Doll bell meaning. Amulet doll Bell: DIY workshop. Step-by-step master class on making a Bell doll

The bell doll brings good news to the house. This is a very interesting, traditional for our ancestors, lyalka-amulet. One of the many mascots of the Russian heritage, whose energy takes under the guardianship of a person's dwelling. The analogue of the Chinese bell is the music of the wind.

Recently, a well-deserved appeal to the history of native amulets has begun. The fashion for Chinese Feng Shui has become boring and, it must be admitted, it has not really taken root. But interest in the primordial amulets of their ancestors is growing day by day. Finally, souvenir shops have pressed the ranks of amulets from Feng Shui and offer us our own talismans.

Dolls-amulets, in which different protective meanings are embedded, are a good tradition, it should be welcomed in every possible way, without bowing to foreign symbols. Only the energy of the native land can become a good amulet for the people. You can do them yourself, or you can buy them in a gift shop - not the point, it is important to open your soul and accept the energy of your ancestors in order to fill your life with grace.

In Valdai, in the very heart of Russia, where everything breathes history, the chrysalis takes its origin - the messenger of good news. Legends say that its name comes from the bells cast in Valdai. The coachmen's carts were equipped with smaller Valdai bells, which transported parcels and letters - news. The ringing of the driver's bell became a symbol of good news.

From these joyful bells, long-awaited by everyone, the story of the national chrysalis-guardian, the keeper of the hearth from bad news, originates. Putting the bell in the shape of a little housewife, the housewives with their own hands tried to attract a series of good news to the house. In addition, the role of protecting the family from all sorts of sad and negative news was assigned to the amulet.

In this doll, two traditions were combined at once - in addition to the driver's bell, the image of the brownie's wife entered the amulet, who helped him with the housework, keeping a person's dwelling from sorrow and turmoil. The analogies of small houses can be seen in the amulets of Rozhanitsa, Kolyada, Zhelannitsa - in each of them, the housewife performs the role assigned to her as a guardian over a person.

The bell doll usually lives in the entryway at the door, protects the house from bad news and lures good news. Therefore, if you are going to make a charm with your own hands, stock up on beautiful fabrics and satin ribbons. It is better to keep it in red tones, since red has always carried the meaning of a good and joyful event.

Of course, it's not hard to buy a bell doll from a gift shop. It will meet all the rules of the Russian tradition, contain all the necessary details and moments. However, sometimes you want to try your hand on your own and do something useful and beautiful with your own hands. For such needlewomen, you can offer a small master class.

  1. The base for the future doll is rolled up from linen fabric.
  2. Then it is tightly, in a spiral, pulled together with a thread to form a strong tube - the base.
  3. A lump of cotton wool is put into a strip of fabric, forming the head of the future pupa.
  4. The resulting tube-base and the head of the future doll are fastened together.
  5. Three circles are cut out of three prepared pieces of variegated cloth. They are made different in diameter, so that in the end they form three layers of the bell pupa. The first layer is made with a diameter of about 30 cm, the second - 26 cm, the third - 22 cm.
  6. A head on a leg is put into the center of the larger circle and, carefully forming the folds of the future pupa, the lower layer of fabric is fixed on the base.
  7. It is also done alternately with the remaining two fabric circles to end up with a beautiful three-layer fabric bell.
  8. Gently fasten the material in the neck of the future amulet with threads. Having chosen one side of the head as the future face of the pupa, try to make it as smooth as possible, without a hitch.
  9. Then the face and hands of the future beregin are formed from the fabric square. The two opposite corners are folded slightly overlapping to form an unfinished envelope.
  10. By analogy with the previous layers, this square is applied to the head of the pupa, fastening it with threads in the neck area so as to get an even face, and the free corners will form future handles.
  11. The free corners for the handles are folded inward and secured with a thread so that neat hands come out.
  12. Then the thread is pulled from the waist and under the arms to form the body of the pupa.
  13. The head of the pupa is decorated with lace or braid, imitating a stock (headdress), fixing with threads.
  14. The prepared kerchief is attached from above, crossing its ends on the body and tying it behind the back of the bell doll.
  15. A ringing bell is attached inward to the base of the pupa or on top of the belt.

