How to clean white plastic. How to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness

Plastic is used everywhere in everyday life. Often used as a protective coating for countertops, plastic panels or windows can be found in every home. Usually, cleaning the plastic surface is quick and easy, and removing stains should also be easy. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to scratch the smooth surface, then it will retain its glossy shine.

How to clean plastic

You will need:

  • Mild detergent
  • Sprayer Kitchen Cleaner
  • Sponge (double-sided sponges with a soft side and a rough layer of fiber work well)
  • Bucket
  • Nylon brush or vegetable brush
  • Mild glass cleaner
  • Soft rags
  • Soft paper towels

Cleaning process:

  1. Mix a small amount of detergent with water in a bucket. You can do this in the sink if you have a stopper for it.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the prepared solution and wipe the surface to be cleaned to remove debris and dirt from the plastic. Work from top to bottom. For example, if you wash kitchen cabinets and countertops, start with the upper cabinets, then work your way down to the countertop and end with the lower cabinets.
  3. Spray the area to be cleaned with a kitchen cleaner.
  4. Use a sponge to clean up any stubborn dirt. The rough side of the sponge can scratch the smooth plastic surface if it is used too hard, so use it carefully.
  5. For textured plastics, use a nylon bristle brush and use a circular motion to remove stains and dirt from the plastic.
  6. Wipe off any remaining detergent with a clean cloth.
  7. If the detergent is not completely removed, wipe the plastic surface with a cloth dampened in clean water.
  8. Dry with a soft cloth.
  9. If the plastic has a glossy finish and the cleaning solution leaves streaks, spray with a mild window cleaner and wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

How to clean textured plastic

Any small dots and crevices on the textured plastic surface make it difficult to clean with traditional sponge or detergent wiping methods. Instead, use the following method to clean the plastic.

You will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Table vinegar (colorless)
  • Rag
  • Towel

Cleaning process:

  1. Mix some baking soda and water to form a thin paste.
  2. Rub the paste all over the textured plastic with a rag.
  3. Make a solution using one part vinegar and two parts water.
  4. Dampen a cloth with the vinegar solution and scrub the baking soda off the plastic. The baking soda will sizzle when it comes in contact with the vinegar - it's just a reaction of the alkaline baking soda being neutralized by the acid in the vinegar.
  5. Wipe the surface of the plastic with a cloth or sponge soaked in clean water.

How to remove grease and other stains from plastic

Plastic does not absorb stains, so you just need to break them up and wipe them off.

You will need:

  • Mild detergent (if you don't have a melamine sponge)
  • Warm water
  • Soft rags
  • Soft paper towel

Cleaning process:

  1. First, try using a melamine sponge to remove grease and stains from plastic. She alone is capable of doing this, just moisten her a little for this.
  2. If that doesn't work or yours, dampen a soft cloth with water and detergent. This method works well for removing greasy stains.
  3. Wipe the surface gently to remove any stains on the plastic without damaging it.
  4. Wipe the surface of the plastic with a cloth dampened in clean water.
  5. Use a towel to dry the plastic surface.
  6. Buff the cleaned surface with a soft paper towel to restore shine.
  • Use rubber gloves to protect your hands from exposure to cleaning solutions and water.
  • To remove stains from plastic, try rubbing alcohol, vinegar and baking soda, or a baking soda paste. Do not rub baking soda on plastic, as it is abrasive and will scratch the surface.
  • Be careful not to flood laminated worktops with water, especially in the area of ​​joints - moisture trapped inside can weaken the adhesive, which will lead to the film peeling off.
  • A whitening tile cleaner can also be helpful in removing stains from plastic.
  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners on plastic surfaces as they scratch easily.
  • Food stains will gradually wear off over time, while paint stains (from newspapers, labels, etc.) may remain permanently.

Recommendations on how to wash yellowness: quickly, with your own hands, the advice of professionals comes from the peculiarities of the materials from which they are made in order to clean them effectively and without damaging the structure of the top layer. Bathrooms should not be cleaned in the same way as the plastic parts of the refrigerator, and yellow plaque on the toilet should be removed using certain techniques.

