When is Tatiana's day in Russia. Tatiana's Day: History and Traditions of the Day of Russian Students Congratulations on Tatiana's Day

Among the Orthodox holidays there is one very well-known even to people unfamiliar with the church calendar - this is Tatiana's day. Do you know when Tatiana's day is in 2017? It is famous both for the fact that on this day many owners of a popular name celebrate their name days, and for the fact that it is a holiday for Russian students, because on January 25, a decree was signed on the opening of the first university in our country. The students celebrated their holiday so cheerfully that many people, even people who had nothing to do with their studies, willingly joined them. So Tatiana's day gradually became a well-known and beloved holiday by the people.

The modern church remembers the saints named Tatiana 10 times a year: 2 times in January, in July, 2 times in September, three times in October, and twice more in December. However, most of these Tatyans are new martyrs, i.e. recently they were canonized, and only those born after 2000, 2002 and even 2006 can celebrate the day of the Angel in their honor. There is very little information about the lives of other Tatyans, while the story of Tatyana Rimskaya, who is remembered on January 25, is rich in impressive events and miraculous phenomena. Tatiana Rimskaya was the first saint Tatiana who died for her faith, the rest in some way repeated her feat, inspired by the life story of their patroness.

History of the holiday Tatiana's Day

At the beginning of the third century, a daughter was born in the family of a socially famous and fairly wealthy man in Rome. In those days, paganism was the main religion, so Tatyana's father hid his faith in God, and raised his daughter in Christian traditions and was able to instill in her a sincere love for Christ. The little girl enthusiastically studied the Holy Scriptures, prayed a lot. Having reached adulthood, she, being a very beautiful girl, to whom the noble and wealthy suitors of Rome wooed, decided to devote herself completely to the service of God.

So Tatiana became a minister in one of the Roman temples. She not only prayed a lot, but almost without rest she helped the sick, prisoners and others in need. At this time, a new wave of persecutions against Christians arose in Rome. Angry pagans seized Tatyana, who had refused to worship idols, and subjected to terrible torture. They beat her in the face and tried to gouge her eyes out, but the girl bravely endured and prayed to the Lord. From her prayers, part of the temple of the pagans collapsed, the statue fell and shattered. The executioners attacked Tatiana even more violently, but she became like a stone. And the tormentors only lost their strength, trying to harm her body. Tatyana prayed that the Lord would bring reason to the people who tortured her. At the same moment, the executioners saw the angels and heard the voice of God. Frightened, they threw themselves on their knees in front of Tatiana, began to ask for forgiveness, even decided to be baptized, and were executed for this by the persecutors of Christians.

The next day, evil pagans found Tatiana not only without traces of torture, but even more beautiful. Then they began to cut her body with sharp razors, but fragrant milk flowed from the wounds. The executioners tormented the tormented girl with spears all day, and she only prayed even harder. Angels defended Tatiana, most of the attackers lost their strength, some even fell dead. It was decided to leave her in the dungeon. And the next morning, the executioners who came again found her healthy and fresh. For another whole day they tortured and tortured her, tied her to a pole, beat her with iron hooks, but in the morning Tatyana was beautiful again. Then the pagans brought her to the circus and released a hungry tiger to her, expecting that he would definitely tear her to pieces. However, the animal came to her feet and, affectionately licking them, lay down beside her.

The virgin was brutally tortured again, then they cut off her hair and threw her overnight in the temple of Zeus. The angels healed her wounds. Tatyana prayed so hard to God that the idol that stood in the church broke. After that, the pagans decided to execute Tatiana by beheading. For her deep faith, she was canonized. And to those who remember her in their prayers, she will certainly help.

January 25 - students' holiday

The Empress's favorite, Ivan Shuvalov, wanted to give something unusual to his mother Tatyana on her name day. He prepared a petition for the establishment of a higher educational institution in Moscow, which was signed by Elizaveta Petrovna on January 25. So students appeared in Russia, and the day of the name day of all Tatyans became a student's holiday. Saint Tatiana Rimskaya herself became the patroness of student youth.

The student's day celebration consisted of two parts. The official part began with a prayer service to St. Tatiana, then especially successful students were awarded in the university building. And then there were already merry festivities almost until the morning. Students arranged noisy feasts, walked in large companies through the streets with songs, jokes and even fireworks, sledged.