Important! Tie the bell to the doll with a red satin ribbon. The atlas has the meaning of an easy, even path, and the red color symbolizes beautiful and good.

Conspiracies for amulet

In order for the amulet to work for good and not bring bad news, but to be a conductor of exceptionally good news, it was customary to talk about it. It is better if the action is held on the full moon - this is a symbol of wealth, full of happiness, full of good houses.

  • When making a female guardian spirit, no man should be present.
  • The doll should be made exclusively by a woman, the mistress of the house.
  • When making a doll that attracts happy news, you should not use old clothes. Moreover, the one that brought bad luck or belonged to the patient is prohibited.
  • Not using a needle is a bad omen.
  • You cannot make a talisman without mood and in a bad mood. Your happy aura is a guarantee of the energy that you put into the future talisman.

Those craftswomen who are professionally engaged in the manufacture of amulets-dolls understand their responsibility and are familiar with the traditions of making domestic patrons. Therefore, buying a doll from them is safe and brings goodness to the house. If you do not find the necessary skill in yourself or are limited in time, then feel free to buy amulets from needlewomen. The main thing is not to forget to speak your talisman.

Sign! The bell-doll has one wonderful property - write your secret desire or dream on a note. And attach a note to the inside of the doll. You just need to make it so that it was unknown to others. Your dream will definitely come true - the doll will bring the fulfillment of your cherished dream to your house.

Bell doll - play and amulet.

It has been raining since morning, and in such weather, the only desire is to lie on the stove and chew rolls. But Veselina and I decided to resist the laziness spreading throughout the city along with the drizzling rain and undertook to put things in order in the workshop. Finally, they put the rags together in one box, the finished dolls were also identified - some in wicker houses, some in large boxes. The line even reached tool boxes and shelves with parts.

And where did the dolls that were made by the very first you have gone? Veselina asked, busily wiping dust off the shelves.

But who where, - I replied, - some gave away, others have fallen into disrepair, still others live in that box that stands behind the shelving against the wall.

Let's visit them, all the same we have already dealt with the order, but it is still pouring from the sky.

Well, it's always nice to touch your own creations once again. - I agreed and crawled into the corner for the box.

As I went through the rag dolls I made a few years ago, I had mixed feelings. They were so simple, interesting and funny that the mood lifted by itself. And the fact that the threads from the knots were sticking out, someone's handkerchief slid to one side, and someone's had different hands, even more amused. Sometimes it became embarrassing from my own curvature, but what to do - not everything works out right away.

What is it?

Oh, look, what is it? asked Veselina, brushing off the dust from a doll that, at first glance, looks like a bundle of rags.

This is a Bell doll, let's put it in order, otherwise it doesn't look like itself.

What is this doll with that name? Tell us a little about her.

Rag doll bell

The name of this doll and direct associations with the word "bell" give rise to some needlewomen to believe that they began to make it relatively recently. Many of them argue that the time of her birth coincides with the period of the reign of Ivan the Terrible and is associated with the famous story about a large bell that the tsar wanted to take to Moscow from Nizhny Novgorod. During transportation, the bell broke, disobeying the royal will to ring at his decree.

This is my first doll Bell.

In continuation of this story, Valdai craftsmen made small bells for coachmen from the fragments of this bell, which later became known throughout the country. It was these little bells, suspended under the arc of a harness, that witnessed the existence of a spiritual force beyond the control of any ruler.

However, I could not find reliable information about the origin of the rag doll Bell. It is likely that it is no longer possible to find out the truth, because the dolls were not given passports, and it was not customary to talk about them in the annals.

You can learn more about other Russian rag dolls by reading articles and.

The history of the appearance and meaning of the Bell doll

The most common version of the appearance of this doll says that it was a reflection of Valdai history, and, therefore, the end of the 15th century is considered the time of its birth. However, no evidence has been provided for this claim. I fully admit that this was the case in this area, but in other regions a similar doll appeared clearly in different circumstances. I am inclined to believe that the Bell is more than a dozen centuries old, and it appeared long before the baptism of Rus.

