How to clean a long pile carpet. How to care for a long pile carpet - cleaning How to clean a shaggy carpet at home

Long pile carpet has always been popular. They look quite beautiful in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. A carpet with a long pile creates comfort and additional cosiness in the room. If the carpet is hung on the wall, it will provide additional sound insulation from the neighbors. But most often carpets decorate the floor, which becomes much warmer, not to mention the fact that walking on it barefoot is a real pleasure!

Why carpets get dirty even when the house is perfectly clean

When purchasing such a carpet, not everyone realizes that no matter under what conditions it is used, it will be so difficult to take care of it. The attractive appearance of a warm and soft product makes you forget about how it will be contained. Even in a room that is constantly cleaned, such products will become more dirty than with a short pile.

A long pile carpet, like any other, is constantly getting dirty. The complexity of cleansing lies precisely in its long villi, in which small particles of dust and dirt accumulate faster. It is worth noting that the synthetic look is relatively easy to clean.

Regular cleaning of the carpet is necessary not only to rid it of dust harmful to humans. Regular vacuuming also prolongs the life of the product and prevents the accumulation of particles that cut off the lint.

Depending on the contamination of the long pile carpet, for its cleaning at home use:

  • foam;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • various household items.

Carpet Cleaning Foam

To clean the carpet, the easiest and fastest way to get rid of stains, streaks and other contaminants is foam. This method is ideal for carpets where small areas need to be cleaned. For this purpose, a special aerosol with dry foam is used. Now there is a very wide selection of such products in stores, all of them are developed according to special formulas that allow you to easily and quickly cope with pollution and give the product its original appearance: brightness and refresh color.

The procedure is quite simple: the can is shaken and the foam is sprayed immediately after the pile carpet is cleaned of dust and debris. Apply it in an even layer, then leave the foam for 20 - 30 minutes. Only after it is completely absorbed into the pile, you need to go through the vacuum cleaner again in order to pull all the dirt to the surface.

Do not forget to treat the carpet with a brush-"ironing"

The Carpet Brush is a simple but very effective tool for cleaning long pile carpets. A simple manual ironing brush is often used by housewives for self-cleansing.

Modern manufacturers produce brushes with bristles of various stiffness and length. Often they are made of artificial material, which is durable. Therefore, it is recommended to buy products with different fibers and different hardness, depending on which carpet it will be used to clean: natural or synthetic.

The advantages of a cleaning brush are as follows:

  • copes with all sorts of stains and ordinary cleaning, if special cleaning products are used;
  • great for cleaning all kinds of garbage, cleansing hair and animal hair, liquid stains;
  • it is easy to use and does not take up much space;
  • the low cost of such products makes it possible to freely buy them and regularly change them for new ones.

Thanks to the presence of a special handle on top, using such a brush is convenient and easy. For long-haired items made of cotton, lye, wool and other natural materials, it is best to use brushes with medium hard bristles and soft bristles. During operation, such brushes will not harm the structure of the pile of the carpet itself and will carefully clean it.

How long do you need to wait for the effect after cleaning

If a carpet with a small pile is cleaned easily and quickly, then a long pile carpet needs to be looked after more carefully. After wet cleaning, approximately 10% moisture remains. Drying work begins immediately after cleaning is completed.

It is necessary to follow certain rules for drying a carpet with a long pile:

1. Drying time . It will take more time to dry it due to the presence of long villi: it will dry for about a day.

2. You can not walk on the carpet. It is strictly forbidden to walk on it until it dries, otherwise the pile will jam.

3. Cannot be rolled up. Also, you can not fold it, and even bend the corners. Otherwise, it will “suffocate”, an unpleasant smell will appear. This is due to the lack of oxygen to evaporate excess moisture.

4. Dry properly. Carpets made from natural long fibers are best dried naturally, as visible stains may form after the procedures.

