • normal chicken egg.

The essence of the rite of drunkenness lies in the exact impact. To carry out a secret action with water or food, soap, the patient must visit the cemetery. Earth is brought from the grave, causing disgust from drunkenness. It is necessary to visit the cemetery and cast spells alone so that no one hears or sees. If it is not possible to read conspiracies over a person, rituals at a distance will help, but with a thing that stores the energy of the addict.

Reading the simplest plot

There are rituals with charmed water of varying complexity: multi-stage or those that are carried out at a time. Such actions are chosen for yourself or you can use them for your husband (son, friend or daughter). The sex of the addict and his position in society for magic does not matter. With the help of charmed water, you can wean a dependent woman, but it is very difficult to deal with female alcoholism.

Conspiracies are read over the sick or over the holy liquid, after the main part of the ritual:

  1. Holy water is brought from the temple. Ordinary tap water will not help to cope with such a difficult task. You can bring water from the spring - living water, with which only the most powerful spells are made. It is very important on what day the main attribute is brought. It is better to take holy water on Sunday after the service or on a big Orthodox holiday.
  2. Left alone, the conspirator pronounces the words of the spell on the holy water:

“Just as Christ did not know alcohol and did not know, as the Mother of God and the apostles did not see the drink in their eyes, so you, God's servant (name), do not look at the evil in the glass. Wine and vodka will not stick to drinking, it will not work to know. Amen!".

The conspirator waits until Friday and adds holy liquid to the addict's food and drink. Additionally, the words of the prayer "Our Father" will help the patient.

It is very important not to tell anyone about the methods of dealing with alcoholism in the family. The easiest way to get rid of a problem is to solve it in accessible ways without unnecessary talk. Holy water cannot be poured out (the patient must completely consume the charmed liquid).

The most powerful ritual against alcoholism for a husband or friend also works on ice (frozen charmed liquid). It is not so important through which attributes powerful conspiracies will operate. The conspirator will protect himself if he conducts ceremonies after repentance in the church.

Soap Spell

The conspiracy from drinking is quite strong on soap. It is held on Friday - prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness on this day are the most effective. Alcohol, which ruined the whole family, will no longer interfere with family happiness. An effective conspiracy against drunkenness so that alcohol no longer attracts the patient, is read after sunset. The most effective and powerful conspiracy from drunkenness - a conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph is also read on soap.

Aversion to alcohol without the knowledge of the addict (on behalf of the mother, wife, girlfriend) at home is used together with folk remedies, the recipes of which are easy to learn from healers. Deliverance occurs on Epiphany week, during fasting or at Easter. Without additional attributes, good soap enchantments will work even for beginners. Only a waning moon can get rid of an addiction (during another phase, rituals are ineffective).

Preparing for covert action

Who can make magical bans on the Full Moon on a guy, the fate of his daughter? One who is not afraid of the consequences. Magic works against drunkenness, but for this you need to prepare for the ceremony. Simple spells can be made literally of any number (energy-charged days are selected for village spells, and Kazakh spells are cast only on women's days of the week). The best option is clean Thursday, which will help remove dependence from the female and male body.

To make a lapel on Thursday so that alcohol does not attract, a spell will help:

“Oh, don’t drink to you, God’s servant (name). Forget the look and taste of dope, forget how it flows in you. I put the lock on trouble, on the demon in the glass. I speak and conjure! To hate vodka! The castle stands, no one will destroy it. Amen!".

Rite for 7 candles

Time-tested conspiracy from husband's drunkenness with candles. The simplest and most effective charms will not bring trouble to the whole family. At home, conspiracies are read from drunkenness for 7 church candles:

“Poison and dope, go away! Let the disease escape from the servant of God (name). From his sick head, from his dirty blood, from his vicious body. Candles, take trouble from home. Take the demons from the slave. Take the disease for yourself. Amen!".

The conspiracy from drinking is read three times. The simplest and most powerful conspiracy must be learned by heart. You can pronounce it with the patient, and without the presence of an alcoholic. The easiest way to get rid of booze is to try a few magical methods. A conspiracy from drunkenness to a new photo, soap or candles works unconditionally.

Modern medicine is stubbornly struggling with one of the most common problems - alcoholism. Large clinics offer the latest and long-tried methods of dealing with this terrible disease.