There is a lot of evidence that our ancestors were familiar with the construction of the bell much earlier than the meeting of the Russian prince with the Byzantine emperor. Simply put, pre-Christian Russia knew perfectly well what a bell is and how to use it. The conclusion suggests itself that the Bell doll is much older than many people think.

Doll amulet Bell

But in trying to get to the truth, it is very important to know when to stop. I've found an article on the Internet, the author of which tells about how bells began to be made in the image and likeness of a doll. So there is such a, let's put it mildly, vision of history.

And we will stop somewhere in the middle. - I hear the voice of Veselina, who is always amused by such free reflections on history, the nature of things and their essence.

Gold words! - I agree in response, - and in general, let's finish with this topic and move on to why such a doll was made.

The doll was protected by the Bell, inside it is a twist.

Like many other Russian rag dolls, the meaning of the Bell doll was at first purely amulet. Only many centuries later they began to make it in a souvenir and even a game version. There is every reason to believe that initially this doll was a talisman not only in the metaphysical, but also in the literal sense, acting as a sound signaling. And what, quite a viable version, if you put something rattling and ringing inside. Outside there is a rag doll, and you touch it and the ringing starts. You can safely mount it at the door so that you can always hear when it opens.

Play doll Bell

Despite the fact that this is just a fantasy, many craftsmen persistently fix real bells inside the doll with full confidence that this is how it should be.

Most likely, the doll is called a Bell, because it is shaped like a bell, ”Veselina said fearing to be mistaken.

In my opinion, this is the only reasonable reason.

The doll was made in the shape of a bell, and only by this did it scare away all evil spirits, like fire that was afraid of the bell ringing. Also, the Bell was based on a twist, which, when crossed with the hands, forms a protective cross. There were most often three skirts, but sometimes they made five or seven, the main thing was that there were an odd number of them. The kerchief was always worn, but the warrior might not have been.

Play doll Bell, there is nothing inside.

By the way, by the way of tying a scarf, one could create one's own image of a doll with a certain mood. If you fasten it under the arms on the back, like a scarf, then the arms are automatically raised and the figure of the doll is formed. If the kerchief wraps around the neck and is tied at the back of the head, then the hands themselves lower a little, if desired, they can generally be laid on skirts. So you can show your individuality in ritual dolls. The rags for the ritual doll are taken torn, not cut, I make them square.

Souvenir and play Bells can be made with slight disregard for strict rules. For skirts, they take scraps cut out from a circle, the doll itself is decorated with embroidery, ornaments, braid, lace and other decorative elements, primarily bells. Such dolls create an atmosphere of kindness, joy, fun and happiness - what everyone associates with the chime of the bell.

Well, Veselina left for the city with the new dolls, and I will say goodbye on this. If you were interested, leave comments and put links to the article in your social media accounts. Thank you for your attention, good luck everyone, bye.

The Bell doll is another ancient Slavic amulet from a huge variety of amulet dolls. The bell is the guardian of the house from troubles and troubles. The homeland of this amulet is Valdai. In ancient times, it was believed that the bell-amulet present in the house always brings happiness and joy with it. In this article, there will be a master class on making a Bell doll with your own hands and recommendations for activating this amulet.

Our ancestors had a great variety of amulet dolls, and the attitude towards them was always very respectful. Do-it-yourself dolls were made literally for all occasions. Among them were Zhelannitsy, Kuvadki, Prosperous Women, Zernovushki and many others. Today we will talk about one of them - the Bell amulet doll.

The ancient Slavs had many amulet dolls for different occasions in life.

To prepare for a DIY handbell doll making workshop, you need to collect:

  • white matter, necessarily linen;
  • colored scraps of fabric (cotton or chintz can be used);
  • natural threads of various colors;
  • bell;
  • a ruler and a piece of padding polyester.

First, remember the main rule - when making a doll amulet Bell with your own hands, they never use piercing and cutting objects, that is, needles, scissors or knives are excluded. Matter should only be torn apart with your hands.

Using a ruler, outline the length and width of the doll.

Usually they take a square piece of fabric with a side of 24 centimeters. Then, three skirts are made from three colored patches; for this, three circles are cut out of colored fabric. Their diameters should be equal to 28, 32 and 36 centimeters.

