How to restore vital energy with the help of the sun. Keeping the body in good shape. How psychic energy is spent


A technique for self-restoration of energy, normalization of the chakras, removal of damage, the evil eye and other external, negative influences.

The technique I propose allows not only to solve problems with the destruction of all negative connections and completely restore the normal operation of all elements of the energy-informational structure (EIS) of a person, but also, as recent studies have shown, it allows a person to be immersed in an altered state of consciousness (meditation, entering a trance, regressive hypnosis, various numerical series and codes and other similar methods) working out their previous (and present) incarnations. The possibility of carrying out this work in a state of full consciousness allows you to do it consciously and use the preliminary programming of the direction and theme of working out the events of the past.

The information obtained during the sessions about the events that occurred in this life and in previous incarnations (in the form of visual information and emotional sensations) enables a person to find out the deep reasons for many events in the present, to determine the origins of his character traits, his attitude to various phenomena in society and to the behavior of its specific representatives, it helps to determine the reasons for their troubles and sores, to understand and realize their true purpose and to correct their further program of spiritual and intellectual development!

1. Before starting work on the proposed method, I strongly recommend that everyone, without exception, determine the location of GPZ (geopathogenic zones) in your home and take the necessary measures to exclude or reduce the degree of their impact. The determination method is given in article 6. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the application of the technique in cases where you are in these zones for more than 5-6 hours a day (work or sleeping place) can be significantly reduced or reduced to almost zero!

2. Optimal mode of work: one session - once a day, while you can take breaks from work depending on the state of health and readiness to continue working. After mastering the technique, you can use the techniques for eliminating negative influences in any problem situations, any number of times during one day (the creation of special conditions for such sessions is not required). You can begin to practice using the methodology in public places only after a person has solved his primary tasks of restoring the work of his energy-informational structure and freed himself from all negative influences;

3. The minimum number of sessions for solving a global problem (serious damage, curse, etc.) can be up to 7. The total number of sessions (including those for working out a specific event in the past) is not limited by anything. ideally, it is desirable to work through all your incarnations;

4. During the first session, if the time of external negative influence is known, then we return to the time preceding it, if not, then at the moment of birth in this incarnation. When carrying out the second - either at the moment of birth in a previous incarnation, or a reworking of the previous event. If necessary, the number of sessions of working through a specific incarnation or a specific event in the past can be increased at your discretion. In cases where someone is unable to conduct the first session in full, devote the next two or three sessions (or more) to gaining experience of working with energies without working through the events of the past. The main goal of which will be to master the technique of working with energies (to learn: to feel their passage, control them, saturate your body and energy shell, cleanse them of blocks and accumulations of negative energy, + learn to visualize these processes);

5. When working with previous incarnations and events in the past, take your time and try to remember everything that will happen at the same time. You may be shown some episodes from previous incarnations, which may come as a complete surprise to you and cause strong emotional experiences. However, along with not always pleasant emotions, you can also get a hint why certain events occur in this incarnation, what are your character traits associated with, what causes certain actions, etc.;

6. If you want to work with your children according to this method, it is better if they do everything on their own, in the form of a game and preferably under the supervision of their mother. When working with very young children, the child's mother should carry out the work, since until the age of 7 the child is under her energy protection and has very strong connections with the mother's energy;

Security measures:

1. Do not get carried away with a set of energy, its excess can be just as harmful as its lack. The reason is that the physical organs and systems do not have time to rebuild under its sharply increased volumes. Even at the beginning of my healing activity, when I tried to restore the energy of a person (guided by the desire to give more of it), very often people simply fainted;

2. Do not get carried away with working out your incarnations, seven days are enough for the first cycle, after which it is advisable to make a short pause. Since the load on the energy-informational (EI) plane is very large and is accompanied by a sharp increase in the biofield (BP), the effect may be similar to that described above. In addition, it takes time to comprehend the information received and adjust your target plan for spiritual development;

3. When conducting sessions, it is advisable to install a container with water (0.5 - 1.0 liter) in the room with the inscription "Converter of negative energy into positive", which can be reused in the future. After the end of the session, it is advisable to ventilate the room in which you performed the work well;

4. Undesirable presence of strangers in the room, especially children. In cases where this condition cannot be met, those present must be protected by a virtual protection created using the mirror surface of their energy shell;

5. Independent use of the technique by people with various mental abnormalities is undesirable. In such cases, the work on the technique can be carried out only under the supervision of an experienced healer who is able to provide qualified assistance if necessary;

6. It is undesirable to conduct sessions immediately after eating. Even if you just drank a mug of hot tea or a cup of coffee, make at least (30 - 40) minute pause before starting work.

General work algorithm:

1. Preparation for the session - repentance, forgiveness, asking for help;
2. Creation of two levels of virtual protection (cocoon and cylinder);

5. Elaboration of past events;

Sequence of execution:

1. Preparation for the session.
1.1. Install a container with water in the room with the inscription "Converter of negative energy into positive" and it is advisable, if possible, to light church candles (if they are absent, you can use ordinary ones);
1.2. Repentance for sins (asking for forgiveness to everyone who has knowingly or unknowingly harmed in this and previous lives);
1.3. Forgiving ourselves and everyone whom we believe that they have offended us in some way or have done a negative act towards us (ourselves, for having perceived it);
1.4. Thanksgiving to the creator for help in overcoming those trials that he sent us and for taking care of our spiritual development;
1.5. Request for help from your mentors, guardian angels, spiritual teacher and Creator in solving the problem that we want to solve. In the request, you can indicate the topic of the study. For example, ask to show the events that caused this or that fear, resentment, etc.

2. Creation of two levels of virtual protection.

2.1. We take a stable upright position (feet must be on the floor or on the ground), close our eyes and achieve even, calm breathing and a maximally relaxed state. It is advisable to open your eyes only after the session is complete. For those who cannot conduct the session while standing, it is allowed to conduct the session in a position that is comfortable for themselves;

2.2. We mentally imagine our energy shell in the form of a cocoon surrounding our body, the border of which corresponds to the size of our BP, and its outer surface is mirrored, leaving two small holes above our head and below our feet, because the overlap of the flows of earthly and cosmic energies is unacceptable. The goal is to create protection from external influences during the session;

2.3. We create, approximately at a distance of one meter from the boundary of our shell (the boundary of the BP), an infinitely high cylinder with mirrored (inner and outer) surfaces. As a result, we get a structure that looks like a nesting doll, the smallest is you and me, the middle one is our energy shell and the outer one is the mirror cylinder we have created. The inner mirror surface of the cylinder prevents the surrounding EI space from the negative displaced outside the cocoon, the outer surface is an additional protection from external EI influences;

