When to harvest eggplants. How do you know when eggplants are ripe? How to determine eggplant ripeness

For eggplant, there are two degrees of maturity: biological and technical. In the first case, the fruit is fully ripened, when the seeds turn brown and the pulp is loose and bitter in taste. Such vegetables are only suitable for collecting seeds. For consumption, eggplants that have reached technical maturity are used - slightly unripe, but with good taste and without bitterness. In this regard, the question arises: how to determine this technical ripeness, and by what signs can we understand that the vegetable is ready for consumption?

It should be clarified that the color of an eggplant appears even at the ovary stage - some novice gardeners who have not previously seen the ovary of this vegetable think that it, like a tomato, will acquire color when it ripens. Therefore, the main guideline when determining the ripeness of young fruits is not so much the color as the glossy surface. This is when the vegetable has already reached its biological maturity, its color will turn brownish.

Nowadays, a wide variety of eggplant varieties are being planted, so you need to be guided by color based on the variety. The most common “blue” varieties are characterized by a rich purple-black color of the fruit. The vegetable retains this color during its growth, and begins to change it some time after reaching its maximum size.

For “blue” varieties, a sign that the vegetable is beginning to overripe is a slight lightening of the color, the formation of greenish foci or stripes on the top. The pulp of the fruit contains dense, but still white seeds. This eggplant can be eaten, but its flesh may be slightly bitter.

The main sign of technical ripeness of “blue” eggplants is a glossy (shiny), smooth and elastic surface. When pressed, the peel should be slightly springy and easily return to its original state. If the peel is so hard that you can’t press it with your finger, this is a sign that the vegetable has become overripe.

In white eggplants, technical maturity is expressed in an intense milky color. The surface of white vegetables, depending on the variety, can be either glossy or shiny, so the main guideline is a uniform milky color. When overripe, these fruits will turn yellow, and when they reach biological ripeness, they may even acquire a brown color.

As for the color and shine of the peel, the “blue” varieties, when overripe, acquire a brownish color and lose their glossy shine. The peel becomes dull and flabby. In this case, the entire appearance of the vegetable will be unattractive and stale. Such fruits are no longer suitable for food.

To size

It is quite difficult to determine the degree of ripeness of an eggplant by size. First, you need to know the technical characteristics of the variety, and based on this, measure the length and diameter of the vegetable. Many vegetable growers are inclined to believe that eggplants, like zucchini, are tastier the younger they are. However, one should not go to extremes - a young fetus can still significantly gain weight without losing its taste.

Can size indicate the ripeness of a vegetable? – the question is not fundamental, since eggplants can be picked at any stage of growth. The main thing is to prevent over-ripening. If you still want to allow them to grow to their maximum size, then the main criterion indicating that the vegetable has reached technical ripeness can be the cessation of its growth within one week.

If you look closely at young fruits, their size increases by a couple of centimeters every day. And only when they reach their maximum do they stop growing. If the eggplant has stopped growing in size, this means that it will soon begin to age, so there is no point in keeping it on the bush.

Video “Growing eggplants”

This video shows the process of harvesting eggplants.

According to ripening time

If you grow unusual hybrids on your plot and do not know exactly what color, size and shape they should be, then the only guideline in this case is the ripening time of the vegetables. Technical maturity of eggplants occurs on average 25-40 days from the start of flowering.

When sowing seeds, pay attention to the ripening time of your hybrids, and it is better to save the packaging until harvest. If the variety is an early ripening variety, then the first fruits can be harvested approximately 100-115 days from the day the seeds were sown, or 20-25 days from the moment the peduncle appeared.

For varieties of the middle ripening period, the technical maturity of the fruit occurs 115-125 days after planting the seeds, and for late varieties - 120-140 days. But usually, hybrid varieties are characterized by an early ripening period.

In any case, a mature hybrid, regardless of size and color, should have an elastic, glossy surface. It should be noted that some “colored” eggplants at the ovary stage may have a rough peel, and even slight hairiness, but during the ripening process the peel evens out and becomes smooth.

According to pulp condition

The flesh of a ripe eggplant should be dense and elastic. At the stage of technical maturity, it contains soft, underdeveloped seeds that are easily cut with a knife. If the seeds come off and stick to the knife, you can judge that the vegetable is slightly overripe. Such pulp may contain a slight bitterness - the young fruit has no bitterness.

The question may arise - how to find out the condition of the pulp without cutting the eggplants? If you choose vegetables at the market or supermarket, take a couple of pieces of the same size and weigh them in your hand. The heaviest one will have the densest and highest quality pulp - as it ages, the pulp becomes loose and its weight decreases. Approximately the same procedure can be done with fruits on a bush. Of course, you shouldn’t tear it off, you just need to lift the fruit and compare its weight with its size - an experienced housewife usually won’t have any difficulties with this.

Video “Eggplant. Harvesting"

The video talks about when and how to harvest eggplants.

Eggplant is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is bred as an annual in the southern territory of Russia and Ukraine. This article will be useful to gardeners and summer residents and in it we will look at how to determine the ripeness of an eggplant by the bush.

How to determine the ripeness of an eggplant by the bush: general signs of fruit ripeness

From a biological point of view, the fruit is a berry. However, many are accustomed to considering eggplant a vegetable. The plant can reach from 0.4 to 1.5 m in height. Large, rough leaves of different varieties can vary in shades - from solid green to green with a purple tint.

At maturity, an eggplant bush can reach 1.5 meters.

The plant blooms from July to September with bisexual purple flowers from 25 to 50 mm in diameter. Depending on the variety, inflorescences can be either single or semi-umbrella (from 2 to 7 flowers in a semi-umbrella).

The shapes of eggplant berries are different for different varieties. There are round, cylindrical and pear-shaped fruits. The eggplant shell is most often glossy, but it can also be matte.

The sizes of the fruits are different. A ripe berry can reach 70 cm in length, about 20 cm in diameter and weigh from 400 to 1000 g. The color of eggplants is varied - from dull green to red-yellow. A fully ripened fruit acquires a brown tint.

The most common color of unripe fruit eaten for gardeners in Russia is purple or blue-black. In this regard, the common name for eggplant is “little blue”.

The seeds are small, flat, light brown in color. Full ripening of the seed occurs in August - September. An interesting feature and an obstacle to harvesting are the thorns on the cup, which can injure the gardener’s hands.

General rules of eggplant agricultural technology

Eggplant is grown as an annual fruit plant in subtropics and temperate zones. Eggplant is a rather demanding crop. This is probably why it is found in Russian gardens much less frequently than cucumbers and tomatoes. Below are the basic rules for growing eggplants in the middle zone.