Steps to return to original whiteness

Cleaning of bathrooms, sinks, toilets and the once white hobs in the kitchen is carried out systematically. Yellowness on the surface leads to its cracking - expanding over time, they can make the bathroom completely unusable. In order not to reduce the period of operation of plumbing, you need to periodically take care of it and know some rules for proper care.

To restore the cleanliness and color of the bathroom, do not use aggressive chemicals. Maybe they will help remove yellowness from the bathroom, but at the same time they will break its surface layer.

You should not use metal brushes to clean the bathtubs, you should not experiment with the rapid alternation of hot and cold solutions, which leads to the formation of cracks. It is necessary to competently use the alkaline or acidic nature of the cleaning compounds, or their fruitful interaction, in order to get the result in the form of a snow-white bath.

Ways to get rid of the bath from yellowness

Natural household chemicals are used to cleanse the bathroom. It can be cleaned with the means that are always at hand, but only a few know ways that remove yellowness without undue effort. For this, the following methods are used:

  • The bathroom is cleaned with soda and citric acid - for this, the bath is moistened with water, and a composition of soda is applied to it, lightly covered with water and left to dry. Moisten a pack of citric acid with water and apply the resulting composition over a dried layer of soda. This will be followed by a reaction with the release of foam and the surface of the bath will be perfectly cleaned.
  • A paste of two parts of baking soda and one of hydrogen peroxide cleans the bathroom well - it is left for an hour, and then washed off with water.
  • A mixture is used when, in the same percentage combination, vinegar is used instead of soda.
  • Yellow plaque from the bath can be easily removed with citric acid - for this, its sachet dissolves in a glass. The mixture is moistened with the smudges several times until they disappear completely, after which the bathroom should be rinsed.
  • Dry bleach that does not contain chlorine is used for cleaning the bathroom - for this it is diluted with water, applied to the bathroom and, after drying, is washed off the surface.
  • The next way to cleanse your hands is to protect your hands from chemicals. For use, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are combined in a two-to-one ratio, with which the areas of the bathroom are impregnated, left for 15 minutes and washed off.
  • A mixture of common table salt and wine vinegar is used. For a paste, half a cup of vinegar is combined with two tbsp. tablespoons of salt - the mixture is heated and applied to yellow spots. The paste is left on for 20 minutes and then washed off with water.

Home remedies safety

To ensure that the procedure for cleaning the bathroom does not affect your health, you should:

  • when making a paste, adhere to the required proportions;
  • use only authentic drugs, avoiding their analogues;
  • do not leave the paste for longer than the required time;
  • ventilate the room after removing the compounds.

By following these tips, you can safely achieve whiteness in your bathroom using the products that are always at hand.

Who has not thought about how to remove yellowness from plastic, looking at an untidy refrigerator, or the sides of the once dazzling microwave? Even the blender left on the windowsill, bought for the general design of the kitchen, is white, and it acquired an ugly yellowness on the plastic case.

1 5 reasons why plastic turns yellow

How convenient and practical polymers are in everyday life, if only it were not for problems with yellowing, from which even a computer keyboard looks old and ugly. But there are no special secrets in making white plastic things white again, and even if you are too lazy to tinker with simple things that are always at hand, you can buy special care products, from which everything will again become snow-white, elegant, and as if new.

The polymer material actively used in modern industry is used for the manufacture of too many things that surround the modern person, and this forces him to think about the reasons why a reliable and proven coating comes in an untidy and sloppy look. Is it possible to take preventive measures for safety, so that later you do not bother with washing and cleaning. Are there ways to prevent the plastic from turning yellow. To do this, you need to know the reasons why this happens:

  1. The influence of weather conditions, sunlight, high humidity and temperature extremes.
  2. Poor-quality yellowed material, in which the manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost, did not add light stabilizers (derivatives of benzophenone or benzotriazole), which prevent the aging process and increase the resistance to light. Antioxidants that protect against oxidation were not introduced during the manufacture.
  3. Washing with unsuitable detergents - simple for dishes, or containing abrasive substances.
  4. Cleaning with non-specialized liquid formulations, for example, a detergent for ceramics, which destroys the protective shell of the plastic.
  5. Dirt, grease, soot, street dust, tobacco smoke that have eaten into the surface, if you constantly smoke in the room.