These three skirts on the doll symbolize the three sides of being - rule (higher powers that control reality), reality (the real world) and nav (the other world).

Work carefully, especially when tearing fabrics, as the resulting dangling threads cannot be sewn with a needle.

To make a Bell doll, they usually take white or red threads.

Take a large circle of fabric, place a piece of padding polyester and a bell in its center, then collect it like a bag (padding polyester with a bell should be inside). Fasten the fabric with a thread so that the synthetic winterizer is held firmly. Take the middle circle of fabric and wrap the resulting ball with it. Then put a smaller circle on top, and also wrap with thread.

The ancient Slavs usually used threads of red tones, since the red color itself has a sacred meaning and is able to scare away the dark forces and attract well-being.

Now look at what you've got - you can clearly see the formed head and torso.

The hands of the Bell doll are very simple.

Now take white matter. Place it in front of you in a diamond shape, also seamy side up. Fold over two opposite edges. Place the blank of the doll on this rhombus with its head in the center. Gather the fabric around your head and secure with thread around your neck.

In the ancient Slavic amulets of motank dolls, facial features were never distinguished. According to legend, a doll with individual facial features (highlighted with threads or in some other way) could attract evil spirits and harm the owner.

Bell doll's wrists are wrapped in red threads

The next step is to make the doll's hands. To do this, the white matter on the sides of the doll is collected, twisted, and the ends are fixed with threads in the wrist area.

White matter still remains in front and behind the doll. It is neatly bent inward and also secured with threads. The result is a fixed-waist shirt.

To enhance the Bell doll, you can put on a warrior with protective symbols

A warrior and a handkerchief are put on the doll's head. If desired, the doll can be decorated with beads or ribbon.

If the amulet doll or talisman is not activated, then you will just own an original souvenir, so the activation rite must be performed.

First of all, while making a doll with your own hands, communicate with it, share your thoughts and desires, put your energy into it (during the creation of the amulet, you must certainly be in a good mood). But this is not enough.

During the manufacture of the Bell doll, you need to think about the innermost

When making an ancient Slavic doll, you must mentally ask the Slavic gods to help you in your business.

You will need to choose a conspiracy that matches what you expect from your Bell amulet. Usually people dream of health, well-being, love. In such cases, they usually turned to the Slavic God Perun with the following words:

“Perun the Great! Hear, I urge you! Be glorious three times! Give bread and health to my children (here you can pronounce the names of people close to you)! Ruling over all, hear me! And now, and ever! So it was, so it is and so it will be! "

Also, when plotting the Bell, you can turn to the Goddess Lada:

“Lada, Ladushka, Mother of Heaven! Do not bypass us with your love, do not leave us without happiness, do not allow dashing, but trouble! We glorify and honor you, Mother of Heaven, forever and ever, do not leave us with your grace! So it was, so it is and so it will be! Forever and ever, as long as Yarilo is in heaven! "

One strict rule has already been said - when creating a doll with your own hands, you cannot use cutting and piercing objects. But there are other features as well.

Only women can make reeled dolls, men cannot even be present in the room where the Bell is made.

If you make a doll as a gift to a loved one, then only you and the person to whom it is intended can be touched.

It is not necessary to use new fabric for the amulet doll.

When making a doll, it is not necessary to use new fabrics; for the Bell, you can take fabric from old clothes. But clothes should not belong to a deceased, sick or stranger.

You cannot make a doll in a state of ill health or not in the best mood.

If you fill it with love and positive energy in the process of creating a doll, you will get a faithful protector, helper and keeper of your family and home.

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. To remove the lack of money, this amulet will help you read here

Have shared

At all times, people wanted to protect themselves, their loved ones and bring good news into their homes. For this, special amulets were made that could ward off trouble and attract good luck. One of the most common were rag dolls, which housewives made with their own hands. Guardian Bell not only does not let bad news into the house, but also gives its inhabitants cheerfulness and good mood.

It is believed that the history of the amulet is associated with the Valdai region. It has long been the custom that the ringing of small bells foreshadowed good news. They were hung on their carts by coachmen carrying mail. Placing a bell in fabric, forming a doll, the hostesses also tried to attract positive messages into their home. In the Bell amulet, two images converged at once: in addition to the ringing promising good news, he also personified the house - the spouse of the brownie, who was called to keep the family hearth from sorrow and grief.

