Dolls angels for loved ones with their own hands. Master class of folk dolls made of fabric "Angel

Master class "Making a souvenir" Christmas Angel "with your own hands.

A detailed, step-by-step description of making an angel with your own hands with a photo

Pavlova Galina Vladimirovna, teacher of the Combined Kindergarten No. 20 in the city of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Appointment. The master class is designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age, subject to joint work with an adult. This master class will be useful for educators, teachers of additional education, parents, creative people when preparing a souvenir, a gift for family holidays.
Target: creation of a souvenir, a symbol of the Nativity of Christ - an Angel.
1. Expand children's ideas about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and its symbol - the Angel.
2. To develop imagination, creativity, the ability to perform a sequence of actions according to the model.
3. To develop skills in working with paper, scissors, lace fabric, foam rubber, glue. To give an idea of ​​the rules for working with a needle and thread.
4. To instill in children an interest in folk culture and traditions, a desire to please loved ones with a donated handmade souvenir.
Description. Angel is the most common symbol of the holiday Nativity of Christ... The biblical story says that it was an Angel who brought people the good news of the birth of the Son of God.

The Christmas Angel came down to earth
Hiding warmth and gifts under the wings.
I have been in an Angel since childhood and I still believe
Together with him we offer praises to God.

Christmas Angel will sprinkle with snow
Trees, road and rooftops.
In hearts he will multiply love and hope,
And he will give faith without idle words.

He will fill souls with solemn light,
He will show the Star of Bethlehem with his hand.
He will prepare us for Christmas, for miracles
And the sunbeam will give back gold.

It's not at all scary for me to walk in the darkness,
I feel a thrill of soul and delight,
And I know it's a Christmas Angel
Leading me up the steps by the hand.
Zhilkina Alena

Angels are good spirits, protectors, helpers in business. People believe that everyone living on earth has their own guardian angel who protects from troubles and accompanies them throughout their lives.
Since ancient times, souvenirs and crafts symbolizing Angels were considered special home decorations, and valuable gifts, because they carried great love, warmth and protection of the house. Today, the tradition has survived on Christmas days to give postcards with the image of angels, small souvenir figurines of angels made of fabric, porcelain , clay, wood, thread and other material.

An angel made together with a child can become an unforgettable gift for relatives and friends on New Year's, Christmas and other family holidays. Such a souvenir will be a symbol of your love and warm attitude to your dear person, a symbol of hope for the fulfillment of desires, faith in a better future. Hand-made angels, especially by the hands of children, give a special joyful mood. And it should also be said that the figures of angels, made by the hands of relatives, turn into strong amulets at home.
I propose to create your own Christmas Angel to decorate your house or give it to your closest, beloved person.
Equipment. To make a Christmas Angel you will need: foam rubber, scissors, beads, ribbon, gold (width - 5mm, length - 5cm), PVA glue, transparent glue-gel "Moment", light braid (about 40cm), yellow threads, starch, openwork fabric , white gouache, acrylic paints (red, blue, brown), brushes, golden rain, white and gold cardboard, needle with white thread.

Safety precautions. Before work, children get acquainted with the rules of safe handling of glue, scissors, and a needle.

Step-by-step execution of the "Christmas Angel" souvenir.

1. Take the foam rubber about 5x5cm and sew its corners in the center to form a ball.

2. Paint over the foam rubber with white gouache.

3. We wind yellow threads on four fingers, tie them and cut, sew or glue them to a foam ball, tie tails, also make bangs, just wind the thread on 1 finger.

4. Draw the Angel's face with paints and a thin brush.

5. We make a cone out of cardboard, as shown in the photo, with the top cut off. We glue it with PVA glue.

6. Glue the Angel's head to the cone with the "Moment" glue, fix it for a few minutes.

7. Cut out the bases for the wings from the cardboard according to the sample in the photo.

8. To keep the lace fabric in shape on the craft, we will process it with starch and glue solution. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of starch, dilute in 0.5 glass of cold water until smooth, then pour the resulting mass into a saucepan of boiling water (about 1 liter), stir until the liquid is transparent. Cool, add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue. In the resulting solution we immerse the openwork fabric for a few minutes so that it is completely saturated, we take it out and leave it to dry for a while. For the dress - I took a wide fabric, and for the wings - a narrow openwork fabric.

