Early medical termination of pregnancy: a priority for safety. Medical method of termination of pregnancy: consequences and indications

Life circumstances often do not turn out the way we want, and dictate their own conditions. Sometimes pregnancy is undesirable or contraindicated for health reasons. In this situation, there is only one way out - abortion.

In early pregnancy, doctors often use medical abortion, which is considered the safest for a woman's health. In the article we will talk about how true this information is, and what consequences the use of pills for abortion can have.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Drugs used for early abortion

The first drugs for medical abortion were invented in France at the beginning of the last century; today the country remains one of the main leaders in the production of drugs for abortion. Medical abortion is always carried out under the close supervision of the attending physician; self-administration of drugs can be dangerous to a woman's health and lead to infertility. Please note that medical abortion is allowed to be done at the earliest possible date - up to 41 days from the beginning of the last menstruation. After that, other methods of termination of pregnancy are used.

The main benefits of medical abortion are:

  • Minimal risk of developing infertility... Drugs, unlike curettage, do not injure the uterine mucosa, so the risk of developing infertility is significantly reduced.
  • No complications... Surgical methods of termination of pregnancy are often fraught with the development of inflammatory processes, trauma to the cervix, and with medical abortion, the likelihood of complications is minimal.
  • Outpatient mode... With the medical method, hospitalization of the patient in a hospital is not required. Taking hormonal drugs leads to the fact that the embryo dies, the uterus contracts and the fetus is removed. The body after such a procedure recovers quickly, the very next day a woman can return to her usual lifestyle.

Medicines that are used for medical termination of pregnancy do not go on the free sale, they can be bought only by a doctor's prescription. The drugs are based on antigestagens, they are also called antiprogestins - this is a group of biologically active substances that suppress the action of natural gestagens at the receptor level. is necessary for and ensuring its vital activity, suppressing it with special pills, a woman stimulates the rejection and death of the embryo.

The most popular antiprogestin at the moment is considered to be mifegin or mifepristone, which is used in a dosage of 600 mg once (3 tablets), the drug lasts for three days. After 36-48 hours after taking antiprogestins, prostaglandins are prescribed, for example, at a dosage of 400 mg. (2 tablets). While taking medications, a woman should be under the supervision of a doctor.

The list of drugs for medical abortion looks like this:

  • Mifepristone
  • Mifeprex
  • Mytholian
  • Pencrofton
  • Mifegin
  • Misoprostol

The active ingredient in all tablets is mifepristone, they differ from each other by the manufacturer, and, accordingly, in quality and effectiveness.

Spontaneous miscarriage occurs within a week after taking the pills. The doctor controls the completeness of the miscarriage using an ultrasound scan. The cost of abortion drugs depends on the manufacturer, for example, the Russian drug Mifepristone is cheaper than the French Mifegin or the Chinese Mifepristone 72. On average, the price of these drugs ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. Every woman deciding on a medical abortion should understand that the unauthorized use of drugs can cause serious side effects, so self-medication in this case is ineffective.

Scheme of the

Medical termination of pregnancy is not as easy as it might seem. In fact, it is carried out in several stages and requires careful preparation.

  1. Survey... First of all, the doctor must conduct an examination, including a gynecological examination and an ultrasound scan, to establish the exact duration of pregnancy. Before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the woman has no contraindications to the use of pills. The patient is introduced to the principle of the medication and the abortion technique, she must clearly understand the features and side effects of the procedure. After that, a written agreement is signed to carry out the manipulation.
  2. The main stage... First, the woman, under the supervision of a doctor, takes pills that cause rejection of the embryo and prepare the uterus for its expulsion. Within a few hours after the procedure, the woman is in the day hospital and, in the absence of side effects, is allowed to go home.
  3. Completion. After 1.5-2 days, the next drug is taken, which starts the process of expelling the ovum. Within two hours after taking the pills, the woman is under the supervision of a doctor.

