How to euthanize a cat at home. How to put a dog to sleep. Painful and painless ways

This is what nature has ordered, which is much shorter than that of humans. And in any case, sooner or later, you have to say goodbye to your favorite. But it becomes even more difficult because often it has to be done earlier than expected, and in some cases even independently decide his fate. Is it hard to take responsibility? Of course ... But once in the family, the four-legged friend is already dependent on the person, and his life is already in the hands of the owner.

There are two types of reasons for resorting to euthanasia: medical and social indicators.

Quite often, euthanasia is recommended for medical reasons. First of all, this is due to the health of the pet. The last severe stages of diseases, bringing torment, as well as diseases that do not respond to any treatment at all, become a compelling reason to end the suffering of your beloved pet. It can be very difficult for owners to realize that putting to sleep in such a case is a humane act, and not everyone can go for it, although this is a completely reasonable way out.

If we take into account the opinion of professionals, then with disappointing diagnoses, especially when it comes to elderly animals, they recommend the latter between the option of constant anesthesia with a slow extinction of the pet and euthanasia. After all, not only is it difficult and painful for the owner to watch this, but the dog is also experiencing severe torment.

You should not make such a decision on your own; it is best to consult with a qualified doctor to find out if there is even the slightest chance of recovery.

Veterinarians say that it is very important to choose the right moment for such a procedure. And it is better if it happens before the dog begins to feel physical pain. Often, delaying the decision, the owners allow prolonged torment of the pet.

Injuries and injuries from accidents or other accidents can also lead to euthanasia. Often, dogs are euthanized because the owners do not have the necessary funds for treatment.

Social reasons include the asocial behavior of the animal. Such harsh measures are resorted to if, due to aggressiveness, the dog cannot be kept near people. Did the dog attack an adult or a child for no apparent reason, inflicted serious bodily harm? This is already a reason for euthanasia, in order to protect yourself and others.

Sleep at home

For some reason, pet owners want to put the dog to sleep on their own. What does it take to put a dog to sleep yourself?

There are several methods of euthanasia, which differ in their method:

  • The introduction of an alcohol or ammonia solution into the pulmonary lobes, in the process, the dog chokes. Most often it is used to euthanize unwanted offspring.
  • Conducting a powerful current discharge through the dog's body. In this case, cardiac arrest becomes the cause of death.

Is it worth mentioning that such methods are not distinguished by humanity and are more like torture. This is evidenced by the fact that often the animal does not die immediately, experiencing hellish torments.

Therefore, it is still recommended to resort to the help of a specialist, or at least consult with him, choosing the necessary dosage of funds for a more civilized method of euthanasia. Medicines of the following groups can be used:

  1. Anesthetics:
  • They adversely affect the activity of the central nervous system, cause pulmonary edema and breathing stops (Pnetobarbital and Etaminal sodium).
  • Thiopental sodium induces the animal into a deep hypnotic state and loss of consciousness.
  • Propofol also puts the dog into short-term hypnosis, provoking respiratory depression.
  • Droperidol is a sedative tranquilizer drug that reduces physical activity.
  • Zolarepam is an anesthetic that reduces pain.
  1. Sedative (sedative) drugs. Xylazine is primarily used as an anesthetic. Influences the relaxation of muscles, lowers blood pressure, in doses exceeding the norm, depressing respiration.
  2. Muscle relaxants:
  • Arduan is a synthetic drug that blocks the conduction between nerves and muscles. Used in complex anesthesia.
  • Ditilin - an increased dose leads to respiratory arrest.
  • Lidocaine - Used for painless euthanasia of animals.
  1. Agents that affect electrolyte balance. This group of drugs includes magnesium sulfate. With the intravenous administration of a large amount of the drug, weakness appears in the muscles, blood pressure decreases, and breathing is inhibited. All symptoms lead to permanent cardiac arrest.

Euthanasia of an animal in a veterinary clinic

In this case, the most humane medical procedure is used, which consists of two stages:

  • Initially, the veterinarian gives the dog an injection, often in the muscle, which puts the pet into a narcotic sleep. It is better if during this period the owner will sit next to the pet, since the dog will feel more relaxed and not nervous.
  • After a certain time, a second injection follows, the role of which is to stop cardiac activity. This process takes some time, but the dog will not feel anything. At this stage, the doctor asks the owners to go out so as not to see the pet's convulsive movements.

If the dog is not only nervous, but also shows aggression towards the doctor and the owner, then a muscle relaxant is administered remotely. In this situation, the whole process of euthanasia will take longer.

After the declaration of death, it will be possible to discuss the issue of burial. You can only bury an animal on your own on your own territory. If the cause of euthanasia was the pet's aggression towards a person, then cremation in this case is prohibited. The animal's body is handed over to veterinarians for signs of rabies.

Euthanasia cost

The price of the procedure directly depends on the dog's body weight. The larger the animal, the more expensive it will cost. The average cost for euthanasia is:

  • ten-kilogram dog - from 1t. up to 2t. rubles;
  • from 10 to 20 - from 2 tons. up to 3t rubles;
  • within the range of up to 30 kilograms - 3-4 thousand rubles;
  • from 30 to 50 kg - 4-5 thousand rubles;
  • weighing up to 70 kg - from 5 to 7 rubles.