The final chord - a good vacuum

As you understand, for any carpets, and especially long-pile ones, regular care is needed. Carpets should be cleaned every week. This is best done with powerful vacuum cleaners with different attachments. In this case, especially intensively it is necessary to treat places with strong pollution. These primarily include:

  • areas of heavy traffic
  • exits to the balcony and entrances to the room,
  • next to the workplace.

In order to clean the carpet completely and not miss anything, it is better to conditionally divide it into sectors and meticulously vacuum them one by one.

When working with a vacuum cleaner, do not rush. Just one pass with a vacuum cleaner, even a super-powerful one, is clearly not enough. It is necessary to slowly walk with the nozzle along the catch sector several times. This will make it possible to eliminate all the accumulated dust and dirt. It is especially worth paying attention to those areas where people often sit or walk. These places need a more thorough approach and are vacuumed crosswise. Thus, a product with a long pile can be maintained in good condition for a long time. After such cleaning, your carpet will remain as attractive and clean as after purchase.

  • Regularly remove large dirt particles with a vacuum cleaner or a hard broom.
  • Every 3-4 months beat out the carpet on the street, and wipe it with snow in winter.
  • Get rid of noticeable stains as soon as possible.

Consider type and color

Cleaning natural products should be extremely delicate. Silk does not tolerate excessive moisture, so it is preferable to use only a vacuum cleaner. Sheep wool requires careful care with a soft brush. Any natural product must be cleaned very often to avoid the appearance of moths, fungus and mold.

Synthetic carpets are less whimsical, but cannot boast of durability. To prolong their life, use soda solutions and soap suds.

Lemon juice stains a light pile and leaves yellow streaks. For white and beige carpets, it is better to use laundry soap and water.

Dark carpets, including synthetic ones, are afraid of soda. To avoid white spots, replace baking soda with ammonia.

Folk ways

Soda. Sprinkle the stained area with a handful of baking soda. Vacuum after half an hour.

Laundry soap. Dissolve 5 g of soap in a glass of water and use a cloth to clean the stain with the solution.

Lemon juice. Treat the stains with concentrated juice, leave for a couple of hours. Then wipe with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

ammonium chloride. In a liter of water, combine 30 ml of ammonia and a little powder. Gently spread over the pile. Wipe with a brush, then with a dry cloth.

Household chemicals

Specialized products vary greatly in composition and method of application. Carefully study the instructions and test household chemicals first on inconspicuous areas. As a rule, it is required to apply the foam with a soft sponge, then rub with a brush and vacuum.

Other tricks

  • Table salt gives a long pile the effect of airiness. Distribute it over the pile and walk with a broom.
  • Hanging carpets in cold weather on the balcony allows you to get rid of dust mites and fleas.
  • Make the most of your vacuum cleaner. Special nozzles for carpets are several times more effective than standard nozzles.

The carpet creates comfort, coziness and a pleasant warm atmosphere in the house. Preserving its original beauty is not an easy task. And it's not just that a once stylish product can turn into a dirty, faded rug. The dust accumulated in it can provoke a number of different diseases: from allergic reactions to serious pathologies of the respiratory tract. That is why carpet cleaning should be timely and effective.

Types of carpets and cleaning features

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of carpets. From the point of view of cleaning products, two indicators are important:

  • the length of the pile of the coating;
  • the material from which the carpet is made.

Caring for carpets with different pile lengths

According to the texture, carpets are conditionally classified into carpets and coverings with piles of different lengths:

  • short - up to 5 mm;
  • medium - from 5 to 15 mm;
  • long - from 15 to 70 mm.

Palace and carpet with short pile

Such products are unpretentious in operation and durable, easy to clean. It is easiest to remove dirt from the surface of the carpet. Both dry and wet cleaning can be used. No special fixtures are required.

Carpet with long pile

It is much more difficult to clean them: the greater the length and density of the pile, the more dust collects on its surface.

British scientists have found that up to 100 g of dust and dirt can accumulate on one square meter of carpet.

