Pigtails for medium hair to school. Easy, quick and simple hairstyles for girls to school for every day. Hairstyle with a flagellum

We bring to your attention original and interesting hairstyles for medium hair - school options. Every girl wants to look beautiful, but school, like the office, implies a certain dress code, so when choosing a hairstyle, you need to take these features into account. It is about them, as well as how you can style your hair, that will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for school hairstyles

A school girl's hairstyle should take into account several criteria that are very important. We list them below:

  • Accuracy. This is an important factor, since the hair at school should be well styled and collected. Negligence is unacceptable.
  • Convenience. The hairstyle should be comfortable, so bangs that cover the eyes and loose hair that get in the way are simply unacceptable. It is desirable that the chosen styling holds well all day, since the changes in schoolgirls girls are sometimes no less active than in boys.
  • Modesty. Of course, the arsenal of accessories even for girls is sometimes very large, but it is worth remembering that bright hairpins and large elastic bands are not allowed at school. For high school students, you need to regulate the amount of styling products, since this is not necessary at all.
  • Ease of execution. Well, it's clear. And you can quickly collect your hair yourself, and correct it, in which case, at a break.

Hairstyles with braids to school

Perhaps the most relevant today are various hairstyles with braids. They can be combined in various ways, they will always look neat and last all day. Weaves are suitable for both adult schoolgirls and kids. In any case, this is a rich scope for imagination.

Neat heart. Beautiful and original weaving, but it is better to use it for elementary schoolgirls. As you can see from the photo, it is not difficult to perform such a hairstyle.

Weaving starts from the crown of the head and goes symmetrically in the shape of a heart to the very neck. For a more spectacular braid, you should use reverse weaving, then the hairstyle will look voluminous. At the end, you need to connect both braids into one and braid to the end of the hair length.

Spit "Tenderness". This option will look good on high school students. This hairstyle is quite cute, with its help you can soften the image, give it some romance.

Hairstyle work should start from the top. Weave the braid using reverse weaving (the strands need to be wound under the bottom, not up). After the braid is finished, the strands should be fluffed out (you need to pull the pigtail on both sides, but so that it is not destroyed). It turns out very beautiful.

Two pigtails. This hair styling option is very popular with those schoolgirls whose hair near the temples is constantly knocked out and interferes. With these braids, you can fix your hair well. Weaving them is very easy.

Divide your hair into two parts, pin one with a hairpin so that it does not interfere yet, and start weaving a thin pigtail from your forehead. So you fix all the hairs well. Take strands evenly, so the braid will look neater. Braid to the very end and secure with an elastic band. Do the same with the second part of the hair.

Tail in school hairstyles

Ponytails are no less popular among schoolgirls than braids. Plus, you can make them yourself. You can diversify ordinary tails a little with the help of little tricks, which ones you can read about below.

Tail with braids. Very neat and interesting hairstyle. Comb your hair well and braid two braids from the temples. Pair them together with loose hair in a high ponytail. Drag with a rubber band. Your hairstyle is ready.

Braided ponytail. Another version of the tail. Gather your hair high and pull it tight with an elastic band. Now separate one strand from one side and start weaving a braid, while grabbing the hair on the other side of the tail. Thus, you should get a weave of strands. This tail looks quite original and very interesting.

Tail with plaits. With this hairstyle, strands near the forehead are well fixed, so they will not fall over the eyes. Grab the hair at the temples on both sides and twist them into bundles. Secure your hair with an elastic band. Now take the next two strands of hair symmetrically and connect them together with a ponytail. Drag with a rubber band. Now it remains to collect all the hair together and fasten them. Wrap a strand of hair around the base of the ponytail to hide the elastic.

Various bundles

School buns are the most suitable hairstyle. Nothing interferes anywhere, but it looks elegant and beautiful. You don’t have to worry about something falling apart somewhere, having fixed everything well, the hair will last all day.

Bundle of braids This hairstyle is easy to do and looks great. Braid the braid on one side obliquely, reaching the base of the neck, then braid the entire length of the hair. Twist your hair into a flower, pull out the outer strands a little. You can put a small hairpin in the center - then the association with the flower will be more complete.