These prices refer to Moscow and the Moscow region, in provincial cities the cost of euthanasia can be 25-30% cheaper.

If a veterinarian is not expected to come to your home, then euthanasia will be cheaper. A doctor's visit costs an average of 1200 rubles.

In addition to euthanasia, clinics offer a wide range of additional services:

  • taking the dog away and performing cremation;
  • delivery of his ashes back in a special urn (this service will be more expensive than regular cremation).

If we talk about cost, then a full range of services (euthanasia and cremation) in a veterinary clinic will be cheaper than ordering everything separately and taking the pet's body to the crematorium on your own.

Two polar opinions on euthanasia

Modern dog owners are divided into two opposing camps regarding pet euthanasia:

  • In the first, they believe that if a friend, or rather a family member, is hopeless, then putting to sleep is truly a difficult, but the surest decision. They share the opinion that a dog that faithfully served a person has every right to decent care - without excruciating pain, next to its owner. There is a grain of reason in such judgments, since many diseases lead to a very unsightly, painful death. These include oncological ailments with metastases and multiple surgical interventions, injuries that are incompatible with life, irreversible processes within the body that have a chronic or age-related cause. If the pain relief does not bring relief, then the owners tend to decide to let the animal go.
  • In the camp of opponents of euthanasia, it is believed that euthanasia is murder, albeit with good intentions, and is a sin. In their opinion, a person has no right to decide who and how much to live. Cases of miraculous healings of terminally ill cats and dogs are cited as examples. Any, even the most hopeless, situation gives hope for a miraculous cure. Sleep takes away hope and deprives the pet, albeit ghostly, of a chance for life.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, ready to die for the owner. They meekly endure all diseases and hardships, not showing how hard it is for them. In this difficult situation, each pet owner makes an independent decision.

Unfortunately, today some dog breeders are faced with the need to euthanize the dog. There may be many reasons for this, but one way or another, such a need is always a big blow to a person. In this article, we'll cover everything there is to know about pet euthanasia.

What can induce the owner to euthanize the animal?

Putting dogs to sleep is a painless procedure necessary to end a pet's life. Some people consider this a great sin, and now we will try to figure it out.

There may be several reasons why a dog breeder has to euthanize a dog, all of them are given below:

Temporary euthanasia of an animal

From time to time, dog breeders are faced with the need to painlessly euthanize for some time. In theory, this can be done, but in fact, such a procedure is very complicated. There are several cases in which temporary euthanasia is allowed.


So, in what cases it is possible to put to sleep for a while - this happens when:

  1. Carrying out the operation. If it is necessary to painlessly immobilize the dog, but at the same time it is necessary to preserve the working capacity of all its organs. Such a case is not a sin, because in this way you are only helping your four-legged friend to heal and at the same time endure a minimum of pain.
  2. While capturing aggressive street pets. For example, if you need to catch an animal that runs for no reason down the street and barks at people. Usually, with this behavior, the dog is suspected of rabies, therefore, it is not a sin to euthanize the emu for a while. Specialists, using special drugs, immobilize an aggressive dog at a safe distance. Then the dog is taken to the appropriate institution, where it is checked for the presence of certain diseases.
  3. Sometimes the breeder is faced with the need for temporary euthanasia when it is necessary to transport the animal. As practice shows, not all pets normally transport transportation, at this time they can behave aggressively or restlessly. Then temporary euthanasia is also not considered a sin.


If you need to transport the animal or help the dog to cope with stress, you can use:

  1. The drug "Cat Bayun", which can be given to dogs. The composition of this tool contains elements that work as sedatives. In addition, "Cat Bayun" weakens the feeling of fear and has antispasmodic properties.
  2. Stop-stress drug. The use of both products is allowed after consultation with a veterinarian.

You can immobilize your pet on your own using means that affect the electrolyte balance. For example, it can be magnesium sulfate, which relaxes muscles and causes weakness. But you need to be careful with the dosage to prevent cardiac arrest.

Euthanasia is a consciously necessary decision

Having asked yourself the question - how to euthanize a dog, you must understand that this action is irreversible - complete euthanasia is carried out only in the clinic. Of course, there is an option to put the pet to sleep on your own, we will consider both methods below (the author of the video is GraveofDogs).

How to euthanize a pet in a veterinary clinic?

Having decided to euthanize the animal, it is advisable to go to the clinic to the veterinarian.

The procedure for euthanasia is as follows:

  1. First, in the clinic, the dog will be anesthetized so that the pet is immobilized and can fall asleep. Clinic specialists usually respect the dosage, because it is very important (it is calculated depending on the weight).
  2. The specialist will then inject the next drug to stop the heart.

The euthanasia procedure in the clinic is completely painless for the dog.

How to put your pet to sleep at home on your own?

You cannot put a dog to sleep at home on your own, but you can do it at home with the same specialist. According to reviews, the doctor can be called home, where he will weigh the dog, and then select the necessary drugs. In any case, euthanasia without a veterinarian's opinion is impossible and wrong.

And in general, doing euthanasia with your own hands is not particularly humane. After all, you are unlikely to be able to find the required amount of the drug, that is, doom the pet to torment before death.