Bell doll attracts good news to the house

Historians still argue about the time of the appearance of the Bell doll. Most experts agree that the amulet was born around the 15th century, when the Novgorod Veche bell was broken in Valdai. Legends say that the famous Valdai bells were cast from its fragments, which became a symbol of good news. There is also an assumption that the Slavs knew about the bells and knew how to use them long before the baptism of Rus. This suggests that the history of the Bell amulet is more ancient than it is commonly believed.

Valdai bell was broken during transportation

The bell differs from other Slavic guard dolls both in the cut of the details and in the figure. The materials for its manufacture are bright and colorful, the skirts are attached in a circle, which is completely uncharacteristic for ancient amulets. In addition, the chrysalis protector from bad news has a pronounced waist and is shaped like a bell. Our ancestors believed that all evil spirits are afraid of the ringing of bells like fire.

There is an assumption that the Bell doll was a talisman not only in the metaphysical sense, but also literally. The bell inside it worked as an alarm. A doll placed at the front door notified the owners of the arrival of guests.

The doll has three skirts that symbolize three worlds: reality (real), rule (abode of the gods) and nav (kingdom of the dead). At the everyday level, this means that well-being has three components: if it is easy for the body, the soul rejoices, and the spirit is calm, then the person also feels happy.

The doll should be bright and resemble a bell in shape.

This amulet was distinguished by its lively and cheerful disposition, which is why it was often called a dancing doll. The bell really looks like it will spin and dance at any moment.

Bell doll looks like it is dancing

The Bell doll is designed to keep bad news out of the house. Most often it was hung in the entryway. Ringing cheerfully every time the doors were opened, the amulet gave its owners joy and good mood. The protective doll personifies the female spirit, and therefore it is forbidden for men to make it and touch it. Usually the hostess made the bell for her house. In addition, the amulet could be an excellent housewarming gift.

Video: the meaning and features of the Bell doll

How to make a do-it-yourself Bell amulet

Before you start making a talisman doll, you should remember important rules:

  • you should not use new cuts of fabric, it is better to take rags from old worn clothes;
  • in order not to charge the amulet with bad energy, during work they do not take scissors, needles or other piercing and cutting tools in their hands; fabric and threads are torn by hand;
  • when making, the craftswoman needs to be in a good mood, her positive thoughts should be directed to the doll itself and to the person to whom it is intended;
  • while tying knots for each of them, you need to make a wish word (happiness, joy, love, good luck); the number of nodes must be even;
  • the doll cannot draw or embroider a face, it is believed that no evil can enter them this way.
  • Video: making a Bell doll

    Necessary materials

    In order for the doll to turn out to be special and become not just a decoration, but also a talisman, you need to carefully select materials. To work on the Bell you will need:

  • three scraps of fabric of a round shape, the diameter of which is 22, 20 and 15 cm; the matter must be chosen bright and beautiful, and one shred must be red; it is better if the largest piece is made of a denser fabric, so the doll can keep its shape;
  • a flap of white matter approximately 12x3 cm in size;
  • threads (always red), ribbons and braid;
  • to design a scarf, a piece of fabric in the shape of a triangle with sides of 15x15x21 cm is useful;
  • synthetic winterizer (you can use cotton wool or straw);
  • small bell.
  • Among the scraps for skirts, there must be at least one red

    Step-by-step making of the Bell doll

    A ball is formed from padding polyester (cotton wool, straw). A small bell is attached to it with a thread. The resulting piece should be placed in the center of the largest round piece of fabric.

    A bell is tied to a lump of padding polyester and placed in the center

    The fabric is wrapped around a pad of padding polyester and tied. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the edges of the skirt lie flat and the center does not move.

    The fabric is wrapped around a padding polyester

    The second largest round flap is also wrapped and secured with suture.

    The last piece of fabric is wrapped and secured with thread

    Folds white cloth

    The folded workpiece is applied to the head so that at least 1 cm of fold remains below the neck.

    White cloth is applied to the head

    The white piece is trimmed and secured with red thread.