Babette. A wonderful hairstyle of the last century looks great as a school option. To do this, you will need a special bagel. Comb your hair and gather the tail high (leaving a strand for the pigtail). Put a bagel on him. Wrap the roller with strands of hair and secure with hairpins. From the remaining strand, weave a braid and wrap it around the resulting bundle. At the end, hide the ends of the hair inward, use invisible hairpins to hold them.

Neat bundle. This option is suitable for girls who want to look neat and elegant. Smoothly comb your hair and braid the pigtails on both sides of the hangs. Connect them in a tail. Tuck your hair up into a shell and secure everything with hairpins. The hairstyle is ready.

Hairstyles with loose hair

Such hairstyles will fit high school girls, younger girls will be uncomfortable with them. However, care must be taken here as well. It is better not to wear completely loose hair to school, they need to be removed from the forehead so that they do not get into the eyes during class. In addition, hairstyles must be selected in such a way that they can always be corrected. If there is a physical education lesson in the schedule, then it is better to refuse such styling.

Malvinka with harnesses. The easiest styling option for loose hair. Take strands of hair on both sides of the temples and twist the flagella out of them. Connect them at the back of the head into a knot. The rest of the hair should be combed very smoothly or slightly curled (optional).

Kosa in Malvinka. Sweet and soft hair. Braid one braid, starting from the temple to the very end. On the other hand, twist the tourniquet. Connect everything together on the side and secure with a bow or a beautiful hairpin.

Malvinka with a bow. Hair bows have long been loved by all big and small fashionistas. And this is not at all surprising, because such a hairstyle looks very attractive.

Raise the hair a little from above and collect the malvinka, only in the last turn of the elastic band do not stick out the hair to the very end, but leave a small loop. Divide it into two parts, and throw the tip of the hair in the middle and put it between the hair, closer to the elastic. Tighten a little and the hairstyle is ready.

Hairstyles with accessories

School hairstyles allow a certain amount of accessories, but they should not be very many, they should not be very bright, shiny and catchy. For example, you can braid a beautiful ribbon into a braid or decorate a bunch with a small hairpin, a beautiful bow.

It is good to use headbands for hair. So you can remove the knocked-out strands from the forehead. For loose hair, you can use a ribbon instead of a headband. But again - it should not be very bright, and at the same time it should fix the hair well.

Hairstyles for girls to school: photo ideas

As you can see, hairstyles for medium hair school options are quite diverse. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that the hairstyle should not be too flashy and careless. It should be remembered that school is not a disco and a walk in the park. Going to school, you need to look neat and collected. If necessary, add accessories to the hairstyle, only very carefully. So you can look different every day.

Hairstyles for medium hair: school styling options (video tutorials)



How? You haven't read yet:

The fastest hairstyles for school are created on the basis of buns or tails. In children, the hair is very delicate and soft, which makes it difficult to work: the elastic bands slip off, the pigtails unravel. The way out is to do a hairstyle on slightly damp hair. You can spray them from a spray bottle or dry them incompletely. One way or another, such a hairstyle must be done in advance so that the hair has time to dry completely and the child does not catch a cold. Older schoolgirls can use mousses or gels to make styling easier.

twisted ponytails

School hairstyles for girls should be comfortable and keep their shape for a long time. Otherwise, having run over for a break, the fidget will return to the class disheveled. Twisted ponytails, if firmly fixed with an elastic band, will last until the evening.

  1. Make a straight parting by dividing your hair into two unequal parts.
  2. Separate the strand from the greater part from the side of the forehead.
  3. Make a tail.
  4. Pull the band down a little.
  5. Use your finger to part your hair just above the elastic.
  6. Pass the tail through the resulting hole.
  7. Separate another strand, immediately after the first.
  8. Repeat steps 3-6.
  9. Collect a few more ponytails.


This hairstyle is more suitable for a small student. Although high school students can add childish spontaneity to their image.