Before you euthanize an animal, decide what will happen to its body after death.

  1. Breeders recommend obtaining a document from the local authorities for the burial of the dog. If necessary and if there is a crematorium in the city, the body can be cremated.
  2. You must be conscious of your choice. Understand that almost every breeder will sooner or later face the need to euthanize the animal and you need to be prepared for this.
  3. It is better to put the puppy to sleep right away if it has defects that will not allow the body to develop properly.
  4. If the animal constantly has systemic diseases, the etiology of which cannot be identified.

Video "How euthanasia is done"

For more information about the euthanasia process, see the video (the author of the video is WalkService - all about animals, dog training).

Sometimes the owner has to make a big decision: whether to euthanize the dog or cat or not? When is it legal to kill an animal? Yes exactly! Putting a cat or dog to sleep cannot be a whim of the owner. There are laws that allow a veterinarian to use euthanasia on a cat or dog. Anything that is not provided for by law is considered murder. A veterinarian may be deprived of the right to practice for violation of this law.

What are the conditions for euthanasia for cats and dogs? When does the law allow the killing of pets?

How cats and dogs are put to sleep

The owner, who has to resort to euthanizing his pet, first of all thinks about how the euthanasia of dogs and cats occurs. Does the animal hurt or does it feel absolutely nothing? What drugs are the best to choose so that the whisker does not feel anything at all? And finally, where is it better to euthanize a cat or dog: in the clinic or at home?

There are many ways to put yourself to sleep. But some are extremely painful, while others help the animal to fall asleep calmly and not wake up again. And in order not to cause your pet even more suffering, you should not even think about what pills are given to euthanize a dog or cat!

Firstly, not a single veterinarian uses pills for euthanasia. Almost always, special drugs are injected, it is extremely rare (one might say that isolated cases are recorded, since this is not a humane method) - aerogenically, using argon or another gas, which leads to asphyxia (the animal suffocates).

Secondly, such attempts to euthanize a cat or dog at home on their own only lead to the fact that the animal twitches convulsively for a long time (in convulsions), foam will go out of the mouth. The pet will die painfully and slowly. And this is animal cruelty. And if you want your devoted four-legged friend not to suffer, then go to the clinic to euthanize the dog / cat as painlessly and quickly as possible.

Therefore, before running to the first clinic that comes across, it is better to call and ask how exactly the euthanasia of a cat or dog takes place. It is best to choose the veterinary clinic where the animal is first injected with drugs for anesthesia in a large dosage so that the mustache falls asleep and does not feel anything. And then a solution will be injected, which will lead to cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Euthanasia of cats and dogs at home is possible only when the animal no longer walks / moves poorly or in an emergency. But even in this case, it is not the owner who gives some dubious pills, having read the advice from "experienced members of the forum", but calls the veterinarian at home.

If the pet can be taken to the clinic, then it is better to take him away. First, it is better for loving owners not to see sedation drugs being administered. This almost always leads to tears, worries, stress. And the animal will feel it. And secondly, clinics usually offer services for cremation or burial of sacrificed pets. After all, burying the body of an animal in the yard or on a vacant lot, even if it is not sick with infectious diseases, is illegal. For such purposes, special plots of land have been allocated. However, the organization that offered you to bury the pet must have a license and permission to provide such services.

How much does it cost to put a cat and dog to sleep?

If we talk about how much it costs to euthanize a dog or cat, then the cost depends on many factors.

Animal body weight

The larger it is, the higher the cost. This is due to the fact that drugs both for anesthesia and for stopping the work of the heart are calculated strictly. If calculated incorrectly, then the pet may not fall asleep, or the heart will stop too slowly. If you are told that the mustache will be given just one intramuscular injection, refuse this clinic. Such an injection without prior general anesthesia (anesthesia) will only lead to painful death. It is tantamount if the heart and breathing of a living and feeling creature begin to stop. It’s scary and painful. And absolutely not humane. It is not worth saving, and it is illegal to euthanize a cat or dog without anesthesia.

Preparations with which animals will be euthanized

It should be understood that each has its own cost. Some are cheaper, others are more expensive.

The "status" of the clinic and its location

Government agencies usually charge less, they have their own price list. However, their drugs are almost always cheaper. Private veterinary clinics can euthanize with expensive drugs, carry out burial, therefore, the price for this service can be raised. Nevertheless, private clinics can offer adequate options. And don't forget about the city. For example, in Moscow, the price for putting a dog or cat to sleep ranges from 1000 rubles to 4000 and more (for every 10 kilograms of mass - 1000 rubles approximately, may be higher than the price, maybe lower), but in remote towns or provinces - by a third cheaper. Therefore, you need to find out in the clinic itself. And if you also call a veterinarian at home, then the euthanasia of a cat / dog at home will cost even more. But watching the suffering of your pet is much more terrifying.

How animals are euthanized

Euthanasia or euthanasia is performed only in order to save the pet from the unbearable torment that old age or incurable fatal diseases bring him.

Euthanasia is performed within 5 to 30 minutes with the help of injections of special drugs. First, a drug is administered for anesthesia, thereby immersing the pet in a deep sleep, and, accordingly, relieving from torment and pain, and then a second drug is injected, which helps to stop the animal's breathing, and a little later to stop the heart. The euthanasia of animals is thus considered the most humane solution. The pet falls asleep and dies absolutely painlessly.