3. Clearing the EI-structure, restoring the work of the chakras and a set of energies;

3.1. We focus on the inhalation, imagine a powerful flow of pure earthly energy (a powerful flow of transparent energy with a golden hue), which enters the centers of the feet, the centers of the palms and the area of ​​the first energy center (the coccyx region). We direct and control its passage through the whole body and higher energy centers from the bottom up along the spine. At the same time, we are trying to imagine and feel how it fills all the cells of our body and freely emerges in the region of the crown. In case of detection of any obstacles in the area of ​​any center or any organ, we burn them with the help of a stream of flame and resume the procedure, achieving a free flow of energy through all energy centers. Signs of fullness can be a slight tingling sensation, slight numbness, warmth along the spine, in the soles of the feet, etc. When working with earthly energy, hands can spontaneously rise, a surge of strength and an increase in the volume of the body and cocoon can be felt;

3.2. We focus on the exhalation, imagine a powerful stream of pure cosmic energy (a powerful stream of transparent light-silver color), which enters the area of ​​the seventh energy center. We direct and control its passage through other centers from top to bottom along the spine. At the same time, we are trying to imagine and feel how it fills all the cells of our body and flows freely down through the energy centers located in our palms and soles. In case of detection of any obstacles in the area of ​​any center or any organ, we burn them with the help of a stream of flame and resume the procedure, achieving a free flow of energy through all energy centers. Signs of fullness can be a slight tingling sensation, energy draining from the fingers, slight numbness, warmth along the spine, in the soles of the feet, etc.;

Notes to clauses 3.1 and 3.2:
1. Focusing attention on inhalation or exhalation when working with energies, do not associate this process with your breathing, this is just a recommendation for better visualization of it. The process of energy saturation should go on continuously and be interrupted only for the time required to eliminate its free flow;

2. To enhance the flow of energy, you can use the technique of combining the visualization of the process with inhalation and exhalation (similar to the operation of a two-hand pump);

3. To cleanse the body and EI - structures from negative blocks, communication channels, suckers, etc. you can use the cleaning techniques described in the "Additional techniques ..." section (see after the description of the technique) or apply your own individual techniques that are more acceptable to you.

3.3. After the appearance of a feeling of fullness in the body, for some time we work simultaneously with both flows of energies and saturate our energy shell, mentally displacing all negativity beyond its limits. For most of them, this gives the feeling of a balloon inflating. The main goal of working with energy flows: to cleanse your EI-structure, displace the negative existing in it outside the energy shell (cocoon) and, if possible, restore the normal operation of the main EIC (chakras).

4. Burning of negative communication channels and negative energy;

4.1. In order to burn the negative energy displaced beyond the boundaries of your energy shell (cocoon) and destroy (break) the channels of communication with sources of negative influences and energies available at that time, it is necessary to direct from below (who does not succeed, you can from above) into the space between your energy with a shell (cocoon) and a cylinder, a powerful stream of bright clean flame and burn all the negative that is present there, if necessary, you can use a laser beam. If desired, you can place yourself in the stream of flame, along with your energy shell;

5. Elaboration of past events.

5.1. Keeping the virtual protection created at the beginning of the session, we mentally transfer ourselves to the time preceding the external energy-informational impact. If this time is not defined, then at the moment of your birth in the present incarnation or at the moment of any important event for you, which, in your opinion, could negatively affect your psycho-emotional state and cause disturbances in your EI - structure. It is most advisable to eliminate the violations that you currently have during the first sessions. In the future, you can consistently work through the events of previous incarnations, stipulating in advance which incarnation you want to work through or defining a specific goal of working through (for example, ask to show events in the past that caused any fear, resentment, failures in relationships with the opposite sex, etc.). NS.);

5.2. We repeat the cleaning of our EI-structure according to the method of paragraphs 3.1 - 3.3, mentally restoring the level of our BP to a value corresponding to your harmonious development at that point in time, after which we burn the negative according to the method of paragraph 4.1. ;

5.3. After imagining yourself in the past, take your time and try to see yourself at that moment and understand what is happening. If you need help at that moment, provide it, send your love to yourself in the past, and then burn all the negativity that surrounded your life at that moment and time that preceded it. To clear the EI - space and your phantom in the past, mentally cut off with the help of streams of pure flame all negative communication channels that you have in the past and burn the negative energy surrounding you at that moment. This can be done according to the scheme of converting negative into positive energy, having previously collected it into a created virtual sphere with an inner mirror surface and then sending it into the bowels of the planet with a request for its transformation into pure energies of creation;

5.4. When carrying out this work, the main thing is not to rush and, if desired, you can consistently view the most important events of the past from childhood to old age. This can be done in several sessions, so as not to overload your brain and your psyche. The main goals of working through the events of the past include the following:
- to clear your EI - the structure and EI-space of the planet from negative energies and information, including those that were created by us;
- try to establish the reasons for our actions, character traits, rejection of something, the emergence of fears, grievances, illnesses, etc.;
- on the basis of the knowledge gained about oneself, correct the individual development program and work on oneself beloved, with the aim of not repeating in the future those mistakes that were made in the past.
That is, we have an opportunity to consciously, in a milder version, work out our karmic lessons.

6. Return to the present, repetition of paragraphs. No. 3 and No. 4, increase in BP by 5-10%;

6.1. We return to the present time and carry out the saturation and harmonization of the work of our energy-informational structure according to the method of paragraphs 3.1 -3.3. and incineration of the negative according to clause 4.1. When saturating our shell, we achieve an increase (expansion of its boundaries) by 5-10% in relation to the BP value at the time of the beginning of the session.

7. Completion of the session, even distribution of energy, gratitude for the help.

7.1. Before the end of the session, mentally, evenly distribute the energies throughout the body and the protective cocoon. For their uniform distribution (and alignment of the boundaries of the energy shell), we give them a clockwise rotation around the vertical axis (when viewed from above) and also mentally visualize their uniform vertical distribution (moving up and down), which is very well felt in physics;
7.2. At the end of the session, we thank all our helpers and the Creator, after which we open our eyes. For consolidation, you can read some famous prayer, for example, "Our Father".
In addition to this technique, I want to make a small gift for those who are engaged in healing activities and feel the need to clean the premises after working with people. This is a very effective technique that allows you to cope with almost any attacks of the dark forces, which I came to purely intuitively after very hard work with breaking the channel of three sixes from my friend.

Short description:
1. Mentally create an image of the sun disk and imagine how it rotates counterclockwise - there is a powerful extract of the negative, which you support with a mental message and visualize the process;

2. Change the direction of rotation of the disk - there is a powerful golden stream of energy to recharge and saturate the object with positive energy;

3. Create a virtual sphere with an inner mirror surface behind the object that you plan to clean, saturate it with pure energy (maybe solar) and bring it into contact with the EI-shell of the object.