Poor quality yellowed plastic

The choice of tactics of struggle and means of recovery for each specific case are approximately similar. Only in the case of a low-quality surface that has turned yellow over time due to the manufacturer's unscrupulousness, it is hardly possible to do something. Wash and reconcile, or buy a new thing, but already focusing not only on the price.

2 Preparatory work and necessary tools

Before you start cleaning any surface that has turned yellow during operation and requires intervention, you should estimate the approximate amount of work and prepare the surfaces for the process. For this, it is recommended to pre-clean the room in which everything will take place. If cleaning takes place later, then the raised dust and small debris will settle on freshly cleaned and damp strips of plastic, and will firmly fix on them. Then, using a soft sponge and soapy water, wash the object from grease, dust and soot. It is possible that removing the fifth reason from the list would make the cleaning procedure itself unnecessary. But the best thing, of course, is to try to remove the unpleasant yellowish tint, so that the thing looks festive and new, and not as if it was made of ivory a long time ago. To complete this difficult mission you will need:

  • apron, protective gloves, enthusiasm;
  • alcohol, perhydrol, acetone;
  • quality bleach;
  • detergent for degreasing and the same for giving shine;
  • soda ash:
  • vinegar;
  • special spray for whitening plastic (optional);
  • cloth or bamboo napkins;
  • a rag made of natural fabric;
  • soft foam sponge (no scratching side).

With this not very complicated arsenal, you can whiten anything from a plastic window to a refrigerator, from a kitchen table to a computer keyboard. Better to start with what is in the rooms, there is usually not much work. In the kitchen, even the windows turn yellow more due to the constant source of soot and grease. But in the kitchen, the interior makes extensive use of the plastic assortment.

3 Whitening with gentle, non-aggressive and aggressive methods

A soap solution is a gentle method. Laundry soap must be grated, filled with very hot, but not boiling water and stirred until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained. It is smeared with the surface of the refrigerator, microwave oven or a window with a window sill, after which it is left for half an hour. In most cases, this works. After the soap is washed off, the old plastic glows and plays. If the shade of white does not satisfy the hostess, she uses alcohol, which, when applied with a cotton swab, without additional moisture, is very convenient to use on a computer keyboard, small objects, openwork pots for indoor flowers, or on photo frames.

Cleaning plastic with soapy water

You can also use vinegar essence 70-80% (usually 9% is sold in stores, it will not help), however, in handling it you will need not only protective gloves, but also plastic glasses, and certainly open windows or a hood.

In advanced cases, merciless methods are connected. Where the yellowness has acquired a thick old shade, you can use hydrogen peroxide, called perhydrol in the old fashioned way. Some craftsmen add a regular hair clarifier to it and get a dazzling white color with a blueness. The solution is applied only to the cleaned surface, with a cotton swab or sponge. This procedure must be applied at least 3 times. But when everything is done, and the surface is treated with a special solution of peroxide and clarifier (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), the thing will look completely new.

Using hydrogen peroxide

Aggressive methods should be left as a last resort. Chlorine-containing products, acetone and gasoline are best used to whiten a not-so-new kitchen table with a plastic coating, the same stools or cutting boards, and even then with caution. Small items can be bleached without any difficulty by soaking them overnight in a bowl of baking soda, washing powder and bleach. In this case, there should be no more than 5 g per 1 liter of water in total, and the solution is thoroughly mixed until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

There are many useful tips for whitening surfaces, and all of them have been used for more than a dozen years. But for a modern woman, household chemicals work successfully, to the help of which you can resort, using for this purpose special sprays for plastic, compositions for cleaning PCs or car interiors.