How to congratulate acquaintances Tatyan?

Saint Tatiana was a well-educated person, apparently it was not by chance that she was the one who began to patronize students, therefore, going to congratulate a friend with the name Tatiana, try to surprise her with your skills, for example, in poetry. Write congratulations in poetic form. If you do not have a poetic gift, you can find a suitable ready-made congratulation for Tatyana on the Internet. The main thing is that it should be addressed specifically to her. Any Tatiana will be pleased to receive something unique as a gift. A variant of such a congratulation is a postcard you made in the form of a collage in Photoshop. Or an edited slideshow of photographs with the participation of the birthday girl.

Tatyana are very practical people, and they will be much more happy with a gift that is necessary in everyday life than a souvenir, albeit beautiful. And instead of a lush bouquet of scarlet roses, many of them will prefer an original bouquet of sweets.

On the chosen gift, it would be appropriate to engrave the name of the guardian angel of the future mistress on such a holiday. It can be a fountain pen or a bracelet. You can find a ready-made personalized item, such as a cup, plate, towel. Or order a cake with an inscription, if, of course, your Tatyana loves sweets and does not seek to lose weight.

Student holiday Tatiana's Day is celebrated every year on January 25th. Therefore, the question of Tatiana's day when in 2017 is not entirely relevant. It doesn't matter which year is in the yard, the date of this holiday is not rolling. Student's Day or Tatiana's Day is one and the same holiday, which is celebrated in our country on January 25th. All over the country, students and teachers get together, watch concerts, go to cafes and just enjoy the holiday.

Not everyone knows that this is still a tradition from history, moreover, from tsarist Russia, when and how the Student's Day is celebrated - it was January 25 and it was not by chance that the date coincided so that the Orthodox holiday, Saint Tatiana's Day, became a holiday for all students. We suggest diving into history at least a little to find out a lot of interesting things. You are a student or you were once, remember how interesting it is to unearth historical facts that are still relevant in our time. Less than a month left before!

As is known from history, the first university on the territory of the Russian Empire was opened during the reign of Empress Elizabeth the First in Moscow. It was an educational institution that still operates today - Moscow State University. That is, we can say that for MSU students, January 25 is considered a double holiday. Firstly, we are talking about the All-Russian Day of the student, and secondly, about the opening of their university.

The project for the creation of the university was developed by Mikhail Lomonosov, Count Ivan Shuvalov took an active part in this. They were scientists and understood how important the university was for Russia at that time as a stronghold of science and students. The opening of the university took place on January 25, but it was officially decided to postpone it to April 26, so that this date coincided with the date of the celebration of the anniversary of the coronation of the empress. So, over the next 35 years, Student's Day was celebrated as if in April, but historically it had no background for this: just to make the monarch feel good.

Temple on campus

When Nicholas I became the emperor of the Russian Empire, he decided to restore historical justice by his decree. As a result, more than three decades have passed since 1755, the moment the Moscow State University was opened, and in 1791 Nicholas the First signed a decree, transferring the date of foundation of the university to the historically correct one, to January 25. As we know, today, when the Student's Day is celebrated.

Plus, since the date of January 25 is not just what day of the calendar, but an important church holiday of the holy Martyr Tatiana, it was decided to build a church on the territory of the university. When it was completed, the church was consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana. And so it happened in Russia that Saint Tatiana became the intercessor and helper of students throughout the country. But it changes from year to year.

As you know, in Soviet times, religion was prohibited. The temple was closed back in 1917, but the building, thank God, was not destroyed. It was transferred to the administration of the university and theater-goers who studied at Moscow State University rehearsed there. The state of affairs continued until 1994, until in 1995 the temple was again handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church. Tatiana's day, when in 2017 - January 25, like many years before. Because Soviet students also celebrated Tatyana's day, it is enough to ask grandmother, grandfather or even parents about it.

Today this student holiday is very popular throughout the country. First of all, students gather on Student's Day, but also alumni. This is a great day to meet together and remember the carefree years full of love and passion. In a word, many no longer students on January 25 get together to remember their youth.

Interesting! Since 2005, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Tatyana's Day has become the official Student's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 every year.

