How to please a guy of Caucasian nationality. Caucasian man. Who is he? Not native land

The peoples of the North Caucasus have a special unspoken code of conduct, which was created in antiquity and is a complex system of norms and rules. They still meet in everyday life.

Children of the mountains

Customs and traditions born in the Caucasus have one common nature - these are mountains, as a natural and climatic phenomenon that has a huge impact on the emergence of customs. The Russian ethnographer Leonty Lyulier noted that due to the lack of literacy, all everyday transactions were made verbally. The word became the law for all, and the leader's word even more so. To break it meant to become a criminal. All men had to unquestioningly obey the word of the leader-head, on whose decisions the well-being of the clan depended.

Tribal characteristics, closed, few family clans involved in trade also had a huge impact. Adat prevails among Chechens - unwritten laws that they follow and honor above the Koran, in Ingushetia - “ezdel”, among other nationalities these rules have different names, but the essence is the same - to create a reputation among society as a worthy man who knows how to control his life and his life families. The Adyghes, Balkars, Karachays, Ossetians, Chechens have developed their own, different from each other, a whole set of rules of what a man should not do.

The criminal was the one who violated the complex spiritual code - yakh - which has a set of certain rules of behavior in life, equated to legal norms. A whole set of prohibitions, rituals and revenge was vividly described by Mikhail Lermontov in the story "Bela".

The husband did not touch his wife

Husband and wife could not be allowed to touch in public, and even hugs - even more so. In general, one should not touch a person during a conversation; this could be regarded as an insult and impoliteness. And if you are using public transport today and accidentally hit a person standing next to you, you need to politely apologize in order to avoid public censure.

cuckoo month

As a rule, the groom before the wedding could not look at the bride, and even his guests did not have the right to show themselves. In Chechnya, a man could not set a wedding date for April, since this month was considered under the auspices of a cuckoo that did not have its own nest. And that was a bad omen. By the way, in the midst of a marriage feast, a man had the right not to get up when a woman appeared, this was an exception to the rule, since in ordinary life men were required to get up when the fair half appeared.

The heaviest offense that revolts the soul of a highlander more than the murder of a relative is an insult to the honor of a woman, which was washed away only by blood feud.

"Poor" son-in-law

After the wedding, the son-in-law did not have the right to enter into a dispute with his wife's relatives and be in the company of his wife for a long time. Among the Ingush, the son-in-law and the wife's relatives could not see each other. In the presence of the older generation, the son-in-law did not have the right to call his wife by name, he was forbidden to play with his children, to take them in his arms. Before the birth, the man communicated with his wife as little as possible, and after 40 days after the birth, he could say a few words to her, considering her to be “unclean” during pregnancy.

Judge Husband

A man was considered the head and judge of his wife, who was obliged to cook dinner, weave cloth, sew clothes for the whole family and, as a special favorable disposition of her husband, receive another privilege as a reward - to saddle his horse.

etiquette on stairs

A man could not interfere in any economic affairs, even give advice to a woman - all this was extremely offensive and could cause ridicule and contempt from other men. A woman's hand is also not allowed. Yes, and a conversation with a woman could be safe for honor if the speakers were about one and a half to two meters away. A conversation on the stairs - there are also rules of decency here: a man must be one or two steps lower.

You can't overtake a woman in front of you on a horse.

Those men who committed the rape of a woman, whose image was personified with the world, fell into the category of criminals: according to legend, a white scarf thrown by a woman could stop the war.

Hand identification

A handshake is associated with a whole set of prohibitions. A man could not shake hands with a man whose advice was stained with bribes or some other crime. A teenager who did not take up arms, an older man, too, should not lend a hand. And also - to close relatives, since it was believed that enmity between them would never arise and reconciliation, therefore, too.

According to Sharia, a man should not drink drinks that cause clouding of consciousness, including alcohol and drugs.