  1. The plant has increased sensitivity to temperature changes. So a sharp spring cold snap can cause the ovaries to wilt and fall off. However, like sudden warming;
  2. The best temperature regime for active growth and fruiting is within 25 - 28 degrees Celsius;
  3. Soil moisture should be 80%. This is especially important during the fruiting period. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water;
  4. When forcing seedlings, you must maintain a temperature above 15 degrees. At lower temperatures, seeds do not germinate;
  5. Eggplants are not planted in winter because at prolonged subzero temperatures the seeds and the plant itself die;
  6. This culture is also very demanding of light. In conditions of strong shade, the plant develops poorly and slowly, the fruits are small;
  7. The soil for planting should be light. Fertilizer in this case will be completely unnecessary. The soil is perfect after growing cucumbers, onions, cabbage, and legumes on it;
  8. It is strictly forbidden to plant eggplant in place of tomatoes;
  9. Due to the sensitive root system, eggplant does not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, it is grown for seedlings in separate containers. Thus, when planting in a permanent place with a lump of earth, the root system remains intact;

Caring for eggplant comes down to actions common to all crops:

  • loosening (shallow);
  • removal of weeds;
  • regular watering;
  • pest control; prevention of diseases.

Tip #1. Fruit maturity can be technical or biological. Only technically ripe eggplants are eaten.

Growing eggplants in infographics

For key principles of growing eggplants, see the infographic.

How to determine the ripeness of an eggplant by the fruit. Technical maturity

Technical maturity implies the best period for consumption. In fact, unripe eggplants are used in cooking. They have a pleasant taste and optimal content of vitamins and microelements.

When checking an eggplant on a bush, you need to consider several factors:

  • ripe fruit has a uniform color on all sides. Depending on the variety, the color of the product suitable for consumption is indicated on the seed packaging. The presence of a yellowish spot on one side indicates that the product is unripe or diseased;
  • pressing on a ripe eggplant will leave small indentations in the skin. But such traces remain on overripe fruits.

Tip #2. If the eggplant is overexposed, it will be revealed not only by the prints remaining after pressing, but also by its decrepit appearance.

Even color shows the ripeness of the eggplant; when you press on a ripe eggplant, small dents will remain on the skin.

When pressed, an unripe berry will instantly return to its previous shape. In addition, you can cut the berry and look inside. In a ripe fruit, the seeds are soft and white in color.

Ripe eggplant seeds are soft and light white in color.

Signs of an overripe eggplant. Biological maturity

Biological - the last stage of maturation. The berry at this stage can no longer be used as a food product. A biologically ripe product is only suitable for further propagation. The seeds in it are ripe and ready to germinate.

The main signs of biological maturation on a bush are:

  • change in skin color. At this stage, the skin of the fruit becomes brown;
  • when you press on the fruit, a dent from your finger remains;
  • the appearance of the fruit itself.

Comparison of the composition of technically and biologically ripe eggplant

Technical maturity Biological maturity (average)
dry matter 7,1 - 11,1 12
sugar 2,8 - 4,1 3
protein 0,5 - 1,5 2
fats 0,2 - 0,5 0,7
potassium 238 259
phosphorus 34 43
iron 0,4 0,8
B vitamins 0,04 - 0,3 0,2
calcium salts 15 15

Overripe eggplant seeds are used for planting. Eggplant peel has a brown tint

Common varieties of eggplants and approximate periods of their ripeness

Eggplant varieties can vary in many ways. There are early-ripening (early), mid-ripening and late varieties. The shapes are completely different - from small balls to elongated cylinders. The colors of the fruits are also different - from white and light green to purple and almost black. The weight of eggplants can be in the range of 0.03 - 2 kg. Thanks to breeders, some eggplant varieties are able to resist diseases and pests.

There are many different varieties of eggplants, differing in shape and taste.

Varieties have also been developed that are intended only for cultivation in greenhouses. They have a longer period of cultivation and ripening, more complex agricultural technology, but for that the yield is an order of magnitude higher than others. There are also varieties designed specifically for growing in containers. They are distinguished by their small sizes. The table below shows the characteristics of eggplants and their ripening time.

Variety general description Ripening time
Diamond. The plant is compact, 46 - 55 cm in height. The berries are cylindrical, dark, purple, length is 13 - 19 cm, average berry weight is 110 - 170 g. 110-150 days (mid-season).
Banana. The height of the plant is small, the bush is neat. The fruit is elongated, curved, purple; there are few or no spines; average berry weight is 156 g. Intended for both open ground and containers. about 110 days.
Hippopotamus Plant height up to 220 cm. The fruit is pear-shaped, up to 28 cm in length, dark, purple; there are few spines on the calyx; average berry weight up to 360 g. Intended for long-term cultivation in greenhouses. about 90 days (mid-season)
Faith The plant is compact, 69 - 77 cm tall. The berry is pear-shaped, bright, purple, 14 - 21 cm in length; average berry weight is 140 - 210 g. 100 - 116 days
Vicar. Plant height 75 - 110 cm. The berry is pear-shaped, light purple in color, there are very few thorns on the cup; average berry weight is 110 - 170 g. Intended for film coverings. Relatively cold-resistant compared to others. 120 days.
Airship. The plant is tall and standard. The berries are cylindrical, purple; few thorns; berry weight up to 1.2 kg. Intended for film shelters. 120 - 140 days.
Giselle F1. The berries are dark, purple, almost black, cylindrical, about 30 cm long, 9 cm in diameter; The average weight of a berry is 250 - 550 g. The berries are stored for a long time and are easily transported. Resistant to low night temperatures and sudden changes. Early ripening.
Lolita F1. Plant up to 300 cm tall. The berries are cylindrical, purple, glossy skin; The average weight of the berry is 300 g, there are very few thorns. on day 112
Sailor. The plant is standard. The fruit is striped - lilac and white, the calyx has spikes; average berry weight is 152 g. Used for open ground, film shelters and greenhouses. Resistant to fading. 100 days
Orion F1. The plant is spreading and can reach 190 cm in height. The berry is pear-shaped, purple, glossy skin; average berry weight 260 - 340 g; no thorns. 120 - 125 days.
Pelican F1 The plant is compact, up to 180 cm tall. The berries are cylindrical, white, glossy skin; There are very few thorns; The average weight of the berry is 80 - 145 g. It is stored for a long time and is well transported. Designed for film shelters. 110 - 112 days.
Ping Pong F1 The plant is semi-spreading, compact, up to 800 cm tall. The fruit is spherical, white, glossy skin; there are very few thorns; The average berry weight is 80 - 96 g. The berries are stored for a long time and are well transported. Used for film coverings. 118 - 121 days.
Robin Hood The plant is neat, low-growing, does not need shaping. The berries are elongated pear-shaped, 14 - 22 cm long, purple, average berry weight 150 - 350 g. 110 - 130 days.
Romantic. The plant is standard. The fruit is oval, mauve in color, the calyx is without thorns; average berry weight 170 - 290 g. Designed for film coverings. 110 - 140 days
Lilac The plant is compact. The berries are cylindrical, mauve or light lilac in color, there are no thorns on the cup; average berry weight is 200 g. Designed for growing in open ground and film shelters. 90-107 days
Snow Plant height 850 -110 cm. The berries are cylindrical, about 23 cm long, white, no thorns on the cup; average berry weight is 260 - 340 g. Intended for film shelters and greenhouses. about 108 days
Namesake The plant is standard. The berries are oval, mauve in color, there are no thorns on the calyx; average berry weight is 520 - 980 g. Intended for film coverings. 110 - 140 days.
Purple miracle. Plant height 95 - 125 cm. The berries are cylindrical, slightly curved, purple, with few thorns on the cup; average berry weight is 110 - 330 g. Intended for film shelters and greenhouses. 97 - 103 days.
Nutcracker F1. Plant height 160 - 190 cm. The fruit is oval, purple, calyx with a small number of thorns; average berry weight is 220 (up to 380) g. It is famous for its regular fruit formation. The berries are stored for a long time and are transportable. Intended for extended cultivation in winter greenhouses. From 48 days (average 99 - 107 days).