But alternative medicine, which often shows stunning results in the treatment of various human pathologies, is not far behind.

Examples of alternative medicine are conspiracies to get out of binge at home. Conspiracies from alcoholism are known and operate, but under one, the most important condition: the patient himself must want to be cured.

In this case, a conspiracy from alcoholism will definitely help.

Conspiracies from drunkenness: procedure

They are used by relatives of a sick person, trying to help him and free him from alcohol dependence. There is not one conspiracy against drunkenness, there are many of them and they differ from each other. There are conspiracies:

  • for food;
  • to the water.

In addition, you can take personal belongings and clothes of a sick person. Photographs are often used.

It is necessary to speak in a calm atmosphere, with a great sense of faith. Of course, the ardent desire of the most alcohol-addicted person will help with the conspiracy.

But the problem is that many alcoholics do not realize that they are sick. Others angrily refute the words spoken by relatives about their destructive cravings. Therefore, many relatives of alcoholics use herbs for alcoholism, hoping for treatment for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient.

Folk methods of treatment: a conspiracy from alcoholism in the photo

You must select a photo of a person.

It would have been ideal if it had been done at the time of his illness. But a prerequisite must be met: the person in the photo must be in a normal mood.

The plot is read on the waning moon.

The text of the conspiracy from alcoholism sounds something like this:

“The moon is waning, even if alcoholism recedes from the servant of God and completely disappears.” The moon did and I said." After that, you need to say "amen." The plot is read three times. The ceremony should be repeated several times.

Water is a conductor of information. Conspiracy from drunkenness on the water

Most often, conspiracies are read specifically for water. Among the folk methods of treating alcoholism, this is the most popular method.

Some people say that it would be much more effective to conspire with holy water. But if there is no holy water in the house, then you can take the usual one.

The text of the conspiracy from drunkenness on the water is defined by the following words:

“As water gets inside, so the addiction will go away. She will never return. Amen". The ceremony is held in the evening and the words are pronounced three times. The charmed water stands on the windowsill for a day. After that, it must be added slowly to the food of a person with alcoholism. But it is forbidden to pour this water into alcoholic drinks. If a person uses holy water for a conspiracy, then it also stands on the windowsill. Within 7 days it is given to an alcoholic.

Towel against drunkenness. Strong conspiracy at home

A plot on a towel can be carried out provided that it is white and new. In addition, only a person dependent on alcohol will use it as a personal hygiene item.

The towel is used for a week, after which it is buried in the ground. Another option would be to burn it.

The effectiveness of conspiracies against drunkenness: some nuances of their reading and preparation for them

The fight against alcoholism with folk remedies will be more effective if the person who reads the conspiracies follows certain rules. They are not difficult, you can easily get used to them:

  1. For the weaker sex, conspiracies are read on Wednesday and Friday, Saturday. That is, in the days of the feminine. All the rest are at the service of the stronger sex.
  2. In the house where a person addicted to alcohol lives, there should be an icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". The patient himself and his relatives turn to her with a plea for support in the fight against the disease.
  3. Every day you need to drink holy water, but strictly on an empty stomach. If it is not enough, then it can be added to the usual one.
  4. Before reading the plot, you must fast for about 4 days.
  5. Write prayers against alcohol in the church.
  6. If the conspiracy is read by a woman, it is necessary to cover her head with a scarf.

These rules must be followed. And conspiracies will definitely help!

Alcoholism is a scourge not only of the present, but also of the last century. It is quite difficult to get rid of this problem, especially if a person does not have willpower and desire for this. Today, there are many ways to treat alcohol addiction. But not all of them give the expected result that doctors and healers promise.

Today we will talk about an unusual way to eliminate this problem - a conspiracy from alcoholism. For many, this will seem like complete nonsense. But the reviews of the performers indicate the opposite - there is a result and it is positive. Therefore, let's look at what prayers and conspiracies for alcoholism can be read at home.

What is the effectiveness of such rituals

Given that in our country almost every 4 or 5 men suffer from this disease, there is a diligent fight against alcohol, and in all sorts of ways. For many, conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness are salvation. They help eradicate this addiction and craving for alcohol once and for all.

It is quite rare to find a situation where an alcoholic copes with his problem on his own, without resorting to drug therapy. Remember, in such a situation there is no time to think. After all, prolonged alcoholism can lead to irreversible consequences.