Short and capacious congratulations on Tatyana's Day

I want to wish that your student fire in your heart never goes out. May the guardian angel guard you throughout your life and take away grief and misfortune from you.

I congratulate you on Tatyana's Day and wish you could carry the student fire from your heart in years. Sometimes it happens that after university people are disappointed in their profession, I hope that this will never happen to you.

After a long winter vacation, when, it would seem, all the main holidays - New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - are already over, another January holiday is coming. In our article, we will talk about Tatiana's Day or Student's Day - about its origin, events planned in honor of the holiday in 2017, interesting facts.

What date

Tatiana's Day or Student's Day is celebrated from year to year The 25th of January... 2017 will be no exception - January 25 falls on Wednesday, a weekday. But this is no reason not to celebrate, especially for such a cheerful people as students.

Student's Day Events 2017

Tatyana's Day has two parts - traditional and informal. The first is presented by the presentation of meritorious certificates and certificates to especially distinguished students, a festive concert that they are preparing, and performances by teachers. The second - student festivities, taking place, as a rule, in the evening either at the university or outside it. We think that 2017 will not change the old tradition.

Official events and mass celebrations on Tatyana's day are usually not arranged. True, students will always find how and where to have fun. You can sit in a cafe, go to the cinema or to a disco.

What to do on Student's Day 2017

Student's Day in most universities falls during the winter session. And the winter session, as you know, is a hot time - exams, tests ... there is no time for noisy holidays. But students would not be the most desperate people if they could not find time both for study and for the holiday. Usually, on this day, parties are held from the walls of the alma mater, smoothly moving to cafes and clubs.

And Tatyana's day is a great occasion for current and former students to meet, remember funny episodes of college life, and dine together in some pleasant institution.

In 2017, Tatyana's day falls on Wednesday - the middle of the week, weekdays. But the evening is definitely yours. And you can use it to its fullest - for example, go in a large crowd to one of the Moscow ice rinks or to the park for a snowball fight. It will be great!

It is unlikely that students will want to celebrate such a significant day "within four walls." Still, winter has so many charms of its own - take at least snow and icy mountains! January 25 can be spent in the parks Sokolniki or Ostankino, skiing from the high mountains. By the way, Sokolniki has a great trampoline center, so don't say you don't know where to go to warm up in the jumps! And in the Victory Park until the end of January, an open-air exhibition of ice figures is held - go here for vivid impressions.

Of course, do not forget about theatrical performances, since January is generous for them, there is plenty to choose from. On January 25 at the Yermolova Theater they play "Hamlet", at the Theater in the South-West - "The Masters and Margarita", at the House of Music - jazz. And in the cinema on this day, you can form your own opinion about the musical film "La La Land", which has collected so many prestigious awards, and about the mercilessly criticized "Viking".

For a long time - until the 18th century - Tatiana's Day was an exclusively religious holiday dedicated to the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome, who died for the Christian faith.

Only in 1755, Tatiana's Day began to be associated not only with religion, but also with science. On January 25, Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree on the creation of the first higher educational institution in Russia - the present-day Moscow State University. By the way, the chapel of St. Tatiana was built at the university (translated from Greek, this name means "founder").

In Soviet times, Student's Day fell into oblivion and was celebrated in a very chamber, but it returned on a grand scale after the collapse of the USSR - in 1995. The Chapel of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University was reopened to visitors.

In the old days, on Tatiana's day, when it was only a religious holiday, the oldest woman of the family baked a loaf at sunrise. Lush bread was served for breakfast and symbolized the imminent arrival of spring and warmth, farewell to the cold and cold.

January is the coldest month of the year, but it is generous with noisy and cheerful holidays. One of them is Tatiana's Day or Student's Day, which we told you about today. This is another great reason for the younger generation to have a great evening, and for the older generation to remember the wonderful student years and meet their classmates. Stay tuned for updates to our article - as the holiday date approaches, we will publish the latest information. All - not boring winter!

Soon the favorite date of all students and women, whom the parents gave the name Tatiana, is coming. On January 25, we celebrate Tatiana's Day - a church holiday honoring the Roman martyr Tatiana, who gave her life for her faith in Christ.