Their loops have a multilevel structure. This feature of the structure has a significant drawback in operation: the pile is quickly trampled down and damaged, matted fibers and scuffs are formed. With improper and insufficient cleaning, the color fades, dust and dirt particles clog deep into the fibers. Carpets become unkempt and wear out quickly. Therefore, they require more thorough and delicate cleansing. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle, foam solutions and a steam cleaner. The best solution is the combined method:

  1. Remove dust and small debris with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Treat the carpet with foam solution. Remove excess moisture.
  3. Remove any remaining dirt with a steam generator.

Features of cleaning carpets from different materials

Dust and dirt settle on the surface of any coating. However, the fibers in the composition of the carpet determine how much and how quickly it will become dirty. Use natural and synthetic materials. Most dust and dirt penetrate carpets coated with natural fibers. In addition, not all cleaning methods are suitable for them. Therefore, the care of such products is the most time-consuming.

Caring for wool and felt products

Natural wool carpet has good strength, high heat and sound insulation properties. The undoubted advantage is the strength and environmental friendliness of the material. But, there is also a drawback. Natural wool has the property of attracting and accumulating dust. You can use dry or wet cleaning, but it must be borne in mind that the material absorbs moisture well, dries for a long time and is easily affected by mold. It is recommended to take the carpet out to fresh air more often: beat it out and dry it. This is a good prevention of the appearance of fungus and moths.

Lint-free carpet made of felt - non-woven material made of camel or sheep wool - environmentally friendly and warm. The method of production and the structure of the fibers provide a strong base: the product is highly resistant to wear. Advantages of felt carpet:

  • has antibacterial properties: bacteria and mold do not start in it;
  • easy to clean;
  • due to its low weight, even a very large product can be easily taken out for processing outside.

Cleaning of silk, viscose and sisal carpets

Silk threads, having high strength, easily lose their external beauty. Mechanical impact on the material is highly undesirable. Not suitable for care and household chemicals. Cleaning is best done in the following sequence:

  1. Shake the carpet to remove sand and other abrasive debris from its surface that can damage the silk fiber.
  2. With light movements without effort, treat the product with a weak solution of baking soda. This must be done very carefully. Baking soda is abrasive and can damage carpets.
  3. Dry the carpet at room temperature. Do not use a hair dryer or fan heater.

The artificial material viscose is very close to silk in its performance. Carpets made of it have high wear resistance and are well cleaned from dirt by a dry method. They are highly resistant to fading: the color is retained throughout the entire period of operation, even when cleaning the carpet with chemicals.

Sisal carpet is a modern European analogue of the Japanese tatami. Like all natural plant fibers, it does not like moisture. Dry cleaning is done with a vacuum cleaner. To remove stains, use a mild soap solution:

  1. A napkin is moistened in it, squeezed well.
  2. Pollution is rubbed so that the carpet is not saturated with liquid.
  3. Wipe with a slightly damp cloth dipped in clean water.
  4. The product is wiped dry as far as possible.

Maintenance of synthetic surfaces

Compared to products made from natural materials, synthetic carpets compare favorably with ease of care. The high elasticity of the material ensures the shape of the products and simplifies the cleaning process. They are not crushed from frequent walking, and when shaken and knocked out, the structure and pile are not deformed. Their undoubted advantage is antistatic. Synthetic carpet does not attract dust and does not hold it on its surface, as a result of which it does not get dirty so quickly, but is much easier to clean. Having a hydrophobic property, the products tolerate wet processing well and dry quickly.

Carpet cleaning methods

There are three types of cleaning:

  1. Regular care. It is produced with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week. For intensively used coatings, the number of cleanings is increased. The carpet is vacuumed from both sides: first from the inside, then the front side. To effectively remove dust and dirt, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

    Regular cleaning of carpets should be done with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week.

  2. Intermediate cleaning. It is performed to eliminate light dirt and fresh stains, preventing them from gaining a foothold in the fibers of the coating.

    Intermediate cleaning should be carried out to remove light dirt and fresh stains.