9. While the fabric is drying - cut out blanks for hands from foam rubber, 5x1cm in size. At a distance of 1 cm from the edge, we fix the thread (I took a nylon thread with a thickness of about 2 mm) and wrap the entire remaining part around it. We do the same with the second part. Using scissors, cut out the hands, as shown in the photo.

10. We take a fabric that is slightly dry, but still quite plastic, string the upper edge on a needle and thread, stepping back from the edge about 2 cm. We collect in an accordion and form beautiful folds until the fabric is completely dry. We fix the fabric on the cone-body and glue the seam on the back with glue.

11. Thread a thread into the foam rubber hands with a needle and tie it to the Angel's body, under the upper collar frill.

12. We connect the Angel's hands with glue or sew with a thread and a needle.

13. From the gold ribbon we make a halo above the head, for this we glue a piece of the ribbon, as shown in the photo in the form of a loop, and glue the resulting detail on the Angel's hair from behind.

14. On the base for the wings, glue the starched narrow openwork fabric. Until the fabric is completely dry, we form the desired bend of the wings. We glue the wings to the body of the Angel, after making cuts in the fabric of the garment.

15. Cut a star out of gold cardboard, as shown in the photo. We decorate it with golden rain. We glue to the hands of the Angel.

How to make an angel with your own hands

A DIY Christmas angel is an excellent home decoration for the holidays, which can be made according to your preferences. You can make figures of the required size from different materials - it can be not only textiles or paper, but also colorful decorative ribbons. After reviewing several master classes, you can combine certain materials and create completely new crafts. Use whatever you like to decorate the craft. The main stages look like this:

  1. selection and preparation of materials, tools.
  2. manufacturing of the figurine's constituent parts with subsequent connection.
  3. decoration - the head of an angel can be decorated, for example, with a ribbon or chenille gold wire.

DIY angel

A master class on making Christmas angels will be very interesting for primary school teachers, teachers of additional education and all those who are fond of crafts and souvenirs. Among the options offered there are both relatively simple and more complex ones, which will require some skills from the performer. Angels from:

  • fabrics;
  • paper;
  • thread;
  • plasticine;
  • tapes;
  • beads;
  • test.

Angels can be sewn with your own hands from fabric, using such types of textile material as burlap, coarse calico. Sintepon or cotton wool is used as a filler. You don't have to make any complicated patterns. Prepare:

  • white calico;
  • cotton thread;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • a ribbon or chenille wire of gold color;
  • satin ribbons 0.6 cm wide;
  • scissors.

Prepare two squares of white fabric measuring 20x20 cm and 15x15 cm, a rectangle made of the same material - 9x15 cm. Manufacturing steps:

  1. For the head and body of the angel, take a 20x20 cm square, fold it diagonally.
  2. You can add volume to your head if you put a piece of padding polyester in the middle of the folded square. As a result, a ball should be formed, which should be wrapped with thread.
  3. To form the handles, fold a corner around the edges and tie with a thread.
  4. Then mark the waist to be tied with a string.
  5. For the little angel's skirt, take a 9x20 cm rectangle. Gently fold the material around the waist with folds, bandage.
  6. Make the wings from a 15x15 cm square (make the edges in the form of a fringe). Fold the material diagonally, and collect the wings in the middle with thread.
  7. Tie the resulting wings to the body by crossing the thread across the chest.
  8. You can decorate the head with a gold ribbon or chenille wire. Tie a pair of satin ribbons around your waist. DIY fabric angels can be decorated with any decor if desired.

Paper angels can be presented to guests at a children's party or hung on a Christmas tree. Making them is easy, so connect your kids to the creative process. Prepare:

  • scissors;
  • glue or stapler;
  • disposable paper plates;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pen or pencils;
  • scotch tape, aluminum film.

You will need to show some skill to draw the wings and arms, which will need to be cut out for the figurine. In this case, you do not need to add anything:

  1. Cut the paper plate in half and fold one of the halves to form a cone. Secure it with a stapler or tape.
  2. Wings and arms need to be cut out of the second half. Next, glue them to the body.
  3. You need to cut out the palms, face, hair from colored paper - glue all these details to the angel. Draw the nose, mouth, eyes.
  4. To make a halo, use a 12.5x9 cm strip of aluminum film, which must be twisted with a flagella and rolled into a ring.