    White fabric is tied with red thread

    Hands are formed from the corners of white cloth

    At the final stage, a scarf is tied. This can be done in two ways: with or without a warrior. For the first option, a warrior is first put on the head, and the kerchief itself is then tied under the doll's arms.

    Photo gallery: options for tying a scarf

    To hang the doll, a braid is tied to the handles

    How to charge and activate the Bell doll

    A bell without activation will remain just a fun toy or an original souvenir. In order for the doll to become a real talisman and work to protect the house from bad news, it must be properly charged. You need to start while working. The craftswoman must communicate with the craft, share bright thoughts with it, putting her soul into the product. So the amulet will become a conductor of good news and will bring only joy to the owners.

    To activate the Bell doll, you can contact the goddess Lada

    The Slavic goddess Lada is the keeper of the hearth. Therefore, to activate the Bell doll, you need to refer to it. It is better to do this with a full moon, since the heavenly body during this period symbolizes wealth, happiness and a house filled with good.

    Before the ceremony, you need to prepare a saucer of milk and a slice of bread. They need to be placed in front of the front door, where the doll will live. Then they light a candle and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    Goddess Lada, Ladushka, sweetheart of the family, come to our (your names) house, bring love with you. Bring harmony and peace to our house, family strong stability.
    Children - health, and me (your name) and my husband (husband's name) - plenty of love, kindness and a happy life. Low bow to you, Lada, but the table is full of gifts.


    Milk and bread must be left in the hallway for a day, and then given to the animals

    Bread and milk should stand at the entrance for a whole day, and then they should be offered to be eaten by a pet in order to pay tribute to the patron spirits. After that, the Bell doll gains power, with the help of which only good news will come to the house.

    Who doesn't want to protect their home from bad news and ward off trouble from their families? The Bell doll helped our ancestors in this. Charged with positive energy and made according to all the rules, this amulet gains powerful power that can attract good news to the house and make its inhabitants happy.

    In this article, we will continue to talk about Slavic amulet dolls. For each occasion of life, our ancestors made certain amulets, and it will be useful for novice craftswomen to learn the nuances of such manufacture.

    The amulet dolls did not just serve as a funny decoration for the house - these small creations were believed to help their owners. How is it? And how to create such beauty?

    How to make a doll-amulet for a child?

    Doll-amulet Pelenashka done quickly enough, and this procedure is within the power of even those mothers who are far from needlework. In addition, the Pelenashka can serve the basis for many pupae, which is very useful for novice craftswomen.

    IMPORTANT: Earlier it was customary to make seven Swaddling dolls for the first year of a baby's life. These amulets lay in the crib, put into the baby's handle, and were tied to his clothes.

    A lot of swaddling dolls were made for the child

    To create a doll required:

    • Natural fabric - desirable cotton... It is even more desirable that the fabric is narrower worn and homespun- so she will transfer human warmth, vitality to the doll.
    • Filler
    • Braid, ribbons, threads, buttons - in a word, what can be used to tie and decorate a doll

    Creation procedure The diaper is as follows:

    • To begin with, in the center of the fabric in flesh or white placed a filler ball.
    • Then he was wrapped around a thread and tied up - so a head was created.
    • One more piece of fabric was taken, but brighter - for diaper... He wrapped himself lower than his head around the so-called torso.

    IMPORTANT: Craftswomen believed that the fabric should be wrapped six times.

    • But now you can bandage the doll.
    • Next, another piece of fabric was taken, which the head of the pupa was covered. The ends should have been tightened crosswise. Could be again fasten everything with a thread.
    • And again the amulet was obsessed with a piece of fabric - this time already top diaper... The swaddle was neatly wrapped in it, tied with an elegant ribbon and decorated.

    Doll amulet-motanka Bereginya: description, meaning, photo

    As we wrote above, this doll was very common, as it had a special meaning. She was called meet everyone entering the house, serving as an obstacle to evil forces... Also drove away diseases, quarrels.

    IMPORTANT: The ideal location for Beregini is opposite the front door. At the same time, it should be higher than the heads of incoming people in order to better observe them.