  1. Divide your hair with a parting into two equal parts. Parting can be not only straight, but also zigzag.
  2. Gather each piece into a high or low ponytail.
  3. Twist each tail into a bundle.
  4. Twist the cords around the rubber bands.
  5. Secure the ends with invisible or bright rubber bands. On top of the twists can be decorated with ribbons.


double ponytails

Little girls often have curly hair. You can use this feature and make such a simple fun hairstyle for school.

  1. Divide your hair with a horizontal parting in half.
  2. Divide the upper part into two strands and collect in ponytails at the crown.
  3. Divide the hair remaining below into two parts.
  4. Attach strands from the top tier to each part. Using thin rubber bands, make two tails at the back of the head.
  5. The lower ponytails can be decorated with bright ribbons, hairpins or bows.



Tails in several tiers look interesting and neat. This hairstyle can be worn to school at any age. True, it is not suitable for short hair. At the temples, the strands will break out and spoil the overall shape.

  1. Comb all your hair to the side.
  2. From above, separate two strands: one from the side of the crown, the other from the side of the forehead.
  3. With a narrow elastic band, connect the strands into a ponytail.
  4. Collect two more strands on the sides.
  5. Connect them into a ponytail with a thin elastic band, grabbing the hair from the top tier.
  6. Pull the ponytail out through the space above the elastic.
  7. Repeat steps 5-7 again.
  8. If necessary, straighten the twisted strands a little.


To make the tall look thick and beautiful, you can cheat a little.

  1. Gather the hair at the temples and on the crown.
  2. Make a high ponytail. Temporarily fold it into a bun, securing with a hairpin. So it will be more convenient for you to collect loose hair.
  3. From the remaining strands, make a tail at the back of the head.
  4. Straighten the top ponytail so that it hides the bottom elastic. For more volume, the base of the tail can be slightly combed.

This hairstyle makes the hair visually longer.


Pickup from braids

Suitable for straight and wavy hair up to shoulder length and below.

  1. Comb your hair.
  2. Separate two thin long strands at the temples.
  3. Divide each strand into three sections and braid.
  4. Throw the left pigtail to the right temple, the right one to the left.
  5. Secure the ends with invisibility.


hair bow

In case the hair is healthy and beautiful, the hairstyle for school should simply remove the strands from the face so that they do not interfere in the classroom. It is better to do this styling on long hair. Loose ends can be curled a little.

  1. Comb your hair.
  2. Gather the upper part of the hair from the temples and from the crown.
  3. Pull the collected strands through the elastic band, as if making a ponytail. Twist the rubber band. Pull your hair through it again, but don't pull it all the way out. Instead of a tail, you should get a bunch with a long tip.
  4. Divide the bundle in half.
  5. Temporarily secure each part of the bun with a hairpin or bobby pin to make it easier to work with.
  6. Take the tail left from the bundle. Use your finger to gently part the hair just above the elastic and pull the ponytail through the hole.
  7. Secure with invisibility.
  8. Release and straighten the sides.


As a hairstyle for school, they will look very appropriate. But to make complex weaving, it will take more than five minutes. Any of the proposed styling can be worn not only for classes. To quickly make your hair more elegant, add a bright hairpin or ribbon.

In the morning there is often not enough time, especially for long complex hairstyles. To come to school a few minutes before the start of the lesson and with beautiful styling, you can learn how to do easy hairstyles for yourself in just 5 minutes.

How to make a hairstyle in 5 minutes: secrets

  1. To make your hair neat and spend less time combing, you need to prepare in the evening. Hair in the morning will not be too tangled if you comb your hair well before going to bed.
  2. If the hair is voluminous and difficult to style, wetting with water or applying a special styling product will help.
  3. It is not difficult to make a hairstyle in 5 minutes if you know the exact technique of execution and be able to apply it. If this is a new styling that is done for the first time, then you must first practice in your free time. After several attempts, the hairstyle can be done in just a few minutes. All the necessary accessories that may be needed in the process of doing the hairstyle should be at hand. It's best to keep everything in one place.

What do you need to do your own hair?