4 Prevention, tireless work and whiteness

Objects and windows in the kitchen turn yellow most often and most strongly. Kitchen appliances can turn yellow in a very short time. To extend the periods between the days of general bleaching, you need to either turn to more practical colors (special compounds are added to the colored plastic for the stability of the dye), or to carry out daily wet cleaning of kitchen equipment so that soot and dirt that has settled during the day does not linger on it.

Experienced housewives who have little time know that it is much easier to walk in the evening with a damp sponge and detergents on all plastic surfaces without fanaticism than to spend a whole day once a month scrubbing everything that has eaten into the surface and gets old. If, due to the structural features of the apartment, the washing machine does not fit anywhere except in the kitchen, you need to come up with a protective coating, even if in the form of a cloth napkin. Plastic windows can be protected from untidy stains from flower pots by using special common pallets. They will also protect the windowsill from direct sunlight. And if the apartment is on the sunny side, and the rays are both indoors and on the windowsill for most of the day, then it doesn't hurt to think about a sun-protection film or blinds made of light-resistant plastic.

There is nothing eternal in the world, and everything will age and become unusable over time, but if you put in a little effort and use modern cleaning products, things will last longer, the appearance and color will still delight the eye, and funds for buying a new one can be spent on a useful item , which I wanted for a long time. There are no special secrets, except for the elementary experience, the desire to keep the house in order, certain efforts and daily work to eliminate the little things. Then large washings, general cleaning and days with plastic cleaning chemistry will upset much less often.

Plastic is a common material. It is used for the production of household goods, windows, computer parts, furniture. The material has one drawback - the ability to turn yellow.

Consider what to do if the plastic turns yellow, how to whiten it at home.

Any white plastic will turn yellow over time. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, many substances are destroyed, including polyvinyl chloride. If the product is made of low-quality material, the process will go faster, since the dye and plasticizer evaporate.

Apart from this, there are a number of other reasons:

  • Poor-quality window structures made using complex technology. They consist of more than a dozen components that are responsible for the reliability and color of the product. Manufacturers want to reduce the cost of the product, therefore, they save on mixture stabilizers and violate the production technology;
  • Savings when creating plastic on white zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or lead pigment. This raw material gives the product a white tint. Because of this, a yellowish tint begins to appear on the products after two to three years;
  • Light aging of the material. It contains light stabilizers based on benzophenone or benzotriazole. Because of this, exposure to ultraviolet rays is slowed down. The yellowing process of windows that face south will go faster than on the shady side;

If the windows face the sunny side, it is better to remove the flowers from the windowsills, as very quickly yellow traces will remain on it.
  • Operating conditions. Being near a motorway and the influence of the weather are also considered to be unfavorable factors. Due to temperature changes, the chemical and physical properties of the material change. Cracks are formed, the shade changes. This usually applies to budget PVC windows;
  • Improper care. Some housewives take too much care when leaving, which negatively affects the product. Yellowing occurs due to solvents, strong alkali, acid;
  • Smoke from cigarettes and fatty fumes in the dining area. You can get rid of these marks with detergents.

Important: When buying plastic windows, it is better to choose trusted manufacturers. The price will be higher, but the white color will remain for a long time. Usually the warranty period is 30-40 years, but even the GOST standards admit that the shade may change during this time. Windows purchased from unscrupulous manufacturers are often impossible to bleach. If low-quality plastic turns yellow, the process is irreversible.

Many people advise against purchasing windows from China and Turkey. It is necessary to check the quality certificate, which proves the reliability of the product. In the absence of this document, there is no need to take risks. In this case, the quality of the windows is usually low and you will soon have to make a new purchase.

Yellowed plastic looks untidy and dirty

Preparing for whitening

Before attempting to bleach plastic products at home, it is important to prepare properly. To avoid damage and scratches, only use a soft sponge or special anti-grease and dirt wipes.

Important: To bleach yellowed plastic on the refrigerator, as well as on the microwave, washing machine, air conditioner and other household appliances, you need to remove accessories and small parts. Their processing should take place separately by soaking in a special solution.

