Women over forty who look absolutely divine! Beautiful women 35 40 years old

When selecting interesting sites, 20-year-old girls and 40-year-old women are guided by different criteria. We will tell you how the views of young misses and mature misses differ, and we will list five sites that are attractive from the point of view of ladies who have crossed the 40-year mark.

What do women want at 40?

The fact that the views on life, actions and desires of a 40-year-old woman are significantly different from those characteristic of 20-year-old girls is beyond doubt. What are the features of psychology after 40?

Feeling confident

Narrow-minded people consider each passing year as another step towards old age. The wise see in the passing years an opportunity to gain new experiences. A 40-year-old woman knows her worth. She learned to hide the flaws of her appearance and emphasize her strengths, succeeded as a mother and wife, and built a career. Childhood and youth complexes are left behind, and they are replaced by a feeling of confidence.

Quality instead of quantity

At this age, they begin to value quality rather than quantity, and in everything: in the choice of clothes (therefore, in the wardrobe of a 40-year-old fashionista you may find few things, but they will all be branded), friends (they no longer regret parting with people who are unpleasant , allowing only a select few into their personal circle), leisure (they visit the theater instead of going to nightclubs).

The ability to forgive and compromise

After forty, priorities change, and the desire to insist on one’s own rightness and defend one’s point of view gives way to the desire to preserve relationships. The ability to maneuver between male conceit and one’s own beliefs, to forgive and give in makes a woman wiser.

What does a woman want at 40? Like her, but not everyone, but only those whom she would like to see among her friends and fans. To be loved, but not by everyone, but by the only man her heart chose. To be appreciated by those whose opinion is important to her. Spend her leisure time the way she wants, and not following the demands of fashion and the opinions of others.

Taking into account the age-related characteristics of female psychology, marketers and programmers have created interesting websites for women over 40. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

Websites for ladies over 40

When making this selection, we were guided by the rating of resources and how well they correspond to the needs of lovely ladies and the concept of “ interesting sites».

After 40 years

A lady at 40 does not lose her attractiveness, say the authors of this resource, giving tips on maintaining beauty. Is it possible to pump up your abs at this age, how to maintain a slim figure, what means to prolong the youthfulness of the skin of your hands and face, what haircuts allow you to look 30 at 40?

By visiting this resource, you will find answers not only to these questions, but also recommendations on style, a healthy lifestyle, building relationships with men of your age, and advice for those who have decided to change jobs.

Woman over 40 years old

This site for women tells what the load should be at 40 years old, describes the process of detoxification of the body, suggests what kind of makeup will make you look younger, and what style is best to buy things in order to look fashionable and stylish.

Find out which foods should definitely be present in the diet of a 40-year-old woman, and which ones should be said firmly “no” if you want to maintain youth and health. Well, readers who believe that fate is determined by the stars can read the horoscope for the year - it is posted on the main page of the portal.

By the way, you can learn about the taboo on clothes for mature women from the video:

Over 30

Despite the name, this women's site also contains materials dedicated to ladies over 40. Do you want to know whether phytohormones help mitigate menopause? Do you know what clothes age us or make us look ridiculous? Do you know how to properly apply makeup appropriate for your age? Are there ways to defeat cellulite when you are already forty?

This site for women will not leave any of these questions unanswered and will tell you many more interesting things about the secrets of women's health and beauty at Balzac's age.

Lifestyle over 40

Staying stylish and attractive at forty is easy if you have a wonderful assistant - an Internet portal designed for those who are twice twenty.

Since, having reached this milestone, a woman begins to appreciate quality, the resource developers have prepared reviews of high-quality cosmetics, analyzing their composition and highlighting the best manufacturers. When you are already forty, health problems happen more often, and the authors of the site tell you what can bother a woman at this age, and what to look for for the causes of age-related diseases.

Antibaby site

Even having crossed the forty-year mark, not all of Eve’s daughters can boast of perfect knowledge of male psychology. We decided to add to, a resource where women seem to have nothing to do, since its target audience is the stronger sex.

But smart women, in our opinion, will be curious to familiarize themselves with the contents of this portal, which reveals the peculiarities of thinking and the motives for the actions of men.

