How to stretch natural suede at home. Stretching at home. The cheapest way to stretch suede shoes at home

Having bought shoes made of any material, you should not be absolutely sure that this model will be suitable for the foot. In most cases, shoes gradually dry out, the factory lubricant evaporates from their surface, due to which their size becomes smaller.

To return it to its original form, you need to stretch it. This must be done correctly, especially if you plan to stretch shoes at home. It should be noted that there are quite a few stretching methods - they all depend on the material from which the model is made: natural or artificial leather, suede, fabric materials, and so on.

Shoes made of artificial leather have a number of features. In particular, in the production process of this material, natural shredded leather is used, which is given a natural look under industrial conditions.

To keep this look for a long period of time, it is covered with polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride. These substances retain the leather surface, but in most cases are quite brittle, which can cause them to wear out within a short period of time.

Stretching such shoes at home can be done in several ways.

  • Due to heat - this technique is able to increase the size of any shoes made of leatherette. The area pressing on the leg must be carefully warmed up, in particular, through the use of household or construction materials. A thick sock is put on the foot to increase the size, the model is put on and worn at home for some time.
  • Shoes can be stretched with ordinary water, which is able to increase shoes to the required size. Shoes are pre-stuffed with paper (to remove excess moisture), soaked and kept damp for some time, then put on a woolen sock and worn for a while until the shoes dry.
  • Laundry soap can also increase shoe size at home. It must first be crushed and diluted with water until a pasty state is obtained. Soap is applied from the inside of artificial leather shoes, after which they are left in this form for several hours or even overnight. Then the soap composition is removed with a damp sponge, put on a tight sock and worn until the shoes are completely dry.
  • At home, you can also use an alcohol solution, which acts as a softener. It is best to use at home not alcohol, but alcohol-containing products, such as cologne. It is applied in small quantities to artificial leather shoes from the inside and worn for several hours at home until all the alcohol has evaporated.

According to experts, it is unlikely that they will be able to stretch the shoes the first time until they get the required size. To eventually get the right size, you will need to apply the same method several times.

Stretching suede shoes is quite easy. At the first stage, areas of the legs where corns and seals are observed are glued. After that, wet socks are put on the feet. From the inside, the shoes are also moisturized, and the backs are covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

In these shoes, you need to walk at home every day for at least an hour during the week. Gradually, the shoes will take the shape of the foot.

To increase the size of shoes or boots, you can use alcohol, which will help in the same way as in the case of leatherette shoes.

Suede products are processed as follows - they take medical alcohol and dilute it with ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1.

If suede shoes rub only in socks, you need to wet a rag with this compound and put it in a sock, then press it with a newspaper or other similar materials. Shoes are left at home for several days in this form, as a result of which it acquires the required size.

In addition, you can use steam - its steam jet treats the entire inner surface of the shoes for 15-20 seconds, after a couple of minutes you need to repeat this action. Do this three times, and you need to be as careful as possible - there is a high probability of getting burned.

In the future, they put on shoes in this pair and walk in it at home for half an hour or more. As a result of such operations, the shoes take the required size.

In practice, it will be possible to increase the size of tight or tight shoes only if they are only a little tight. It is unlikely that such products can be stretched a whole size or even more, especially if the problem is an uncomfortable block.

It is worth noting that it is best to stretch products made of genuine leather at home. Artificial materials lend themselves to such an operation not very well, in particular, textile shoes (sneakers and similar products) are not very easy to handle, but still possible.

To do this, it should be wetted, and then stuffed with dry newsprint. However, this method has one very significant drawback - it can stick out, so you will also have to look for methods for gluing shoes.

In order to stretch textile shoes without the appearance of such defects, you just need to hold it over a container where water boils. After that, textile shoes are stuffed with wet newspapers, and this is done as evenly as possible.

Dry textile shoes away from heaters. Otherwise, deformation or sticking may occur.

It should be noted that this technique is also suitable for products made of natural or artificial leather.

It is worth noting that sneakers can be made of various materials: natural or artificial leather, fabric, textiles, suede, polymer materials, and so on.

If you are not sure what material the shoes are made of, then it is much better to use the services of a specialist and take the sneakers to a shoe repair shop. Masters have available all the necessary tools for this. Preliminary processing will be carried out with a special composition.

After that, wooden or metal inserts will be installed in the sneakers, which will allow them to take the required size. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of various kinds of negative consequences.

