What is the largest baby in the world. The largest newborn baby in the world The largest baby in the world by weight

Babies whose weight approaches 4 kg at birth are usually called bogatyrs.

However, sometimes nature prepares surprises, in cases in which this weight increases by one and a half to two times! A selection of the largest babies in history awaits you.


In February 2012, a new world record was set - the largest baby in the world was born! The baby was named Chong Chun, he has a sister who weighed 4 kg at birth.

2 Infant 10.8 kg, Canada
The child was born in 1879, but lived only a few hours.


The first record holder included in the Guinness Book of Records was born in 1955.

4 Infant 9 kg, Indonesia
The baby's height was more than 60 cm, which greatly complicated the birth.


Muhammad Akbar Risuddin was born in 2009.

6 Baby 7.7 kg, Altai
A girl with such weight became the 11th child in a large family!


He was born in 1963 and outweighed a three-month-old baby (with such and such a surname, it would seem!)


When weighing this baby, the scales crossed the 7 kg mark.


The single largest newborn in Britain born naturally.


Javier Upton was one of the heaviest babies born in Victoria.

A woman's purpose is motherhood. And almost all women in the world go through this difficult and at the same time joyful path - the birth of a child. Childbirth is mysterious in itself: suddenly something develops out of nothing in nine months! The mystery of the birth of a new person causes delight or bewilderment.

Here are 10 of the most incredible records in the history of childbirth.

  1. The biggest baby in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest newborn in the world to survive weighed 10.2 kg. This was a boy who was born in 1955 in the city of Aversa, Italy (Aversa). But the largest child that was recorded was born in 1879 and weighed more than 11 kg. Unfortunately, he died literally in the first hour of life.

There are constantly reports of children who weighed about 7 or 8 kg at birth. The largest and heaviest child in Germany, who was born naturally, was born in 2013 in Leipzig. The girl Yaslin weighed 6,110 grams, and her height was 57.5 cm. And in 2011, a boy weighing 6,080 grams was born in Berlin, but Jihad’s height was greater: 59 cm. The longest child in Germany - 62 cm - was born in 2016 year in the south of Hesse.

  1. The smallest child in the world

The smallest child in the world was born in Germany, weighing 226 grams and 22 cm tall. Emilia Grabarczyk was born in Witten, West Germany. Her leg was the size of an adult’s fingernail, and it weighed no more than a bell pepper. Nobody believed that she would survive. She was born at 26 weeks in 2016.

Before Emilia, the smallest child in the world was Rumaisa Rahman, born in Chicago at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Rumaysa weighed 244 g and her height was 25 cm.

  1. Youngest mother

The earliest pregnancy and earliest birth recorded by doctors was in 1939. The youngest mother was a 5-year-old Peruvian girl, Lina Medina. By the age of 4, her mammary glands were sufficiently developed, and at the age of 5, a characteristic expansion of the pelvic bones was already noted. Cases of such early puberty in girls are extremely rare, but still this fact is not isolated. The boy weighed 2.7 kg and was named Gerardo. To this day, no one knows who the father of this child was. For a long time, Lina’s father was suspected of raping his daughter.

  1. Oldest mother

In 2006, Spanish woman María del Carmen Bousada gave birth to twins at almost 67, using the services of the Los Angeles Fertility Center using donor materials.

The oldest IVF mother lives in India, her name is Rajo Devi. For more than 50 years of marriage, she was unable to get pregnant, and by the age of 69 she was mentally and financially mature for the IVF procedure. In 2008, the couple had a healthy daughter.

  1. Largest number of children

The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. Between 1725 and 1765, the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and twins 4 times. . Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

  1. Most multiple twins born at one time

33-year-old Nadya Suleman gave birth to eight twins in 2009 - two girls and six boys. All children are alive and well, and this is the only case of octuplets where all survived.

Nine and ten children were also born, but, unfortunately, not all children survived.

The German record is the sextuplets, who were born in 2008 in Berlin (four girls and two boys).