What woman doesn’t like to gossip, or at least read about gossip?! Therefore, we decided to add the “Woman.ru” resource to our interesting sites, designed for lovers of show business news and fascinating stories from the lives of movie and pop stars. Here you will find beauty ratings of the most stylish, the latest news from the world of celebrity and a list of one hundred things that should be present in a woman’s wardrobe.

But business women will like the women’s website “Femina” (femina.com.ua). The materials collected here are designed for those who want to combine the career of a businesswoman and the responsibilities of a wife and mother. Therefore, the portal contains articles about women who have achieved success in the stock market, reviews of infant formula, news about the latest women's business conferences and healthy food recipes.

Interesting sites that ladies over 40 prefer are not limited to the list we have given. There are many more portals on the Internet, among whose visitors the fair sex predominates: recipe catalogs, electronic libraries, music repositories, beauty portals, social networks.

Read, listen, watch, but remember: the main thing is that Internet resources do not replace your live communication and do not displace your family and friends from your life.

These women are adored by millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems eternal. Many of them are well over 40, but they still look and feel amazing. Today we will enjoy the beauty of these beautiful representatives of the fairer sex, who become more and more charming and luxurious over the years.

Take a look, perhaps here you will find your favorite actress or woman whom you would like to be like in your forties.

1. Monica Bellucci, 50 years old.

The Italian diva has remained the standard of femininity and beauty for many years. Surprisingly, the actress does not diet and avoids fitness clubs. "I love me. Therefore, I cannot torment myself with exercise and hunger. Love yourself and you will never need braces or plastic surgery."

2. Halle Berry, 48 years old.

Almost 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. Despite diabetes and late birth of a child, at 48 the actress looks simply amazing.

3. Meryl Streep, 65 years old.

The actress has never been fanatical about her appearance. She believes that this issue should be approached from the point of view of beauty and health. The main secret of the legendary actress is a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

4. Penelope Cruz, 40 years old.

“I have never hidden my age. When I look at actresses whom I respect, I understand that they have never been ashamed of their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn aged very gracefully.”

5. Salma Hayek, 48 years old.

As Salma herself says, she learned self-care and self-care from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser. “She was an alchemist and a sorceress rolled into one - it was from her that I learned many beauty secrets.”

6. Renata Litvinova, 48 years old.

"Sometimes I look at pictures of myself and think, 'Wow!'"

7. Angelina Jolie, 39 years old.

The actress is constantly called the most beautiful woman in the world. She will turn 40 in June, but her full lips, sharp nose and perfect eyebrows, as well as her entire image, continue to surprise and amaze.

8. Julia Roberts, 47 years old.

While everyone around is arguing about what exactly played the main role in Julia’s beauty - genetics, Botox or surgery, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical activity and believes that the most important thing in life is peace.

9. Madonna, 56 years old.

Despite her age, Madonna continues to look great. Especially in terms of figure. The singer devotes a huge amount of time to sports and diet.

10. Jennifer Lopez, 45 years old.

Lopez never tires of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly demonstrates her half-naked body, choosing rather revealing outfits for going out.

11. Cindy Crawford, 47 years old.

Although many models retire at 25, this '90s supermodel is still in demand.

12. Cate Blanchett, 45 years old.

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. It's no surprise that in 1999, People magazine included this Oscar-winning actress on its list of the most beautiful women in the world. She calls genes and the joy of motherhood the secret of her wonderful appearance.

13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42 years old.

“You know what, I love my wrinkles, I love the way I look. Of course, sometimes I get critical and start worrying about one thing or another, but usually I try not to notice the shortcomings. I value my life and the years I have lived, as well as the experiences I have gained.”

14. Carmen Dell'Orefice, 84 years old.

This amazing model is at the peak of its popularity to this day. And this popularity surprises some young models.

15. Eva Mendes, 41 years old.

The actress looks gorgeous in all the photos. Even in the photo without makeup. By the way, according to Eva herself, she doesn’t care how she looks on the big screen.

16. Ingeborga Dapkunaite, 52 years old.

“Being fit and happy at 50? Yes it is possible! My secret is close friends and my favorite job.”

17. Heidi Klum, 41 years old.

Heidi has maintained such delicious curves that it is no surprise that the former supermodel, TV presenter and mother of four is dating a 27-year-old man.

18. Demi Moore, 52 years old.

Always well-groomed and fit, Demi Moore does not look her age. Her secret of youth is her stormy personal life. She was always more interested in men than diets.