4. Create an image of the sun with the direction of rotation of the disk clockwise and direct the flow of energy to the object, squeezing out all the negative outside the shell, directing it into the virtual sphere you have created, and then lowering it into the bowels of the earth to destroy and transform the contents into positive energy of creation ...

This technique can also be used to cleanse the human EI structure.

Additional techniques for clearing the physical body and EI-structure from negativity:

1. Working with the virtual disk of the sun and its energies is described above. At the suggestion of Galina Kuznetsova, work with solar energy can be used in cases of the need to activate the chakras or remove blocks that prevent the free flow of energies, as well as when working to destroy various negative communication channels. Here is her description of her experience with solar energy:
“... The sun was wonderful and I decided to ask the sun to clean me. Since we are all energy, we cannot harm each other. And I asked to be placed inside the Sun. It was surprisingly comfortable. I saw myself as if transparent, but with dark spots, like blots. I began to examine these blots and the spots began to go away. When there was only golden and white light, I thanked the SUN and left. There was a huge surge of strength, amazing mood and universal love ... ";

2. Working with an energy vortex (by Olga Bezuglaya) is as follows:
We create an image of a vortex of energy (an image of a tornado can be used), capture with its help a negative formation and "throw" it out of our body and energy shell;

3. Working with an energy blanket (by Gennady Poloselov), here is his description of this technique:
“In the last session, a successful thought-form came - a blanket of light. It’s like a cotton blanket (soft cloth) made of very concentrated, condensed light energy of the earth and space. and left them there until the organ healed. Then they dissolved themselves. I made a liquid form of this energy tissue and launched it into the digestive system for healing and purification. In some parts of the intestines I noted the reaction of the body. Then I attracted the attention of the gallbladder and liver with tingling and I wrapped them in cloth as well. When I finished with the body, I drove a vortex of light, sweeping all the "lumps" out of the cocoon. ";

5. To activate the basic chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara), you can combine the pumping of energies with chanting mantras (LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM and AUM) or notes (DO, RE, MI , FA, SALT, LA and SI in different keys) (suggestion by Galina Pinchuk);

6. The principle of a centrifuge for the disposal of channels attached to the shell, energy entities, etc. (Author Stanislav Koshelev).
The technique consists in imparting an accelerating counterclockwise rotation of its energy shell, as a result of which, due to the increasing centrifugal force, the bonds are broken and the "suction cups" are disconnected from the shell.

In conclusion, I would like to acquaint you with another simple technique that I received from my spiritual teachers during the period of my healing lessons "Working with the energy grid (cobweb)", which can be used both for cleaning and for identifying (diagnosing) diseased organs and places of stagnation of energies. The technique is very simple and quite effective:

1. We close our eyes, imagine a phantom of a person with whom we want to work (or our own) and place it in front of us at a distance of 2-3 meters;

2. Imagine an energy network (web) in the form of a rectangular scarf with a side size of 1.5-2 meters and mentally throw it onto a phantom, giving it the ability to fall freely. If on its way there is some kind of block (stagnation of energy, a diseased organ, a channel of negative communication), its free fall stops and it hangs, enveloping the given area. Consecutively doing this procedure, you can scan the entire phantom. You can use this scarf to capture and extract various negative formations from the EI-structure, after which they can simply be burned or sent to the bowels of the Earth for transformation into positive energies.

I would be grateful to all those who will use the technique for your comments, containing brief descriptions of the results of their experience with it.

I wish you all success in mastering it and achieving new levels of knowledge of yourself and the world around us.

With respect and love,

Today I will show you 3 ways to raise energy after the holidays.

2 types of energy.

In addition to the ones I wrote about earlier, there is also a division of your energy into 2 main types.

There is vital (life) energy. And there is psychic (mental) energy.

In this article I will tell you about 3 simple and at the same time powerful ways to raise psychic energy.

How to restore your psychic energy after the holidays.

I ask you to write in the comments to write about the experience of using both the methods indicated in the article and your own.

3 ways to restore mental energy.

Of course there is much more to restore the level of psychic energy than I will write below.

I decided to focus only on the methods verified by me and my Clients.

To understand the mechanism of action of these 3 ways, we must understand how and where our psychic energy is spent.

How psychic energy is spent.

  • Visual channel. Energy experts believe, not without reason, that 80% of everything comes out through the eyes, through visual perception. Now, remember what you did all the holidays? Yeah, we watched "zomboyaschik"!
  • Stereotypical behavior. This is another channel through which our energy flows. On the one hand, automatic behavior is very convenient - we breathe, walk without hesitation, type on the keys of our laptop, etc. On the other hand, we block the living, creative energy coming from within, from our side.

3 easy ways to restore energy.

I will give you methods that take into account, if possible, both mechanisms of energy leakage.

1 way. "Blindfold".

You probably noticed that most of the practices for gaining energy: yoga, qigong, meditation, use techniques that are carried out with the eyelids closed?

And this is no coincidence.

Even the natural restoration of strength provided in our body - sleep - occurs, as you know, with closed eyes.

I will not limit myself to simple advice, in the next 3 weeks, do not watch TV, do not hang out for hours on social networks and do not read.

And instead, spending at least 2 hours a day contemplating natural landscapes is the only way (those same 20%) when energy is not lost through sight.

You know this without me.

I suggest a practice that will give you a tangible burst of energy.

  • Choose a day, preferably a day off, when you can practice during the whole day, or at least at least 4 hours.
  • Important! You should be at home and spend it, as usual, saturating with the maximum number of routine tasks: washing, cooking, cleaning, you can even stick wallpaper.
  • In the morning, blindfold your eyes with an impenetrable bandage, for example, with sleep goggles, and start doing the very same things: brush your teeth, make breakfast, wash the dishes, do your laundry. In short, do everything as usual.
  • Track and be aware of your feelings. You can even write them down without removing the bandage.

Method 2. "Without a leading hand."

Everything is simple here. Overcoming stereotyped behavior.

  • If you are right-handed, you will spend a similar day, for example Sunday, “without” your right hand. If left-handed, vice versa.
  • Ask a family member or wrap your arm with an elastic bandage around your torso.
  • Start doing your own thing. You can even go to your computer or go shopping, go for a walk.
  • Share your experience with this practice in the comments.
  • Particularly daring (for the second time) combine the "bandage" with the "hand".

Method 3. "Do it differently."

This method of energy recovery requires a little preparation.