Determination of performance

After 36-48 hours after the procedure, the doctor makes a control ultrasound, makes sure that there is no stagnation of blood in the uterus. Two weeks later, it is necessary to undergo a second examination by a gynecologist and again do an ultrasound scan to make sure the procedure is successful and to exclude incomplete expulsion of the ovum from the uterus. In this case, the woman is assigned manual scraping.

Possibility of ineffectiveness of the procedure

Each country sets its own time frame for permitted medical abortion, but you must understand that the longer the time period for which the abortion is performed, the more likely it is that you will have to cleanse again. In the United States, drug abortion is allowed up to 7 weeks, in Britain there are no such clear restrictions, different rules apply, in some cases it can be done up to 8 weeks, sometimes up to 9-13 and even up to 24 weeks.

In Russia, it is believed that medical abortion is best done before 6 weeks, sometimes up to 9 weeks, but most doctors do not want to take on such responsibility. According to them, late medical abortion can cause serious side effects, such as bleeding or inflammation in the uterus caused by placental residues. Therefore, at a later date, additional cleaning is mandatory. It turns out that the earlier a woman turns to a gynecologist, the higher the effectiveness of medical abortion, and the longer the period, the lower the effectiveness of the procedure and the greater the likelihood of complications.

At the first abortion, the risk of incomplete termination of pregnancy is higher. You can see this on the control ultrasound. With an increase in pregnancy, the possibility of maintaining pregnancy increases, this can be traced on a follow-up examination 1.5 - 2 weeks after the abortion. In general, studies show that partial removal of the ovum occurs in 3% -5% of cases, and pregnancy remains in no more than 1% of cases of the total number of medical abortions.

Contraindications and side effects

As with any medical procedure, complications can arise with medical abortion. They are rare enough, but every woman should know consequences of the procedure:

  • Continuation of pregnancy... In 1% -2% of cases, pregnancy termination may not occur.
  • Strong.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding... It may develop due to incomplete removal of the ovum.
  • Fever, chills, weakness.
  • Nausea,... In such cases, the doctor may decide to reapply the medication.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Inflammation of the uterus and appendages... Sometimes it occurs due to the spread of infection from the genitourinary tract. At the same time, the temperature rises, the stomach hurts a lot, and discharge appears.
  • Problems with the reconstruction of the uterus, for example, a hematometer (blood in the uterus) or subinvolution in the uterus (slowing down the restoration of an organ). There are problems with the cycle, abdominal pain.
  • Prolonged bleeding, which can last up to 2 weeks, is associated with hormonal imbalance. Approximately 3% -5% of women after a tableted abortion have a violation of the cycle, with a normal abortion the percentage rises to 12% -15%. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be neuroendocrine disorders due to impaired ability of the endometrium to recover. In women giving birth, the cycle is restored within 4 months, in nulliparous women - six months.

There are certain contraindications for medical abortion, so a woman must first be examined by a gynecologist. Doctors note situations when a woman takes pills on her own, after which life-threatening complications arise. For example, it goes away in the same way as normal, but in this case, medical abortion is contraindicated. Taking pills is fraught with rupture of the fallopian tube and death or, at best, infertility. Below highlight the main contraindications about medical abortion you should know about:

  • or suspicion of her.
  • Renal and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Diseases associated with bleeding disorders.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids.

Failure to comply with contraindications often leads to unpredictable consequences and can be fatal, so before starting the procedure, undergo a full examination by a qualified gynecologist and read the information about medical abortion.

Negative consequences

At such an early stage, the woman makes the decision to terminate the pregnancy on her own. Experience shows that most often the reasons for abortion are:

Before making a decision, think carefully about the consequences and the life of the unborn baby. Pregnancy triggers certain mechanisms in a woman's body and completely changes the hormonal background. Artificial termination of pregnancy does not go unnoticed, it is a serious stress for the body, therefore, the reverse restructuring of all processes may slow down or pass with complications that will have to be treated.

For most women, after an abortion, the cycle is lost, menstruation is irregular and painful. This is usually the first signal that more serious problems are beginning. Another common complication is uterine bleeding. If not stopped in time, it can be fatal. Often, women experience a malfunction, the load on the adrenal glands increases, and this disrupts metabolism. Production decreases, the amount of male hormone increases, which stimulates the development of infertility and affects the appearance of a woman.