The average ripening time for eggplant is 100 days. It is necessary to select varieties that are most adapted to regional growing conditions.

Possible pests and ways to combat them

Colorado potato beetle - manual assembly, use of special preparations (Acrofit)

Spider mites - diluted 1:1 flea remedy, tobacco dust.

Possible diseases and ways to prevent them

Dry rot - harvesting infected fruits, sparse plantings, treatment with copper, fungicides.

Late blight - treatment with copper, folk remedies and/or fungicides.

Answers to pressing questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. Is it possible to eat raw eggplants?

Can. They, like other vegetables, are very useful fresh during the period of technical ripeness.

Question No. 2. What to do if the eggplant is very bitter?

Bitterness in the fruit is a sign of a high content of corned beef-M. This is a fairly toxic alkaloid, the content of which increases with biological maturation. In large quantities, corned beef-M is poisonous. It is not recommended to eat such eggplant.

Question No. 3. One of the bushes in the eggplant seedlings grows with large thorns. Is this this type?

Yes, this is a variety. More precisely, the initial natural property of eggplant is protection from caterpillars. The absence of such spines is the result of the work of breeders.

Question No. 4. Is it possible to plant eggplants with cucumbers and tomatoes?

Eggplants do not get along with tomatoes in the neighborhood. It’s possible with cucumbers, but the likelihood of spider mites appearing on both increases.

Question No. 5. Eggplant sheds flowers. What to do?

It is necessary to check compliance with the above rules of agricultural technology. If they are met, use the special “Ovary” fertilizer.

Gardeners say.

Unfortunately, many people think: “We spent money on seeds of fashionable, highly praised varieties or hybrids in beautiful packaging, and that’s it with a harvest.” But it is not so.

It is equally important to provide the plants with proper care. This, just like 100 years ago, remains relevant today. For the same seeds, from the same bag, there are gratitude for excellent quality and reproaches even for dishonesty.

Eggplants are considered the most difficult to grow from seedling vegetables., and therefore their care should be appropriate, more thorough than for peppers and tomatoes.

Let's dwell on main rules growing eggplants.

If you seedlings were sown late eggplant or bought it at the market and it did not take root well, then in the conditions of the short Siberian summer you may not get a harvest at all. The size of the eggplant harvest also depends on the age of the seedlings: 70-80 day seedlings give a good harvest, but the 60-day one is already 50% less.

I’ll tell you about the Chinese experience of growing eggplants. They immerse the seeds in warm water before planting(+40...+50°C) for 10 hours, then the water is drained, the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept for 5-7 days at a temperature of 30-37 degrees until sprouts appear in 50-60% of the seeds.

And also Chinese vegetable growers 120-130 day old seedlings are planted and achieve excellent harvests.

And some gardeners believe that even in February it is too early to grow eggplants, and therefore remain dissatisfied with the yield of this crop. Much depends on the soil for growing seedlings. It is better to use soils with a full set of nutrients. It is very important to remember the following: eggplants do not tolerate transplantation well, and therefore it is better to sow them immediately in separate containers.

The next important point when growing seedlings: eggplants need a “short day” - 12-14 hours. Eggplants are especially sensitive to the “short day” from 10 days of seedlings to flowering. When planting seedlings grown in longer daylight hours, they will feel great, bloom, and for a long time, but will set little fruit. This is what many vegetable growers complain about.

Eggplant is a southern crop, and love warmth. When growing seedlings, it is important to maintain the temperature (the first 5-6 days) during the day, +16-18°C, and at night, +12-14°C. In the future, if the weather is sunny, +22-28°C and if cloudy, +18-20°C.

When growing eggplants, you need to take into account that their homeland is the humid subtropics, and they should receive even more water than peppers, since their leaf surface is larger. The falling of buds and ovaries is the first sign of irregular watering. You need to water with warm water and preferably in the first half of the day.. For those who rarely visit the garden, it is simply necessary to use black mulching covering material in the garden bed. Weeds do not grow under it, the soil warms up better, moisture is retained, and you will get a harvest 7-10 days earlier.

No, and there cannot be trifles when growing seedlings. They poured warm water over it and placed it on a cold windowsill, the damp earth quickly cooled down, the roots became supercooled and began to die. If you water eggplants with cold water, especially in the evening, the seedlings may get sick..

You need to feed the seedlings carefully. The rate of fertilizer application should be 2 times less than for adult plants. An overdose will lead to oppression of seedlings and their poor development.

Eggplants are grown on fertile soil; the planting site must be protected from the winds. They grow well after cucumbers, legumes, root vegetables and green crops. 2 weeks before planting eggplants in the ground, they begin to harden. The best way to plant and grow eggplants is under white covering material, which creates the most favorable climate for this southern culture. During the flowering period, to pollinate the fruits, you need to open one side of the bed.

How to shape eggplants?

When the eggplants get stronger after planting and grow by 30 cm, then the bushes should remove apical growth points. After this, the plants begin to branch intensively, and when the side shoots grow and form, no more than four of the strongest branches are left. Eggplant bushes are very fragile, so they must be tied up to pegs or trellises. Usually on every plant leave no more than five to six fruits, and the remaining flowers and ovaries are removed. The fruits are harvested as they ripen and cut very carefully with a knife or scissors.

Experienced gardener Lyudmila tells.

Eggplants in Magadan.

Varieties - Diamond, Black handsome, Violet long, Nutcracker F1, Giselle F1.

For seedlings - late January - early February. Box - 7 cm high. Sand, peat, humus (1:1:1) plus ash - 1 cup per 2 buckets of the mixture. Sprinkle with hot potassium permanganate.

