Summary of the lesson on orkse "family holidays and traditions". Lesson orkse "family holidays" outline of the lesson on orkse (Grade 4) on the topic Orkse family holidays

"Family holidays"

Lesson No. 28 of the course ORSE module "Fundamentals of secular ethics"

Teacher: , MOU Lyceum No. 000

Target: develop ideas about the value of family holidays.


show the role of holidays in family life

Learn about the history of family holidays

learn how to choose the right gift

During the classes

Home is the foundation of true virtue.

If the right values ​​are not taught in the family,

then probably they will not be taught at all.

Family holidays and traditions in the family

Each holiday should have its own face, there should be holidays in the family, and it is necessary to prepare for them. Create your own family traditions and keep them carefully! And whether it will be home performances that are difficult to perform, a special New Year's dish, or "your" family song, performed at the festive table or under the Christmas tree, is not so important. The main thing is that after many, many years, your already matured child will remember the family New Year with joy and hidden sadness and want to revive the traditions of the parental home in his own family.

Once, a very long time ago, I heard an interesting expression: if you don't have family traditions, you don't have a family. And this is not a Christmas tree for the New Year, not Easter cake - but its own, unique traditions. For example, for every New Year, my eldest daughter, and now with my youngest, draw New Year's cards, which, together with last year's ones, we hide in a box with Christmas decorations, and a year later we take them out and enjoy the forgotten pictures, laugh at the clumsiness of the drawings. And we also hide a collection of snowman figurines there, and annually replenish it and arrange a home exhibition .. And for every children's birthday, I invent and write a holiday script with contests and quizzes. All this strengthens the family, makes life happier, more fun.

And yet ... And also make pleasant surprises for your loved ones. A delicious cake, a CD of beautiful music in the car, an interesting new dish, a funny keychain, a framed family photo on his desk in the office - only you can know what will please your betrothed.

If you want to diversify the lives of your children and make family everyday life more interesting, you can create your own home traditions. Children of all ages love to do fun and joyful things with serious faces, under the strict guidance of adults. Think about what each member of your family can do well and try to turn it into a pleasant custom.

For example, you can have a Sunday lunch that absolutely everyone cooks. Each member of the household is entrusted with preparing some kind of dish for which he is sure, and mother or grandmother can act as permanent consultants. Even a three-year-old toddler is quite capable of baking an amazing cake, if he has a little help with advice.

You can come up with reasons for holding your own, special holidays. Arrange, for example, "color" party. "Gold" - in honor of the beginning of autumn, "blue" - in honor of winter, and so on. The meaning is simple - the hosts and guests try to dress in the same color, the girls do a special make-up, and the house is decorated with all kinds of accessories - "in tone" (tinsel, serpentine, candles, etc.).


Mom, how did the word "family" come about?

After all, the earth had not heard of him before ...


Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

“Now I will ask you seven questions.”

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: "I am."

Who will bring them up, my queen?

And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered: "I am."

Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,

Caress me, decorate the house?

Answer the questions, my friend!

I ... I ... - Eve said quietly.


She said the famous seven "I"

It is symbolic that the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family.
This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of the deputies of the State Duma. Interestingly, the initiative to celebrate the Day of the Family is supported by all traditional religious organizations in Russia - after all, the idea of ​​celebrating the Day of the Family, love and fidelity has no confessional boundaries. Every religion has examples of family loyalty and love.
The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among the inhabitants of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is celebrated on July 8, are buried.
Their lives embody the features that the traditional religions of Russia have always associated with the ideal of marriage, namely: piety, mutual love and fidelity, the performance of works of mercy and care for the various needs of their fellow citizens.