To make a hairstyle without much effort, you need to have hair styling products. They will help to cope with naughty hair and make styling neat.

These funds include:

Also, when performing hairstyles, you may need a hair dryer, ironing, hair tongs. Other accessories that will be required for hairstyles are invisible, hairpins, elastic bands. In some styling, you will need hairpins, headbands and bandages.

Doing your own hair is more convenient in front of a large mirror in which you can see how the hair looks from all sides. To see the rear view, you need to take the second mirror and stand between them.

Light hairstyles with braids

Easy hairstyles that almost anyone can do are braided hairstyles. Forming bundles is simple, you need to select a strand of hair and twist it.

To make a styling with 2 bundles, it is necessary to separate small strands from the temples. To begin with, a tourniquet is formed on one side and fixed with an invisible or hairpin on the back of the head, the same is repeated on the other side. You can combine the bundles and tie them together or fix them separately on the sides. At the same time, the hairstyle looks neat, and the hair does not fall on the face.

You can make tourniquets all over the head. In this case, the hair is divided into several small strands, which are alternately twisted into bundles and fixed below the back of the head. The ends of the hair are left free. Of these, curls or a tail are formed and fixed with an elastic band.


Hair should be combed and moistened, so it will be more supple and smooth. Then you need to tie the tail and form a tourniquet. Having twisted it, the tips are hidden inside the roller, and fixed with hairpins.

Hairstyle with 2 shells is done in just three steps, but it will look spectacular. It is necessary to divide the hair into 2 equal strands. First, a tourniquet is made, twisted into a shell on the left side and fixed. Then the same is repeated with the right strand of hair.

There are many variations of shell hairstyles. Laying can be smooth or a little sloppy. To make a neat shell, you must first straighten your hair with an iron, and apply a styling product. For a more voluminous shell, the hair can, on the contrary, be slightly combed.


Gulka refers to simple and quick hairstyles, performed on straight and curly hair. First, moisten the strands or apply a fixative so that they do not fall out. Then they are collected in a ponytail at the crown, head tilted down. The tail is twisted into a loose tourniquet, which turns into a bun at the base. The ends are fixed with an invisible or hairpin.

When performing hairstyles, you should make sure that all hair is collected and there are no strands that have fallen out. If the length of the hair does not allow you to make a high bun, then you can lower it a little and form it closer to the back of the head.

Two pigtails

Braided hairstyles are suitable for everyone and are done in a few minutes. To do this, you just need to learn the technique of weaving braids.

To make 2 pigtails, you should make an even parting in the middle and divide the hair into 2 parts. Then you need to comb your hair and start weaving the braid in front of the first strand of hair.

After weaving is completed, the ends of the strands are tied with an elastic band. Then they begin to form a pigtail from the other half of the hair and also tie the ends with an elastic band. For a change in hairstyle, the ends of the right braid can be tied with ribbons under the left braid, and the ends of the left, on the contrary, under the right.

Spikelet or fishtail

Light hairstyles to school for yourself in 5 minutes can be done using spikelet weaving or a fishtail.

To weave a spikelet, the hair must be divided into 3 strands. Weaving begins as a simple braid, then, when the right and left strands are woven once, strands are taken alternately from both sides from the remaining hair and superimposed on the middle one.

This technique should be braided until all loose hair is in the braid. The ends are tied with an elastic band, and the hair is fixed with varnish or spray.

The spikelet can be diversified by braiding it not in the middle, but on its side. The braid begins at the temporal part on one side and, during weaving, smoothly shifts to the opposite side. You need to finish weaving on the other side so that the tips are on the opposite shoulder. You can braid the braid to the end and tie it with an elastic band, or collect the remaining hair in a ponytail.

A fishtail is not much more complicated than a spikelet, but it looks completely different. Hair should be divided into 2 equal parts. Then take a thin strand of hair on one side and put a strand on top of it from the opposite side.

