The large family. Mother of many children - a story about a large family. Scenario of the holiday in the preschool educational institution for Mother's Day "Family traditions

Tatyana and Ivan Vlasov from the Buryat village of Tamir have five of their own and seven adopted children. The four older children of the Vlasovs already live separately: they have families and their own children.

Valeria and Alexey with the Vlasovs' nephews and grandchildren. © / All photos from the personal archive of the Vlasov family

Photo in the newspaper

The history of the adoptive family began in 2009, when Vlasov saw in the regional newspaper a photograph of an eight-year-old Anton- a boy from a local orphanage. Tatiana recalls that until that moment she and her husband had not thought about adopted children at all and had not even discussed this topic. And then suddenly they decided to take the boy together. True, at first Ivan brought Antoshka to stay. “We were afraid of the children's reaction,” says Tatiana. “But the kids immediately supported us and said: let's leave Anton.”

Anton tried to please: he behaved calmly and obediently, helped everyone. He called Tatiana and Ivan mom and dad. True, he did not always succeed in being obedient, especially at school: in the classroom he did not know how to control himself, so the boy constantly had problems with behavior and study. It was necessary to study with him a lot, besides, the Vlasovs were often summoned to school and even to the commission on juvenile affairs. “But we overcame it all,” says Tatiana. - Anton has been living with us for 6 years, he is fond of sports: skiing, athletics ... ".

Four years later, the Vlasovs "matured" to take another adopted child into the family. And they found two at once. “The specialists of the service for the support of foster families in our region invited us to the“ Open Day ”at the orphanage, - Tatyana recalls. "We went with pleasure." There was a concert at the party, and most of all potential parents were "hooked" by two girls performing together: Vika and Rita... They were 11 and 12 years old. “They immediately sunk into our souls,” says Tatiana. “At home, we consulted with the children and decided that the girls would live with us.”

The girls got accustomed somehow easily, quickly found a common language with the rest of the family. Rita loves animals, especially dogs and horses, she is very caring, although sometimes she does not have the patience to bring something to the end. Vika is a needlewoman: she embroiders with a cross, loves to do hairstyles.

And the girls' love for singing, dancing and performing at concerts remained, only now concerts are arranged in a home circle, attracting other relatives to participate. Fortunately, the Vlasov family has enough children to make up a small concert troupe! Indeed, a year after the appearance of Vika and Rita, it was decided to take another boy and a girl into the family.

Three to seven

This time, the Vlasovs' own daughter found a new adoptive sister Valya... At the Russian language Olympiad, she met her age-old 14-year-old Natasha from the orphanage. The parents listened to stories about Natasha and followed her to the orphanage.

“While we were sitting and talking with Natasha in the office, a little boy constantly dropped in to us and asked:“ Did they come for me? ”Tatyana recalls. In the end, eight-year-old Alyosha just ran up to the woman and hugged her, calling her "mom." Alyosha was so small and defenseless - they simply could not leave him in the orphanage. And they decided to pick it up.

Alyosha is a very bright, joyful child: he loves to sing, is always positive, no matter what happens. “He has such a really funny smile that we all want to smile at him,” says Tatiana. And Natasha is very fond of managing with her mother, helping her in everything, being around: cooking together, milking the cows. In general, she succeeds in cooking well: she has got herself a notebook with recipes and collects interesting and tasty dishes.

New "replenishments" in the Vlasov family took place according to a familiar pattern: in 2014, they went to an orphanage for Mother's Day and saw a 12-year-old Yuru... He sang the song "Mom's Heart". “At this holiday everyone cried: both children and parents,” Tatyana recalls. Yura was invited to visit, he made friends with Anton and, like that, remained "visiting" for good.

And in 2015, a whole delegation went to the orphanage for an open day: Tatyana and Ivan, along with Vika, Natasha and Anton. This time they met the youngest daughter, Valeria.

Anything can be dealt with

Foster parents are often looking for babies - it seems to many that they cannot cope with older children, and even more so with adolescents. But Tatyana says that there were no special difficulties with the children, although all seven adopted children with difficult stories and their own tragedies in the past. “It seems to me that any child can be brought up, only you need to choose an approach. One of our girls had a long tongue: she liked to lie a little and dream up. We immediately warned her that there would be nothing good from this, and my older children scolded her for this. Well, all the children had difficulties with their studies: they came to us weak, they did not even know the multiplication table, and the program in our school is a little more complicated than in an orphanage. Otherwise, everything was fine, ”says Tatiana.