To lull or not to lull

The first point of view is never to put you to sleep.

The second - if necessary, according to indications.

Third - Do not treat anyone if euthanasia is severely ill at once.

Humane euthanasia of animals at home in Moscow

You can call your veterinarian at home for euthanasia terminally ill, extremely old and infirm animals, as well as in case of social need, you can euthanize healthy pets.

Putting cats to sleep at home in Moscow

Domestic cats know how to be sincerely happy and sad. They are waiting for us at the doorstep, they meet us on our return from work. The gnawed wire or the upholstery of the chair scratched by the claws of a mischief-maker are little things that lose their meaning when expressive and intelligent eyes look.

Unfortunately, our pets are prone to various diseases that bring them a lot of suffering. Not all diseases are curable, sometimes euthanasia is the only way to get rid of a cat from agony. The decision to euthanize the cat at home is made only by the owner. The veterinarian can only advise the euthanasia procedure if the cat has no chance of continuing a full life without pain and suffering. To give a cat an injection, after which it will never wake up, is more humane than watching its slow agony.

Euthanasia of dogs at home in Moscow

In fact, euthanasia is the deliberate killing of an incurable sick or injured dog. The purpose of euthanasia is to get rid of severe physical suffering in a humane way.

It is safe to say that putting a dog to sleep is a morally acceptable action as long as the decision is made by the owner and veterinarian on the basis of medical reasons. These indications include non-treatable pathological conditions that cause distress to the dog. In these cases, you should not turn your dog's life into anguish. In this case, painless sleep will not be an act of cruelty, but an act of humane mercy.

Sometimes the owner has to make a big decision: whether to euthanize the dog or cat or not? When is it legal to kill an animal? Yes exactly! Putting a cat or dog to sleep cannot be a whim of the owner. There are laws that allow a veterinarian to use euthanasia on a cat or dog. Anything that is not provided for by law is considered murder. A veterinarian may be deprived of the right to practice for violation of this law.

What are the conditions for euthanasia for cats and dogs? When does the law allow the killing of pets?

How cats and dogs are put to sleep

The owner, who has to resort to euthanizing his pet, first of all thinks about how the euthanasia of dogs and cats occurs. Does the animal hurt or does it feel absolutely nothing? What drugs are the best to choose so that the whisker does not feel anything at all? And finally, where is it better to euthanize a cat or dog: in the clinic or at home?

There are many ways to put yourself to sleep. But some are extremely painful, while others help the animal to fall asleep calmly and not wake up again. And in order not to cause your pet even more suffering, you should not even think about what pills are given to euthanize a dog or cat!

Firstly, not a single veterinarian uses pills for euthanasia. Almost always, special drugs are injected, it is extremely rare (one might say that isolated cases are recorded, since this is not a humane method) - aerogenically, using argon or another gas, which leads to asphyxia (the animal suffocates).

Secondly, such attempts to euthanize a cat or dog at home on their own only lead to the fact that the animal twitches convulsively for a long time (in convulsions), foam will go out of the mouth. The pet will die painfully and slowly. And this is animal cruelty. And if you want your devoted four-legged friend not to suffer, then go to the clinic to euthanize the dog / cat as painlessly and quickly as possible.

Therefore, before running to the first clinic that comes across, it is better to call and ask how exactly the euthanasia of a cat or dog takes place. It is best to choose the veterinary clinic where the animal is first injected with drugs for anesthesia in a large dosage so that the mustache falls asleep and does not feel anything. And then a solution will be injected, which will lead to cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Euthanasia of cats and dogs at home is possible only when the animal no longer walks / moves poorly or in an emergency. But even in this case, it is not the owner who gives some dubious pills, having read the advice from "experienced members of the forum", but calls the veterinarian at home.

If the pet can be taken to the clinic, then it is better to take him away. First, it is better for loving owners not to see sedation drugs being administered. This almost always leads to tears, worries, stress. And the animal will feel it. And secondly, clinics usually offer services for cremation or burial of sacrificed pets. After all, burying the body of an animal in the yard or on a vacant lot, even if it is not sick with infectious diseases, is illegal. For such purposes, special plots of land have been allocated. However, the organization that offered you to bury the pet must have a license and permission to provide such services.

How much does it cost to put a cat and dog to sleep?

If we talk about how much it costs to euthanize a dog or cat, then the cost depends on many factors.

Animal body weight

The larger it is, the higher the cost. This is due to the fact that drugs both for anesthesia and for stopping the work of the heart are calculated strictly. If calculated incorrectly, then the pet may not fall asleep, or the heart will stop too slowly. If you are told that the mustache will be given just one intramuscular injection, refuse this clinic. Such an injection without prior general anesthesia (anesthesia) will only lead to painful death. It is tantamount if the heart and breathing of a living and feeling creature begin to stop. It’s scary and painful. And absolutely not humane. It is not worth saving, and it is illegal to euthanize a cat or dog without anesthesia.

Preparations with which animals will be euthanized

It should be understood that each has its own cost. Some are cheaper, others are more expensive.

