Chinese New Year in Hawaii. Corporate New Year “Hawaiian Style Celebration”

The child's physical education is the basis for everything else. Without the correct application of hygiene in the development of the child, without the correct physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation.

Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

Even in ancient Greece, swimming began to be used as an important means of physical education. At that time, it was of a purely applied nature - for fishing, hunting for waterfowl, underwater fishing, in military affairs.

In our time, when the physical activity of children is not very high, physical education and, in particular, swimming in a children's institution are a prerequisite for strengthening the health of the child, developing and improving physical qualities (speed, dexterity, flexibility, endurance, etc.), the formation of motor skills and skills needed in later life.

Exercises in the pool have a strengthening effect on the growing child's body, promote the growth of bone tissue. Swimming for children is a kind of massage for the whole body. It is very important, while teaching children to swim, to maintain a positive emotional state, to strive to ensure that exercises and games in the water give children pleasure, encourage the desire to learn to swim, and foster independence. All this is facilitated by the holidays on the water. They provide the basis for the creative manifestation of students' skills, bring great emotional and aesthetic pleasure. Team games on the water strengthen friendships in the children's team. Participation in the holiday unites children, contributes to the development of skills to empathize, to enjoy common achievements and successes.

Through emotional experiences, children begin to realize more deeply the importance of systematic swimming exercises to achieve the desired results, and interest in regular swimming lessons arouses.

An important educational moment of the holidays on the water is the decoration of the pool and the musical accompaniment of the holiday.

I offer my own version of the holiday on the water.

Script for New Year's performance on the water

"New Year in Hawaii"

Target... Improving swimming exercises. Activation of creative abilities and swimming activity of children by means of play activity. Broadening the horizons of children. Creating a positive emotional mood.

Holiday progress

Guests gather in the pool and take their places. Participants in the performance sit on the side of the pool. Music sounds. The presenter comes out.

MODERATOR: New Year is coming soon. And we all know how we celebrate it in Russia. But it would be interesting to see how the New Year is celebrated in hot countries. Today we will go with you guys on a trip and see how New Year is celebrated in Hawaii.

New Year is the Hawaiian people's favorite holiday. It is called Songkran. Carnival processions and music parades take place along the streets. But the most important attribute of the holiday is water. She personifies the essence of all living things. She brings grace. And Songkran begins like this ... Ukulele sounds.

Slow Hawaiian music (guitar) sounds. Two boys put on hats (preferably inflatable hats), pick up guitars (an inflatable guitar toy), and play on it. The girls, wearing colorful swimming circles (imitation skirts), take turns jumping from the side into the water ("Falls into the water") and begin a slow round dance. Having finished it, they sit down again on the side.

MODERATOR: It's time for the boys to show all the virtuosity of playing the guitar.

Boys-guitarists, accompanied by perky Hawaiian music, do various exercises in the water in their hands with a guitar ("Star", "Float", "Medusa"), re-dive over the guitar.

HOST: Instead of a Christmas tree in Hawaii, they are decorating a palm tree. And the male half conducts competitions on the water.

Music sounds. The girls swim to the palm tree, which stands on the opposite side, and the boys swim to the start to compete in swimming. The competition begins. The girls cheer for their member. Boys swim "Crawl", "Breaststroke", "Dolphin".

MODERATOR: The competition is over. And the winners are presented with generous dances.

Boys pair up with girls. Music sounds. They dance: "Pump", "Round dance", "Arrow on the chest", "Arrow on the back", "Whirling in pairs", "Bicycle".

MODERATOR: But the girls also want gifts and the pearl divers begin their work.

Boys dive and collect balls or other drowning toys scattered along the bottom of the pool. Give them to girls.

MODERATOR: By tradition, it is imperative to pour water over you when you are presented with gifts.

Children splash water to the music.

HOST: The holiday is not complete without Santa Claus. Only his name is New Year. And he does not come on deer or horses, but comes on dolphins.

Aloha, Hawaii!
Famous Hawaiian traditions and customs

The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most popular and coveted holiday destinations in the world. They attract tourists not only with endless white sand beaches and luxury hotels, but also with their identity.

And although the famous Hawaiian dances, songs and mysterious rituals have become more of an attraction for wealthy tourists, the stream of people who want to touch the centuries-old culture never stops. will tell about the most famous and unusual Hawaiian traditions

James Cook's expedition reached the Hawaiian Islands in the 18th century, or rather, in 1778, after which the European expansion of the archipelago began. At first, the islands were named Sandwich.