The breast almost immediately reacts to the occurrence of pregnancy, therefore, after an abortion, it suffers in the first place - the appearance of tumors and neoplasms is possible. Women who have not given birth after an abortion are doubly at risk of developing infertility. Studies have shown that three out of ten women who have an abortion are subsequently unable to have children.

The medical consequences of the procedure can be irreversible, so later, when the desire to have children appears, not everyone will be able to get pregnant - there is always a risk of secondary infertility. Any medical intervention, even the most harmless at first glance, can have side effects, up to and including death. Therefore, do not joke with your health - it is preferable to carry out competent prevention of unwanted pregnancy, so that later you do not have to solve the issue with cardinal methods.

It does not give an absolute guarantee that there will be no complications after its implementation.

Of course, the risk of adverse consequences here is less than with traditional methods of performing abortion - curettage of the uterine cavity and vacuum aspiration, however, the use of highly active pharmacological agents in huge doses (these are exactly what are necessary for the onset of the effect) is a powerful blow to the body, and first of all to pituitary-ovarian system. In this case, the consequences of medical abortion can manifest themselves in a few months or even years - due to hormonal imbalance, a woman can become infertile; the menstrual cycle is unstable; menstruation - long and painful; character can also change for the worse - a woman becomes extremely irritable and sometimes even aggressive, or, on the contrary, adynamic and lethargic, begins to suffer from depression.

All the consequences of medical termination of pregnancy can be divided into early (or emergency complications), arising in the first few days after taking the drug, and late, occurring in a long-term period of time (up to several years). Urgent complications, of course, include, which without medical help can end very sadly (which is why medical abortion should be performed only in clinics or hospitals). An unpleasant, but not directly life-threatening complication is severe, cramping pains in the lower abdomen. In principle, they are a direct consequence of medical abortion, because both mifepristone and (especially) misoprostol have the ability to increase uterine contractions, which causes pain. When taking the drugs inside, there are occasional disorders of the stool and spastic pain in the intestines, tk. they all have the property of enhancing contractions of intestinal smooth muscles. Occasionally (usually with insufficient examination of the patient), medical abortion is performed against the background of already existing inflammatory diseases of the uterus, cervix, vagina (endometritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, vaginitis), sometimes even of a specific (gonorrheal, Trichomonas) etiology. This leads to the progression of inflammation, which had previously been hidden, and the appearance of a pronounced picture of an inflammatory disease: pains in the lower abdomen occur, vaginal discharge of a dark or greenish color, sometimes with an admixture of pus, and fever begin to disturb. Here, the treatment must necessarily include antibiotic therapy in a hospital setting. Sometimes after an abortion, a fertilized egg or its remnants, membranes remain in the uterus. A condition called incomplete abortion occurs. It can be suspected if, after an abortion, the bloody discharge from the vagina does not stop for a long time. In this case, you do not need to try to correct the situation on your own, for example, by taking hemostatic drugs - the effect, if any, will be short-lived. The surest solution here is to contact a gynecologist and conduct an ultrasound examination to establish the true cause of bleeding, and if such is an unseparated ovum, remove it surgically by scraping the uterine cavity.

The second group includes the late consequences of medical abortion. These include hormonal imbalance due to drug damage to the ovaries, and related complications, the most important of which is by far the most important. It is quite difficult to treat such infertility, sometimes the only way to get pregnant remains. Another consequence of medical abortion is that menstruation becomes irregular, abundant or, conversely, scarce, sometimes painful. Often, in this case, uterine bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle, lasts 3-4 days, and then spontaneously stops - the woman at the same time cannot distinguish whether it is menstrual bleeding or uterine bleeding - the situation becomes more and more confusing. After taking mifepristone, the risk of tumors of those organs, the growth and development of which is regulated by our hormonal system (in women, these are the mammary glands, ovaries, uterine body, cervix), also increases. An increased risk of developing neoplasms of these organs is one of the life-threatening long-term consequences of medical abortion.