I disinfect the seeds in potassium permanganate and for two days in the Ideal + Humate + 7 solution. In rows. Warm, under film. Shoots - in a bright place. After picking - in 0.5 liter glasses. Every day after 15:00 I turn on the backlight. Watering is moderate. Fertilizing - fertilizing with Humate once every 2 weeks. In May - to the greenhouse (until June 10).

High ridge - 60 cm. In a checkerboard pattern, in each hole - 0.5 liters of humus. 1 glass of ash and 1 tsp fertilizer (azofoska or Kemira). Seedlings - under arcs (non-woven material and film). Watering once every 3 days; in sunny weather, remove the cover.

Form into 3-4 stems, removing all lower leaves and excess shoots, feed 2-3 times with fermented grass and mullein and sprinkle the rows with ash.

In mid-August, pinch all the tops and remove yellowed leaves.

Eggplant is considered a longevity vegetable. With long-term and constant consumption of eggplants as food, they have a noticeable hypolipidemic effect, manifested in reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, eating eggplants is very useful for prevention and treatment. atherosclerosis. The presence of a significant amount of potassium in eggplants has a positive effect on activity hearts and promotes the removal of fluid from the body.

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Eggplants are one of the most demanding members of the nightshade family. But it turns out that it is not enough for them to simply provide the proper conditions for growth and development. It is also extremely important to pick the eggplant from the bush in time. Otherwise, solanine will accumulate in the fruit. This is a poisonous alkaloid that gives the vegetable a noticeable bitterness. In order for the harvest to be as tasty and healthy as possible, you need to be aware of the timing of the harvest. We'll talk about them today. And also about where and how to store eggplant “zucchini” so that they remain fresh longer.

Difference between technical and biological ripeness of eggplant

Before you start harvesting, you need to understand what its purpose is. Some gardeners pick fruits from the bush in order to use them for food. The other part intends to stock up on seeds of one or another variety of nightshade vegetable. What goal do you set for yourself?

  • If you intend to eat all the collected vegetables, then you need to remove them from the bushes in a state of so-called technical maturity. As the vegetables sit, they will reach their peak ripeness.
  • If you want to obtain planting material from the fruits, you need to remove eggplants from the bush only after reaching biological ripeness. In other words, when the little blue one is 100% mature, and not 90% or 95%, as is the case with technical maturity.
Please note: for purchased seeds, the ripening period of the variety is always indicated on the packaging.

TOP 3 ripening periods for blueberries

Depending on the type and variety, blueberries are divided into three groups. The main criterion for this division is the ripening period of the vegetable.

  1. Early ripening varieties. From the moment the seeds of one of these varieties were sown to obtain seedlings until the moment when the fruits are ready for harvesting, 90 to 110 days pass. In this case, 90 days is the lower limit of the norm, which can be considered the period of technical ripening of a vegetable. And 110 days is the upper limit of the norm, that is, the period during which the eggplant reaches its biological maturity.
  2. Mid-early varieties. These eggplant varieties take longer to ripen than early ripening varieties. Vegetables reach biological maturity 115 days after sowing the seeds. And technical maturity - after 130 days at a similar time point.
  3. Late ripening varieties. The blue species that ripen later than all others become biologically mature after 130 days, and technically mature after 140 days. And these are the longest indicators of all existing ones.
Please note: eggplants are able to meet the deadline indicated on the package with seeds only if no force majeure circumstances disrupt the growing season of the garden crop.

How to determine the technical ripeness of eggplant

However, all of the above does not mean that you should remove vegetables from the bushes after the period indicated on the package. Often, gardeners and vegetable gardeners have to not only count the days, but also analyze the growing conditions of the vegetable crop. It is obvious that in harsher and colder climates the growth and development of the vegetable is slowed down due to weather difficulties. And this also needs to be taken into account when calculating the ideal harvest date.

There are a number of parameters by assessing which you can accurately understand whether the crop has reached its technical maturity or has not yet reached it. If you have achieved it, feel free to pick the little blue ones, store them or use them as an ingredient for homemade preparations. If not, be patient and wait a little.

  1. Size. A technically mature blueberry must correspond in its parameters to the sizes that are relevant for its variety.
  2. Pulp quality. The pulp of a technically mature vegetable is quite dense in structure. If you taste it, then the bitterness inherent in old fruits will not be inherent in it.
  3. External “covering”. Eggplant, ready to participate in culinary experiments, has a glossy, absolutely smooth skin. This does not apply to species for which smooth skin is not a varietal feature. But most often the surface of the vegetable is exactly like this.
From the moment of flowering to technical ripeness, eggplant takes from three to four weeks. If we count from the moment the ovary appears, then the little blue one will become technically ripe in 14-21 days.

Fruit size and other landmarks

It is believed that the main criterion for drawing conclusions about the readiness or unreadiness of a vegetable is size. However, you must remember that the dimensions of the blue ones directly depend on the variety to which they belong. Some vegetables never grow longer than 10 cm. Others, just the opposite, grow up to 30 cm in length. The way out of this controversial situation is simple: look at the fetus and observe it for seven days. If during this period it does not grow a millimeter, then it is really time to pluck it.

Some gardeners and gardeners on forums and in thematic public pages recommend picking blue ones before they grow. That is, at the moment when vegetables are compact and miniature. This practice is really relevant. But not in the case of blue ones, but in the case of cucumbers. Cucumber fruits are indeed crispier in their structure and more valuable in their vitamin composition until they have grown. But this has little to do with eggplants. Of course, no one can forbid you to eat an undergrown fruit. But you must understand: an underdeveloped blueberry does not have such a rich composition of vitamins, minerals and amino acids as a fetus that has reached technical maturity. For the rest, the choice is yours.

Characteristics of the pulp of technically mature eggplant

The pulp is the “organ” of the vegetable, inspection of which will make it clear how ready the nightshade is to go into a jar of homemade preserves or into a frying pan. Pay attention to the following characteristics of the pulp:

  • sufficient density- touch the vegetable hanging on the bush and lightly press it with your finger; if a dent appears on the vegetable, but after a second or two it evens out, then pick the little blue one - it is ready for culinary manipulations or sending to the vegetable store;
  • insufficient density- if after pressing the notch did not form, and therefore subsequent leveling did not occur, it means that the eggplant is not fully ripe and it needs to be given a little more time to reach “condition”.

Characteristics of a biologically ripe vegetable

If you need vegetable seeds, then you will have to wait until the blue one becomes biologically ripe. There are a number of characteristics that will indicate to you the biological maturity of the vegetable:

  • skin color: biologically ripe blueberries have a brownish or even yellowish tint;
  • pulp quality: an overripe fruit has loose pulp that is easy to press, does not spring back and does not recover; after manipulation, the dent remains on the surface of the vegetable;
  • seed color: If you cut a biologically ripe blueberry in half, you can find brown or black seeds that have ripened inside the fruit.
To distinguish ripe blueberries from overripe ones, you need to look at the color of the vegetables. The latter will have a brownish tint, indicating that the pulp is overripe. Ideally ripe nightshades will not have a brown tint in their color. They are white, purple, dark blue or blue-black - depending on the variety.