  3. General cleaning with deep cleansing of the fibers. It is done at least once a year, but 2-3 times is better. Cleaning is carried out using a steam cleaner, household chemicals or folk methods. Sometimes they turn to the services of cleaning companies. Such care will ensure cleanliness, preserve the original appearance of the carpet and extend its life.

    General cleaning of carpets with deep cleaning of the fibers should be done at least once a year

Use of special chemicals

A wide range of household chemicals for carpet cleaning is presented on the windows of hardware stores and Internet sites. Here are just a few of them: 5+ Brand Carpet Shampoo, Magic Carpet, Vanish, Vox Drop, Help. The method of their application is quite simple: the contents of the package are diluted with water or used in pure form, applied to the surface of the carpet product and drying, it absorbs dirt from the fibers. The consumer can only collect the frozen granules with a vacuum cleaner.

Table: an overview of household chemicals for carpet cleaning

Tool nameManufacturerForm
as part of
(type of carpet
Feature of the productMode of applicationprosMinusesPrice
for manual
carpet cleaning
in Russia
under license
450 ml
  • Effective and economical means;
  • copes with pollution and removes unpleasant odors;
  • refreshes the color of the carpet.
  • The liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 9, applied to the surface;
  • after drying, the carpet is vacuumed.
  • Handles light dirt
  • removes unpleasant odors from the carpet;
  • convenient to use.
  • High price;
  • sometimes leaves stains;
  • has a pungent odor;
  • does not remove old stains.
Vanish Oxi ActionProduced
in Russia
under license
wetted powder,
650 g
surfactantPalases and
carpets with
short pile
Means for dry cleaning carpets
and short pile carpets, does not remove stains.
  • Spread over the surface with a brush;
  • wait 20 minutes.
  • vacuum.
  • Completely dry cleaning;
  • does not require much effort;
  • refreshes the color of the carpet and absorbs odors.
  • High price;
  • does not remove stains;
  • not suitable for thick carpets;
  • has a pungent odor.
Shampoo 5+
500 ml
  • Optimum price and quality carpet cleaner;
  • cleans most common stains.
Can be used diluted as a foam
or concentrated to remove stains.
  • Effective;
  • nice smell;
  • suitable for washing vacuum cleaners.
Not detectedFrom
Drop VoxRussiaLiquid,
500 ml
  • Effectively removes dirt;
  • retains the color of the coating;
  • does not require rinsing with water.
  • It dissolves in water and gives a lush foam, which is applied to the carpet;
  • leave to dry and remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  • economical;
  • effective;
  • smells good;
  • leaves no streaks.
Not detectedFrom
for cleaning
in Russia
500 ml
surfactants and
blowing agents
  • Used as a stain remover;
  • has a convenient form with a sprayer.
Sprayed onto contaminated areas
and wiped with a household sponge.
  • Low price;
  • convenient form with a spray;
  • removes odors;
  • efficient.
  • Does not remove all types of stains;
  • not suitable for general carpet cleaning;
  • pretty caustic.
Udalix Ultra, a means for
carpet cleaning
under license
250 g
  • Active additives;
  • enzymes;
  • oxygenated bleach.
for carpets
with long
  • Good product for general carpet cleaning;
  • Removes grease, tea, coffee and pet stains.
The powder should be made into a cleaning paste,
dissolved in water, and apply on the dirt.
  • Inexpensive;
  • economical;
  • nice smell.
  • Not effective enough;
  • dissolves in water for a long time.
Selena KovrolRussiaSpray,
500 ml
surfactants and
foaming agents.
  • Inexpensive stain remover for all carpets;
  • removes even very difficult stains;
  • Designed for spot application.
Spray on dirt and scrub with
economic sponge.
  • Low price;
  • convenient sprayer;
  • well removes old stains;
  • nice smell.
  • Laborious to use;
  • work only with gloves;
  • hard to wash off.
90 g
surfactantAll types of fibersEffective soap designed for
rubbing the most persistent and
ingrained spots.
Rub dirt with damp soap and leave
for a while,
then rinse with water.
  • Low price;
  • easy to apply;
  • economical;
  • effectively.
  • Soapy smell;
  • laborious to use.
Active foam
in Russia
600 ml
  • salt;
    foaming agents.
for carpets
with long
and middle
Active foam penetrates deep into the coating and
completely removed even from thick carpets
with a vacuum cleaner
Spray on the surface of the carpet, and after drying, vacuum.
  • Almost dry cleaning;
  • ease of use;
  • refreshes carpets,
  • removes odors.
  • High price;
  • high consumption;
  • does not remove old stains;
  • sometimes leaves streaks.

