How to get compensation for overhaul? Benefits for pensioners to pay for major home renovations

Included in the pay slip received by the tenants of the apartment buildings, the overhaul levy clause is mandatory.

Who can get compensation for a major overhaul?

As you know, the capital repair fund is financed from the funds of apartment owners in an apartment building included in this state program.

The amount of the collection is regulated regionally. All owners of residential premises are obliged by law to pay these fees, however, for some categories of persons, social benefits in the form of compensation are provided.

There are regional and federal measures to support certain groups of people. The former are established by regional authorities and operate within a specific region, while the latter are applied throughout the country for any citizen belonging to a special category of beneficiaries.

The amount of compensation for overhaul to pensioners

Retirees over 70 years of age can compensate for the costs of the mandatory fee in favor of overhaul if they are unemployed and living alone in their dwelling. In this case, they are entitled to compensation of up to 50%.

Compensation for the overhaul is also due to persons over 80 years old, if the same conditions are met as described above. In this case, its size is 100%.

You should also take into account the nuances, the observance of which is necessary if a pensioner wants to receive a benefit:

  • living space for a lonely person should not exceed 54 square meters;
  • a pensioner is obliged to have a residence permit in the apartment;
  • an elderly person must live alone in a room or live with others who are over 70 years of age;
  • a citizen should not have overhaul and rent arrears.

It is worth noting that these benefits are regional, therefore, it is the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that determine who exactly gets the opportunity to claim compensation and in what amount.

Amount of compensation for overhaul for disabled people

Another regional benefit is provided for people with a disability group and their relatives. So, the following persons can receive compensation in the amount of up to 50% inclusive:

  • disabled children;
  • citizens with disabilities of the first and second groups;
  • families with a disabled child.

This compensation is provided at the federal level, however, in order to receive it, beneficiaries must have a residence permit in the apartment, pay overhaul and rent arrears.

Amount of compensation for overhaul to veterans

The following citizens can also apply for compensation in the amount of up to 50% of the contribution to the overhaul fund:

  • participants in the Great Patriotic War;
  • family members who have lost a war invalid or a participant in hostilities;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penitentiary system or the fire service, who have become disabled in connection with the performance of their official duties;
  • persons possessing the sign "resident of the besieged Leningrad";
  • citizens who have been exposed to radiation (for example, during the Chernobyl disaster);
  • veterans of the special risk unit.

It should be noted that this benefit applies exclusively to citizens living in a private apartment. If a person is registered and lives in a municipal or state building, the right to compensation is lost.

First of all, the citizen must determine whether he belongs to the group of persons entitled to federal or regional measures of social support. You can find out this information in the local administration and in the department of social protection of the population.

You will also need to apply to the last instance for registration. This must be done in the locality where the applicant officially resides.

To contact the social support bodies, it is important for a citizen to have the following papers:

  • identity card (if the benefit is received by a person who has reached the age of majority, a passport is submitted to the authority, but if support is needed for a disabled child under the age of fourteen, his parents must have a birth certificate in their hands);
  • SNILS;
  • an application for registration (the form is issued by an employee of the instance);
  • title documents for housing and an extract from the USRN;
  • a certificate containing information about all persons living in the apartment;
  • a paid payment receipt for the month preceding the appeal, or another document that can confirm the absence of rent arrears;
  • papers certifying that the person has grounds for receiving benefits (for example, a war veteran's certificate, a pension certificate, etc.).

Social support specialists will help the applicant determine which benefit he is entitled to use. Even if your application for compensation is denied, you can make a request to reduce the amount of the fee or provide an installment plan (it is important to indicate a good reason for such a request in the application).

If you are already registered, but still do not receive compensation, contact the social support authorities in your place of residence and apply for benefits.

The staff of the instance will help you fill out the request form and advise on all issues of interest. Any conflict situation is also resolved in this body.

Monetary compensation is paid to the beneficiary to a bank account, transferred to the card or sent by mail. The choice depends on the citizen himself.