You can even make original New Year's angels with your own hands from threads. To do this, you will need:

  • cardboard template 5.5x8.5 cm;
  • thick paper for the cone;
  • braid (red for a bell, silver or gold for a halo);
  • yarn;
  • glue "Titan";
  • accessories (bells, snowflakes, artificial Christmas tree twigs);
  • the material for the wings is lace, tulle or organza.

First, wind yarn around the template and cut the threads on one side. Then divide into 3 parts. Count 9 strands for the arms, and 8 for tying. Leave the rest for the head and torso. Then:

  1. Take a bun for the torso with the head, tie in the middle.
  2. Fold the bun in half, outline the neck and tie.
  3. Tie a bundle for the arms at one end with thread, braid and tie on the other side. Connect the pigtail into a ring, tie with a thread and cut off the ends. Insert the resulting arms into the middle of the body. Additionally tie the thread at the waist.
  4. For the palms, you need to fold the pigtail in half, and then tie the thread. Pass the ends of the threads under the pigtail, tie from the back at the waist.
  5. Glue a cone with a base diameter of 2.5 cm and a height of 3 cm out of paper. Glue it under the skirt, trim the bottom of the latter. Glue a halo on your head. You can make your hair from threads of the desired length.
  6. Glue the tape to the bottom of the skirt. Make a 3x6 cm rectangle from braid or organza, tie it in the middle and glue the resulting wings to the body. In the hands of an angel, you can glue a snowflake, a bell, etc.

Plasticine angel can be used not only as a decoration, but also as a talisman. To prepare such an angel, prepare:

  • plasticine;
  • stack and knife for mass;
  • a couple of toothpicks or one skewer.

Decide on the color scheme in which the figure will be molded. For modeling the arms, legs and head, prepare a flesh-colored material, and the rest of the details can be made from plasticine of any shade you like. For example, make dresses from light blue, hair from brown, and wings from light blue. Roll all the pieces into balls, and then:

  1. A cone-shaped blank is created from the blue mass. Press in the lower part to form a skirt. Also make a pair of sleeves.
  2. Roll your head, then join it together with the dress and sleeves using toothpicks or a piece of skewer.
  3. From body plasticine, mold 2 large and 10 small balls. Then attach them to the bottom of the dress to form the legs. Then create the hands and connect them to the sleeves.
  4. On the face of the angel, make a couple of indentations with a stack. Glue the black eyeballs inside, not forgetting to make highlights. Next, attach the round nose and create a smile.
  5. From the brown mass, make oblong cakes, fix them on your head - this will be hair, draw curls with the tip of a toothpick. Complete the figure with ears.
  6. Attach to the back the wings of 12-14 thin white sausages to be flattened.
  7. Finally, attach a thin yellow "sausage" nimbus to the crown of the head. You can place flowers in your hands. Draw fingers, eyebrows, eyelashes.

From ribbons

Angels can even be made from ribbons. They can be used as spectacular decorations or decorative elements. To do this, you will need:

  • decorative tape 6 cm wide with a wire edge;
  • decorative lace;
  • large bead;
  • stapler;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun.

First, prepare a couple of 22 and 25 cm lengths of tape. After that:

  1. Take a long ribbon and make an accordion. Cut off the wire edge on one side, secure with a stapler, and then straighten it - you get a skirt.
  2. For the wings, take a second tape, from which you also make an accordion, then fix it with a stapler in the middle and gently straighten it.
  3. Glue the little angel's skirt and wings with a glue gun.
  4. Thread a string into the bead, tie and glue on top - you get the head of an angel.

From beads

You can also make delicate angels from beads with beads. As a result, you will get beautiful, original figures. To do this, you will need:

  • white beads (5 g);
  • silver beads (3 g);
  • blue bead (1 pc.);
  • fishing line or wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm (50 cm).

