How to give your husband the perfect Valentine's Day. How to spend Valentine's Day with your husband and children? Ideas and pictures

Perhaps the most popular way to spend Valentine's Day is to have a romantic dinner. But even such a traditional option can be made unusual. For example, choose an original place: a restaurant that you have never been to, or, conversely, a cafe where your first date was. And you can arrange a romantic dinner at home. To make you both feel like a part of this evening, cook it together. It will not just be dinner, but time spent together - and it is priceless.

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Theater or exhibition

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to touch the beauty. Choose from a romantic play, classical music concert, or photo exhibition. Surprise your significant other and don't tell them exactly where you're going.

Instead of tickets, you can present a "piece" of the upcoming event: a postcard with a picture from the exhibition, a scene from the performance. Or you can go to the museum that you have long wanted to, but could not get out. Let this museum be not even too romantic, but this holiday will become yours, understandable only to you two.

Fulfillment of desires

Become a magician for your soul mate, even if only for a day. Find out in advance what small but very important desires your loved one has. It can be anything: sports, a dance class, cute accessories and household items that you definitely want to have.

You can present such a gift in an original way: for example, print a picture of what you want to give, cut it into several parts and arrange it in the pockets of your loved one's clothes. And at the end of the day, when he collects the picture, you can safely give a gift.

Evening of warm memories

Stop for a moment and remember all the joyful, happy, funny moments in the history of your couple, relive those events and moments - what could be more romantic? Pour yourself a mug of hot chocolate or a glass of wine, take out photo albums, old CDs, watch joint photos and videos. If you are already married, you can review the album with the wishes of the guests or wedding photos. You can not only remember everything that was pleasant and joyful, but also dream about what is yet to come.

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Shared Adventure

What could be better than spending a day together for an exciting activity, which will also give you a lot of positive emotions and an incredible boost of energy and adrenaline! As a joint adventure, you can choose any active entertainment or sport: tubing, sledding or snowmobiling, ice fishing, rock climbing or even flying in a wind tunnel.

honey weekend

Treat yourself to a honeymoon weekend for Valentine's Day. You can go to the recreation center or just rent a hotel room and spend the weekend hugging, having joint brunches and dinners in pleasant cafes.

This option is good for couples who have been married for a long time, and for couples who are just preparing for the wedding. This is a way to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday issues and problems, and remember how strong your feelings are. For such a honeymoon weekend, choose places that you like 100% so that nothing spoils such a long-awaited vacation.

Do Nothing Day

This is perhaps the dream of many residents of megacities who spend almost all their time at work, traffic jams and business. Have a real lazy day! Spend the whole morning in bed, basking in warm pillows and blankets. Then it's time for a leisurely breakfast. The rest of the day can be spent watching movies, reading books, or planning trips. You can put on the most comfortable clothes and get out for a walk or a picnic. Spend this day just the two of you and don't rush anywhere.

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Romantic Quest

For lovers of everything original and extraordinary, you can arrange a romantic quest. Prepare small surprises or valentines for such a quest, hide them around your apartment or somewhere outside of it where you plan to spend the evening.

At the beginning of the day or evening, give your soulmate a hint on how to find the first surprise. Hide the next clue with the surprise, and so on. The clues themselves can also be very personal. Prepare carefully. Believe me, the emotions of your loved one are worth it!

Date in an interesting place

In any city, there is an opportunity to find an interesting place where you can arrange a pleasant and cozy date: a snow-covered park, an ice rink, film sets of your favorite movie, an amusement park. Sometimes many do not even imagine what opportunities their city holds. It could be a slot machine museum or a city tour based on a famous movie or book. You can also choose a dance school as an original place for a date by organizing a dance lesson in a group or just for the two of you.

Romantic photo session

Add joyful and happy moments to your story and arrange a photo shoot for the two of you! Choose a photographer you like, think about clothes and looks, and prepare small accessories that will help make your shoot more interesting. If the photo shoot is outdoors, you can buy or knit paired mittens or scarves that will not only decorate the shoot, but will serve as a great gift for each other on this holiday. The shooting location can be your favorite park, cafe, or other place that means something to your couple's story or that you just love.