Not native land

If, by the will of circumstances, a man moved to live from his ancestral clan, he united with his countrymen and built relationships with them according to the same hierarchical principle as in his homeland. However, the outside world had a serious impact on Caucasian men. Moreover, at home they try to honor this code, but when they come to other countries, including Russia, they do not observe centuries-old traditions. Often, police reports include information about offenses committed by persons of Caucasian nationality.

Often voices are heard that there is no longer any special code, and only small crumbs have remained in its place. Over time, mountain etiquette, born in ancient times, acquired completely different features in certain regions and became just a pleasant memory for elderly, wise elders who say: “But before ...”. Of course, the basis of all traditions was the basis of respect not only for one's own people, but also for other people.

The burning eyes of Eastern men, their tenderness and temperament rarely leave any of the Slavs indifferent. Often in a southern country where you are relaxing or traveling, the hot sun starts to bake in your head, a light dope hits, and there are only feelings and emotions in your soul. And even more so with such colossal male attention .... Well, what can I say ...

In southern countries, any girl (woman) feels like a queen, catching the admiring glances of men. And many single girls who are disappointed in the men of the "domestic manufacturer", and women who walk alone for a long time, holding hands tightly, take risks and fall into the maelstrom of beautiful phrases and promises of oriental men.

“All at your feet, dear! Stars from the sky, stones from the bottom of the sea, be mine! ”, The men beat themselves in the chest. And women who are deprived of love are struck by a wave of arrogant and stubborn male attention: they feel that they are beautiful, desirable as never before. A real oriental man knows how to love! Ready for action!

Usually, by a woman, first of all by her appearance (clothing, cosmetics) and behavior, you can immediately see what she deserves and men are already deciding how to behave with her! The girl herself has the right to dispose of her body.
Unfortunately, girls forget that Eastern men are boyfriends, by their vocation. And yet, they forget that the period of beautiful courtship and stormy nights ends as quickly as it all began. Often, Eastern love ends in tears, broken hearts, and sometimes even destinies. A fabulous mirage crumbling like a house of cards. It brings very strong bitterness, and after a while, already in her homeland, the girl understands the banal truth that after a stormy holiday romance, it hurts her, and not the one who stayed in a distant eastern country.
An oriental man brings a woman to ecstasy with gifts and caresses. She is ready for anything! But the basic rule of oriental sex is that desire must be mutual and equally strong. Nobody has to please anyone. In bed, everything is done only for mutual pleasure and joy of partners. Everything is equal! So, for mutual pleasure, variety and improvement of the quality of sexual life - the secrets of oriental love.

And so begins a fairy tale called "Eastern Love."
Looking at Eastern men, one gets the impression that in their head, instead of thoughts, incendiary music constantly sounds, and intoxicated wine flows in their veins. They intoxicate, intoxicate with their beautiful phrases, compliments that we have never heard in our lives, they give us the fairy tale that we dreamed of, they know how to beautifully present the story about the meaning of life and the fabulous love that they saw in our eyes. We are fascinated looking at them and sincerely believe that this is true. They give something that a European man could hardly give.

We enjoy every minute of this false love, which burst into our hearts so sharply and drove us crazy. Hot Arabs or sultry Azerbaijanis, gentle Dagestanis and romantic Turkmens seem to bring happiness into our lives.

We are sure that there is no reason to leave, others have not appreciated you, and now everything will be fine! You just have to say the word and you will be forever carried in your arms, loved. You are loved! Does it really matter that friends and relatives scare them with “dirty auls” and clogged huts, or say that they will have to “wash the villages” all their lives. And what is human? Is it only household amenities, comfort, shops?

And the soul? If the soul reaches out for a certain person, then you will sacrifice all the benefits of civilization. After all, to meet our own soul in our life is a great rarity and great happiness. Which you will not exchange for domestic comfort. And run to keep your happiness. next to this person.

But, loving a man of the East, one must take into account the peculiarities of culture. This is something that has evolved over the centuries. The mentality of an Eastern man: he must have one wife, and at least 100 mistresses. And how many mistresses he has, it's none of your business, you will find out if you have a chance to either be beaten or listen to tons of "noodles" that no one but you. But it is always worth remembering that an oriental man will never leave his family for the sake of his mistress, even if you have an unearthly passion.