19. Charlize Theron, 39 years old.

Despite her age, Charlize continues to build an amazing career as an actress and sign multimillion-dollar contracts with leading cosmetic brands. Her secret lies in an active lifestyle: she runs in the morning and tries to walk as often as possible.

20. Sophia Loren, 80 years old

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These women delight millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems to be timeless. They are already over 40, but they still look great and feel great.

website admires these beauties, who have only become more luxurious over the years.

Monica Bellucci

The Italian diva still remains the standard of femininity and beauty. Surprisingly, the actress does not diet and avoids fitness clubs. “I love myself too much. Therefore, I cannot torture myself with sports and hunger. Love yourself, and you won’t need any lifts or cosmetic surgery either.”

Halle Berry

More than 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. Despite diabetes and late motherhood, the actress manages to look great.

Meryl Streep

The actress has never been fanatical about her own appearance. Streep believes that you should approach your beauty and health wisely. The main secret of the legendary film star is a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

Penelope Cruz

“I never tried to hide my age. When I look at actresses whom I respect, I understand that they have never been ashamed of their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn aged gracefully.”

Salma Hayek

As Salma herself says, she learned to take care of herself at an early age from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser and instilled in her granddaughter a sense of beauty. “She was an alchemist and a wizard rolled into one - it was from her that I learned many beauty secrets.”

Renata Litvinova

“Sometimes I look at my pictures and think: “Wow! How gracefully I age!” At her age, she looks much more impressive than many twenty-year-old girls.

Angelina Jolie

The actress has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. Her plump lips, sharpened nose and flawless eyebrows, as well as her image as a whole, continue to amaze as before.

Julia Roberts

While everyone is arguing what role genetics played in Julia’s impeccable beauty, and what role fillers and Botox injections played, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical activity and believes that the main thing in life is mental balance.

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez never tires of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly demonstrates her naked body, choosing revealing outfits for public appearances.

Cindy Crawford

While many models end their careers at 25, the '90s supermodel is still incredibly in demand.

Cate Blanchett

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. It is not surprising that in 1999 People magazine included the Oscar-winning actress in its list of the most beautiful women in the world. She called genes and the joy of motherhood the secret of her miraculous recovery.

Gwyneth Paltrow

“And you know, I love my wrinkles, and I like the way I look. Of course, sometimes I become critical and worry about this and that, but in reality I try not to notice my possible shortcomings. I value my life and the years I have lived, and I also value the experiences I have had.”

Carmen Dell'Orefais

This one is at the peak of popularity to this day. She, surprisingly, is more popular than some young models.

Eva Mendes

20 famous and popular women whose age does not remind us of themselves, although they have crossed the 40-year mark.

They are set as an example by many other representatives of the fairer sex. They are very talented, beautiful at the same time, and time does not leave its mark on them. They have crossed the age of 40, but their beauty has not faded, but only blossomed.

the site idolizes beautiful ladies who were able to remain such charming creatures in their years. So, the most beautiful women 40+:


Monica Bellucci

Age: 51

She is still beautiful and is very often called an example of sensuality and beauty. It is noteworthy that Monica does not attend sports clubs and does not torture her body with various diets. According to her, she loves herself so much that she cannot agree to a hunger strike and exhausting classes at a sports club. She advises just loving yourself, and then you won’t need to go to the surgeon’s table and agree to various unpleasant operations to correct your body.


Halle Berry

Age: 49

30 years have passed since she received the title of Miss USA 1986. Even taking into account the fact that the actress is sick with diabetes and also had a too late birth, at her age she radiates health and beauty.


Meryl Streep

Age: 66

She was not very strict about her external parameters. In her opinion, if you take care of yourself correctly, the results will be obvious. Her main secret of beauty is the correct assessment of herself and the presence of a sense of proportion.


Penelope Cruz

Age: 41

According to her, she did not try to disguise her age. She likes those famous women who do not hide their age. And, as for Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn, their aging process deserves respect - they are very beautiful women.


Salma Hayek

Age: 49

She was taught to take care of her body at a young age by her grandmother, who, by the way, worked in the hairdressing business, and therefore knew a lot about it. According to her reviews of her grandmother, she acted for her as an alchemist and a good fairy who told the secrets and many nuances of a beautiful body.


Renata Litvinova

Age: 49

Looking at her, we can say that she will give odds to any young beauty. She likes to evaluate herself from the outside and admire the results.


Angelina Jolie

Age: 40

It was she who was able to win the title of the most beautiful female creature on the entire planet many times. She will celebrate her 41st birthday this summer. But, looking at least once at her facial features and elastic skin, admiration involuntarily appears in her soul.


Julia Roberts

Age: 48

The restless debate about her beauty - where exactly experienced surgeons tried, and where nature took its toll, does not prevent her from eating right and doing sports training. But the most important task of her life is to ensure her balanced state of mind.

Many women believe that after forty years life ends, and it is impossible to return to their former beauty. But they are mistaken.

Millions of women around the world after forty look much younger than their years, lead an active lifestyle, achieve success in their careers and attention from men. And you don’t have to look far for examples. The whole world knows such ladies. They are successful, beautiful and popular even at forty and fifty.

In this article we will talk about several world-famous ladies who shone in their youth and at the age of 40 are the dream of millions of men.

Over the years, they not only did not look worse, but on the contrary, they became even more attractive. Even now they will give odds to any twenty-year-old.

Of course, not all of them avoided plastic surgery or facelifts, but most limited themselves to cosmetic procedures. We are talking now about famous actresses and singers.

Let's take a closer look at the most beautiful forty-year-old women in the world.

Monica Belluci

Monica Belluci rightfully took first place on our list. This Italian actress is still the standard of female beauty. Moreover, Monica is not going to go on a diet or go to the gym. She says she loves herself too much to torture her body. She also did not contact plastic surgeons.

Halle Berry

48 year old Halle Berry ended up in second place. And this despite the fact that she was recognized as the first most beautiful in the United States back in 1986. The beauty is now forty-eight, she has diabetes, and she became a mother late in life. But from the photo it seems that nothing has power over her.
Halle Berry

Meryl Streep

Although Meryl Streep already sixty-five years old, but we could not help but mention this wonderful woman. She is an example of how a woman should take care of herself. However, according to her, the main thing is a positive attitude towards life.

Meryl Streep

Penelope Cruz

Another striking example of true female beauty is the magnificent forty-year-old diva Penelope Cruz. She sets herself as an example the famous Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren, women who were never embarrassed by their age, “they even aged gracefully.”

Penelope Cruz

Salma Hayek

And here Salma Hayek She began to take care of her body at an early age; her grandmother taught her this. The elderly woman worked in a hairdresser, and apparently knew many beauty secrets. At 48 years old, Salma looks thirty in the photo.

Salma Hayek

Renata Litvinova

Representative of the Russian elite Renata Litvinova only on the sixth line of our impromptu rating, but this in no way detracts from its merits. Moreover, the Russian actress has been recognized more than once as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is forty, but with her appearance she continues to win the hearts of men.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts seems eternal, millions have grown in her paintings, but she is still the same. There are rumors that the actress regularly receives Botox injections, others talk about brilliant heredity. The actress herself explains her unfading beauty at 47 years old only by constant training and a balanced diet. However, the main thing, in her opinion, in life is peace of mind.

Julia Roberts


Amazes everyone Madonna. Many people don’t even know how old she really is. But it seems that she has always been there. And she’s only fifty-six, and apparently she’s not going to grow old. Particularly striking are the photos in which the slimness of her figure is noticeable. But Madonna eats right and exercises regularly.


Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez- one of the most popular American actresses in our country, everyone knows the films in which she starred. She is very popular and not only for her talent, but rather for her beauty. Now she is forty-five, but Jennifer is still charming and attractive. This singer is also actively involved in sports and does not forget to show off her beautiful body in photos in magazines and during public appearances.

Jennifer Lopez

Cindy Crawford

47 year old Cindy Crawford also made it into our rating due to her appearance. This woman is unique in that, being a model, she did not end her career at twenty-five, but was incredibly in demand for many years after that age.

Cindy Crawford

Celebrities at 40

In the list of women that we have given, almost everyone was once called the most beautiful girl in the world. Their photos are still published in popular glossy magazines. But you don't always have to have a lot of money to look good at forty.

It is quite enough to start monitoring your figure in time, as millions of girls around the world are doing now. And not just to look great in photos, but to stay healthy and beautiful for many years.