To keep your hair from tangling, you need to hold the braided strands with your thumb, pressing it to your head. The ends are tied with an elastic band or a hairpin. To make the braid appear more voluminous and magnificent, you can pull the strands to the sides. Hairstyle in the form of a fish tail is better to weave on medium and long hair.

french braid

To make a hairstyle with a French braid can be done quickly if the weaving technique is familiar:

  1. Hair should be combed and moistened with water.
  2. Then a strand is separated in the middle from the frontal part of the head.
  3. A strand of the same width is separated from the side.
  4. Put it on the first strand.
  5. The strand on the other side is also placed on top.
  6. Continue to separate the same strands on both sides and put them on top of each other.
  7. Tie a tail or braid a braid to the end and fix it.

There are many variations of French braid hairstyles, one of which is called the waterfall. Weaving begins from the temporal part of the head. The central strand is selected and the side strands are alternately added to it.

A French braid is woven, but after a few weaves, it is necessary to put the lower strand on the middle one and let it go down. This action is done every 2-3 weaves, while the upper strands should all be collected in a braid. You can complete the weaving at the temporal part of the opposite side, or go lower. The ends should be tied with a thin elastic band.


Light hairstyles to school for yourself in 5 minutes - malvinki. In their creation, you do not need to have weaving skills, as they are based on a regular ponytail. It is necessary to collect the upper part of the curls in the tail and fix on the crown.

The remaining strands remain free, you can twist them with tongs or straighten them with an iron. Laying will not look very simple if the tail is made into a bun. To do this, when tying your hair with an elastic band, you should not get the tips. You can also braid a pigtail from the tail and you get a malvinka with a scythe.

Another variant of a malvinka can be a bun. To do this, you also need to connect the hair in the tail and roll it into a tight tourniquet. Then it is necessary to wrap the flagellum at the roots of the hair and stab the ends with invisible or hairpins.


The ideal light hairstyle for school is a bun, you can make it yourself in 5 minutes, while the hair will be neatly collected and not get on your face.

Before collecting the hair, it is recommended to comb it thoroughly, then wet it or apply a styling product so that it does not crumble and does not tangle. To create a high bun, you can tilt your head down, so it will be more convenient to collect all the hair.

Then a tail is made and tied with a thin elastic band. The hair is twisted closer to the hair roots and fastened with hairpins, and the ends are hidden under the bun and fixed with invisibility.

For a low bun hairstyle, the hair is tied at the bottom and tied into a loose ponytail. Above the elastic, you need to move a little strand and thread the tail there. If the hair is long enough, then you need to do this several times. The ends are fixed with an invisible or hairpin. You can decorate such a hairstyle with hairpins with decoration or a hairpin, fixing it in the middle of the beam.

Hairstyles with crabs

If there is such a type of hair accessory as a crab, then you can make an easy and quick hairstyle.

With small crabs, the hair on the sides is carefully removed from the face and stabbed. You should separate the strand on the right side, twist it clockwise and stab at the back. You can stop at this, or you can collect a strand from the opposite side, twist it counterclockwise and stab it with a crab at the same level as the first one.

The rest of the hair remains free, but the face is open. The same styling can be done with a single crab. To do this, the hair is gathered at the top and sides and pinned up at the back. In fact, it turns out a malvinka with a crab

To collect all the hair, you need a large crab. You need to comb, collect the tail, twist it into a tourniquet and stab it with a crab at the back of the head. If the hair is long, then you can leave the ends free to distribute them over the hairpins.


Hairstyles in the Greek style look feminine stylish, but at the same time, with proper skill, they can be done in 5 minutes. For classic Greek styling, you will need a special bandage with an elastic band on one side. You need to put a bandage over your hair so that the elastic is at the back.

The front of the bandage can be lowered to the forehead or raised above the bangs. Then they begin to alternately wind small strands on an elastic band and hide the tips. When all the hair is collected, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

A hairstyle option is possible when not all hair is collected. It is necessary to put on a bandage and twist only the upper strands onto an elastic band. The lower strands remain loose, they can be wound on tongs and form light curls.

Greek hairstyle can be done without additional accessories, you only need hairpins and stealth. It is necessary to collect small strands at the back of the head, twist them and fix them with a hairpin.