  1. Record for time difference between births

Elizabeth Ann Buttle has two children, Belinda and Joseph. The difference between them is 41 years and 185 days. Belinda Battle was born on May 19, 1956, when Elizabeth Ann was 19, and Joseph Battle was born on November 20, 1997, when her mother was 60 years old.

  1. Record for speed of childbirth

33-year-old Englishwoman Palak Vyvas gave birth to a daughter weighing 3.5 kg in 2 minutes. This birth was considered the fastest. The waters broke, and after just one push, a healthy girl was born, who was named Vedika.

  1. Myselfs long labor

In Ireland, 34-year-old Maria Jones-Elliott gave birth, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the woman gave birth to two twin girls with an interval of three months (87 days). This is the longest interval between births. Amy was born at 24 weeks and Katie remained in her mother's womb for another three months. Both children are healthy.

  1. The shortest gap between births

Jayne Bleackley from New Zealand gave birth to a son on September 3, 1999, and a daughter on March 30, 2000. This happened after 208 days, the girl was simply born prematurely.

The children of Englishwoman Sadie Budden are also only 208 days apart. Six and a half months after she gave birth to son Ronnie, daughter Sienna was born. The girl was born premature at 26 weeks.

The largest newborn in the world was born in Italy in 1955. The baby's weight was 10.2 kg. In the 21st century, the largest child born is considered to be a girl from Altai, whose weight was 7.75 kg, and this is taking into account the quite normal height for a newborn of 56 cm. She was born on September 17, 2007. The baby’s homeland is the city of Aleysk.

The girl, whose name is Nadya, is already the eleventh child in the large Khalin family. Interestingly, the weight of all the children at the time of birth was quite considerable. The first-born hero exceeded the weight of 4 kg. After him, each new child beat the record of the previous one.

Doctors say that the significant weight of the child indicates the presence of pathology in the intrauterine development of the fetus. That is why for three weeks Nadya Halina was under close medical supervision.

Initially, specialists gave the girl an unpleasant diagnosis - congenital heart disease. However, after the study it was not confirmed. Despite the fact that the child was incredibly painful in the first months of life and weighed 7 kg at 8 months, doctors are optimistic about Nadya Halina’s future, claiming that all problems are leveled out with age.

More recently, in Slavgorod, in Altai, another hero was born, whose weight was just over 7 kg and height - 61 cm. Roman is the seventh child in the Protasov family.

Svetlana Protasova, the child’s mother, claims that all her previous children were much smaller, but she has a positive attitude towards her son’s heroic inclinations. The woman does not experience any discomfort due to the fact that the child weighs the same as most children in the eighth month of life.

Although the size of the baby is quite serious, doctors say that the birth went very well. Svetlana gave birth to a child in just twenty minutes.

By the way, today Melinda Star Guido is considered to have been born on August 30, 2011, at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. The baby weighed only 269 grams.

Babies whose weight approaches 4 kg at birth are usually called bogatyrs. However, sometimes nature prepares surprises, in cases in which this weight increases by one and a half to two times!

1. Infant 17.04 kg, Central China

2. Baby 10.8 kg, Canada

The child was born in 1879, but lived only a few hours.

3. Baby 10.2 kg, Italy

4. Baby 9 kg, Indonesia

The baby's height was more than 60 cm, which greatly complicated the birth.

5. Baby 8.7 kg, Sumatra

6. Baby 7.7 kg, Altai

A girl with such weight became the 11th child in a large family!

7. Baby 7.4 kg. Stephen Little

8. Baby 7.3 kg. John Sochaki, 1963

9. Baby 6.1 kg. Sean Lightwood

10. Baby 5.8 kg, Javier Upton

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Top 10 biggest babies

Babies whose weight approaches 4 kg at birth are usually called bogatyrs.

However, sometimes nature prepares surprises, in cases in which this weight increases by one and a half to two times! A selection of the largest babies in history awaits you.

1 Infant 17.04 kg, Central China

In February 2012, a new world record was set - the largest baby in the world was born! The baby was named Chong Chun, he has a sister who weighed 4 kg at birth.