Also, you will need angel and wing weave patterns. In accordance with them, do the following:

  1. String a large bead on one end of the wire, and thread the other end into it, but only in the opposite direction, i.e. crosswise.
  2. Move the bead to the middle of the wire and string 15 beads on either end of the last. Pass the edge of the wire through the bead crosswise, making a loop.
  3. Tighten, then twist a couple of wires together a few millimeters down. The result is a halo.
  4. Make wings by stringing 19 beads onto the wire. Move the middle one to the edge, and pass the wire through the second.
  5. String 22 beads, twist a wire at the top of the wing. Make a second wing in the same way, then twist the edges of the wire together.
  6. The next step is to string one white bead onto the end of the wire, the other end of which should be passed through the bead in the opposite direction.
  7. Make handles on the same row, stringing 4 beads (white), 1 bead. Having passed the bead, pass the wire in the opposite direction through 4 beads (white) and tighten. You need to weave the second handle in the same way.
  8. At the end, it is necessary to make several rows of white beads that will make up the body of the figure: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. At the end, the wire remains to be fastened with several turns, cut off the excess.

You can make an angel yourself, as in the photo of various thematic catalogs, from the test. This requires:

  • salty dough;
  • rolling pin;
  • molds (stamps for modeling);
  • foil;
  • cookie cutters;
  • paper clips;
  • garlic press.

It must be said right away that the parts are held together with a wet brush, and the figures need to be baked at a temperature of 50 degrees for 1-2 hours. For the dough, you will need 1 glass of flour and fine salt, and a little warm water (how much flour will take) - mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Stages:

  1. Roll out some dough, cut a glass of circles that need to be cut in half. On each half, make notches on the cutting line with a toothpick. Next, poke holes all over the area. This will create wings.
  2. For a dress, also roll a piece of dough into a layer, along the lower edge of which you need to cut off irregularities. Make a pattern on the bottom using mold. Lift up the layer, then lay the folds.
  3. Moisten the folds with a brush, connect and glue the bottom of the wings in the same way.
  4. Make handles from small "sausages" - sculpt neatly. For the head, roll and flatten a small ball, mark the nose, mouth.
  5. Put a small piece of mass into the garlic press. The result is hair. Moisten the joints of your hands, head and hair, and then glue them together.
  6. Prepare feet out of small cakes, then glue them to the dress. Place the toy in the oven to dry. Finish with paint or varnish.


But you don’t know - what? DIY from angel fabric. This toy can be used as a decoration for a Christmas tree, window, shelf and even ceiling. And the most beautiful crafts are a great gift for friends as a souvenir.

Felt angel

Even a child can make such a toy. Today we will make an angel out of fabric with our own hands. The photo of the craft conveys all its charm and personality. We need felt, threads and two beads.

First of all, we need to make the blanks. The body will look like a triangle with rounded edges. Cut out two parts and sew them together. If you fill the parts of the angel, then it will turn out to be voluminous, if this is not necessary, then we leave the toy without filling. The torso is ready. Cut out two flesh-colored circles - this will be the head. Sew the parts and attach them to the body. Next, we make a hairstyle. Our sample shows a girl angel with two ponytails, but you can make a boy too. Do not limit the flight of your imagination. Cut out two white wings and sew them to the back. Made of fabric is ready, it remains to detail it. Cut out the heart and sew it to the chest. From two ropes, to the ends of which we will tie beads, we make legs. It remains to embroider the angel's eyes and mouth. Optionally, you can make a nose and rouge the cheeks with a pencil.

Cloth angel

Such toys can be used as pendants in a car or as a key fob. How to make an angel out of fabric with your own hands? Above is a pattern that is proposed to be printed or copied. First we cut out paper parts, and then we make blanks from fabric.

Let's start sewing the angel from the torso. We combine the two parts of the skirt with each other, sew, turn out and do not stuff. Now we make a heart. We sew it and stuff it, it is it that will be the center of our toy. It's time to make the head. Sew two flesh-colored circles and fill in the blank. You can immediately draw a cute face for the angel, for example, using two beads for the eyes and drawing the cheeks with a red pencil. Hair can be made from either woolen threads or satin ribbons. We sew together the blanks of the head and heart. Cut out the wings. To keep them in shape, you need to insert a piece of cardboard between two pieces of fabric. And you can make wings from felt or any other dense fabric. We sew our blanks to the back of the angel. The only thing left to do is to make pens. We sew circles and after we fill them, it will be necessary to sew fingers on them. We attach the hands and decorate the angel with bows and pendants.