Braids from tails

To make a braid of tails, you will need a lot of small elastic bands.

Hairstyle technique:

There is another technique for weaving braids from tails:

  1. Gather the top hair and loosely tie with an elastic band.
  2. Above the elastic, part the hair and twist the ponytail through the hole.
  3. The side strands are gathered together, tied in a ponytail and also turned inside out.
  4. Continue such actions until all the strands are braided.
  5. The rest of the hair is collected in a ponytail and secured with an elastic band or hairpin.

Inverted tail

Light hairstyles to school yourself in 5 minutes do not have to be boring. To make an inverted tail, you need to collect the hair at the back of the head and tie it with an elastic band.
Then you need to part the hair over the elastic to form a small hole. The tail is turned out, passing it between the parted strands through the top. Comb loose hair and fix hair with varnish.

hair bow

A hair bow looks original and unusual, and you can make it without much effort, if you follow the following technique:


The lantern hairstyle is easy to do, but it will look better on long hair. Gather your hair into a high ponytail and tie with an elastic band. Stepping back a little from the first gum, tie the second and so on. To get flashlights, you need to push the hair between the elastic bands to the sides.

wrapped braid

To make a twisted braid, gather your hair into a low ponytail and tie it with an elastic band. From this tail, a regular braid is braided and fixed. Above the top elastic, part the hair and thread the braid between them several times. Fix the hairstyle with hairpins and fix with varnish or spray.

There are a lot of easy hairstyles that you can do to your own school in no more than 5 minutes. The main thing is to know the exact technique of execution and then it is possible to have time to style your hair beautifully and at the same time not be late for lessons.

Video: hairstyles in 5 minutes

9 bundles to school and work:

Simple hairstyles in a couple of minutes for every day:

First of all, a hairstyle for school should be practical and sustainable. If the hairstyle is loosely fixed or very light, then after a couple of hours there will be no trace of it, especially if there is also a physical education lesson. At the same time, the hairstyle should not tighten the hair too much so that blood circulation is not disturbed, because the head will hurt and the child will quickly get tired. And the main requirement of a school hairstyle is that it does not take much time to create.

We offer options for hairstyles for different hair lengths, which will make the image complete and individual for both little girls and older girls.

Even if the hair is short, it still needs to be braided so that the hair does not hang down, because it will interfere and distract the child from classes. The hairstyle should be neat and practical, but with short hair there are not many hairstyles that can be done to school. But, you can still play with parting and different elastic bands. A short haircut can be supplemented with a hoop or a beautiful hairpin.

For short hair, you can also make ponytails or braid a spikelet along the hairline from the bangs.

The average hair length is the most practical for creating a comfortable and beautiful school hairstyle. You can make a wide variety of hairstyles: pigtails, weaving, ponytails, a bun and much more.

Beautiful bundle to school

The bun is the best for school, and making it is not at all difficult, you first need to make a tail and secure it with a good elastic band. We put on a bagel, and leave one thin strand for weaving pigtails. We evenly distribute the hair that remains in the bagel and begin to weave a braid. Then circle the pigtail that remains around the bundle and secure with hairpins. You can decorate the bundle with a bow or a beautiful hairpin.

Hairstyle Bow in five minutes

First, comb your hair well and make a high tail, and when you scroll it for the last time with an elastic band, do not stick out the tail to the end (photo below). Then divide the hair into two parts and make a bow out of the hair that remains, fix it invisible and the hairstyle is ready. Be sure to secure your hair well so that the bow does not fall apart.

Another option for a bow is to make it on its side, so the hairstyle looks more playful.

low beam

Comb your hair well, gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head and tie it with an elastic band. Part your hair in the middle above the elastic and pull the ponytail from the bottom up into this hole. Then pick up the rest of the hair in a bun and secure with hairpins, you can also decorate with a beautiful hairpin.