You can try stretching your sneakers at home on your own. In principle, if they do not press too hard, you can simply pull out the insoles from them. This will seriously affect the level of hygiene, but it will allow you to achieve a few free millimeters. In most cases, this solution is enough to get rid of the problem.

Many use the following method - a bag is placed in the sneakers, where water is poured, after which the shoes are sent to the freezer until the water turns into ice. When water freezes, it expands, which in turn stretches the shoe.

Having taken the shoes out of the freezer, they take out the ice from there and immediately check how well it turned out to stretch the shoes. It should be worn a little to consolidate the result. If it was not immediately possible to achieve the expected, then the operation is repeated.

Stretching suede shoes is a bit more difficult than regular leather shoes. It is a delicate material and is easily damaged. But due to the fact that suede is elastic and pliable, it is quite possible to stretch shoes out of it by a size larger. There are several ways to do this at home.

Special funds

Professional tools will not damage the material and will effectively cope with stretching. Aerosol is the most popular. You can buy it at any shoe store. The use of the product is very easy: spray the inside of the shoe and put it on. The aerosol will quickly soften the material, and it will take the desired shape and size. You need to repeat the procedure as needed.

Another special tool for stretching suede shoes is a mechanical strut. You can also buy it at a shoe store. This method is considered the easiest and safest for shoes: just insert the expander in the right place and fix it. With the help of a spacer, you can stretch the shoes, both in width and in length.


Take two balloons. Fill them with water, filling only half. Then wash and clean the shoes, put the balls in it and put it in the freezer. Leave for 10-15 hours. When frozen, the water will expand, thereby affecting the shoes. Using this method, you can stretch suede shoes not only in width or length, but also in the top.

Alcohol and vinegar

Usually suede shoes do not need to be fully stretched. More often, certain places require this. This method is great for stretching small sections of shoes. Take alcohol or vodka and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1. With this solution, wipe the shoes from the inside, then put on and walk around the house for several hours. The method is quite effective, but you will have to use it several times to get the desired result.

For these purposes, table or apple cider vinegar is also used. Mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3, wipe the outside of the shoes with the solution and put them on. This method will help stretch even winter boots.


Soak cotton socks in warm water and put them on your feet. After that, get dressed. For greater efficiency, you can combine this method with the previous one. Stretchable shoes should be worn until the socks are dry. If you need to slightly expand or lengthen it, then one procedure is enough. When you need to significantly change the size, repeat it several times.

You can use steam to stretch the shoes, which also improves the condition of the suede. Just hold the shoes over the steam for a few minutes until they are damp. After that, put on shoes and walk around in it for 2-3 hours.

If you need to stretch suede shoes, use one of the above methods. Most importantly, do everything carefully and do not overdo it. If you can’t stretch the shoes yourself, contact the professionals.

The most pliable materials that stretch well are genuine leather and suede. The lacquered surface may crack or lose its luster, the leatherette risks streaks and micro-tears. Shoes can be increased by a maximum of one size, and then if you act carefully.

Shoe stretching products

At home, it is easiest to use purchased aerosols.

Before use, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. Perform the procedure in a well-ventilated area, as these sprays contain strong-smelling chemical ingredients.



What materials are suitable for

Mode of application

Pregrada Stretching Spray

93 p. / 100 ml

Makes the material elastic, effectively stretches and adjusts the shoes.

Natural and artificial suede, leather.

Spray on pressure points on the inside just before wearing.

Foam Stretch Duke of Dubbin

403 r. / 100 ml

The agent penetrates into the pores of the material and impregnates it. The product softens, stretches, and after drying retains the desired shape.

All kinds of materials.

Shake the can, apply a generous amount of foam to tight spots and walk around in shoes or use a shoe for a few minutes. Repeat if necessary. Treat patent leather and reptile skin from the inside. After drying suede, velor or nubuck, tousle the surface with a crepe brush.

Aerosol Shoe Stretch TARRAGO

308 r. / 100 ml

Softens, stretches, adjusts shoes to the foot.

All types of leather.

Shake the vial vigorously. Apply foam to pressure points from the inside. Put on a pair and walk in it for half an hour or use the pads for 30-40 minutes. When stretching patent leather, be sure to treat the outer surface with a special lacquer care product.