Another fear, because of which sometimes they are afraid to take grown children into the family, is the fear that “that old” family will take up a lot of space in their lives, that blood parents and other relatives will appear. But in this family, the children know practically nothing about blood parents. Unless Rita's mother called recently: the girl received a passport, and it was necessary to sign documents for the apartment. Yura also has a grandmother who sometimes calls him and once sent him a birthday present. And Natasha is in correspondence with her sister on the Internet, but she does not meet with her “live”. But in the new family they are not divided into adoptive and relatives - all are equal.

Not everyone understands why the Vlasovs again and again went to the orphanage for their next adopted son or daughter. “In our village, people are still sharpening their tongues, they say, how can we take other people's children, we could not,” admits Tatiana. According to her, the idea was not even approved by all relatives. But she is not upset: “But we do not listen to anyone, we live and raise children. If they had allowed more, we would have taken more, but in the guardianship they say that we have had enough already ”.

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Mothers with many children have their own special experience in relation to pregnancy. After carrying a second, or third, or fourth baby, mom has something to compare with! So let's find out if pregnancies are similar to one another in one woman? What interesting and funny things happened to moms and their families?

Mothers with many children share their experience

… Compared to the first pregnancy, the second was completely different! In everything. The first pregnancy was almost perfect, I flew. In the second, I crawled.

The main difference is that the second time I wore twins under my heart! Toxicosis - give two for both strength and duration! The belly is really huge, in silhouette I resembled Carlson, who swallowed a watermelon. Well, I was in the hospital almost all the time after 20 weeks.

… I enjoyed this state more and more, listened more to the baby's movements, and panicked less. She led a more active lifestyle, as she understood that soon there would be a restriction in freedom. I lived the second and third pregnancies not only with my husband, but also with the children, told them about what kind of baby is now, went with them for an ultrasound scan. The baby's things were already picked up by the brother and sister. Feeling not just happiness, but unity.

... The second pregnancy was accompanied by some anxiety, I was thinking about the first child, about how I could devote time to both of them, how life would be in general, the third pregnancy flew by imperceptibly, everything is already familiar and familiar. I didn't think how I could handle it and how the older children would react, everything was already settled and calm.

Somehow it happened that both in the first pregnancy and in the subsequent ones I was drawn to some kind of extreme. In the first, just before childbirth, they drove around the village on a small tractor, in the second they began to ride with tents to nature, and in the third, they generally jumped from a pine tree on a rope course and swam in hot springs.

... Each subsequent pregnancy passes faster than the previous one (according to feelings). Second pregnancy: weeks flew by, like a day, the third - month after month, they flew like weeks. Fourth - like weeks, trimesters are already flying by!

... I had the first two pregnancies at a rather young age - at 20 and 22 years old. As it seems to me now, they are not entirely conscious. But the third (at 34) was very conscious, thoughtful and desirable. Everything seemed to me like the first time, I wanted to remember every moment, especially since there were innovations - a photo during an ultrasound scan, a fetal Doppler (there was a tube before). I felt so young, as if I was 22 again)).

... In the second and all subsequent pregnancies, there was fear for the health of the unborn baby, fear of the birth itself, because for the first time you do not know what exactly awaits you. Well, and the constant comparison of each stage of pregnancy with previous pregnancies, memories of how it was before this one.

... My fourth son was a girl on all three compulsory ultrasounds, the awesome surprise at his birth was not only for me. I sent a text message to work, which ruined the whole working spirit of the team - everyone was discussing how this could be. By the way, my husband also thought I was joking. And the father-in-law won a box of cognac from my mother, he was the only one who was sure that a boy would be born.

... After three births, I was terrified of pain. For a long time I drank valerian. The closer the birth, the more terrible it was. Bottom line: it's hard for the body to carry such a load. And the older the woman, the harder it is. At the same time, in my life I am a tireless optimist. But the feeling of exorbitant physical exertion is still in my memory. The fourth childbirth itself turned out to be very easy and predictable, each stage of childbirth was clearly understood, as in a textbook. And the state of euphoria after childbirth was also.