But the family is also a very important social unit, which is protected by law. Article 38 of the RF Constitution clearly states that:
1. Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state.
2. Caring for children, their upbringing is an equal right and duty of parents.
3. Able-bodied children who have reached the age of 18 must take care of disabled parents.
The new family holiday already has a medal, which will be awarded on July 8, and a very delicate symbol - a camomile. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it walks so easily - leaving the church calendar, it is ready to knock on every Memorial Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia - patrons of family and marriage

“The heroine of the story is the maiden Fevronia. She is wise with folk wisdom. She makes wise riddles and knows how to resolve life's difficulties without fuss. She does not object to enemies and does not offend them with open teaching, but resorts to allegory, the purpose of which is to teach a harmless lesson: her opponents themselves guess their mistakes.

It works wonders in passing: it makes branches stuck for a fire to bloom in one night into a large tree. Her life-giving power extends to everything around. The crumbs of bread in her palms turn into grains of fragrant incense.

Prince Peter tries to deceive her only once, at the beginning, when he decides not to marry her, contrary to his promise. But after the very first lesson taught to him by Fevronia, he listens to her in everything and, having married, lives in harmony with her, their love crosses the threshold of death.

Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. Their marriage has been a model of Christian marriage for many centuries.

Blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Prince Yury Vladimirovich of Murom. He ascended the throne of Murom in 1203. A few years earlier, Prince Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dream vision, it was revealed to the prince that Fevronia, a peasant woman of the village of Laskovaya in the Ryazan land, could heal him.

Virgin Fevronia was wise, wild animals obeyed her, she knew the properties of herbs and knew how to heal ailments, she was a beautiful, pious and kind girl. The prince promised to marry her after the healing. Saint Fevronia healed the prince, however, he did not keep his word. The disease resumed, Fevronia cured him again and married him.

When he inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess of a simple rank, telling him: “Either let go of the wife, who offends noble ladies with her origin, or leave Moore.” The prince took Fevronia, got into a boat with her and sailed along the Oka. They began to live as ordinary people, rejoicing that they were together, and God helped them.

In Murom, turmoil began, many set off to solicit the vacant throne, and murders began. Then the boyars came to their senses, gathered a council and decided to call Prince Peter back. The prince and princess returned, and Fevronia managed to earn the love of the townspeople.

In advanced years, having taken monastic vows in different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne, they prayed to God that they die on the same day, and bequeathed to put their bodies in one coffin, having prepared in advance a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition. They died on the same day and hour - July 8 (June 25, old style), 1228.

Considering the burial in one coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were laid in different monasteries, but the next day they were together. The holy spouses were buried in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, erected over their relics by vow by Ivan the Terrible in 1553. Now they openly rest in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

That's how it appeared on earth family.


In the family circle, we are growing.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you come from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.


Each person has his own family, his own home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth.

Home is not only a roof over your head, it is your family, and the people closest to you, parents: sisters, brothers, grandfathers and grandmothers.

- You all know this letter well. In modern Russian, it is called "de", in Old Slavonic - "good".

What does she look like on the outside? That's right, home. Russian peasants called this letter - "house".

Our first contest is called "All Roads Lead to Home".

Task number 1.

Make up the proverbs cut into two parts into a single whole.

Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home.

Own hut - (native uterus.)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)

The yard is like a city, (and the house is like a tower.)

God forbid and (your doghouse.)

Your home is (your will.)

Houses and (walls help.)

My home is my castle.)

- The letter "O" looks like a circle, a round dance. People will take hands, and a round dance will turn out. Friendly, loving people take each other by the hand. It's you, your moms and dads, sisters and brothers, your family.

Task number 2.

Name what kind of perfume it is:

Brownie (patron of the house and the people living in it).

Yard (owner of the yard).

Bannik (bath spirit).

Chur (protects a person and all his goodness from troubles).

Babai (evil night spirit, capricious children).

Barabashka (home spirit - a bully).

Vostrukha (the predecessor of the brownie, lives behind the stove and protects the house from thieves).

Sandman (evening and night spirit, comes to the children, straightens their blanket, strokes their hair).

Zhirovik (a domestic spirit that lives in warmth; loves to hang around the hostess who cooks food, and at night fumbles with washed dishes and licks them).