The "status" of the clinic and its location

Government agencies usually charge less, they have their own price list. However, their drugs are almost always cheaper. Private veterinary clinics can euthanize with expensive drugs, carry out burial, therefore, the price for this service can be raised. Nevertheless, private clinics can offer adequate price options, as, for example, in the Dolly clinic chain. And don't forget about the city. For example, in Moscow, the price for putting a dog or cat to sleep ranges from 1000 rubles to 4000 and more (for every 10 kilograms of mass - 1000 rubles approximately, may be higher than the price, maybe lower), but in remote towns or provinces - by a third cheaper. Therefore, you need to find out in the clinic itself. And if you also call a veterinarian at home, then the euthanasia of a cat / dog at home will cost even more. But watching the suffering of your pet is much more terrifying.

Almost every pet owner, hearing the word "put to sleep", paints a sad picture in his head: old age, serious illness, long excruciating pains, the bitterness of parting and death. Many people mentally simply discard this process, preferring to believe that the moment of losing a mustached friend will never come. In principle, this is normal and correct.

And yet, as paradoxical as it may sound, some pet owners find the courage to ask themselves the question: how to euthanize a cat at home? Most often, such ideas arise either out of inexperience, or in those cases when euthanasia is not associated with separation.

Before looking for different medications or exploring methods that could be used to put a cat to bed at home without professional help, let's first discuss two concepts:

  • lulling to sleep is a reversible process, as a result of which the animal does not fall asleep on its own, but under the influence of drugs that affect the functioning of the brain;
  • euthanasia is an irreversible process, the deliberate and controlled deprivation of the life of an animal by sequential shutdown of nervous, cardiac and pulmonary activity in order to end the hopeless long painful existence of the organism.

Why do you need to understand the essence of these two terms? To make it easier to figure out for what purpose you need to euthanize the cat and whether it is possible to do it yourself at home. So let's get started.

It is very rare to meet a calm and obedient cat that will meekly fulfill all the orders of its owner. Often, thoroughbred mustachioed shrews behave very boldly and capriciously. They show their character in all their glory when they need to be put in a carrier, taken out of an apartment or transported somewhere, especially if the purpose of the trip is to visit a veterinarian. With the most zealous representatives of the feline species, such manipulations can give owners big problems, and sometimes physical injury in the form of scratched hands, fingers, neck and face.

In such situations, some people prefer to reduce stress to themselves and the animal by putting it to sleep with short-acting sleeping pills. It is not difficult to do it yourself at home. It is enough to purchase a sedative agent based on phytocomponents (Fitex, Stop-Stress) in a veterinary pharmacy. Having received the dose necessary for its weight, the animal itself calms down and falls asleep.

In addition to herbal sedatives, there are also drugs - sleeping pills for animals. With their help, veterinarians immerse cats in a narcotic state (anesthesia) before complex surgical operations. It makes no sense to give here a detailed list and dosage of these drugs, since you will not be able to euthanize a cat at home with these drugs yourself. They are not freely available without a prescription and cannot be found in pharmacies.

This is where a logical question arises: how, then, to ease the suffering of an old dying animal?

Euthanasia is a painless treatment

"It is better to help quickly leave than to allow the disease to harass your beloved four-legged friend for a long time and suffer at the same time" - this opinion is shared by many supporters of the euthanasia of sick animals.

Conducting humane euthanasia, which alleviates the suffering of a pet, is practiced in many veterinary clinics. When someone decides to carry out such a procedure at home without professional help, it can very easily turn into a brutal, cold-blooded murder with elements of torture. The fact is that the process of painless lulling to sleep is very complicated and consists of several stages, each of which is important and cannot be skipped either through inexperience, or even more so consciously. What are these stages?


No matter how bad your kitty feels, do not rush to bury her. First of all, you need an experienced look and kind advice from a professional, and preferably a few. When different specialists give your kitty a disappointing diagnosis: a disease incompatible with life, which will progress every day and cause her more and more suffering, only then you can be given a recommendation to do euthanasia. Forced euthanasia is used in case of rabies, in other cases the last word is yours.

This stage is not so much needed by the animal as by its owner. It represents a detailed consultation with the doctor who will carry out the procedure. After such a conversation, you should not have any questions or doubts. The patient's owner must provide the following information:

  • how the cat will be put to sleep at the first stage (anesthesia);
  • what will happen in the animal's body during anesthesia;
  • what drugs will be administered to stop the work of the brain, heart, respiratory organs;
  • where the euthanasia will be performed - in a clinic or at home (you can choose the place yourself);
  • what will happen to the body after the procedure.

If the doctor for some reason does not want to provide you with such information, look for another clinic. Apparently, euthanasia is carried out in this place by painful methods (without anesthesia, live), which they do not want to inform the client about.

The immediate process of euthanasia

At this stage, the cat is immersed in a narcotic sleep with the help of a special agent from the so-called barbiturate group (sodium ethaminal, Torbugesik, Ketamine and the like), which turn off the brain by deeply suppressing the central nervous system. In this state, all types of sensitivity are turned off in the body. This process can be reversible and irreversible, depending on the dosage.