Folk methods

Before the advent of household chemicals in stores, our grandmothers successfully cleaned carpets using folk methods. Their main advantage is availability and environmental friendliness.

  1. Soda, salt, starch. Sprinkle the surface of the product with one of the products and leave for 20-30 minutes. For a more thorough cleaning, you can walk on the surface of the carpet with a soft brush or broom. At the end of the procedure, collect the used product with a vacuum cleaner.

    You can clean the carpet with salt, soda or starch.

  2. Tea leaves are used to care for products with dark pile: squeeze out excess moisture and apply to the surface of the carpet for about 2 hours, and then sweep with a broom. Dry carpet and vacuum.

    With the help of tea leaves, you can clean the carpet with dark pile

  3. Sauerkraut. Rinse the required amount of product well in plenty of water to eliminate spices and characteristic odor. Sprinkle it evenly over the surface of the carpet, and then use a broom to clean the carpet so that the cabbage, moving, rolls on the surface. Gather the pieces of vegetable that have turned gray from dirt and rinse. Then repeat the procedure until the cabbage stops absorbing dirt.

    One eco-friendly way to clean your carpet is to use sauerkraut.

  4. Snow. Spread the carpet on clean snow and cover it with it on top. Knock out with a broom or special tool. Then shift the product to another area and repeat the procedure until the snow is clean after knocking out. Chill out the rest, spread the carpet on the floor in the apartment for complete drying and further operation. After such cleaning, deep dirt is removed, the appearance of the carpet is refreshed, and a unique frosty smell appears in the house, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness is created.

    The main condition for cleaning the carpet in the snow is clean fresh snow on a frosty day.

Video: how to clean the carpet with snow

Special cases

There are non-standard and rare pollution, for the elimination of which special methods are used.

How to remove animal hair

Pet owners are often concerned about the problem of cleaning carpets from wool. Especially a lot of it is collected during the molting of animals. Regular vacuuming may not be enough. For more effective care, you can use the following tools and devices:

  • a sticky roller - a device for quickly and effectively removing animal hair from a carpet - is sold in hardware stores, for example, a product from Sticky Buddy;
  • adhesive tape (wrap around the palm with the sticky side outward and, pressing the hand against the surface of the carpet, remove the wool from the carpet);
  • a window cleaning scraper (wiping the carpet with a rubber strip of the tool, you can effortlessly collect lint, debris, hairs);
  • glycerin and a terry cloth (or sock): soak a cloth in glycerin, put it on your hand and clean the carpet;
  • vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water): treat the carpet with a household sponge dipped in it;

    Vinegar will help not only to collect pet hair, but also give a fresh look to the carpet.

  • fabric softener: dilute according to the instructions on the package, clean the coating, dry.

Video: how to clean the carpet from wool

Ways to remove mold

The main causes of mold formation are high humidity and poor ventilation. It can also appear if the carpet is poorly dried after wet cleaning. It is difficult to get rid of it, because after removal it may appear again. Therefore, it is important to clean not only the carpet, but also the entire surrounding space of the room, as well as eliminate the causes of mold. At home, you can eliminate mold using the following tools:

  • undiluted vinegar: 1–2 hours after treatment, wash the carpet with clean water;
  • an aqueous solution of soda: after processing and drying, vacuum the carpet;
  • citric acid solution: 10 g per 1 liter of water (for better effect, add 1-2 tablespoons of soda);
  • iodine (for dark products): 20 drops per 10 liters of water;
  • copper sulfate: 100 g of powder per 10 liters of warm water;
  • tea tree and grapefruit essential oils: 1 teaspoon in a glass of water;
  • professional means: fungicides and antiseptics.