- Now in the word "HOUSE" each letter is in its place, as well as each member of the family.

I want, friends, now to say that

And I think I will not disagree with you in my assessment,

That a man's heart is a home

A house with its four corners.

In it all corners are lit,

The fire of love ... How magnificent it is!

And the first corner is the light of the wife,

The second is the children's naughty babble.

And the third corner is close friends,

Fourth - guests ... I can hardly count everyone,

I want to say these words to you

About not empty hearts!

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

"What a good family you are!"

Mysteries are the biggest thing in the world. Ready?

1. The best of all planets.

Without it, we have no life.

This is not tra-la-la for you! -

And one for all ... (Earth)

2. What country are you guys related to?

I believe your hearts are given to her.

And I know whoever I ask -

Will proudly answer me ... (Russia)

3. Do not express greatness in words,

High words are powerless here!

What city will you name?

Of course, beloved ... (Moscow)

4. She radiates light,

From a smile - a dimple ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than dear ... (mommy)

5. Guess who it is?

Pager, pipe, tie, hat...

I'm waiting, friends, for your answer.

Well done! Of course ... (dad)

6. All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka.

But always scrambled eggs

We will be fed ... (grandmother)

7. Wetting in warm milk

He is a piece of bread.

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved ... (grandfather)

8. Gave trinkets -

Seven nesting dolls and a beaver...

But more expensive than all the toys

For me, my ... (sister)

A holiday is...

This is fun, a celebration that is arranged for any reason.

Expression of gratitude, gratitude

An expression of love or friendship

Expression of sympathy

History of a gift in Russia

In Russia, gifts have always been loved, they were able to find in them a secret meaning and happy news. Numerous fairy tales speak of a donated knife, on which blood appears if its owner got into trouble across the sea. Or about how the groom recognizes his bride by the given ring. It is also no coincidence that in fairy tales the hero does not find most of the wonderful objects, but receives them as a gift: whether it is a ball showing the way or a wish-fulfilling ring.

In Russia, the word "gift" had a twin brother - "hotel", derived from the word "guest". Previously, according to custom, a person always entered the house with a gift, and they were ready to give him back in this house. The Christmas custom of caroling also had a "gift" meaning - there was a belief that a prosperous life is associated not only with abundance on the table and in the cellars, but also with obligatory generosity, readiness to share and give gifts to others. On Shrovetide they gave patterned gingerbread with inscriptions: “whom I love, I give”, “from a sweet gift is more expensive than gold”. Also, the custom of exchanging colored eggs for Easter is still alive.

The holiday is always d. cheerful. However, in fun you need to observe the measure. Too noisy, aggressive and offensive behavior will spoil any holiday. The festive mood is very fragile. Holidays should bring people only joy and leave pleasant memories.


mini-essay "Traditions and holidays in my family"

Family holidays.

Nazarova T.N., primary school teacher

MAOU "Secondary School No. 1 with an in-depth study of individual subjects named after. I.A. Kuratov»

Cities of Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi

Relevance of the problem:

The most important thing in the life of any child is his family. It is there that he receives the first lessons of love, trust, understanding. After all, the family is an environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education. The main factor in family education is an emotional character based on family feelings and love for children. In a family where people truly appreciate, respect, love each other, there is an interesting life together. Close people want to give gifts, arrange holidays. But nowadays, parents are rarely at home with their children. Most often, children are left to their own devices. They have little interest in their family, the history of its creation, they do not know about family values ​​and traditions. As a result, children will not be able to grow up to be worthy, successful, respected people. Therefore, there was a need to create a project that would be aimed at familiarizing children with universal human values ​​and love for their families through family holidays. This project will enrich children and their parents with the experience of emotional communication, joint creative activity.

Objective of the project:

Formation of the value attitude of students to the importance of family holidays in human life.