The United States annexed the territory at the height of the Spanish-American War in 1898, and in 1900 Hawaii received the status of a self-governing territory. Hawaii became the 50th US state on August 21, 1959. At the same time, the islands were nicknamed "Aloha State", which means "state of hospitality."

Hawaiian traditions and customs are directly related to the culture of the indigenous population of the islands - the Polynesians. It is believed that the first inhabitants arrived here in 300 from the Marquesas Islands, and a thousand years later, in 1300, settlers from Tahiti arrived on the islands.

The nickname stuck for Hawaii
"Aloha state"

Perhaps one of the most famous and recognizable Hawaiian tricks is the hula dance. During its performance, dancers perform wave-like swaying of their hips and perform graceful movements with their hands. Like many dances, initially hula had a ritual meaning: it was performed only by men during religious rites.

Thus, the indigenous population glorified the gods. In addition, it was with the help of such a dance that the ancient inhabitants of the islands told stories - the movements of the performers symbolized the whole performance.

Hula in the male performance

Hula is now performed by both women and men. It is customary to decorate the dancer's body with "accessories" from local plants - herbs, tree bark and, of course, coconuts. The performance can be accompanied by a ukulele, a traditional Hawaiian musical instrument, or by a song.

And in the feminine

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the arrival of missionaries on the islands, the dance was banned - it was declared pagan. In addition, the appearance of the dancers was condemned - too much naked body. However, the tradition of performing hula has not died - the locals secretly taught it to a new generation. The revival of dance was promoted by King David Kalakua, who highly appreciated the national Hawaiian art.

Garland "lei" is made not only of flowers,
but also from bones and teeth

Another famous Hawaiian tradition is the gift of flower garlands - lei. According to custom, it is customary to give a lei with a kiss, thereby expressing greeting or joy. In general, there are many reasons for such a gift - from the wishes of a safe trip, to the completion of studies or an invitation to a party.

Depending on the occasion, lei can be made from different flowers - orchids, picake, maila, plumeria, and the number of threads also varies. It is believed that you can take off a lei only in the absence of the one who put it on you. Lei used to be the hallmark of the highest rulers, each of whom wore their own, special type of jewelry.

The selection of flowers for lei was a serious matter, as each plant had its own symbolism. Such beads could be evidence of an important event in life: birth, death, wedding, victory in the war. Lei was made not only from flowers, but also from hair, teeth and bones.

The most famous Hawaiian word, which even those who have never been to the islands know, is "Aloha". It means both "hello" and "goodbye", and, in addition, this word can express love, tenderness, sympathy, compassion, affection - in general, a fairly wide range of emotions.

Aloha is not just a word, for Hawaiians it is something of a motto of life, almost like "Hakuna Matata". Its literal meaning is "presence of breath" or "breath of life." The deep meaning of this word implies the principle: love yourself and then share that love with others.

Aloha is harmony and the ability to live with positive energy.

The Hawaiian alphabet is considered the shortest in the world - it has only 5 vowels and 8 consonants. But mastering it is not so easy - many terms are ambiguous, and the language itself consists of soft sounds.

Aloha is harmony and skill
live positive energy

Hawaiian culture is rich in omens and superstitions. So, for example, it is not customary to take bananas on board the ship - it is believed that this can bring bad luck. Do not step over a baby lying on the floor or wear a lei garland during pregnancy (it is believed that a dangling thread can mean a tangled umbilical cord).

It is also forbidden to take pieces of lava from volcanoes, as this can drive away good luck from a person. True, the last sign is relatively new and is probably due to the fact that every tourist strives to take a couple of pebbles from the islands. Some, however, then send these "artifacts" back to Hawaii by mail.

Hawaiians consider rain and rainbows to be a blessing of the gods. It is considered special luck if it rains during the wedding ceremony. Tourists love to arrange weddings in Hawaii. And here, too, it is not complete without local traditions.

If you thoroughly follow the customs, then the ceremony should go something like this: first, the trumpeters announce the arrival of the bride, then a lyric song about love and devotion sounds, then the priest ties the hands of the groom and the brides with lei, which the newlyweds throw into the water.

It is believed that in this way there is a "cleansing" of the past, and now two can start their life together from scratch.