Volumetric big beam in 5 minutes

We comb the hair and make three tails at the back of the head. The last time twisting the tail, do not pull it out to the end (photo below). Then we fluff the ponytails and fix them with hairpins to make one big sloppy bun.

hairstyle for long hair for school

The most practical hairstyle for long hair to school is a pigtail or ponytail. But, you can refresh these options in different ways and with unexpected details.

We offer to beautifully beat the tail and make it interesting.

Make a regular ponytail, secure it with a good elastic band so that it can last all day. Then make an unusual pigtail out of the tail using rubber bands (step by step photos below) along the entire length, at the end straighten your hair a little and you can also decorate it with a bow or hairpin.

Tail 2: make a ponytail, but not high, take a strand of hair and circle it around the elastic band, secure it with hairpins. Then take thin transparent elastic bands and tie on the tail, at about the same distance. Fluff the ponytails a little to create volume.

Beautiful weaving braids for long hair

Braids will look beautiful on any hair, but on long hair you can create whole masterpieces. You can decorate with weaving ponytails, buns and just loose hair. Pigtails can be located anywhere - on the bangs, on the crown, on the back of the head.

These weaves cannot be done in five minutes, but they look amazing.

Anna and Elsa cartoon hairstyle

The hairstyles of the main characters from the cartoon "Frozen" fell in love with many, almost every girl who watched the cartoon wants a hairstyle like that of Anna and Elsa.

Anna's hairstyle is perfect for long hair. A braid of three strands is woven, to which new strands of hair are gradually added from the sides, only the strands should be equal in thickness.

A selection of stylish and simple hairstyles for school for teenagers:

Comb your hair well, tilt your head down and start French braiding from the bottom of your hairline. finish braiding at the crown and gather all the hair into a ponytail. Take a bagel and twist a volumetric bundle, secure it with hairpins.

Make a tail, but a little sloppy. Then braid two pigtails, loosen them a little and braid them into a bun.

Hairstyles for every day, especially at school, should be not only fast, but comfortable and beautiful. A young beauty should feel comfort in her hair throughout the day. Neat hairstyles can be created on all hair, whatever they are: long, short, sparse, thick.

Why do hairstyles have to be fast?

The schoolgirl's morning begins with a heavy rise, you need to have time to put yourself in order, have breakfast, and a minimum of time is spent on hair, but for some hairstyles you don't need much. In order to make yourself a neat and stylish hairstyle, five minutes is enough.

Thanks to the many options , you can put your hair in order and go to school in a tidy way .

Quick hairstyles for school three beam

A bun is known to be the most comfortable hairstyle. It is made as easy as shelling pears , and most importantly quickly . A variant of this hairstyle is suitable for both girls with long hair and short hair. The hairstyle is located on the back of the head. We divide it into three equal parts and create ponytails from them. Then we form each tail into a bundle. We pin it with hairpins so that it does not fall apart and the hairstyle is ready.


Also, this hairstyle is good because the hair does not interfere. If after the lessons you need to go to such sections as dance, gymnastics, this option is considered the most widespread in convenience. The hairstyle can be done both on girls from elementary grades, and on high school girls.

You can use two options for creating a beam - this is with a donut and with an elastic band.

bagel: put it on the tip of the hair and twist it inward, reaching the base of the tail, stab it with hairpins. Good option for fine hair. The main point is the color of the donut, it is desirable that it fully matches your color.

With rubber band: tie a tail at the crown, then create a tourniquet and twist around the tail.
If you can't find a bagel, don't worry, you can do without it. For a homemade version, a homemade bagel will do. In order to make you need a sock, with a cut off end. We twist it inward and now our substitute is ready. The color of the sock should also match. Next, a similar work is done. Make sure that the hair does not stick out in different directions.

classic knot

For this installation, a maximum of two minutes will suffice. We divide the hair into two partings: upper and lower. Our ponytail will be on the side. We tie the parts into a knot, so, 3 times. You can leave it like this, or you can do it until the hair runs out. Then tie with an elastic band. If you want to look unusual and colorful, you can add a ribbon to the weave, and attach it to your hair from the very beginning.