Caucasians are also very negative about any hints of contacts with other men, and the contacts are not of a physical nature, but simply stood nearby, looked, God forbid, told an anecdote. Therefore, 100%, when close relationships arise, they will try to control, arrange scenes of jealousy. You are tormented to explain that when you said "hello" to your neighbor, you didn't mean anything.

Girls who look at life more soberly and regard oriental tales as fairy tales believe that for the sake of self-preservation, do not accept his proposal to travel to his homeland. You don't know him well. Maybe a person may have uncontrollable fits of anger, and you will have nowhere to escape. If you want to go somewhere with him, then promote him for a joint trip to a neutral place, anything, but not his native land).

It is clear that you should not flirt with Caucasian men. Even light flirting is perceived by them as a specific call. Therefore, it is necessary to behave with them very carefully and immediately bring specifics to the relationship.

But the most interesting thing is that the attitude of local men towards our tourists is not serious. They often, behind their backs, call Slavic girls "sharmuts", i.e. prostitutes. They believe that our girls come to the resort not only for new experiences, but also for new love.

Those who have experienced love with Eastern men say that we will not be able to understand each other normally. For Muslims, we will always remain Russian "natashas" with whom one can only have fun. Even a businessman, always in a suit, a rare intellectual can preach the values ​​of a bazaar seller of oranges and tangerines.

But what awaits the girl who agreed to connect her life with a stranger? Can a strong resort oriental love survive in a foreign country where traditions are too strong and the influence of public opinion is great? It is very difficult to decide to accept the faith, obey all these traditions, prayers (and prayers in the mosque take place 5 times a day during fasting), readiness to wear a hijab (and no deep necklines, short shorts and dresses!), stay at home.

In general, bride kidnapping is not the most worthy custom in the North Caucasus. A kind of echo of ancient savagery. If the girl agrees, it still didn’t go anywhere. But when they act according to the principle “I saw it, I liked it, I stole it”, this is not good. The bride is raped by a young horseman, arranges a feast. Since then, the bride has been living in her husband's house, going to her parents is shameful, so live a century with the unloved.

In the East, men love submissive wives, and you should be prepared for the fact that your place will be in the kitchen. Not everyone is able to sit at home, give birth to children, cook Arabic dishes, and obey not only the husband, who lives according to Sharia law, but also his mother.

Absolute patriarchy reigns in Caucasian marriages. Men can do anything, women can do nothing. "Wah, malchi, woman, when men talk, right?"
With the opening of the holiday season, men go into all serious trouble, but if, God forbid, a woman even looks the other way, everything is an ax head.

Yes, women in the Caucasus are a separate conversation. You will not find such patient, silent and submissive anywhere! Another would long ago have given a rolling pin in the forehead to a spreeful husband, but these - no, they will be silent, silent, silent.
Here is the bitter truth about children in the East: A woman takes care of the children, but in the event of a divorce, the father brings up the children.

All this is depressing... What about love? He is so unique! Do you believe in love?
Yes, LOVE IS WORTH BELIEVE! You just need to figure it out first (with a specific man) - he has love or so - the call of the flesh. But since it is not possible to solve this issue accurately during the average vacation, it is better to spend time on something else.

They are so beautiful .. especially when they are young. Even at the age of 18, most Caucasians look like real men. It is not for nothing that even sex therapists write that Caucasian men are the most courageous and sexy, due to the increased level of the male hormone in the blood. , Chechens, etc. Not one European can compare with their beautiful eyes. Of course, Caucasians also have ugly men, but many of them look like real male arr. For the Nazis: I know your limited views, you judge Caucasians only by merchants from the markets and bandits. Well, then let's judge Russians only by drunkards? There are a lot of intelligent, handsome Caucasian guys. They are aggressive if you only piss them off.