Remember that the likelihood of complications of medical abortion increases if: you take the drug yourself, without medical supervision; you are taking a substandard drug; the dosage of the drug is violated. In other cases, when an abortion is performed by a qualified specialist in a well-equipped clinic using a high-quality (and sufficiently expensive) original product, the risk of complications is low.

This happens in most cases due to the negligence of partners, but sometimes the reason for such consequences of sexual intercourse is the incorrectly chosen contraception. When conception occurs, a woman faces the question of what to do next. Some of the fairer sex make a firm decision to give birth, while others find it easier to terminate an unexpected pregnancy.

Interruption of fetal development

To begin with, it should be said that there are several ways to expel the embryo from the genital organ. Which one to choose, the woman decides for herself. So, ways to terminate a pregnancy can be as follows:

  • vacuum aspiration;
  • scraping of the uterine cavity;

Each of the types of abortion has its own consequences and characteristics of the manipulation. In this article, we will talk about how the medication occurs.Also, you will learn about the features and consequences of this procedure.

Medical termination of pregnancy

This type of abortion is not suitable for every woman. A prerequisite is small. It is also absolutely necessary to make sure that the ovum is in the reproductive organ. Let's try to understand in detail how drug abortion occurs. There are several stages of preparation for this manipulation.


When a woman comes to the doctor's appointment and declares: “I need a medical termination of pregnancy!”, The timing is the first thing the specialist pays attention to. If no more than six weeks have passed since the first day of the last bleeding, then there is an opportunity to carry out such a procedure.

The next step is to confirm the uterine pregnancy. The doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination for a woman, during which the specialist determines the location of the ovum and its size. In this case, the development period for ultrasound should not exceed 42 days.

Next, you need to pass the necessary tests. They include the following studies: smear for flora, blood for clotting, determination of rhesus and group. If all indicators are normal, then the doctor allows a medical termination of pregnancy. Reviews of women who have experienced this procedure indicate that recovery after it occurs much faster than after vacuum aspiration or curettage.


If you are assigned how such a procedure takes place, you need to find out in advance. Ask your doctor all your questions. The doctor will talk in detail about how the medical termination of pregnancy occurs and tell about the consequences of the manipulation.

On the day for which the event is scheduled, the woman must be within the walls of the hospital. In this case, the patient is constantly monitored. The doctor gives the lady pills that block the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy. It should be noted that without this substance, the development of the embryo is impossible. In the first dose, three tablets should be drunk. There are several drugs that provide medical termination of pregnancy. Reviews of these drugs are different. Almost all of these drugs have one active ingredient: mifepristone. So, the means for blocking progesterone can be as follows: Mifegin tablets, Mifepristone, Pencrofton and others.

After taking the pills, a woman may feel cramps in the lower part of the peritoneum and pulling pain in the lower back. There may also be mild nausea and bleeding from the genital tract.

After about two days, a woman needs to use a drug that promotes a strong contraction of the uterus. Most often, the following drugs are prescribed: Mirolyut tablets, Misoprostol pills, and Cytotec. At this stage, the patient can stay within the walls of a medical institution or be at home. Within a few hours after taking the medicine, medical termination of pregnancy begins. In this case, the bleeding can be of different intensity. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the reaction to the pills. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite painful, and the woman will have to endure these unpleasant sensations for some time.

After the procedure

A control examination must be carried out 7-10 days after the procedure. Most often, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan. During it, the specialist notes how much the genital organ has shrunk, whether there are any remnants of the ovum left in it.

If everything went well, then the woman is prescribed a suitable method of contraception and drugs to restore the cycle.

Medical termination of pregnancy: consequences

As with any interference with the body, this procedure can have complications. Before the medication is carried out, the consequences of this manipulation should be carefully studied.

Incomplete abortion

The most common complication of this procedure is incomplete or partial abortion. In this case, the development of the embryo is interrupted, but its membranes do not completely exit the uterus. With this complication, the doctor prescribes vacuum aspiration or surgical curettage.