The payment is part of the EBC (otherwise, monthly monetary compensation) due to beneficiaries when paying for housing and communal services. The required compensation amount is transferred to the person by the 26th of the month.

Last updated March 2018

At the end of 2015, the Law of the Russian Federation was adopted, allowing pensioners to receive a major overhaul benefit. In what cases and for what categories of citizens this is provided, where to apply and what documents to submit, we will tell you below.

Who is eligible for the benefit

Only those older people who are the owners of the dwelling... This is directly enshrined in the texts of all regional laws regulating this issue, and in Article 169 of the RF LC.

  • If the owner is alone and he is over 70.80 years old, the benefit is valid.
  • If housing is owned by both young people and persons over 70 years of age - the benefit is not valid.
  • It also does not apply if someone is registered under 70 years of age or working

Example 1: The apartment is owned by spouses over 70 years old. Apart from them, no one is registered in the dwelling, the tenants do not work. The benefit is due.

Example 2: The apartment belongs to the son and his family members on the basis of ownership, but in fact one elderly mother, who is 80 years old, lives and is registered in it. The privilege will not apply, since by virtue of Art. 169 of the RF LCD, it can only be used by owners.

Example 3: A 75-year-old woman living alone, who is the owner in one person, applied for the benefit. Since her granddaughter was registered in the apartment, the privilege was not provided. The state authorities considered that the woman was not alone. After the granddaughter was deregistered, the privilege was issued.

Example 4: The owner of the apartment is a pensioner who has reached the age of 80 and lives with his son, who is not registered. The benefit is due, since officially a pensioner considers living alone.

Thus, the provisions on compensation for the amount of contributions for major repairs, both federal and regional, are intended to apply only to owners who are obliged to pay these contributions. By default, cohabitants are considered to be either persons registered at the address, or having a share in the dwelling.

Overhaul contributions

According to the rules established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, major repairs are paid through monthly contributions to the fund on behalf of each tenant. These payments are saved on a special account, accumulated up to a certain amount and are spent only for their intended purpose in accordance with the program. Contributions are not made if:

  • the house is beyond repair;
  • housing is recognized in the prescribed manner as emergency;
  • the house is subject to demolition (there is a corresponding decision of state bodies);
  • there is a decision to withdraw a particular residential building from the use of citizens and transfer it to the jurisdiction of municipal authorities.

The authorities of the subject are directly involved in the consideration of housing issues related to the payment of capital repairs, since only general principles of preferential policy have been established at the federal level.

In each region, the amount of contributions is determined by the decree of the Government of the subject - this rule is enshrined in Art. 156 LCD RF. The amount is calculated depending on the type of building, the number of floors, entrances. For example, in the capital they rent an average of 15 rubles per sq. M. For overhaul. (in the regions - 2-9 rubles).

A simple calculation allows you to determine the approximate amount to be paid for major repairs, which ranges from 300 to 2000 rubles, depending on the area of ​​housing. In this regard, additional housing costs for certain categories of citizens have become significant, and in some cases, unbearable. The question of the legality of such contributions was raised by the deputies before the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which recognized the absence of contradictions between the articles of the Housing Code and the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, for many, especially for pensioners, the law on benefits for overhaul, which has been in effect in Russia since 2016, has become expected.

Categories of beneficiaries to pay for capital repairs

To date, the following are entitled to pay with a 50% or 100% discount for major repairs:

  • participants are VO veterans
  • heroes of the USSR
  • disabled combatants
  • "Chernobyl victims" and other persons who are directly provided for in the relevant federal legislation.

In addition to this list, in accordance with the amendments made to Article 169 of the RF LC, pensioners over 70 have benefits for paying for general house repairs.

  • If the home owner is over 70 years old, he lives alone and is not employed, then he can be compensated in the amount of 50%.
  • If the pensioner is over 80 years old, he is completely exempt from paying a contribution to the FKR MKD (fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings).
  • Disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups, as well as families with a disabled child, the amendments to the Housing Code also provide a 50% discount on overhaul payments.