Ways to increase the size depending on the materials

Each material reacts differently to changes in temperature and the action of different substances. There are no universal methods suitable for absolutely all types of coverage. It is better to use a specific method of stretching leather, lacquered surfaces, leatherette, etc., then you will be sure that you will not ruin a new pair. Which methods are not suitable for different materials:

  • The use of alcohol, vodka, cologne is unacceptable for varnish or leatherette - they can fade, stains will appear on the surface.
  • The freezing method is harmful to leatherette, patent leather and artificial leather.
  • Vaseline, oily cream, castor or vegetable oil cannot be used to stretch velor or suede - irremovable stains will remain on the surface.
  • Exposure to boiling water is detrimental to leatherette, some synthetic materials.

leather shoes

Stretching shoes at home is slow. To achieve the desired result, it may take more than one day.

The main thing is not to rush and do not use too aggressive methods.

Genuine leather is easier to stretch than other materials. The most effective helpers for this:

  • medical alcohol, vodka, cologne;
  • cereals;
  • wet newspapers;
  • soap and paraffin;
  • vinegar 3% or pure kerosene;
  • boiling water, hot air;
  • freezer and water.

With medical alcohol

Test the method on an inconspicuous area: wipe the product with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. If there is paint left on the swab, or the skin has faded after drying, the method is not suitable for you. If everything is good, wipe the inside with alcohol, then put a pair on a thick sock and do household chores for several hours. When the product is too tight, allocate 5-10 minutes a day to break in for several days in a row.

The main advantage of the method is the absolute safety of alcohol for high-quality skin. Trouble may arise if you have a fake in front of you. The disadvantages of the method are the need to walk in tight shoes for a long time, an unpleasant odor that may remain after drying. Do not apply alcohol to the outside of the product, as you risk damaging it.

boiling water

This extreme way to stretch shoes in length and width can be used if you are confident in the quality of the leather. At high temperatures, the natural material is steamed and becomes elastic. Be careful not to get burned. You have two options:

  1. Hold your shoes over boiling water. It will take 4-6 minutes to evenly heat up.
  2. Pour boiling water into shoes, boots or boots and immediately pour it out.

While the skin is hot, put your shoes on with a terry toe and walk around in them until they cool completely. The method is good for stretching a narrow shaft or toe, a hard heel counter, or a tight pair in general. If there is any doubt about the quality of the product, choose a more gentle way to stretch the shoes at home.

With the help of cereal

Grain or cereals, when moisture gets on them, noticeably swell, this property will help to stretch a close pair. Pour wheat, oatmeal, barley or rice groats into a tight plastic bag without holes. Fill the volume to 2/3. Place bags of grain in shoes, distribute evenly throughout the interior. Fill the cereal with water and leave for 12-20 hours. Take out the grain, dry the steam at room temperature.

Groats help to slowly but effectively increase the size of shoes at home. This method is proven, it was used by cowboys. Minus - if the bag breaks, moisture will enter the interior. Groats can crumble, and it will not be so easy to get it.

In the freezer

The method is perfect for all types of shoes, with the exception of patent leather products (may crack). Also, do not use it if the pair has a white rubber sole - it may turn yellow.

Your actions:

  1. Place a strong plastic or zip bag inside the shoe and spread well. The edges should protrude freely outside the pair.
  2. Pour cold water into bags.
  3. Tie the polyethylene in a tight knot or fasten with a zipper. Water should not reach the very edges, leave some free space.
  4. Shoes should be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator to freeze the water.
  5. In the morning, take a couple out of the freezer, let them thaw a little (but not near the radiator!). Then take out the ice casts.
  6. If the product is still tight, repeat the procedure at home again.

How to stretch artificial shoes

Synthetic material is more difficult to stretch than genuine leather. Particularly capricious lacquered surface. Any stretching in length or width can lead to cracks, and this condition is not resuscitated. Be sure to apply a patent leather care product after the sizing procedure. The most delicate ways suitable for leatherette and varnish:

  • Thoroughly rub the inner surface of the tight pair with soap or paraffin, then wear it in to the desired volume. Instead of these substances, you can use petroleum jelly, sunflower or castor oil. Put on old socks and break in your shoes for 3-4 hours. Remove excess fat with a soft cloth.
  • Hold your shoes over the spout of a kettle of boiling water. Steam will get inside and soften the material. Then wear the pair in thick socks until cool.
  • Moisten a terry towel with boiling water so that it becomes slightly damp. Wrap shoes in a towel, place in a bag, leave overnight. In the morning, walk around the steam until completely dry.