    Despite the fact that we have described the process of making this amulet doll, Bereginya from time to time can be completely different. It is believed that it is not a person who chooses Bereginya, but she chooses him. Therefore, if you want to buy such a doll, take the one that first attracted attention.

    Amulet doll Bereginya in flirty bright outfits Amulet doll Bereginya in a colorful sundress

    Amulet doll Bereginya in spring-like bright clothes

    Amulet doll Bereginya in clothes painted with folk motives

    Amulet doll Bereginya in a simple home dress

    Solid doll-amulet Bereginya in multilayer clothes

    Amulet doll Bereginya dressed in warm cozy shades

    I take care of you can give. Such a gift will become a wish for comfort, kindness, joy, happiness and well-being in the house.

    The craftswomen of the early eras knew that winding different components of the doll must always be in the same direction... It was believed that this was the only way Bereginya could throw away everything bad from her masters, bring harmony.

    IMPORTANT: Special attention was paid to the time of creation of the amulet. For example, the growing phase of the moon was ideal for creating Bereginia for harvesting, farming and adding to the family. On the full moon, pupae were created to protect wealth in the house, the successful completion of important matters. But handicrafts in the waning moon were designed to protect from various diseases.

    The doll-amulet Bereginya for the harvest should have been made with the growing phase of the moon

    Amulet doll Lovebirds: description, history, meaning, photo

    Our ancestors loved to make such a doll when someone created or dreamed of starting a family. It was believed that she will help keep the new family united and friendly. That is why the dolls, of which there were two, in fact were made from one piece of fabric.

    The dolls had in common one hand. Separate hands were connected by a common so-called thread of fate red - this the thread should not break anywhere. In a similar way, it was said that the strength of the family is a common destiny and a common foundation.

    Pupes-amulets Lovebirds have one common hand and a thread of fate

    Cloth doll-amulets Lovebirds

    Lovebird amulet dolls can also be made of straw

    Lovebirds amulet dolls can also be created from yarn

    Often lovebirds were dressed up in pretty clothes, who were chosen for the holidays.

    Amulets dolls Lovebirds in smart clothes and with a festive towel

    However, the lovebirds amulets look beautiful in ordinary clothes.

    If a couple had a child, a loop was created on the common hand. However, small figures of newborns also look quite cute.

    Amulet doll Lovebird with figures of newborns

    Lovebirds can also attach such small figures to the amulet dolls.

    IMPORTANT: As a rule, lovebirds were not given. A girl who wanted to create a strong family had to make a doll-amulet for herself.

    It was believed that for a young chaste girl, not previously married, is worth doing two pupae. And if the young lady previously had serious connections - three... However, this recommendation was not always adhered to - they often made one amulet.

    But what was required was positive attitude. Often, the girls invited their girlfriends or relatives, who, in a friendly atmosphere, made lovebirds for themselves.

    IMPORTANT: Did not play lovebirds. It was preferable to put them in the farthest corner, so that the evil eye would not look.

    Amulets dolls Lovebirds should be attached where no one sees

    And here when the newlyweds were driving from church, this amulet flaunted on the arc of the team- it was believed that he drives away the evil eye... By the way, it was from here that the tradition of decorating wedding cars with dolls began.

    Such elegant amulets-amulets Lovebirds could decorate the team of the newlyweds

    Charm doll for good luck: description, photo meaning

    Since ancient times, it was believed that female strength and beauty lie in hair. A woman with thick long hair, as our ancestors believed, is necessarily successful, successful, able to cope with all adversity. That's why a large braid is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness.

    A braid that is longer than the pupa itself is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness

    For the first time, such a talisman was found thanks to excavations on the territory of Rzhev... Pupa Rzhevskoe happiness dates from 10th century. For its manufacture, the ancient craftswoman used linen.

    Long thick braid also has a practical function - it makes a doll sustainable... By the way, not all amulets, and just folk dolls, can boast of this.

    The big thick curved braid of the amulet doll Happiness gives stability

    Despite the fact that Happiness itself is very small - about 8 centimeters- the braid can be twice, or even three times more! And she is sure to curved.

    Doll-amulet Happiness is several times smaller than its braid

    Such a small size of the amulet was invented for a reason. The person who took this tiny doll in his hand understands that his happiness really is in his hands- you just need to make an effort.