A lonely pensioner of 70-80 years of age is considered to be one who is registered at the place of residence, alone or with another pensioner, who is entitled to a benefit (disabled, who has reached this age), or such citizens are the owners of one apartment. In all other cases (for example, if a 70-year-old pensioner lives with another registered (or owner) pensioner for 60 years, then he is not considered lonely and does not receive the benefit.

It must be understood that the calculation of the subsidy is based on two components:

  1. the size of the payment per 1 sq. m, accepted in the region (the discount is calculated from the minimum rate);
  2. you can underpay only for the minimum area of ​​living space (usually for single pensioners, 33 sq. m. is taken as a basis; if there are two living in one apartment, then 21 sq. m. for each; if there are more than two tenants, then 18 sq. m. for person).

Registration of benefits

First, you need to make sure that payments for overhaul are legally charged. To do this, you should find out if the house is included in the register of such buildings. Such information can be obtained from the HOA, from the employees of the management company or from the district administration.

Further, we recommend that you pay all debts for utilities, otherwise the benefit will not be provided. In practice, this is often the case: for example, due to the financial situation, a disabled person is not able to timely and fully provide payment for services, for this reason he is not entitled to issue a 50% exemption from payment (by virtue of Article 60 of the LC RF ). As a result, desperate tenants run into debts and loans, which further exacerbates the current situation.

If the debts on the "communal" are over, the beneficiary can apply to the MFC in the subject where he lives, providing the following documents:

  1. Your passport (the onset of a certain age will be established by it).
  2. Application for the provision of benefits (written briefly: according to what criterion should be provided, age, place of residence, etc. personal data).
  3. Confirmation of the status of a pensioner.
  4. Certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services.
  5. Certificate of ownership of the residential premises.
  6. Extract from the house book, which indicates the composition of the family living at the address.
  7. Data on those who live with the applicant (in cases where an application is submitted for the criterion of cohabitation with non-working pensioners: their status must also be confirmed).
  8. Paid receipt.
  9. Personal account.
  10. Information about income.

An alternative to the MFC is the social protection service of the region. In addition, you can formalize the ability to pay less on the website of public services. Entry into the register of beneficiaries and recalculation takes place on average within 10 days.

In some cases, elderly homeowners, for health reasons, cannot personally submit an application. It is clear that the possibilities of the Internet in most cases for elderly citizens are also not familiar. In such situations, the law does not prohibit the appeal of proxies who are authorized by a notary to represent the interests of older people.

The benefit can be provided in the form of a refund to the account of a part of the paid amount or in the form of a subsidy for those who do not have the opportunity to pay the receipt.

Overhaul in Moscow and the Moscow region

Note that Article 169 of the RF LC provides for the right of a subject to exempt beneficiaries from full or partial payment, and not an obligation. In this case, compensation for the unpaid amount of the contribution is made at the expense of the regional budget.

Almost all regions have adopted local legislative acts that regulate in detail the procedure for issuing benefits, indicating the conditions for their provision, as well as the amount.

The capital provides for the highest tariffs for paying the cost of capital repairs, there is a high percentage of citizens who apply and receive state aid in the form of a "discount" in accordance with the law of the Moscow Government. Every day, in the offices of the MFC and in the regional centers of housing subsidies, thousands of requests from Muscovites regarding the provision of discounts on contributions to the RCF are recorded.

For those pensioners over 70 years old who live in the central districts of Moscow, the receipt already displays the amount that needs to be paid 50% less. The rest are compensated for the amount paid.

Residents of the capital, when applying for a subsidy, have the right to present a Muscovite card instead of a personal account.

In addition to pensioners over 70 and disabled people, as well as other "federal" beneficiaries (participants in the Second World War, labor veterans, etc.), the list of those entitled to pay less includes those awarded for the defense of Moscow.