  • First, make a to-do list. Your actions that you do on autopilot.
  • It may be something that is happening completely unnoticed. For example, do you make up the eye, starting with which one? How do you brush your teeth? How do you behave in conflicts? Which way do you go to work? How do you greet friends? In which store do you buy bread? In what position are you making love? Which side of your hand are you stroking the cat?
  • Make a list of 100 such cases in a column on a half sheet.
  • In the second column, come up with another, interesting, creative way of doing this.
  • For example. Paint only one eye. In conflict, smile and be silent. Make a detour through the woods to get to work. Stroke your loved one with the back of your hand at night. Then follow these steps for a week.
  • Be aware and document your feelings.
  • Share your experience with this practice in the comments.

Share these ways to store energy with your friends.

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Energy replenishment is a long and laborious process that requires human effort. It is important not only to scoop it up, but also to make sure that it does not flow out. Let's analyze how to restore energy and keep it in order to feel great and take on new things with enthusiasm.

Energy drain channels

In order to understand how to restore your strength on your own, you should think about the circumstances under which they are lost. Imagine: a person has a hole in a jug, and he collects water into the vessel, makes up for the lack of liquid, but it still pours out. Likewise with energy. If we manage to close the holes from which it flows, then this is already half the battle.

These are the channels of leakage:

  1. Physical. For example, a person goes in for sports, monitors his body, while not taking enough time to sleep, eating improperly and drinking little water at the same time.
  2. Emotional. These include human complexes, fears, guilt, inhibitions, stress, thoughts-viruses, etc. All this fetters muscles, negatively affects the aura of the biofield, undermines vital and psychological energy.
  3. Intellectual. There are two options for the development of events: a person either grows or degrades. Without replenishment of the knowledge base, intellectual hunger sets in.
  4. Spiritual. Loss of the meaning of life, misunderstanding of one's goals is also a hole where energy is poured out.

After finding out the leakage channel, so to speak, they recognized the enemy by sight, you need to fight with him. First of all, to eliminate the source, without this the whole further process will be meaningless. It is imperative to revise the diet, make it balanced, and devote sufficient time to sleep. It is worth adding positive emotions to life, doing what there was no time for before, finding time to read the book. It will be useful to visit places where you can feel spiritual saturation, go to a place of power, a temple, and meditate. Throw away unnecessary things, put things in order, do not litter your home, this negatively affects your mood and general condition.

Follow the instructions: first we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in recovery and accumulation.

Energy recovery methods

After identifying the cause and dealing with it, you can start restoring and storing energy. This can be done on 4 levels: physical, etheric, astral and mental. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Physical body

On a physical level, it is important to give up bad habits, eat more vegetables, fruits, healthy carbohydrates and proteins. Exercise is useful, but it should tone up, develop endurance, and not deplete the body. Cleansing will also help replenish strength - therapeutic fasting, yoga, healing herbal decoctions. Meditation promotes muscle relaxation, general relaxation. Eastern gymnastics will help to strengthen the body: qigong, tai chi or others.

So here are some practical ways.

Healing massage... If you feel tired, it is worth applying this method. Here's what you need to do to recharge:

  • massage the area between your thumb and forefinger;
  • knead your neck with a wooden hair comb;
  • tilt your head in different directions and back.

Dizziness is normal after the procedure is completed.

Healthy sleep... Go to bed before midnight, always on your back, so the chakras are cleared more effectively, and head to the north or south. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours, with the exception of people who have experienced stress or severe emotional distress. Then you need to allow yourself to rest until you want to get up. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time every day.

Etheric body

Consider how to increase your energy on the etheric level. The accumulation here is facilitated by: harmony with nature, the practice of correct breathing, maintaining calmness (even in a non-standard, emergency situation), the practice of exercises for better cleansing and functioning of the chakras. Next, let's talk about the techniques that will help the etheric body.

Interaction with natural elements... Esotericism says that energy can be obtained from the sun, fire, water or earth.

In the first case, it is better to choose a sunny, cloudless day. One should separate oneself from the earthly vanity, forget about pressing matters and strive with all thoughts to the sun. Raise your hands up and ask him for energy. Feel how it spreads throughout the body, penetrates into every cell. Thank the luminary 7 times, verbally or mentally, and lower your hands.

You can ask the fire for strength. A candle or campfire flame will do. You need to concentrate and peer into the fire. Imagine that he burns out negative emotions, diseases and all bad things. Purge for 10 days, after which the presence of a flame will not necessarily be present. Subsequently, you can imagine an image frozen in memory, and the level of energy will increase.

Now about the water. Immerse yourself in the bath and breathe rhythmically, imagining that as you inhale, the cells absorb energy, and as you exhale, it is transformed into bioenergy.

With the help of the wind, you can recover as follows. Go outside, listen to the rustle of foliage, swaying branches. Imagine how the pores absorb the energy of the wind, become one with it.

Correct breathing. There is a direct link between proper breathing and well-being. In yoga, they attach great importance to it. Breathing through the nose is considered correct, with concentration of attention, as if it is not the air that is being inhaled, but the energy itself.

Astral body

The energy balance increases in the astral body if a person tries to maintain a positive attitude in any situation, works on internal emotional trauma, creates a pleasant environment, and also learns to love the world around him and all living things. Here are the techniques you can use.

Search for emotions. Take up the search for things that will give you positive emotions. It could be walking the dog, playing badminton, hiking, or skydiving. From here the necessary energy will be drawn.

Learn to give. Start giving without asking for anything in return. Feed a stray dog, donate to the poor, or make an unexpected pleasant surprise for a loved one. Gratuitous deeds come back with uplifting spirits.

Change of environment. If you are not satisfied with the place of work - it needs to be changed, the environment with which you have to communicate is not to your liking - stop doing it, keep in touch with pleasant people. All changes for the better will give an opportunity to increase self-esteem, regain self-confidence and the opportunity to try something new.

Sincere forgiveness. Grievances against others are heavy stones that have to be worn for the soul all the time. Get rid of the load, the burden will become less heavy. The relief will come instantly, the state of health will noticeably improve.

Mental body

It is important here to control your thoughts throughout the day, get rid of negative images, and do meditative exercises. It should be borne in mind that any thought has karmic consequences. Now about how to strengthen your energy at the mental level.

Visualization... Imagine what exactly you want, say it out loud and in detail. It works. Just no vague wording, you can also use mantras.

Temporary silence. The habit of constantly speaking takes away strength, without the need to pour a stream of unnecessary words, it is better at this time to focus on your thoughts.

How to quickly restore energy

Let's talk about how to quickly relieve fatigue, rest after irregular loads at work or at home, for example, after the whims of a child.

  1. Through music. You can sing karaoke, play a musical instrument, or just listen to a pleasant melody.
  2. Prayer. It is noticed that after pronouncing it, the aura of a person absolutely changes, it becomes brighter.
  3. The melodic rhythm will help you to quickly rest, as the body can adapt to the environment. Turn on the sounds of salsa or drums, and then immediately feel the tone up.