2 Baby 10.8 kg, Canada The child was born in 1879, but lived only a few hours.

3 Baby 10.2 kg, Italy

The first record holder included in the Guinness Book of Records was born in 1955.

4 Baby 9 kg, Indonesia The baby's height was more than 60 cm, which greatly complicated the birth.

5 Infant 8.7 kg, Sumatra

Muhammad Akbar Risuddin was born in 2009.

6 Baby 7.7 kg, Altai A girl with this weight became the 11th child in a large family!

7 Baby 7.4 kg. Stephen Little

He was born in 1963 and outweighed a three-month-old baby (with such and such a surname, it would seem!)

8 Baby 7.3 kg. John Sochaki, 1963

When weighing this baby, the scales crossed the 7 kg mark.

9 Infant 6.1 kg. Sean Lightwood

The single largest newborn in Britain born naturally.

10 Baby 5.8 kg, Javier Upton

Javier Upton was one of the heaviest babies born in Victoria.

Our preschool child!

It is known that the normal weight of a newborn baby is 3-4 kilograms. But it happens that real “heroes” are born. What is he - the largest newborn today?

Here is what information about record-breaking babies for height and weight is available on the Internet today.

The largest newborns in the world.

1. At the beginning of August 2013, a gigantic baby was born in a Leipzig maternity hospital: weighing almost 6.12 kilograms and more than 57.4 cm tall. The girl was named Justin, she became the largest newborn in Germany.

The surprising fact is that doctors managed to do without a caesarean section, and a child of such large size was born naturally.

It turned out that the girl’s overweight was caused by her mother’s diabetes, which was discovered only in the maternity hospital.

It's good that everything ended well. Both mother and her “big” baby felt great after giving birth.

2. In March 2013, a boy, George King, weighing 7.12 kg, was born in the UK, who also managed to be born naturally.

There were no prerequisites for George to be born so big: his parents have absolutely no outstanding height and weight.

There were difficulties during the birth because the broad-shouldered baby got stuck in the mother's birth canal. But a team of 20 doctors was able to help the newborn to be born successfully.

3. Many were struck by the fact that a baby weighing 7.40 kg was born in February 2012 in Central China (Xinxiang city, Henan province).

It was reported that the baby who was born surprised even doctors with his weight, as he set a new record - he became the largest child in the world! The baby (baby?) was given the name Chong Chun. He is the second child in the family. His older six-year-old sister weighed 4 kg at birth.

The 29-year-old mother of a giant baby also said that she did not imagine such a huge size in her child.

But this weight brought my father into great delight - after all, thanks to this, he unexpectedly became the father of a world record holder, included in the Guinness Book of Records!

4. In January 2012, in the USA (Iowa) there was a case of the birth of a girl weighing 6.35 kg. Moreover, the first child in this family was also not small - 5.5 kg.

5. A baby born in Ohio in 1879 with a weight of 10.8 kg is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This child was born to Canadian Anna Bates, but lived only a little over 10 hours.

6. There is also information about the birth of a baby in Italy in 1955 with a record weight of 10.2 kg!

4. In September 2009, in Indonesia, a 9-kilogram strong man, 60 cm tall, was born to his mother with great difficulty; there was a complication during childbirth.

From the first days the boy had an excellent appetite - he simply ate incessantly, and besides, he cried louder than other children.

Well, why be surprised? The newborn baby was the size of a one-year-old.

5. But the baby from Australia, Stephen Little, seemed to laugh at his last name (“little” means “small” in English), being born weighing 7.4 kg.

But this was back in 1963. And today Stephen, having passed his half-century anniversary, is no different from people of his age.

6. In Russia, the “hero”, who weighed 7.2 kg and had a height of 67 cm, was born in January 2011 into the Ovchinnikov family from Khabarovsk. The boy already had a 14-year-old sister, whose birth weight was less than 4 kg.

33-year-old mother Vera Ovchinnikova had a caesarean section.

Two more cases of the birth of babies with record weights occurred in Altai. Moreover, both large babies were born in large families.

7. Strong baby Nadya from the Altai city of Aleysk was born in September 2007 with a weight of 7.74 kg and a height of 55 cm. This girl was already the 11th child in the family, and, very curiously, each subsequent child was born heavier.