During conspiracies against drunkenness, you have the opportunity to influence the subconscious of a person without the knowledge, and thereby make him stop drinking on his own.

Strong withdrawal from alcohol

What methods can be used to discourage an alcoholic from drinking alcohol? Reading a conspiracy against alcoholism at home in order to cure an addicted person once and for all is necessary in the morning and without strangers. Only you and the person suffering from alcoholism should be in the room. Before reading the conspiracy words, you need to tune in as much as possible to the thought of how much you want to help the patient.

Sit in front of him and say the following:

“Powers of heaven - hear me! My good deeds are aimed at healing the servant of God (name of the object). The young moon, the sun is clear, the water is pure, drive out all the thoughts of the patient and save him from the desire to drink. Far from human eyes, in the deep sea abyss, a lock with a key is hidden. No one can find and open this castle, just as the servant of God (object name) will no longer look for wine. Amen".

After reading this plot, believe me, the drunkard will no longer have cravings for alcohol. It is very important that the drunkard believe in the power of such an act.

How to help a drunk husband

Such conspiracies from a husband’s alcoholism can be read to get rid of addiction to any alcoholic beverage. Also, such a ritual is suitable for those who, from drinking, fall into the strongest binges.

Place your husband or son next to you, put a glass of alcohol next to him, which he prefers to drink most of all, and read the words of the healing prayer while looking at him:

“The abbot met with the priest to create the strongest prayer for drunkenness. Jesus Christ - you are omnipotent, save my man (name of husband or son) from the desire to drink. May he no longer toil until the very last days in this world. He will not be able to drink anymore and will raise his hand with a glass of intoxicating drink. Amen".

Let the patient drink the charmed alcohol so that it helps him get rid of addiction. Within a few days, you will notice how your husband or son will have an aversion to alcohol and the craving for it will disappear completely. Such a ritual can be read not only for a husband, son. With the help of it, you can cure friends, drive away acquaintances from alcohol at home.

The potion will help banish drunkenness

The most effective magical rites are performed at home using a potion. It is these rituals that allow you to get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and forever. Making such conspiracies is much more difficult than just reading a prayer or doing a ceremony with water and salt. This is because for their implementation you will need a wide variety of components that are not always possible to get. However, if you managed to find them, then such a collection will help you exorcise drunkenness and solve this problem once and for all.

What potion can be used

So, the necessary attributes for the preparation of a witchcraft substance:

  1. In the evening, when it gets dark on a full moon, you need to go to the river and catch a crab. Then dry it in the oven and grind it into powder.
  2. Obtain the Root System of the Weasel Grass. It also needs to be dried dry in an oven and ground into powder.
  3. A few sprigs of grass that were knocked over by birds from the nest. Rinse it well under running water and dry it.
  4. Overcome grass roots.
  5. Chopped thyme.
  6. Ground leaves and seeds of wormwood.
  7. Dried snowdrop flowers.

After collecting and grinding all these components by hand, you need to wait until the birthday of a sick person arrives. Brew the floor with a liter of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes. Water must be taken from three houses. At the same time, the owners of state-owned housing should not guess about your act. With the prepared decoction, you need to wash the face of an alcoholic. Then let him take ten small sips.

If the patient begins to feel chills, trembling on the skin after drinking the drug, then such a remedy helped him. He will no longer have cravings for alcohol, which means that alcohol addiction will go away.

When you prepare a healing decoction, you need to clearly and clearly read the words of the prayer:

“I ask the powers of heaven to cast my strong desire and spell on a person suffering from alcohol. Let his blood, body, muscles, organs and joints get rid of hops once and for all. And no triumph will break his spirit and willpower before alcohol. Let his soul and body calm down and get rid of drunken addiction. Amen".

Such conspiracies from alcoholism at home can be used for a husband, both legal and civil. If your friend is also having an alcohol addiction problem, you can help them with this powerful and effective ritual.

Drinking water will help you get rid of addiction

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that water has strong magical powers and stores the information that you charge it with. Therefore, sorcerers and magicians used folk remedies against drunkenness using holy water.

For this ritual, you can use not only holy, but also spring water, since it is considered clean and transparent.