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February 14 is the holiday of all lovers. And lovers, of course, know about it. And how exactly is it to be celebrated? There are no specific rules. But I want this day to be special. And how to implement it? Giving a Valentine or flowers is not enough. You need to come up with something unforgettable so that feelings ignite again. And for this it is not necessary to enrich the sellers of plush toys or chocolates.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day?

The first, however, is not a very original option - to cook for a loved one. Just do not forget about the appropriate atmosphere: candles, beautiful dishes, romantic music, etc. It's a great idea to choose all the dishes for the festive menu in red. Starting with beetroot salad and ending with. Don't forget that red is the color of passion and love. Just the right color for the occasion.

If your plans do not include cooking and standing at the stove all day, you can go to a restaurant. And to save money, study the offers of various institutions in advance. Many of them offer good discounts for couples in love on this day. You can also purchase a discount coupon.

Are you and your loved one addicted to cinema? Go to the cinema. This is exactly the place where many couples try to celebrate Valentine's Day. Moreover, in many cinemas, romantic melodramas or comedies are shown on this holiday. Does your loved one not want to watch such a movie? Then there are many other interesting topics.

Another idea is to take a day off from work and turn off all communication devices: phones, tablets, computers. Stay with your loved one just the two of you.

If you want to change the situation for the whole day, go out of town together. For example, to friends in the country or in a hotel located somewhere in the mountains.

As an option, you can celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging apartments for one day with friends, the same married couple. A change of scenery and new experiences are good ground for romance. Even if it's just another apartment.

Some couples who have common hobbies celebrate Valentine's Day by doing what they love. For example, someone goes to the climbing wall, someone goes hiking, someone goes to another city on an excursion, etc.

And how to celebrate Valentine's Day if you have been married for a long time and you have children? What to do with them? In this case, there are several options. For example, you can ask your grandparents or an elderly neighbor to sit with the children for a couple of hours. And you can take them with you to the restaurant. In some countries, Valentine's Day is a family holiday, so children do not interfere with the residents of these countries to have a great holiday.

Finally, someone may not want to celebrate the holiday only together, because in the company of friends it is both more fun and interesting. You can go to a club or get together at someone's apartment. At the same time, a well-chosen program will not interfere. For example, you can arrange a themed party. Just imagine how you, all in Japanese clothes, eat your own sushi with chopsticks. You can choose a different theme for the party. For example, in decorations and dishes, beat the theme of some literary work or a movie about great love.

A little about choosing a gift

So, you have already decided how to spend Valentine's Day. And now about gifts. When choosing a gift for your spouse on Valentine's Day, ask yourself the question: "How will my husband feel after receiving a gift from me?". Let's say you decide to give a banal After Shave set. What will he think? Probably something like: "Oh yes, she loves me and cares, so she gave me something I need." Many women do just that - they buy toilet water or something like that: "Honey, I'm ready to spend even a few seconds thinking about what to give you." But you can, having spent much less money, make a more significant gift for your loved one. For example, confess your love to him and give him a massage if he gets tired of sitting at the computer for a long time in the office or rearranging heavy boxes from place to place in the store. But in order to make an expensive (of course, not in the sense of finance) gift, you need to really know your man well.

And finally, remember the basic rules of this holiday. First, don't forget to remind your spouse how much you love them. Secondly, wherever you decide to celebrate Valentine's Day, try to look your best on this day, and do not spare any money or effort for this. Third, prepare a good one.

Since the Middle Ages, people have devoted one of the calendar days of the year to the celebration of the most amazing, beautiful and mysterious thing that the world has given us - love. Finding the roots of the Valentine's Day tradition is almost impossible. Some go as far back as BC, others speak of the nineteenth century. But no matter what the exact date is, no matter who was the first knight or princess who sent a paper heart as a carrier pigeon, the main thing is that we still pay tribute to this omnipotent feeling that created and destroyed entire empires.

Of course, the holiday of February 14 causes a lot of controversy among moralists. Like, this is a complete commerce, a way to make money on teddy bears, postcards, sweets and jewelry. In addition, is it really only once a year that you need to say this sweet “I love” to your soul mates? But on the other hand, this day can be viewed as another reason to make a confession, to become bolder, freer, closer. Like on a day when the streets are filled with the aromas of love and kindness. Therefore, if you are on the side of those who celebrate Valentine's Day with pleasure, then below we have prepared for you 5 best scenarios for how to do this.