… At 30 weeks of my third pregnancy, I went to a preparation course for childbirth. The first two pregnancies did not have time, money, energy for this ... And for the third time I decided to go and find out how to give birth correctly! It was interesting.

... Each pregnancy was unique, the second and third pregnancies passed more calmly, peacefully, I enjoyed this moment, knowing what lay ahead.

… All three pregnancies were radically different from each other. During the first two, there was absolutely no toxicosis, but in the third pregnancy, toxicosis began from the 5th week and ended 25 weeks, while I ate only one radish, I lost a lot of weight. I simply absorbed radishes in kilograms, my husband went to the market or to the store from the very morning and bought several bags, since then I have not eaten radishes at all!

... The most unusual thing is that during the 4th pregnancy, at 20 weeks, the abdomen was still flat. And only at 20 weeks I felt movement, I ran on an ultrasound scan almost every day because of this, I was worried.

... During the first pregnancy, I cried for any reason and could not calm down for a long time. Waited, couldn't wait for the next week to come. In the second (a year after the first), when asked how long you have, I hung up for a few seconds, calculating in my mind how many weeks I have.

... Pregnancy coincided with the arrangement of the apartment and, among other things, the purchase of new curtains. I wanted to make a choice with my husband, but he worked late. And when the solemn moment of going to the store came, the department with curtains was closed. And I burst into tears near him with the words "I waited for the curtain for two weeks-ah-ah." At that time, it was a tragedy of a universal scale.

Tired and deeply pregnant, she got on the bus after several pairs of lectures in a row. She looked at the passengers and said: "Hello, sit down!"

... During pregnancies, every time both me and my husband dreamed of a future child, and in the morning we shared the memories of a dream, told how he was in a dream, what he did.

... I couldn’t wait for the second birth, I decided to redo all the unfinished business (it seemed that labor didn’t start because of this). Finishing clothes that had long been abandoned unfinished, tying some socks, ran to buy a ribbon. The husband reacted enthusiastically. He still remembers what an ideal hostess I was that week.

And the date of birth of the third child in my dream was prompted by a strange voice: December 19. It came true, a son was born just in time for Nikola.

... The funniest thing: it turned out that our fourth child is also a girl.

... If we compare all three pregnancies, then only during the first one I suffered from terrible toxicosis, subsequent pregnancies were easier.

... The first children of the same age, the second pregnancy passed unnoticed in general, easily. Against the background of the little firstborn, the food was correct, the emotional state was calm, the second child gave us a lot of love and affection, very caring, did not believe that there are such children. Both boys, but very different, like white and black. Both pregnancies proceeded well, without toxicosis and other troubles.

The third pregnancy is the most important and difficult. Toxicosis, terrible migraine attacks, surgery and general anesthesia at week 20, constipation and other "joys". Again, in this pregnancy, everything is conscious, you rejoice in everything somehow differently. Now the long-awaited and long-awaited daughter, a sister for brothers, pleases the whole family.

Children are something worth living for, this is life! There is nothing more beautiful than this.

... Just a week ago, on the street, a guy decided to meet me, and I can see my tummy already. And this does not bother some. It became so funny to me: it's too late, - I say, - to get to know me. I'm waiting for the fourth!

... With the last baby, they refused to put me in advance, although I warned that my childbirth is always quick. And when it came time to give birth, the hospital was closed for repairs, and up to the appointed 40 km. And I had to give birth in a military environment - alone in a closed ward. During the day, workers plaster the walls, and at night the nurse came. But they were discharged quickly!

Children and husbands say

And how do those closest to you - dads with many children and older children behave? The whole family takes care of their mother, and the children touchingly and directly communicate with their younger brothers and sisters.

... The third son, when he realized that there was a sister in his tummy, began to whisper to her all the time (that is, to my navel): "Vitochka, I will soon come up with something and save you from there!" And he said angrily to me - "Why did you eat my sister ?!"

I remember the moment when I wore the fourth baby, and angrily was indignant at the older one, "where are you so incomprehensible ?!"

... The eldest daughter (she is 7 years old) came up to me with the words:
- Mom, don't you think you're pregnant? You should see a doctor.
Of course, I knew that I was pregnant, the term was almost 5 months, the gender of the baby was in question.
- Mom, do you know that there is a boy? There is my brother, Lyovushka!
- Why a boy? Why Lyovushka? I would call it by a different name.
- And he told me that he is Lyovushka.
And at the end of March, Leo was born!