Project objectives:

  • introduce students to the classification and rules of holidays
  • to form in children an interest in knowing the history of their family;
  • promote the development of creative and communication skills
  • promote respect for family traditions
  • develop group work skills

Project type:

  • practice-oriented
  • informational
  • creative

Project participants:

4th grade students, parents, teachers.

Implementation timeline:

Fourth quarter of IV grade.

Project plan:

Preparatory stage

main stage

The final stage

organizing goal setting for children

conducting class hours on the topics:

"Seven I", "History of the family. Memorable dates”, “Happy is he who is happy at home”

defense of mini-projects “My Family”, “Family Holidays”, “Favorite Holiday”, “Family Traditions”,

compiling an oral story about the family's favorite holiday

holding a parent meeting "Family values, holidays, traditions"

poetry competition "my family"

preparation of drawings on the theme "My family's favorite holiday"

conducting a lesson of the ORKSE on the topic "Family holidays"

creation of a class-wide presentation "Favorite holidays of our class"

creation of a photo exhibition "Family holidays"

watching family videos

holiday of students and parents of the class "our friendly family"

creation of mini projects on the topics: "My family", "Family holidays", "Favorite holiday", "Family traditions"

watching and discussing feature films

summarizing the project

Preparation for the poetry competition "My family".

Planned results:

  • Received initial ideas about the holidays, the rules of holidays in the family
  • developed joint family projects;
  • parents of students are involved in active participation in projects
  • gained experience of working with various sources of information, experience of creative activity, reflective activity and positive interaction of all project participants, as well as joint experience of emotional and valuable experiences of children and parents
  • an exhibition of creative works on the theme "Family holidays" was organized


  1. Danilyuk A.Ya. Fundamentals of secular ethics. M: Enlightenment, 2012. 63s.
  2. Derekleeva N.I. Parent meetings. Primary School. M.: VAKO, 2005. 258s.
  3. Derekleeva N.I. New parent meetings: 1-4 grades. M.: VAKO, 2007. 312 p.
  4. Kasatkina N.A. Forms of interaction between teachers and parents in elementary school. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2005. 122p.
  5. Salyakhova L.I. Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. 1-4 classes. M: Globus, 2007. 315.
  6. Scenarios for holidays, classroom hours, games, entertainment for elementary school / L. Arkharova, L. Grebenkina, S. Demidova. M: Center "Pedagogical search", 2004. 160s.
  7. Extracurricular activities: Grade 4 / O. Zhirenko, L. Yarovaya, L. Barylkina, T. Tsybina. M: Wako, 2007.272s.
  8. Class hours 1-4 grades / N. Ustsova, D. Dyuldenko, O. Poletaeva and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. 283 p.

Performed: Olga Kriventsova, 4B grade student, 10 years old
Teacher: Ikonnikova Olga Alexandrovna

Objective of the project: to determine how family traditions affect family relationships.

Tradition in Latin means "transfer". Tradition is something that has passed from one generation to another, what has been inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs).

The moral health of the family, its spiritual values ​​and, consequently, its educational opportunities can be judged by the traditions established in it.

In this project, I want to talk about my family, our family traditions and their meaning for us.

There are many different traditions in our family, which were passed down both from my mother's family and from my father's.

One of these traditions is birthday greetings. It is customary in our family to congratulate the birthday boy very early in the morning. Gifts and congratulations, balloons and flowers are prepared in advance. Everyone except the hero of the occasion gets up early, prepares and wakes up the birthday man with his congratulations. And then we go to drink tea with cake.

And we congratulate grandparents, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers who live separately from us in the early morning by phone.

My mother wakes me and my sister every morning with a kiss and every night covers us with a blanket, kisses and wishes us good night - this is also a tradition of our family.

Also one of the traditions is that we always have dinner together. We are waiting for everyone from work, from training and sit down to eat.

We love outdoor activities as a family.

In winter it is skiing, skating, downhill skiing, swimming pool. Almost every Sunday we go skiing with the whole family to Sosnovy Bor during the day, and go skating in the evening.