During the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Alexander Sever (reigned from 222 to 235), Tatiana was captured and brought to the temple of Apollo, where they tried to force her to bow to the statue of this pagan god. According to legend, Tatiana offered a prayer to Jesus Christ, and the earthquake that occurred destroyed the statue of Apollo and collapsed part of the temple, under which many people died. The life of Tatiana tells about this with many artistic details: "The devil, who lived in the idol, fled from that place with a loud cry and sobbing, and everyone heard his cry and saw a shadow that swept through the air."

Back in 1755, Empress Elizabeth put her imperial signature on January 25 under a decree establishing the very first Moscow University. 36 years later, in 1791, a student house church of St. Tatiana was opened in a small wing of the educational institution. A confluence of random circumstances led to the fact that January 25 first became the University Foundation Day, and a little later - on a grand scale celebrated on Student's Day.

After the October Revolution, Tatyana's day was rarely remembered. Only after the opening in 1995 of the church in honor of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow University did this holiday come to life again. Since 2005, January 25 is celebrated in Russia as the "Day of Russian Students"

Holiday traditions

On this day, candles are lit for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment; They pray to Saint Sava for various ailments; to the icon of the Mother of God "Mammal" they pray for help during childbirth, for feeding with milk, with a lack of breast milk, as well as for the health of babies. It was believed that the scrolls from the Akathist icon protected the house from fire.

The frost was used to judge the weather in spring and summer. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tightly and coarsely as possible, so that the cabbage heads would grow tight and large.

On this day, they baked a bread rug in the shape of the sun, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible. The whole family ate such loaves so that everyone would get a “piece of the sun”.

In addition, girls in the village dressed up early in the morning and went to the river, where they knocked out and washed rugs. By tradition, guys helped them to carry the rugs back. Then the rugs were hung on the fences so that everyone could see the beauty and cleanliness of the rugs, and by them they judged the girl.

Also in the old days, for this day, girls made small brooms from rags and feathers. It was believed that if such a broom was imperceptibly put in a woman's coffin in the house of a desired guy, then the guy would definitely marry her, and their life together would be long and happy.

The mothers knew these tricks very well and carefully chose the bride who would be able to “hide” the brooms.

According to popular beliefs, a woman born on this day will be a good housewife: "Tatiana bakes a loaf and a loaf, and beats rugs on the river, and leads a round dance."

Among the students, the holiday was widely celebrated both in ancient times and in our time. On January 25, students arrange a noisy and cheerful holiday. By the way, for a long time on this day, even extremely drunk students were not touched by the quarterly. And if they did come nearer, they would trump and ask: "Doesn't Mr. student need help?"

Signs for Tatyana's day

  • When the sun has set, do not fix the loaf of bread, otherwise you will fix your day.
  • The early sun is the early birds.
  • The sun will peep at Tatyana early - by the early arrival of the birds.
  • Tatyana bakes the loaf and the rugs on the river beats, and the round dance leads.
  • Our Tatiana is drunk even from the water.
  • If it is frosty and clear on Tatyana, there will be a good harvest; warmth and blizzard - to crop failure.

Celebrate Student's Day or Tatiana's Day in 2018! Do you want to know what date this holiday is celebrated, what traditions and customs is it associated with? Perhaps you are wondering why the student day was named "Tatiana"? Would you like to lure a "Freebie" or "Shara" in order to successfully pass the next session?

Tatiana's Day became a student's holiday in 1755, when Moscow University was established by order of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Earlier, this date was the day of commemoration of the Orthodox martyr Tatiana of Rome, who suffered for her faith and was killed during the persecution of the Christian church. Since 2005, Tatiana's Day has been celebrated in Russia as the Day of Russian Students.

What date is Tatyana's day in 2018

Are you ready to call "Freebie" and arrange a noisy feast in the company of friends? In this case, you should know that Tatyana's day in 2018 falls on January 25! In principle, the date of the holiday remains unchanged, so that next year, Student's Day will again be celebrated on the 25th. By the way, according to the old style, the event falls on January 12th.