In other regions

  • In St. Petersburg within the framework of the program, designed for 25 years, during which all the registered buildings must be renovated, it was also decided to provide benefits to pensioners over 70 years old from July 1, 2016.
  • Also in February 2016, a similar regulation was adopted. in the Belgorod region, but it will only start on July 1, 2016.
  • In Kostroma, the corresponding law was adopted practically together with federal amendments - at the end of 2015, in order to start preferential treatment as early as January 1, 2016.
  • In the Ulyanovsk region legislation to exempt single seniors from paying the full monthly cost of major repairs was passed in February 2016. In the final clause of the law, it is indicated that the rules on benefits will be extended from January 1, 2016. Thus, pensioners who paid 100% of the cost of the contribution in January have the right to expect a full refund (if the citizen is over 80 years old) or half (if the citizen is from 70 to 80 years old).
  • In the Kaluga region the law was adopted, but its effect is limited to the current year, whether there will be an extension in 2017 is still unknown.
  • Oryol Region became one of the first, where, along with elderly pensioners who have reached the age of 80, residents of new buildings during the first two years of operation are completely exempted from paying overhaul payments.

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2012 was a turning point for many citizens of the Russian Federation, when a payment for overhaul was introduced for all categories of the population. An especially acute problem was the payment of capital repairs by pensioners over 80, because their monthly income is barely enough for food and medicine. Fortunately, preferential programs are provided for older apartment owners that allow them to significantly save money.

The legislative framework

According to the amendments made to the Housing Code, namely, Article No. 169, pensioners over seventy years old can apply to the social security authorities with an application for compensation.

Payment for overhaul after 80 years was initially canceled, but then it was replaced with a full refund of previously paid contributions. Alas, this program is not already working in all regions; budget funds are not enough everywhere. Therefore, pensioners have to pay further, in the hope that the funds will be compensated in the foreseeable future.

Please note that benefits are not automatically available. It is necessary to contact the relevant authorities at the place of residence with an application and a list of documents.

It is also worth understanding that for each region there are different norms for the area in terms of the number of people living in the apartment. For example, for one pensioner over 70 years old, there will be a 50% discount on 33 square meters, over the full cost. If we are talking about a married couple, then preferential conditions apply to 21 square meters (for each, 42 in total).

Who is reimbursed for overhaul after 80 years?

Alas, not all citizens of this age can count on state concessions. The reason for refusing to issue a discount is the fact that:

  • People officially work (including relatives living in the apartment)
  • Residents have arrears for the "kummunalka";
  • The program does not apply to a specific region / city. This is also possible.

Note that even after reaching 80 years of age, residents continue to receive mail. They need to be paid in any case, and only after some time, the money spent will be returned in the amount of 50 or 100% to a bank card or postal order.

Should retirees over 80 have to pay for major repairs?

We have already mentioned above that payment is made in full, and later compensation is made in the amount of 50/100%. But once again we would like to clarify an important point. Refunds are made not for the entire area of ​​the apartment, but for the square meters established by regional services (33 for a single tenant, 21 for each of a married couple).

If the property has, for example, 60 sq.m., then for the "extra" squares must be paid in full, and there will be no compensation.

How is the return processed?

Benefits for major repairs to pensioners over 80 years old can be obtained by contacting the social security authorities. But first it is worth clarifying. Alas, it so happens that receipts come, although this property is not planned to be repaired (it is not included in the register, because it is emergency, or less than the third floor, etc.).

Then you need to get rid of all debts for housing and communal services. If this is not done, then the probability of failure will increase significantly.

Also, the application must be accompanied by the originals of previously paid receipts, an identity card and a certificate confirming your rights as an apartment owner.

Contact the nearest MFC (or use the website) and fill in (the link for a detailed list of documents). After processing the request, within a month you will receive an official decision on the provision of a discount if you meet all the requirements listed above.

If you are unable to independently perform these actions, you will have to ask someone from your friends or relatives. In this case, you will need a power of attorney issued in their name.