When mom and dad have free time, we go to the village of Pamyatnoe to an outdoor outdoor pool. In winter, this is an unforgettable feeling when it snows and you swim.

In summer - hiking in nature with a tent, a fire and swimming. So, for example, with the whole family and also with friends of our parents and their children, we visited Kazakhstan (Lake Zerendy), where we lived in tents for a whole week and conquered Bear Mountain (albeit not the highest in the world).

We also lived with tents for a week on Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region. There we sailed in boats on a stone island, which is located in the middle of the lake. We visited the city of Zlatoust. In Yalta we visited Mount Aipetri.

Every year during the New Year holidays, namely on January 6, on Christmas Eve, we go to the cinema. This has also become a tradition.

The family gives the main thing - something that nothing else can give, connection and unity with relatives. The function of the family is a psychological rear, protection, shelter.

Probably in our family there are still many traditions that I did not talk about in this project, but they all unite our family, make us closer and closer to each other.

1 slide

Draft lesson of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" Draft lesson of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" module "Fundamentals of Secular Ethics"

2 slide

The purpose of the lesson: to promote understanding of the importance of family holidays Objectives: Clarify the concepts of "holiday", "ritual", "gift" To consolidate the ability to work in groups To form the skills of independent work with sources of information (the ability to extract and systematize information)

3 slide

There are many holidays in the world. They are loved by adults and children. Draw cards, prepare gifts. Holidays make family life bright!

4 slide

5 slide

You will learn: When and how holidays appeared What is the importance of holidays What is a gift and how to choose it And answer the question: What is the peculiarity of a family holiday?

6 slide

Ancient people had to work very hard. To make their work easier, they asked for support, help and protection from various forces of nature. So there were holidays that celebrated various events. Each holiday had its own ritual.

7 slide

What forces of nature appealed to the ancient people? How did they do it? What did you celebrate with holidays? In what modern ritual has the oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities been preserved? What requirements should a holiday gift meet? What is a holiday? What is the significance of holidays for people? What is a ritual?

8 slide

Conclusion 1 To make their work easier, people turned for help to heavenly bodies (the sun, stars), elements (wind, rivers, oceans), spirits, and later gods. They brought them gifts, sang, danced and uttered words of praise. This is how holidays came about. Everything new was celebrated with holidays: the onset of spring, the new year, the birth of a new life, weddings.

9 slide

Conclusion 2 Now a holiday is fun, a celebration that is arranged on any occasion. Holidays remind people of all the good things that happened to them before. The holidays reflect the history of the life of every person, nation and state. Holidays are the historical memory of mankind. Each holiday has its own order - a ritual

10 slide

Conclusion 3 The oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities has been preserved in our time in the form of holiday gifts. A beautifully packaged gift, presented from the heart, speaks of attention, friendship and love

Lesson plan on the basics of secular ethics "Family holidays"

Grade 4, EMC "School of Russia"

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for understanding the importance of family holidays in human life.

Lesson objectives:

Subject: to acquaint students with state, folk, religious and calendar-ritual holidays; teach the culture of behavior at a party; develop the ability to communicate with family members, acquaintances; educate interest in folk traditions; create conditions for improving the ability to work in groups. Develop search skills.

Metasubject:learn to extract information from illustrations, text, tables; use life experience; work with additional literature; to form the ability to extract factual information; develop the ability to interpret and summarize the information received, draw conclusions.

Personal: contribute to the education of a moral attitude to family values, the formation of a positive image of the family, a sense of love and pride in one's family, respect for parents; develop an interest in the history of their family, family traditions and pedigree; to develop cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, speech), the creative potential of students, communicative functions (the ability to work in a group, conduct an educational dialogue); building self-confidence; learn to evaluate their work and the work of the group.

Equipment and materials:multimedia equipment (laptop, projector, screen, speakers); presentation "Family holidays" (regional component); cards with letters written on them.

Preliminary preparation.