While cleaning the carpet, the spores of the fungus in the air will become much larger, so use a protective mask. It is best to work outdoors. If this is not possible, open the windows and close the doors to other rooms so that fungus spores do not scatter throughout the apartment.

Mold removal step by step:

  1. Brush the coating to remove any traces of mold.
  2. Vacuum up small particles.
  3. Treat the carpet with one of the products suggested above from the wrong side and front side.
  4. Rinse the surface with water if necessary.
  5. Dry the item thoroughly.
  6. Vacuum if necessary.
  7. Using a quartz lamp, treat with ultraviolet rays for half an hour on each side.

Removing bad odor

Carpets, absorbing and accumulating any aromas, create discomfort and are a problem for many housewives. You can cope with this task with the help of sorbent substances that absorb odors well:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • a mixture of soda and borax in equal amounts;
  • baby powder;
  • cat litter.

Operating procedure:

  1. Sprinkle the chosen product on a dry carpet.
  2. Leave for several hours or even a day.
  3. Don't walk on carpet. The products used have abrasive properties: pressing on them with the weight of your own body can damage the surface of the carpet.
  4. Collect the product with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. If the odor persists, repeat the procedure.

The chemical smell of the new coating is due to the industrial processing of products during production and transportation. This smell usually dissipates within a week. But, if the manufacturer used low-quality materials, the smell can persist for a long time. In this case, you should contact the seller with a request for a replacement product or a refund.

Video: how to remove the smell from the carpet

Stain removal

Removing stains from carpet is the most difficult task. Stubborn and old contaminants are difficult to remove, and sometimes impossible.. If the liquid has not yet been absorbed into the fibers of the carpet, blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth. It will absorb excess moisture, and the size of pollution will be less. It is necessary to clean the traces with movements from the edge to the center. This method will not allow them to spread over an even larger surface area and will not leave an edge.

  1. Stains from alcohol, perfume, cologne can be removed with a soapy solution of laundry detergent or laundry soap, and then treated with warm water with a little vinegar.

    Perfume and cologne stains can be removed with laundry detergent or laundry soap.

  2. Nail polish is removed with acetone or nail polish remover, which includes acetone.
  3. Tea, coffee, cocoa are removed with glycerin dissolved in cold water. Proportion: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

    Tea, coffee and cocoa stains are easily removed with glycerin dissolved in cold water.

  4. Fresh stains from fruit, berries and juice can be washed off with just water by wiping the stain with a damp cloth. If there is no time, sprinkle it with salt, and after a while, collect the remains with a vacuum cleaner. For old stains use ammonia or ammonia. You should make a solution of 1 tbsp. spoons of funds and 1 liter of water. You can use a soap solution using laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.

    Red wine stains can be removed with ammonia diluted in water.

Video: how to remove red spots from berries

How to remove honey and oil stains from carpet

Express method for removing honey from the surface of the carpet:

  1. Sprinkle the surface of the stain thickly with flour or talc.
  2. Using a knife with a wide blade, remove the resulting thick mass.
  3. Treat the remaining dirt with soap or soda solution.

Getting rid of oil stains or traces of antifreeze is quite difficult. You can try removing it with soapy water or dishwashing detergent. A fresh stain can be removed by sprinkling starch on the site of contamination, and then rinsing it with water. To remove oil stains, gasoline purified from impurities is also used.

How to remove paint and ink

Gouache stains are easily removed with soapy water and plenty of water, and ink stains with medical alcohol:

  1. Moisten the surface of the stain with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Apply a tissue to the stain. It should absorb alcohol with ink dissolved in it.
  3. To remove old stamp ink stains, use a solution of ammonia and turpentine

    Fresh stains of acrylic and latex paint can be removed with soapy water or vinegar. To remove dried water-based paint, you will need a thinner or a strong cleaner such as WD-40.