Under ordinary anesthesia (during surgery), the activity of the brain is only suppressed. In euthanasia, an amount of the drug is injected that turns off the brain completely. At this stage, the cat falls into a so-called vegetative coma. In this state, her heart continues to beat, she still has intermittent breathing, but she no longer has consciousness. She turns into a plant. In fact, this is the death of your pet.

At this moment, the farewell to the four-legged friend ends: after making sure that the animal no longer feels anything, you leave the room. Then a good specialist will carry out the final stage of euthanasia without your presence.

Physiological death

15-20 minutes after switching off the brain, a lethal dose of potassium chloride is first introduced into the body, which, gradually slowing down, stops the heart muscle. Following the heart, breathing is turned off by injecting ditilin, lidocaine or other relaxants. After some time, having made sure of the complete stop of all vital signs, the doctor ends the euthanasia with a message about the death of the pet, which in a humane way freed the animal from excruciating suffering.

Self-euthanasia at home

Now, knowing the whole process of humane killing, let's think about whether it is possible to euthanize a cat at home yourself. To do this, try answering the following questions:

  • Are you convinced that the animal really needs to be euthanized or is it just your whim?
  • can you get a barbiturate narcotic drug that is not sold in pharmacies, but is supplied directly to clinics licensed to euthanasia?
  • Do you know which dose of barbiturates only depresses the brain for a while, and which one turns it off completely?
  • do you know that without barbiturate anesthesia your mustachioed friend will hear, see and feel the whole horror of death, and with the introduction of poison, he will also fall into agony and will die for a long time in terrible convulsions?
  • Are you ready to strangle, drown, poison or shock your four-legged friend so that he will never suffer again, but at the same time died a painful death before your eyes?

All of these painful methods are by no means humane. Rather, they do not relieve suffering, but rather finish off the animal. There are no other ways to euthanize a cat yourself.

And do not believe those veterinarians who say that you can quickly and painlessly kill an animal with one simple injection. Yes, you can kill him, but it will die in terrible agony, since such injections only paralyze the muscles, after which the pet cannot breathe and in full consciousness dies of suffocation. It's like strangling him with your own hands at home.

Such painful injections are usually practiced either by veterinarians who are not licensed to provide drugs or by clients looking to save money and looking for cheaper euthanasia because humane euthanasia is expensive. And yet, do not skimp on your friend, let him fall asleep without torment. As a last resort, when there are no funds at all, it is better to give the animal the opportunity to die naturally, which will bring him less suffering than cheap methods of euthanasia.

When a small carefree kitten just appears in the house, it is difficult to imagine that after some time the moment of parting will come. Unfortunately, this does not always happen in extreme old age of an animal - diseases often take away life much earlier. In any case, the owner will have a choice - to put the cat to sleep or let it leave on its own, but experiencing pain and not being able to drink, walk on its own (you can continue indefinitely). In simple terms, euthanasia is always painful for the owner, even if he understands that the situation is hopeless and the animal will die anyway soon, only experiencing torment. At such moments, I remember how you offended your beloved pet in some way, did not give him warmth, did not buy the best food. A dead cat is like a deceased friend, another pet can take its place in the house, but no place in the owner's heart ...

When is cat or cat euthanasia justified?

Unfortunately, there are unfortunate veterinarians who follow the lead of the owners of absolutely healthy animals, committing drug euthanasia for monstrous reasons: if the animal is tired, if it scratches, if there is a desire, and the old one is out of work. We will not consider such cases and discuss the moral character of such individuals. By the way, those veterinarians who perform euthanasia without the necessary tests and research do not inspire confidence either.

If we talk about euthanasia as getting rid of an animal from torment, then it can be justified if: the cat has received injuries incompatible with life or the animal suffers from an incurable disease that is progressing. Sometimes the doctor can euthanize a cat due to too old age, if vital functions are impaired and irreversible body processes have begun. Before making such a difficult decision, the owner can contact a number of clinics in order to hear the competent opinion of several specialists. In most cases, not only a visual examination of the pet, but also laboratory tests is necessary. Doctors, too, can be wrong with the diagnosis, what if the cat will still fight? In any case, if there is hope of recovery, you need to cling to it.

The process of euthanizing a cat or cat

The owner of the animal has the right to choose where exactly the euthanasia of the pet will take place - in a veterinary clinic or at home. In favor of euthanasia at home, it can be attributed to the fact that the owner does not have to transport the cat on his own, since it is psychologically difficult.

Most often, the euthanasia of cats consists in the introduction of anesthesia for the lack of sensitivity and pain to the animals; this condition is a general anesthesia, when the cat breathes on its own, it has a heartbeat. Then the cat is injected with a special drug that stops the work of the heart and respiratory system. In cases where the euthanasia takes place in the clinic, the doctor may recommend the owner to go out for a while.

When everything is done (about 10-15 minutes), the owner will be able to pick up the animal and say goodbye to it, bury it. In this case, the way from the clinic with a dead friend will be difficult, when the warmth of the cat's body is still felt (sometimes, euthanized animals have convulsions and involuntary urination). Sometimes owners leave euthanized cats in the clinic, perhaps this makes sense when the owner of the cat has small children who will be very upset when they see a dead pet or for other reasons.