If the first daughter weighed 4.1 kg, then the eleventh, Nadezhda, already weighed 7.75 kg.

8. And in March 2012, a boy, Roma, weighing 7 kg and height 61 cm, was born in Altai. He is already the seventh child of 42-year-old mother Svetlana Protasova. Moreover, he was born easily, in 20 minutes, naturally. A team of 7 doctors helped the woman in labor.

The baby's mother admitted that it is difficult to pump such a hero, because he weighs as much as ordinary children weigh only at 8 months.

These are not all cases of births of large babies in our country and in the world; many more facts can be found on the Internet.

By the way, my two children were also born large, exactly 4 kg each. The husband laughed - GOST standard!

And your children, dear readers, what height and weight were they at birth? Please share!

The largest newborn. Video.

This child was born weighing 18 kilograms. This is the heaviest newborn in the world!

This boy broke all records. The photo shows a newborn baby, and he weighs a little more than 18 kg!

After a caesarean section, the doctor saw one child and was at a loss, since he expected twins or even triplets.

“I really expected to see 2-3 babies, but no, there was only one. One tough guy! He will probably be a rugby player,” says the doctor.

The child was born with such a large weight because his mother weighs almost 250 kg! The caesarean section was planned in advance to protect mother and baby from a long and painful labor.

This is the heaviest newborn in the world! He broke the record of a child who was born in 1839 in South Africa weighing 17.6 kg. Mother Eva and the baby were awarded a medal. And no matter how surprising it was, doctors confirmed that the baby is absolutely healthy.


The smallest child

Girl Rumaisa Rahman

The smallest child in the world was born at Loyola University Chicago. The girl, who was named Rumaisa Rahman, weighed 243 grams at birth - that's less than a can of soda! Her height was 24 cm, which is half the norm. The baby was born into an Indian family on September 19, 2004, at the 26th week of pregnancy.

The world's heaviest newborn baby

The reason for such an early birth was the mother’s health problems - her blood pressure increased greatly, which began to threaten the health of the mother and her child.

After a medical consultation, the doctors decided to perform a caesarean section on the mother. The hope that the baby would survive was negligible, but the girl showed amazing endurance and the will to live. Her twin sister Hiba was born with her, weighing almost twice as much - 570 grams. The girls underwent laser surgery to correct their vision, which is natural for premature babies.

Six months later, on February 9, 2005, the girls were discharged home, Rumaisa weighed 2490 kg, and her height had almost doubled. Her sister has also gained weight well, but the girls still require 24-hour oxygen supply.

Child Amilia Taylor

The smallest child in the world can also be called Amilia Taylor, born in the USA (Miami), although her weight was slightly greater - 284 grams with the same height - 24 cm in height, this girl had even less chance of survival, because she was born in 22 weeks pregnant mother.

Nevertheless, the girl recovered quite quickly. Amilia (which means “unyielding” in Latin) was born by caesarean section, also due to her mother’s health problems.

Girl Ruby in the UK

The UK also has its own records - a girl named Ruby weighed 300 grams at birth and was only 18 cm tall, which is slightly larger than a mobile phone! According to British media reports, the smallest child born and surviving in their hospitals was Amalie Hart, who was born weighing 340 grams. This girl recovered very quickly and after 2 days she could be disconnected from the artificial respiration apparatus.

Irina Nevolina, Samogo.Net

Who is the biggest newborn in the world?

Infant age is considered from the moment of birth until the age of 12 months. This is a period of amazing leaps (growth and development), difficult problems of care (nutrition, cleanliness) and the prevention of specific diseases (rickets, anemia, infections).

Motility (motricity). Initially, the position of the infant is similar to the position during intrauterine life, characterized by a predominance of flexion tone of the limbs. Spontaneous movements have the character of “pedaling” and involve all four limbs together or in a short sequence. Gradually, individual expedient movements crystallize from this “motor chaos.”