1. Weekend away

The script is suitable for: romantics, tired of the hustle and bustle, those who crave solitude.

Although this year February 14 falls on a Sunday, this does not mean at all that you cannot stretch Valentine's Day for almost the entire weekend. You can start the holiday from Saturday evening at your home or after renting an apartment for two days. Meet your loved one at home in a chic dress, with impeccable makeup and hair, and at the same time you won’t even have to worry that the wind on the street, for example, will ruffle your hair. But in no case do not cook dinner yourself! It is better to discuss your menu with your man in advance, buy all the necessary ingredients and cook together. It's a great way to get close, learn new things about each other, and just have a lot of fun. And if one of you also does not know how to cook, then you will certainly benefit from this. And, of course, a candlelit dinner prepared by you together will be a thousand times tastier and more romantic.

Actually, after dinner, arrange an unforgettable night. Buy seductive lingerie, scented candles in advance, choose the right music and, of course, do not forget about contraception. Be prudent so that the evening does not spoil, for example, due to someone's forgetfulness.

And on Sunday, turn into real sloths. Remove all alarms, forget about work and just spend the day in peace and comfort, lying in a warm bed. Music or cinema will be the best companions for this time.

2. Not a minute of sitting

The script is suitable for: extroverts who love outdoor activities and communication.

For starters, you should get a good night's sleep, because the day is waiting for you long and insanely active. If you and your lover are one of those who cannot sit in one place, then you definitely should spend the day extraordinary! Go skiing, ice skating, rollerblading or rock climbing. In addition, you can order a master class that will be useful and interesting for both of you: dancing, pottery, drawing, playing the banjo, wine tasting, candy making, etc. The choice is limitless. What is the essence of such a pastime? You will definitely get to know each other better. At a minimum, what is interesting to someone and what is not. By working in pairs, you will get closer, and the level of mutual trust will increase significantly.

After such an active pastime, it is worth continuing the evening in some cozy cafe with live music, where you can dance. Do not confine yourself to overly sophisticated restaurants, where it will be inconvenient even to cough loudly. Choose a place where you feel comfortable and feel free. As soon as you feel that you don’t have enough strength not only to dance, but even to finish your salad, take a bottle of good wine and go home for solitude and a romantic end to Valentine’s Day.

3. For the first time

The script is suitable for: those who have just started dating are unfamiliar.

If you've just started a relationship and it's your first Valentine's Day, don't jump right into all the fun of the holiday. Haste in relationships, even if we are talking about such a holiday, is useless. Try to take this day as an opportunity to discover something new in your partner and open yourself up. Therefore, omit the options with going to the cinema or the theater: there you are unlikely to be able to chat. But any kind of outdoor activity will be a good option. We invite you to visit the quest room. This is a new entertainment that consists in the fact that for about an hour you are locked in a room full of riddles and tasks that you must solve in order to get out of the room. It's the best choice when you're new to each other because you won't have awkward pauses in conversation or the need to talk about the weather. You are united by a common goal and enjoy the fact that you are going to it together.

4. Escape from the routine

The script is suitable for: married couples, couples who live together, those who are tired of everyday life.

When you live together for more than a day and spend enough time together, a holiday within the four walls of the house or a standard trip to a cafe will seem like some kind of cliché. To diversify your life, bring something new to your relationship and escape from all problems and worries, take a weekend trip to another city or even country, if you have such an opportunity. No need to plan this trip especially in advance. Just google which trains go where, choose any route you don't know yet and go! The only thing that needs to be provided is housing. But given the many apartments for daily rent, hotels and hostels that exist in every city today, this will not be a problem. And already on the road you can decide what you want to see, where to go, what to do. Chaotic enough to shake off the burden of routine!

5. In the style of Andy Warhol

The script is suitable for: creative individuals, connoisseurs of art and time spent with meaning.