Recovery after illness and with the evil eye

If magic is applied to a person, damage or evil eye takes place, you can try to fight it yourself. In order for the negative influence to stop, you need a strong emotional shock, for example: take an ice shower, travel to another country by plane, or engage in extreme sports. These actions muffle the actions of the evil eye and help remove it altogether.

And how to recover if you are overcome by weakness after an illness? In this case, it is imperative to sleep well, eat vitamins (be sure to include vitamin C in the diet, you can use folk remedies, for example, herbal decoctions). It is better not to rush to work, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. It is important to breathe fresh air and exercise, gradually increasing the load.


Everyone is inherently tired, stress and illness take away strength and energy every day, but if you work on yourself, the reserves can be replenished. Follow the instructions: first we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in recovery and accumulation.

Every year the same thing - the sun is shining on the street, and people around them complain of depression and a complete lack of vitality.

So let's try to make out the topic: "Restoring strength and energy", which means we will learn how to avoid spring powerlessness.



To know how to return vital energy, you need to imagine where it goes and how energy depletion appears.

It is important to remember that constant experiences, negative emotions deprive a person of strength, and positive ones restore, although not immediately.

By the way, right now, you can sign up for the next course on setting any of your goals, which starts from 09 April to 19 April. Participation is completely free! Click on the banner:

Watch yourself, how many times a day did you envy, were afraid to say what you think? Here they are - the primary absorbers of our energy. And then there is fear, which takes away life energy.

There are remedies for all this, we just need to remember that all our temporary difficulties serve only one goal - the spiritual purification of a person. So, there is nothing to be afraid of them, just more calmly solve all life tasks.

It is easier to cope if there is no physical strength. You just need to give the body a rest, sleep well.


Fears take away a lot of mental energy. Take a pen and for 35 minutes, write all the fears in a row on a piece of paper, and then burn it, thereby you will close one of the channels of loss of vital energy.

Do the same for your doubts and guilt.

The feeling of guilt, especially gnaws at a person, destroying the body. Ask for petitions!

Throw out all the negative on paper, then burn it and start the day with a clean slate.

Try not to envy, not condemn, not get angry and see how your life will improve. More humor and positive emotions!


After an illness, a person feels severe weakness and loss of strength. Try aromatherapy. At the beginning of the day, use invigorating citrus essential oils, and in the evening - mint, lemon balm, lavender.

Rapid recovery of energy occurs after a morning contrast shower and an evening hot bath.

Also, do a simple exercise.: sit on a chair, close your eyes, breathe slowly, and exhale should be a little longer than inhalation. Speed ​​up your breathing, open your eyes.

Massage will help you quickly regain strength. Find the point on your hand between your index finger and thumb. At this point, make 8-10 circular movements clockwise with the index finger of your other hand, then counterclockwise the same amount. Press until you feel numb.

Place your hand on your knee, find a hole under your little finger. Press on this point on both legs at once for 3-5 minutes. This massage can be done at work, at home in front of the TV.

Spread your fingers, place them on your head, massage the scalp with "screwing" movements.

Lao Gong point

Lao Gong Point is one of the most secret acupuncture points. Its name literally translates as the Palace of Labor. And this is no coincidence, because lao gong is located in the center of the palm, which is responsible for the strength of a person's grip and is naturally associated with labor.

The point is located on the channel of the triple heater and refers to the fire element. It is useful to massage it in case of loss of strength, fatigue, weakness, heart disease, shortness of breath.

The sacred qualities of this point, which are almost not described in Russian sources, are the ability to block the feeling of fear and give a sense of security.


To prevent nervous exhaustion from turning into depression, find other treatments:

eat 1 tbsp before meals. a spoonful of garlic mixed with honey.
chopped garlic - 400 g, juice squeezed from 24 lemons, place in a glass jar, stir, tie the neck with gauze.

Take 1 teaspoon daily, diluting the mixture in 0.5 tbsp. boiled water. This remedy will quickly relieve the loss of strength, improve well-being, and increase efficiency.


Pay attention to your daily food. Are you low on fruits and vegetables in your diet? Fill this gap urgently.

Eat more seafood, porridge, red meat, fruits, vegetables. And less coffee. This drink gives a boost of vivacity, but only for 30 minutes. And then? Then again comes apathy and lethargy.

How to recuperate If you find it difficult to adhere to a proper diet, pay attention to vitamins.

It is important to take vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency. Its daily rate should not be higher than 90 mg.

If you want to sleep, if you feel an incredible breakdown, then for better absorption of vitamin C you also need to take rutin (P). These two vitamins complement each other perfectly, being a "shock" method against stress and fatigue.

What other drugs are ready to help a person? Of course, vitamin A, which improves performance, increases energy.

Don't forget the fat-soluble substance or vitamin D. It keeps the human immune system in good shape.


How to cheer up if you have no strength at all? Try a few simple tricks:

  • drink a glass of water;
  • go out into the fresh air for 10 minutes;
  • walk briskly
  • to lower blood sugar after eating, make a few vigorous movements;
  • choose an herb - ginseng, astragalus, lemongrass or rhodiola rosea, drink a few drops of their tincture.


The nose-breathing technique will help you stay alert all day. If you have had a sleepless night and have no strength to work, then try to master the simple technique of "sun breathing". She really helps!

Protection from energy vampires. How Right Thoughts affect our LIFE! How to restore human energy to fulfill desires and goals.

Seven Ways of Energy Defense Against Energy Vampires

Our life and health depend not only on vitamins, minerals, trace elements, but also on subtle energy invisible to the naked eye. This energy circulates in our body, keeping it in optimal condition.

But if there is a malfunction on the subtle plane, and the energy is not able to circulate correctly, then malaise, illness arises.

We all know that there are people who, willingly or unwillingly, can take our energy or disrupt its circulation.

So, a person who forcibly takes away our energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange, turned out to be next to us. And you and I, who give him this energy, contrary to our wishes, become donors against our will.

Psychics identify such people easily and immediately. And how can you and me, ordinary people, determine that we have talked to an energy "swindler"?

Here are a few signs by which they can be recognized:

When communicating with him, you have the feeling that someone (not necessarily a psychic) ​​is trying to instill in you a foreign thought, an idea alien to your worldview;

When your eyes meet, you feel tense and vulnerable for no apparent reason;

During a dialogue with him, irritation grows in you for no reason, you strive to end the conversation as soon as possible;

After communication, you feel tired, overwhelmed, and sick.