In ancient times, it was believed that the ocean could carry the lei to the souls of deceased relatives, and if they washed ashore, this meant that the ancestors gave their blessing. By the way, on the eve of the wedding, the bride must fold 1001 cranes from origami. This bird symbolizes a long and happy family life. The traditional venue for the ceremony is the beach. And, of course, it is not complete without local dances and songs.

Hawaiian shirt popularity
contributed by Elvis Presley

Hawaiians' love for bright colors resulted in the invention of the world famous Hawaiian shirts. These shirts are decorated with a bright print, have short sleeves and a collar. Now this clothing is considered formal in Hawaii, replacing a suit with a tie, and is worn on all occasions, except for the most solemn ones.

Interestingly, the first such shirts were sold in the shop of the Japanese migrant Tetaro Miyamoto in 1904. After World War II, they became a popular souvenir among the military returning home to the mainland.

The popularity of this traditional costume was also promoted by Elvis Presley, who appeared in a red Hawaiian shirt on the cover of the soundtrack to the Blue Hawaii film.

Elvis with ukulele

Hawaii is a special world where the atmosphere of "Aloha" reigns. Happy people live here, and, by the way, they say, longer than in any other state of the United States: life expectancy for men is 75 years, for women - 80.

People come here for beauty, delicious food and a unique spirit of joy and freedom, which literally permeates the local air.

Chinese New Year in Hawaii

Scattered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, like pearl beads, the Hawaiian Islands are always calm, amazing and colorful, but the rest in winter will be especially pleasant. Just imagine how wonderful it is - in the bitter frosts and snowfalls, once again find yourself in a fabulous summer and, relaxing under the hot sun on a snow-white beach, forget about all your problems and worries and just enjoy life.

Why not make yourself such a gift and go on New Year's and Christmas holidays to a real paradise in the tropics - to the Hawaiian Islands ?!

Hawaii, made up of twelve small and eight large islands, is located in the North Pacific Ocean. You can swim here all year round. But in the midst of winter - in December and January in Hawaii, at the time when the New Year's festivities just start - it is especially wonderful: the air temperature on average reaches 26-27 degrees, and the water temperature is about 26 degrees. Endless white sand beaches, turquoise ocean waters, active volcanoes, tropical jungle thickets, rapids and waterfalls - you can see all this when you travel to the most exotic state Of America .

The Chinese New Year is usually celebrated by Hawaiians in the middle of winter. When congratulating each other, locals usually wish "Happy New Year!" in Chinese: Gung Hay Fat Choy.

New Year in Hawaii according to the traditions of China

  • In China New Year has existed as a holiday for over a thousand years. Most likely, it was brought to Hawaii by the Chinese more than a century ago, who came to earn money on plantations.
  • On New Year's festivities according to Chinese traditions, tea ceremonies are always held, and in addition, daffodil festivals, colorful parades, fireworks on the ocean coast, a bright and incendiary "lion dance" is certainly organized, during which two people dress in a lion costume and dance to the rhythms drums. At this time, all people throw coins to the "lion" so that in exchange for money they will receive happiness, good luck and prosperity in the new year, and so that "lions" will protect their families and homes from evil spirits.

During the New Year holidays, you can choose a recreation program to suit every most biased taste. Lovers of peace and quiet cannot be advised of the best place for relaxation! The islands have many quiet and remote corners, and every hotel is sure to have a spa.

Tourists who are accustomed to having an active vacation will be able to try their hand at surfing and diving on Hawaii, which first appeared on these islands. Here, both young and adults are fond of surfing. It has become an integral part of Hawaiian culture and lifestyle. Experienced instructors on the shore will help you learn to stay on the wave.

Those who cannot imagine their life without fishing will gladly go sailing on a boat or yacht with experienced fishermen, who will demonstrate how to hunt fish with a spear, after which they can try to hunt on their own. You will have a rich catch for the festive table - the caught fish will be cleaned, cut and even cooked according to special recipes on the grill.

For an unforgettable and unique experience, it is worth going on a helicopter tour to the Hawaiian volcanoes. For example, on such a trip, you can walk along the crater of the Kilauea volcano and see how the lava falls into the ocean waters. By the way, you can try one of the favorite Hawaiians' entertainment on New Year's - to play snowballs and ride on snowboards along the volcanic slopes.