Inflammatory processes

After any termination of pregnancy, inflammation can occur. The medical method is the most gentle. After the procedure, complications rarely occur, since there is no manual intervention in the uterine cavity. However, the likelihood of developing bacteria is, and it is quite high.

Hormonal Disorders

Since it is based on interference with the hormonal background of a woman, various hormonal diseases may occur after the procedure. That is why, after manipulation, oral contraceptives are often prescribed, which normalize the menstrual cycle.


One of the most difficult complications of this procedure is the inability to conceive a child. It can occur for various reasons: inflammation, hormonal imbalance, psychological barrier.

To eliminate these causes, it is necessary to carry out competent treatment.

Tumors and growths in the uterus

After the expulsion of the ovum from the genital organ, a very unpleasant consequence can occur: the formation of polyps and fibroids. Of course, these ailments can be independent and not depend on the procedure performed, however, after such manipulations, the likelihood of such tumor processes becomes quite high.


Sometimes during medical termination of pregnancy complications arise in the form of severe bleeding. If the uterus does not contract properly or if it is internally damaged during detachment of the membranes, severe blood loss may occur. In this case, there can be only one way out: scraping the internal cavity of the genital organ or surgery.


Now you know how medical termination of pregnancy occurs. Choose the abortive method correctly, listen to the advice and recommendations of your doctor, and follow all appointments. Only in this case you will be able to avoid the negative consequences of the procedure.

After that, it is worth starting to protect yourself immediately, since another unwanted pregnancy may occur already in this cycle.

Life systematically presents us with various surprises. And they are not always pleasant, and some of them are even perceived as a disaster. This is exactly what happens with an unplanned pregnancy. It can happen to every woman who is sexually active. After all, not a single contraceptive provides one hundred percent protection against the onset of conception, with the exception of complete abstinence. And many women, seeing two strips on the test, are faced with a difficult choice: to terminate the pregnancy or give birth to a completely unwanted child. And in some cases it is necessary to make a decision to carry out medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages. Let's talk about what drugs can be used in this case, and what are the possible consequences after medical termination of pregnancy.

Medical abortion is considered the safest method of terminating a pregnancy. Such medical manipulation is carried out without surgery and is carried out exclusively in the early stages of pregnancy. Interruption in this case occurs due to oral administration of drugs (through the mouth inside).

When is medical termination of pregnancy performed?

This type of abortion can only be carried out during the period up to six weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the earlier it is carried out, the safer it is for the female body and the less negative consequences may arise for a woman's health.

This limited timing is due to the fact that at an early stage of pregnancy, the ovum is still only attaching to the uterine walls. In addition, hormonal changes in the body are just beginning, and psychologically, a woman does not yet have time to realize the change in her position.

What drugs are used for medical termination of pregnancy?

Medical abortion does not require the use of anesthesia and surgical instruments. To achieve the desired result, only drugs are used, represented by mifepristone (drugs Mifegin or Mifeprex), as well as prostaglandin analogs (usually the drug Misoprostol).

The first active substance is an inhibitor of the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy - progesterone. Mifepristone stops the growth of the endometrium, and makes the uterus especially sensitive to oxytocin and other substances that activate the contraction of the myometrium and stimulate the rejection of the ovum.

With regard to prostaglandins, drugs of this type further enhance uterine contractility and effectively complement the abortive properties of mifepristone.

The consumption of the described drugs by a woman is carried out exclusively in the presence of a gynecologist. Mifepristone is usually taken the first time, and misoprostol is usually taken thirty-six to forty-eight hours later. In the first few hours after that, the woman also needs to be in a medical facility, which makes it possible to diagnose possible complications of the procedure in a timely manner.

How does a medical abortion work?

Termination of pregnancy after taking medication is carried out according to the type of menstruation, in some cases more abundant and more painful. In most patients, it occurs shortly after taking misoprostol.

As for the effectiveness of medical abortion, on average it is 95%. And those women who fall into the remaining five percent can carry out subsequent vacuum aspiration or even curettage of the uterine cavity.