Secrets to collecting perfect seed

If you are waiting until eggplants are ripe to collect seeds for planting next year, take only those vegetables that are larger and more beautiful than their counterparts. Wait for the moment when the skin on the most beautiful blue ones begins to dry out a little. As soon as you see that this has happened, feel free to remove the fruits and store them for 7-14 days in a cool place without access to sunlight. During this time, the seeds will finally ripen, and you can use them as planting material for a new “population” of nightshades.

Eggplant harvesting technique

Eggplants are not characterized by synchronicity. They, like tomatoes, ripen in turns: first one, then another, then the next. Therefore, fruits must be checked for ripeness every two to three days - otherwise you risk leaving the little blue ones on the bush.

Cutting algorithm

  1. Take a sharp knife or garden pruner.
  2. We place the blade so that the length of the stalk associated with the vegetable is no less than 3 cm and no more than 5 cm.
  3. Cut it off.

If the fact of timely ripening of the crop is extremely important to you, and you want to stimulate this process, do the following:

  1. using a sharp knife, make a small cut on the stem;
  2. take a stick made of natural wood;
  3. Gently push the walls of the cut apart using a wooden tool.

What will it give? A lot: the nutrients that up to this point have been supplied to the foliage will decrease. The plant will understand that the amount of nutrition is no longer the same, and will begin to work in an accelerated mode, putting all its energy and juices into ripening the fruits, and not into developing leaves. Another option for stimulating rapid ripening is to cover the eggplant bed with thick polyethylene.

If you cut the blue ones on time, but the fruits are still bitter, it means that during the period of growth and development the vegetable crop was underwatered. Lack of moisture led to the accumulation of solanine in the vegetable.

Features of eggplant storage

Fruits that you intend to store for a long time should never be washed. It is enough to take a dry cloth and gently wipe their glossy surface, removing the adhered soil in some places. Next, we proceed according to the algorithm described below.

Step-by-step preparation for lying down

  1. We go down to the cellar or basement.
  2. We lay the blue ones in two layers directly on the floor, without putting anything under them.
  3. We make sure that the temperature in the storage ranges between 0-2°C.
  4. After 14-21 days, we carry out inspection measures: we remove spoiled fruits, and leave vegetables with dense pulp in storage.
  5. Lay a layer of straw at least 20 cm high on the floor.
  6. We place the blue ones on the straw layer so that they do not touch each other.
  7. Cover the top layer of blue ones with bags or any dense material.

To ensure that the harvest lasts as long as possible, select late-ripening rather than early-ripening varieties for storage.

If you plan to prepare the entire harvest in the near future, spending part of it on culinary masterpieces and the other part on homemade preparations, it is not at all necessary to lower the vegetables into the cellar. The blue ones will easily last from 14 to 20 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The main thing is to put them in a bag that is protected from sunlight. It is highly desirable that the packaging be black. The fact is that under the influence of sunlight, solanine continues to accumulate in the blue ones, which in large quantities is harmful to the human body. Light-proof packaging is an easy way to avoid turning a healthy vegetable into a piggy bank for poison.

​Similar articles​

Eggplant growing technology

Choosing the right place to plant eggplants

  1. ​Eggplant is especially sensitive to short days during the initial growth period - from 10 days of age to flowering. A short day at this time significantly accelerates development.​
  2. ​Microelements in the form of salts of molybdenum, boron, copper are necessary for plants for growth, development and fruiting.​

Preparing the soil mixture and sowing seeds

​Can be used in open ground to protect plants


​. It grows best at a temperature of +22–30 °C.​

When the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm, their apical growth points are removed. This accelerates the formation of 3-4 side shoots.​

​Eggplants have been known to man since very ancient times. It is believed that the birthplace of this vegetable is Eastern India. It was there that eggplant grew wild. And its cultivation took place in Central Asia and China. In Russia, this vegetable gained fame at the beginning of the 17th century and immediately won the preference of our compatriots. Dishes made from it not only have an exquisite taste, but also bring tangible benefits to the human body. After all, these fruits contain a large amount of vitamins (B, C), phosphorus, sodium and many other micro- and macroelements.​

​During daylight hours, the plants should receive shadow only from clouds. Another slightest shading - by buildings and plants adjacent to the greenhouse - leads to a decrease in yield.​

How to plant seedlings in open ground

​In years with warm springs, they suffer less from high temperatures in summer.​

​By observing a 12-hour day during the period of growing seedlings, plant development can be accelerated by 10-35 days.​

​biological product "Actofit"

  • ​possibly before fruiting begins.​
  • ​In hot weather, plants’ flowers begin to fall off, and at temperatures below +12 °C, they stop developing.​
  • ​You should immediately take into account that eggplants love abundant and regular watering. Plants need to be watered with warm water (24 - 25°C), otherwise their growth will slow down. The first watering of eggplants should be done 2-3 days after planting, and the next - after 3-4 days.​

​Eggplant is a subtropical plant that is grown for its egg-shaped fruits. The fruits most often have a purple color, but there are varieties with white fruits.​

How to water eggplants correctly

​Eggplant consumes a lot of water during the seedling period. Having a large leaf surface, eggplant plants evaporate a significant amount of moisture and need frequent watering.​

​With the beginning of fruiting, the doses of mineral fertilizers in fertilizing are doubled.​

Feeding fruits and bush formation

​After flowering, it can develop quickly even in long days.​

  1. ​In terms of heat requirements, it surpasses tomatoes and even peppers.​
  2. ​, but it is washed off with water.​
  3. ​If the disease appears later, you can cut off all the fruits and add them to the plants. And although you will lose part of the harvest, the problem will be solved. It is better to feed eggplant with complex fertilizers with the entire set of microelements on an organic or mineral basis, 1–2 times during the seedling period.

With a lack of moisture, eggplant yield decreases

  • ​After this, you need to water the plants, adhering to the following scheme. Before flowering, eggplants need to be watered once a week. Approximate volume of water per 1 sq. m - 10-12 l. During the flowering and fruiting period - every 4-5 days with the same amount of water. If you water plants less frequently, but increase the amount of water, this will lead to excessive waterlogging of the soil, which is harmful for this fruit.​
  • This is probably why eggplant is one of the favorites in summer cottages. Growing eggplants has its own characteristics and secrets, but if you carefully follow all the tips for growing it, you can reap a good harvest at your own dacha!​
  • ​So, the eggplant sets fruit only when the flower is exposed to direct sunlight.​

Plants need intense sunlight. They belong to short-day or day-length-neutral forms.​

Harvesting and proper storage of eggplants

​The minimum temperature for seed germination is +13°C, the optimal temperature is +20-26°C, at which seedlings appear on the 8-12th day.​

​The drug "Prestige"​

Preparing eggplant seeds for future plantings


​(and the fruits are bitter), and when over-watered, the plants are affected by diseases.​

​Feeding of eggplants should be done 3 times during the next stages of their cultivation.​

​When choosing a site at your dacha for growing eggplants, it is important to consider some points.​


All the secrets of growing eggplants

Therefore, when forming a plant, it is necessary to remove the leaves that shade the flower.