The owner of the cat should always discuss with the doctor the introduction of anesthesia before the direct use of drugs for euthanasia, so that the animal does not feel pain. Sometimes veterinarians inject a cat with a deadly drug that blocks the cat's respiratory muscles, resulting in painful death from suffocation. That is why you should ask your doctor about the procedure for euthanasia and the drugs administered.

Putting a cat or cat to sleep at home

Independently conduct putting a cat or cat to sleep at home having obtained medicines in any way should never be. Also, you should not trust the doctor, who literally after a few minutes of admission persuades to put the cat to sleep - in fact, a good doctor is obliged to conduct research and fight for the life of the animal, if the owner made such a decision and if possible.

Should you euthanize the animal or not?

If the animal is suffering, if all treatment options have been tried and have not worked, if the cat is in constant pain, then the answer is probably yes. It's more humane for a friend dying in pain. In such cases, you have to step on the throat of your feelings, hoping that somewhere far away there is a cat paradise and your cat will be there. But already without you.

How much does it cost to euthanize a cat or cat?

  • Prices in Russia: from 1500 - 2000 rubles.
  • Prices in Ukraine: from 200 - 300 hryvnia.

According to European statistics, about every tenth urban animal is currently euthanized. Among them are pets, who are often forced to take deadly medicine.

The euthanasia of animals, or euthanasia, in modern medical practice is a painless injection that leads to cardiac arrest or cessation of the respiratory center. Depending on the composition and mode of action of the drug used, euthanasia may be preceded by deep anesthesia, gradually turning into clinical and then biological death.

This difficult decision has to be made by many owners, because the life of pets is fleeting, and the torment from illness, old age or severe injuries can last for months. Sometimes it is easier and better for everyone, including the animal itself, to resort to euthanasia, rather than torment and suffer day by day.

To decide on a crucial step, it is important to know everything about putting to sleep. The following information will be useful to every cat or dog owner.

Putting to sleep: legal or not in Russia

Despite the widespread practice of animal euthanasia, there is still no specific legislation on this issue in our country. The main reference point in medical practice is the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals No. 125. True, Russia has not yet acceded to it. However, on the Internet you can find the text of the document and read the basic provisions.

Interesting fact. We tried to develop our own law on the protection of pets, which, among other things, would describe the procedure for euthanasia. Officials even prepared a draft federal law "On the protection of animals from cruelty." It was adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council, but, unfortunately, the president has not yet signed it. Meanwhile, Article 16 sets out a list of cases in which the killing of animals is possible and describes the requirements for the procedure.

Putting animals to sleep: pros and cons

Putting pets to sleep is a procedure that causes serious psychological distress for the owner and provokes others around him to condemnation and gossip. Questioned, no less, your humanity and love for your pet. But let's look at this issue calmly, without emotion.

Oddly enough, in many cases, euthanasia is the most humane way to end the torment of an animal. Judge for yourself: if your pet is diagnosed with a serious illness (for example, cancer), or the animal has received an incurable limb injury, then further existence will be associated only with pain. Wouldn't it be better to end the senseless torment?

A four-legged friend will not, as a person, think about the fact that you need to have time to realize yourself in life, until the last day to do something important. He will suffer and wonder why the pain does not go away, and his state of health is getting worse and worse. That is why, in a number of cases, euthanasia is not just prohibited, but indicated as a medical procedure.

There can be only one argument against euthanasia: the ability to really help the animal, cure it and put it on its feet.

Indications for euthanasia

Read carefully the main indications for the procedure. This will help avoid a fatal mistake and really help the animal.

Old age is the first in a series of indications. Often in old people, along with general wear and tear of the body, chronic diseases are more acutely manifested, and sometimes new ones develop (for example, a malignant tumor). However, the age of the dog or cat itself does not oblige the owner to interrupt the pet's life. This should be done only if, according to the results of the examination, you see that the animal will not tolerate treatment.

Serious trauma that interferes with a fulfilling healthy life and cannot be healed is a second cause of euthanasia. Such injuries include fractures of the limbs due to car accidents, falls from a height, as well as rupture of internal organs due to a strong impact.

The third significant reason for euthanasia is congenital abnormalities in a puppy or kitten, which with age will interfere with normal life and prevent them from growing up healthy and happy.

Finally, the fourth indication for euthanasia is the infection of an animal with a particularly dangerous disease, such as rabies.

Remember that no one but you can make the decision to put to sleep or keep alive. Approach this issue responsibly. It is highly advisable to consult a veterinarian first.

Ways to euthanize animals

For the first time, small chambers, the so-called death chambers, were used to euthanize dogs and cats. Euthanasia took place by means of carbon monoxide, which entered through a special hole. Due to its cruelty, this method was rejected and replaced by a drug one.

Drug euthanasia of an animal: how it happens

At the moment, there are two options for euthanasia:

  • the introduction of barbiturates;
  • anesthesia + a drug that affects the muscles, heart or respiratory system.

The first technique is as follows. The animal is injected into deep anesthesia by injecting a large amount of the drug. In this state, it is left until the consciousness turns off, and the muscles come to complete relaxation. The final stage of the procedure is the shutdown of all life support systems. Most often, for these purposes, they use "Thiopental sodium", "Propofol", "Diprivan". This method is considered the most humane and painless.