Semicircle angel

We will make the toy pendant from felt. We will start making an angel out of fabric with our own hands by preparing a semicircle pattern. Circle it on felt and cut it out. Put the semicircle horizontally, with a cut away from you. Now we pull up its two ends to the center and move them back a little. In this position, we fix the fabric with threads. Cut out the head. It will represent two circles sewn together. Let's make an angel bangs out of fabric, you can come up with any other hairstyle. It was the turn of the wings. We will make them from white fabric. Cut out something like the wings of a butterfly or a dog bone. We sew the blank to the back of the angel. It remains to detail the toy. The beads will be the eyes, draw the cheeks and attach a large bead to the dress.

Simple angel

A three-year-old child can be involved in the process of making such a toy. If mom buys a blank in the form of a felt circle with a carved edge, then making it out of fabric will not be difficult.

We take our workpiece and divide it into three parts. We cut it. One of the parts will become the body, and from the other two we will make the wings. Now cut out the circle from the flesh-colored fabric. This is the head. The angel can be left in such a primitive form or decorated. For example, make him eyes, draw a pattern on his body and wings. If you wish, you can make a curly hairstyle from woolen threads. Several of these angels will make a beautiful garland that you can use to decorate your Christmas tree. The child will be especially pleased that he takes part in such a magical event.

Angel sachet

To make such a toy, you need burlap and aromatic herbs. You can buy a ready-made collection or prepare it yourself in the summer. We will make an angel doll from fabric according to a pattern. We print the picture suggested above, or draw the outline ourselves. We cut out two blanks from the burlap, fill them with grass and then manually (or on a typewriter) sew the toy with an indent of half a centimeter from the edge. On the wings, you can make the line wavy. To do this, we cut out the blank and draw the outline of the future product with soap. You can sew with contrasting threads or pick them to match. It remains to decorate our angel. We sew a small star or heart on the doll's chest, and attach a ribbon to the head so that the sachet can be hung. At the request of the angel, you can create a hairstyle.

Angel with beads

We will make this toy from two different materials: felt and regular cotton fabric. We also need a silver thread and beads. We print the pattern. We will make an angel from fabric with our own hands in stages. First, we cut out all the details from the material. We sew the blanks together and stuff them. Sew wings to the back. As a decor, you can make decorative stitching with contrasting threads on them. Now you need to sew arms and legs to the body. We will make them in the same way. We make a knot at the end of the thread. We string the bead and sew the free edge to the body. We repeat this operation three times. Remember that the legs should be slightly longer than the arms. Now you need to decorate the craft. On the hem of the angel, you can write a wish or any name. You can also embroider the face and make the toy a hairstyle.

Burlap Angel

This craft resembles a toy of our grandmothers. Making a New Year's angel with your own hands from fabric is quite simple. We need to cut a conical blank out of cardboard and cover it with fabric. The burlap can simply be glued to one side of the cardboard. We fold the workpiece into a cone and fasten it with a hot gun or a stapler. Now you need to make the head. Cut out a circle, sew it with a seam forward, fill and tighten the resulting bag. Sew up the hole from the bottom and place the head on the body. We will make our hairstyle from threads similar in color to burlap. We cut small strings and sew them in the center of the head so that the seam forms a parting. We will immediately make a halo-pendant with a white rope. We build a loop on the rope and put the angel on the head. Sew on a halo at ¾ of the head. Decorate the joint between the head and body with a piece of lace. From the rope with which the hair was made, we construct a bow on the chest. It remains to make the wings. We will make them from a rectangle of burlap. We sew a piece of fabric along the edge with lace. Now we need to gather our workpiece exactly in the center and sew it to the back of the angel.

We collect an angel from cardboard and fabric

Such a toy can be hung on a Christmas tree, or you can decorate a fireplace, bedside table and even a mirror with it. How to make an angel out of fabric with your own hands? For this we need thick cardboard and embossed material. You can take a gold or silver piece of fabric. Let's start making an angel.

We print or copy the pattern and transfer it to cardboard and fabric. We cut out the blanks. Using a glue gun, we attach the fabric to the cardboard. Duplicate the cuts in the right places. They should converge on fabric and cardboard. Now we roll up the angel, as shown in the picture.

The way this toy is made can be slightly upgraded. For example, make it double-sided. To do this, it is necessary to glue the fabric not on one side of the cardboard blank, but on two. You can also make the wings and body from different materials. For example, to stick feathers on the wings of an angel. They can be purchased at any craft store and are sold in rolls.