    Powerful cleaner to help remove dried paint from carpet

    Fresh traces of oil paint are removed with turpentine, white spirit or other solvents. Test the solvent on a less visible area of ​​the carpet.

    Removing oil paint from a carpet is a long and laborious process.

    Dried oil paint can be removed with a steam cleaner:

    1. Steam the stain.
    2. Remove loose pieces of paint with tweezers.
    3. Repeat the procedure until the paint is completely removed from the surface of the carpet.

    Video: how to wash ink from a carpet

    Carpet cleaning from wax, paraffin, plasticine and PVA glue

    You can remove paraffin from the carpet using refined gasoline or turpentine. Be sure to take a test. The products remove traces of wax or paraffin, but they can ruin the carpet. The safest way to remove paraffin or wax from carpet is to use ice from the freezer. Under the influence of cold paraffin becomes brittle. It can be broken into pieces and removed without harming the carpet. In the same way, plasticine and PVA glue can be easily removed from the carpet.

    The green stain is effectively removed with hydrogen peroxide

    The stain of fucorcin is more difficult to remove. To remove, you can use the following compositions:

  • hydrogen peroxide (2 parts) and soap (1 part): grind the components to a mushy state and apply to the stain;
  • ammonia and soap (the proportion and consistency are the same).

Video: how to clean the carpet from greenery


Use soapy water to remove a fresh stain. It is very difficult to completely remove an old stain. The best remover is hydrogen peroxide. It should be applied to the surface of the stain and wiped off with a brush or napkin. Instead of peroxide, you can use citric acid or juice.

Video: how to remove blood stains from carpet

Urine and characteristic odor

The stain is treated with an aqueous solution of vinegar in a ratio of 1: 4, lemon juice or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A fresh stain can be sprinkled with salt. It absorbs moisture well and eliminates odors. You can also get rid of an unpleasant odor with a mixture of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio with a small addition of soda.

Video: how to remove urine stains from carpet

Removing stains of unknown origin

Grease, dirt, traces of drinks, as well as dirt, the nature of which is unknown, you can try to remove using a universal recipe. It consists of:

  • water: 1 liter;
  • baking soda: 1 teaspoon;
  • washing powder: 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar: 2 tablespoons.

The components must be mixed well, poured into a spray bottle and applied to the surface of the contaminants. Scrub stains with a brush until the contamination is completely removed.

Baking soda can be replaced with ammonia, and laundry detergent can be replaced with dishwashing detergent.

Video: Universal Recipe for Carpet Cleaning and Stain Removal

Carpet cleaning at home is a time-consuming, troublesome, but necessary process. With effort, timely cleaning and proper care, you can maintain an attractive appearance and cleanliness of the coating.

Whatever carpet is lying on the floor, a grandmother's Soviet rarity or a stylish skin from a famous Swedish store, sooner or later stains appear on it. Needless to say, a dirty carpet is bad not only for the eyes, but also for health, so the housewives inevitably have a question: how to clean the carpet at home? It is no secret that the most powerful vacuum cleaner does not always cope with pollution, especially when there are small children or animals in the house. Is there a chance for a carpet without expensive dry cleaning?

How to clean a carpet at home: basic principles

Carpet is a truly versatile interior element, as there are millions of variations of floor carpets and rugs in various styles, textures, colors, sizes and price ranges. At the same time, a well-chosen carpet looks good in any type of room, from the office to the children's bedroom. Of course, for practical reasons, such textile decor rarely appears in the kitchen, but in every room the rug has a bad habit: it attracts dust and dirt. So how do you properly clean carpet at home?

It turns out that there is no universal answer to this question. Before applying any cleaning methods to a contaminated carpet, you should make sure that nothing threatens the quality of the material. So, expensive natural pile will not tolerate chemical cleaning agents like “vanish”, and some folk recipes will not work for light-colored textiles.

Experienced housewives identify some principles for caring for carpets that facilitate the cleaning process when dirty: