Dance gymnastic poses for three people. Callanetics - gymnastics of awkward positions. Lighter version of the exercise

The five body positions and movements below resemble those found in five different animals; they help increase human life expectancy, as they increase the effectiveness of breathing exercises. They originated about two thousand years ago in the system of oriental medicine, their goal is to help people achieve eternal youth, long life, create a strong body and improve health.

All of them contribute to the rapid cure of diseases and strengthen the muscles of the body, so in order to get the maximum benefit from them, it is advisable to perform them daily. Even if you feel lethargic and tired, don't let apathy overcome you. Stimulate your mind and force it to overcome laziness by deliberately performing exercises until you start to sweat. After this activity, you will feel refreshed both mentally and physically.

Tiger pose

  • Place your palms and feet on the floor and arch your back.
  • Then perform several jumps forward and backward (Fig. 78). To begin, do this fourteen times (seven jumps forward and seven backwards).
  • Then stretch your legs back and assume a push-up position (Fig. 79).
  • Slowly lower your stomach and stick out your chest, throwing your head back (Fig. 80) and looking up.
  • Then return to the starting position.
  • To begin, do it fourteen times.

Deer pose

  • Place your palms and feet on the floor and tilt your head back. Then turn your head alternately three times to the left and three times to the right (Fig. 81).
  • Take turns throwing your legs back and straightening them. Do the exercise seven times (Fig. 82).

Bear Pose

  • Lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms and raise your head (Fig. 83). Then roll seven times on your left side and seven times on your right (Fig. 84).
  • Kneel down, place your forehead on the floor and extend your arms forward.

Monkey pose

  • Perform seventeen pull-ups on an iron bar or tree branch (Figure 85).
  • Then hook your knees onto the bar and hang head down.
  • Grasp the bar, keeping your arms straight, and perform seven swings back and forth (Fig. 86).
  • Release the bar and place your hands on the back of your head. Remaining in this position, perform seven head rotations.

Bird pose

  • Standing on one leg, bend over so that your body is parallel to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides, stretch your leg back (as in the “swallow” exercise). The leg and arms should be parallel to the floor (Fig. 87).
  • Raise your face, alternately turn your head left and right and simultaneously move all your facial muscles.
  • Then move your arms back in an arc, closer to your back, without bending them at the elbows, thus bringing your shoulder blades together (Fig. 88).
  • Then straighten up and stretch forward the leg that was stretched back. Lower your hips as low as possible.
  • With your front leg straight, massage it with both hands from your hip to your toes.
  • After this, change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.
  • Repeat the exercise seven times for each leg in total.

After completion, return to the starting position, bend the leg extended back at the knee and grab the instep of the foot with the corresponding hand. Stretch your other arm forward parallel to the floor. Look at the fingertips of your outstretched hand (Fig. 89).

Do this exercise for as long as possible. Then return to a natural position and massage your body well up and down.

The pose described above is the bird pose.

All the exercises given in this section must be performed until the body is covered in sweat. After this, rub your body with a warm towel. If you exercise regularly and constantly, you can avoid many diseases, maintain youth, create a strong body and live long. Remember to do these exercises slowly and calmly, and remember to monitor your breathing as you do so.

The shoulder stand (“birch”) is a useful acrobatic element that every person encounters at least once in their life. This simple gymnastics is included in the compulsory program of physical education lessons at school, is used in the athletics training program, and is even found in body-oriented spiritual practices, such as yoga. What is the reason for such popularity?

Shoulder stand: benefits

The benefits of standing on your shoulder blades can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to the inverted position of the body during the “birch tree” exercise, the entire body is healed and rejuvenated. Such gymnastics is recommended as a panacea for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, headaches and menstrual pain, and digestive problems. The shoulder blade stand is a good remedy for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. has a beneficial effect on nervous and human functioning, improving and stimulating the endocrine glands.

Thanks to regular exercises, blood circulation is activated, the saturation of internal organs with oxygen is improved, and the cells and tissues of the body are renewed. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract, stimulating blood flow and the processes of removing waste and toxins. “Berezka” is an excellent remedy for restoring the flexibility of the spine, training the muscles of the legs, back and abs.


Regular shoulder stand helps:

  • reduce the load in the circulatory system;
  • restore vascular patency and elasticity;
  • improve spinal mobility;
  • strengthen ligaments and joints;
  • activate the renewal of cells and tissues of internal organs;
  • stabilize the general ;
  • relax the nervous system;
  • use deep abdominal breathing;
  • stimulate the thyroid gland;
  • develop ;
  • speed up metabolism and activate many other processes in the body.


Gymnastics is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • respiratory tract: runny nose, colds, bronchitis, asthma, difficulty breathing;
  • cardiovascular system: endarteritis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins;
  • Gastrointestinal tract: constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal ulcers;
  • nervous system: neurosis, neuralgia, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

“Birch” is recommended to be practiced to restore weakened immunity and generally strengthen the body after long-term illnesses. Shoulder stand is a good remedy for insomnia, chronic fatigue and depression, increased excitability of the nervous system as a result of intense physical and psychological stress. This kind of gymnastics is good for relaxing after a tense stressful situation and helps restore inner harmony and balance.


The “birch” stand is contraindicated for injuries to any part of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), displacement of intervertebral discs, hernias, radiculitis and other back diseases. It is not recommended to practice the exercise for people prone to hypertension and related diseases such as angina pectoris and heart failure. Gymnastics is prohibited during acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract or exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is not recommended to practice standing during periods of menstruation or pregnancy.

Preparing for the exercise

Before the “birch tree” exercise, you need to warm up your muscles and joints. If you are in excellent physical shape and regularly exercise, then a small cardio workout will be enough for you. Before standing, do a small set of exercises to warm up your muscles: swinging your arms and legs in different directions, bending your body, squats, push-ups on the floor or an inclined surface. After warming up, begin performing the inverted pose.

For beginners who do not regularly engage in sports and lead a sedentary, mostly sedentary lifestyle, doing the “birch tree” exercise without prior physical training is strictly prohibited. Untrained muscles and joints may not be able to cope with the load during the scapular stand. As a result, the likelihood of injury increases several times. We recommend that you first carry out several general strengthening workouts that will prepare the muscles and joints for physical activity, and then do the “birch exercise” with the obligatory preliminary warm-up.

Safety precautions

The scapula stand is a simple but effective exercise, the implementation of which perfectly trains the main muscle groups of the body. During the class, the muscles of the back and abdomen, buttocks, front and back of the legs are involved. The weight of the body must necessarily fall on the shoulders. If during the exercise you feel that the cervical spine is straining, then in order to avoid injury it is necessary to correct the inverted position. Any discomfort is a reason to pay attention to the technique of performing a stand on the shoulder blades, up to complete cessation of the exercise.

If you find it difficult to breathe during an inverted pose, try to pull your chest up rather than turning your head or neck in different directions. If a cough or back pain occurs, it is recommended to do lighter versions of the stand and special exercises that develop the mobility of the thoracic and cervical spine. When performing the inverted pose for the first time, ask someone to back you up, supporting your body in a strictly vertical position.

Sport equipment

In the classic version, the “birch tree” exercise is performed without special sports equipment. During such a workout, you may only need a small mat to soften the load on your shoulders. If you are just starting to practice or have been practicing standing for a long time, then place a folded towel or small blanket under your shoulders. Thanks to this, the vertebrae will not experience pressure from contact with the hard floor. To perform a lighter version of the exercise, you will additionally need a folding chair.

Stand without support

A gymnastic exercise without support - a classic stand on the shoulder blades. The technique of execution does not cause difficulties for trained people with movable joints, a flexible spine, and developed muscles. Before starting the lesson, prepare and spread a soft mat on the floor. It is advisable to train in tight-fitting sportswear to make it easier to control your body posture, making the necessary adjustments in time. Technique:

  • we lie with our backs on the mat - our arms are located along the body, palms on the floor, legs straightened, knees and feet touching each other;
  • we throw our legs behind our heads as much as possible;
  • bend our arms at the elbows, place our palms on the lower back;
  • straighten your legs up.

If the stance is performed correctly, then your body, from shoulders to feet, should be straightened and extended upward. We keep our feet and knees together, our hips and buttocks tense, our neck straightened, our chin touching our chest, our palms on our lower back, our elbows brought together as much as possible. Breathing during exercise is deep, even, and calm. You need to finish the stance in reverse order, slowly, without jerking, supporting your back with your hands.

"Birch" with support

Exercise with support - a lightweight stand on the shoulder blades. The technique differs from the classic version. The support is usually a wall that you can lean on at any time. This option is ideal for beginners starting to master gymnastics. While performing the “birch” exercise, you have the opportunity to study all the elements of the exercise in detail and deeply feel all the working muscles. In addition, if you feel very tired or in pain while standing, you can relieve physical tension by leaning on the wall. Technique:

  • lie down on the mat - legs raised up, buttocks pressed as much as possible against the wall, arms along the body, palms on the floor;
  • we raise the lower part of the body, resting our feet on the wall;
  • We place our palms on the lower back, bending our elbows;
  • straighten your legs up.

At the initial stages, we recommend training by alternately stretching one leg up and leaning on the wall with the other. Follow the basic requirements for the shoulder blade stand technique: the torso is perpendicular to the floor, the leading leg is straightened, the elbows are brought together as much as possible, the cervical vertebrae are straightened, the chin rests on the chest, the shoulders are pulled away from the ears. Breathing during exercise is even and calm. Complete the workout in reverse order slowly and smoothly. Having mastered this version of the birch tree, move on to a stand without support.

Lighter version of the exercise

People who find it difficult to hold a pose for a long time due to physical weakness of the body or lack of training are recommended to practice a lighter version of the exercise. Gymnastics is performed using a folding chair, which helps hold the body in the desired position. Technique:

  • we sit on the edge of a chair with our legs thrown over the back;
  • gently lower your upper back to the floor;
  • we raise our legs up.

To make it comfortable for you to stay in the pose for a long time, place a soft mat on the seat of the chair and place a bolster or blanket under your shoulders. During the exercise, the main weight of the body should fall on the shoulder girdle, the head and neck should lie calmly on the floor. Breathing is calm, even and deep. We exit the stance in the reverse order without sudden movements or jerks. For added safety, support the chair legs with your hands.

Where to train

There are no special restrictions for the place where scapular stand can be trained. You can exercise both indoors and outdoors. The main requirement for the exercise is a small area of ​​flat surface so that the technique can be performed correctly. The scapular stand also requires a clear space that is not cluttered with large or small objects that could interfere with your workout.

If you exercise at home, then free up enough space for the exercise from furniture and other interior items. If you train outdoors, choose an open area with a flat surface, away from trees, bushes, etc. These precautions will help you protect yourself from additional injuries and bruises while practicing the scapular stand technique.

When and how much to exercise

Exercising on a regular basis helps to significantly improve health, add strength, and lead to rejuvenation of the body. It is recommended to perform shoulder stand every morning or evening, 1-2 hours after eating. Start practicing the exercise by holding the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. As your body muscles physically develop and you master the elements of the inverted pose, increase the duration to 25-30 minutes a day.

At first, place the main emphasis on the correct execution of the technique: control the position of the torso, the position of the arms and legs. Take your time, do not force the duration of the workout, so as not to damage the muscles of the back and neck. Pay attention to any discomfort during the exercise. Gymnastics is performed correctly if there is a complete absence of pain in any part of the spine, the muscles actively work to maintain the body in the desired position, breathing is even, deep and calm.

Shoulder stand: photo

Inverted poses are a great workout for all the muscles and joints of the body. A simple gymnastic exercise will help you restore the flexibility of your spine, improve blood circulation, activate metabolism, and physically strengthen your muscles. By regularly performing the stand, you will feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy. “Birch” is the key to rejuvenation and healing of the body at any age.

The life of a modern person is like watching a movie in fast motion. As soon as you wake up, you rush to work. At work, you try to finish everything quickly in order to get home in time. You also rush home to go to the store in time, cook dinner, check on the children, watch your favorite movie or show. And all this needs to be done quickly in order to have time to go to bed, get enough sleep and then rush to work again. On weekends, work is replaced by raids to the market or supermarket, as well as all the household chores - cleaning, washing, ironing, which you do not have time to do on weekdays.

This rhythm of life wears us out not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. When there is no time left to simply enjoy the day, leisurely do what you love or devote some time to wellness treatments. Rest is a universal remedy for any disease. You must rest not only physically, but also mentally, morally and spiritually. And it is thanks to yoga that you can achieve this result.

Why yoga

Yoga is one of the oldest systems of self-improvement, both spiritual and physical. By performing yoga asanas and exercises, you can not only improve your health, but also make your life brighter and richer. Detachment from the outside world, a peaceful state and flexible movements will help you look at current problems from a different angle, find the right solution and save yourself from unnecessary stress.

Since it is the back that suffers first from such a hectic life, thanks to yoga you can get rid of back pain and remove unnecessary stress from the spine. The feeling of fatigue will leave your muscles, and life will become much easier. Yoga is a wonderful way to heal and strengthen the spine.

Morning yoga instead of a cup of coffee

Where should you start and how to prepare before starting yoga classes? The best option would be to do morning yoga for beginners. By doing morning exercises, you can stretch your muscles and joints, improve your well-being and increase blood flow to your spine. The main essence of yoga is inner harmony. By doing yoga in the morning, you get a charge of vigor, optimism and inner peace for the whole day. In this state, you can easily cope with difficult tasks or active physical activity at work.

In the morning, a person’s consciousness is not clouded by current or everyday problems. Therefore, it will be easier to tune in to a peaceful mood. In addition, the ancient Hindus believed that every time you see the sunrise, one of your sins is forgiven. One of the teachings in yoga is “Surya Namaskar”, which means Salutation to the Sun. This set of exercises promotes gradual relaxation and tension of all muscles, and is accompanied by special breathing exercises.

First of all, forget everything you have ever read or known about yoga. You must concentrate completely only on your sensations. What is truly prohibited when doing yoga exercises is comparing yourself to others. Any self-criticism will lead to disharmony in your inner world and exercises will not bring the desired effect. Pay special attention to the pace of performing the asana - there should be no rush, haste or fuss. All poses should be performed gradually so that you can understand your sensations and, if necessary, correct your movements correctly.

Body posture or asana has a huge impact on internal processes. Any change in body position also changes the direction of blood flow. Simple stretches in bed are already an asana.

The arms and legs in the asana should be straight and taut so that you feel the muscles stretching. But don't break your bones or overexert your muscles. In any position you should feel comfortable, without unnecessary strain.

Breathing is the basic foundation for inner harmony. Inhalation and exhalation should accompany any change of pose in yoga. At the beginning of the movement, inhale, and when you have already taken the desired pose, exhale. Correctly performing breathing exercises or diaphragmatic breathing will improve blood circulation and calm the nervous system. The inhalation begins in the lower abdomen, fills the chest and reaches the collarbone. Exhalation follows the same pattern - lower abdomen, chest and collarbone.

When performing an asana, you should adjust your consciousness and concentrate on your sensations. To successfully focus your attention on sensations, you should not eat anything before classes.

Although yoga poses for beginners are not difficult and do not require special physical training, a short warm-up is still needed before starting to perform them. This will help avoid possible injuries or sprains, and will also provide an opportunity to tune in to the activity and put your thoughts in order.

There is no clear timing for each pose in yoga. You must listen to your body. As soon as you feel discomfort or severe tension in the muscles, the position should be changed.

What a beginner should know

Each asana has its own mechanism of influence on your body. That is why it is necessary to listen very carefully to your inner feelings. If, while performing asanas, you feel warmth in your body, slight tingling or vibration in your muscles, their pleasant tension, know that you are on the right path to understanding your own body.

When the body is in the correct position, streams of energy flow through it. You feel it as warmth or light vibrations. Correct breathing frees the mind, cleanses it of all negativity, and removes feelings of depression and anxiety. Yoga is an amazing technique, a certain path of self-knowledge and self-acceptance. In yoga, proper postures are very important, especially for beginners. To make it easier to understand the essence, a photo is attached to each description of a yoga pose.

If you are unable to maintain the pose correctly, do not come up with your own version or interpretation. Choose those poses that you can do and do not cause discomfort. What you definitely shouldn’t do is mix several execution techniques or their variations. For someone who is just starting to practice yoga, it is almost impossible to understand all the complexity and mechanisms of influence of each individual pose and a whole set of exercises on one’s physical and spiritual state.

Any asana must be performed under the supervision of an instructor or yoga trainer. If you decide to practice yoga at home, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic poses and watch several video classes with professional trainers.

All yoga techniques have their contraindications and ways of influencing the body. Therefore, you should carefully choose a set of exercises, carefully studying all the indications and contraindications. Here are examples of some courses with a specific focus on the body:

Yoga for Dummies, general information about poses

Hatka yoga or power yoga for beginners

Simple yoga for the spine and joints

Yoga poses for the treatment of intervertebral hernias in the lumbar region

Yoga poses for two

Examples of some yoga poses for beginners

Place your legs straight, they should be straight and taut. You need to rest on your heels. As you inhale, point your arms up, keep them straight, behind your head as much as possible. Try to reach the ceiling. Stretch your whole body upward, but do not lift your feet off the floor.

A more effective way to perform this movement is to bend one leg at the knee and rest it on your thigh. In this case, the spine should be straight, and the pelvic part of the body should not move to the side. The hip with the supporting leg should be turned outward. You should push with force, then you will be able to maintain your balance for a long time.

Action: Vriksh asana strengthens the spine and the muscular corset of the back. The posture becomes straighter and the load on the back is reduced during prolonged sedentary work.

Tad-asana or Mountain Pose, Dog Pose

Feet together.

Standing straight, bring your feet together. In this case, their outer sides must be parallel. Straighten your back and neck, tighten your knees so that your kneecaps rise. The weight should be distributed evenly and not on any one foot. You can use two poses for your hands: stretch them as far along the body as possible and reach your fingertips towards the floor, or fold them in a prayer gesture so that your even palms rest against each other. In the second option, the elbows should create an even straight line.

Action: Tad-asana helps relieve the back and shoulders from excessive tension. Strengthens the abdominal muscles, makes the knee and elbow joints mobile and flexible.

A little secret: to get rid of constipation, drink six glasses of cool water before Tad-asana, and while doing Tad-asana, take 100 steps.

This pose can be performed in three variations.

Option one - sit on your knees and stretch your feet, lower your entire body and head to the floor, stretch your arms along your body, placing your palms flat on the floor. You should lower your body to the floor while inhaling, and on the way out, having accepted the asana, relax.

The second option differs from the first only in the position of the hands. They need to be pulled forward, not along the body. This asana helps to stretch the back.

The third option is similar to the second, only your knees will need to be spread apart to bring your stomach even closer to the floor. This version of Balasana makes the hip joints more flexible and relieves tension from the spine in the chest and sacral region.

Action: the main essence of Bal-asana is to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and fatigue. Performing Bal-asana allows you to get rid of headaches and relieve tension from the lumbar spine. In addition to its relaxing effect, Bal-asana helps reduce fat accumulation on the abdomen and thighs, as it helps to increase blood flow to these areas.

A little secret: if you spend more than 7 minutes in Bal-asana, your perception of the world around you will change a little. By increasing blood flow to the brain, the perception of sounds and colors will become more acute.

The legs are spread apart, and the distance between them is about a meter. Stretch your arms out to the sides, with your palms facing the floor. Turn your right foot to the right so that it is perpendicular to your left. Inhale and extend your entire body upward. Exhaling, tilt your body to the right, touching your right hand to the floor behind your foot. Place your left hand parallel to your right, extending it upward so that your fingertips reach toward the ceiling. Stretch your neck as much as possible, turn your head so that your gaze is concentrated on your left palm.

You need to maintain this position for no more than 30 seconds. Repeat all steps, tilting your body. Pay attention to your legs - they should be level at the knees. The torso should be open, facing the ceiling.

Action: Uthitta Trikon-asana helps strengthen the muscles in the legs and knee joints, helps relieve pain in the back and neck. It is also an excellent exercise for losing weight. This asana is especially recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, osteochondrosis or arthritis.

This asana is performed at the end of any yoga class. All you need to do is lie on your back, stretch out your arms and legs and relax. 5 minutes should be enough to relieve excess tension from the muscles and normalize the heart rate.

This pose does not have any contraindications or special effects on the general condition of the body.

Schools and kindergartens let children go on vacation, as did sports clubs. Of course, advanced young athletes have sports camps, but what if the child is involved in some kind of general strengthening sport “for health”, or is still too young to go to the camp? How not to lose your sports uniform during the holidays? Similar to the summer reading list, we offer a set of exercises for children that can be added to their daily summer activities.

Why special exercises if in the summer children are always on the move - riding bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, climbing horizontal bars in playgrounds, jumping on a trampoline in the country or in a children's park, chasing a ball or playing basketball?

Yes, courtyards and sports grounds in large cities today stimulate the motor activity of children, and in the country, many parents consider it necessary to install a sports complex with a rope, rings, a rope ladder, a trampoline, and a swimming pool.

But a lot depends on the child himself and the situation. If he prefers quiet activities to active games, or there is no one to run and play with at the dacha, parents should spend time doing useful gymnastic exercises that will help maintain physical fitness, stretch, improve strength and flexibility. This will take no more than 30 minutes two to three times a day. All these exercises can be performed outdoors, placing a mat on the grass, or at home.

Jumping rope - forward/backward on two legs, on one leg. At first, children will need their parents' help to understand the essence of jumping rope. Then they can do this exercise on their own.

Jump on two legs, rotating the rope forward and then backward, perform 50 times. Jumping on one leg, rotating the rope forward, 20 times on each leg. If a child is over 10 years old and is in good athletic shape, then the number of jumps on two legs forward/backward can be increased to 100, and on one leg - 30-40 times on each.

Jumping hoops for children under 4 years of age. This exercise will help young children, starting from 1.5 years old, learn to jump on two legs. Buy 5-7 pieces of medium-sized colored hoops, place them on the path one after another and show the children how to jump from one ring to another.

If children do not know how to jump, then parents should help them by holding them by the waist. If the child is already jumping confidently, then increase the distance between the hoops so that he can jump long.

Squat jumps (“frogs”). Starting position: crouching - squatting, keeping your knees together, resting on your hands. Jump high up, straighten your back and straighten your arms up, then immediately squat down to the starting position and immediately repeat the next jump. 2 approaches with rest 15 times.

Lowering/raising the back from a sitting position. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or your parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of your head. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, keeping your head on your chest the entire time, and then rise to the starting position without using your hands. Perform 2 sets 15-20 times with a short rest interval.

Raising legs while lying on your back. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. Raising straight legs up to a vertical position and slowly lowering down. The legs must be stretched and tense (2 sets of 15 times with a short rest interval).

Back exercise

Raising your back up from a lying position on your stomach. Starting position: lying on the floor on your stomach, your legs should be fixed under the sofa or your parents should hold them, your palms crossed at the back of your head. Raise your back from the floor to the highest possible level, then slowly lower to the starting position and immediately repeat the task. When performing the exercise, the eyes should look down. 2 sets of 15 reps with a short rest interval.

Plank. Starting position: emphasis lying on the floor, i.e. rest your straight arms and legs on the floor so that your body is parallel to the floor, your shoulders are directly above your palms, your back is slightly rounded, your legs are together. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

One arm plank(first on the right, then on the left). Starting position: lying down, press your straight arm to your thigh along the body, do not turn your shoulders, do not spread your legs. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Externally assisted pull-ups- i.e. the parent holds the child by the stomach and helps him pull himself up. Gradually reduce assistance. It is important that when doing pull-ups, the child maintains a straight body position, does not bend his legs and pulls himself up to the chin (i.e., the chin is higher than the bar). Perform: 2 sets of 10 times.

Emphasis on straight arms on a low bar- these can also be parallel bars. Starting position: standing on the crossbar with straight arms, shoulders slightly forward, back rounded, emphasis on hips, legs together. Perform 2 sets of 10-20 seconds.

Walking on hands on the bar while hanging- find any long high bars, stairs (there are many of these on playgrounds) where the child can hang on his hands and move in different directions without the help of his legs.

At the end of your workout, these exercises will help you relax your muscles and gradually develop flexibility. Children under 3 years old are recommended to complete all tasks except the splits.

Fold the legs together and apart with the help of parents. Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands reaching towards the legs. Parents lightly press on the back. 2 sets of 10 times.

"Ring". This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and front thigh. Starting position: lying on your stomach, lean on your straight arms, which are close to your stomach, and stretch your head up. Then bend your legs and stretch your toes towards the back of your head, trying to touch it. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest and repeat again.

The article was prepared by the club "European Gymnastics Center"

Yoga is attractive because with the help of simple exercises you can easily achieve amazing effects: harmony of mind and body, good health, weight loss. For beginners, it is enough to perform a set of 10 asanas once a day. Poses can be very different. The main thing is to do them regularly and with pleasure.


Yoga: top 10 asanas for beginners... and more

The beautiful thing about Indian practice is that during exercises that seem simple, you can get both light and intense load. Each asana has simplifications for beginners and continuations for experienced ones. Therefore, even the coolest yogis do not shy away from performing basic poses. Firstly, they can dose the load. And secondly, duration matters. Try to spend at least half an hour in butterfly asana!

10 simplest yoga exercises - the key to harmony, flexibility and weight loss. You need to perform them to the limit of your strength, but without allowing excessive stress, pain or tremors. If the asana seems too easy, move on to complications, or expand the complex.

Bidalasana or cat pose

Bidalasana or cat pose

This is a pose on all fours. It is so simple and useful that it is available not only for beginners, but also for pregnant women. The technique for performing it is simple, but you need to make sure that your arms and legs are strictly perpendicular to the floor. In this position, begin to arch your back while inhaling. The movement of the spine is slow and wave-like, coordinated with breathing. As you exhale, arch your back. This pose is useful not only for weight loss. It strengthens the back muscles and increases the flexibility of the spine. If badalasana seems too simple for you, add a leg movement: as you inhale, try to touch the top of your head with your heel, and as you exhale, reach your knee to your nose. Then repeat in the mirror version.

Adho mukha svanasana, or downward-facing dog

From bidalasana, straighten your knees. Keep your feet firmly pressed to the floor, push with your hands so that your body leans back, knees straight. Ideally, when performing such exercises, uddiyana bandha should involuntarily arise - the stomach seems to fall inward. If this happens, then you are in great shape and you do not need to lose any weight. Experienced yogis use adho mukha svanasana for relaxation. Its benefit is that it is partly inverted. Blood flows to the brain, its cells are renewed, complexion improves, and the walls of the abdomen perform a kind of massage for the digestive organs. You can make this pose more difficult by lifting your legs alternately.

Virabhadrasana or warrior pose

From adho mukha svanasana, step forward with one foot between your hands. Rise up with your back straight. Hands can be joined above the head. Then it will be virabhadrasana I. Or you can spread them parallel to your legs. Then it will be Virabhadrasana II. Holding this pose helps make your legs strong. In addition, it is good for losing weight in the pelvic area. If the pose seems too simple to you, you can complicate the complex. To do this, you need to lift off one leg and straighten your body parallel to the floor, standing on your supporting foot. The pose requires execution on both the left and right sides.

Trikonasana or triangle pose

From Virabhadrasana II, bend your body towards your front leg. The palm is on the floor next to the foot of the same name. The second hand continues the line of the first. Trikonasana helps digestion and stretches the lower back muscles. For beginners, it is important to adjust the position of the feet. The back foot should be at a 45 degree angle to the front foot. This complex should also be performed twice, symmetrically on the right and left legs. If the exercises become easy, try reaching your left leg with your right hand. You will get a twisted pose that is useful for weight loss. It is called parivrita trikonasana - inverted triangle.

Tadasana or mountain pose

Tadasana or mountain pose

For beginners, this pose will be the easiest. This is just a standing position. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked, the feet are pressed firmly to the floor, the chin is parallel to the floor. Weight is evenly distributed across the feet. Tadasana tones muscles and shapes posture; almost any set of asanas begins with it. To make it more difficult, you can move on to the simplest balance poses. To do this, you need to rise on your toes and try to stand there, maintaining your balance.

Vrksasana or tree pose

riksasana or tree pose

The most popular yoga asana, after the lotus. To perform it, you need to stand in tadasana, raise one of your legs and press your foot to the inside of the thigh of the opposite leg. Vrikshasana helps increase lung capacity and trains the vestibular apparatus. It may be a secret for beginners that balance depends on the direction of the gaze. When we look at one point, our body is more stable. Yogis say: is it difficult to maintain balance? Look at the floor. Has it become easier? Look ahead. Did you deal with it? Fix your eyes upward. If you are standing steadily, close your eyes.

Camel riding. This is a dynamic complex

Camel riding - dynamic complex

Starting position – sitting on your knees and heels, or in a Turkish position. As you exhale, arch your back; as you inhale, arch your back. The complex helps to activate the movement of energy in the main channel of the body, located along the spine. It also increases the flexibility of the back, while the internal organs are massaged, which is good for weight loss. If the complex does not give the same effect, try doing it faster. In this case, yogis use the breath of fire - a quick intense exhalation through the nose, a voluntary inhalation.

Baddhakonasana or closed angle pose

Popularly known as a butterfly. While sitting, bring your feet together and bring them closer to your perineum. Now it's a matter of stretching. But there is no need for sudden movements or volitional efforts. For beginners, the pose can only be mastered by holding it for a long time. It’s good to find at least 10 minutes every day for Baddhakonsana. It not only promotes stretching, which will be useful for yoga later, but also has a good effect on the genitourinary system. The pose is beneficial for pregnant women. If your stomach does not allow you to sit comfortably in this asana, you can lie on your back without changing the position of your legs.

Paschimotanasana, or stretching of the western part of the body

Yogis imagine a person facing east. The western part of the body is the back. While sitting, you need to bend towards your straightened legs. The knees are straight, the back, if possible, does not round. The pose is good for varicose veins, it removes toxins from the body and is indispensable for weight loss. To make it more difficult, you can grab your feet and forcefully pull yourself down.

Purvotanasana, stretching the eastern part of the body

For beginners, it is important to perform it after the previous one, this will be compensation. From paschimotanasana you need to rise up, place your palms at your buttocks with your fingers forward, and then raise your pelvis upward without bending your knees. Purvotanasana strengthens the wrists, ankles and abs, and also increases lung capacity.

These 10 asanas can be performed sequentially, as a complex, or can be included in various other classes. To quickly lose weight, use intense breathing, and to relax, on the contrary, slow down your lungs. After mastering these poses, you can move on to the main yoga complex - sun salutation.