Further management of the patient after taking abortive drugs

Two weeks after taking the last drug, a woman must go for a gynecological examination and undergo an ultrasound examination. Such diagnostic methods will allow you to check how successful the medical termination of pregnancy has been. If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe a test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Consequences of early drug abortion

Despite the fact that this method of abortion is considered the least traumatic, it can still lead to a number of complications and negative consequences for the female body.

So a medical abortion can cause severe uterine bleeding. Also, a woman may develop a hematometer - in this condition, an accumulation of blood clots occurs in the uterine cavity. In some cases, doctors record an incomplete abortion. In addition, the above drugs can cause allergic reactions of varying severity.

Medical abortion can be accompanied by intense pain in the abdomen, and it sometimes causes nausea and vomiting, or provokes an increase in blood pressure.

Among other things, you need to remember that such a termination of pregnancy (like any other) becomes the cause of imbalance in hormones. The hormonal background in a woman is disturbed. This, in the long term, is fraught with the emergence of mastopathy, causes a violation of the menstrual cycle, the formation of cysts and other hormone-dependent pathological conditions. The risk of developing infertility also increases.

Thus, medical termination of pregnancy should not be considered as an absolutely safe and harmless event. And no specialist can guarantee that it will pass without negative health consequences.

Additional Information

Patients who have undergone medical abortion can benefit from traditional medicine. So for the speedy cessation of bleeding or to reduce its severity, you can take medicines based on nettle and other medicinal plants.

To prepare one of them, it is worth taking the yarrow plant (10 grams of leaf), five grams of the root of the evading peony, the forgotten penny and the medicinal burnet, and also add the plant stinging nettle (from it leaves in a quantity of 10 grams). Grind all the ingredients well and mix them together. Brew two grams of the finished collection with one glass of only boiled water and leave for five to ten minutes to infuse. Take a filtered drink in the morning half an hour before a meal. The duration of such treatment can be up to two months.

Be sure to discuss the feasibility of using traditional medicine with your doctor.

An abortion is called an artificial termination of pregnancy. Such a medical procedure is today considered the only intervention aimed not at treatment, but at interrupting life. An abortive intervention is performed no later than 12 weeks. In gynecology, several abortive techniques are used, but none of them pass without a trace for women. Every patient has the consequences of abortion, it is just that in some they manifest themselves as serious and irreversible health disorders, while in others they quickly pass on their own, without posing a danger to the patient. What is the danger of artificial interruption, and is it possible to avoid its unpleasant consequences.

There are several types of abortion: surgical, vacuum and pharmaceutical.

  • Surgical termination involves the removal of the embryo from the uterus by curettage curettage through an instrument-enlarged cervical canal. The intervention is carried out up to a 12-week period.
  • A pharmaceutical abortion is performed using drugs like Mifepristone (Mifegin), which inhibit the hormonal progesterone effect and provoke fetal rejection. The procedure is carried out up to 49 days of menstrual delay, that is, up to about 6-7 weeks.
  • Vacuum aspiration is an abortive technique, which is a mini-abortion, in which the fetus is removed with a special vacuum suction until about 5-6 weeks of gestation.

Abortive intervention can be performed at a later date - up to 22 weeks, then it will be a late abortion. It is carried out exclusively for medical purposes or in the presence of special indications. The unpleasant consequences of abortion can occur with any type of interruption, depending on the timing of development, they are early and distant.

Major post-abortion complications

Any abortion always entails the risk of developing a variety of consequences or complications. One of the most common is hormonal imbalance, against which women develop endocrine disruptions and gynecological pathologies, as well as material exchange disorders. In addition, the consequences after an abortion are often associated with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

Also, women after interruption suffer from habitual miscarriage, when the patient is faced with more than two spontaneous miscarriages in a row. Often, after abortive procedures, sexual inflammatory and infectious diseases and even tubal obstruction occur, which generally leads to infertility. Any abortion procedure inevitably increases the risk of complications, and some of them are typical for specific methods of artificial interruption.

Why is vacuum aspiration dangerous?