... It's time to give birth (third birth), the break was 12 years old, I woke up my husband at 5 in the morning, shaking with fear, the waters broke, and instead of going to the hospital, he began to run around me with a camera and compose a message for the unborn baby. It's funny to remember)))

... We already had two daughters. They really wanted a son. Before the ultrasound, when they did not yet know that we were expecting a son, my husband came home from work upset in the evening, sat down on a chair and said that we definitely had a girl - he was told at work that he had recovered!)) By the way, in past pregnancies, in the first and the second, with his daughters, he recruited with me! And after the whole pregnancy he was afraid that it would turn out that it was not a boy at all, but a third girl. A son was born.

... All three pregnancies were going well, without toxicosis and other wishes. To which my husband once told me - maybe you will vomit at least once? In general, he said how lucky he was that I did not have wild mood swings.

... The eldest son recently admitted that he dreamed of a sister for twenty years (although he is still 19). The middle one clarified whether it is true that there will be a sister after all, and whether we will stop there by saying the phrase “pot, don’t cook”. This is now a catch phrase))) The younger one is almost daily interested in when his sister will come out and he will be able to play with her!

... When giving birth for the first time, I did not even think about the possibility of my husband's presence at childbirth. The second time, I suggested that my husband give birth together, but did not insist. For the third time, my husband immediately said - I will go to childbirth. So the birth itself proceeded a little differently.

… When I was pregnant for the third time, the eldest sons were 7 and 5 years old. They asked a lot of questions and talked about our future life with many children. How did you know that there will be another baby? How did the baby get in the tummy? What is he eating there? Maybe pour milk into his navel? How do we know that this is a girl? And when the little sister is born, how will you hold us all by the hand, you have only two hands? In general, the older children took great care of my pregnant woman, especially the eldest son. And the middle one was glad that he was now also the elder)))

... The first child, the son, after the birth of his sister, begged his brother very much. Third pregnancy, ultrasound - girl. The son even cried (at that time he was 9.5 years old). Calming down and thinking something over, he delivered the verdict: "Mom, you will give birth again until your brother is born!")))))

... The reaction of children to the appearing tummy is interesting. They begin to invent names, affectionate nicknames and argue who is inside. We don't know the gender yet. Naturally, the boys want another accomplice for themselves, and the daughter already wants, finally, a sister.


Purpose of the event:

Create conditions for fostering love and a sense of gratitude to the mother;

Develop children's interest in traditions, contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family;


Education of social and moral qualities in children;

Formation of a caring attitude towards loved ones, dear people; establishing friendly relations between parents and children;

Development of creative abilities among pupils;

Creation of a friendly atmosphere of emotional communication through the inclusion of children and parents in joint activities;

Lead 1:

On the last Sunday in November, we celebrate Mother's Day. How many of us say warm words to our mothers on this day? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember them, when is their birthday, and on other days?

Lead 2:

Until recently, this day - Mother's Day - passed unnoticed with us, and it appeared on the calendar not so long ago. Is it so easy to be a mother? No. This is the hardest job. After all, a mother is responsible not only for the physical condition of her child, but also for his soul.

Lead 1:

The first person we love in life is, of course, mom. This love, the most natural and unselfish, we carry through our whole life. And no matter how old a person is, he always needs a mother. Mom has the most affectionate hands, the kindest heart, which never remains indifferent to anything.

Lead 2:

Mother is the keeper of the hearth, the faithful talisman of all life.

She gives protection and tender care, and the father gives strength and security. For correct and harmonious development, any child needs to feel both safety and care.

Song "Mom - I love you crazy" (mother's ensemble and pupils)

Lead 1:

And today, at our family holiday, we would like to pay special attention to mothers with many children. Recently, the number of such families has been increasing. This category includes families with three or more children. These families are notable for their great cohesion, they have a children's team of different ages, which takes on many of the household chores.

Lead 2:

They have more family affairs, common problems and difficulties, but at the same time, more joys. Upbringing in a large family is carried out not only by parents, but also by the children themselves: the younger ones learn from the older ones, adopt their habits and experience.