As you can see, there are benefits for overhaul for pensioners over 80 years old, although they are specific in nature. If something is not clear on this topic, then you can ask questions in the comments.

The draft law, which was adopted in the first reading in December 2015, proposed to allow lonely elderly people over eighty years of age not to pay for major repairs. However, by the second reading the bill had significantly transformed - the conversation was already about reimbursement of money to pensioners, such a subsidy or compensation. Is the law up to date? Do retirees pay for a major overhaul? Let's figure it out together.

Overhaul Contributions

In accordance with the rules that were established by the RF LCD, overhaul payments are made through monthly payments to the fund on behalf of each homeowner. These payments are kept in a special account, accumulate up to a certain amount and are spent only for a reasoned purpose in accordance with the program. Payments are not executed if:

  • the house cannot be repaired or there is no objective need for repair (for example, it is a new building);
  • the dwelling is recognized as emergency in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the house will be demolished (there is already a decision of the municipal authorities);
  • a decision was made to withdraw a certain residential building from use by residents and transfer it to the possession of city authorities.

It has been established that the authorities of the subject are specifically involved in the consideration of housing issues related to the payment of capital repairs, since only general principles of preferential policy have been developed at the national level.

The usual calculation allows you to determine the approximate amount to be paid for overhaul, averaging from 400 to 3000 rubles (depending on the area of ​​the dwelling). But are there any benefits? Do retirees have to pay for overhaul? Indeed, in this regard, additional housing costs for certain categories of people have become important, and in some cases, very burdensome.

Should retirees pay for home renovations?

As already noted, in December 2015, a law was introduced to abolish payments for overhaul for the elderly. In the first reading, it was successfully adopted by parliamentarians of all factions: then there was talk about the release of persons over eighty years old, whose apartment corresponds to social norms. In order to exercise the right to benefits, a pensioner must live alone or together with his / her spouse, not work.

Already in the second reading, they put forward a proposal to compensate for expenses to persons over seventy years old by half, and for pensioners over eighty they offered full compensation. In this plan, the attitude towards people with disabilities, families with a disabled child has also been revised. It was decided that this category of citizens for the overhaul of the house will be returned to the bank account in the amount of 50% of the payment.

So do pensioners need to pay for overhaul? This will be discussed further.

According to the law on benefits, a pensioner has the right to receive compensation for the payment of a major overhaul of the house in the event that he does not have any arrears. Otherwise, payment will be made after the full amount owed has been paid.

Changes in legislation

The new column in the payment system caused the greatest public response in the capital. Citizens of Moscow now pay 15 rubles. per square meter of living space as a fee for major repairs. In the Internet voting, the collection of signatures under the petition to Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev was authorized. Soon, the number of categories of apartment owners was increased, who will receive subsidies and compensation when paying for overhaul.

Who will get the money back?

As a rule, payments are not due to all pensioners who have reached the age of eighty years, but only to those who fall under the relevant clauses of the article concerning the type of housing, employment, and so on.

According to the second article of the RF LC, the decision to grant compensation is made at the level of the regional authorities. The amount to ensure these payments is already available in the budget of this region.

What retirees do not pay for a major overhaul?

Only pensioners who fall under the characteristics of the article have the right not to pay for repairs. Let's consider these benefits in more detail:

  1. Home renovation benefits are provided in the amount of 50% to people over seventy years old, and people over 80 are entitled to a full refund of payments. Benefits will be provided if pensioners do not work, are owners, live alone, regularly pay for utility bills, and their living quarters meet all standards. The amount of benefits is calculated individually, based on the number of square meters of living space.
  2. As such, there is no way for pensioners not to pay for overhaul, since instead of canceling the payment, the law began to provide for the return of the amount of fees.

According to the Committee on Housing and Utilities, there are about 2.9 million people living orphaned elderly people of those ages who are eligible for compensation.

To receive a specific and detailed notification, you need to contact the departments of social protection. Upon confirmation that the designated benefits for the elderly are valid in the region of residence of the pensioner, you will need to write an appeal for benefits.