Pour water into a glass, seat the alcoholic next to it and read the words of the prayer:

“One worldly man was born, they christened him, he lived his life with dignity and rested in peace. As he left for the next world (your wish), he stopped drinking alcohol. No one pours him anything, and he cannot ask for a drink. I will christen him with a cross, pray for him. May all the saints help him get rid of wine, drunkenness and a hangover. My words will be fulfilled all as one. Just be my way. Amen".

Rites of Natalia Stepanova

What other means can be used to save a husband, son or friend so that he does not drink, the conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer will help. Natalya Stepanova offers several rituals in this regard. Let's consider each in detail.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

To perform this rite of black magic, you need to gather your thoughts and go to the cemetery. Take a handful of earth at the intersection of roads near the cemetery. Bring to the grave of a person whose name is the same as that of an alcoholic. Sprinkle earth or ash on the grave and at the same time read the words of the conspiracy:

“You are lying dead in the cemetery, deep in the grave, you cannot get up or say anything. So let the servant of God (name of the patient) no longer take a single drop of alcohol in his mouth. Let him not grieve and grieve over hops and alcohol. Let his mouth, lips and teeth be locked up if temptation comes again. Amen".

Such treatment will help you get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and effectively.

How to turn an alcoholic off wine

“The moon is bright, you illuminate us all, surrounded by stars. I ask you to remove the accursed power from my (person's name). Let the drunken passion unhook from him, be tied to the cross on the grave forever. Let the dead now become tipsy friends. From now on, my words will be strong, reliable and will soon fulfill my request. Amen".

Believe me, such a ritual will work instantly - literally in a couple of days.

Ritual for the waning moon

The Siberian healer has another ritual that helps to eradicate drunkenness. Such a ritual should be performed on Thursday, and the month should be waning.

To wean a person from alcohol addiction, he must conduct such a ritual for himself. The patient needs to go to the wall, find a bough on it, and poking a finger at it, read the words of the prayer:

“Just as this bough does not grow, does not bloom and stands still, so let me, the servant of God (his name), forever give up alcohol. I strongly believe in these words and I want them to come true. Amen".

You need to read the words of the spell for yourself nine times. After that, neither the patient nor his relatives can take out or borrow bread and salt from anyone for a year. If you violate this charter, repeated drunkenness cannot be avoided.

Alcohol shortening

Who is suitable for such a conspiracy? The rite of drunkenness is suitable for everyone who already suffers from alcohol addiction, and also falls into strong binges.

To perform such a ritual, you need to seat the patient on a chair. Cut off a piece of fabric from his outer clothing, in which he is located. Then cut off a tuft of hair from the head and wrap it in a cut off flap.

“This hair will never grow back to the head of the patient, and therefore he will not drink again forever. He will no longer need alcohol, but only one disgust. May his hands never raise a glass again. Amen".

The bag of hair must be securely hidden under the roof of the house. After a while, you will notice the positive effects of the magical ritual.

Rite from Vanga

What other methods can be used to cure alcoholism? Effective folk conspiracies from Vanga helped many to get rid of alcoholism even at a distance. Let's look at how one of the strong and effective prayer rituals is performed.

This female photo conspiracy will help save your husband, son from drinking, make them stop drinking forever.

To carry it out, you will need a photo of a person with a good image of him and without strangers in the picture. You need to read the plot from the photo daily. Only in this way, according to Vanga, can a husband or son be weaned from drinking.

In addition to the photo, you will need three church candles and holy water. Light candles, set them in a triangle on the table. Put a photo of the patient next to it and sprinkle it with holy water. Then put the water in the vessel on the photo and read the words of the conspiracy:

“A stone will never be born from a goat, a hair will never sprout from a stone, just as the servant of God (the name of the object) will never again take drunkenness in his mouth. These words are strong and powerful. Amen".

After reading such a conspiracy from a photograph, you can no doubt be sure that you have saved your loved one from alcoholism, and forever.

Soap ritual

This rather strong and fast-acting rite should be read on ordinary toilet soap. Subsequently, it should be used by those who suffer from alcoholism.

Ritual for alcoholism. Ritual for drunkenness.