The sequence of movements is differentiated in a certain order: from top to bottom and from the base to the end of the limb. The reflex movements with which a child is born are gradually replaced by learned, voluntary movements.

Top 14: The biggest and smallest babies (14 photos)

The most important steps are the following:

  • at the age of 3-4 weeks: the child coordinates the movements of the eyeballs; directs his gaze to certain luminous or colored moving objects; if you put the baby on his stomach, he raises his head;
  • at the age of 2 months: lying on his stomach, the child raises his head and shoulders;
  • at the age of 3 months: the child holds his head when he is lifted up;
  • at the age of 4-5 months: when a child lying on his back is pulled up by his arms, he holds his head independently;
  • at the age of 5-6 months: the child turns from his stomach to his back;
  • at the age of 6-7 months: the child sits with minimal support, reaches out his hand to grab this or that object;
  • at the age of 7-8 months: the child turns from his back to his stomach;
  • at the age of 8-10 months: the child crawls on all fours, stands on his legs with the help of support;
  • at the age of 10-12 months: stands on his feet without support, rises, leaning on surrounding objects;
  • at the age of 15 months: takes the first steps independently.


In the first weeks of life, the behavior of an infant is determined by the satisfaction of its basic needs for warmth, silence, satiety.

The child reacts “negatively” mainly through crying when these needs are not met, that is, when he is cold or hungry, or when his peace is disturbed by excessively intense auditory or visual stimuli.

The child fixes and watches with his eyes, early notices certain objects and differentiates them from other surrounding objects.

An important organ of cognition (orientation) is the mouth (licks, sucks, bites objects); With the help of the mouth, an infant learns a significant part of the world around him.

Hands first accidentally touch objects; after a while they grab objects perceived by their gaze. An exercise begins, coordinated experimentation: eyes-hand, hand-eyes. In this way, the child learns to recognize his own body and distinguish it from the environment.

In addition to basic needs, there is an ever-increasing need for movement (contact with the environment). It is satisfied when the child has a variety of environments and when he is provided with constant communication with the adults around him.


Starting from 3 months of age, different images of “expression” can be distinguished. Depending on the nature of the sounds made, one can draw conclusions about how the child feels (after eating, after a bath). At first he babbles, and by 6 months he pronounces differentiated sounds, repeats, “mumbles” with saliva, testing his capabilities.

At 8-9 months, the child imitates the syllables “ta-ta”, “da-da”, “na-na”, “pa-pa”, “ma-ma”. At the same time, he shows increased attention and interest in speech. So, for example, he pauses the action when he is told “no, no,” turns his head when he is shown some object in the room or the face of one of his parents, or repeats when he is told “dad.”

Social contact

The first positive reaction towards an adult is expressed during the 2nd month of life through a smile. In the second half of the first year of life, the child makes increasingly active contact with adults using sight, sounds, and gestures. He distinguishes familiar faces from unfamiliar ones; in relation to strangers, most infants show a reaction of defense and fear (fear of strangers), often combined with fear of separation (the child screams every time his mother leaves him).

He imitates the sounds and gestures of adults. And this behavior of the child expresses his need for activity, which manifests itself in him in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

A small infant sleeps about 20 hours a day, waking up at relatively regular intervals - day and night - for short periods of time to feed; after 6 months, the child needs to sleep 16 hours, of which 12 at night and only 4 during the day.

At this stage, adults have, in addition to the responsibilities associated with caring for the child, the role of a stimulating factor and a “playmate.”

After the first year of life, an important degree of development has been achieved. The child stands on his feet, takes several steps independently and actively penetrates into the world around him. He makes extensive use of both hands to manipulate various objects. He understands simple phrases, pronounces simple syllables and words, seeks the company of others and imitates their gestures, and can follow simple instructions using his own thinking.

World history gives us the names of famous, great and brilliant people, personalities on a global scale, but who would have thought that all these people were born premature? And this did not stop them from achieving great success and making indelible contributions to the world of art, politics, science and other fields.

10 most incredible records related to the birth of children

Although at the time of their birth, many eyewitnesses doubted whether they would survive at all, they were born so small and weak.