DIY workshop on making crafts from fabric and cardboard "Christmas Angel"

Lakhno Olga, 12 years old, student of the GKOU RO of the Oryol boarding school.
Supervisor: Miroshnikova Tatyana Viktorovna, educator of the State Educational Institution of Regional Development of the Oryol Boarding School, Orlovsky settlement, Rostov Region.
Description: This master class is intended for primary school children (grade 3-4) and older who like to create something with their own hands, for additional education teachers, educators, primary school teachers, and parents.

Purpose: The craft can be used as a figurine, as a Christmas present, as a Christmas tree decoration.
Target: Make a craft "Christmas Angel" with your own hands.
- Exercise in making cones from thick paper and cardboard, learn to make a simple pattern on fabric and cut fabric, work with scissors and Dragon glue, learn how to make pom-poms from woolen threads;
- Develop creative imagination, aesthetic taste, attention, eye and accuracy;
- To cultivate patience and perseverance.
We invite YOU, dear adults and children, to join us and create a Christmas craft with your own hands.
We need tools: Regular and manicure scissors, pencil, felt-tip pens, compasses, needle with a large eye.
Necessary materials:"Dragon" glue, yellow knitting threads, white non-loose fabric, golden and pale pink cardboard, thick white paper, a thread of "rain".

New Year's Eve
One has only to believe
You will see in the sky
Flight of angels.
The moon will shine on them
And obedient children
Fairy tale
The angel will bring. (Author unknown)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.
“A strange and glorious sacrament,” the Holy Church sings with surprise, “Heaven is a nativity scene; The Cherubim Throne is the Virgin; the manger is a receptacle, in which the incapable Christ God is next to it ”(irmos of the 9th canon of the canon). The Blessed Virgin who painlessly gave birth to the Infant of God, Herself, without outside help, "twist Him and put him in a manger."
In the midnight silence, when all of humanity was engulfed in the deepest sleep, the news of the Nativity of the Savior of the world was heard by the shepherds who were on the night guard of their flock. The Angel of the Lord appeared to them and said: "Do not be afraid: for I am bringing you great joy, which will be to all people, as if a Savior was born to you today, which is Christ the Lord." And the humble shepherds were the first to deserve to bow for the salvation of people to the One Descended. In addition to the angelic gospel to the shepherds of Bethlehem, the Nativity of Christ was proclaimed with a wonderful star to the magi "star-talkers", and in the person of the Eastern sages the whole pagan world, invisible to itself, bowed its knees before the true Savior of the world, the God-man. Entering the cave where the Child was, the Magi knelt down and bowed to Him, and presented their treasures, the gifts brought to Him: gold and Lebanon and myrrh.

According to Christian teaching, all angels are service spirits. They were created by God before the creation of the material world, over which they have significant power. There are significantly more of them than all people. The purpose of the angels is to glorify God, the embodiment of His glory, to direct and embody grace for the glory of God (therefore they are a great help to those who are being saved), their lot is the glorification of God and the fulfillment of His commissions and will. Angels, like people, have a mind, and their mind is much more perfect than that of a human. Angels are eternal. Most often, angels are depicted as beardless youths, in light deacons (a symbol of service) vestments, with wings behind their backs (a symbol of speed) and with a halo over their heads.
In the angelic world, a strict hierarchy of 9 angelic ranks was established by God: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominance, Strength, Power, Beginnings, Archangels, Angels.

An angel flew across the midnight sky
And he sang a quiet song,
And the month, and the stars, and the clouds in a crowd
They listened to that holy song.
He sang about the bliss of sinless spirits

Under the bushes of paradise gardens,
He sang about God the great, and praise
It was unfeigned ...
Lermontov M. Yu.

Phased execution of work:

1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 centimeters on a sheet of white thick paper.
Fold it in half and in half again.

Cut into four parts. Twist the quarter into a cone ("bag"). This is easy to do if you first stretch the part, pressing it against the edge of the table and scrolling it in a circle.

Apply glue along the edge of the part with a "thin thread", hold it a little. We glue the workpiece by placing a pencil under the seam for a tighter compression. We get a cone.

2. Draw pens and a face on a pale pink cardboard. I used a pantyhose packaging. Pale pink cardboard can be made by painting white cardboard with a soft pink color.
The position of the hands should be similar to when the person is playing the pipe. The arms are about half the length of the cone.