Combine on this day the two most beautiful things in our world: love and art. Go to a contemporary art exhibition or an art museum. Visit the most extravagant galleries you can find. Brighten up the day with a stroll through the historic city center and good coffee. And after all, head home for movie night. Choose a film theme that is close to the two of you: for example, the films of one particular director, the filmography of your mutual favorite actor, travel films or biopics. And don't worry about preparing a special dinner. Order pizza or Chinese food, buy regular fast food or vegetarian goodies. Give your time exclusively to each other.

There are many options for spending this Valentine's Day, and everyone can pick up something to their liking. But the main thing is that you will be together on this holiday. Don't forget to tell your significant other how much you love and appreciate them.

On February 14, many will go to a restaurant, give/receive flowers and chocolate, then kiss in the transport, and have sex in the evening. All this, of course, is great, but why not arrange more original dates? Our scripts will be useful to you not only on Valentine's Day, but also on any other day of love.

PLOT: you give your beloved a ticket (lucky and winning) to the "Museum of Love". Today the apartment has been converted into an exhibition, and you are its curator. Exhibits - general photos, notes, postcards and various things that concern only the two of you. It is possible that by the end of the tour the museum will receive a new gift.

ENTOURAGE: pleasant music, soft light, explanatory exhibits, poster program.

SURPRISE: edit a film about you (from a photo or video).

YOUR ACTIONS: tell the visitor of the exhibition about the brightest moments of your relationship. Arrange a surprise film presentation. A light buffet is welcome.

AFTER PARTY: walk around the night city holding hands. You can end the evening with a “magic” ritual (traditions strengthen relationships!) - whisper a common spell at any intersection.

PROVIDE: tickets, poster, exhibits, gift, buffet.


PLOT: The hunt for hearts is open! Don't worry, no piercing. When hunting, you and your loved one will need to complete three tasks each (as in folk tales - apparently, their writers were not indifferent to quests). Well, in the final - a feast by the mountain. At your favorite cozy restaurant.

YOUR ACTIONS: prepare three tasks for each other: for example, a love crossword puzzle, a puzzle, a treasure map. Develop a route and hint system that will lead you from one puzzle to the next. The arena of the game can be an apartment, house, street, shopping center. The scale is up to your imagination. Having received a charge of fun, go celebrate. Tonight's dinner will definitely not be left without topics for discussion.

ENTOURAGE: all details are kept strictly secret until X-day.

SURPRISE: Let a present be attached to each task. For example, wish coupons (which can be played on other days) or a letter (for something unique).

AFTER PARTY: if finances allow, book a honeymoon room at the hotel. Well, or just a room for two.

PROVIDE: riddles and tasks, surprises and gifts.

History in faces

PLOT: joint shots, especially successful ones, do not happen much. So go to a photo studio to capture your love story. You can even act out scenes: the beginning of a relationship, the first kiss, a declaration of love ... A few hours in the spotlight will fly by unnoticed.

YOUR ACTIONS: conduct a marketing research of photo services, choose a studio.

ENTOURAGE: Grab props or shoot in iconic locations.

SURPRISE: remember some interesting moment from your love story and beat it. Or find in the closet the outfit in which you were on your first date - unexpectedly and so touching.

AFTER PARTY: posing in front of the camera is not easy - energy, nerves, emotions are wasted. So, when you hear: “Stop! Filmed!”, go home, order a pizza and relax with your favorite comedy.

PROVIDE: photo studio, costumes, props.

two in a boat

PLOT: in your youth, did you read Scarlet Sails and dreamed that one day a ship would come for you? Dreams should come true! But you have to take care of the magic yourself. Fill the bath with water, add special salt. You can even turn on the fan to simulate a light breeze. Now invite your Gray to swim in a safe harbor ...

YOUR ACTIONS: if the bathroom area allows, put a stool there, and on it a candle, glasses, champagne and light snacks.

ENTOURAGE: decorate the room with a red cloth or hang a scarlet bath curtain - the "sails" are ready. If there is a fuse left, make an anchor out of cardboard and glue your general photos on it. It is very symbolic (we are talking about stability, not about the fact that your couple is sinking!).

SURPRISE: give your favorite vest with a cheerful print like "Give me Assol!".

AFTER PARTY: from the "ship" smoothly move into the bedroom.

PROVIDE: scarlet cloth (curtain), everything for serving, drinks and snacks, a gift and fluffy towels.