Demanding eggplant

​Eggplant is especially sensitive to short days during the initial growth period - from 10 days of age to flowering. A short day at this time significantly accelerates development. Microelements in the form of salts of molybdenum, boron, copper are necessary for plants for growth, development and fruiting. Storing the eggplant harvest

​It is better not to use it for eggplant, as the fruits become inedible. Spraying with pesticides will also not help much: some groups of drugs cause blackening and drying of flowers.​

Preparing soil for eggplants

​loosening and hilling​

​This crop requires loose, warm, permeable and nutritious soil.​

​Period of bud formation.​​Seeds are sown on trays or in cups with a compost-based nutrient mixture. At this time, the temperature is maintained at 21°C.​ ​With the beginning of fruiting, the doses of mineral fertilizers in the fertilizer are doubled.​ ​By observing a 12-hour day during the period of growing seedlings, plant development can be accelerated by 10-35 days.​​Eggplant loves warmth very much throughout the growing season.​

​Caring for plants consists of maintaining the required air temperature, watering, fertilizing, protecting them from frost, pests and pathogens.​

Growing eggplant seedlings

​However, if you harden them (keep them for 10-15 days at a temperature of +10°C, and then at an elevated temperature of +18-22°C), then vigorous shoots appear on the 3-7th day.​ The time of fruit ripening depends on what kind of summer it was. This usually happens Carry out after the second watering.

​In this case, the roots of the plant will grow evenly in all directions and penetrate to a considerable depth, which will allow for high yields.​

​Before harvest.​​In past years, potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers should not have grown on it - the harvest in this case will only decrease, since vegetables from the nightshade family (eggplants are also one of them) tend to remove useful macro- and microelements from the soil. This rule does not apply only to potatoes; they can grow in the same area for several years in a row. But eggplants are quite finicky to grow and will not be able to grow normally in such soil. It is best if cucumbers, peas or cabbage grew in front of them.​

​When do you start picking eggplants?​ ​After flowering, it can develop quickly even in long days.​​In terms of heat requirements, it is superior to tomatoes and even peppers.​​The fruits are collected regularly every 5-7 days, carefully cutting them with a knife or pruning shears along with the stalk.​ ​Eggplant is a short-day plant, it begins to flower when the day length is no more 14 hours.​ ​Plants develop faster and produce a significantly larger fruit yield.​​in mid-August and continues until the first frost​

Later, when watering is carried out once a week, the soil is loosened shallowly.

Variety "Samurai F1". Early, high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, hard, fleshy, dark purple, glossy. Fruit length is 20–25 cm, diameter is 4–5 cm, weight is 180–220 g. It ripens 3–4 fruits per cluster; with increased nutrition, it sets up to 6 fruits per cluster. Universal purpose. PHOTO: Viktor Makhankov

​They are used for eggplants ​When fruits form on the side shoots.​​The best location for the growing site is the south side (after all, eggplant is a heat-loving vegetable crop), protected from the winds (strong gusts of wind, especially from the north, will only be harmful).​

​Storing the eggplant harvest​

​Insufficient illumination of plants retards growth, causes a delay in branching and the beginning of flowering.​

​The minimum temperature for seed germination is +13°C, the optimal temperature is +20-26°C, at which seedlings appear on the 8-12th day.​ ​Fruit harvesting continues until the first frost.​

​. At optimal temperatures, harvesting is carried out 20–35 days after flowering.​ During the flowering period, refreshing watering is done.

​small, well-lit ridge​

​Feeding of eggplants is carried out with an aqueous solution per 1 square meter. m, including the following substances: When the seedlings become large enough, they are planted one by one into peat pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm.​The harvesting of fruits begins when they are in the phase of technical ripeness and reach the size and color characteristic of the variety.​

​When grown in shaded areas, eggplant does not bear fruit.​ ​At temperatures of +10°C and below, eggplant seeds do not germinate.​

Protection from diseases and pests

​Reducing the length of the day to 10-12 hours (at high light intensity) allows you to accelerate the onset of fruiting.​​At higher temperatures, plant growth stops, and at +13°C and below it stops, the plants gradually turn yellow and die.​ ​For uniform ripening

Root shoots are removed regularly ​, no shading. Into the soil​potassium chloride (5-10 g);​​Eggplants are grown through seedlings. It is better to sow eggplants at the end of February. Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare a soil mixture for eggplants. This is done as follows. You need to take 2 parts of humus, one part each of turf and sand. The sand must be rinsed well with hot water and also steamed for 15 minutes (since it can be infected with various diseases, for example, “blackleg”). For one bucket of this mixture you need to add 60 g of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of ash. Mix the resulting soil mixture well. Collect the fruits regularly every 5-7 days, carefully cutting them with a knife or pruning shears along with the stalk.

Harvesting eggplants

​Caring for plants consists of maintaining the required air temperature, watering, fertilizing, protecting them from frost, pests and pathogens.​​However, if they are hardened (maintain 10-15 days at a temperature of +10°C, and then at an elevated temperature +18-22°C), then friendly shoots appear on the 3-7th day. The pulp of the fruit should be juicy, elastic, without voids, the seed nest should have underdeveloped, white seeds.

​In the first two weeks of growth, eggplants are very sensitive to low temperatures.​​Eggplants are harvested regularly, every 5 days​


Eggplant. Growing

​, because it takes a lot of nutrients from plants and slows down growth.​

​introduce peat, humus, sand, rotted sawdust​

​superphosphate (10-20 g);​

​To germinate eggplant seeds, they should be immersed in water for 4 minutes. The temperature of the liquid should be between 40-50°C. After the specified time, the water is drained, and the eggplant seeds are wrapped in damp cloth and left for 5 days at 25°C. When 50% of the seeds have sprouts, they can be planted in the prepared soil mixture, having first dried them to a free-flowing state. Since eggplants do not take transplantation very well, it is better to plant them in separate pots from the very beginning; if this is not possible, you can plant the seeds in boxes no lower than 12 cm high. Eggplant seeds should be planted in boxes at a depth of 0.5 cm, at a distance of 10 cm in one row. It is also necessary to maintain a distance of 10 cm between rows.​

Fruit harvesting continues until the first frost.

​Eggplant is a short-day plant; it begins to flower when the daylight hours are no more than 14 hours.​

​Plants develop faster and produce a significantly larger fruit yield.​

​. It is impossible to be late with harvesting, as the fruits turn white and lose quality. You can remove them while still hard. After lying for a week, they will soften. It is better to cut them with a knife or pruning shears rather than tear them off.​

Even if flowers (fruits) have already formed on it, you should not leave it.