Lead 1:

At the moment, our kindergarten is attended by children from 29 large families(slideshow with photos of families with many children) ... And now we would like to acquaint you with some of them:

Family R. Participants of city events such as "Young Family". Dad - Eugene Nick. takes an active part in the life of the kindergarten: he repeatedly played the role of Santa Claus, was the first to take part in the Day of Self-Government, taking on the responsible role of a teacher! Mom - Maria Al., Responsive, proactive, sociable, takes an active part in all competitions with children. The eldest son Kirill is a 5th grade student. Daughter - Violetta, a graduate of our d /c... The youngest son, Stepan, is a pupil of the junior. groups of our d /c.

The family of J. took part in the city event "Come on, grandfathers." Dad - Oleg Al. takes an active part in the life of the d / s: he made a table theater for the group, attributes for dancing, and last winter he laid a ski track on a sports site for children. Mom - Svetlana G., friendly, proactive, just like dad takes an active part in the life of d /c... The eldest son - Danil - student of 6th grade, son Ilya - a graduate of our d /c, the youngest son Yegor is a pupil of the younger group of our d /c.

Family S. Dad - Evgeny Vl. Responsible, hardworking, responsive. His good deeds in the d / s do not go unnoticed - they are an example for the younger generation. Mom - Lyudmila Vl., Takes an active life position, participates in sewing outfits in the dressing corners. All four children are pupils of our d/ with.

The invited families will reveal to us their secrets of family happiness, tell us what family hobbies and traditions they have.

Lead 2:

In each family, in itsfamily has things, which are very dear, they contain the memory of their loved ones and relatives, such things are passed on from generation to generation. (They bring out a box containing the family heirlooms of the families present in the hall).

Lead 1 :

Dear parents, here are collected your family heirlooms presented to ourholiday... We ask you to tell us a little about them. (There is a story about family heirlooms).

Lead 2 :

We thank all the participants for interesting stories and presented family things. We wish the tradition of preserving heirlooms to continue in your families.

Lead 1 :

Accept an incendiary Quadrille as a gift.

Lead 2:

The Russian proverb says: "Lunch with pies is beautiful, the river - with the banks", and one would like to add "and the family - with traditions." Family traditions are inspiration, joy, creativity and art. "Tradition" is translated from Latin as "transmission", "continuity". Each clan and family has its own treasures of traditions, which are passed down from generation to generation like “forged chests with a dowry”. Among these "family treasures" are words, actions, taste, smell, color, form. That is why the New Year smells of tangerines and pine needles, and on our birthday we make wishes by blowing out the candles on the cake. Our whole life consists of the traditions laid down by our ancestors.

Lead 1:

What traditions are there in your family? (stories of families).

Thanks for the interesting stories, we present to your attention the "Spider" dance.

Lead 2:

Popular wisdom says: "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies." This main principle of family well-being is still valid today. And according to Russian custom, our hospitable families will treat all those present with their traditional family dishes.

Lead 1:

And now the presentation-tasting "Favorite dish of my family." It is necessary not only to treat those present, but also to tell about your dish as interesting as possible.

Lead 2:

Let's thank our families for the treats they provided, give them a round of applause and this number is just for you!

Lead 1:

Our holiday today is attended by families with active and creative parents and children! And now, we would very much like you to introduce us to your hobbies, to tell us about your hobby. (stories of families).

Noise Orchestra

Lead 2:

In the Middle Ages, any knight who wanted to enter into a knightly union had to prove his noble origin. The main evidence of this was the knightly family tree. In many families in Russia, they were also interested in their roots and the origin of their kind, making up a family tree. What is a "pedigree"?


This is a list of generations of the same kind. A genus is a series of generations descending from one ancestor. An ancestor is an ancient ancestor in a genus. In order to compile a family tree, you need to know your ancestors well.

On the first floor of our d / s you can see the exhibition of creative works "My family tree". Large families of our school took part in this exhibition.

Play with the audience "Continue the proverb"

For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. From distant times, legends, tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us. Let's play with you now. I start a proverb, and you end:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

The hut is not red in the corners, ... (but red with pies)

What is it like at home ... (so is it yourself)

Children are not a burden, ... (but a joy)

When the family is together ... (and the heart is in place)

The tree is kept by its roots, and the person ... (by the family)

In a good family ... (good children grow up)

The whole family together, so ... (and the soul is in place)

Lead 1:

The families visiting us today were given their homework: to prepare a creative number. The flight of fantasy was unlimited. Let's see what came of it (Creative Family Numbers).