    IMPORTANT: It is desirable that this crumbs have bast shoes. They will help you to more conveniently go on the path of finding happiness, but such a path can be long! You can also add a handbag - happiness will be added to it.

    Dolls-amulets for Happiness in sandals

    This little doll cannot but move. Moreover, it is quite can play, while not fearing that it will unwind like most reels.

    You can also carry with you hanging as a keychain. Or you can put on the desktop. As gift such a charm will be very good.

    Doll-amulet Bell

    The homeland of this amulet - Valdai, and the time of appearance is approximately 15th century.

    The bell counts a messenger of good events... How could it be otherwise, if it rang under the arc of festive triplets, and the ringing of large bells chased away the plague? In addition, from above, the bell resembles the sun, and in shape it is domed - all this was symbolic in the eyes of the Slavs.

    The chrysalis really resembles a bell in shape thanks to three full skirts. By the way, the number of skirts is no coincidence: the Slavs said that if the body is good, then the spirit is calm, and the soul is joyful.

    The amulet doll Bell was supposed to have three bright skirts

    In other words, the Bell chrysalis is amulet for happiness, joy, fun, and just for a good mood. Often such a talisman gave with heartfelt wishes for good news and joy.

    The colorful doll-amulet Bell by one of its kind gave an excellent mood

    Often in the house they met not one, but several bells- there really is never a lot of good news. Often the pupae connected with each other.

    Doll-amulet Bell will look especially good on the front door

    Dolls-amulets for the home

    Doll "Day and night" was often used to guard the home. As the change of day and night ensures order in the world, so the amulet dolls will maintain order in the house.

    Day doll- impersonation mobility, youth, fun and hard work. It is designed to ensure that the inhabitants of the dwelling they worked diligently, and on holidays they had a lot of fun. It is possible that this amulet will help you have a good day by filling it with useful events.

    Night the doll embodies thoughtfulness, calmness, wisdom. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the night makes everything and everyone unrecognizable. It is at this time of day that the most intimate conversations take place.

    However, of course, the main thing that a person should do at night is to sleep. The amulet makes sure that the sleep was serene, gave strength and allowed to rest properly.

    IMPORTANT: During the day, you should put forward a light pupa, and at night - a dark one.

    Dolls-amulets Day-night

    There are two options for making such a talisman. Most often they make two pupae of different colors connected to each other. Sometimes one could come across an even more interesting option - one pupa, as if divided into two sides.

    Option for making a doll-amulet Day-night - two sides in one doll

    The amulet doll was also popular. Broomstick... When everything fell out of hand, someone got irritated for no reason or diseases replaced each other, the verdict was unambiguous - evil eye. In such a case, everything unnecessary was thrown away and the amulet doll Broomstick was mastered.

    Hence the name of the doll - she sweeps out the negative. And it doesn't matter where exactly the negative came from - Broomstick was considered a good helper in eliminating it.

    The filler for the Broomstick was bast or straw... It is still recommended to use a bast.

    Doll-amulet Broomstick

    Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa

    Our ancestors also wanted to have a magic wand that will help the fulfillment of desires. And among women, the amulet doll Zhelannitsa served as such a stick.

    IMPORTANT: It was believed that Zhelannitsa should be made for life in a single copy. And she had to tinker alone.

    As a rule, such needlework was entrusted to very young girls - 12-14 years old. At this age, they began to realize their place in society, their responsibility for the role of women.

    When the girl later made a wish, she had to coax a doll with a gift in the form of a ribbon, beads, buttons or something similar. Later the amulet received praise from his mistress. And only after that, the girl voiced her wishes to the doll.

    Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with ribbons-gifts

    Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa in a flirty headdress and beads Small doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with beads

    Since this amulet accompanied the woman all her life, change clothes for the doll from time to time it was allowed. But here gifts should not have been removed.

    When the craftswoman worked on the next doll, she put her soul into her creation, concentrated on desires, determined goals for the future. Agree, this is very similar to what is called "art therapy" in the modern world. So why not try your hand at it?

    For the meaning and description of other dolls, see the articles:

    Video: Dolls amulets