​- at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m².​

​ammonium nitrate (10-20 g).​

​In April-May, pre-watered eggplant seedlings are planted in film bags with a nutrient mixture and watered again.​

​Standard eggplant fruits must be fresh, clean, healthy, of typical shape and color for the variety, without mechanical damage, with a stalk.​

​In the conditions of central Russia, eggplants begin to bloom only after the day begins to decrease.​

​The optimal temperature for plant growth and development is +20-30°C.​

​Like a tomato, an eggplant needs

​Heavy soils that are slowly warmed up by the spring sun are completely unsuitable for eggplant.​

​In addition to feeding eggplants, the correct formation of bushes is of no small importance when growing this vegetable. To do this, after the bush reaches a height of 25-30 cm, the upper part of the main stem is pinched (that is, removed). Side shoots should also be removed, leaving no more than 5 pieces, the strongest of them.

​After sowing the germinated eggplant seeds, the boxes (or pots) should be covered with film on top (since eggplants are heat-loving plants and for their successful cultivation it is necessary to create a certain microclimate). When the first shoots appear, the film will need to be removed and the containers with seedlings moved to the most illuminated place. It is worth noting that after the first shoots appear, you should not water the eggplants. This should be done after 2-3 days, and then every 5 days to prevent the soil from drying out.​

The pulp of the fruit should be juicy, elastic, without voids, the seed nest should have underdeveloped, white seeds.

​Reducing the length of the day to 10-12 hours (at high light intensity) allows you to speed up the onset of fruiting.​

​At higher temperatures, plant growth stops, and at +13°C and below it stops, the plants gradually turn yellow and die.​

​regularly remove stepsons​

The plant is good to grow after cabbage, onions, root vegetables or melons, returning to the same place after 2-3 years. You cannot plant them where other nightshades grew - peppers, tomatoes, potatoes. Proximity to tomatoes is harmful for eggplant.

To make eggplant bushes stable, they should be tied up. To do this, you need to drive a peg near each plant and tie an eggplant bush to it with braid.​

​Don't lose sight of the fact that, in addition to soil moisture, these vegetables love dry air and do not tolerate drafts. Therefore, when ventilating the room, it is better to remove the boxes with seedlings to another place.​

Fruits of an elongated shape must have a length of at least 10 cm, and fruits of a different shape must have a maximum transverse diameter of at least 5 cm.

​Practically, daylight hours are reduced as follows: a frame is installed above the plants, which is covered with light-proof material.​

​In the first two weeks of growth, eggplants are very sensitive to low temperatures.​

​for you Galimax​

​Eggplant germinates a little longer than a tomato - 9–10 days, and then grows slowly. During the entire seedling period

In order to get a good harvest of eggplants, you should not forget about weeding and loosening the soil. Loosening the soil should not be too deep, since eggplants have a shallow root system.​

​According to the observations of experienced summer residents, in order to grow a good harvest of eggplants, it is better to plant seedlings in open ground 70-80 days from the date of sowing (that is, from the end of May to the first half of June).​

​Picked fruits can be stored in a cool, dry place for a month.​

​It is removed daily only for 10-12 hours (for example, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.).​

​So, when the temperature drops to +8-10°C, the plant seedlings die within a few (3-5) days.​

​from here​

​They can quickly catch up with the main stem in growth, growth will slow down and it will be difficult to understand which one to wrap around the twine, and fruit growth will slow down.​

​water the plants with warm water, do not over-water and do not place containers close to the window​

All ovaries are removed from the plants, with the exception of 5-6, evenly located on the shoots. Newly formed flowers also break off.​

Before planting, you should pay attention to the root system of the seedlings: it should be well developed, and 5-7 leaves should already grow on one bush.

​Growing eggplants - (step-by-step agricultural technology).​

​This procedure is carried out daily. Irregular darkening of plants will only cause harm.​

​Eggplants cannot tolerate prolonged frosts, even slight ones (-0.5°C).​

​How to grow eggplants in the country?​

​Eggplant is very demanding of moisture.​

​Eggplant grows poorly on heavy soils. The optimal reaction of the medium is neutral or close to neutral (pH 6.6-7.0).​

​Equally important​

​After flowering begins, eggplants ripen on average within 35 days. Ripe fruits are firm to the touch, purple, dark blue-violet or black in color. Eggplants should not be plucked from the bush by hand, but cut with garden pruners or an ordinary knife along with the cup and stalk, leaving a length of up to 3 cm. It is important to do this carefully so as not to damage the leaves of the plants. It is advisable to finish harvesting eggplants before the onset of autumn frosts. If there are unripe fruits left on the plant bushes, they can be dug up along with the roots and transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse.​

There is one more point about preparing seedlings for planting in open ground. Before planting, seedlings need to be hardened off, that is, place boxes with seedlings in a place with a temperature of 15-17°C during the day, and 10-14°C at night. This procedure is necessary so that the plants get used to various temperature changes. It is carried out a week before planting eggplants in open ground.

​for you Galimax​

​The air temperature on sunny days should not exceed +24-28°C, and at night drop below +12-15°C.​

​Eggplant is especially sensitive to low temperatures during the formation of buds and flowers.​

​Eggplant is a demanding crop when it comes to soil and nutritional conditions.​

Eggplant. Growing

​Eggplant responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.​

What conditions are necessary for growing eggplants?

​remove excess flowers

​It is necessary to loosen the soil in pots especially carefully. Before planting seedlings, when buds are already beginning to form, the soil should not be dried out, and on the eve of planting, abundant watering is needed.​

​Eggplants can be stored for a month at an air temperature of 10°C, with a relative humidity of 90%. The fruits can be placed in boxes, wrapping each vegetable in paper. If there are a lot of eggplants, they can be laid on a straw bed, folded into a pyramid and covered with a blanket. It is important to keep eggplants in a dry and dark place. You should not store these vegetables in the light, as the quality of the fruit will deteriorate.​

Scheme for planting eggplant seedlings in open ground. Before planting, complete mineral fertilizer is applied to the soil at the rate of 40-70 g per 1 m2.​

​from here​

​During frosts, plants in greenhouses are additionally covered (with hay, lutrasil, spunbond).​

​After planting seedlings in open ground, the first flowers often fall off as soon as the temperature drops below +15°C.​

​A high yield can only be obtained on light, structured soils rich in nutrients in a form easily accessible to plants.​

​Fruiting is a critical period in water consumption. If there is a lack of moisture, plants stop growing, their flowers and young ovaries fall off, the fruits do not reach normal size, take on an ugly shape, and sharply reduce productivity.​

​. Leave the largest and most developed flower in the inflorescence, removing the rest. You should not hope that the plant itself will regulate this process - you will end up with a spreading bush with small fruits and continuous growth.