Lead 2:

So our family holiday is coming to an end. We would like to express our deep gratitude to you for taking part in our celebration. And this verse is especially for you, dear mothers:


Mothers with many children are daughters of God!
You are the beauties of the world and the joy of heaven!
Smile sweetly and look sternly
Preserving the peace of mind of children's hearts.

Constantly amid the ringing of native voices
You carry your feat of love and kindness,
Blossoming soul among fragile flowers,
You give them all your storehouse of warmth.

It is not easy for you at times, and sometimes even difficult;
All business and worries and must be endured.
And you endure in silence and rule wisely,
After all, you need to do a lot in life.

(gives flowers to mothers with many children)

Lead 1:

So that life does not burn you through the years,

So as not to cry from repentance,

Forever, nowhere and never make your mom cry

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women - a woman with a baby in her arms

May the sun always applaud her

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms !!!

Lead 2:

We are all in an eternal, irrevocable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives.

Therefore, love tenderly, respect, take care of mothers, do not hurt them with words and actions, because only mother's love is dearer than anything in the world, only mother will always understand, always forgive, always stand up to protect her child, be he at least 3 years old, at least several decades ... Appreciate the love of your mothers, it is very important to understand your mother's care and attention in time, appreciate the time while your mother is with you ...


Manager's words

Song of the collective "Parents"

With a capital M

On the eve of the holiday, these women were awarded the Order of the Mother. What does it mean to them to be a mom?

Oksana Yurievna Zhurbina, d. Velikie Luki:

First of all, it is a great responsibility and hard work. But there is no greater happiness than children in the world. I have five of them. There is no garden in our village, the nearest one is in Rusino. I can't take the guys there and pick them up every day. Therefore, I bring up three kids at home. For example, I prepared my son Yura (now a third-grader) for school on my own. And in the first grade, he was the only student who knew all the letters.

At six in the morning I’m on my feet. Before maternity leave I worked as a milking machine operator, so I got used to this regime. Yes, and I keep my own cow. Sometimes you get tired of cleaning and cooking in a day. And then you look at your kids and you realize that all this is not in vain. And my assistants have already grown up. My eldest son is 19. He will soon graduate from the Baranovichi vocational school of builders.

Elena Mikhailovna Andreeva, Baranovichi:

Children are a reward from the Lord. We were happy with all five. Now my husband and I also have two grandchildren growing up. It's so great to walk around the city as a family, stretching the whole street! Family is strength, joy, happiness. We constantly talk about this to our children and teach them mutual assistance, love and compassion, respect for elders.

Our dad is wonderful. And he'll cook dinner if I'm late at work, and repairs the apartment, and tie our girls' tails. Compared to me, he is very strict. I am, as I am told, too soft and compliant.

As for education, we try to protect children from information that is dangerous to them. We don't have a TV, just a computer. Kind Soviet cartoons, fairy tales can also be viewed on the Internet. We often talk with juniors on important topics.

Sometimes you have to hear from people not the most pleasant words: they say, where do you need so many children, how will you put them on their feet? And I'm sure that a good person is distinguished by a kind, loving heart, and not money and higher education.

Elena Mikhailovna Bogdanovich, d. Polonka:

I never thought about this question! But I am sure that parents with many children never lose their meaning in life.

I try to be a close friend for children, to whom you can tell everything. My husband and I pay a lot of attention to realizing their abilities. For example, our schoolgirl daughters are engaged in choreography, play the guitar and piano. Older children have already chosen their path in life. The son is in his fourth year of seminary in Pinsk. And my daughter is a freshman BATU. We support the choice of children, considering them independent. And in general, I cannot put pressure on children.

Oddly enough, I understand women who become mothers at a more mature age - closer to thirty. Judging by myself. By this moment, you are expecting the birth of a child differently, more consciously, or something.

In general, I never thought that I would have five children. And now, thank God, we also have a big house.

Irina Vyacheslavovna Ptashuk, Baranovichi:

Feelings change with age. When you have your first child at 21, this is one thing, but a child after 30 is completely different, especially when he is the fourth, fifth. Now I have four boys and a girl. The elders - 13 and 16 years old - help me a lot. I already have other conversations with them, adults.