Application for the provision of benefits for overhaul

Pensioners do not pay for overhaul if they apply for a benefit - the targeted principle does not work here yet.

In order to start receiving payments, you need to submit an application of the appropriate sample to the territorial social protection. This can be done in person, through a third party or through the "Gosuslugi" portal. In the event that a third party submits the documents, a power of attorney from the pensioner will also be required.

How is the benefit issued?

Elderly people who see that the full payment is also indicated in the payment for the overhaul should not feel cheated - the subsidy can be charged in the form of a reverse payment. So, to say that pensioners do not pay for overhaul is wrong. Seniors pay, but then receive compensation.

The entire procedure for obtaining a major repair benefit for the elderly is as follows:

  1. You need to make sure that the house is really registered in the state program. This can be done in the department of construction or HOA.
  2. Pay all outstanding debts. According to the law, if a pensioner has any debts, then he cannot apply for benefits.
  3. Pay the initial receipt. As a rule, such a receipt arrives approximately six months after the state program for a residential building has been approved.
  4. Prepare receipts and a package of necessary documents confirming the benefit. Next, address the collected package of documents to the MFC or another company engaged in the preparation of municipal documents.
  5. It takes about 7 days to complete the application, after which the money is returned.

What documents are required?

A considerable amount of documentation and references will be required. But we are talking about elderly people who are very often unable to withstand long queues while waiting for a long-awaited help. The government authorities believed that in order to receive new benefits, it would be enough to provide a couple of papers, since compensation does not depend on the level of wages, and data on people living alone is available in the EIRTs. Information about elderly people who are already retired and their age is available in the Russian Pension Fund. However, in practice, those wishing to receive the appropriate benefits must provide a large number of papers that are required by the social security authority.

The list of necessary documents that must be submitted to the social protection authority includes:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • income statement;
  • receipt for payment of overhaul of the house;
  • certificates confirming the payment of utilities for the last month;
  • a certificate from housing and communal services, confirming the absence of arrears on payment of "communal";
  • a document confirming the right of the owner;
  • personal bank account number;
  • house book;
  • pensioner's ID.

Alternative to contacting the MFC ("My Documents")

Many retirees cannot personally apply for a refurbishment benefit for health reasons. In such situations, it is possible to contact the centers "My Documents" (former MFC) of third parties who are authorized to represent the interests of the pensioner. The subsidy can be provided in the form of a return to the personal bank (pension) account of a part of the amount or in the form of a subsidy.

What sanctions will follow for non-payment of overhaul?

Almost all citizens of the Russian Federation expected that fees for the elderly would completely cancel or significantly reform the very idea and implementation of the overhaul, which causes so much discontent. But apart from the introduction of additional subsidies for individuals, in fact, nothing has changed since 2015.

Elderly people continue to appeal to the authorities with a demand to completely exempt them from such payments, but these persons do not have the right to such decisions. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether older people should pay for the overhaul of the house, no matter how annoying it may sound, is unambiguous. Yes, retirees are required to pay for major repairs just like other residents.

Refusal to pay contributions on an unauthorized basis will cause the accrual of interest, and the regional operator has the right to go to court with a claim to recover the total amount of interest, debt and court costs.

To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not take into account the exemption from the payment of contributions. Should people of retirement age pay for overhaul? Will retirees have to pay for capital repairs of apartment buildings? So far, the answers are not clear, but we are only talking about compensation for the costs incurred by the owner.

Since 2016, there have been changes in the legislative acts concerning payments for capital repairs of buildings. Some citizens were exempted from this type of solidarity contributions. However, benefits for major repairs do not apply to all socially vulnerable categories.

Let's see who can take advantage of discounts for this type of payment in 2019.