17/09/09, voodoonika
Oh, these are ardent, passionate men. And some are so beautiful ... that no European can compare. Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians are very nice to me. And also those in which a mixture of Caucasian and Slavic blood drains. Most of them are very beautiful and are closer in mentality.

17/12/09, Krasyava Psychologist
I love Caucasian men, because they are like little children, Russian guys have seen everything, and even the usual handshake delights them. A woman wants to get a lot of emotions from dating, Caucasian men are very emotional, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the response to it, so when a Caucasian is very happy with you (a girl becomes the center of the universe), then you rejoice a hundred times stronger. Due to the difficulty of finding another, they are very affectionate and caring. Surely they do everything from the heart, I tried to find objective reasons. They are also too disturbing, I offered one, I met with him every summer in Makhachkala, to move in with me, why I refused, I don’t understand.

06/03/10, Moscow Azerbaijani
SevernyKavkaz! In your comments, you described a typical stereotypical image of Caucasian bullies and bandits, ala the movie "Brother" (an incident on a tram). Drugs, trade, terrorism, savagery, etc., etc. Such a minority! There are a lot of literate and intelligent people among Caucasians who work as programmers, oil workers, managers, etc. I am also Caucasian. I respect women regardless of their nationality. Neither I nor my Caucasian acquaintances have ever offended Russian girls. It’s just that you are Caucasian-phobic, so you strive to throw all the sins of society onto us without even trying to figure out what’s what. The share of Caucasians in the crimes committed in Russia is minuscule.

05/04/10, VgYulia
I didn't like them before... Now they seem pretty. I had a Chechen boyfriend (although he didn't seem to speak a word of Chechen, either Russian or Ukrainian). Very beautiful ... he called me affectionate words. They just know how to put a girl on a pedestal when they court (sincerely or not is another question), and who doesn’t want to feel like a queen? Girlfriend met with a Caucasian. He was so proud of her! Plum never drank, never smoked... I think Russian men are also beautiful. and with its Slavic beauty and in general ... But even Caucasian men can turn their heads

27/05/10, Zayush
I love one Caucasian man (Armenian) with all my heart! I respect its laws and regulations. Real men...

10/12/10, ayavlum05
Oh, in vain they speak of Caucasians in the red column, this is not so. Caucasians are really eagles and highlanders, they really look after them very beautifully, they are brutal, know how to love and give everything to their beloved ... yes, there are those who open their hands, I think this is wrong, but they do it because of love for " her "and because of jealousy ... about their appearance ... they dress very beautifully, tastefully and fashionably, at least in our Tyumen region, there are a lot of them here ... I myself love a Dagestan (Kumyk ), he is handsome, smart, educated, HYGIENIC, dresses beautifully and with taste, and I know many of them ... in general, you can’t say such indecent things for all Caucasians, there are such things, they are rare! and their traditions are wonderful, but in families they always have order and no betrayals! yes ... also .... I forgot to say, he loves me, does not change, blows dust off me, and recently got married, after the summer we get married))))

12/12/10, Tawny Owl Fess
I love such a man and he loves me, I read posts on this topic and noticed one common detail, not only in the beauty of black eyes and passion, I will not convince anyone, each person has his own beauty parameters. But what can not be taken away is hygiene and concern for the well-being of your beloved. I have never seen a Russian guy or a European after a walk, just a walk, take off his socks and not just throw them next to the sofa or in the bathroom, but carefully put them in a basket and go to wash his feet, horror how nice. How often do Russian guys say "Don't be afraid, I'm always with you", maybe just words, but how nice.

14/01/11, halfblood
I love it because they are okay with women. Unlike the Russian, they never offend anyone for no reason. No matter how much they say that all the crimes are committed by natives of the Caucasus... Just what the Russians are doing they cannot bring to the surface! And they are made the culprits of all disasters, when they simply either protect themselves or their families. You just need to treat them well and they will treat you the same way ... The way out is simple, but no one sees it !!! It's a pity...