Make sure to unplug your microwave oven or machine. Remove dirt and grime from doors, side panels or window frames. This is especially necessary if they are in the kitchen.

How to bleach plastic

Consider how to whiten yellowed plastic:

  • The most gentle method is to use laundry soap. Best of all, it copes with oily bloom. Dissolve ½ piece of grated soap in water, dip a sponge into the solution, rinse the yellowed areas. Wait 30 minutes, rinse. To wash away yellowed plastic more effectively, you should choose a product with a high percentage of fatty acids. This is indicated on the piece itself or on the pack;
  • Solvents and alcohol. Ethanol helps to bleach yellow plastic well. It is important to wear gloves during processing and open the vents. Moisten a napkin in alcohol, treat areas. The smell disappears over time. To speed up the process, you can use a mild scented cleaner. A solvent such as acetone is also used. You need to act according to the same algorithm. If the shade of the product has not changed very much, a nail polish remover with acetone in the composition is suitable. These are aggressive agents that can change the shade of the plastic, so you should first check their effect on a small area;
  • Vinegar. This method is also referred to as gentle. Vapors occur during operation, so special care must be taken. It is important to open the window and wear thick rubber gloves. For advanced cases, a more aggressive agent is made. To do this, you need to mix liquid soap, baking soda and acetic acid, add a small amount of water. It is quite difficult to get rid of the vinegar smell, so the method does not need to be used if the product has slightly yellowed;
  • Bleaches and technical soda. These products are best used for removable plastic parts. A mixture of baking soda and powder for white clothes will be effective. For a liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. of each ingredient. Soak for a quarter of an hour. Chlorine-based bleaches such as Whiteness are also suitable. The tool is inexpensive, but effective;

How to bleach plastic with baking soda and bleach
  • Hydrogen peroxide. With this method, you can clean yellowed white plastic even in the most advanced cases. First you need to wipe it down with a grease and dust remover. You need to process at least 3-4 times. You can mix the peroxide with a hair clarifier. Mix 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. of each ingredient, wipe off the yellowed coating;
  • Special napkins. You can buy special wipes for the keyboard and monitor in technical stores. They are impregnated with a compound that eliminates yellowing and cleans the surface;
  • Dye. This is the cardinal method if other remedies do not help. Better to choose spray paints. Protect the surface that does not require painting, otherwise it can be damaged;
  • Powders and baking soda. It's unsafe to try to wash off yellowed plastic with abrasives, but if other methods fail, you can use them. Pemolux is doing well.

Handy tools for bleaching plastic products

Professional ready-made products

If not long ago the white glossy plastic on windows or other products has turned yellow, and you are wondering how you can whiten it, you can buy ready-made compounds. Many household chemistry departments offer special cleaning products for plastic. They are used for stubborn stains and bleaching. A common remedy is the Cosmoklar cleansing milk, its effective counterpart, Bauset, and the inexpensive Bon nebulizer.

You can pick up a universal remedy such as Domestos, Cif, Grass, Garden, Meine Liebe sprays. The car stores also sell suitable products: "Mafra", "Profoam".

Professional plastic whitening products

Prohibited funds

Not suitable for cleaning plastic products:

  • Abrasives, metal brushes. They scratch the plastic, dust will accumulate in the damage and dirt will appear. It is very difficult to put such a product in order;
  • Strong acids and alkalis can damage the protective layer of the plastic, which will harm the appearance of the product;
  • Melamine sponges are also considered abrasive because they scratch the surface;
  • Hot water will turn yellow and cloudy.

In order not to damage the plastic, it is better to choose gel or creamy products.

If the plastic is properly cared for, yellowing can be prevented. A number of rules should be followed:

  • Treat the surface periodically with soapy water. Then wipe it dry with a clean cloth. For processing, you can use different detergents, for example, dishwashing gel and powder for clothes. It is important to choose gel and liquid formulations;
  • Do not use abrasives as permanent care products. Powders leave unnoticeable scratches on the coating. They accumulate dirt, deeply penetrating over time;
  • Smoking near plastic is not recommended. Regardless of the quality of the coating, it will harm him;
  • Clean up regularly. If you do not remove dirt from the plastic, yellowness appears. This is usually noticeable on window sills where flower pots are located;
  • Apply polishes. They form an invisible film that provides protection against the negative influence of external factors;
  • Try not to stain. It is quite easy to clean food traces, but it is very difficult to remove paint from labels and magazines;
  • If possible, protect the plastic products from the influence of the sun.