Rite of drunkenness for Easter

They do this ceremony on Easter or on Palm Sunday. Go to church, bless the Easter cake, cut it into twelve even pieces and go to the cemetery. Find the same number of graves by the number of sliced ​​Easter cake, and always with the name of a drunkard. Place a slice of Easter cake at each grave and say drunkenness with prayers:

“Just as you now dead cannot get up, take a glass and drink alcohol, so may the servant of God never again be inclined to this destructive deed. Do not let my (name of husband, son or friend) destroy yourself with hops and addiction to it. May my will be done. Amen".

It is possible to treat a patient on Easter annually, but not more than three years in a row, since the consequences of such an act can turn against the patient himself. It does not matter what the moon will be in the sky. This is a very strong encoding so that the husband does not drink, it will really work.

Rite for Pure Thursday

Since ancient times, Pure Thursday has been considered a great day of purification from everything bad, evil and hated. Experienced magicians perform various magical conspiracies on this day from alcohol and drunkenness.

Treatment for drunkenness over the patient is carried out on a clean Thursday using holy water and salt. First you need to fill the bathroom with warm water, then read the prayer words:

“Holy water, pure and clear, wash the body of one who suffers from alcoholism. May his soul and body be pure on all days of the week and all year. Drive away from him all bad thoughts and addiction to alcohol so that he does not drink at all. Give him lightness and eternal sobriety. Amen".

After these words, pour salt into the bath and read the following text above it:

“Cleanse salt water from all evil spirits, heal it. Having bathed in it, the servant of God will become clean and get rid of his addictions and addictions. Amen".

Muslim prayer

This female ritual, the consequences of which from the experience of many were only positive, will help you save your husband from drunkenness without coding, pills and other methods.

For this ceremony, you will need a church candle and holy water. Seat a drunkard at the table, light a candle, put holy water nearby and ask the patient to read Muslim prayer words for himself over the water:

“We are all close to Allah and belong to him. And in difficult times we return to him for help. I want to overcome my misfortune and I give an account before You, Lord. Give me a reward for my penances, deliver me from addiction. Replace my troubles with purity and freedom. Amen".

After that, the patient needs to wash his face with charmed water, and empty the glass to the bottom. The same plot can be read on food, only before that it needs to be sprinkled with holy water. And after performing the ritual, the patient needs to eat healing food.


Remember, any actions of black magic entail consequences. Therefore, before proceeding to perform one of the above rituals, you need to talk with the patient. Perhaps you can solve the problem of alcoholism in a more loyal way.

Alcoholism in our time is gaining terrifying proportions and often leads to tragedies in many families. Endemic alcoholism is a disease that must be fought with all existing methods. On the effective side, reading conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism showed itself - a special magical effect, the purpose of which is to eliminate addiction. Even in the old days, they helped out families, somewhere someone suffered from alcoholism.

Conspiracies from drunkenness have reached our days - many people turn to them who want to help their loved one, who has fallen into the power of alcoholism. Significantly popular are conspiracies from alcoholism, which must be read on the water. They are characterized by sufficient ease of execution, the ability to perform a ritual without the knowledge of a person suffering from alcoholism and a positive, in most cases, result of treatment.

These qualities serve as a guarantee of their demand and make such conspiracies a very convenient way to eradicate alcoholism, because often even drunkards refuse to admit their destructive addiction to alcohol, which makes voluntary treatment impossible.

Conspiracies from drunkenness, read on water, are good because their action is based on the use of water, which well accepts, conducts and transmits any information. A certain combination and selection of words in a conspiracy is information, a kind of program that affects a person’s consciousness at the energy level. Influencing the human consciousness, the conspiracy rebuilds it in such a way that it begins to work towards achieving the goal inherent in this conspiracy, in this case, getting rid of painful alcohol addiction.

As practice shows, conspiracies from drunkenness on water have a good effect on alcoholics. However, any, even the strongest, rite does not promise a 100% result if the conditions for application were not met during its pronunciation. First of all, it concerns the main element - water. The water used in the plot should preferably be consecrated, or taken from a natural source (spring) or well. In the absence of this, it is possible to use the usual one, from the tap, but before the ritual, it must be insisted for 7 days in a dark place, hidden from prying eyes.