You can protect yourself from the effects of such people using one of 7 options:

1. Unravel the reason for the negativity. If a person is dissatisfied with his work, relationships with loved ones, then the only way to somehow prove his worth is to make others suffer. By constantly complaining about their problems, they get the attention they lack.

2. Try to abstract from those emotions that arise when talking with such a dangerous interlocutor. Over time, you will learn to manage your emotions.

3. Smile and indifference. If an energy vampire is trying to start a conversation that is not pleasant to you, smile and keep silent. The main thing is to remain neutral and not let the person transfer their negativity to you. By reacting, you are giving the vampire food and a reason to communicate with you over and over again.

3. Use a simple trick - ask the person to talk about something good. This is especially true when the interlocutor for the hundredth time told you how he went to the clairvoyant - and he still did not fit the dough, or the tomatoes did not ripen, or how unfortunate he himself is. Most likely, after your request to talk about good things, the vampire will lose interest in you.

4. Don't Let Us Use You! Don't help everyone, because some people just take advantage of you. Besides, constantly listening to negativity will not bring a positive result.

5. Repeat to yourself: "I love you, forgive me, thank you." This technique works because you subconsciously influence a person. As a result, the "vampire" will cease to be interested in you, as he feeds on negative emotions.

"Aspen stake" for the energy vampire

The fact that people exchange not only words, views, but also energy, you have more than once convinced yourself.
When we are in contact with a sad person, we become filled with sadness. An irritable person shares her irritability with us. A benevolent person calms us down with their positive energy.
You have noticed that not only positive-minded people, but also aggressive, evil persons are always drawn to a kind person, like to the morning summer sun. And this is quite understandable:
In the aura of a kind person, our nervous system is harmonized, and we calm down.
Even a half-hour communication with a kind person gives us a burst of vitality. This happens because our subtle mental body has been saturated with positive creative energy.
In the aura of a kind person, our mood improves, because we, charged with positive energy, look at the world around us with kind eyes and begin to perceive life in a “plus” mode.
Kind people generously endow us with the energies of love, respect, peacefulness, patience, joy and goodness. They are not worried that the reservoir of their vital good forces will turn out to be empty, because they are under the auspices of the Universe. She immediately fills them with an abundance of new young positive energies.

When you hear the expression, "Kindness will save the world," do not rush to deny it. This has not happened yet only because kindness does not have enough hands to embrace the earth and warm it up, heal it with the creative energy of its heart.

In the world of evil, being kind has become unpopular and even strange. Our planet suffocates from tornadoes of negative energies and expresses its pain in various natural disasters. Together with her, all earthlings suffer from negativity. Scientists explain this process by the theory of "constant circulation and interchange of negative energies."

Remember physics lessons? If you connect two communicating vessels with a tube, then the liquid levels in them will equalize. It is the same with people. From a person with a high level of energy, vital forces will automatically flow to a weakened one (with a low level of energy). There would be a "tube" ... And it turns out that it is not so difficult to organize.
The most obvious way is physical contact. But people exchange energy with each other without even touching each other. Only their auras - energy-informational shells - touch. Aura is a protective screen that does not allow a foreign field to break through to a person. But it has one more function. When a person shows interest in something, his aura opens up, as it were, trying to embrace, draw in and understand this something. By the way, it is this property of the aura that allows people to effectively feed themselves with fresh energy from nature.

Plants, like humans, are energetic in nature essences. Moreover, most plants willingly make contact with a person and let him into their aura. Therefore, nourishing the trees is a great way to recharge with vitality. But not every tree is suitable for this.

To replenish the energy supply, donor trees must be chosen. Among the most energetic strong donor trees are oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, mountain ash. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that urban trees are far from being as energetically strong as the inhabitants of the forest. Therefore, for recharging, it is best to go to the forest or at least to the park, away from noisy streets and highways.

The stronger the tree, the fewer other trees next to it. If a tree stands alone and there are no other trees at a distance of about ten meters from it, then it is very strong. If the trees grow next to each other, their energy is not very strong.

Choose a tree that you like. It is very important to focus on your feelings. Listen to yourself if you want to come into contact with this particular tree. If so, go to him and trust your body; let it find the most suitable and pleasant position for itself. You can hug a tree and press against it with your whole body, you can lean your back against it, you can sit under it, leaning on it, you can just put your palms on the trunk.

Mentally ask the tree for help and listen to your feelings: do you think it will help you according to it? If the unpleasant sensations do not arise, indicating the refusal of the tree, then the desire for contact - internal attraction - will increase. If you feel joy, an upsurge of vitality, it means that there is contact - your supply of vitality is replenished.

Communicate with the tree as much as you want (but preferably no more than an hour, so as not to get an energy "overdose").

And don't forget to thank him for his help. When leaving, you must mentally say goodbye to the tree - this is necessary in order to separate the energy fields, your own and the tree, which for a while became one whole.

After a few days, you can repeat the communication session - the effect will be even stronger than the first time. You can establish constant contact with one particular tree with which you feel your spiritual kinship.

The best time to energize from trees is early morning (1-2 hours after sunrise) or early evening (1-2 hours before sunset).
This is how the natural exchange of energies takes place.

But that in the world of energies there is violence, each of us had to make sure more than once. Unfortunately, encounters with energy vampires are inevitable, and we must be able to defend ourselves against them.

An energy vampire is a person who forcibly takes away our energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange.
The energy shell of such people is similar to "black holes" and, in order to fill these "holes", they penetrate, through the "tubes" (energy conductors), into other people's energy shells and suck someone else's positive energy.
Energy vampires can be divided into two types: those who are unaware of their illness, and those who deliberately feed on the energy of others, the so-called aggressive tyrants.
Around such people there is always a cloud of aggression and negativity. They blow up a huge fire with a small spark.
Humiliating, teaching, criticizing, offending others, trying to hurt and hurt more painfully, they in every possible way provoke others to open conflict. Their goal is to unbalance a person, ruin his mood, and then “drink his blood”, recharge with vital energy. After which the tyrant feels very good for a while.

Tyrant vampires are not born. They are children who do not receive the necessary amount of love, warmth, care and just human attention from their parents. Their parents are so busy with their adult problems that they have no time to even say: "Good night, kid."
They criminally forget to hug a child, kiss and look lovingly into his eyes. And in the trustingly open gaze of each baby, the unspoken desire of a child's heart sounds:
“Warm me with your love. Feed me with your affection. Give me your attention. I want to feel that I am good and that you are glad to me. "

The energies of love, recognition, joy are necessary for a child, as the sun is for a plant, as breath is for life. And he begins to fight for his survival: screaming, crying, falling to the floor, a broken toy, a specially broken cup makes parents pay attention to themselves. Dad or mom begins to scold him, and the child is happy, at least somehow reacted to his presence, and he recharged himself with the energy of attention.
It is from such children deprived of attention that our today's heroes grow - aggressive tyrant vampires, who learned from childhood: "To achieve something, you need to provoke a scandal." The conflict environment serves as a source of energy for them.