The consequences of vacuum interruption in gynecological practice are quite rare, but still they do happen. Although, in comparison with all abortive techniques, this method is considered the safest, however, no doctor can give 100% guarantees that there will be no consequences. So, the complications of abortion by the vacuum method are often associated with incomplete fetal release, then the woman will experience severe pain in the uterus and observe profuse bleeding from the vagina.

But even if the fetus is completely removed, the patient still cannot avoid bleeding, which begins immediately after the aspiration procedure. The duration of such bleeding should be within a 10-14-day framework, and the abundance of discharge should decrease every day. Bleeding is considered abnormal if it is accompanied by intense pain, is excessive, and contains blood clots. If, after a vacuum interruption, similar symptoms appear, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Pain in the uterus is a natural complication after vacuum aspiration. Such painful manifestations last about 4-5 days, but they do not need treatment. After a few days, they will disappear on their own. The next menstruation after vacuum aspiration comes in about 40 days, and the cycle will fully recover within 3-6 months.

Consequences of interruption by pills

The probable complications after a pharmaceutical abortion are less dangerous than after a surgical interruption, then why is an abortion with the help of pills dangerous? If there is uncontrolled bleeding or serious hormonal disorders, then in the absence of proper medical intervention, they can cause infertility and even lead to death. While interruption medications are non-invasive abortion methods, they can lead to very serious hormonal imbalances. The main female problems after pharmaceutical abortion are:

  • Contractions and uncontrolled bleeding;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Ovarian dysfunction;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.

Painful sensations and bleeding immediately after a pharmaceutical abortion are considered the norm. The pain begins to build up about half an hour to an hour after using Misoprostol, but after the detachment and release of the ovum, it goes away. For pain relief, you can take Naproxen or Ibuprofen, and for unbearable pain, narcotic analgesics such as Oxycodone or Codeine can be prescribed.

In about 3-4% of cases with a pharmacist, an incomplete termination is observed or the pregnancy continues to develop. Such complications after abortion often occur with incorrect dosing of drugs or late pregnancy, the presence of latent inflammation or hormonal disorders. With such consequences, the patient is worried about long-term incessant and non-decreasing bleeding, accompanied by cramp-like painful spasms and a febrile state. For treatment, curettage of the uterine cavity is usually prescribed. If this is not done, then the residual tissue of the fetus will begin to rot, provoke infection, general blood poisoning and even death.

Complications of surgical abortion

The most dangerous for patients is considered to be an operative termination of pregnancy. The consequences of a surgical abortion are quite diverse and can manifest themselves in the form of severe bleeding, which require urgent measures and even the removal of the uterine body. Also, surgical interruption can lead to the development of an infectious process, especially often this is observed in criminal abortions, which, as a rule, are carried out in insufficiently sterile conditions. As a result, sepsis or endometritis develops, in the first case, the outcome is often fatal. With insufficient professionalism of the doctor, traumatic damage to the cervix or uterine wall (perforation) or incomplete interruption with residual parts of the fetus in the uterus may occur.

In the process of an operative abortion, curettage or gynecological curettage is performed, in which the uterine walls are severely damaged, which further complicates the processes of fixing the egg on the endometrium. As a result, the woman is diagnosed with infertility. If, during the operative removal of the ovum, at least a little chorionic villi remain inside the uterine body, then a placental polyp may subsequently develop from them, which must be removed. The consequences of an abortion can appear even after several years in the form of a tubal obstruction or a serious hormonal imbalance. Surgical curettage is considered the most undesirable abortive method, as it is characterized by increased trauma and a high risk of adverse consequences.

Interruption at an early age

Today the statistics is that more than 70% of pregnant teenagers solve the problem through abortion. And this is sad, because abortive measures at such an early age can turn into a host of problems, up to and including death for the patient. With such early abortions, girls, without realizing it, can destroy their own lives. It is clear that few people want to burden their lives at the age of 16 with a child, but an abortion at a similar age can lead to the development of serious consequences such as endometritis, etc.