If you buy quality products and provide them with proper care, they will retain their original appearance for a long time. It is important to start cleaning with a gentle method, and only as a last resort, when irreversible changes in the material have occurred, use abrasives or paint. Work must be carried out with open windows in protective gloves.


In the modern world, it will be difficult to find a product where plastic is not used in one way or another. This is a pretty versatile material. It is not afraid of moisture, withstands the effects of alkaline and acidic solutions and has a long service life. Therefore, plastic is widely used for the production of parts for interior decoration of cars, electronic and household appliances, and elements of the interior of buildings.

However, as a result of the influence of all sorts of factors, very often a dirty yellow plaque appears on the surface of plastic products. And now, let's say this happened, for example, plastic turned yellow on your window frames. How to whiten it? What products can be used at home? What can and what can not be rubbed on the surface to clean it? Sometimes you have to make a lot of effort to cope with it, but in the end it is a completely achievable task.

Reasons for the appearance of plaque

The reasons for the appearance of dirty plaque on plastic can be very diverse. It all depends on the conditions under which used by product. For example, the surfaces of household appliances that are constantly in the kitchen are covered with a film resulting from getting fat and under the influence of soot. Often plastic products turn yellow simply from prolonged use. The nature of pollution also affects what and how you will be. get rid of I am from a raid that disfigures the appearance of things.

It is worth mentioning separately windowsills and the frames of plastic windows, which turn yellow due to direct contact with sun rays, as ultraviolet light causes partial decay of the plastic surface. But also play a role drops temperature and the chemical composition of the plastic itself, which can include a variety of additives. And when this has already happened, the question arises: how to wash plastic windows from yellowness?

Traditional cleaning methods

There are a number of general rules that need to be to follow when removing yellow plaque from plastic surfaces.

  1. Before cleaning, you should visually assess how susceptible the surface is to mechanical stress. Everything is simple here: it is better to save the glossy plastic surface and use a soft sponge. If the surface is uneven, rough, it is allowed to use a brush. In the latter case, a brush is even necessary, since it allows you to wash out the dirt that has accumulated in the surface irregularities.
  2. If it is necessary to get rid of any complex structure, which includes several parts, from plaque, then it is better to disassemble it first. After that, you should wash each part separately and assemble the product back. And, for example, an old refrigerator will be better and more convenient to clean inside if you first remove all shelves and drawers from it.
  3. Some detergents and bleaches are not suitable for removing yellow deposits as they can damage the surface. For example, the use of acid-containing solvents is not recommended. When washing plastic, do not use powder cleaners, as they are abrasive and will most likely damage the surface of the product. It is recommended to use as a detergent:

In the case of using special cleaning agents, after cleaning, the surface should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water. This is especially true of products related to the preparation, storage and eating food(for example, electric kettles, microwave ovens, plastic containers for storing food).

Compliance with these simple rules will preserve the integrity of plastic products and ensure the quality of cleaning. Now you can go directly to the practical part.

Method number 1

If you decide to use a simple laundry soap as a detergent, then you need to take half a piece of this product, grate it on a coarse grater, and then pour the resulting "shavings" with a glass of warm water. Wait until the solution turns into a mushy substance. This mixture should be applied to the surface you want to clean and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. After that, it is necessary to rub the surface to be cleaned with a sponge, and then rinse off the soapy substance with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times until the desired result is obtained.

This is perhaps one of the oldest, but also one of the safest and most proven methods of cleaning. Alkali, which is part of laundry soap, perfectly cleans oily and some other types of plaque, and is also absolutely harmless to plastic. So you can safely use it if you decide to wash, for example, your refrigerator, both outside and inside.