With the help of newspapers

Tear the paper into small pieces. Moisten newspapers with water (at home, it is convenient to use a spray bottle) and tamp them as tightly as possible inside tight shoes. The more paper you have, the more you stretch the pair. Leave to dry completely - the process will take about two days.

Do not place the product near a heater if you do not want to deform it.

With a hair dryer

Put on the thickest socks you have, you can dampen them a little. Tuck your feet into tight demi-season shoes. Turn on the hair dryer at maximum power, warm up the most pressing places well. Then walk around in shoes until completely cooled. To enhance the effect, apply a special stretcher or oily cream to the inside of the product before warming up.

rubber shoes

Only polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can be noticeably stretched at home. Other types of rubber return to their original form almost immediately after the cessation of manipulation over them. An effective way to stretch PVC shoes:

  1. Prepare a deep basin of cold water, boiling water, thick woolen or terry socks.
  2. Pour boiling water into the rubber product for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Put socks on your feet.
  4. Pour boiling water, blot the inside with a cloth to remove any remaining moisture.
  5. Put on your shoes, first trample on the ground, and then stand with both feet in a basin of water. Move your fingers, roll from toe to heel.
  6. Take off your shoes, leave the pair in the water for another 1 hour.

From textiles

Dense shoe fabric does not stretch very well, so it is not so easy to increase it by 1 size. You can try these methods:

  • In the freezer (described above).
  • Wet the fabric well, put it on a sock, walk until completely dry.
  • Treat the inside with vinegar (it will soften the fibers a little), wear a pair at home until dry.

Denim shoes

If you can stretch the denim 0.5 sizes, then you are lucky, because the material is inelastic. The best reviews are earned in the following ways:

  • Walk in a denim product in the rain, do not be afraid to wet it. When you get home, fill a couple with dry paper. The method is suitable if the sole is stitched, not glued.
  • Hold the steam over boiling water. Then stuff it tightly with damp newspapers and leave to dry naturally.
  • Use the freezing method.

How to stretch the butt

A heel that is too hard needs to be softened, and a narrow heel needs to be stretched. Use one of the methods:

  • Put a wet cloth on the heel, let the material soak in moisture. Then, through the same fabric, tap on the back with a hammer.
  • On the inside, rub the hard area with candle stub, soap, petroleum jelly, or castor oil. Walk like this for a few hours.
  • Before you go somewhere, you can moisten the heel with kerosene or alcohol.

Lift stretching methods

Special stretchers do an excellent job with the problem - adjustable devices that are inserted into the product and open to the desired length. Before this, the material is treated with an industrial chemical agent that increases its elasticity. If there are no such helpers at home, use one of the following methods:

  • freeze water in a close pair;
  • fill the toe and heel with cellophane, pour grits between them and pour a little water, leave for 12 hours.


Have you ever bought suede shoes that seemed to fit in the store, but were already a little tight at home? I have been in similar situations a couple of times. It helped me learn how to stretch suede shoes at home. Today I will share what I have learned with you.

Stretching shoes at home

When trying to figure out how to break in suede shoes that are too tight, there is one important point to keep in mind. No matter how hard you try, you will not succeed in increasing the product by a size or two, but it is quite possible to adjust the shoes by a few millimeters in width.

Try wearing tight shoes at home and walking around in them for 2-3 hours a day. After a few days, you will notice how the suede stretches and the shoes will be much more comfortable to wear.

Wet methods - 7 options

If you couldn't stretch your suede shoes just by walking in them, try resorting to more radical methods. These include the soaking of the product.

Images Instruction

Method 1. Wet socks
  • Wet thick cotton socks and wring them out.
  • Put your wet socks on your feet and put on your shoes.
  • Walk around the apartment until the fabric product is completely dry.

If necessary, repeat the procedure after a while.

Method 2. Paper

Lightly dampen newsprint and stuff suede boots or shoes tightly with it. Wait for the paper to dry completely naturally. After that, the size of the shoes will increase slightly.

Method 3. Steam

Steaming not only helps to slightly expand the product, but also has a beneficial effect on the material.

  • Steam your suede shoes for a while. Do not overdo it, it is enough that the shoes are only slightly warmed up and moistened.
  • Put on shoes and walk around the house in shoes for at least two hours.

This method is good because it is suitable for posting almost any shoe: from boots and boots to summer sandals or shoes.