03/07/11, Damir Asian
Briefly about myself Type X6 Year of manufacture 1990 Mileage 20 year Color Dark Height 172, Headlights brown, Documents on hand, Tuning is present The body is not broken, not rusty, Fuel is blood and milk, The roof is in place, but there are no brakes, All options, I start half a turn

13/07/11, I am the happiest
Passion, tenderness, intelligence, beauty, mentality - all this is in a Caucasian man. Family traditions are amazing, especially their inviolability, the Slavs can envy this. Yes, there is rudeness, vulgarity, but ... women like it. Perhaps this is what irritates the Slavs ... I know a Chechen man, at first glance you can’t say that he is handsome, but you should take a closer look ... a strong-willed chin, strong beautiful hands, broad shoulders, an insanely seductive smile, I want to look at him and listen to him endlessly, he is lovely . I have no doubt that there are many such pleasant personalities among Caucasians, they just require special treatment and respect for their traditions, remembering this always, you can find a true friend, reliable husband and caring father. And no one gets hurt =D

26/10/11, gagra
I had an affair with an Abkhazian. I will remember all my life. They love and can court women. Of course, we are leading to this. Russian Vanka is not a word, not a deed. In short, all Russian MEN, LOPUKHOV to the Caucasus for retraining. As for hygiene, they wash themselves more often than everyone else, a Caucasian will not go out in dirty batink or wrinkled shirt. I agree with white socks (but they can be forgiven for this sin)))) for all the rest, plus.

26/10/11, Natalia super
I don't just love them, I love them!

26/10/11, Just Sophia
That's who should be in power in Russia!!! And marry Russian girls - in this way Russia will turn into a Caucasian "Latin America" ​​with Caucasians and mestizos, and a few Russians will live on reservations. Caucasians are businesslike, temperamental, do not drink, and young guys will look better than senile people of that hardening who have sat in the Kremlin since the Brezhnev era

26/10/11, orthodox
Natalia, don't overdo it with your adoration. And then later he will be bitterly disappointed in the object of his adoration.

26/10/11, orthodox
For Sofia. Smiled, honestly)) // That's who should be in power in Russia!!!// Sophia, power in Russia should belong primarily to Russians)) // And marry Russian girls - this way Russia will turn into Caucasian "Latin America" with Caucasians and mestizos, and few Russians will live on reservations.// What does it mean to get married? Violent or what? Are you going to arrange a mass wedding?) // Caucasians are businesslike, temperamental, don't drink, // Businessmen are not all, but a few, otherwise the whole Caucasus would prosper)), and most simply splurge. They know how)) And many people drink in general. While the horses))

26/10/11, ella ella
I like them, because I myself am from the Caucasus! I think that all peoples have representatives who have problems with hygiene!)))))

30/10/11, Girl A
I really like Caucasian men, they are very charming and well-groomed, they have a bright appearance, emotions, some kind of eye-catching brutality, and most importantly, it all combines into a kind of Caucasian male beauty, which will give odds to any European. I am a Slav with a slight admixture of Jewish and Tatar blood, I have blond hair, eyes and skin, and my beloved is tall, swarthy with wavy dark brown silk hair, with an insanely seductive smile, a long, bulging masculine nose with a slight hook, with beautiful almond-shaped brown eyes, a pleasant masculine voice, with an insanely seductive look, he is Caucasian (Azerbaijani) and I love him, and he loves me! I won’t give him to anyone!!! He looks after me very beautifully, blows dust particles off me, meets me every day from work, he is the best! And there are many such Caucasians, it's just that our media always pour all the sins on Caucasians. Of course, there are a lot of bandits among Caucasians, but among Russians there are fewer or what?

04/03/12, Yulduzka
Do I love Caucasian men?! First of all, I respect them!!! I have many Caucasian friends! And all their attention to me always began with a desire to meet with me, but when they heard my refusal, they did not turn to rudeness!!! Never!! For a girl who deserves their respect, Caucasians are ready to be anyone - a friend, a brother, a protector, just an acquaintance !!! I still communicate with them, and these are people much older than me, and if I have even a small problem, I can always turn to him for help, at any time of the day or night, in the literal sense of the word !!! And about the quick-tempered and iron character, it’s true - I’ll say hello to that person because of whom at least one hair will fall from my head !!! and more !! about hygiene: most Caucasians are Muslims and perform namaz, before which ablution is obligatory. Now look: prayer is performed 5 times a day (these are only obligatory, not to mention desirable !!), so what kind of incompetence in terms of hygiene can we talk about!