First time on screen

PLOT: Today, marriages are made not only in heaven, but also on the World Wide Web. Submit an application to the Palace of Virtual Marriages and turn on the computer on the appointed day and hour - each to your own. All questions must be answered in the affirmative. Bitterly!

YOUR ACTIONS: schedule your registration ( or After the procedure, you will receive a marriage certificate. Alas, it has no legal force, but you can invite witnesses and guests to the wedding. Online, of course.

ENTOURAGE: the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can come in handy. Wedding cake too. At home with tea...

SURPRISE: they will be a marriage certificate, which must be printed from the site, and then inserted into the frame.

AFTER PARTY: you have your first wedding night ahead of you ...

PROVIDE: Top up your account with your ISP.

And further…

7 date ideas:

  • AUTOMOBILE: Take a ride together through the night city. Don't forget the thermos of tea.
  • BY TRAIN OR ELECTRIC: Buy tickets for any train, take a walk in unfamiliar places.
  • ATTRACTIONS: Test all the slides in the indoor water park. Take pictures of each other on camera.
  • KARAOKE CLUB: Dedicate love songs to each other.
  • STREETS: Camera in hand - and run out into the street, trace your traces - with chalk, gouache, and at least shaving foam! And they say it's hard to leave a trace in history...
  • DANCING SCHOOL: Go to a trial class of pair dances - let the passion spill out.
  • CINEMA: Simulate the beginning of your relationship: let everyone get to the cinema on their own.

How touching...

“I gave my beloved 25 tickets for a massage - in my performance, of course. On some sheets of paper she wrote “neck massage”, “back”, “legs”, and on others she left a dash. Let him enter that part of the body that needs to be “crumpled”. The leaves were stapled together and wrapped in a cardboard cover. He has already used one blank form. True, he, the cunning one, entered "massage of the whole body."

Imprinted in memory

“And you can also put your kiss (lipstick print) in a beautiful frame and pack it festively before handing it. I did exactly that. The idea came to mind when, when asked what to give, the husband replied: “Your kiss is enough!”

I love you!

36 pleasures

Do not you know What to give your loved one on February 14? Love Cards! You need one real deck, self-adhesive paper and glue. Close the illustrations and numbers on the cards and write declarations of love, expressions and nicknames that are understandable only to you two - laying out the cards, you can remember what happened,

Signs and traditions of Valentine's Day came to us from Europe. They are associated with romantic relationships and marriage proposals. For example, it was believed that the first man an unmarried girl met would be her Valentine for the whole year, regardless of his desire. Or such a sign - if a girl sees a goldfinch in the sky that day, then a rich man will become her husband, if a robin - to be her wife of a sailor, and if a sparrow - her fate is to marry a poor man.

Candlelight dinner has been the most popular Valentine's Day gift for many years. In second place in popularity are flowers and postcards, and in third place are perfumes and sweets.
It was believed that any woman on Valentine's Day can propose to a man. The chosen one has the right to refuse the offer, but in this case he is obliged to give the lady a silk dress. If a marriage proposal comes from a representative of the stronger sex, he must give his beloved a piece of clothing. Answering with consent, the lady must accept the gift. Nowadays, such customs are no longer observed, but there is a tradition to appoint an engagement, marriage or wedding on this day.

Romantic dinner is the best gift

The most popular Valentine's Day gift is a candlelit dinner. When wondering where to celebrate Valentine's Day so that it becomes truly unusual and festive, consider dining at a restaurant. It is better to go to a restaurant that is decorated according to this significant day and has a special holiday program for lovers. Romantic atmosphere and an interesting scenario will allow you to spend Valentine's Day a lot of fun. You can combine the pleasure of being close to your beloved with exciting contests and nice gifts.

Give your beloved or beloved poems of your own composition. Such an original gift will surprise and make your soulmate fall in love with you even more.
You can celebrate Valentine's Day at home. When organizing a romantic dinner, try to create an exciting environment that invites tenderness and trust. Use roses for table setting. Place flower petals or flower buds in glasses of water. Be sure to place candles by placing them on one dish or on numerous candlesticks. It is advisable to set the table in red-white-black tones. Lay out the hearts cut out of red paper on the table, put love messages on the plates with a special marker. Valentine's Day is a great occasion to declare your love.