So take a look at these names:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart- great Austrian composer, representative of the Viennese classical school, musician of universal talent, which manifested itself from early childhood

Leonardo da Vinci- Italian artist, writer, scientist, inventor, a shining example of a “universal person.” Images shown below: Self-Portrait, Mona Lisa (La Gioconda), Vitruvian Man, Last Supper


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev- Russian scientist, teacher, public figure, discovered one of the basic laws of natural science - the periodic law of chemical elements (creator of the periodic table)

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Isaac Newton- English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer. Author of the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics

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Jean Jacques Rousseau- French writer and educational philosopher

George Bentham- famous English botanist

Mark Twain(real name Samuel Langhorne Clemens) - famous American writer

Victor Hugo- famous French writer and poet

Stevie Wonder- famous musician, singer, songwriter, composer. Blind from birth (retinopathy of prematurity). In Russia, his most famous composition is considered “I Just Called To Say I Love You”

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Herbert Spencer- English philosopher and sociologist

Johann Wolfgang Goethe- German poet, writer, thinker, naturalist

John Ruskin- English writer, art critic and art theorist

Immanuel Kant- famous German philosopher and scientist, founder of German classical philosophy

George Noel Gordon Byron- English poet

Friedrich Schiller- German poet, enlightenment philosopher and historian

Voltaire(real name Marie François Arouet) - French writer, historian, educational philosopher, publicist

Albert Einstein- physicist, creator of the theory of relativity and one of the creators of quantum theory and statistical physics. He derived the famous relation E = mc2

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Antonio Vivaldi- Italian composer, virtuoso violinist, conductor and teacher, one of the largest representatives of the Baroque era, author of the cycle “The Seasons”

James Watt- English inventor, creator of the universal steam engine (steam engine)

Anna Pavlovna (Matveevna) Pavlova- Russian ballet dancer, one of the greatest ballerinas of the 20th century

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Thomas Hobbes- English materialist philosopher

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov- Count of Rymniksky, Prince of Italy, Russian commander and military theorist, Generalissimo

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Charles Darwin- English naturalist, founder of the doctrine of evolution, author of the theory of the origin of species through natural selection

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Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev- Hero of the Civil War, commanded a detachment, a brigade and the 25th Infantry Division, which played a significant role in the defeat of the troops of A.V. Kolchak

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte- French statesman, commander, emperor

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Did you know about this?
Who will now say that a child born prematurely must necessarily be worse than others or, even more so, defective? Many low birth weight babies who were born prematurely are capable of a lot - much more than we think, especially if they did not suffer brain damage, the hospital care was without complications, and caring parents took all the necessary measures for the rehabilitation and speedy recovery of their children .

Note: an unambiguous statement of the fact of prematurity of all these individuals may be erroneous, because There are a lot of myths, and documentary evidence of such information is not always possible to find.

The heaviest child ever born was the son of Anna Bates of Canada in 1879, according to the Guinness Book of Records he weighed 10.49kg but unfortunately died 11 hours after birth.

And on September 24, 2009, an Indonesian woman gave birth to a newborn weighing 8.71 kg in the photo below on the left, a full-term baby, just compared to the Indonesian hero, he looks like a premature baby. This makes it the second largest officially recorded surviving newborn. Naturally, he was born by Caesarean section.

A girl born weighing 7.75 kilograms on September 17 in Aleysk has been discharged from the Altai Regional Clinical Children's Hospital, Rimma Nazarova, head of the hospital's neonatal pathology department, said on Monday. The baby became the 11th child in the family, and each subsequent baby was born heavier than the previous one.

Englishwoman Amanda Ellerton, 24 years old, is already the mother of two children born at normal weight. So she was very surprised when the obstetric team showed her a son weighing almost 6.5 kg. There is an opinion that the more a baby weighs, the healthier he is. Actually this is not true. Such a child needs to be kept under special control from birth, because weight deviation is already an alarming symptom. The newborn is either already sick or has a predisposition to various diseases.

Xavier Upton has been named Australia's largest newborn. The robust boy weighed 5.6 kilograms at birth.