​When picking and planting eggplant, the roots are preserved as much as possible

​If you are pleased with the eggplant harvest at your dacha and you want to grow the same amount of this vegetable crop next year, prepare eggplant seeds from your own garden in advance.​

​Preparation of the land for growing eggplants should begin at the end of summer (possibly at the beginning of autumn). In dry weather, the soil needs to be dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. In the spring, the ground that has dried out after the snow melts needs to be leveled with a rake.​

​Series of messages "EGGPLANT":​

​How to water eggplants correctly?​

​At low temperatures, especially at night, the abscission of generative organs (flowers, ovaries) in mid- and late-ripening varieties is more severe than in early-ripening varieties.​

​The best soils for it are chernozem, light loams, as well as sandy loams with a high content of organic matter.​


​. When picking, seedlings are buried 5–7 mm. Eggplants are planted at the age of 70–80 days, upon the onset of stable warm weather. Naturally, in a greenhouse you can get the harvest earlier. Eggplant takes about 20 days to take root.

​Eggplants for growing for seeds are selected to be the densest and largest. It is recommended to leave 2-3 good eggplants to ripen on one bush. The remaining small flowers and fruits should be removed. After ripening, eggplants should be cut and placed in a warm place for 7-10 days. After this time, the fruits need to be cut and the pulp separated from them along with the seeds. Next, put the seeds in a glass jar and leave for 4 days, then rinse them with water and dry for 14 days. The air temperature should be 28-30 C°.​

​And before planting the plants, add the following fertilizers to the soil (their quantity is indicated for application per 1 sq.m of land):​

​Part 1 - How to grow eggplants. Varieties

Water the eggplants regularly, avoiding the soil from drying out or becoming waterlogged. After watering, greenhouses must be ventilated.​

​Eggplant is very demanding of moisture.​

​Eggplant grows poorly on heavy soils. The optimal reaction of the medium is neutral or close to neutral (pH 6.6-7.0).​

​eggplant requires tying up

Seedlings are often harassed

​The shelf life of seeds prepared in this way is 5 years.​

​ammonium nitrate - 40 g;​

​Part 2 - Tips for growing peppers and eggplants​

​In protected soil conditions, fruits sometimes do not set well. In this case, artificial pollination is carried out. To do this, pollen is taken from the mature yellow anthers of a flower with a brush and applied to the stigma of another flower. The best pollen for pollination is the pollen of an opening flower.​

​The optimal relative humidity for eggplant is about 60%.​

​Eggplant responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.​

How to care for eggplants in the garden

​They should not be deleted, because... They can form standard fruits.​

​Hot, dry weather also causes flowers and ovaries to fall off.​

​At the same time, excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers slow down the formation of fruits.​

​, and by 2–3 twines, since it is formed not into one stem (shoot), but into 2–3. Having tied it up, you need to twist the plant like a bush.​

​root rot

​Today we can often meet a person who has his own dacha. Usually, a large number of vegetables grow in the gardens of our compatriots. Eggplant occupies a leading position among them. And even though eggplants are more demanding to grow, and caring for them has its own characteristics, still, having overcome all the difficulties, you will definitely be able to grow a large harvest of this wonderful vegetable in your summer cottage!​

​superphosphate - 60 g;​

When forming plants, select the 3 strongest shoots and tie each one separately to a trellis. Subsequently, all new shoots no longer than 5-8 cm are removed.

​Fruiting is a critical period in water consumption. If there is a lack of moisture, plants stop growing, their flowers and young ovaries fall off, the fruits do not reach normal size, take on an ugly shape, and sharply reduce productivity.​

​This crop requires a lot of nitrogen for its development, so the doses of nitrogen fertilizers are high.​

​The most remarkable thing about this crop is that eggplant requires a lot of light to form a good harvest.​

​In years with warm springs, they suffer less from high temperatures in summer.​

​Phosphorus fertilizers promote root growth, the formation of generative organs, and accelerate fruit ripening.​

Eggplant is more common than other nightshades

​. Fusarium wilt causes leaves to turn brown and fall off. In this case, it is worth using a biological product

Variety "Aretuza F1" PHOTO: Elena Kuzhel Almost all modern varieties are intended for cultivation in greenhouses. To grow eggplants in open ground, it is very important to create the most comfortable conditions possible.​

​potassium chloride - 30 g.​

​Part 7 - Seed material of rare varieties of eggplant and physalis​

After the formation of 8-9 true leaves, side shoots and large buds appear.

​Short-term dryness of the soil also causes the buds, flowers and ovaries to fall off.​

​Nitrogen applied in fertilizing is better used for crop formation than nitrogen from the main fertilizer.​

​During daylight hours, the plants should receive shadow only from clouds. Another slightest shading - by buildings and plants adjacent to the greenhouse - leads to a decrease in yield.​

​Eggplant consumes a lot of water during the seedling period. Having a large leaf surface, eggplant plants evaporate a significant amount of moisture and need frequent watering.​

If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, eggplant growth stops. The plant becomes dwarf, the buds fall off, and the ovaries develop poorly. Eggplant needs phosphorus nutrition throughout the entire growing season.​

​suffers from the Colorado potato beetle​



Planting eggplants is carried out as follows. Before planting eggplants in the ground, pre-dug holes need to be filled with 2 liters of water. After this, the plants are planted in moist soil to a depth of 1 cm, covering the sides with dry soil to avoid crust formation. The depth and width of the holes for planting eggplants should be sufficient to accommodate their root system.​

​Part 8 - Growing eggplants (step-by-step agricultural technology)​

​In addition to single large flowers, eggplants can form inflorescences of 2-3 flowers.​

​In cold, cloudy weather with excess moisture, plant development slows down and the fall of flowers and ovaries increases.​

With a deficiency of this element, the growth of all vegetative organs of the plant slows down sharply.

​Well, prolonged shading may completely deprive you of the opportunity to try your eggplants.​

Plants need intense sunlight. They belong to short-day or day-length-neutral forms.​
​Potassium fertilizers increase the plant's resistance to disease. With a lack of potassium, growth slows down, brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves and on the fruits of the eggplant.
​. When grown in a greenhouse, under film, there is no need to chemically treat the plants. Even before the mass appearance of the Colorado potato beetle, the eggplant will have time to form a powerful bush. In addition, such fruits are more beautiful and darker, without greenness, and appear earlier.​
​. Use of the drug
​very demanding on heat and moisture​
Plants should be planted in the ground, spaced at a distance of 30 to 35 cm from each other. If you plant eggplants too densely, you will not be able to grow a large harvest. For 1 sq. There should be no more than 6 seedlings per meter, and the distance between rows should be at least 60-65 cm.​
​Part 9 - Eggplants. Growing The best varieties of eggplants for open ground When to plant peppers and eggplants