So, let's remember: the very first desire of an energy vampire is to attract attention to itself at least for a while. But this is not enough. He needs to enter into energetic contact with us, that is, to bring us into a state close to him. The fact is that there is one remarkable ability of the human aura: it can perceive only the energy "related" to it. Therefore, a person who encroaches on someone's energy tries with all his might to tune the victim to his "frequencies" - the frequencies of low spirituality. He needs your irritability, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety, fussiness ... First, these states themselves cause an increased drain of vitality. And secondly, the leaking energy, as we have already said, is "native" for the vampire.

In almost every team you can meet a person who is, as it were, programmed for conflict. Wherever he appears, he immediately becomes the center of attention, some kind of aura of irritation and aggression immediately arises around him, which draws vitality from those around him.

There are many such vampires on the social networks of the Internet. Often, without even reading the publication, they can write in the comments: “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “all this is bullshit”…. The list of these statements can be continued, but note: this was done not only in order to mercilessly cross out the work of another person.
The main goal of the "writers" of such reviews is to provoke a conflict, offend, hurt, irritate and, after "drinking blood", recharge with kindred energy.
It is easy to de-energize such internet vampires: they should be ignored without responding to their comments.
Let the same "well-wishers" enter into dialogue with them, as they do, and exchange negative among themselves.
With respect and gratitude, you need to treat the opposite opinion of readers who were able to express it in a non-aggressive form.

What to do with an aggressor-vampire in a team, at home, in transport (there, too, you can be called an elephant, a monkey with glasses, or even worse)?

It seems to me that Victor Hugo gives us exhaustive advice:
“If anyone has offended you, take revenge with courage. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your revenge, then forgive, - this will be the end of it. "

There are also other methods of protection against vampirism, the so-called "hornet stake" for them:

Don't look them in the eye- this is the strongest channel of energy exchange. Calm, self-confident to the point of insolence, the vampire's attentive gaze into your eyes - and your energy is leaking. Avoid these "visual duels".

Keep your arms crossed when communicating with them.on the chest or connected in a lock opposite the solar plexus. It is also desirable to connect the feet. Thus, you "close" your energy and make it difficult for outsiders to access.

Mentally wish him happiness... The words of the ancient Vedic prayer “I wish everyone (you, you) happiness” have tremendous creative and protective power.
Volunteer your love energy. There is no better healer in the world. To do this, visually imagine how a golden ray of love comes out of your solar plexus, enters the solar plexus of the "offender", expands in it, filling all the organs of his body, thinking, mind, consciousness, subconsciousness, aura, the whole sphere of his life, gracious and harmonizing the energy of love. For those who “loved their neighbor as themselves,” energetic vampirism does not exist!

Psychological protection also helps - the mental barrier with which you surround yourself.The method is quite simple - when communicating with your partner, imagine that you are covered with a large lilac glass. Moreover, the glass is like a mirror glasses (“I see you - you don’t have me”). If, at the same time, you have a psychological feeling of detachment and even a little "devil-may-care attitude", be calm - you are reliably protected.

The absence of fear of vampires, the mental attitude not to obey their attempts is a guarantee against loss of energy.

"Thermal protection" is very effective.

It's pretty straightforward. Try to carve out 10-15 minutes in the morning before work and stand in a very hot shower. Strong heating of the body evens out its energy ”. After that - a sharp cooling, an absolutely cold shower, and even better to take a dip from the bucket. The mechanism for this extremely powerful tool is simple. The skin is compressed, the heat exchange with the surrounding air is sharply reduced, the energy received from the hot water is, as it were, accumulated inside the body. And most importantly, your aura will not only take on the most economical form (eggs), but will also become denser, and therefore become less penetrable for external influences (biovampirism, damage, evil eye ...).

On the way to work, especially on public transport, try to keep strangers away from your spine. Behind him, at 10-15 centimeters, is the human energy axis, which is most vulnerable to the impact of subtle energies.

But what if we still did not save ourselves and were badly affected by someone else's energy?

Again, energy-intensive water will help us. A warm shower for six to seven minutes will dissolve and take away the energy "dirt" that has adhered to it during the day.

Use these methods of protection against vampires hiding under the disguises of "sufferers", "bores", "complainers", "always humiliated and insulted."
These psychological vampires do their dirty work on the sly, pulling life energy quietly and unnoticed. Far from immediately, in the poor, fearful loser, it is possible to discern the bloodthirsty descendant of Count Dracula.

Do not skimp on love for your neighbor, rush to help a person in trouble, sympathize, understand, support friends, colleagues, relatives .... But, if the "sufferer" constantly requires your participation in his failures, stop being an energy source for his complaints and failures, move away from him and his problems.
Zabozhko Lydia.

How to restore human energy to fulfill desires and goals.

“I am worthy of love and respect. I myself love and respect myself for who I am. "

In order for your goals, dreams and desires to come true relatively easily, you need not only their truth, but also a sufficient amount of energy. It is impossible to move on without energy. Without energy, there is no strength for further development, not to mention setting new goals and achieving them.

So, where does a person's energy go and what needs to be done in order to return it, then not waste it again in an unknown direction, but direct it in the right, constructive direction?

The first, it is the main thing, is thoughts.

But not just thoughts, but obsession either on their own problems, or on the deeds and lives of other people.Accordingly, the lack of thoughts on the topic "How grateful I am for this, also for this, and yet this has come true for me, and in this life helps me, etc." And also the absence of thoughts in the morning, during the day and in the evening on the topic of their goals and desires. And most importantly - not hundreds of goals and desires, but two or three, so that it does not seem that you want a lot of things, but it is impossible to accomplish because of this huge amount.

The more you think about how difficult and bad it is for you now, the more you feel sorry for yourself, the more energy you will spend on supporting you in this state of apathy and disappointment..

The darker the thoughts, the more you think about "how unfair everything is," the lower and worse your energy level. What kind of fulfillment of desires, secrets and recipes for how to fulfill a desire can be talked about if all your energy is spent on supporting negative thoughts.

Control your thoughts, direct them to where energy comes from, not to where it disappears.

Second. Thoughts about other people, events, etc.

You can say that it seems like thoughts too, but why then did we highlight them in a separate paragraph. Basically, you are right, these are also thoughts. But if in the first case, when we concentrate on negative events, we immediately feel a loss of energy, then in the second case we may not even understand that the energy has gone into these thoughts.