Many believe that by getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy with the help of pills, a young girl will not harm herself. However, during pharmaceutical abortion, the strongest high-dose hormonal drugs are used, which can destroy the hormonal background so much that the girl will have to restore it for more than one year, moreover, using hormone therapy. And no obstetrician-gynecologist will give guarantees that the hormonal background will be restored, and the girl in the future will be able to become pregnant and give birth to children.

Abortion in the first pregnancy

Abortion procedures pose a risk to women's health, especially during the first pregnancy. The consequences of the first abortion at the first conception in life are considered the most dangerous. Why is artificial interruption so undesirable for a nulliparous woman?

  1. Habitual miscarriages - this term means that the girl's body remembers the course of the first gestation and in subsequent pregnancies it follows it in every possible way.
  2. Menstrual irregularities. Interruption of the first pregnancy is fraught with functional disorders of endocrine activity, which leads to serious abnormalities in the hormonal sphere - irregular menstruation, mental disorders, sexual pathologies and even obesity.
  3. Failure to carry is a fairly common consequence after the first abortion. It's just that the uterine neck is forcedly opened for the first time, so it loses its elasticity and tone, and also affects the ability to carry.
  4. Damage to the uterine walls or infection.

To minimize the consequences of the first abortion for a woman, it is necessary to opt for medical interruption or vacuum aspiration, although such abortive techniques do not provide any guarantees regarding the absence of complications. But what cannot be done during the first abortion is to terminate the pregnancy surgically, since this technique is always accompanied by negative consequences.

Interruption with negative rhesus

If a girl has a negative Rh, then it is not the interruption itself that is dangerous for her, but the complications after the abortion. The frequency of complications is absolutely the same for different rhesus, but the danger of interruption with a negative Rh factor lies in completely different factors, one of which is the high risk of developing hemolytic pathology in the fetus during the next conception and gestation.

The reasons for this lie in the formation of isoimmunization by the blood factor. It's just that the maternal body produces antibodies to the positive erythrocyte cells of the fetus. As a result, antibodies destroy and destroy fetal erythrocytes, which provokes the development of hemolytic pathology. For the prevention of such an ailment, mothers with negative rhesus are injected with specialized serum preparations.

It's just that the production of antibodies occurs at 4-5 weeks, but if conception is interrupted, then these antibodies are stored in the female body. During the next pregnancy, the already formed antibodies begin to affect the fetus, also causing hemolytic pathology.

The link between abortion and endometriosis

If a woman suffers from endometriosis, in which the cellular structures of the uterine walls grow beyond the endometrium, then the chances of conception are significantly reduced, although the likelihood of pregnancy cannot be ruled out. Interruption in the presence of endometriosis for a long period of time, or for a short period is highly discouraged, since the inflammatory process after that will only worsen and cause the development of many pathologies. With endometriosis, the risk of side pathologies only increases.

Women complain of profuse bleeding and adhesions in the tubes, rupture of the walls of the uterus and prolonged infertility after interruption. In addition, if the interruption is carried out against the background of endometriosis, death cannot be ruled out. Therefore, when endometriosis is detected, doctors recommend that you be sure to protect yourself in order to exclude the likelihood of conception.

The most dangerous post-abortion consequences

There are many consequences of termination of pregnancy, but some of them can be singled out as the most dangerous.

Especially dangerous in this regard are criminal interruptions, which, as a rule, are carried out illegally and by people far from the qualifications of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Death is quite common after such abortions.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation period after abortive measures begins with the prevention of inflammation, for which antibiotic drugs are prescribed. To restore hormonal status, oral contraceptives are prescribed. In general, after an abortion, especially for a long term, drugs such as Doxycycline and Metronidazole, Fluconazole, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins and oral contraception are used.

After interruption, the body is especially sensitive to a variety of infections, so experts recommend that mothers pay attention to diet and proper nutrition. To normalize hormonal imbalance, the patient is prescribed a protein diet with vitamins. Depending on the diet, dishes are selected that help to recover sooner.

For the prevention of abortion, the use of contraception is recommended, since today the choice of such means is quite extensive. Comprehensive information is needed about what consequences a girl can expect after interrupting gestation, how it is dangerous and other informational and educational work among adolescents.