Depending on the gender of the drunkard, the ceremony is performed either on women's (Wed, Fri, Sat - for women) or on men's (Mon, Tue, Thu - for men) days. The phase of the moon also matters: a period suitable for pronouncing conspiracies is the moon is waning or full. However, even a conspiracy uttered at the right time will not lead to the desired goal if the performer does not believe in its action, or turns to magic out of a desire to check or curiosity - in this case, on the contrary, the opposite result is likely. No one should be told about the use of a conspiracy, including the drunkard himself, especially if he stubbornly refuses to be treated.

It is also important to take care of the company that will surround the alcoholic after the ritual of drunkenness. Comrades in the form of drinking companions can greatly weaken the effect of the conspiracy, and in some cases completely nullify it. Therefore, a drinking person must be protected from them by all possible means.

Effective conspiracies from drunkenness on water for home use

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

This prayer is read into the water, which then the drunkard should drink (you can mix it with tea, coffee). Text:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. One man was born, lived and died. As dead as he is (name of the drunkard) does not take alcohol in his mouth, does not drink. Just as the hand of one is dead, so the hand will not pour the wine of the other, it does not carry it to its mouth, it does not pour vodka into its mouth. (Name of the drunkard) he doesn’t pour more wine into a cup, he doesn’t drink alcohol. I am baptized(own name) , with a cross, with a cross, and I protect myself, I save myself from alcohol. Baptist, help, servant of God(name of drunkard) be a deliverer from guilt. My word is strong, do not interrupt it to anyone. Amen(3 times) !”

Another effective conspiracy for alcoholism

The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that it is read into the water only on the 19th, in any month. The charmed water is mixed with an alcoholic in any drinks and liquid dishes. Text:

“Just as the Lord God Christ did not know vodka, did not drink it and did not endure it, like the Mother of God the Most Holy Mother of God and all the saints saints did not know booze, did not drink and did not endure, so do you, God's servant (name of drunkard) , give up drinking and be pumped forever. Amen!"

The action of the conspiracy can begin after a single dose, in some cases it requires repetition until the first manifestation of the desired result.

Ancient conspiracy from drunkenness in a glass of water

This conspiracy can be read by the alcoholic himself, who wants to overcome his addiction, and the relatives of the drinking person who refuses treatment. The charmed water must be drunk to the drop (as an option - serve a glass of liquid during a hangover). The words of the conspiracy are read three times:

“Hop, prince, your wild little head. Do not flutter your hair down, but pour yourself down to the bottom. I don't know you, I haven't been to your house. Climb to the top of the damp tree to the sovereign, along the barrels of honey and beer. Let them not fall on a person (name of the drunkard) dashing words and your evil deeds. Let him drink this cup, and let the hangover disappear from him. Hop, prince, sit at your place, as if the king is sitting on his kingdom, but don’t go to my house!

See 5 more ways to cure alcoholism with the help of magical rituals from traditional healers:

Unfortunately, alcoholism is a problem for many families. Husbands drink, wives drink, and sometimes children. Sometimes drunkenness occurs as a result of spoilage. However, in most cases, addiction to alcohol is a consequence of the fact that a person has completely lost interest in life, and thoughts about his own worthlessness visit his head every day. Being in this state for a long time, a person seems to impose damage on himself. Its energy takes on a dark brown color, characteristic of low frequencies. Troubles begin in life, and sometimes only strong conspiracies from alcoholism can help. Below are three tips on how to get rid of alcoholism, from the point of view of a healer, sorcerer and parapsychologist.

Healing conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism

This ritual will save your wife or husband from drinking, return their interest in life. Time for the ritual: the last three days of the waning moon. Everything must be done in the morning before the sun rises.

So, we light 9 candles taken from the church, buy a bottle of vodka in the store and pour it into a deep bowl. Near this bowl we place a photo of your husband. In addition, for this ritual, you will need new cutlery: a ladle, a spoon, a fork, a knife and a glass.

We take a ladle and begin to stir the vodka in a counterclockwise direction. Scoop up the “flammable potion” with a scoop, as if pouring soup. All the time say the words of such a conspiracy: “Drink you, servant of God, (name), much, pour with a scoop - you are glad! I took the scoop, took away the bitter potion and poured it out forever.


Next, stir the vodka with a spoon. The words now are: “I couldn’t use a scoop, I’m ready to scoop out a snake of fuel with a spoon. You will need a spoon, servant of God (name), only for soup, a stinky potion cannot be caught with a spoon!