It seems like what's the big deal if, after meeting with relatives, you and your husband discuss this event for a couple of days? But where there are discussions, there are constant thoughts about that family and that, and also about who else said what, who did what and so on. It seems like these thoughts are not negative, but the question is - do they add energy to you?

You don't even need to convince yourself and me that such thoughts are useful. Of course, they, just like in the first case, eat up your vitality, take away human energy.

So you thought for a day or two about the life and fate of other people, and even God forbid, you envied, gossiped, as they say, “washed the bones” several times, and now your goals and desires are somehow so far away, covered with a veil of fog, and after a few days you have completely forgotten about yourself. Everyone is thinking about why your distant relative from Prostokvashino was not lucky, or, on the contrary, was lucky, with this and that. But your thoughts smoothly shifted to a distant relative of your not very close friend, whom you saw briefly, but about whom she told you THAT, told THIS ... .. But these are not just thoughts, but in the evening you are discussing these events with your husband with might and main , girlfriend, sister, etc. And here….
Hey, wake up, return to yourself, to your goals, to your desires! The same applies to thoughts about some world events, events in your city, country, house, entrance, etc. things.

What do these thoughts and discussions give you? Do they come closer to the realization of your goals and desires. Do they make you and those around you even a little bit happier? Do they fill you with energy, thirst for life and the desire to move and develop further, set new goals and realize them?

Third. Watching TV, reading media, "hanging" on various social networks and forums.

The only thing I can say is that if somewhere in a holiday home or at a party we watch TV at least a little, then there is a sharp emptiness, loss of energy and there comes an absolute and perfect, one might say "ideal" apathy for life.

Everything seems useless, life becomes scary and unpredictable, and a feeling arises in the soul “why live at all, since everything is SO bad”. But what exactly is "bad" and how exactly, it is not possible to formulate.The same applies to the media AND chats on the forum on the Internet.

Fourth. Education.

It doesn't matter if you are getting a second degree or taking courses in fashion designer, sewing and sewing, design, etc. While we are learning, even in those periods when something is not clear or it seems that we will never master it, in any case, energy comes to us. Learning, mastering new skills, professions, learning a language - all this increases the internal level of a person's energy.

While a person is studying, while his brains are busy assimilating new information, while it is difficult for him to master a new subject, to absorb new information, in general, energy is generated at this time.

Often it is mastering something new that brings many people out of depression and apathy to life. It is study, not antidepressants.

And, of course, learning and mastering new skills goes hand in hand with the fulfillment of your goals and desires. Well, what kind of realization of desires can we talk about, if, for example, your desire is from the field of singing, and you have never sung before, except for related feasts? Of course, first of all, you should start studying, find either a vocal teacher or sign up for courses.

And do not tell me that this is obvious and understandable to everyone. So many letters come to me with the question of how to realize this or that desire, and when I clarify what the person has undertaken for this, it turns out - nothing ...

In order for our dreams and desires to come true relatively easily and freely, it is necessary to observe several conditions - the truth of desire, visualization, concentration of thoughts on the goal, and as we said in the first part of the article, human energy.

If you comply with all of the above conditions, i.e. did you understand, that your desire is real, you visualize your desire for 20 minutes every day, and also write 1-2 sheets of statements that you are worthy of what you dream of, you began to take the necessary actions, but if nothing happens in your life and the desire remains a desire, then you should tackle the levels of your energy, start restoring energy. You need to understand if recently (or always) your desires and dreams have come true with difficulty or not at all, but at the same time you have done everything necessary, then either a feeling has literally been driven into you since childhood "I am not worthy (to)", or your energy wants the best.

Passion for their work.

It used to be called a hobby. Nowadays hobby often gives a person not only energy and a sense of joy from his life, but also a good material prosperity. After all, when a person does what his soul asks for, he forgets about time, fatigue as if by hand removes and now he already feels that like wings grow behind his back. Yes, these are not wings, it is your energy that fills your entire consciousness, your entire essence and breaks out.

Repeat your success.

Be sure to at the moments when you feel that nothing pleases you and you have almost no energy left, repeat what you do best. For example, bake your favorite honey cake that you have been baking your whole life and that all your friends, family, and colleagues will love.
Or put on a new wallpaper in the kitchen, because you are so proud of the way you are alone, quickly and easily glue them. So why not combine business with pleasure? At the same time, renew the atmosphere in the house, and at the same time again feel pride in yourself and in your skill, etc. On this wave, you can calmly plan and implement new goals and desires.

Rest restores human energy.

Rest means rest. For some reason, many people confuse rest with idle pastime. A holiday is a holiday and it is also necessary for all of us. Guests, friends, trips, visits to various events - all this is wonderful, one of everyone's favorite parts of life. But after such events I want to relax. And speaking of rest, I mean exactly rest. I do not know where and how you will find this day or two, when you just need to lie down, but try to find them.

Cleaning and disposal of old and unnecessary.

I don't know why this happens, but during cleaning and throwing away old things, unnecessary documents, notebooks, magazines, things "just in case", etc. old and unnecessary, energy rushes into us in a clean, flowing stream.
And if someone else has old wallpaper on the walls, or boring paint, and all this is ripped off and redone (who knows, of course), then there is nothing to talk about at all. So much energy will appear in your home and in you that it will be enough to realize not only your desires and goals, but also to realize the goals and desires of people close to you.


The more you were offended by people before (even if you are not offended now), the more energy you spent on maintaining negative emotions.

The exercise. You need solitude and silence. Unplug your phones or it will be difficult to concentrate. Your best bet is to lie down and relax and start thinking about the person you resent the most (or used to resent). Begin to recall those situations that brought you pain and suffering, but at the same time try to observe what is happening from the sidelines and say: “With love and gratitude, I forgive you, Vasya Pupochkin, and I accept you as you are. I forgive you all that was and release all insults, misunderstandings and pain from my body. "
After that, also ask for forgiveness from Vasya Pupochkin yourself: “Vasya, I will forgive you for forgiveness. Forgive me for all my negative thoughts, grievances and feelings towards you. "

Stretch after exercise, best practice is to shower and have a cup of tea. You can also get some sleep. It all depends on how strong your grievance was. Those who have had a strong grievance may have a violent emotional reaction to forgiveness, ranging from tears to the protest "So that I forgive, but never!" If this is your case, then in the first case, do not hold back the tear. And in the second, goodbye through “I don’t want” and protest.

If you practice forgiveness on a regular basis, after a few days you will notice how your body seems to feel lighter. It will feel as if dirty, heavy clothes have been removed from you and now you move smoothly and freely through life.
Many diseases and ailments will go away, and you yourself will be surprised how much energy will return to you. Be amazed at how easily and without undue effort your dreams and desires will begin to come true.