In general, New Year is one of the favorite holidays in the Hawaiian Islands. On this day you can taste the traditional Hawaiian dish- a pig baked on charcoal. With beach parties, fruit and Hawaiian rum cocktails, holiday fireworks, the world famous fire show and hula dance, it's pretty easy to learn with just a few lessons. Also, you will definitely receive congratulations from the Hawaiian Santa Claus - Kanakaloka.

From the islands from the New Year's trip, you can bring unusual and exotic Hawaiian souvenirs for friends, loved ones and loved ones. It is worth noting that it is in Hawaii that Kona- a sort of elite coffee, and island pearls are highly valued all over the world. In addition, ethnic souvenirs such as Hawaiian shirts, dresses and skirts, as well as sweets, jams and jewelry in the form of Hawaii symbol - plumeria flower.

Travelers who love Hawaii have long called it a paradise. What can be better imagined than meeting the New Year and Christmas holidays in Paradise!

New Year 2017 scenario

"Travel to Hawaii"

Students of the school are invited to board a modern liner in order to make an unforgettable journey from Kamchatka to Hawaii in the wake of the New Year.

Scenario plan

18: 20-18: 30 Meeting guests

In the foyer of the school, charming flight attendants greet guests, periodically announcing that the boarding of the New Year's airliner will begin at 6:30 pm.

(giving out candy, and paper bags)

18: 30-18: 35 Inviting guests on board

Flight attendants invite passengers to board. A voice-over announces that boarding the 2017 ship on the Milkovo-Hawaii route will end in 10 minutes. Guests take their places in accordance with the tickets (invitations), sit down.

18: 45-19: 00 Introductory part

Lead 1 : Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on board our aircraft. On our board you will be offered soft drinks, delicious food and an unforgettable show program, so you will not be bored. An exciting journey awaits you. And before the start of the flight, I ask you to listen to the rules of behavior in extreme situations.

(Two flight attendants come out, stand on the sides of the presenters and show the voiced rules with gestures)

19: 00-19: 20 Comic security measures

Lead 2. “Throughout the flight, unrestrained fun, Homeric laughter and a fountain of smiles are welcomed on our liner. If there is an urgent desire to go to the dance floor or to participate in competitions, the exits are there and there. In order to avoid an urgent decrease in mood, we ask you not to leave the cabin for a long time during the flight. "

Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! The captain of the airliner is speaking to you ___________________ Dear guests, you are on board the Tu-2017 aircraft. Please take your seats, do not be afraid of anything, take with you a great mood, fun, your friends. All passengers wear a charming smile and get ready for takeoff. Until the end of the flight, do not be sad and do not leave the aircraft until the special order of the captain. Everything is ready for the flight. Start the flight.

(The music of the plane taking off is playing, a video of the plane taking off is on the screen. The light is off at this time)

Lead 1. The old year is ending

Good, kind year.

We will not be sad

After all, the New is coming to us ...

Lead 2. Accept wishes

You can't live without them

Be healthy and happy!

Happy new year friends!

Lead 1. To create a festive atmosphere on our plane, we invite you to watch an incendiary dance.

(Dance of the stewardesses)

Lead 2. Our plane is gaining altitude, and I suggest we have some fun so that the flight does not seem long.

Lead 1. Let's pack our suitcase together for the trip. For this we need 2 volunteers. The screen will show the items that you need to collect with you on your journey. The task of the first participant with the help of facial expressions and gestures is to explain to the second what kind of object is shown on the screen. The second participant must write on a piece of paper the objects that, in his opinion, the first participant showed him.

(to complete the task - 5 minutes)

Words on the screen: refrigerator, camera, money, swimsuit, microwave oven, rubber ring, skis, wood, saucepan, towel, vacuum cleaner, toothbrush, cat, sunscreen, sled, ice skates, ball, sunglasses, book, laptop and etc.

Contestants receive 1 token.

Lead 2 Fine! Recently you have all been to our airport, there are a lot of all sorts of signs and symbols, let's come up with the most original designation of each sign together ..

The presenter shows pre-prepared signs (printed), and the guests assume the designation of each sign (the one who participates in the competition receives a token).

After the competition, the song "Stewardess named Zhanna", the dance of the stewarts, sounds.

Lead 1. Wow! It's getting hot on our airliner !!! Therefore, we invite you to freshen up with refreshing drinks.