3. Draw a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters on scraps of white paper. Inside it we draw another circle with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters. Cut out two rings with a hole in the middle.

7. Making a pom-pom from yellow knitting threads. We put a thread about 1.5 meters long into the needle. The density of the pompom depends on the length of the thread. Holding the end of the thread on the ring, we wrap it around it twice, thus securing the end. We continue to wrap in a circle until we fill the entire ring evenly and the thread runs out.

Carefully cut the threads along the outer edge of the ring.
Slightly move the rings apart and put another thread 10 centimeters long between them. Having wrapped it tightly around the pom-pom, we tie it into two knots, cut the ends along the length of the pom-pom threads. Remove the rings and straighten the pompom.

We spread the threads of the pompom and find the place where they meet. We drip a drop of glue into the recess and insert a cone into it. Leave to dry. We cut the resulting head for the Angel - we cut off the strongly protruding threads.

On the pompom, we determine the place for the face, move the threads apart, drip glue into that place, wait a little, and then glue the face. We put a little glue on the forehead, wait, and then bend a few threads from the hair - we get a bang.

4. From a piece of fabric we cut out a dress for the Angel according to the quarter of the paper circle we have.
Having folded the dress in half, cut out the neckline, deepening from the top by 1 centimeter.

Cut the dress folded in half from the neckline down by 1 centimeter, slightly shifting from the middle of the neck arc closer to the fold line. These are hand slots.
Hands can also be glued over the fabric without cuts, if it is not dense and can be saturated with glue.

5. Fold a piece of fabric measuring 6 by 8 centimeters in half, draw a wing-shaped sleeve on it, cut it out. Cut out the second sleeve in the same way. The length of the sleeve should be equal to the length of the arm with the wrist. We connect the edges of the sleeves by dropping small drops of glue on them, leaving openings for the hands.

6. Apply a little glue to the neckline, glue the dress around the cone, lifting the Angel's hair. On the floor of the dress, apply glue with a thin thread or small frequent droplets. Put the second floor on top. This joint should be at the back.

We insert the shoulders of the hands into the incisions, smearing them with glue from the inside and after waiting a little, press them in such a position as if an Angel is holding a pipe. Drop a drop of glue on the shoulder, put on a sleeve on the arm and glue it to the shoulder, let it dry.
At the place of the bend of the elbow on the sleeve, we make a fold. If the sleeve straightens, glue the sleeve from the inside in place of the wrist.

7. Making a pipe. We used shiny cardboard from the tights package. We draw a circle with a diameter of 6 centimeters, cut it out, divide it into four parts. We push each part against the edge of the table, making a rotating movement. We peel the cardboard so that it is not so thick. If there is no such cardboard, use foil.

It is important that the pipe shines on both sides, so we glue the two quarters together and let it dry. We twist the cone, glue the edges, putting them well on top of each other.

8. Draw the details of the Angel's face. You can do this earlier, but then it is important not to smudge the felt-tip pen. We glue the pipe by dropping glue on the mouth and hands.

Alternatively, you can make an Angel with outstretched arms.

9. Draw the wings on white paper, draw feathers. We did not make cuts: solid wings seemed more tender to us. Samples with fluff also did not like it.
We glue the wings on the back, superimposing one on top of the other, giving the desired position.

10. Make the nimbus gold on both sides from the same gold cardboard. The diameter of the circles is 3.5 centimeters. We glue it on the head, as we glued the face, only higher.

Here's what an Angel with a pipe we got.

An angel is a doll that will protect your loved one. How to make a product yourself?

You will need the following materials:

  • white matter;
  • flesh-colored material;
  • threads matching the color;
  • filler;
  • acrylic paints;
  • accessories for decoration;
  • colored material;
  • threads for creating hairstyles or wool for felting.

In order to make a doll you will need the following tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • stick - turn out the details.

Stages of work

In order to make a doll with your own hands, you first need to take the fabric and transfer the pattern to it. Pre-fold the fabric in half - it will become much easier to work. Sew the pattern on the fabric on a typewriter, leaving room for turning.

Turn the parts out with a stick. In order for the angel to become voluminous, fill it with padding polyester. Sew the remaining areas with a blind seam. Draw the face with a pencil.

In order to make the doll beautiful, you need to paint her face with paints. First, draw with dark paint the outlines of parts of the face. Then take a white paint and protonate the whites of the eyes.