Method 4. Flannel and iron

To break in suede high-top boots faster, use this recipe:

  • Unfasten the lock on your boots and straighten the bootleg.
  • Gently dampen the flannel.
  • Spread the napkin on the inside of the boots.
  • Iron the surface with a hot iron.

Due to the hot steam, suede becomes very supple and stretches more easily.

Method 5. Alcohol

To stretch shoes at home, you can use a self-made alcohol or vodka solution. Dilute them in water in a ratio of 1:1.

With the resulting solution, treat the places that press the hardest. Then put on your shoes and walk around for a few hours.

You can only wipe the inside of the products with alcohol, since the outside of the material may change color or become stained.

Method 6. Vinegar

To soften suede, ordinary table vinegar, which can be found in any home, will help. Treat the shaft with a weak vinegar solution, after which it will begin to stretch better.

Method 7. Beer

Some claim that it helps to increase the width of the shoe. Wet the inside of the shoes with beer and let them dry.

Choose light beers, otherwise stains may form on the product.

Freezing - 1 method

I know of another interesting method that will help stretch shoes. It was invented several years ago, and it has already managed to prove its effectiveness. I'm talking about freezing shoes.

Illustration Instruction

Step 1.

Fill two bags halfway with water and tie the ends tightly.

Step 2

Slip the bags into your suede shoes.

Step 3

Put your shoes in the freezer. Let them stay there all night.

Step 4

Try on shoes. You will notice that the boots are looser.

The same method will help to expand the bootleg on suede boots.

If you do not trust this method, you can first try it on old shoes, and then use it on a new product.

Professional tools - 2 options

If you do not trust folk recipes, you can resort to the help of special tools. The price for them, of course, is higher, but the effect is more noticeable:

Illustration Instruction

Remedy 1. Aerosol or foam

In a shoe store, you can buy a can of a special "stretching" agent.

It must be applied to the surface of the product, put on shoes and walk a little. The suede will soften slightly and become more supple.

Remedy 2. Block

The last (example in the photo) is equipped with a spacer that allows you to expand the shoe in width and length by a size.

It is necessary to act gradually. Try on shoes after each stretch.

To prevent the material from drying out, treat it with softening foam.

Instead of total

After trying one or more of the methods I have suggested, you can make your suede shoes more comfortable. You can find a visual aid on how to increase it in the video in this article.

How to stretch suede shoes at home? It would seem that such questions have already lost their relevance, although 30-35 years ago various methods were actively used to fold shoes along the leg. Older people remember how they bought imported boots or boots on the principle of "take what they give", and then stretched them for a long and painful time, rubbing blisters and knocking down their legs. Domestic footwear needed to be broken in, even if it was a size larger than required.

1 Suede shoes

However, a similar issue may currently occur. Someone could not resist and bought a pair of shoes they liked, despite some discomfort when trying on, someone did not understand the turmoil of the sale. As a result, it turns out that it is impossible to wear such shoes without the risk of earning corns, but you don’t want to return to the store or don’t go out. Old proven methods will come to the rescue, which have served well for more than one generation of Soviet citizens.

Suede shoes do not apply to everyday. The material requires special care. If not handled correctly, shoes are easily rubbed and lose their appearance. At the same time, well-groomed suede boots and boots look spectacular and expensive. The reluctance to refuse even the wrong size model is understandable, and stretching under the leg does not look like stinginess.

Natural suede

In the shoe industry, both natural suede and artificial suede are used. Genuine leather is elastic and soft, folds better on the leg and is much more comfortable to wear. Faux suede is a cheaper material, although woven suede is not a cheap product either. Another distinctive feature of leather shoes is its good ability to stretch, so in some cases (a non-standard leg or instep, for example), it can be recommended to purchase slightly smaller shoes or boots with their subsequent stretching.

2 Stretching suede shoes

It is worth mentioning right away that it will not be possible to significantly change the size of the shoe, you can only slightly adjust the shape of the boot or boot under the foot, slightly lengthen or expand and get rid of uncomfortable places. Usually this is enough for comfortable wear. Leather shoes are easier to deform and shape. More effort will have to be spent on products made from artificial materials.