Greek bundle

You can use a slightly simplified version of creating a pretty beam. For this we use Greek technique. Some girls are convinced that this kind of hairstyles are created only professional hand, but it is not. With the help of the wizard, you can create more complex variations, and the beam can be done at home. For the result to be successful, the length of the hair should be just below the shoulders. The bundle will be located at the back of the head. Therefore, first we make a low tail. Then, moving the elastic band away from the back of the head, we scroll part of the hair through the hole. We fix the ends, in the so-called pocket.

Video lesson

If you managed to allocate more time for a hairstyle, you can add complexity. At the beginning, turn the side zones either into pigtails or into bundles.

Quick hairstyles for school for long hair

Girls with long hair will need more time to reproduction hairstyles. There is a huge number of styling, braids are among the most options. They look more practical owners long hair. But now they differ not only in convenience, but also in popularity.

Pigtail of three braids

Not a single girl can walk with standard weaving every day, every beauty wants variety, regardless of age.

Here is the first option how to diversify a girl's braid. We divide the head into 3 parts. We braid them
parts of the spikelet, if you have a bang, you can weave it in, or leave it alone. We tie each part with an elastic band. The middle pigtail should be located at the back of the head. Then we thread the side braids into the links of the middle braid. You get unusually beautiful weaving. It can last all day and not spoil the wonderful look. Add a few accessories and the usual everyday hairstyle will turn into an elegant festive one.

Second option hairstyle performance.

Braid in the shape of a heart

Those mothers who know how to weave French braids can take note of this option. It will be difficult to do this hairstyle yourself. It is very important that it be evenly done. To do this, we divide the hair into an equal parting. Then we will trim the crown part. We take the hair from the crown side (near the parting) and begin to weave french spikelet with hooks. We gradually approach the back of the head and also pick up the rest of the hair. The second side is done in the same way. For beauty, you can straighten the braids a little. At the end, we continue to weave a regular braid or tie a ponytail.

Tail - braid

Another kind of beautiful, and most importantly practical hairstyle. It combines both tail and pigtail. It is made simpler. We divide the hair into two parts: upper and lower (the tail will be on the side). From the top we make a tail, and from the bottom - a braid. The last step will be the girth of the tail with a pigtail. We fix it with an invisibility and the hairstyle is ready. The tail can be wound on a curling iron or curlers for a festive evening. This option is suitable for gentle natures, it will be especially good to combine with a small accessory.

Quick hairstyles for school for medium hair

Girls with medium length hair cannot have problems with their hairstyle, because there are quite a few of them. Bunches, pigtails, ponytails or flagella - it's all for you. You can complement the image with colorful ribbons, precious stones or headbands, and every day demonstrate new hairstyle.

Greek hairstyle

Another option for a Greek hairstyle is with a bandage. Great for long and medium hair. We put on a bandage on the head and the lower strands twist into it in turn. You can give your hair a slightly casual look. The bandage should be chosen according to your taste, but if simple is best for everyday use, it should also not compress the head too much. Otherwise, you will not be able to walk with her all day.

Quick hairstyles for school for short hair

If you can't make a pigtail with short hair, this does not mean that there are no more hairstyles. Sufficient amount with bright rubber bands , ponytails , rims or ribbons , with which hair is easily removed from the face .

Hairstyles for girls 9 - 13 years old

Some days a girl wants to be especially beautiful and attractive. It could be her birthday or a matinee. In this case, you can allow some festive styling, or even airy curls.

original weaving

There are many weaves that will suit for solemn cases. But for this costs get up early And give hairstyle more time. But how says « the beauty requires victims» And if your daughter really wants to be more beautiful all, have to a little endure.
so, what kind same there are weaving?
Everything weaving consist on the basis braid:

  1. french
  2. Fishy tail
  3. IN odefalls
  4. braids from 3 - 7 strands
  5. styling from ribbons

If explore several species, then you you can from ease bring beauty daughters, at how you can not repeat, but do what-then his.


Certainly from curls very many harm, but if do them not often, but on special days - nothing terrible. Can use curling iron And curl lush curls, but can try achieve curls from help foil, And this not will take at you many time.