(Assistants carry drinks to the assembly hall, offering everyone a drink)

Lead 2. Our flight continues, and to make it more fun for us to fly, let's drink a little.

Lead 1. Fragments of famous songs will now sound, but they can be cut off at any moment, your task is to finish the song.

(songs sound, then the sound is abruptly muffled, the guests finish the song all together)

Lead 2 . Well done, you are very good at singing. Our airliner has climbed 10.000 km, you can unfasten your seat belts, and now you will be offered a hot dinner.

(Music plays. Helpers distribute food to guests)

Lead 1. ... And now we invite you to sit comfortably in your seats and enjoy watching the video.

(video showing 10-15 min.)

Lead 2. Dear passengers, you have watched the most interesting videos, and now we want to check you, how well do you know films with airplanes?

(The whole audience participates. Slides with films on the screen, guests must guess the name of the film)

Lead 1. Fine! You are good at it! We will reach our destination very soon, and therefore, dear passengers, we invite you to have a bite to eat!

(Stewarts make sandwiches)

(video of the plane landing)

Voice behind the scene: Dear passengers, our plane landed on the island of Hawaii. The weather in Hawaii is good, the air temperature is +35 degrees, we wish you a great holiday. Don't forget your luggage!

Video on the screen: You were with the Vechernie Zvezdy airline, fly only with our airlines.

(The screen saver changes, the Hawaiian Islands wallpaper appears. Congratulations to the Hawaiians of the evening school turn on. Hawaiian music sounds, a welcome Hawaiian dance, flower beads are presented to each guest)

(Hawaiians leave, guides come out to the same music)

(Includes presentation "Excursion to the Hawaiian Islands")

Guide 1: Welcome to Hawaii! Pearls of the Pacific Ocean. Luxurious nature. White sand beaches, crystal clear emerald waters, active volcanoes will impress anyone. Huge waves are a paradise for surfers .. Coral reefs and a variety of fish species are striking in their beauty!
Hawaii is your dream!
Only here have fun, rest!
Hawaii is the star of the radiant sea!

(Includes video about Hawaii min 5-10)

Guide 2: Do you know how in Hawaiian Hello? (the question is addressed to the audience, the one who guesses gets the token. The correct answer is Aloha). In general, the Hawaiian word “aloha” is universal. It is a greeting, and thanksgiving, and even a declaration of love ... Right now I give the floor to congratulate all our guests and the most active children of the director of our school, Marina Yurievna Bolotova. Aloha.

(Director's speech + rewarding students)

Guide 1 : Your flight has been very long, so I invite you to have fun and play a game called Limbo, a popular game in Hawaii that has long been established in your countries.No Hawaiian party goes without her! For this we need 10-12 volunteers.

The essence of the game: two participants pull a rope over the floor and hold in their hands at different ends. The task of the players: to walk under the string to the music without touching it. It should be passed, leaning back and bending in the back. The difficulty is that with each circle the rope is lowered lower and lower.

(Hawaiian music is playing, participants go through a string. 3-5 minutes. All participants at the end receive a token, and the winners receive three)

Test quiz. Aloha, Hawaii

Guide 2: Dear guests of our island, now we will try to find out which of you knows about Hawaii, if not everything, then at least practically everything. We ask a question, there are three possible answers to it, but only one of them is correct. So, we begin the intellectual competition "Hawaii ... What is this?"

(the competition is accompanied by a presentation)

    There is such a thing as "Hawaiian time". What do you think this means?

    No one is in a hurry

    Afternoon nap

    Rush hour

    Kilauea is the name

    An active volcano in Hawaii

    One of the Hawaiian Islands

    The deepest lake in Hawaii

    In the Hawaiian pantheon, the Volcano Goddess is depicted as a woman with developing black braids and fiery eyes. And the name of this Goddess:




    Hawaiian Islands are

    Sovereign state

    US State

    State of Australia

    "Hula-hula" is

    National Hawaiian dance

    National Hawaiian bread

    National Hawaiian clothing

    The capital of the Hawaiian Islands is the city:

    Baden Baden


    Hawaiian city

    In Hawaii, the time difference with Moscow is:

    13 hours

    9 o'clock

    5 o'clock

Contest Name Weight

Guide 1. The Hawaiian Islands are called the crown of the "South Seas" because most of the plants that grow here are found nowhere else in the world.