It may happen that the desired barbiturate is not in the arsenal of the veterinarian. In this case, a two-stage euthanasia procedure is suitable. The first part involves the introduction of the animal under normal anesthesia. After the pet falls asleep, he is injected with "Lidocaine", "Ditilin" or magnesium sulfate. "Lidocaine" in large doses leads to cardiac arrest, "Ditilin" relaxes all the muscles in the body, and magnesium sulfate blocks the respiratory center. If carried out correctly, the procedure is absolutely painless and helps the pet to leave life calmly and without suffering.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT use these medications to self-euthanize your pet. Without anesthesia, the aforementioned medicines cause severe torment for the animal.

Putting cats and dogs to sleep: are there any differences

In general, there is no big difference between the euthanasia of cats and dogs. The only thing, for a large dog, the amount of the drug can be increased. For cats, only a little means is enough to induce anesthesia. The composition of medicines and the sequence of the procedure are the same for cats and dogs.

Euthanasia of aggressive dogs

Within the framework of this issue, we will separately consider the problem of aggressive dogs. Many owners, desperate to raise an obstinate animal, come to the veterinarian with a request to euthanize the dog. You should know that this is the wrong decision. And any adequate doctor who is not chasing profit should refuse in such a situation. In addition to the obvious unethicality of such an act, there are other objective reasons for the refusal:

  • if the dog's aggression is not caused by rabies, but by the complexity of the character and characteristics of the breed, then this is definitely corrected by a good course of training;
  • euthanasia of a healthy young animal only at the whim of its owner is equivalent to cruelty to the pet and can have administrative consequences;
  • in the event of a complete loss of authority in the animal, the owner can take care of its transfer to specialized canine services, where the dog will find a worthy use and give a way out of aggression; in extreme cases, you can contact the nursery.

Euthanasia in the clinic: procedure for the procedure

Of course, no one will simply put a cat, dog or other pet to sleep. Euthanasia of animals is carried out after a thorough examination of the pet and only when it is impossible to help with other methods. The procedure in this case is as follows:

  • examination by a veterinarian, after which the doctor gives an opinion with a recommendation for euthanasia;
  • signing the owner's written consent to the procedure; at this stage, you can also immediately resolve the issue of disposing of the body (independent organization of cremation or funeral or by the clinic);
  • carrying out the procedure;
  • removal of the body.

The procedure itself lasts no more than 20 minutes. The owner is allowed to stay close to the animal until it is put to sleep. As soon as the pet falls asleep, you should leave. This is due to the fact that euthanasia of cats and dogs is a difficult procedure for the owner of the animal and can cause psychological trauma.

Just a few more words about the inspection. To exclude a medical error, we recommend that you undergo an examination by several veterinarians. Sometimes it happens that one doctor prescribes euthanasia, while another knows how to cure the disease and prolong the life of the pet.

Believe me, the life of your four-footed friend is worth fighting for and visiting several doctors. After all, he devoted this life entirely to you. Treat this with respect.

Putting to sleep at home

If there are difficulties with transporting the animal to the clinic, you can carry out this procedure at home.

IMPORTANT! Home euthanasia of dogs and cats is not self-directed. If you decide to euthanize your pet in your apartment, call your veterinarian anyway. The procedure should only be carried out by a specialist!

In general, putting to sleep at home is practically no different from a service in a clinic. You also sign a consent to the killing of the pet, he is injected with the same drugs. The only difference is the price of the service, it will be slightly higher.

Cost of euthanasia in the clinic and at home

The cost of euthanasia consists of several components:

  • location of the procedure (apartment or clinic);
  • weight of the animal;
  • the nature of further activities with the body;
  • region of residence.

Let's say right away that in the capitals the cost of euthanasia is slightly higher than in the regions. This is understandable. Prices here start at 1000 rubles. So, euthanasia of a cat or dog weighing up to 10 kg in a clinic will cost you 1000-2000 rubles. For every 10 kg, add 1000 rubles. That is, a dog weighing 50-70 kg will be euthanized for 5000-7000 rubles.

Providing services at home will take another 500-1000 rubles from your wallet. This amount includes, as a rule, the visit of the veterinarian himself and the preliminary examination.

Removal of the body and its cremation may be included in the general check or offered as an additional service. On average, the cost of transporting a corpse is 1000-3000 rubles. depending on the weight. The price of cremation under general conditions is about the same - 1000-4000 rubles. and also depends on body weight. If you are very attached to a pet and want to have an individual cremation with the delivery of ashes in an urn, prepare to pay about 1.5 times more.

It is not a fact, but it is possible that if you independently take out the body, you will be required to pay for its storage in a special refrigerator at the veterinary clinic. Discuss this with your doctor beforehand.


The departure of an animal from life is always painful for itself and a loving family. If you live in a country house on your own plot, then this is usually easier, especially when it comes to a cat. Before dying, a pet, as a rule, leaves its home or finds a secluded place in the yard, hidden from prying eyes, where it calmly dies.

In an urban environment, in apartments, such a scenario is almost impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary suffering of the animal and psychological trauma of the owner, we recommend using the euthanasia service. But this decision must be deliberate.