How to attach hair? Take a felting needle and roll the wool over the angel's head. Or sew on the angel's hair with a needle and thread.

Then you have to start the dress. Sew the details of the dress. Do not forget to process the seams of the product first. If you wish, you can decorate the dress.

To make the dress original, make its sleeves "Flashlight". Everyone can cope with such a task with their own hands. To do this, take a needle and thread and pull the thread along the edge of the sleeve, then pull it off.

It remains only to decorate the angel. Add ribbons, flowers and other interesting elements. You can write the name of a loved one on the product or fill it with aromatic herbs.

Of course, to make it you will have to make a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. There are simpler ways to make an angel.

Twisting Angel

It is very easy to make an angel like type. Take a piece of fabric and put a ball of padding polyester in it exactly in the center. Then fold the piece of fabric diagonally.

Since an angel is not just a toy, but also a talisman, wrap the doll's parts with thread an even number of times. In this case, the number of knots must be odd. Let's say you wrapped the piece with thread 2 times, which means you need to fasten the knot 1 time.

Since the angel must have a halo, take the yellow thread. Wrap it around the doll's head. Tie a similar thread around the waist, but with beads.

Now you know that making an angel doll with your own hands is a snap. It can be presented for the New Year or left at home as a talisman. It will also be a great decoration for the Christmas tree.

Features and options for making an angel doll

There are a lot of technologies for making angel dolls with your own hands. Twisting is a traditional option. If the doll will play the role of a talisman, it is recommended to make it without a face.

It is better to take white fabric. Previously, canvas was used. Nowadays, an angel can be made of chintz, calico or linen.

The doll can be with or without wings. It is allowed to use a crown instead of a halo. An angel can not only stand, but also lie down, so sleeping angels look very cute.

Angel made of felt

Preparing materials

  • pattern-pattern (located at the beginning of the description);
  • scissors to cut out the details of the template;
  • sewing scissors (or embroidery scissors);
  • a sewing needle and a few pins;
  • a piece of white felt for the wings;
  • colored patches of felt for angel dresses;
  • felt in a contrasting color for the base;
  • small pieces of felt for angels' faces and hair;
  • sewing thread to sew felt parts;
  • black embroidery thread to embroider the eyes and mouth of angels;
  • several pieces. black beads for the eyes and sequins for decorating angel dresses;
  • gold or yellow thread for halos;
  • narrow white tape (or another shade corresponding to the main colors) for the eyelets.

Operating procedure

(Click to enlarge pattern.)

1. First, print out the template and cut out all the pieces from the paper: wings, legs, dresses, faces and hair (front), and also cut out two small ovals for the arms.

2. Now transfer the pieces to the fabric and cut the pieces out of the fabric. Take a piece of felt for the base and use pins to secure the angel's wings and body to it.

3. Place the legs of an angel under the dress, thread the thread of the corresponding color through the needle and sew the felt of the dress to the base with neat stitches.

4. Do the same with the wings using white thread.

5. Place the head template on the angel's body and using beige thread sew it to the base.

6. Top with a hair pattern and sew it with a thread of the appropriate color.

7. Proceeding in the same way, sew the angel's body with the handles folded in front to the felt base.

8. Place the pattern of the face and angel arms, securing them with pins, and sew with a thread to match the same small stitches.

9. Now return to the first angel and, having threaded a black thread into the needle, embroider the eyes and mouth of the angel on the face.

10. Sew on angel hair with folded arms and wash with black beads instead of eyes.

11. Embroider this angel's halo with gold thread.

12. In the same way, make the third angel and embroider his dress with stars, and his wings with sequins or sequins.

13. Using sharp embroidery scissors, cut the felt around the angel's body, backing off 3-4 mm. Place the angel on a piece of felt and cut out another piece of the base.

14. Cut a piece of thin white tape 12-14 cm long, fold it in half and sew the edges on the back of the angel to form a loop.

15 Place the second warp over the back of the angel and use a matching thread to sew the two warps, overcasting around the edge.

16. This is how the angels look from the back side.

17. A ready-made angel with blond hair and downcast eyes.

18. Ready angel with folded handles.

19. All three Christmas angels together.

So, our felt Christmas angels are ready! Decorate your holiday with them and remember that with a careful attitude, they will serve you and delight you for many years.