The legislative framework

The obligation to make a contribution to the general fund accumulating funds for overhaul is enshrined in article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Art. 169 of the Housing Code, clause 1:

"one. The owners of premises in an apartment building are obliged to pay monthly contributions for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article, part 8 of Article 170 and part 4 of Article 181 of this Code, in the amount established in accordance with part 8.1 of Article 156 of this Code, or, if the relevant decision is made by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, in a larger amount. "

Who qualifies for discounts on overhaul invoices

It should be noted that not all citizens receive the new type of payment. To begin with, the building in which their apartments are located must be included in the overhaul plan.

Only eight months after the date of such a decision, the first bill will come.

The issue is being considered by the regional authorities. Their official websites publish lists of houses with addresses that are planned to be renovated.

Compensation for related payments is established at two federal and local levels. So, the first benefits were provided to such categories of citizens:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • families caring for disabled children;
  • warriors-internationalists;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear power plants ("Chernobyl victims").

The group of WWII veterans includes all persons who participated in the defense of the Motherland from the invader. Namely:

  • on the battlefields;
  • as part of self-defense units;
  • members of the partisan movement;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • rear workers;
  • officers and soldiers of the NKVD and the MGB;
  • citizens who survived the blockade of Leningrad;
  • widows of WWII veterans;
  • servicemen of units that did not take a direct part in the war, but who served at that time;
  • heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of labor of the Russian Federation, holders of the Orders of Labor Glory;
  • orphans.

The group of internationalist warriors includes the military:

  • those who took part in hostilities in hot spots;
  • served in units located in the war zone;
  • service personnel of the indicated military formations.
The status must be confirmed with an appropriate document.

Expansion of the list of beneficiaries

In 2015, changes were made to this article of the RF LC.

The legislator suggested that the regions include elderly people who have celebrated their 70th anniversary in the list of beneficiaries. This is not a binding rule, but a permissive one.

Whether to establish discounts for the elderly is up to the local government. In principle, almost all people of this age fall into one of the privileged categories.

You should inquire with your local social welfare office about specific participants in the benefit program. The workers of the body have the corresponding government decrees.

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Regional lists of beneficiaries

The subjects of the federation draw up their own lists of citizens who are entitled to compensation. Their decisions are dictated by:

  • the number of socially unprotected citizens in a particular group;
  • the level of their income;
  • the contribution of people to the development of the region;
  • possibilities of the budget.

So, almost everywhere, preferences can be counted on:

  • labor veterans;
  • large families;
  • rural teachers and other state employees;
  • victims of political repression and others.
The lists of categories of citizens using discounts are quite voluminous. It is imperative to check with your local administration using the examples below.

Moscow and St. Petersburg

  1. Additionally, the capital's preferences were assigned to senior citizens. So, if a person's age is in the range from 70 to 80 years, he pays half of the bill, older - he is not charged for overhaul.
  2. Separately, the list includes participants in the defense of Moscow and Leningrad, as well as honorary donors of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
  3. Since 2015, by decision of the mayor of Moscow, the list of beneficiaries has been supplemented with the following category of citizens
  • disabled people;
  • large families (more than 3 children);
  • families with disabled children under 18;
  • persons who have the signs "Honorary Donor of the USSR", "Honorary Donor of Russia", "Honorary Donor of Moscow";
  • persons awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow".

Republic of Crimea

In the new Russian region, preferences for citizens were also established in 2017.

  • police pensioners who quit due to seniority;
  • people providing material assistance to the Soviet army during the Second World War;
  • veterans of the military, tax, fire and some other special services.
The discount is provided for the social norm, not the whole area.

Size of preferences

Quite a few people have already been indicated who are eligible for a discount on payment for overhaul. Most of them pay only half. The rest of the fundraising company receives from the budget of the corresponding level.

But there are citizens for whom the state fully pays.

These include:

  • disabled veterans;
  • people who have crossed the 80th anniversary.

For large families, the discount is set by the regions. As a rule, it does not exceed 30% of the total bill.

The preference does not always apply to all family members. As a rule, only the beneficiary himself uses it.