Breaking in shoes with socks

Suede shoes or boots are worn out within 3-5 days without additional measures, but in this case the owner runs the risk of rubbing his legs and earning lameness and painful sensations when walking for several days. For a quick and painless break-in, several available procedures can be offered. A common condition for all methods that involve stretching the material while walking is the need to protect damaged areas on the leg (corns, abrasions, scratches, etc.) with a plaster. It is recommended to lubricate the closed back with Vaseline or other similar cream.

3 Soaking (steaming) shoes

The most simple and well-known method for a long time is soaking. To stretch tight boots or shoes, put on wet natural socks and pull shoes over them. Until completely dry, it is necessary to walk around the apartment, periodically standing on tiptoe and heels (if we are not talking about high-heeled shoes). After the socks are dry, the boots are ready to use. Extreme lovers can be advised to replace cotton socks with thick woolen ones, and cold water for hot. Such a replacement will quickly lead to the desired result. The disadvantage of the method is the duration, fatigue and the possibility of knocking down legs. The recipe is suitable for natural suede shoes. You can make the task easier by stuffing the toe of your boots or shoes tightly with damp paper and leaving it for several hours, although the results will be worse.

Another improvement to the soaking procedure would be steaming the shoes. Before putting on the boots, they must be warmed up and soaked over a jet of steam from the kettle spout. The temperature of the steam is not critical for shoes, but care must be taken to avoid loss of appearance and sticking of the product. After heat treatment, shoes must be put on a thick toe and walked for 1-2 hours. With the help of steam, you can slightly stretch the top of the boot, gradually closing the lock on the calves or pulling the boot over the leg.

If you need to increase the volume of the top of the boot, which closes with a zipper, you can use an iron and a flannel napkin. The sequence of actions will look like this:

  • the unbuttoned boot is neatly straightened on the ironing board with the inside up;
  • a wet napkin spreads on the inside of the bootleg;
  • the shaft is smoothed with a hot iron in the normal mode or in the steam mode.

After heat treatment, boots must be put on, fully zip up the shaft and walk until a comfortable state is achieved. The heat treatment softens the suede and the shoe folds exactly to the shape of the foot.

4 Alcoholic liquids and vinegar

Alcohol diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 2, an alcohol-containing solution with a high concentration of alcohol or plain vodka is liberally applied to the inner surface of the shoe. After that, a procedure similar to soaking is repeated - boots are put on a thick sock made of natural fabric and worn in for 2-3 hours. The use of alcohol will speed up the posting process. Alcohol is applied only on the inside. Before breaking in, it is recommended to wait 15 minutes for the solution to be absorbed. Some housewives suggest using beer instead of alcohol. In Soviet times, instead of alcohol, the legendary triple cologne was successfully used. To soften the tops, the skin can be moistened with a weak solution of vinegar.

Soaking suede shoes in vinegar

5 Freezing method

An unexpected and ingenious way to stretch tight shoes without bothering to walk for hours and experiment with alcohol, vinegar and iron is to use the physical properties of water. An ordinary balloon or plastic freezer bag is inserted inside a boot or boot and filled with water so that the swollen vessel occupies the internal space in those places that are subject to correction (the balloon or bag should not be filled to the brim). The resulting design is placed overnight in a freezer or on a balcony if the temperature is below zero outside. After some time, the water will freeze and, in accordance with the laws of physics, will turn into ice, while increasing in volume. Without any human influence, the shoes will stretch. With the help of ice, you can easily expand the top of the boot.

6 Professional methods

Stretching shoes can be approached professionally. On sale there are special softening aerosols designed to correct shoes on the foot. The procedure for use is described in the instructions for the product, however, in general terms, the principle of action is similar to soaking - the substance is applied to the product, after which the shoes are worn in for several hours. When using aerosols, it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements declared by the manufacturer, check the purpose of the product and its applicability in relation to suede. It is also important to clarify whether the product is allowed to get on the front surface of the shoe.

Professional shoemakers use special blocks with a mechanical spacer for this purpose. Using the screw, the required tension is selected along the width or length of the product. For greater safety of shoes during stretching, appropriate aerosols are used. Special pads can increase the volume of the bootleg. When stretching on the blocks, it is important not to overdo it - it will not be possible to reduce the size of the boot. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically try on shoes on the leg.

Although tight shoes are not a critical problem, and now you know how to stretch suede shoes, you need to choose the right options when buying. With the existing assortment, it’s stupid to earn calluses or suffer for half a day in thick socks and boots in an apartment in order to fit a specific pair to your foot. Very tight shoes can cause damage to the leg, deform the foot.