We are a believing family, we go to church on Sundays, lead a healthy lifestyle, try not to waste time on empty things.

Mothers with one or two children do not understand how to raise five. But among my relatives, large families are not uncommon. Therefore, for me, such a question has never been raised. Of course, sometimes you get tired. But when the children grew up, it became easier. Everyone has their own responsibilities, which I do not need to be reminded of.


Love lives here

This time the venue for the forum was the recreation center "No Problems" in the Kamenets district. The organizers of the event - the Brest Regional Committee of the Public Association “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” and the Main Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Regional Executive Committee - prepared a rich program with excursions, contests and interesting meetings.

Baranovichi at the rally was represented by two families - Denis Gorbach, an employee of the plant of reinforced concrete structures, and Pavel Markovich, who works at the BPHO.

Both families, who went to the meeting, are activists of our organization, people who are not indifferent, - says the first secretary of the city committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Igor Voitovich. - By the trip, we wanted to reward the guys for their active life position.

The meeting really gave its participants a lot of joyful moments. Unforgettable impressions were from the acquaintance with the large Yakovuk family, raising 13 children, from visiting an agriturismo organized by young and enterprising natives of the Kamenets land, from an excursion to the residence of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

My wife and I got to Pushcha for the first time, - Pavel Markovich shared his impressions. - The fact is that we moved to Baranovichi only about a year ago, they did not know the Brest region at all. And Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a truly grand nature reserve, of which there are only a few on the whole earth. We could not even imagine how majestic and inimitable corner is not far from our new place of residence. It was really great to see him live, because none of the best photographs can convey all the beauty of this amazing natural monument.

The family of Denis Gorbach also had the brightest impressions of the trip.

Our family has come to such an event for the first time, - says Denis. - We quite often go to sports competitions, but here there was an opportunity to think about family values, to find out how they live and what are our peers from different parts of the Brest region interested in. For example, we made friends with a married couple from Zhlobin. They immediately surprised and interested us by arriving in a retro car. In general, we received a lot of interesting information and impressions.


The Son cannot fail to heed the pleas of the Mother

One of the most famous and revered holidays among Orthodox people is the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, celebrated by the Church on October 14. It is noteworthy that no other local Orthodox Church has such a holiday. Even the Constantinople Orthodox Church, which is associated with the events that make up the holiday itself, does not celebrate it. The veil is celebrated only in Russia.

At the beginning of the 9th century, enemy pagan tribes attacked the Christian capital of the world, Constantinople, laid siege to it and threatened with ruin. According to some reports, these were the tribes of our Slavic ancestors under the leadership of Prince Oleg. The inhabitants of the city could not resist them, many people gathered in the Blachernae church and placed all their hope on the Mother of God. The fact is that it was in this temple that the headdress and part of the belt that belonged to the Most Holy Theotokos, brought from Palestine, were kept since the 4th century. In front of these shrines, the Greeks prayed for deliverance from danger. There was also a Slav among the worshipers, blessed Andrew for Christ's sake, for the sake of the holy fool, once taken prisoner by the Greeks and spent most of his life in a foreign land. The people spent the whole night in prayer. And just in the morning a wondrous vision opened up to Saint Andrew. The Mother of God herself, accompanied by Saints John the Theologian and John the Baptist, walked through the church as if over the heads of those praying. The Blessed Virgin entered the altar, took off the shining veil from her head, spread it over the people and, kneeling down, began to tearfully pray to God for the deliverance of the Christian family from misfortunes and troubles. The vision soon disappeared, and with the coming of day the siege was lifted, and the enemy retreated from the city. The city of Constantine was saved by the intercession of the Mother of God.

Oddly enough, but soon this event was forgotten and did not enter the church calendar among the Greeks. So, two centuries later, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky said with surprise: "How is such a terrible and merciful vision left without a celebration?" In 1164, by order of the prince, a festival in honor of the Intercession was established in Russia, and in 1165 the Church of the Intercession was built on the Nerl, by the way, which has survived to this day. Since then, the holiday of the Intercession has been widely celebrated in Russia.