I can’t say that pineapples grow only there, but the fact that one of you will become the owner of the annance that I have in my hands is obvious. We will play it not just, but very simply…. I will gladly hand over this exotic fruit to the one who will name its exact weight ...

Contest "INVERT"

Guide 2. Hawaiian Oregens have a habit of speaking in a confused way in order to speak out to evil spirits, that is, turning words over to the opposite in meaning. Will you be able to deceive evil spirits and master the so-called Hawaiian shape-shifters ...

Example: A monkey was hanging from a palm tree, not at all like a yellow banana. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, just like a cucumber, it was greenish).

    It’s sad to sit alone on a desert island and mumble poetry under my breath. (Together it is fun to walk across the open spaces and, of course, it is better to hum along in chorus).

    They float, float from the nearest hut, bad natives, sad invaders. (We are driving, driving, driving to distant lands, good neighbors, funny friends).

    The ocean ends in a black swamp, and parting ends in tears. (A river begins from a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile).

Pass the Coconut Contest

Guide 1. Those wishing to take part in the fun (from 7 to 14 people) line up or in a circle. The game is played on the play-off principle, that is, elimination.

Music sounds (New Year's) players pass the coconut (ball) from hand to hand - having received a coconut from a neighbor, you need to turn around and pass it on.

The music stops intermittently. The player who has a coconut in his hands at the moment the music stops is eliminated from the game.

The game is played until the last player remains - that is, the winner. (Prize tokens)

Lead 1: Each of you today not only rested, but also worked wonderfully well, and those who have earned tokens have a unique opportunity to exchange them for sweet prizes =).

Finale of the party

The party ends with the final ritual dance "Giant Lambada". Everyone knows what "lambada" is and how it is performed. Guides and Hawaiians should try to combine all the party participants into a single "lambada", capturing as much space as possible.

The Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands are located in an archipelago in the North Pacific Ocean. The swimming season lasts here all year round. But in December-January, when the air temperature is about +22 C, and the water is like fresh milk, Hawaii is especially beautiful.

Endless beaches, azure ocean waters, inactive volcanoes, tropical jungles, eucalyptus forests, cascades of waterfalls, wild rivers lost in canyons, temple complexes and mysterious petroglyphs - all this can be seen on the largest island of the archipelago - Hawaii.

The program of the New Year holidays will be rich and for every taste. Fans of peace and quiet will not find a better place for relaxation. There are many secluded corners on the island, and all hotels are equipped with spa-salons.

Fans of outdoor activities will love diving and surfing, which is home to Hawaii. Surfing in Hawaii is practiced by both young people and the older generation. "When you think of surfing, you think of Hawaii," say the islanders. This species is deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture and lifestyle. And "catching the wave" will help classes with an instructor directly.

Avid anglers will surely not miss the moment and go fishing. In Hawaii, it won't be a problem to hire a boat or yacht with experienced fishermen who will show you a master class on spear hunting for marlin and tun. You will definitely return with a good catch for the New Year's table. The team will immediately clean and cut the fish, and, if desired, will even cook according to special recipes on the barbecue. Surplus fresh will be gladly bought in port shops.

The sightseeing helicopter excursion to the volcanoes will be unforgettable. On Kilauea, you can walk near the crater and watch the hot lava flow into the ocean. And on the volcano Mauna Loa snow falls in winter. Playing snowballs, snowboarding and bodyboarding on the slopes of the volcano is one of the favorite New Year's activities for Hawaiians.

New Year's Eve in Hawaii is a favorite holiday. You will be offered a traditional Luau dinner with a signature dish: a buried pig roasted on coals. Beach parties, Hawaiian rum fruit cocktails, live butterfly fireworks, the famous Fire Show and an incendiary hula dance to learn after a few lessons. You will certainly be congratulated by the Hawaiian Santa Claus - kanakaloka.

Do not forget about New Year's gifts and souvenirs for family and friends. Only in Hawaii is an elite coffee variety grown - Kone coffee Hawaii. And Hawaiian, refers to the so-called pearls of the southern seas - one of the most valuable in the world. It reaches a diameter of 10-20 mm. At a jewelry factory, you can see firsthand how craftsmen create exquisite ones from corals, pearls, and other precious stones. And buy unique jewelry in the shop at the factory at very competitive prices.

The gateway to paradise is called the Hawaiian Islands. Celebrating the New Year and celebrating Christmas in paradise - what could be better.