1 week before the lesson, students are given the task of telling everyone about their favorite family holiday according to the following plan:

  1. What is the name of my favorite holiday?
  2. How does my family celebrate this holiday?
  3. What feelings does this holiday evoke?
  4. How did the tradition of celebrating the holiday come about.

During the classes

1 . Organizing time.

Teacher: -I am glad to see you at our lesson, I hope you will be accompanied by a good mood.

What determines your mood?

When is it always good?

Student responses.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

1) "Brainstorm"

There are letters on the board, you need to make words out of them - terms related to our subject.

U, a.o, p, k, f, r, d, b, h, i, m, l, b

2) Remember , penultimate letter. What word immediately popped into your head? Ethics, Label. Give meaning to these words.

3. Partial acquaintance with the topic of the lesson, creating a problem situation.

Teacher: - The days of our lives are different. They can be divided into two categories. Which? Look.

What did you see in the first episode?(Sk. 1.)

What days are given to the physical labor of people?

What is the second slide about?(sl.2) What name can be given? Guys, what is the topic of our lesson?

Children's answers

Teacher: Why are we going to talk about holidays in ethics class? What is the connection between them? How do you think the holidays came about?

Let's summarize our assumptions by reading the text. p.58.1 paragraph.

What does the word holiday mean?

Children's answers.

Celebration - these are: meetings, joy, fun, and communication between adults and children, games, entertainment that can be used at home, at school.(sl.3)

Let's generalize this concept with an unusual task. You need to come up with a letter for each letter of this word. adjective.

Teacher: What are the names of the holidays, on which, there are only - dad mom, son , daughter , brother , sister, grandfather, grandmother

uncle , uncle , cousins ​​( cousin ) and second cousins.

« Family holidays".

4. Verification of completed work

Children's stories about home holidays. (sl. 4)

You can ask questions.

Teacher: “Where did this tradition come from in their family?”

Suggested answers: “Because parents help to prepare the holiday, and they should not be forgotten. Children often consult with their parents on how best to spend the holiday, because parents know how to celebrate.”

Teacher: “You are all right in your own way. When we want to organize a holiday, we really often turn to the experience of our parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, trying to take the most interesting, unusual; we learn from them about how the holidays were celebrated before, slowly immersing ourselves in history.Tell me, please, did anyone take part in the ancient rituals that your grandmothers or great-grandmothers told you about?”

The children share their experience.

5. Independent work. (sl.5)

Students are given cards with the following entries on each:

  • Holidays allow us to remember people who have done something very important for a family, a city, a country.”

Teacher: “To draw a conclusion from our conversation, let's do a little independent work. Read the sentences on the card and underline the sentences you agree with. The number of offers can be any - from 0 to 6.”

Students complete the task.

6. Checking the performance of work.

The teacher asks the guys who underlined 1 sentence to raise their hands, then 2 sentences, etc. The number of hands raised is written on the board.

7. Formulation of a conclusion after independent work.

Teacher: “You underlined many sentences, but among them there is no sentence that the holiday is needed only to rest. So, do you agree that the holidays that we celebrate with the whole family have another role besides relaxation? Let's try to replace all the sentences you have chosen with one that can convey their meaning.

The guys try to complete this task, offer their options.

7. Teacher: “Thank you, you really helped us all get closer to understanding the topic of the lesson. All that remains is to open it up and see how accurate it sounds.” The teacher opens the topic written on the blackboard, everyone reads together:Family holidays as one of the forms of historical memory”.

Conclusions. A holiday is .... (sl. 6)

This is fun, a celebration that is arranged for any reason.

is the historical memory of mankind


State family

Teacher's Day

Day of the city

8. Fix by completing the table in pairs. (Sl. 7)


The meaning of the holiday


We remember the defenders of the Motherland

9. Check on the slide. What holiday did you notice? Religious

Teacher: Each of the holidays has its own order of conduct, its own ritual. The most pleasant ritual is receiving a gift.

What is a gift?