For many generations in Russia there was a tradition to bake a loaf on Tatyana's day. Like pancakes on Shrovetide, baked goods symbolized the sun and the coming spring. By the appearance of the resulting loaf, they wondered for the coming year:

  • If a mound has formed in the middle, then this is a success - things will "go up the hill"
  • Cracks in the crust of baked bread foreshadowed trouble
  • Beautiful and even baked goods are a sign of a secure and calm life
  • If the loaf was burnt, then one should prepare for the blows of fate

By the way, believers believe that on Tatiana's day the heavens are open, and you can turn to the Higher Powers with requests. Of course, one should not wish harm to one's neighbors, and also show excessive commercialism. First of all, desires for help in studies and other "student" affairs will be fulfilled.

Who is Tatiana?

As a matter of fact, initially Tatiana (Tatiana) Rimskaya had nothing to do with the student body. She was born in the 3rd century AD, into a wealthy family of a Roman consul. The girl's father secretly confessed the teaching of Christ, which at that time was under the strictest prohibition. Tatiana became a convinced Christian and, like many fellow believers, was persecuted.

The authorities tried to give Tatiana to be torn apart by wild animals, but the lions did not harm the girl. According to holy scripture, the formidable lions licked Tatiana's hands like kittens. Then the girl was executed by beheading. As mentioned earlier, Moscow University was founded on the day of commemoration of the Martyr Tatyana, and the saint herself was “appointed” as the heavenly patroness of the students.

Holiday traditions

There are many old traditions associated with the student day. For example, in the old days, on this day, students and professors were "equalized" in rights. In educational institutions, joint feasts were arranged, during which students could afford to say whatever came into their heads. There were heated debates, and the position, age or social status of the opponent did not matter.

What was not supposed to be done on Tatyana's day was cramming. According to student belief, if one prepares for the exam "on Tatiana", then the examiner will be especially corrosive. In order for the exam tests to be successful, it was supposed to take a good walk the day before. And, of course, "call" a Freebie or a Shara.

Students have a special relationship with Freebie. To lure the exam success, it is supposed to be exactly at midnight, from January 24 to January 25, to stick the record book out of the window and shout “Freebie, come!” Three times. Then you need to listen - if you are lucky to hear something like "I'm already going, open the doors" in response, then you will be able to close the session the first time and without any problems.

Do not forget that believers will also celebrate Tatiana's Day in 2018. Christians can attend solemn services that will take place in every Orthodox church. On this day, you can make wishes, confide in Heaven your innermost dreams. Unmarried girls can ask Saint Tatiana to help them arrange their personal lives.

In order not to provoke trouble on yourself, it is forbidden to quarrel with family and friends on January 25. In addition, the day before, you should carefully clean your house so as not to offend the saint with the sight of an uncleaned home.

Congratulations on Tatyana's day

Are you getting ready to celebrate Tatiana's day 2018? Have you already had time to congratulate your friends, girlfriends and favorite teachers? If not, then you can use these congratulations in verses that Belshazzar has prepared for you! Also here you can pick up a cool status for Tatiana's day for your page on social networks.

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You can send congratulations by phone or send it as SMS. Do not doubt that your friends and loved ones will be pleased to receive such a message!

Fortune telling on Tatyana's day

The student holiday is not complete without fortune-telling, the "lion's share" of which falls on the identification of the future groom. Girls, would you like to know what character your spouse will have? In this case, you will need to pet an unfamiliar cat on January 25 and watch his reaction:

  • If the fluffy purrs and begins to flatter, then the spouse will be kind and reliable.
  • Did the cat run away? This means no weddings are expected this year.
  • The cat will meow - you will get a chatty husband
  • If the cat releases its claws, then the spouse will be a brawler.

If two friends wanted to know which of them would marry first, then they should have taken two threads of the same length. These threads had to be simultaneously set on fire from a candle. A girl whose thread has burned out faster should be the first to find family happiness. If, during the fortune-telling, the thread went out, then this meant that in the near future the girl was not destined to go down the aisle.

To tell fortunes for the future, you should take a raw egg on Tatyana's day, make a neat hole in it, and then pour the contents into a bowl of boiling water. The protein will curl up and take on a certain shape, you will need to determine what it looks like. If you see the silhouette of an animal, then get ready to meet you soon. The ship heralds a journey, and the male figure is a secret admirer. A flower "appears" for gifts, a house or a hut - for an early marriage.