Method number 2

After long-term, sometimes lasting years of operation, a dirty plaque forms on plastic products. The easiest and most practical way to clean plastic in such cases is to use ethyl alcohol. It is recommended to make sure that the area in which the work will be carried out is sufficiently well ventilated. The alcohol is applied to a piece of cloth, which is then used to wipe the yellowed surfaces. Ethanol is good at removing yellowness that appears on plastic as a result of exposure to sunlight.

However, if you decide to use this cleaning method, you should first test it on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the surface, since, due to its chemical composition, pure alcohol can damage plastic in a certain way.

Method number 3

With constant exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), plastic surfaces fade over time. That is, colored plastic may fade, and white may acquire a yellow tint. The owners of reinforced-plastic windows can confirm this.

In this case, a mixture of washing powder and regular baking soda is recommended. To do this, any washing powder is mixed in equal proportions with soda. One tablespoon of this mixture is enough for 0.5 liters of water. Powder and baking soda should dissolve well in water. Then the solution is applied with a sponge to the yellowed frames, to the windowsill. After that, it should not be washed off for 6-8 hours. After this time, the treated plastic surfaces are rinsed with clean water.

This method is equally suitable for removing deposits from refrigerator surfaces.

Method number 4

A more radical way to clean plastic products is to soak them in a chlorine-containing solution. For obvious reasons, it is suitable for whitening small items. To do this, you need to take a household product containing chlorine. This can be bleach, stain remover, or plumbing cleaner. Finding out if there is chlorine in your product is very simple: the chemical composition is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Powders must be diluted as indicated in the instructions, and liquids must be used in their pure form, that is, they do not need to be diluted with water.

The plastic product must be placed in a solution, where it must then remain for 6-10 hours. Chlorine is an active, potent substance that allows you to bleach plastic, even with a very strong yellow coating.

Method number 5

Pretty well, and most importantly, special automotive cosmetics, which can be purchased at any car dealership, quickly deal with yellowness. These products are usually sold as sprays. The method of application, as a rule, will be indicated on the package and will depend on the specific formulation. Such sprays not only allow you to clean the plastic from plaque, but also help to freshen it up.

other methods

In addition to traditional ones, there are many other ways to clean plastic from yellow plaque. Including the so-called folk. Here is some of them.

  1. To whiten yellowed areas, you can use wipes designed for cleaning computer equipment. These wipes are initially moistened with a special cleaning solution that will not harm the plastic.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide also works great for yellowing. A small amount of peroxide is applied to the sponge, after which it is wiped off the contaminated surface. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated up to 3-5 times. This will not harm the plastic surface in any way, and the cleaning effect will be guaranteed.
  3. In some cases, acetone is used for cleaning. But acetone is a pretty corrosive substance. Therefore, before using it, it is imperative to check how it affects plastic by treating a small, not constantly visible surface.
  4. Yellow plaque can also be removed with vinegar. To do this, you need to take vinegar essence (70-80%), which acts as a concentrated acid, which, in fact, is. Certain precautions must be taken when using this method. The room in which the essence will be used must be well ventilated. Work should be done with heavy protective gloves. The essence is applied with a sponge or a cotton swab dipped in it.

Now you know exactly what to do if it seems to you that the plastic surface does not look clean enough, and it's time to get rid of the yellow color on it.

However, if none of the proposed methods helped, and you no longer know how to whiten plastic from yellowness, the last resort remains - use spray paint! But this is what is called a "last resort", when changes have already occurred in the very structure of the plastic.

Care of plastic products

In order for the plastic surfaces of products in your home to always look like new, it is enough to periodically wipe them with a simple soapy solution. Various dishwashing detergents and alcohol-free glass cleaners are also suitable for this purpose. Shampoos and shower gels can be used.

Finally, you just need to try to minimize contamination of the plastic products you use. For example, you shouldn't smoke in rooms with plastic windows. It should be kept clean, and then you will never have a question how to bleach yellowed plastic, and any product made from this material will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

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