It is noteworthy that many people do not know the history of the holiday, but the name itself sounds somehow attractive - the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Russian soul responded to an event that took place in another country, a long time ago, but which really shows a person the merciful care of the Most Holy Theotokos for Christians. Everyone wants this cover to extend over him, to protect him, keep him from troubles and misfortunes. After all, having such an Intercessor, Christians really become invincible. The Son cannot but heed the tearful pleas of His Mother, cannot fail to fulfill Her petitions for the protection of the oppressed, offended, people who are called by His name - Christians. However, you should remember about the other side of the holiday. After all, the aspirations of the attackers on Constantinople were not fulfilled. Those who oppose God, do not honor God, are deprived of the protection and protection of the Mother of God. Therefore, desiring to have the open cover of the Mother of God over him, everyone must fulfill the will of Her Son and Our God.

Priest Priest Anthony MORGUN, cleric of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women

I'm sorry dear

We had no time

We were in no hurry to see you

And you lived with anxiety for us.

We have business, - we told you, -

Yes, yes, we'll come, just not now.

Didn't notice all your wrinkles

And gray hair, painted over with henna,

And in the whirlwind of everyday life

We were more preoccupied with ourselves.

And you understood and forgave us,

God's grace asked for us,

When we needed comfort

I tried to give us my love.

So the years passed unnoticed

And suddenly we had no one to rush to,

But nothing can be fixed

And with this feeling it is very bitter to live.


On the eve of Mother's Day, we express our gratitude and respect to those who have been given the greatest destiny in the world - to be the continuer of the human race.

Mom - it is with her that the life of everyone on earth begins. She remains the most devoted, close friend! A loving mother's heart illuminates our path, gives strength when it is difficult for us, gives its warmth.

To give life to a person, to educate a worthy citizen of his country - what could be more noble than these goals? The role of the mother and traditional family values ​​in modern Belarus is great and has received well-deserved attention: support for motherhood is a priority direction of state policy.

We admire you, dear mothers, mothers with many children, women who decided to warm the lonely hearts of orphans and who do not divide children in their home into friends and foes.

Love, peace and goodness to you and your families! Warmth and comfort in the houses!

City and district executive committees. City and regional Councils of Deputies.

It is generally accepted that large families are great, the hope of the nation, and so on. This is mostly true, but not always! It's not even about dysfunctional families.
Ira married a young man. This is her second marriage (widow), her husband Sasha's is the first, although they are the same age, slightly over thirty. He simply did not have a chance to arrange his personal life due to the fact that he lived with his brother's large family in the same house!

The elder brother and his wife already have seven children, and, apparently, they are not going to stop. They are believers, Orthodox, there is no talk of abortion, and, apparently, of protection too. The younger brother, Sasha, lived in his brother's family in the position of free labor. He nursed his nephews, worked around the house, and this during his work. He gave his entire salary to his daughter-in-law, "for the children."

He is a responsible person, but weak-willed, and he would never have arranged his life if a priest from their church would not have undertaken to help him, so he and Irina met, she is also a parishioner of this church.

We got married, moved to live with Irina. Do you think your brother's family left them alone? Not for a minute! They lost Sasha's help, both materially and around the house. They came to them in the days of Sasha's salary, with requests and claims, and then with scandals. Children were sent: "Let these three live with you!", Or "Give me money, this, this."

But Ira is not Sasha for them, she immediately put everything in its place. None of the nephews will live with them, Sasha will not give anything to anyone, we have our own family, you have your own, as you gave birth, you keep it.

Oh, what started here! The daughter-in-law has fallen off the chain, not Irinin's character - she would have killed them from the world! Then she went the other way - she often invited Sasha to visit. He went, of course, with money and gifts.

One day he comes back from the "guests", and instead of decent clothes he is wearing some kind of old-fashioned clothes. What is it, robbed, stripped, swapped with the homeless? No, Sasha explained, “I was with my brother, but there Vasya has no jacket, Petya has sneakers, Masha liked the jeans, Katya had a sweater ...”

At this, Ira's patience finally snapped. "Well, that's it, now neither you go to them, nor they should be here!" she said to her husband. And she managed to ward off her brother's family from her home and from her husband.

Maybe tough, but right. Because I'm tired of such a consumer attitude! They are used to asking, and they get it. Some Orthodox and public organizations love them, give gifts, and dear ones! Gratitude is only for show, but for the eyes - condemnation, and the computer was presented to the wrong one, and why only one, and they didn’t want such a washing machine, and so on. Someone had to put this company in its place!