20/03/12, Goryanka07
YaRussian 161 region, I want to contact you! why did you collapse from the oak, yes ??? forgot that the UK is part of the Russian Federation, but forgot ??? or say that Russia is for the Russians and the Russians should rule, Putin is Russian, right??? Gorbochev was Russian??? Zhirinovsky Russian??? Stalin or Lenin, they are Russians, what a stranger, you simply cannot apply for such high positions in order to rule! , I want to say to these people one know how to leave with dignity! if there are any problems, guys come up and say everything that you don’t like to our boys - not one of you will dare to approach them one on one, even skins don’t represent anything when they are alone, and our guys won’t run away and talk with dignity with you and listen to you))) and then runeeeeee)))))

20/03/12, Kylo
Hmm, Caucasian men are true comrades and very sociable guys. You can always rely on them, they will never betray and will not leave you at the mercy of anyone. In this they are strikingly different from Russians with whom it is better not to have business at all. I have not met a vile nation.

05/05/12, the best1
I love Caucasian guys very much. not all, of course, but there are just wonderful people. Now I myself meet with a Caucasian, who is 18 years old. He is very affectionate and gentle, if someone touches his finger, he will tear off his head) besides, he takes care of himself very well, always clean, ironed clothes, smells delicious. He treats girls very well, but he likes only those who have good manners, there are no harmful habits. He greatly respects not only his traditions, but also the laws of other nationalities. In addition, our mutual friends are Armenians, oddly enough. They are also very good guys, I love them. Caucasians, perhaps, greatly overlap Russian boys with their charisma. They are very charming and attractive people who, at my school, for example, are always in the spotlight and are everyone's favorites. I don't agree with anything you wrote in the red column.

28/08/12, Zezag
I want to say that the red column is complete nonsense, it's time for the Russians to accept the fact that the North Caucasus is part of the Russian Federation, and the representatives of its peoples, like the Russians, are citizens of our country. Russians need to raise their culture and, more importantly, MORALITY, maybe then Russian girls will no longer be called easily accessible. I also want to note that I know many mixed families who are happy and satisfied with life, and the wives are glad that they did not marry Russian drunks

13/09/12, KaRiNa
=* A Caucasian guy is my ideal .. almost all friends are Caucasians, and Russians only if they are classmates ... they never leave in a difficult moment, they help if there are problems .. there are many guys who offered to meet even after my refusal, we are like best friends. .one generally loves me for 5 years, we still communicate well, offend anyone or something bad does not allow in my direction ... and gives gifts and compliments, courtship and does not require anything in return =))) I adore them for what they are Caucasian guys...=*=)

30/10/12, Bela1111
Yes, Caucasians have many shortcomings, but still they are not as mean as Russians.

How often do we see lovers of different nationalities on the street. Nobody is surprised by this anymore, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The largest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country are representatives of the Caucasian peoples. It has been noticed that young Russian women prefer them. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about Eastern men

There are many stereotypes about Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rude ... But do not forget that among the representatives of every nation you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some hostility towards other peoples, therefore they are mainly seen as shortcomings. Some people look deeper and understand that many Caucasian men have a large number of virtues, thanks to which they win the sympathy of the Russian fair sex. Now let's find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Reasons for relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see in Caucasian men the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which they do not find in many other representatives of the strong half of humanity. Indeed, Eastern guys have a completely different mentality. From childhood, they are severely brought up by their fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, they feel the core. It is this decisiveness and masculinity that often attract Russian women. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not capable of making independent decisions. This is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact is that women like the temperament of oriental beauties. The well-known expression "hot blood" is definitely about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to beautifully look after their beloved. When meeting such a guy, there is no doubt that he will shower you with flowers and gifts. Next to an oriental man, a woman can relax and feel like a real kor

deer, unique and beautiful. In addition, a Caucasian, most likely, will not want his woman to work, since her business is to take care of the house, children and herself. Therefore, a girl can feel comfortable and confident, having no doubt that she will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life. That's why girls love Caucasians.