10. Gift - this is an object or thing that is voluntarily and gratuitously presented with the aim of giving pleasure, benefit.

A gift has a similar meaning to a gift and a donation. But as a rule, the presentation of a gift is associated with some reason: a certain event, custom or holiday. There are many different reasons for giving a gift. The most common of them:

Customs and holidays (Birthday, New Year, Wedding, Christmas, Valentine's Day)

Expression of gratitude, gratitude

An expression of love or friendship

Expression of sympathy

History of a gift in Russia

In Russia, gifts have always been loved, they were able to find in them a secret meaning and happy news. Numerous fairy tales speak of a donated knife, on which blood appears if its owner got into trouble across the sea. Or about how the groom recognizes his bride by the given ring. It is also no coincidence that in fairy tales the hero does not find most of the wonderful objects, but receives them as a gift: whether it is a ball showing the way or a wish-fulfilling ring.

In Russia, the word "gift" was a twin brother - "present", derived from the word "guest".Previously, according to custom, a person always entered the house with a gift, and they were ready to give him back in this house. The Christmas custom of caroling also had a "gift" meaning - there was a belief that a prosperous life is associated not only with abundance on the table and in the cellars, but also with obligatory generosity, readiness to share and give gifts to others. On Shrovetide they gave patterned gingerbread with inscriptions: “whom I love, I give”, “from a sweet gift is more expensive than gold”. Also, the custom of exchanging colored eggs for Easter is still alive.

And what should be the holiday, we will read.

Page 59, last paragraph.

11. Reflection.

Writing a syncwine for the word "Holiday"

12. Homework.

pp.58-59, Tv. Work, for any chosen holiday to come up with a gift.

  • Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them.
  • Holidays help keep generations connected.
  • Holidays help to learn the traditions of their people.
  • Holidays teach to respect the culture of other people.
  • Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country.
  • Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them.
  • Holidays help keep generations connected.
  • Holidays help to learn the traditions of their people.
  • Holidays teach to respect the culture of other people.
  • Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country.
  • Holidays allow us to remember people who have done something very important for the family, city, country.
  • Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them.
  • Holidays help keep generations connected.
  • Holidays help to learn the traditions of their people.
  • Holidays teach to respect the culture of other people.
  • Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country.
  • Holidays allow us to remember people who have done something very important for the family, city, country.
  • Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them.
  • Holidays help keep generations connected.
  • Holidays help to learn the traditions of their people.
  • Holidays teach to respect the culture of other people.
  • Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country.
  • Holidays allow us to remember people who have done something very important for the family, city, country.

Celebrating Guardian Angel Day

Summing up the past year and making plans for the future

We meet spring and cleanse ourselves of evil and evil in thoughts and deeds

The holiday of holidays is celebrated: the victory of good over evil, life over death

The meaning of the holiday


We remember the defenders of the Motherland

We thank women for their work and care

Celebrating Guardian Angel Day

Summing up the past year and making plans for the future

We meet spring and cleanse ourselves of evil and evil in thoughts and deeds

The holiday of holidays is celebrated: the victory of good over evil, life over death

Slides captions:

Family holidays
Family holidays
What is the name of my favorite holiday. How does my family celebrate this holiday. What feelings does this holiday evoke. How did the tradition of celebrating the holiday appear in this way.
Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them. Holidays help keep generations connected. Holidays help to learn the traditions of our people. Holidays teach us to respect the culture of other people. Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country. Holidays allow us to remember people who have done something very important for a family, a city, a country.”
Meetings, fun, joy, communication, games, entertainment
Historical memory of mankind
The meaning of the holiday
We remember the defenders of the Motherland
We thank women for their work and care
Celebrating Guardian Angel Day
Summing up the past year and making plans for the future
We meet spring and cleanse ourselves of evil and evil in thoughts and deeds
The holiday of holidays is celebrated: the victory of good over evil, life over death
February 23
March 8
birthday day
New Year
Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem)
Victory Day
Create your holidays and gifts
Thank you for the lesson!