We issue a discount correctly

To exercise your rights in 2019, you need to contact your local social security office. In megalopolises - in a multifunctional center.

The specialist will have to provide documents.

Here is a rough list of them:

  • passport (all identity cards of family members, including children, for large families);
  • preferential certificate;
  • certificates of absence of debt on utility payments;
  • a receipt for payment of the last invoice for overhaul;
  • apartment ownership documents;
  • a certificate on the composition of the family, which must indicate the total area of ​​the room.

At the appointment with a specialist, you will need to fill out an application. You can also do this at home. You can find the form on the website of the relevant authority and print it out.

You can apply for the appointment of benefits online or send your representative. This person will be required to present a notarized power of attorney.

Algorithm of actions

It must be remembered that renovation benefits are not a regular subsidy. Their design requires a special approach. You should act like this:

  1. Check if the building is included in the major renovation program.
  2. See if all utility bills have been paid off. If there is a debt, then it should be paid urgently.
  3. Wait for the first receipt for the overhaul. It must be paid in full.
  4. Collect documents and their copies.
  5. Take all the papers to the appropriate institution and write a statement there.

Government agencies are given only ten days to consider the appeal. They notify the applicant of their decision in writing. If all the papers provided are correct, then discounts will be assigned. They will take effect on the first day of the month following the date of application.

Benefits are not entitled to utility bills debtors. They are immediately denied.

The result of the appeal: what we get

An important point in the issue under consideration is how much the discount will be in money. It applies to the person who is entitled to preferences.

And this means that the payment for the overhaul will be divided among family members or correlated with the area norms.

The discount will be taken into account only for the holder of preferences.

  1. So, if a person lives alone, then the benefit is calculated from 33 sq. m of the area of ​​the apartment. The rest of the meters are paid in full. For two citizens, 42 sq. m. If there are more inhabitants, they add another 18 sq. m. for each. m. This is called: calculating the social norm. Large areas will have to be paid for without government support.
  2. There are also nuances for apartments in shared ownership. The state body will take into account the preference only for the area owned by the beneficiary.
  3. State preferences apply only to mandatory payments for overhaul. If the tenants decide to fold over the norm, then they will have to pay in full.
  4. In the case where the household is profitable, tenants can pay bills from income. To do this, you must vote for this issue at the general meeting.
Above are the general rules for overhaul payments. They can vary significantly across regions.

Calculation example

Let's say in an apartment with a total area of ​​60 sq. m, a large family lives. It includes parents and three young children.

  1. The social norm for the area is defined as follows: 5 people. x 18 sq. m = 90 sq. m
  2. This category receives a 30% discount.
  3. It is defined in ruble terms as follows: 60 sq. mx price per meter x 30%.
  4. For the capital, the unit of contribution per square meter is 7.5 rubles. (indicator of 2015).
  5. The family preference will be: 60 sq. mx 7.5 r. x 30% = 135 p.
  6. Monthly payment: 60 sq. mx 7.5 r. - 135 p. = 315 p.

Counting example for apartments with shared ownership

Let's say that the house is owned by a grandfather who is over 80 years old, and the grandson is a disabled person of the 1st group. Each of them is entitled to a discount. The area of ​​the apartment is 54 sq. m.

  1. We determine the shares of owners: 54 sq. m / 2 = 27 sq. m.
  2. The rate for one person is 33 sq. m.
  3. The grandfather is exempt from paying the contribution.
  4. A disabled grandson has a 50% preference.
  5. For Moscow, his payment will be: 27 sq. mx 7.5 r. x 50% = 101.25 p.
  6. In total, the family will pay 101.22 rubles. per month.

In the examples given, the following indicators are important:

  • fee for one square meter;
  • discount percentage;
  • social norm of the area.
Every citizen can apply to a government agency so that his right to a discount is taken into account. If several beneficiaries live in the apartment, then everyone will be given preferences.

Dear Readers!

We describe typical ways of resolving legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

For a prompt solution to your problem, we recommend that you contact qualified lawyers of our website.