A few tips for Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you in the same way as Oriental guys, be more attentive to your loved ones. Do not be afraid to approach the girl you like on the street, and also do not hesitate to compliment, because women, as you know, love with their ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls of Slavic appearance are not very suitable for each other, it is in your power to change everything! Be active and don't forget to do nice things for your lovely ladies!

At present, the situation when a girl meets a man of Caucasian nationality is far from uncommon. However, what do we know about the mountain peoples, their traditions and worldview? Unfortunately, not every one of us can immediately determine even the nationality of a man, let alone specific knowledge on the topic. Then, getting married and having children, many girls face serious problems and the true face of the one they considered their loved one, not paying due attention to the differences in mentality. So who is he, a Caucasian man?

In the Caucasus, boys and girls receive a completely different upbringing than the average European. They are instilled with certain concepts, they are committed to traditions. Undoubtedly, there are many advantages in this, however, on the condition that both a man and a woman follow the customs and principles. Patriarchy and obedience to elders is, of course, wonderful, but how does this suit us, women who are used to appreciating their independence and freedom, who have a high degree of emancipation? This is where the main point of debate arises, we grew up in a different environment, which means we have different values.

Among Caucasian men there are Europeanized representatives who live according to modern moral laws. However, one should not forget that the hot blood of mountain peoples flows in them. Therefore, entering into a relationship with such a man, you need to be aware of all the possible consequences.

Caucasians, of course, cannot be judged by the people who are shown in the news reports. Basically, it all depends on upbringing and family. Intelligent men always take care of themselves, well-groomed and tidy. Decent men will not offend and humiliate a woman, regardless of nationality. They will beautifully look after, give beautiful gifts and respect the mother of their children. But at the same time, they do not deviate from their values ​​and principles of subordinating a woman to the will of a man, this is also worth remembering. Distinctions should be made according to nationalities, because each culture and religion has its own nuances. Nationalities that profess Islam are different from those that serve Christianity. However, the same Tatars are also adherents of Islam, while we do not see them as a potential threat to our peaceful existence. Each case should be approached individually.

It is customary to have a rather negative opinion about Caucasians. Recall at least the sensational divorce proceedings of Russian show business stars with representatives of the Caucasus. But after all, among them, just like among us, there are smart and educated people, scientists, lawyers, physicists and historians who received their education through hard work, and not by buying a diploma. We look to the masses, who form our opinion. In universities, most of them do not strive to receive at least the slightest education, others do not know how to read at all. But even in this general mass you can meet those who are smarter than any Russian student and, certainly, more intelligent.

In relationships with women, everyone also behaves differently. Yes, a woman is property for any Caucasian. None of them will tolerate insults, betrayals or sharp disobedience. But not everyone beats their wives, takes away their children and makes Slavic women live according to Eastern customs.

Now everything has changed, the situation is not the same as it was thirty years ago. Of course, in connection with the situation in the world, the concept of generous, hospitable and peace-loving inhabitants of the Caucasus has disappeared. Now for us it is a man with a knife in his hand, who is ready to slaughter a rooster in the yard, and then his wife for infidelity. However, one cannot judge all nationalities by one.

How many people, so many opinions, it makes no sense to argue. For some, Caucasian men are a source of evil, while others make no distinction. It would be more correct to say that in every nation there are positive and negative characters.

Of course, you should be as prepared as possible when entering into a relationship with a Caucasian, because they have a different culture and different views. You should talk with the chosen one on various topics and meet with his relatives. Only then can you understand what this or that man is. However, never judge a crowd by its one member.

Olga Myagkova