“Cut” vodka with a knife, say the words of the conspiracy: “I tried to pick the potion with a knife, destroy myself, but it didn’t work out! The knife cut the fetters of drunkenness, freed you, equipped you on the true path!

Next, pick up a glass and say a conspiracy: “You, servant of God (name), remembered about the glass, grabbed it - you decided to get drunk. The glass slipped out of your hands, shattered to smithereens on the floor, and you will never fit again! Drop a glass and really break it.

Pour the "hot potion" through the window towards the west. Kitchen items that were used in this ritual should be thrown into the trash outside the house. Photos must be hidden in a secluded place. This is a very strong conspiracy from alcoholism - the husband will stop drinking almost immediately.

Medicinal herbs for alcoholism

The preparation of infusions of medicinal herbs can also be attributed to the sorcerer's methods of dealing with the "green serpent". To do this, you need to take one spoonful of dry ram-moss, put the grass in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water (one glass is enough). When the herb is infused and the broth has cooled, it must be filtered. The third part of the glass should be drunk by an alcoholic. After a while, let him “treat himself” with half a glass of vodka. Give vodka every 15 minutes until the "patient" starts vomiting. A few of these "procedures" - and a painful addiction to drunkenness will disappear forever!

Witchcraft conspiracies from alcoholism

Read this conspiracy from the husband's alcoholism over him when he is drunk and sleeping. You need to say these words: “As Judas renounced Christ, so let the servant of God (name) renounce wine, vodka in any weather and remember me, the servant of God (name), and forever and ever. Amen".

To rid the faithful of an addiction, you can also speak water. In this case, you need to pronounce only 3 words: "AMATHI, URUSVATI, AMBITO". Pour the water conspired in this way to the spouse three times a day, but in such a way that the husband drinks one and a half liters of this water in a week. Store this water in a dark, cool place.

If the husband is violent in a booze, a strong conspiracy against alcoholism will help. Take the bread, butter it, and write on top of the butter the words: "SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS". This magic bread "sick" should eat three days in a row, in the morning and in the evening, after sunset.

Voodoo ritual for alcoholism

To rid a person of alcoholism and other bad habits that pollute the body and spirit, there is a proven ritual called "The Firmament". Even a person far from magic can perform the ritual. So, you need to take 8 medium-sized potatoes, peel them and mash them. Next, you need to add vegetable broth powder (like Mivina, 1 teaspoon) to this puree, and also grate 4-5 tablespoons of coconut. From such a home-made dough, you need to build 8 identical balls. Next, these balls need to be folded up a hill on white lace.

Bending over the balls, we read any conspiracy from alcoholism given in this article. At the same time, we imagine how the problem is transferred to the ball with cold breath. Tie the lace into a knot. Next Sunday you need to go to the park and leave your knot under any bush as a sacrifice to God.

An effective conspiracy from drinking to the panties of an alcoholic

The advantage of this ritual is that it can be used even without the knowledge of the drinking person. The wife (well, or girlfriend) of an alcoholic should do it. It is necessary to remove the underpants from the man and wash them in two waters - cold and hot. When you wash in cold water, say the words of such a conspiracy: "Cool down, come to your senses, take hold of your mind-reason. My word is strong and spoken." For hot water, the words will be different: "(Husband's name), wake up, take care of your mind. Take a walk - and settle down. So be it. So be it. So be it."

When the panties dry out, they can be given to the husband - let him wear it. With other underwear of an alcoholic, you also need to do the above manipulations.

And yet - do not joke with this ritual, it is very powerful. The recommended time for its implementation is 3 pm, the day is Sunday.

Conspiracies from husband's alcoholism (advice of a parapsychologist)

If an alcoholic realizes the need to be treated, then give him this conspiracy - he will help to cope with the problem without resorting to the services of sorcerers and healers. In order for the conspiracy against drunkenness to succeed, you need to fast for several days in a row, and then go to the bathhouse.

Get water from a spring or from a stream, and say the following plot to it three times. Drink water, while figuratively imagine how this bad habit leaves your body. The words of the conspiracy are: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Wine and hops! Depart from me, servant of God (name). For all time, to the grave. Depart from me, all desire for wine and liquor. Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dense forest, where fierce animals and black birds live. Take, violent wind, desire from me, a destructive passion for wine, and take it beyond the blue sea. Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my stomach. Amen. Amen. Amen".